Devona’s Rest
Ferguson's Crossing / Kaineng / Devona (7-12)
Devona’s Rest
Our tier must smell funny. No one stays anymore. I shower, I promise.
a guardian from k[Ai]neng
Our tier must smell funny. No one stays anymore. I shower, I promise.
Anyone who has been down wind of him knows this is a blatant lie. I have seen people abandon trebs at 9/10th complete to escape his odoriferous emanations.
Edit to stay on topic. Golanta was under attack yesterday.
Yak’s Bend.
Does it go something like this?
1. Join high pop server and recruit like crazy
2. Transfer large guild to the least populated tier
3. ???
4. Win?? We transfered from a high pop server after recruiting like crazy??
Can you inform me when and where that happened as you seem to have all these socalled “facts”. What i remember was a dead server so a guild concurance to move…the guild leader didnt research, just literally picked the last ranked server in the game.
Oh, and please check my post AGAIN about PRO’s numbers. Dunno why everyone keeps getting stuck on the 300+ part and not what’s actually in Wv3. But hey, some might have a reading disorder so I wont bother them.
PS: I touched maself and it burns…..
Tis true on PRO’s numbers. They only had like 28 or so people on and bout 15-20 were in wvw so the PRO’s got numbers thing is a false statement
Finally some solid evidence that we are not lying about our numbers.. We dont zerg, we just work really well together heh.
Not to mention we all carry siege haha.
[PRO] Commander
12 days with no internet is like being in a coma for 30 years in the virtual world…. A lot has changed.
[KAIN] Centurion
“I play female characters, so what?”
Our tier must smell funny. No one stays anymore. I shower, I promise.
Anyone who has been down wind of him knows this is a blatant lie. I have seen people abandon trebs at 9/10th complete to escape his odoriferous emanations.
Edit to stay on topic. Golanta was under attack yesterday.
I admit, last night’s Pangloss camping over rode the ethereal scent of my diamond infused soap. I was too busy blocking entire armies with my grimy guardian face. The blood and torn flesh of my enemies festered in the crevices of my armor. To me it smells of glory, though to others I guess it smells of abandonment.
a guardian from k[Ai]neng
Our tier must smell funny. No one stays anymore. I shower, I promise.
Heh its not about the smell =P
But Kaineg, Ferg, Eredeon Terrace, Henge of Denravi and Sorrow’s Furnace all seem to be pretty low pop servers. It really does become UNfun to either not have even numbers or to not have coverage on servers.
If ANET doesnt sell at least 200k copies on Christmas then they should really think about merging some of the low pop servers.
DR was so bad at one point that one of our members had to transfer servers to finish a legendary he wanted to make because we couldnt field enough at the same time to open the temples in ORR…
[PRO] Commander
@Shaka: Might want to consider installing scented oil pouches in your armor to cover those unseemly warrior smells (aka armor of comfort from Neverwinter Nights ).
@KwayZee: Think I have seen some of the temples open once in the past 2-3 weeks on Kaineng :P.
Tis true on PRO’s numbers. They only had like 28 or so people on and bout 15-20 were in wvw so the PRO’s got numbers thing is a false statement
Finally some solid evidence that we are not lying about our numbers.. We dont zerg, we just work really well together heh.
Not to mention we all carry siege haha.
If we are being fair and honest, I will say that I can’t recall being in a zerg of Pro. Although I wouldn’t be surprised if I found myself in one trying to scramble to defend our BL
I normally see / interact with Pro in our Southern BL. There is almost always a small pocket of them on border patrol. I have run countless supply to the west tower in BL’s and I am almost always running with one or two pro. Come to think of it. I almost always see a few pro at the southern end of any BL. Members are usually part of a minority who will stay behind to help finish a door, build a cart, or to help run.
