Feb 8: FA/Mag/DB

Feb 8: FA/Mag/DB

in WvW

Posted by: Filip Drazovic.3614

Filip Drazovic.3614

Note to DB : FA is winning, you might want to hit their BL.

Feb 8: FA/Mag/DB

in WvW

Posted by: Magiofdeath.2745


Question for any of you.

Is overlook the only keep in EB that you can hit SMC with trebs from or does green and blue keep allow for that too? It seems like only red keep is capable of hitting SMC as it seems the closest distance from red keep wall to SMC outer wall.

Fort Aspenwood | Kurzick ftw!

Feb 8: FA/Mag/DB

in WvW

Posted by: nibbles.2408


Agreed IRSyKo. And Bones I’m sorry you feel that way, there’re some great people on the FA site. If I can offer some advice, just ignore the trolls. You’ll notice that the same people who come here proclaiming FA to be the gods of WvW never said a word last week and were the first to bail to PvE when we were down.

Wechlas [Echo]
Charr Ranger
Fort Aspenwood (www.fort-aspenwood.com)

Feb 8: FA/Mag/DB

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762



Why are you so mad about a video game? Who cares if we win/don’t win. Or people do irritating things. It’s all about having fun.

Personally I don’t seek e-glory by winning T2, or going to T1. It’s not important to me. I just want to log in and WvW with my guild and have a good time. We wipe, we wipe people, We take keeps, we lose them. But almost always everybodys in TS in a good mood having a good time.

it’s never been about winning, its been about outplaying the other server, i could care less if we lose by 200k because of night time crews that wreck us, but if we can’t efficiently play good during our time, it makes it quite depressing to know the only reason we win is because the people who are night crew pull 100% of our weight. I have been on 5 different servers (4 of which weren’t winning servers) (FA being the exception) and i can honestly say that those 4 other servers played better. I’m not saying FA doesn’t have skills so don’t imply that, BT has an amazing roamin group and i’ve seen them firsthanded, but that’s not what my argument is about. Why do people always imply that critique is based on want to win. I have never wanted to win, it’s always about having fun.

Will you help me move?

Feb 8: FA/Mag/DB

in WvW

Posted by: Ninein.4782


FA and DB are afraid of Maguuma. That’s why they like to double team. Whenever I see us getting pressured by FA, there’s good old DB lapdog going after us as well. No night presence plus double teaming makes this a skewed fight.


Feb 8: FA/Mag/DB

in WvW

Posted by: Besetment.9187


I really wish Maguuma would come out and just play for the love of the game. DB though, classy and fun all around.

Our home borderland has been a flash point for more than 2 weeks straight. Before that it was 3 weeks trying to control a substantial number of new players and get them acclimatized to the way we play. Before that it was a long list of beatings by much bigger servers than us like Crystal Desert. Today DB had a queue to get into Maguuma BL which really says something considering the tattered state their own BL was in (several of us still keep in touch with AoN).

Against Kaineng playing WvW was a really miserable and costly experience for me and many other core players. I did nearly 16 hours on Mag BL against Kaineng on reset and a frankly absurd number of hours throughout the rest of the week with no relief. Every day since I’ve been replacing siege and upgrades so we can play an offensive game. Every day it all gets wiped out within an hour of going afk. I’m tired and broke and its the same for several core players. So this week many of us are taking a break. We showed up at reset so you know where we are at.

You are still welcome on our mumble any time to shoot the breeze and arrange skirmishes, but pretty much everything about tier 3 is a chore to me except skirmishing with BT. The severe timezone coverage disparity will always make this a game of attrition and my concern right now is keeping the players we have got. Not losing them to 4 hour swirling winds treb wars that end in us losing our keeps to an army of Australians anyway. Thats the quickest way to turn players off WvW for life.

But we can’t play offensively when our borderland gets reset every night then spend 12 hours trying to get FA and a queued DB out of our BL so we can even upgrade what we’ve got. We can’t stray far away from our towers and keeps when 3 rams will get a non reinforced gate down in under a minute.

What can I say? I still love the game but for now it means being away from WvW for a spell.

Feb 8: FA/Mag/DB

in WvW

Posted by: IRSyKo.5843


I really wish Maguuma would come out and just play for the love of the game. DB though, classy and fun all around.

