(edited by Jscull.2514)
Feb 1st: NSP/BP/AR
Its okay BP, it is clearly obvious that this reset shows that numbers is always greater than skill…
2 Servers numbers Versus Brolis Pass and you couldnt even get Lowlands ? HOW come numbers is always geater than skill ? did we have numbers more than both of you ? You and NSP came in a wave after wave after wave we had 0 seige, 8 walls down in lowlands you kept coming and coming for five hours, the only reason why you MIGHT win this match.
at the end AR tried to zerg us from right. NSP from left, this wasnt just a normal double teaming. the pic explains .
Original Former of Borlis Savers
Leader Of : http://youtube.com/kaotichq
(edited by Kalkz.5297)
My guess with lowlands would be AR initiated an assault from the east while NSP started from the north and met in the middle. At least I assume that happened, my guild was busy taking down the east wall of SM at the time this started. I was watching blue and red both closing in and figured there would eventually be a collision. Props to the BP soldiers for holding. But as far as double teaming? Last round AR keep was hit by BP golems at water gate then NSP golems at front gate almost simultaneously and I didn’t think it was a coordinated double team, just an opportunity to kill golems and collect badges.
I could come on here and get into the 10 or so on 3 at hylek earlier in the day, and say BP players are bad, I don’t because I figure it was most likely a karma/xp group.
You just need to embrace your victories and learn from your losses and stop being so self righteous. You may actually have some fun and respect your opponents for what they are and what they do.
So, I take a day off to party and watch football, and you guys let the other thread get locked? How dare you!!
80 Thief – 80 Warrior – 80 Guardian – 80 Ranger
80 Mesmer – 80 Necromancer
This match-up has been a good fight. I’m sad that it’s going to be interrupted by the ranking reset. IMO the volatility seems way too high for a reset.
NSP | Os Guild Master
www.osguild.org | www.youtube.com/osthink
@ BSP forum members who need a clue.
First off. You really shouldn’t come to the forums and complain about being double teamed. Especially if the entire design behind wvwvw, that’s 3 Ws, is a constant double team.
Second, if you know well that this tier can at best Q one map during non prime time, 2 during prime time. You shouldn’t make the strategic decision to take and hold SM in the one map that begs double team.
Third, don’t make statements that come across as the following; " When it happens to us its double teaming, when it happens to you its WvW." You come across as QQ cry babies , and that only invites, further double teaming.
Last but not least. If you haven’t figured it out by now. If you take and hold SM , we take all your other stuff. NSP has figured it out, why can’t you?
I’ve been told by the commanders of AR and NSP themselves at that time that this was an intentional double team. They contacted each other in the hopes of flipping our keep.
It was really obvious. For 4 hours, the two servers did not touch any of their lands. Not even an unupgraded Stonemist via trebs from Overlook. (How much does NSP love Stonemist again?). They just focused us.
(edited by Evilzara.6378)
Of course of course, commanders from both servers let you know about the double teaming. Cool story.
On a side note, anyone else notice condition damage from the player is reflected on the siege they are using? Condition Necros man the artillery!
@ BSP forum members who need a clue.
First off. You really shouldn’t come to the forums and complain about being double teamed. Especially if the entire design behind wvwvw, that’s 3 Ws, is a constant double team.
Second, if you know well that this tier can at best Q one map during non prime time, 2 during prime time. You shouldn’t make the strategic decision to take and hold SM in the one map that begs double team.
Third, don’t make statements that come across as the following; " When it happens to us its double teaming, when it happens to you its WvW." You come across as QQ cry babies , and that only invites, further double teaming.
Last but not least. If you haven’t figured it out by now. If you take and hold SM , we take all your other stuff. NSP has figured it out, why can’t you?
I’ve been told by the commanders of AR and NSP themselves at that time that this was an intentional double team. They contacted each other in the hopes of flipping our keep.
It was really obvious. For 4 hours, the two servers did not touch any of their lands. Not even an unupgraded Stonemist via trebs from Overlook. (How much does NSP loves Stonemist again?). They just focused us.
No commanders sat there and spoke to each other.
We saw bp was weak against AR in EB and pushed.
This is the same thing AR and BP do on our borderlands, often times at the same exact time.
If double teaming wasn’t meant to be a tactic to help balance things, then arenanet wouldn’t have made a 3 team wvw.
