Feb 1st | JQ/SoR/SoS

Feb 1st | JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: abelooi.9156


JUST FYI guys, much of SOS is currently on a hiatus (because we win too much); if we’re to put in any effort at all, it will be this – “eat my dust!”.


Bahaha, I’m sure.

OK, the “win too much” part is obviously not true.. but the rest stands
We’ll be there.

Feb 1st | JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Kirbyprime.2645


JUST FYI guys, much of SOS is currently on a hiatus (because we win too much); if we’re to put in any effort at all, it will be this – “eat my dust!”.


Thought that was last week?

Well, if it’s true, hope you come back to full strength. Regardless of losing, it was still a better and more fun fight compared to old school HoD, ET and old old school BG.

To be honest, I thought SoR would be weaker than BG and be 3rd place and just fade off in a week. I’m pleasantly surprised and hope for more fun to come!

Really hope the new WvW tier math doesn’t split us up ( for too long ) so we can go at it again.

Feb 1st | JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: abelooi.9156


SoS is getting demolished, lol.


SOS seems to do as well as they want to do.

We’ll know thursday night if they want to be 1st, 2nd or 3rd.

^This. It’s like the last week before reset we just thought, oh hey let give JQ a chance to top the chart since it’s gonna be reset. so what do we do? We make sure we are not gonna make the drop. That’s the goal.

Same thing here. If we want, we will be there to take it. Just enjoy the SOS lull.

Feb 1st | JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Feed Me Change.6528

Feed Me Change.6528

To be honest, I thought SoR would be weaker than BG and be 3rd place and just fade off in a week. I’m pleasantly surprised and hope for more fun to come!

Really hope the new WvW tier math doesn’t split us up ( for too long ) so we can go at it again.

Most people forget SoR got half of SBI/IoJ, the part that hated JQ, so to say they are weaker than BG is incorrect. SoR already had an outstanding NA crew and by adding SEA/OCX and a little EU coverage they’ve turned out to be the server we see today.

I can’t wait to see the “new math”. I remember post from SoR saying they weren’t ready for T1, I guess they showed themselves wrong. Such great fights everywhere this week… yet to loot my precursor though

My fun laughs at your server pride.

Feb 1st | JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Byteflux.5372


SoS is getting demolished, lol.


Not sure if you and I are watching the same scoreboard, but it’s an even fight mostly between SoR and SoS .

SoS is fighting hard and during oceanic timezone they are the ones doing the demolishing and have a very good chance of catching up to SoR’s score during these times.

Unfortunately JQ’s lack of coverage gaps makes it difficult for either server to keep up.


Feb 1st | JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Iohanna.4863


A bit off-topic: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ecl8d0TQGQ

Anyone see themselves participate in the video, or recognize any participants? If so, may I have an opinion on what it’s like fighting this build?

my personal favourite part is when the mesmer used decoy and you just pressed heartseeker and it automatically jumped to the actual mesmer when he popped out of stealth. no guessing required – just press 2.

also I guess you were fighting bads, since over in the thief forum they say you simple need to use CC/AoE a thief is dead. You need to fight some people with skill.

that damage is extremely low for a survival build.

/extreme sarcasm off

I was kind of hoping to see myself in that video, no doubt I would of died like all those JQ guys but it might of help me understand what I’m doing wrong against thieves. Tbh I’m not sure what anyone can do against that build. How many times have you lost a 1v1? or even a 1v2?

I never lose 1v1.

(Note that certain Phantasm Mesmers do not count as a ‘single-opponent’)

Feb 1st | JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: LittleMusing.8257


Score update, because I want one too.


Jade Quarry

Feb 1st | JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Aurust.8961


We would like to apologize to JQ and SOS… seems there is a hacker right now on SOR randomly flipping enemy towers. We dont know who it is unfortunately but as soon as we are able to get a screenshot etc. we will report it to ANET ASAP.

We will not be defending these points that were taken this way so please take them back.

Any information you guys may have please help us catch this guy. He seems to hit shortly before a point tick during Oceanic primetime into late oceanic so keep your eyes peeled if you can. A screenshot would help us identify him.