In the name of fairness I will admit that perhaps Pro has a tendency to over represent themselves on the forms, and I could see how some of that representation could annoy the living daylights out of anyone warring against them. But There are members of this guild who simply show up and help. That’s Huge and it’s exactly what we need more of. Even our competition mocks us for being a mindless zerg of blathering fools. Know this, when they are mocking the server, me, my friends, Pro, or anyone else. they are specifically NOT talking about the members of Pro I am speaking about now. intentionally full circle. To be honest, I’m not much of a chest thumper and I tend to not agree with anyone who does it, be it DR or another server. But if I have to choose between some tongue and cheek humor from a member of PRO or some halfwit tropemonkey e-thugging an artificial rep spitting out mindless quips … I’m unfortunately going to have to pick the former.
I would also like to take this time to give a little props to RED as well. I am seeing a lot of the same thing coming out of RED the last few weeks. plenty of people down South, and keeping the BL somewhat peaceful.
Pretty soon peeps, we will be trying to keep that border clear of two servers with potentially more WvW numbers than we have now. I am happy to be called on and hope to be with you kicking the unwanted out of my zip code.
Yak’s Bend.
Well.. I enjoy the low pop server. It’s hell on PvE, for the lack of DE’s and enough players to accomplish the good stuff, but even a sot player like me can make a difference on a low pop WvW server.
Well.. I enjoy the low pop server. It’s hell on PvE, for the lack of DE’s and enough players to accomplish the good stuff, but even a sot player like me can make a difference on a low pop WvW server.(I tend to aggro a lot and give my heavies an extra second or two for free attacks. It’s a job.)
If I beat you, you might want to consider changing games.
The PvE side can be annoying. But I don’t think I’d change our W3 for much. I like the core we have, I just want to attract more dedicated fighters instead of these wishy-washy map chat warriors that can’t take direction and leave after 1 week because no one wanted to beat their heads against Stonemist with them when we owned nothing else.
Perhaps it’s a problem of perspective. For Kain, 20 people IS a huge zerg to us. It’s typically the biggest group we can personally muster to one location barring a few above average turnouts during prime time. We know when we see one DR, you better turn around and run if you’re only with 2 or 3 others, because 15 more are about to bowl you over. The hydra-head on steroids server, we kill one and 15 more show up. That’s not a bad thing either, I’m not critiquing, that’s how it’s supposed to be. I think we just have a very narrowed idea of a zerg since the last time we fought anyone who outnumbered us that bad, you were down there with us and it was NS or BP. We’ve forgotten slightly what a billion invaders at every location actually looks like.
a guardian from k[Ai]neng
…………………………..Mid Solo K THX
Oh, I never remember battles. I’m invariably mapping to our one remaining waypoint because I was just killed again.
I actually see larger friendly zergs in PvE, because we’ve got the Pact NPCs as well.
At least no culling issues for us, eh? I get to see every one of the 50+ bad guys before I get stomped.
If I beat you, you might want to consider changing games.
(edited by Jeremy Winston.2165)
Just an FYI to where I am at least… due to differing views with my guild leader, I have quit [KAIN] near reset to return to my original guild, [BBT]. Internal politics with [KAIN] may be causing some issues with them right now. Maybe the other guilds too.
I, however, will continue to WvW and remain on Kaineng until the end. That’s why I came here from Darkhaven, after all. In all my time on Kaineng, I have learned that it’s not for the weak. You either can make the cut in Kaineng, or you can’t. You can either survive the map chat criticism or you can’t.
It’s kind of like a place where we don’t accept outsiders easily. You don’t feel at home unless you fit in. But when you do, you don’t feel at home ANYWHERE but Kaineng.
Before 7 day transfers I went to Ferg for a day to do map completion. It was a fine server, they had numbers, and I even turned on my commander symbol and took EB(When they were green). It wasn’t my type of community, however. It didn’t have that comforting bitterness or in-fighting or squabbling or enemy trash-talking that you come to love for some reason. It’s hard to explain.
When you love Kaineng, you understand you play less for the individual achievement out there, and more for the whole. You play to make achievements for Kaineng, the server, not just yourself.
And on Kaineng, the best way to gain recognition on a server like this, I found, is not to brag about the past, because Kaineng doesn’t live in the past. We live in the present. Lead by example, and recognition will follow. That’s why I find so many people don’t succeed on Kaineng and end up leaving, because they speak out before they finish their achievements(even though they may be well meant). Kaineng never took well to bragging unless it’s their own achievements, and even then it was split unless it was well earned and truly deserved to be bragged. Even I’ve exploded a few times due to hecklers, but you must have a spine of steel to survive on this server’s WvW for any extended time.