Considering AR was fighting two very large forces from both servers on reset, you shouldn’t whine about double teams. Last week we dealt with it all week, stop your kittening, its not like we have planned it out and both servers decided to work together.
BP has no problem giving the same treatment but GOD FORBID it happens to you.
Get over yourselves.
Deny it all you want but whether it was intentional or not, it was embarrassing for you guys. We still kept lowlands in the end after every wall and gate were broken (including inner).
And don’t bring up the numbers excuse.
@ SoS
Doth ye even lift?!
Lol. Fun fights last night Paxa.
I was the Sylvari SOS thief picking on mostly your ranger and your thieves.
Wearing all white? You hit like a truck. Nice fighting!
Hehe yea, that be me :-) Look forward to running into you guys again.
The lowlands keep attack went sour on AR’s side do to lack of organization (though not from lack of trying to organize). After the guild teams logged or left EB it was one of those situations where without disciplined groups not much gets done. We let the counterattacks on Jerrifer stretch us out and it made it hard to get a group together to make a meaningful push on the keep. Had a blast and collected plenty of badges as well as racked up plenty of armor repairs.
When BP mounts a defense you guys are always tenacious and quick to counterattack what you lose and kudos to you for it. I get a bit envious of you and NSP who always seem to have groups of guild teams fielded, I rarely never see groups with just a few members of guilds like [PAXA], [Os], [GOAT] and others. As much as we all like to kitten about each other I’m going to miss this matchup next week. Hopefully we end up playing some of you guys in the future!
AR → EB → DB → Maguuma
Arkham – [Ark]
The lowlands keep attack went sour on AR’s side do to lack of organization (though not from lack of trying to organize). After the guild teams logged or left EB it was one of those situations where without disciplined groups not much gets done. We let the counterattacks on Jerrifer stretch us out and it made it hard to get a group together to make a meaningful push on the keep. Had a blast and collected plenty of badges as well as racked up plenty of armor repairs.
When BP mounts a defense you guys are always tenacious and quick to counterattack what you lose and kudos to you for it. I get a bit envious of you and NSP who always seem to have groups of guild teams fielded, I rarely never see groups with just a few members of guilds like [PAXA], [Os], [GOAT] and others. As much as we all like to kitten about each other I’m going to miss this matchup next week. Hopefully we end up playing some of you guys in the future!
I like you. We’re going to miss you guys too but I don’t doubt we’re going to see each other in the future.
So when you are part of the assault along with the other server it’s “smart tactics” and when the other side attacks your already weakened defenses they clearly made plans for the double team. Apparently none of you EB bros stepped foot on NSP BLs on reset, cause its us NSP getting attacked from both server through the night, you borderlands stand clear without a blemish.
Go cry somewhere else, don’t come here with your sob story cause you had to fight hard every now and then. Other than that I’m having fun with the BL guilds giving us good fights every night.
@ BSP forum members who need a clue.
First off. You really shouldn’t come to the forums and complain about being double teamed. Especially if the entire design behind wvwvw, that’s 3 Ws, is a constant double team.
Second, if you know well that this tier can at best Q one map during non prime time, 2 during prime time. You shouldn’t make the strategic decision to take and hold SM in the one map that begs double team.
Third, don’t make statements that come across as the following; " When it happens to us its double teaming, when it happens to you its WvW." You come across as QQ cry babies , and that only invites, further double teaming.
Last but not least. If you haven’t figured it out by now. If you take and hold SM , we take all your other stuff. NSP has figured it out, why can’t you?
Lol seriously show the picture of two teams sieging the third in 900 range of each other. It’s cool you can double team us we don’t mind the badges.
On a less trollish note it really did show a lot of discipline to have two big groups not attack each other.
We actually did attack each other when we got a little too close to each other. It was unintentional as we were both waiting for the same thing apparently. For us it was AR to push in then wipe them to get the keep. But you guys did a good job defending, the Necros and AC’s you had down were beating us back pretty good. And the fact we had only 1-2 ele’s didn’t help either. No excuses, but I wish we had the AoE coverage we needed to push in.
Doom Strykër [Warr] Doom Ryder [Ranger]
Doomku [Guard] Doom Wrack [Mez]
I find it funny either of the 2 larger servers would complain about being double teamed. The name of the game appears to be who can pvdoor and zerg the 15 players on NSP map to win more points then the other. LIke right now, each bp and ar have double the amount of players NSP has on NPS BL zerging all of our stuff, while each of their BL’s remains untouched save for a couple camp flips.