Our home borderland has been a flash point for more than 2 weeks straight. Before that it was 3 weeks trying to control a substantial number of new players and get them acclimatized to the way we play. Before that it was a long list of beatings by much bigger servers than us like Crystal Desert. Today DB had a queue to get into Maguuma BL which really says something considering the tattered state their own BL was in (several of us still keep in touch with AoN).

Against Kaineng playing WvW was a really miserable and costly experience for me and many other core players. I did nearly 16 hours on Mag BL against Kaineng on reset and a frankly absurd number of hours throughout the rest of the week with no relief. Every day since I’ve been replacing siege and upgrades so we can play an offensive game. Every day it all gets wiped out within an hour of going afk. I’m tired and broke and its the same for several core players. So this week many of us are taking a break. We showed up at reset so you know where we are at.

You are still welcome on our mumble any time to shoot the breeze and arrange skirmishes, but pretty much everything about tier 3 is a chore to me except skirmishing with BT. The severe timezone coverage disparity will always make this a game of attrition and my concern right now is keeping the players we have got. Not losing them to 4 hour swirling winds treb wars that end in us losing our keeps to an army of Australians anyway. Thats the quickest way to turn players off WvW for life.

But we can’t play offensively when our borderland gets reset every night then spend 12 hours trying to get FA and a queued DB out of our BL so we can even upgrade what we’ve got. We can’t stray far away from our towers and keeps when 3 rams will get a non reinforced gate down in under a minute.

What can I say? I still love the game but for now it means being away from WvW for a spell.

We are running around your guys BL

Through discipline, we prevail.
Fort Aspenwood

Feb 8: FA/Mag/DB

in WvW

Posted by: Besetment.9187


Yep, Kaineng did it too 24/7 (really not joking about the 24/7 bit and yes I have played in 3 timezones consecutively). Now you know why a bunch of us need a break.

Feb 8: FA/Mag/DB

in WvW

Posted by: selan.8354



Why are you so mad about a video game? Who cares if we win/don’t win. Or people do irritating things. It’s all about having fun.

Personally I don’t seek e-glory by winning T2, or going to T1. It’s not important to me. I just want to log in and WvW with my guild and have a good time. We wipe, we wipe people, We take keeps, we lose them. But almost always everybodys in TS in a good mood having a good time.

it’s never been about winning, its been about outplaying the other server, i could care less if we lose by 200k because of night time crews that wreck us, but if we can’t efficiently play good during our time, it makes it quite depressing to know the only reason we win is because the people who are night crew pull 100% of our weight. I have been on 5 different servers (4 of which weren’t winning servers) (FA being the exception) and i can honestly say that those 4 other servers played better. I’m not saying FA doesn’t have skills so don’t imply that, BT has an amazing roamin group and i’ve seen them firsthanded, but that’s not what my argument is about. Why do people always imply that critique is based on want to win. I have never wanted to win, it’s always about having fun.

Honestly’ i think you are playing at a different time slot than me then(I’m NA based, but play only nights). FA has be trashed for weeks in T3 against TC, CD and YB and IOJ. We never seemed to have enough people on and gues what? We’ ve been fighting hard and defending what we have. IOJ guilds joined us, because they were impressed with our defense in our BL. They approached our guild that is known for sticking in our bl to defend and yes we still managed to get things done and catch up points over night!

Now last weeks matchup. You know it is kinda hard when u fight 2 huge zerges in our BL at the same time! Yes, it was always both attacking at the same time and we also dealt with major queue bugs where we were stuck for hours and when we finally got on we were majorly outnumbered.

U wanna talk bad about FA, go to SOS, SOR, TC or BG so it makes u who is soooooo much better than EVERYONE else in this game, feel better about yourself.

Believe me i know that our daytime crew and even nightcrew still needs training and that is what our big guilds are trying to change. we invite people to our TS all the time to train them.

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

Feb 8: FA/Mag/DB

in WvW

Posted by: Elano.2014


FA and DB are afraid of Maguuma. That’s why they like to double team. Whenever I see us getting pressured by FA, there’s good old DB lapdog going after us as well. No night presence plus double teaming makes this a skewed fight.

Well, people prey on the weak.

Feb 8: FA/Mag/DB

in WvW

Posted by: Ninein.4782


FA and DB are afraid of Maguuma. That’s why they like to double team. Whenever I see us getting pressured by FA, there’s good old DB lapdog going after us as well. No night presence plus double teaming makes this a skewed fight.