Kaineng. It’s more than just a server. It’s a way of WvW life. And we will prevail, because until you make the score 500k to 10k, you didn’t break the true spirit of Kaineng.
Darxio – Thief Commander
Best of luck to you guys! (NoQQ & LARP). You’ll be missed as both competitors and friends.
Wispy Woods – 80 Sylvari Mesmer
Envyous [Envy] – Ferguson’s Crossing
@Darxio: I’m not sure an advertisement like that is going to attract new people. It actually sounds unfriendly and intimidating… >_>;
I think he meant it as a challenge. Personally, I don’t find the map chat all that bad. Maybe I’m just on at the wrong times.
It feels small and kinda personal. Like a small town. That’s the choice ya gotta make for your server. You want New York City or some small town in the backwoods of Oregon?
If I beat you, you might want to consider changing games.
Indeed, Darxio’s advertisement certainly sounded daunting. Map chat in my experience is often very friendly. Darxio may be speaking out of experience from wearing the commander tag (commander directed comments that most of us might not see). Either way, Kaineng is often very friendly in chat.
Ah yea, we’re a bit rough around the edges. I’m trying to bring a friendlier voice to the forum to counter that as it seems needed. But Darxio is right, we really don’t want people with no spines and big heads. You’d think we’re not really in the position to be picky, but we don’t need people transferring and wasting everyone’s time because Kain wasn’t the server for them in the end. We want committed people who know who we are.
a guardian from k[Ai]neng
@Darxio: I’m not sure an advertisement like that is going to attract new people. It actually sounds unfriendly and intimidating… >_>;
To be fair, a lot of Kaineng is fairly unfriendly to people initially. XD We’ve had a lot of problems with spies and the like, so a lot of people have become suspicious of new faces that show up. In all honesty though, there’s just too much of a “Casual WvW” presence in Kaineng for us to ever go anywhere. :p
I imagine Kaineng will remain one of the bottom tier Servers until other servers lose their WvW populations.(Which is what looks to have happened with several that are plummeting through the ranks.) Now don’t get me wrong, if you prove yourself then Kaineng Players will shower you with affection…but it isn’t a place where you go to with the hopes of riding your reputation to glory. You have to be the one to make yourself known.
But…..but I like being a casual WvWer! :P
Spies? Who the hell would spy on us?
If I beat you, you might want to consider changing games.
Does it go something like this?
1. Join high pop server and recruit like crazy
2. Transfer large guild to the least populated tier
3. ???
4. Win?? We transfered from a high pop server after recruiting like crazy??
Can you inform me when and where that happened as you seem to have all these socalled “facts”. What i remember was a dead server so a guild concurance to move…the guild leader didnt research, just literally picked the last ranked server in the game.
Oh, and please check my post AGAIN about PRO’s numbers. Dunno why everyone keeps getting stuck on the 300+ part and not what’s actually in Wv3. But hey, some might have a reading disorder so I wont bother them.
PS: I touched maself and it burns…..
because your loud, annoying, really visible in game, and usually part of disorganized zergs that are easy to wipe… when we have the numbers to fight and not just 2 people.
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions
Spies? Who the hell would spy on us?
Certainly not me.
Leader of the 3 man Pop Up Pirates(POMF)
Pretty OK Elementalist
Spies? Who the hell would spy on us?
Certainly not me.
Perhaps a better question would be WHY would anyone spy on us?
If I beat you, you might want to consider changing games.
Can you just return to [KAIN]? I hate in-game drama/politics but I guess that’s the price you pay for playing with real people. Forgive and forget that sort of thing.
[KAIN] Centurion
“I play female characters, so what?”