You don’t see us complaining about it(I’m not complaining just pointing out the irony).
And when a BP player posts about AR attacking NSP and BP owns over half of NSPs BL when I log on, it just completely nullifies anything you post. Not all, but a few BP players need to learn that it isn’t due to any amount of superiority, I get that people feel they are on the better server, or because AR or NSP lack the will to fight or the tenacity. Things tend to pan out in strange ways in WvW, you need to enjoy it more and cry a little less.
I have been in some great battles the last few weeks, I don’t run to the forums and pound my chest, or cry about fights gone bad. All that does is make you look like a poor loser or elitist, and neither is a good image.
Well Envy was there the whole time, in fact it was us that were there first and started the whole thing. We are also the ones that built all the siege, we had about 3x as much siege as we did people, the siege was more of a joke then anything.
We did not care about earning points as we were just having a little fun.
Also the numbers were never even, especially not at the end lol. We started with I think 7 of us and gained 2-3 pugs by the end of it. Though most of us were Mesmers so I could see how the numbers would look much higher (though I switched to my ele halfway through).
7 is ok as far as estimates go. I remember seeing more than 7 [Envy] stacked on the sentry, and remember that current culling method culls allies before enemies. I know there were more than 2-3 pugs, and they showed up many times across the hours.
Ronny Raygun was wearing Humiliation Dye that night.
This is something we did on ferg for fun and will do it here too, it’s not about the points, it’s about creating a small scale fight.
We all had a blast and I have to give credit to ALS and also thank them, as they never gave up even after they got wiped several times. Even BP came by and stood on the sidelines to watch… And good job finally pushing us out, it was bedtime for most of us at that poiint.
The BP group started out by trying to sneak in and hit our flank, along that southern hill where people jump to the hill and rooftop of the camp’s eastern entrance. They weren’t good at the jump, and there’s was only one party, so we flanked and trapped them. They came back a few times.
Grand Progressive Arch Battle Pope of Anvil Rock Defenders Alliance [TARD]
Its okay BP, it is clearly obvious that this reset shows that numbers is always greater than skill…
2 Servers numbers Versus Brolis Pass and you couldnt even get Lowlands ? HOW come numbers is always geater than skill ? did we have numbers more than both of you ? You and NSP came in a wave after wave after wave we had a kitten ton of seige, 8 walls down in lowlands you kept coming and coming for five hours, the only reason why you MIGHT win this match.
at the end AR tried to zerg us from right. NSP from left, this wasnt just a normal double teaming. the pic explains .
Let me fix that for you. There we go.
During our assault of your keep in EB all I heard over teamspeak was our commander trying to find your crazy amount of arrow carts, ballista, etc. We had NSP hitting us in the back with seige. So it wasn’t a coordinated double team.
We also had small man groups taking supply camps/towers on our borderland and in EB. I was going around our side of EB protecting them from an NSP guild called [LOK] or [Loks]. Can’t remember if it had an s or not. Whom tried to ninja Durios and SM during the assault on your keep.
All in all though it was a great battle. Received many badges and repair bills but was worth the experience.
Necromancer, Elementalist, Warrior, Guardian
(edited by discardednotes.5729)
PAXA nice showing of the TRUE small inner man runners you guys have.
It was a close fight b/w GOAT and OS…but we made the call and came to their aid.
-.- You know, the better way to prove you are ACTUALLY good would be to participate in these fights.
Unfortunately, the only fame you will get is negative.
I guess that is okay for you guys, though. Attention is craved, we get it already.
It’s okay, we had our fun, still.
PAXA nice showing of the TRUE small inner man runners you guys have.
It was a close fight b/w GOAT and OS…but we made the call and came to their aid.
I though you were pvpers, not bullies…
Such a disappointment.
Aina Dolwen – Mesmer / NSP
Os GuildDisappointment?? We saved fellow NSPers. We came and rescued OS
:) I understand you are trying to troll her, but kindly be useless on someone else’s server perhaps?
Toble, I’ll ask the guys what they think about your idea. Something tells me their opinion about your idea will be the same opinion they have for your idea to host a fight club.