Well, people prey on the weak.

Maybe ppl are afraid of 1v1 Maguuma and instead resort to 2v1.


Feb 8: FA/Mag/DB

in WvW

Posted by: IBountyHunterI.4601


I think maybe, FA should send more thieves for me to kill on our BL.


Feb 8: FA/Mag/DB

in WvW

Posted by: selan.8354


FA and DB are afraid of Maguuma. That’s why they like to double team. Whenever I see us getting pressured by FA, there’s good old DB lapdog going after us as well. No night presence plus double teaming makes this a skewed fight.

Well, people prey on the weak.

Maybe ppl are afraid of 1v1 Maguuma and instead resort to 2v1.

I know it feels like double teaming, but we are not believe me. before the matchup almost all the major guilds had a meeting on who is doing what in which bl. And MAG bl is one of the places where we are at too. We were actually fighting DB the entire time and DB was the ones that took the keeps we held in mag, not mag themselves. So I can assure u that we are not double teaming.

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

Feb 8: FA/Mag/DB

in WvW

Posted by: Joseph.7213


I can promise Magumma that FA is not purposely double teaming you guys. We go where the fight is. My guild was in DB and FA BL for most of the day.

rip hopes and dreams for supported 3v3 arenas

Feb 8: FA/Mag/DB

in WvW

Posted by: Saweth You Him.9047

Saweth You Him.9047


Why are you so mad about a video game? Who cares if we win/don’t win. Or people do irritating things. It’s all about having fun.

Personally I don’t seek e-glory by winning T2, or going to T1. It’s not important to me. I just want to log in and WvW with my guild and have a good time. We wipe, we wipe people, We take keeps, we lose them. But almost always everybodys in TS in a good mood having a good time.

it’s never been about winning, its been about outplaying the other server, i could care less if we lose by 200k because of night time crews that wreck us, but if we can’t efficiently play good during our time, it makes it quite depressing to know the only reason we win is because the people who are night crew pull 100% of our weight. I have been on 5 different servers (4 of which weren’t winning servers) (FA being the exception) and i can honestly say that those 4 other servers played better. I’m not saying FA doesn’t have skills so don’t imply that, BT has an amazing roamin group and i’ve seen them firsthanded, but that’s not what my argument is about. Why do people always imply that critique is based on want to win. I have never wanted to win, it’s always about having fun.

If our server sucks so bad why don’t you go join a 6th. I’ve played on FA since day one and I think it is a splendid server. It plays well and is fun to play. There are many roles to fill. The only thing we really lack is 50 man robot zergs. But maybe we just aren’t that professional when it comes to WvW because we aren’t getting scholarships or a living wage for playing it.

so sayeth the great innuendo

Feb 8: FA/Mag/DB

in WvW

Posted by: Folk.2093


While you all bicker and complain there are real issues plaguing this world such as lost baby quaggans desperately looking for their families..

You should all be ashamed of yourselves.


Feb 8: FA/Mag/DB

in WvW

Posted by: Ninein.4782


FA and DB are afraid of Maguuma. That’s why they like to double team. Whenever I see us getting pressured by FA, there’s good old DB lapdog going after us as well. No night presence plus double teaming makes this a skewed fight.

Well, people prey on the weak.

Maybe ppl are afraid of 1v1 Maguuma and instead resort to 2v1.

I know it feels like double teaming, but we are not believe me. before the matchup almost all the major guilds had a meeting on who is doing what in which bl. And MAG bl is one of the places where we are at too. We were actually fighting DB the entire time and DB was the ones that took the keeps we held in mag, not mag themselves. So I can assure u that we are not double teaming.

Ok maybe it’s DB trying to compensate for something cause from what I see, DB queue’s Mag BL while their own BL isn’t controlled and they time their attack to coincide with FA.


Feb 8: FA/Mag/DB

in WvW

Posted by: Halo.8976


But we can’t play offensively when our borderland gets reset every night then spend 12 hours trying to get FA and a queued DB out of our BL so we can even upgrade what we’ve got. We can’t stray far away from our towers and keeps when 3 rams will get a non reinforced gate down in under a minute.

I thought we play for fun, not for points. If there’s no way to hold our keeps – why even try? Why not just go to FA borderlands and flip their keeps, like we did with kain? At least, breaking toys is much more fun than guarding yaks.