Not sure who was talking to you about transfering and joining PRO, wasnt me. I’ve talked to 2 guild leaders on both Ferg/Kain and we discussed them transfering to DR and/or joining PRO…neither was you or your guild. So dunno who was talking to you and please refrain from stating a “guild” want’s you when you’re talking to someone from a guild. Short of Phiz, the guild leader, talking to you about it, everyone else is a one v one conversation, not a guild v one. Understand?I understand and it makes me abit disappointed. I thought PRO ran a tight organisation, especially since you’re only 8-10, but I guess not.
Anyway with Devona moving up and a dead server moving down we just don’t see the fun in staying in this tier and therefor are moving to EBay. I’d like to especially thank Envy, The Moobs, Chris [NP], TRx, CnB, KAIN, WAR, iSpy, AD, FIST, SoCo, Dark, RED, WP, EDGE and of course PRO for making this tier to what it’s been for us. I know I’m forgetting alot of guilds and individuals, these are just the ones that first comes in mind, so thank you all for the fun times.
Have fun and good luck in the future!
LARP, NoQQ. Was epic fun You’re truly missed.
Our tier must smell funny. No one stays anymore. I shower, I promise.
Heh its not about the smell =P
But Kaineg, Ferg, Eredeon Terrace, Henge of Denravi and Sorrow’s Furnace all seem to be pretty low pop servers. It really does become UNfun to either not have even numbers or to not have coverage on servers.
If ANET doesnt sell at least 200k copies on Christmas then they should really think about merging some of the low pop servers.
DR was so bad at one point that one of our members had to transfer servers to finish a legendary he wanted to make because we couldnt field enough at the same time to open the temples in ORR…
Yeah, honestly? They could prolly cut out the entire bottom tier, lol. I’ve literally never seen a que in Ferg since the days of Sanc/Omni. Months ago.
This was a depressing read today… i see all the haters are out in force again… instead of talking about great battles and goodtimes… all i see is poor sportsmanship… i do recognize a few tongue & cheek sarcastic comments that gave me a chuckle… but for the most part… its just spite inspired bickering.
i understand being defencive and wanting to stand behind your server… but at this point… i hope Moderater closes this Thread again.
Im likely the person that gives [PRO] its “Cant play” reputation… i die often… but i am respectful of my opponents… im greatful for every lesson they teach me… i ran into a group last night i believe are called [POX] 3-4 Asuran Mezmers (hard to tell number, they mulitplied so fast)… chased them for 2 hrs searching the map looking for them over & over… they defeated me just about everytime… but i learned from every loss… & i had the most fun ive had in last 2 weeks.. its a Game everyone… Just Pixals & Math
to my Opponents that ive had the great fortune to befriend… to chat with… ask Gameplay advice… or discuss ppl hacking and keeping the Game Honest… you have my gratitude and respect…
p.s. Magaera Enflanza… you are one tough D/D Ele… saw you running solo yesterday… much respect
Pixels" lets hope your “math” is better than your spelling. LARP can tutor as well, for a fee.
i wood lik two thinc [LARP] Skool of Edumacation foor the exkelant Tudor… inn just 20+4 hrs… i haz improvd mi spelln… ty Aeneasx
[PRO] World Defender
In my eng’s travels to various places on Kaineng, I’ve found good people to help with DE’s in the way, take out mobs, or just revive my eng in a much high lvl area (where 2 hits give you the Screen of Death). Good people…just need em to do WvW….LOL. ( I get that some aren’t interested.)
Tarnished Coast Server (formerly of Kaineng)
I’d like to especially thank Envy, The Moobs, Chris [NP], TRx, CnB, KAIN, WAR, iSpy, AD, FIST, SoCo, Dark, RED, WP, EDGE and of course PRO for making this tier to what it’s been for us. I know I’m forgetting alot of guilds and individuals, these are just the ones that first comes in mind, so thank you all for the fun times.
Have fun and good luck in the future!
Awe, we got left out
It’s k… they forgot GASM too.
Dem Feels Breh
Leader of [GASM] #ELEtism
(Retired) Commander [2500+ tPvP Matches Won]
This was a depressing read today… i see all the haters are out in force again… instead of talking about great battles and goodtimes… all i see is poor sportsmanship… i do recognize a few tongue & cheek sarcastic comments that gave me a chuckle… but for the most part… its just spite inspired bickering.
i understand being defencive and wanting to stand behind your server… but at this point… i hope Moderater closes this Thread again.