That’s okay.
In the end, all of your opinions don’t really matter.
You are a non-factor on this server and your attempts to be important by grabbing attention are rather pitiful.
Doesn’t matter.
Back to more important things.
Its okay BP, it is clearly obvious that this reset shows that numbers is always greater than skill…
2 Servers numbers Versus Brolis Pass and you couldnt even get Lowlands ? HOW come numbers is always geater than skill ? did we have numbers more than both of you ? You and NSP came in a wave after wave after wave we had a kitten ton of seige, 8 walls down in lowlands you kept coming and coming for five hours, the only reason why you MIGHT win this match.
at the end AR tried to zerg us from right. NSP from left, this wasnt just a normal double teaming. the pic explains .
Let me fix that for you. There we go.
During our assault of your keep in EB all I heard over teamspeak was our commander trying to find your crazy amount of arrow carts, ballista, etc. We had NSP hitting us in the back with seige. So it wasn’t a coordinated double team.
We also had small man groups taking supply camps/towers on our borderland and in EB. I was going around our side of EB protecting them from an NSP guild called [LOK] or [Loks]. Can’t remember if it had an s or not. Whom tried to ninja Durios and SM during the assault on your keep.
All in all though it was a great battle. Received many badges and repair bills but was worth the experience.
Not true, We were in constant communication with the ALS commanders and were coordinating as much as possible to take down that keep.
We have been planning this attack for weeks and it had finally come to a climax.
Curse you BP for foiling our ingenious plan to pool our resources in an organized manner.
ALS and the NSP alliances have been planning this for so long and thought we had this double teaming plan completely perfect.
How could you see through our veil and figure it out so easily?
Alright ALS, let’s start formulating a new plan of attack against BP together.
Dear NSP. Hold your own borderlands, stop b lining it to the castle. You’re giving BP the lead over us now because you let them fortify your bay and hills. Now i have to go bang my head against those keeps because you can’t do it yourself. This whole full out on AR bl on reset night, and then not playing throughout the week is getting old.
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.
@Toble Indeed, Anvil Rock and Northern Shiverpeaks have been planning this assault since October 2012, I guess the secret is now out. Darn the superiority of the great and powerful Borlis Pass, foiled again!!
Back to more important things.
Like dueling and having fight clubs? lawlz. You’re so important to the server! Teach us your ways oh mighty Toble!
Not Just A Goodtime – 80 Asura Warrior
@Toble Indeed, Anvil Rock and Northern Shiverpeaks have been planning this assault since October 2012, I guess the secret is now out. Darn the superiority of the great and powerful Borlis Pass, foiled again!!
LOLLL i had to read that out to teamspeak
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.
Calling scoreboard when you’re not winning fails to hold much weight. Maybe someone from AR could ask you the same thing.’
P.S. I’m having fun in WvW.
Dictator for Life
Shiverpeaks Search and Rescue [Lost]
Score update?? (and please tell me NSP has taken back their keeps…)
Nar: I love that it will take me time and money to
reach the same level I’m at right now… …said no one, ever.
Score update?? (and please tell me NSP has taken back their keeps…)
we had to flip them for them. BP 100k AR 100k NSP 73k.
Relax bird, we saw you “show up” on NSP bay and get pushed right out by those nasty up scaled BP and their brilliant arrow cart behind the gate technique.
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.
(edited by imalog.7689)
Okay, Arrow cart behind the gate, werk? or not werk? Cause they kinda confuse me…
“We’re the amazing dysfunctional and un-organised factioned bunch that actually kick both your servers kitten when we decide to show up.”
This could easily describe any of the three of us. Seriously. Next week will be messy if we all keep up these ‘tudes we’re creating. This was a great match up, and still is for the most part. I understand the honeymoon couldn’t last, but I kinda miss the lurve…
I didnt like what ALS did to our waypoints in NSP BL. that wasn’t cool
so i loaded up some people and had to mess and spend some time in AR BL & ALS.
Original Former of Borlis Savers
Leader Of : http://youtube.com/kaotichq
I didnt like what ALS did to our waypoints in NSP BL. that wasn’t cool
so i loaded up some people and had to mess and spend some time in AR BL & ALS.
yeah we know! we ripped all the golems down going to bay and hills before they got the gates below 50! you had us for a second there, almost had to panic when the golems showed up on bay til i realized that WAR guild didnt even take the oil or cannons down so me and my party just wiped them up.