Feb 8: FA/Mag/DB

in WvW

Posted by: Bern.9613


FA and DB are afraid of Maguuma. That’s why they like to double team. Whenever I see us getting pressured by FA, there’s good old DB lapdog going after us as well. No night presence plus double teaming makes this a skewed fight.

Well, people prey on the weak.

Maybe ppl are afraid of 1v1 Maguuma and instead resort to 2v1.

I know it feels like double teaming, but we are not believe me. before the matchup almost all the major guilds had a meeting on who is doing what in which bl. And MAG bl is one of the places where we are at too. We were actually fighting DB the entire time and DB was the ones that took the keeps we held in mag, not mag themselves. So I can assure u that we are not double teaming.

Ok maybe it’s DB trying to compensate for something cause from what I see, DB queue’s Mag BL while their own BL isn’t controlled and they time their attack to coincide with FA.

Ummmm, I stepped away for about an hour now and when I left, DB BL was all blue. That said, I recall Mag ppl coming at us, DB, from the south while we were attack FA’s western side of the map, Friday night. You may want to talk with your own ppl before throwing accusations out there. I could also quote what was said earlier when a DB commander asked Mag about double teaming FA but I’m sure you read that.

Or should have.

Feb 8: FA/Mag/DB

in WvW

Posted by: Psychatog.8246


FA and DB are afraid of Maguuma. That’s why they like to double team. Whenever I see us getting pressured by FA, there’s good old DB lapdog going after us as well. No night presence plus double teaming makes this a skewed fight.

Well, people prey on the weak.

Maybe ppl are afraid of 1v1 Maguuma and instead resort to 2v1.

I know it feels like double teaming, but we are not believe me. before the matchup almost all the major guilds had a meeting on who is doing what in which bl. And MAG bl is one of the places where we are at too. We were actually fighting DB the entire time and DB was the ones that took the keeps we held in mag, not mag themselves. So I can assure u that we are not double teaming.

Ok maybe it’s DB trying to compensate for something cause from what I see, DB queue’s Mag BL while their own BL isn’t controlled and they time their attack to coincide with FA.

DB is just going for the weakest targets, if the situation was reversed Mag would be doing the same thing.

Mag control your QQers plz

Feb 8: FA/Mag/DB

in WvW

Posted by: dreztina.4820


Warrior/Ranger, Lazarus and Mojobi, FAGODS”

I see this signature, and I really have to ask if that came out the way you wanted it to.

Out of Attunement – D/D Ele

Feb 8: FA/Mag/DB

in WvW

Posted by: Ninein.4782


DB is just going for the weakest targets, if the situation was reversed Mag would be doing the same thing.

Mag control your QQers plz

Double team happens. It’s nature of the game. But this is not the first WvW matchup I’ve been on. In fact, I’ve been involved in at least 4 other matchups with DB and besides this week and two weeks ago you guys weren’t blantantly double teaming us. It was funny two weeks ago when DB teamed up with FA. Sure I got it, you guys wanted to welcome Mag to Tier 3 but it’s pretty sad that many DB still rely on this stuff. It’s like you guys have developed your overall strategy to join up with FA. I have not seen this kind of behaviour in other matchups and it’s pretty weak. This is not T1, maybe get there first before copycating them.


Feb 8: FA/Mag/DB

in WvW

Posted by: Mif.3471


While you all bicker and complain there are real issues plaguing this world such as lost baby quaggans desperately looking for their families..

You should all be ashamed of yourselves.


Tarnished Coast | Best cookies in all of Tyria

Feb 8: FA/Mag/DB

in WvW

Posted by: Mike.7320


Well, I attempted to lure less than 3 FA away from their zerg, seems they only care to fight in large numbers (as you can see from EasE guild member running away from a 1v1 )vs 1 person. Havent seen any decent roaming players from FA, infact none that have even been a challenge. FA is mainly “Zerg here” “Now zerg there!” “Oh theres one person from an enemy server all 20+ of us must chase him till hes dead”


Idolizethis Warrior

Arkham (Ark)

Feb 8: FA/Mag/DB

in WvW

Posted by: Waking.6052


Mike, which server are you from… and are you new to fighting FA?