Im likely the person that gives [PRO] its “Cant play” reputation… i die often… but i am respectful of my opponents… im greatful for every lesson they teach me… i ran into a group last night i believe are called [POX] 3-4 Asuran Mezmers (hard to tell number, they mulitplied so fast)… chased them for 2 hrs searching the map looking for them over & over… they defeated me just about everytime… but i learned from every loss… & i had the most fun ive had in last 2 weeks.. its a Game everyone… Just Pixals & Math
to my Opponents that ive had the great fortune to befriend… to chat with… ask Gameplay advice… or discuss ppl hacking and keeping the Game Honest… you have my gratitude and respect…
p.s. Magaera Enflanza… you are one tough D/D Ele… saw you running solo yesterday… much respect
Pixels" lets hope your “math” is better than your spelling. LARP can tutor as well, for a fee.
i wood lik two thinc [LARP] Skool of Edumacation foor the exkelant Tudor… inn just 20+4 hrs… i haz improvd mi spelln… ty Aeneasx
“Aeneasx’s school for kids who can’t read good and want to learn how to do other stuff good too”
Cmon Kain let’s get serious here. It does you no justice at all to call your SoS buddies for a couple of hours, so they can zerg the whole map, then leave? Why do you think we had the hots for you in the first place? Because of them. . . You can’t stand up on your own yet, and so you make things worse by calling them?
Fergs are doing a great job holding their BL, can’t seem to crack them just yet.
DR wants to move up a tier, to give you guys a break pretty much, to even out the playing field.
We dont call them, they come when they want.
Also DR doesnt seem to want to move up a tier. Until you start controlling ferg you arnt going to move up till someone simply drops down.
Oh look you are only gaining 4 points:
And kaineng is losing nothing.
If you want to move up, you actually have to attack ferg. You like dropping your zergs in kains BL every night at 3am instead of Fergies BL at 3am, where we fight you for 2 hours then most of your guys log off too. Thus your score isnt going up.
You keep saying you want to go up, but right now you arent acting like it, and actions speak far louder than words.
Apathy Inc [Ai]
Cmon Kain let’s get serious here. It does you no justice at all to call your SoS buddies for a couple of hours, so they can zerg the whole map, then leave? Why do you think we had the hots for you in the first place? Because of them. . . You can’t stand up on your own yet, and so you make things worse by calling them?
Fergs are doing a great job holding their BL, can’t seem to crack them just yet.
DR wants to move up a tier, to give you guys a break pretty much, to even out the playing field.
Last I checked SoS was part of the server, so it is “on their own”. I’m pretty sure they WvW whenever they feel like it, and leave on the same accord.
And like the guy above me says you aren’t moving up till someone moves down. I don’t agree that it has anything to do with who you attack though. The ratings in this tier from #1 to #2 are already so far apart it would take like a 400k to 80k blowout to gain you significant ratings at this point.
Not sure who was talking to you about transfering and joining PRO, wasnt me. I’ve talked to 2 guild leaders on both Ferg/Kain and we discussed them transfering to DR and/or joining PRO…neither was you or your guild. So dunno who was talking to you and please refrain from stating a “guild” want’s you when you’re talking to someone from a guild. Short of Phiz, the guild leader, talking to you about it, everyone else is a one v one conversation, not a guild v one. Understand?I understand and it makes me abit disappointed. I thought PRO ran a tight organisation, especially since you’re only 8-10, but I guess not.
Anyway with Devona moving up and a dead server moving down we just don’t see the fun in staying in this tier and therefor are moving to EBay. I’d like to especially thank Envy, The Moobs, Chris [NP], TRx, CnB, KAIN, WAR, iSpy, AD, FIST, SoCo, Dark, RED, WP, EDGE and of course PRO for making this tier to what it’s been for us. I know I’m forgetting alot of guilds and individuals, these are just the ones that first comes in mind, so thank you all for the fun times.
Have fun and good luck in the future!