The way we saw it is that you were catching up in points because NSP couldn’t take them back on their own so someone had to do it.
and dark, they do work to take out rams. It’s getting old though so we’ve just been working on tactics to counter it.
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.
I didnt like what ALS did to our waypoints in NSP BL. that wasn’t cool
so i loaded up some people and had to mess and spend some time in AR BL & ALS.
AR (it wasn’t ALS alone) had no choice, NSP couldn’t do it themselves, despite being at bay inner for what was at least an hour.
I didnt like what ALS did to our waypoints in NSP BL. that wasn’t cool
so i loaded up some people and had to mess and spend some time in AR BL & ALS.yeah we know! we ripped all the golems down going to bay and hills before they got the gates below 50! you had us for a second there, almost had to panic when the golems showed up on bay til i realized that WAR guild didnt even take the oil or cannons down so me and my party just wiped them up.
The way we saw it is that you were catching up in points because NSP couldn’t take them back on their own so someone had to do it.
and dark, they do work to take out rams. It’s getting old though so we’ve just been working on tactics to counter it.
i like you . but you’re wrong. the attack wasn’t meant to take your hills. if it was i would have built 5 – 8 golems at least. not just 2 golems and from NE Gate. the attack was a call to tell you hey, we’re here and lets have some fun. and indeed, we had some fun and we will be having more and more fun for the rest of the week
EDIT : Golems for bay ? I had no clue
Original Former of Borlis Savers
Leader Of : http://youtube.com/kaotichq
Reading this thread I am forced to ask myself:
What has my life become? I used to be a great soccer player but gave up sports for video games after i had to deal with baddies shin hacking me all the time. Now I am going no where reading people argue about inconsequential things
tonight i will cry myself to sleep
(edited by HackerTeivospy.2031)
tonight i will cry myself to sleep
Chocolate helps. ~nods~
catches up on thread
Wow. Reading this, one can easily take pride in Borlis’ sportsmanship, maturity, and commitment to excellence.
Can we not devolve into third graders at recess, pls? tnx.
I always seem to smile whenever I see you post on a forum. BP please heed her words. You guys are a good server and a good fight for us. I don’t want to revert back to the dark days of our rivalry when we got thread after thread after thread locked because of immature ego’s and kittens.
I don’t mean this to sound harsh but when you start building the numbers of servers you play and the vast majority of them all agree that you (as represented by those who are posting on the forum) are arrogant d-bags (note: only on the forums. I’m being careful not to overstate what I mean. I’m not trying to paint the whole server with the same brush here. Dark Aidget and recently Plok have shown how noble and honest you guys can be, I have a lot of respect for you guys.), you might want to think about toning it down. GOM players have called you arrogant. NSP players have called you arrogant. Maguuma players have called you arrogant before they even met you. AR has been calling you arrogant for forever. I didn’t read the BP threads much unless it looked like we were going to see you again, so I wont speculate much on what they have said about you. Unless you want the reputation to stick, check your ego a bit. I’m not saying leave the characteristically bold personality of BP at the door. By all means, chest thump away, but don’t assume that other servers are going to stand there and take it when you QQ about double teaming after you claim to be so much more skilled than they are.
This being said, the same goes for AR. we have finally gotten a few victories under our belt, but its not as if we have much to be bragging about. Our record thus far in WvWvW week long matchups has been 1st place = 3 times, 3rd place = 2 times, and 2nd place = a whopping 12 times. We have our own reputation in that we “play for second”. While I would contend that because we have placed 2nd so many times with so few 1st place rankings, we have little in the way of fair weather WvW’ers and thusly don’t give up the fight when we are down, I understand the insults thrown at us that we can be opportunistic. That’s something that we need to work on. Instead of simply giving up and placing 3rd, how about we hit BP hard the rest of this week and take a well earned 1st place like the other week? That would do more than any amount of forum bickering and leave BP as hungry for vengeance as we were when were left with GOM while BP moved up a tier.
I fully expect these 3 servers to find each other after the rankings stabilize again. We are a good match up and very evenly matched. NSP I hope you guys get a few more numbers, as I think that’s all you guys need to give both of us a real run for our money.