Guardian Commander “The Lord Saves”
Mesmer Commander “The Lord Knows”
Fort Aspenwood

Feb 8: FA/Mag/DB

in WvW

Posted by: Bee.6239


Well, I attempted to lure less than 3 FA away from their zerg, seems they only care to fight in large numbers (as you can see from EasE guild member running away from a 1v1 )vs 1 person. Havent seen any decent roaming players from FA, infact none that have even been a challenge. FA is mainly “Zerg here” “Now zerg there!” “Oh theres one person from an enemy server all 20+ of us must chase him till hes dead”

It’s WvWvW… and if you’re near a zerg expect to be chased. Whenever I get disconnected from my group and have to run back to them, i occasionally run semi-near a db or mag zerg. Even if I’m so far away that they can only see my outline, I still get a huge bunch on my tail. It’s just player mentality and stop complaining about FA because every server does it. If u want a 1v1 then go duel in the jumping puzzle or Spvp.

Feb 8: FA/Mag/DB

in WvW

Posted by: jportell.2197


1v1 Duels behind lodge! Great fun!

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer

Feb 8: FA/Mag/DB

in WvW

Posted by: Quenta.2978


In WvW, everyone has 0 allies and 2 enemies.

You are always, by design, being double teamed.

Feb 8: FA/Mag/DB

in WvW

Posted by: Mike.7320


Well, I attempted to lure less than 3 FA away from their zerg, seems they only care to fight in large numbers (as you can see from EasE guild member running away from a 1v1 )vs 1 person. Havent seen any decent roaming players from FA, infact none that have even been a challenge. FA is mainly “Zerg here” “Now zerg there!” “Oh theres one person from an enemy server all 20+ of us must chase him till hes dead”

It’s WvWvW… and if you’re near a zerg expect to be chased. Whenever I get disconnected from my group and have to run back to them, i occasionally run semi-near a db or mag zerg. Even if I’m so far away that they can only see my outline, I still get a huge bunch on my tail. It’s just player mentality and stop complaining about FA because every server does it. If u want a 1v1 then go duel in the jumping puzzle or Spvp.

Eh I wasnt the one being chased, some d/d ele from DB was being chased by 20+ FA, while I was just sitting on the rock watching it by myself. He lasted a bit too for how many FA players there was. No one from the zerg approached me by themselves, they sat back till they had about 6 people then came after me..lol FA

And yes kitten, im well aware GODS is a zerg guild, no need to point it out.

Idolizethis Warrior

Arkham (Ark)

Feb 8: FA/Mag/DB

in WvW

Posted by: Besetment.9187


I thought we play for fun, not for points. If there’s no way to hold our keeps – why even try? Why not just go to FA borderlands and flip their keeps, like we did with kain? At least, breaking toys is much more fun than guarding yaks.

Do it or don’t. You don’t need to ask me.

Feb 8: FA/Mag/DB

in WvW

Posted by: Halo.8976


Do it or don’t. You don’t need to ask me.

Just suggesting, since your post sounds quite sad.
I’ll find my bit of fun regardless.

Feb 8: FA/Mag/DB

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762



Why are you so mad about a video game? Who cares if we win/don’t win. Or people do irritating things. It’s all about having fun.

Personally I don’t seek e-glory by winning T2, or going to T1. It’s not important to me. I just want to log in and WvW with my guild and have a good time. We wipe, we wipe people, We take keeps, we lose them. But almost always everybodys in TS in a good mood having a good time.

it’s never been about winning, its been about outplaying the other server, i could care less if we lose by 200k because of night time crews that wreck us, but if we can’t efficiently play good during our time, it makes it quite depressing to know the only reason we win is because the people who are night crew pull 100% of our weight. I have been on 5 different servers (4 of which weren’t winning servers) (FA being the exception) and i can honestly say that those 4 other servers played better. I’m not saying FA doesn’t have skills so don’t imply that, BT has an amazing roamin group and i’ve seen them firsthanded, but that’s not what my argument is about. Why do people always imply that critique is based on want to win. I have never wanted to win, it’s always about having fun.

If our server sucks so bad why don’t you go join a 6th. I’ve played on FA since day one and I think it is a splendid server. It plays well and is fun to play. There are many roles to fill. The only thing we really lack is 50 man robot zergs. But maybe we just aren’t that professional when it comes to WvW because we aren’t getting scholarships or a living wage for playing it.