Added a screenshot so you guys can see the chat and us being confused…..


Master- [DKLT] The Darkness and The Light

(edited by Aurust.8961)

Feb 1st | JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Seren.6850


A bit off-topic: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ecl8d0TQGQ

Anyone see themselves participate in the video, or recognize any participants? If so, may I have an opinion on what it’s like fighting this build?

my personal favourite part is when the mesmer used decoy and you just pressed heartseeker and it automatically jumped to the actual mesmer when he popped out of stealth. no guessing required – just press 2.

also I guess you were fighting bads, since over in the thief forum they say you simple need to use CC/AoE a thief is dead. You need to fight some people with skill.

that damage is extremely low for a survival build.

/extreme sarcasm off

I was kind of hoping to see myself in that video, no doubt I would of died like all those JQ guys but it might of help me understand what I’m doing wrong against thieves. Tbh I’m not sure what anyone can do against that build. How many times have you lost a 1v1? or even a 1v2?

I never lose 1v1.

(Note that certain Phantasm Mesmers do not count as a ‘single-opponent’)

If a thief runs away I count it as a win

SoS original -“They mostly come out at night … mostly”
[FIRE] Serene Snow, Warrior

Feb 1st | JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Jackie.1829


We would like to apologize to JQ and SOS… seems there is a hacker right now on SOR randomly flipping enemy towers. We dont know who it is unfortunately but as soon as we are able to get a screenshot etc. we will report it to ANET ASAP.

We will not be defending these points that were taken this way so please take them back.

Added a screenshot so you guys can see the chat and us being confused…..

I was wondering how Anzalias got flipped 3h ago when I only left it to escort a dolyak for 2 minutes when it was a t3 tower…. Made me a bit annoyed to be running supply for 2h and paying gold only to have someone hack the tower, but oh well.

[VoTF] www.votf-online.net
GW1 Rank 1 – 2 Gold Capes – [sC] [sup]

Feb 1st | JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Churchill.8714


He (or someone else) also flipped our northern towers on SoS BL earlier too.

Feb 1st | JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: AdliBot.4718


score update please?

Feb 1st | JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Fuzzion.2504


score update please?

JQ is PWNing everything and everyone. Now tattoo that on your wrist whenever u need a score update

Fuzzionx [SF]
Guest member of [LOVE]
JQ official Prime Minister

Feb 1st | JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: MarMaster.6241


There are 56 hours left in the match, 224 “ticks”. At +695 ppt, that’s a potential 155,680 (plus variable dolyak points) to be gained, yet. This match is way too early to call. All servers have stepped up the challenges in this match. Unless something really dramatic changes, we will meet again in T4.
Wait, what?

Dragonbrand (JQ) [FIRE]bats ~ Trusted member of the Universe
Mar Steadfast G, Silent Intrigue T, Mar Fidget Engi, Mar Fierce W, Silent Awe M
In GW2 since BWE1 ~ ~ ~ Guild leader of Legio Romana [LR], too

Feb 1st | JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Tiesto.9084


Score updates


Feb 1st | JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: ComeAndSee.1356


SoR came in hard, but now they’re starting to wane.

Sha Nari – 80 Guardian (http://bit.ly/12RNvtK)
Lorella Windrunner – 80 Thief
Shayera Nightfall – 80 Mesmer

Feb 1st | JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Liquid.9672


SoR came in hard, but now they’re starting to wane.

It’s just coverage differences coming into play. I learned early on during the 8 weeks my server faced them (I play on BG) that their NA guys are over achievers, and would often play much longer hours to make their coverage gaps less of an issue on the score, particularly on the weekends. But eventually, everyone needs sleep and to address life’s commitments, so it can only last so long. BG faced the exact situation in T1, although I would say we don’t hit the weekends as hard as SoR tends to.

Zend(ario/imas/iana/ango) – Engi/Ele/Necro/Guardian
[KnT] – Blackgate

Feb 1st | JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: DivineBeing.2086


Wow! Coverage issues? Good gravy, I was pretty happy about SoR holding their ground so well too.