Now back to the match up:
Holy balls BP! Way to come back and take the lead. I almost counted this as a win prematurely. Always a fun time with you guys. Hope it stays as close as last time!
And NSP, what is it about Umber and DG that you guys love so much? Is it the view of the majestic Overgrown Grub as it raises its tiny yet strong, shining mandibles in the sunlight over the walls of Valley Keep? Perhaps its how the blazing glow of trebuchet fire from Stone Mist Castle lights up the sky in its celestial glory before smashing against the walls in a beautiful display of fireworks and embers?
Happy Hunting out there guys!
[ARM] Anvil Rock Militia Commander;
The Loryak: I speak for these beasts.
…what is it about Umber and DG that you guys love so much? Is it the view of the majestic Overgrown Grub as it raises its tiny yet strong, shining mandibles in the sunlight over the walls of Valley Keep? Perhaps its how the blazing glow of trebuchet fire from Stone Mist Castle lights up the sky in its celestial glory before smashing against the walls in a beautiful display of fireworks and embers?
This is freaking beautiful.
If ever their was a pointless thread.
NSP | Os Guild Master
www.osguild.org | www.youtube.com/osthink
Also, big props to the [envy] crew in EB just a bit ago around Ogrewatch. You guys are loyal and dedicated to lurk around that long to wait while I get bored of camping your buddy I had previously noticed you trying to res. You deserved the badges you got off me for that. Nice fight.
[ARM] Anvil Rock Militia Commander;
The Loryak: I speak for these beasts.
Also, big props to the [envy] crew in EB just a bit ago around Ogrewatch. You guys are loyal and dedicated to lurk around that long to wait while I get bored of camping your buddy I had previously noticed you trying to res. You deserved the badges you got off me for that. Nice fight.
lol the funny thing was I was just afking there dead.. And some random thief was rezzing me without asking. Then my guildy showed up and finished the rez and we did have some fun.
Nice fights though, I had a lot of good fun tonight.
Back to more important things.
Like dueling and having fight clubs? lawlz. You’re so important to the server! Teach us your ways oh mighty Toble!
Like talking down to members of the large alliance on your server that actually does work?
Don’t care, Paxa is a non-factor. I’m pretty sure everyone knows it by now due to you being so loud on forums and so insignificant in game.
I didnt like what ALS did to our waypoints in NSP BL. that wasn’t cool
so i loaded up some people and had to mess and spend some time in AR BL & ALS.AR (it wasn’t ALS alone) had no choice, NSP couldn’t do it themselves, despite being at bay inner for what was at least an hour.
We contacted our ALS comrades and they helped us out in our time of need!
It’s alright that BP foiled our well formulated plan at their keep the other night, we came out as the victors through our alliance with ALS.
I do not post on forums much because I generally do not enjoy them; I will post this anyways. Over the last few weeks in wvw I have ninja capped camps, been crushed by zergs, outrun smaller mobs, died horribly in 2v1’s, won gloriously in a 3v1, and chatted builds and gear with both BP and AR players. AR, you have some dangerous thief players who can drop me in a 1 on 1, something I feel I am good at as a roaming ranger. BP, you have some great Mesmer’s and a few truly nasty Necros who I have no desire to fight again.
The past weeks have been even matchups; I have staked as many players as have staked me. It has been fun, and I hope that despite this thread most players feel this way. So I guess the point of this post a just a salute to all sides for the battles we have had. Until this match ends you may find me roaming around EB, zerging a bit, and enjoying the fight.
See you in the field,
A fellow GW2 player.
Wappaw (Waps)
I do not post on forums much because I generally do not enjoy them; I will post this anyways. Over the last few weeks in wvw I have ninja capped camps, been crushed by zergs, outrun smaller mobs, died horribly in 2v1’s, won gloriously in a 3v1, and chatted builds and gear with both BP and AR players. AR, you have some dangerous thief players who can drop me in a 1 on 1, something I feel I am good at as a roaming ranger. BP, you have some great Mesmer’s and a few truly nasty Necros who I have no desire to fight again.
The past weeks have been even matchups; I have staked as many players as have staked me. It has been fun, and I hope that despite this thread most players feel this way. So I guess the point of this post a just a salute to all sides for the battles we have had. Until this match ends you may find me roaming around EB, zerging a bit, and enjoying the fight.
See you in the field,
A fellow GW2 player.