I plan on it, but unfortunately i don’t get massive amounts of gold because i don’t lay siege and zerg all day. I’ve been here 2 weeks,(the winning weeks of FA) but also the worst weeks spent in wvw for me personally. Yes this is me complaining, I’ve asked the community to try and play better a week ago, and addressed the issues i felt were our weakness, i never said we suck, i said we could learn new strats and play better with better siege placements (or just more of it) and you guys explode on me for trying to point out the flaws/weakness in this server?

Will you help me move?

Feb 8: FA/Mag/DB

in WvW

Posted by: Ninein.4782


In WvW, everyone has 0 allies and 2 enemies.

You are always, by design, being double teamed.

Like I said double team happens. But DB’s whole strategy revolves around it to compensate for something.


Feb 8: FA/Mag/DB

in WvW

Posted by: Eviator.9746


For what it’s worth I’ve spent several hours in WvWvW this week on DB and have not once seen anyone say in chat “don’t kill X defenders/invaders so we can take down Y.” I think the current scores accurately reflect the number of players in each world, not any kind of cross world coordination.

Sheldor the Eidetic (Group Engi) | Shorty McShinkicker (Solo Engi) |Turanga (Solo Mes)
Doing what I can for DB during EU primetime

Feb 8: FA/Mag/DB

in WvW

Posted by: Loken.9724


Lets talk about this tag teaming for a second.

I can assure you 100% FA does NOT tag team opponents.

There are for sure guilds in FA that suggest it to me. I never agree with them. I kill everything in my path I don’t care what server it is to be honest. I just want a good fight thats it.

So enough of the crying about double teaming please guys.

AON. Love you guys. I forgot how fun it was to fight you. RET and AON met a couple times in EB today. Lots of fun. Keep and frustrating the hell out of the people of FA and MAG alike.

Alaric the Sic level 3 guard
Founder of [SIC] and Commander.

Feb 8: FA/Mag/DB

in WvW

Posted by: Quenta.2978


In WvW, everyone has 0 allies and 2 enemies.

You are always, by design, being double teamed.

Like I said double team happens. But DB’s whole strategy revolves around it to compensate for something.

I wouldn’t say that what DB does is any different than what any other server does. It certainly is not Machaveillian. It’s just DB solidifying their position in a logical manner.

If DB truly desired to win the match up, they would wisely court themselves to Maguumas WvW guilds to team up on FA. Now that would be cunning and interesting.

Feb 8: FA/Mag/DB

in WvW

Posted by: Ninein.4782


In WvW, everyone has 0 allies and 2 enemies.

You are always, by design, being double teamed.

Like I said double team happens. But DB’s whole strategy revolves around it to compensate for something.

I wouldn’t say that what DB does is any different than what any other server does. It certainly is not Machaveillian. It’s just DB solidifying their position in a logical manner.

If DB truly desired to win the match up, they would wisely court themselves to Maguumas WvW guilds to team up on FA. Now that would be cunning and interesting.

DB is kitten about losing to Mag in the past. They’re resorting to weak tactics to not lose to Mag.


Feb 8: FA/Mag/DB

in WvW

Posted by: Shadowscamp.8065


In WvW, everyone has 0 allies and 2 enemies.

You are always, by design, being double teamed.

Like I said double team happens. But DB’s whole strategy revolves around it to compensate for something.

I wouldn’t say that what DB does is any different than what any other server does. It certainly is not Machaveillian. It’s just DB solidifying their position in a logical manner.

If DB truly desired to win the match up, they would wisely court themselves to Maguumas WvW guilds to team up on FA. Now that would be cunning and interesting.

DB is kitten about losing to Mag in the past. They’re resorting to weak tactics to not lose to Mag.

We like the East Keep. That’s about it.

Qoo ~

Quaggan may or may not like you ~

Feb 8: FA/Mag/DB

in WvW

Posted by: kfarb.6732


DB is playing smart by attacking Maguuma BL when we’re already busy on the western side. It’s opportunistic.

Maguuma – considered by many to be the best

Feb 8: FA/Mag/DB

in WvW

Posted by: Evalana.5480


Maggie – Why are you complaining about DB and FA double teaming you? Someone from DB proposed that we team up and double team FA, but you turned it down. If I remember correctly, the post is on tab 2. It’s okay though, I assure you that is not what is happening. You should see our BL’s right now – FA zerg poopy everywhere! =)

Indecisive Eva – Maguuma – [GS] Gun Squad
Looking for Guards, Warriors, & Mesmers!
Apply today at: http://tinyurl.com/gunsquad

Feb 8: FA/Mag/DB

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyrus.9680



If you’re looking for a competitive Maguuma, I think you saw it when we led reset night with our 2 full queues but I doubt you’ll see it again for the rest of the week.