JQ is still top dog it seems though. Nice work guys.

Lightdivinity – Level 80 Bunker Elementalist
Reshaos – Level 80 Power Necromancer

Feb 1st | JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Byteflux.5372


Grats on SoS moving ahead of SoR. We’re going to make you work hard for that spot!

Let’s keep the good fights going.



Feb 1st | JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Nuked.2360


Destructive Nuked|ascending-redemption.enjin.com|AR Driver/Leader

Feb 1st | JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Byteflux.5372


Hah, nice. I may have been on the receiving end of that…


Feb 1st | JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Nuked.2360


Hah, nice. I may have been on the receiving end of that…

We were freaking out on TS like oh crap its going to flip and someone’s like I’M HOLDING THE CIRCLE! And we all scramble as fast as possible to get to the circle before he died lol.

Destructive Nuked|ascending-redemption.enjin.com|AR Driver/Leader

Feb 1st | JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Envoi McKanik.9876

Envoi McKanik.9876

Very proud of SoR’s initial offerings this week. Well done ladies and gents. But my congrats go to my fearless Master’s at JQ. Grats on taking the week and completely obliterating SoR BL. We offer no resistance now. Well done.

Feb 1st | JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Camaro Charr.2805

Camaro Charr.2805

“Now young Rallians witness the fire-power of this fully-operational 24/7 International Server”

“That 450 tick came from JQ!”

“Its a trap!”

RE- Red Essence

(edited by Camaro Charr.2805)

Feb 1st | JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Mance.5640


Ok, that post ^ just made my inner star wars geek lmao.

Mance Khan – Shadow Gypsies – Jade Quarry
“a friend of death, a brother of luck, and a s.o.b.”
http://youtu.be/wpoQk2OnbJs [SG since ’99]

Feb 1st | JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Mance.5640


It’s Wednesday on Radio Free JQ; this is Uncle Mance, with music, and the truth until reset!

Right now I’ve got a few words for some of our brothers and sisters holding the motherland and sticking it to those invaders: “the chair is on the porch, the chair is on the porch”, the Asura has a large staff, the Asura has a large staff".

It’s Wednesday and you know what that means Honey Badgers! For all our old daoc JQ types who are having fight night tonight and tomorrow this is your song!!!!!!!!!


Mance Khan – Shadow Gypsies – Jade Quarry
“a friend of death, a brother of luck, and a s.o.b.”
http://youtu.be/wpoQk2OnbJs [SG since ’99]

Feb 1st | JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: VOLKON.1290


JQBL, Bay… just… Wow.


Feb 1st | JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: elderan.2638




Feb 1st | JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: akamon.2769


“Now young Rallians witness the fire-power of this fully-operational 24/7 International Server”

“That 450 tick came from JQ!”

“Its a trap!”

made my day! and dare i say it, probably my night as well.

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

Feb 1st | JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Envi.2460


You have to say it in sheldons voice. Its a traaaap.
its a trap!
its a traapp.

Noba/Envi/Ryuoko/Seiya Murasame
Sanctum of Rall Currently guildless sniffle

Feb 1st | JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: LittleMusing.8257


Score update, JQ +/- 10 since a tower is under attack. Screen not big enough for a full map update screen :<
I find it funny the most action JQ has is during the weekday…


Jade Quarry

Feb 1st | JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: morrolan.9608


What server has the coverage to match JQ?

Not SoS, SoR, or BG.

Who’s left? Just Kaineng?

JQ will hold the crown for a while now I think with free transfers closed.

No-one does, Kaineng haven’t proved themselves as T1 yet despite probably being there next week.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

Feb 1st | JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Thor.1756


Very proud of SoR’s initial offerings this week. Well done ladies and gents. But my congrats go to my fearless Master’s at JQ. Grats on taking the week and completely obliterating SoR BL. We offer no resistance now. Well done.

Would you please relay this feeling to your pals at choo, who won’t leave us the buck alone?

We’d also like to point out that we, too, enjoy placing siege at spawn.