“War Lords” [WAR] took it to Borlis tonight on the NSP map and helped even up the odds abit. Three keeps in three hours, not bad. Despite our reputation for being independent anarchists, you can look for us to continue our work against both Borlis and NSP.
And NSP, for God’s sake, please keep your map! Don’t make us come back and push Borlis out again please…. It’s like you’re a freakin’ point machine for them…
Anyway, awesome fights and epic portal bombs. I call this night in our favor, and if you were a defender at the other end of the WAR train you know exactly what I’m talking about. We’ll be looking for you on the Borlis map tomorrow, bring it…
Buffalo Bill (The Bill Show)
Co-Guild Leader
War Lords (AR)
WarLords [WAR] and PeaceTrain [MERC] (AR)
Founder and Guild Leader
I do not post on forums much because I generally do not enjoy them; I will post this anyways. Over the last few weeks in wvw I have ninja capped camps, been crushed by zergs, outrun smaller mobs, died horribly in 2v1’s, won gloriously in a 3v1, and chatted builds and gear with both BP and AR players. AR, you have some dangerous thief players who can drop me in a 1 on 1, something I feel I am good at as a roaming ranger. BP, you have some great Mesmer’s and a few truly nasty Necros who I have no desire to fight again.
The past weeks have been even matchups; I have staked as many players as have staked me. It has been fun, and I hope that despite this thread most players feel this way. So I guess the point of this post a just a salute to all sides for the battles we have had. Until this match ends you may find me roaming around EB, zerging a bit, and enjoying the fight.
See you in the field,
A fellow GW2 player.
I think I fought with you around the ogres a few days ago! You don’t by chance play a human male with a dark mustache and goatee do you? If so, I was the AR Asura thief with the toy daggers and the full mask that kept skulking around you the past few days. I gotta say, you’re a tough nut to crack. Every time I went in on you you managed to get out clean. I think the only times I was able to get you was in the middle of group fights when you were distracted. I only hope I gave you as much of a challenge as you gave me.
[ARM] Anvil Rock Militia Commander;
The Loryak: I speak for these beasts.
Fantastic fights tonight in BP borderlands. Hats off to both AR and BP for serious tenacity at Bay and Bluebriar. I don’t know how it all ends, as I’ve got to get some sleep, but however it turns out I had a great time and thank you for the badges. Thanks also to the BP commanders who did a bang-up job managing multiple fronts. Really excellent gaming tonight, everyone.
“War Lords” [WAR] took it to Borlis tonight on the NSP map and helped even up the odds abit. Three keeps in three hours, not bad. Despite our reputation for being independent anarchists, you can look for us to continue our work against both Borlis and NSP.
And NSP, for God’s sake, please keep your map! Don’t make us come back and push Borlis out again please…. It’s like you’re a freakin’ point machine for them…
Anyway, awesome fights and epic portal bombs. I call this night in our favor, and if you were a defender at the other end of the WAR train you know exactly what I’m talking about. We’ll be looking for you on the Borlis map tomorrow, bring it…
Buffalo Bill (The Bill Show)
Co-Guild Leader
War Lords (AR)
Yo, if you want NSP stuff in our borderlands you gotta go through BP first. those are the rules.
(edited by erigais.6805)
Score update?? (and please tell me NSP has taken back their keeps…)
we had to flip them for them. BP 100k AR 100k NSP 73k.
Relax bird, we saw you “show up” on NSP bay and get pushed right out by those nasty up scaled BP and their brilliant arrow cart behind the gate technique.
That wasnt me ^__^
I mean, I was there, but not Commanding. Out of my hours.
I’m sure you enjoyed my trebbing though
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild
(edited by Rob.7624)
Fantastic fights tonight in BP borderlands. Hats off to both AR and BP for serious tenacity at Bay and Bluebriar. I don’t know how it all ends, as I’ve got to get some sleep, but however it turns out I had a great time and thank you for the badges. Thanks also to the BP commanders who did a bang-up job managing multiple fronts. Really excellent gaming tonight, everyone.
The fights BP and AR have been having been great and long there was that fight there then it moved over to EB after Bluebriar was losted.
Between QL and SM .
Walls down and all still able to hold it. Seems lik there are fighters on in the morning that like fighting rather then going around pvdoor . /Tiphat I can respect wanting to earn a tower .