FA is more competetant and fun to fight than Kaineng IMO. DB of course is always a good fight when we’re not both overshadowed by some other larger server.

There’s just not much motivation to invest time or money in WvW when it’s all guaranteed to disappear overnight. We’re only here from the collateral damage of Mag 2.0 and I think everyone remaining will be glad to be back in T4 next week.

Zefyres – Ele | Maguuma | (ex) top100 solo/teamQ casual | Youtube

(edited by Zephyrus.9680)

Feb 8: FA/Mag/DB

in WvW

Posted by: Monkish Delights.2591

Monkish Delights.2591

Despair Maguuma and Dragonbrand for their is no hope for you now.
Also shame on you maguuma we leave you alone for a little in EB to fight DB and how do you repay us? by taking smc with our backs turned!!!!!!, o well you learned right quick you did when we turned our golem army upon you and you felt our fury.

Spirit of Faith [HOPE]: proudly serving pain to scrubs

(edited by Monkish Delights.2591)

Feb 8: FA/Mag/DB

in WvW

Posted by: IRSyKo.5843


Bones makes a good point though.

All these FA chest-thumpers make me sick.

I guarantee they were the first people to head back to the fractals and dark PvE holes when we were in T2 getting our kitten pushed in

Through discipline, we prevail.
Fort Aspenwood

Feb 8: FA/Mag/DB

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


Lets talk about this tag teaming for a second.

I can assure you 100% FA does NOT tag team opponents.

There are for sure guilds in FA that suggest it to me. I never agree with them. I kill everything in my path I don’t care what server it is to be honest. I just want a good fight thats it.

So enough of the crying about double teaming please guys.

AON. Love you guys. I forgot how fun it was to fight you. RET and AON met a couple times in EB today. Lots of fun. Keep and frustrating the hell out of the people of FA and MAG alike.

I’m pretty sure the complaint is more towards DB than FA. FA has a presence in every borderland. DB can’t say the same.

Feb 8: FA/Mag/DB

in WvW

Posted by: Loken.9724


Bones makes a good point though.

All these FA chest-thumpers make me sick.

I guarantee they were the first people to head back to the fractals and dark PvE holes when we were in T2 getting our kitten pushed in

Where is the ‘Like’ button on gw2 forums?

Alaric the Sic level 3 guard
Founder of [SIC] and Commander.

Feb 8: FA/Mag/DB

in WvW

Posted by: Nozzie.2067


Despair Maguuma and Dragonbrand for their is no hope for you now.
Also shame on you maguuma we leave you alone for a little in EB to fight DB and how do you repay us? by taking smc with our backs turned!!!!!!, o well you learned right quick you did when we turned our golem army upon you and you felt our furry.

Maguuma felt your furry…? Your furry what? No, I don’t want to know. What you & Mag get up to in the privacy of your own battleground is your business but I don’t think you should be advertising it on these forums. You can call me a prude but I just don’t think it’s appropriate.

Feb 8: FA/Mag/DB

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


Squirrels are pretty hot.

Feb 8: FA/Mag/DB

in WvW

Posted by: kfarb.6732


Maguuma is the unofficial furry server. My fursona is a dolyak.

Maguuma – considered by many to be the best

Feb 8: FA/Mag/DB

in WvW

Posted by: Monkish Delights.2591

Monkish Delights.2591

my bad didn’t notice that until you pointed it out, and in my defense I’ve been drinking, gotta love spell check xD

Spirit of Faith [HOPE]: proudly serving pain to scrubs

Feb 8: FA/Mag/DB

in WvW

Posted by: crystalpink.2487


Eh, furry server? lol
I want to be in one please, especially the one that’s full of bunnies and kitties~

Euphemia Hime (Elementalist), Pinky Pearl (Mesmer), Avicenia (Ranger), Vanille Morgana (Necromancer)
Chibi Asura San (Engineer), Hikaru Masai (Guardian), Selene Minerva (Revenant)
Guild: The Bunnies [Bun] ~ Server: Jade Quarry