Jade Quarry

Feb 1st | JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: spartanx.1364


Very proud of SoR’s initial offerings this week. Well done ladies and gents. But my congrats go to my fearless Master’s at JQ. Grats on taking the week and completely obliterating SoR BL. We offer no resistance now. Well done.

Could you please relay this feeling of surrender to your pals at choo who won’t leave SoR garry the buck alone? I’m tired of pumping supply into this wall!

Can you guess what the Omega 13 is?

Tytos The Ascended – Tytos Hill – Dee Oh Tee
Paintrainchoo.com – Conductor – TC

Feb 1st | JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Shinji.2063


I think next week now that SOR has seen what the massive staking that jq has done and what is like to face it should put down a hard 2v1 vs JQ. SOS as well. Might be able to keep jq in 3rd longer then when reset numbers die down and people have to go back to real life.

if the matchup stays the same

Feb 1st | JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Thor.1756


Very proud of SoR’s initial offerings this week. Well done ladies and gents. But my congrats go to my fearless Master’s at JQ. Grats on taking the week and completely obliterating SoR BL. We offer no resistance now. Well done.

Could you please relay this feeling of surrender to your pals at choo who won’t leave SoR garry the buck alone? I’m tired of pumping supply into this wall!

Can you guess what the Omega 13 is?

If its anything less than 13 Omegas i will be seriously disappointed.

edit: alphas? tsk tsk.

Jade Quarry

(edited by Thor.1756)

Feb 1st | JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: SoPP.7034


I hope scoring and other changes that are coming to WvW from ArenaNet reflect what we’ve seen this week. The week started very impressive and interesting and it would be great to highlight servers initial achievements instead of focusing only on end score.

A warrior, a guardian, and an elementalist walk into an open field…
The Warrior turns to the guardian and says, “Did you hear something?”
Guardian replies, “No, but how’d the elementalist die?”

Feb 1st | JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Wasabi Kitty.8247

Wasabi Kitty.8247

That keep defense was pretty intense in SoR borderlands.

Anet make Rev great again.

Feb 1st | JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Byteflux.5372


What server has the coverage to match JQ?

Not SoS, SoR, or BG.

Who’s left? Just Kaineng?

JQ will hold the crown for a while now I think with free transfers closed.

Yeah I have no doubt that JQ will pretty much take home first place T1 in every match-up now that I’ve witnessed the devastating 24/7 coverage.

But I expect that when ratings have normalized, SoS, SoR and BG will be the only servers shuffling through the T1 match-ups and we’ll be seeing a lot more of each other in the coming weeks.

This week’s match-up was great for both the winners and the losers and while the fight’s not yet over, just want to say it’s been fun and I look forward to more JQ/SoR/SoS match-ups.


Feb 1st | JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Nuked.2360


I hope scoring and other changes that are coming to WvW from ArenaNet reflect what we’ve seen this week. The week started very impressive and interesting and it would be great to highlight servers initial achievements instead of focusing only on end score.

What initial achievement is there? The weekend lead? I don’t understand what would need to be highlighted at the start of a week long match-up.

Destructive Nuked|ascending-redemption.enjin.com|AR Driver/Leader

Feb 1st | JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Shaojack.3871


Weekend provides the best even coverage you can get right now.
Weekends always have the best fights.
Weekdays you get to see the coverage come in and take a crap on the scoreboard for those without.
Aside from a few people with hurt feelings on here, we knew this coverage game was coming =P Really shouldn’t be anyone crying about it, this isn’t a new theme to WvW.
These are the best fights I’ve had in months too.
This isn’t going to change either =D Play for when your on, kitten it when your off.

Brojack (80 Thief) / Shaojack(80 Warrior) / Shaokuma(80 Guardian) / Shaojax(80 Ranger)

Sanctum of Rall

Feb 1st | JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Oresh.4729


sos went to the sm boss room tonight with like 20 peoples with no def from jq. then had like 10 more people they will had capped. What is funny is they have 25 people camping the jp…
stop blaming everything on coverage just try to make your people get out of the jp when you do a major push like this…

Feb 1st | JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Nuked.2360


Weekend provides the best even coverage you can get right now.
Weekends always have the best fights.
Weekdays you get to see the coverage come in and take a crap on the scoreboard for those without.
Aside from a few people with hurt feelings on here, we knew this coverage game was coming =P Really shouldn’t be anyone crying about it, this isn’t a new theme to WvW.
These are the best fights I’ve had in months too.
This isn’t going to change either =D Play for when your on, kitten it when your off.

Basically what you want is for weekend only matches. What would happen the rest of the week just sit flipping siege for a big 3 day push? Sorry that the game is about coverage but you still have your primetime to make up ground. Even when SoS had vastly superior Oceanic (Unimpeded 500+ ticks) we didn’t give up we would come out during EU/NA prime and give it 100% effort and do what we could. Coverage doesn’t matter as much as people make it out to. Every server has SEA and Oceanic EU and NA. It’s not like it’s pure doors during those hours we just maximize our point gains when we have a deadzone.

Destructive Nuked|ascending-redemption.enjin.com|AR Driver/Leader

Feb 1st | JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: sostronk.8167


SoS is getting demolished, lol.


Far from it. Last week on Thursday BG had a 13,000 point lead over SOS. BG players were coming in here and celebrating their second place as they beat SOS for the week and were well on their way to knocking SOS out of Tier1. What happened? SOS topped the PPT by a long way for the last 18 hours of the server reset and beat BG by around 3,000 points. They have Oceanic coverage, but more so they have Oceanic/weekend coverage. They win big at the start of the WvW week and on Fridays they turn up early and play right through to sever reset. As a JQ player, Im only just starting to feel comfortable with our lead over SOS, but I still know they are capable of pulling those numbers back.

Ive taken a bit of a break from WvW this week and only played about 10 hours as I have been levelling some other classes. As an Oceanic player I will most likely be turning up Friday/Saturday to make sure we don’t lose in the final hours.

Feb 1st | JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: SoPP.7034


I hope scoring and other changes that are coming to WvW from ArenaNet reflect what we’ve seen this week. The week started very impressive and interesting and it would be great to highlight servers initial achievements instead of focusing only on end score.

What initial achievement is there? The weekend lead? I don’t understand what would need to be highlighted at the start of a week long match-up.

Sure, why not? Otherwise it’s just a week long game with an inevitable end, why not add incentives.

A warrior, a guardian, and an elementalist walk into an open field…
The Warrior turns to the guardian and says, “Did you hear something?”
Guardian replies, “No, but how’d the elementalist die?”

Feb 1st | JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Thor.1756


Thanks very much for the many bags [choo], not so much thank you for making me stay up far too late. Have a score update


Jade Quarry

Feb 1st | JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: kefro.9312


Its so dumb being on JQ… lol
I transfered out… sorry

Feb 1st | JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: taek.9386


I reckon they should do WvW like in Ragnarok Online WoE, dedicate the weekend to all out war for 72hrs, include more maps to cater for all the players on the servers so there isn’t any queues. This way we wouldn’t ever have to complain about coverage again!

Feb 1st | JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: SmokeyNYY.7841


Well it kind of sucks that one one will ever be able to dethrone JQ until people get bored and inevitable quit. Some of those guilds that transferred to JQ should have dispersed to SoR, SoS, and BG for much more even match ups. The way this is going we will just have servers fighting for second place like SoS is doing right now. Anyway the weekend match up was awesome and I am looking forward to more of those in the future.

Feb 1st | JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: sostronk.8167


Well it kind of sucks that one one will ever be able to dethrone JQ until people get bored and inevitable quit. Some of those guilds that transferred to JQ should have dispersed to SoR, SoS, and BG for much more even match ups. The way this is going we will just have servers fighting for second place like SoS is doing right now. Anyway the weekend match up was awesome and I am looking forward to more of those in the future.

Dont forget Kain. I have a suspicion they will actually be the ones to beat soon. Also, I wouldn’t consider JQ to be sitting on the throne right now. Especially when comparing their record with SOS’ record.