Ho, what, EDGE got a mention? That’s a pleasing surprise actually. And here I thought we went unnoticed! Good luck in EBay, best wishes to you!
Leader of Nameless Accord [NA]
You gotta blow up second place on the tier 8 ladder to move up, Devona. You can’t just pick on the last place guy to move up. That’s how a rating system works.
And don’t think you can just do it when you want, either. You keep letting Ferg reinforce their borderlands when you leave to pick on Kaineng, making it harder for you each time you want to go there.
Looks like we’re keeping you another week at this rate unless you utterly destroy Ferg. And I’ll bet an Abyss Dye that’s not happening.
Darxio – Thief Commander
What’s with all the people Alt+F4ing….
Heavens Rage
They are getting their kicks in before the patch.
Apathy Inc [Ai]
You gotta blow up second place on the tier 8 ladder to move up, Devona. You can’t just pick on the last place guy to move up. That’s how a rating system works.
And don’t think you can just do it when you want, either. You keep letting Ferg reinforce their borderlands when you leave to pick on Kaineng, making it harder for you each time you want to go there.
Looks like we’re keeping you another week at this rate unless you utterly destroy Ferg. And I’ll bet an Abyss Dye that’s not happening.
Just watch and enjoy :P
To the Ferg fighting the 2 DR at your spawn earlier, me and my guildmate were after them not you. Was I supposed to /bow first?
Tarnished Coast Server (formerly of Kaineng)
@ WrathOfGod.4695
As Draygo.9473 said, we come and go whenever we like, as this is just part of our SoS "Guild Event"
True, we do answer calls occasionally, but most of the time I’ll just reply them, "Sorry, we are having a guild event." This applies even in my guild when there are people told me that "EB is under attack, our keep is lost", etc. I just told them, "I don’t care, we have a guild event going, I didn’t force you to join the guild event, then you shouldn’t ask me to come to WvW."
Simple as that.
I know a lot of people really want us to go in WvW, but unless I really see promising WvW future, WvW will always just be another karma train for me.
By tossing server pride away, only then you’d find true joy in roaming in a mad mob.
Here’s last night’s battle log
I haven’t had this much fun last night when I trample over entire drbl, PvD with little to no resistant, and then we move to EB, start reclaiming everything north, and attempt to cap SM while you guys ate fighting hard to defend. Of course, while the train took a short stall at SM, you guys re took part of Dr back, so, with SM two walls down, north gate slammed open, figured that you guys will take awhile to fix all, we decided to march back. Hey, after all, SM=35ppint, 3DR keep=75ppints, I think anyone in the right mind would pick latter choice over SM. So, we headed back, wipe every in under 15min, and we return to EB once more, then we just jog around the map, finding any supply camp to cap just for those easy points, or those unupgraded towers that you have up in fergs.
Of course, we paid that giant worm a nice visit, SoS style. In meanwhile, we just drive around, ambushing groups that are trying to recap, at the end, we are pretty much just farming for badges, and we laughs when we found an innocent group that found us in surprise around the corner.
Kudos to Junkhaus.4301 from the WP guild, as you were the attention of our serf last night, everyone just love chasing the black dots that were left behind your trail, like a bunch of kids chasing after that kid who had a lot of candy in his hand. You brought the most joy for last night’s event, really.Behalf of the entire SoS guilds, I thank thee.
You see, this is how WvW should be, not stressfully forcing yourself to cap and defend, as I said in the end, we didn’t bother defending, except just roam around the map for fun.
Why so serious guys?
Chaster the Scarred – Leader of [SoS] Guilds
Server: Kaineng | Recruitment Status: Open
Hi, we’re gonna take ferg BL. Maybe not tonight, but soon. James needs a few vistas there for map completion for his legendary. We’ve also made renovation plans on Askalion Hills. Once we have control over Hills we shall begin construction on a “death-star” provided we escort a few yaks through the gate.
In order for our plans to come to fruition, however, we must fill the queues to max. There must be enough devonites on the map so that our countless dead may serve as a footramp over the mighty fortified bastions of Fergtropolis (and another fleshy footramp for the inner walls, too.) Only then shall we achieve map complet… er I mean wvw victory.
My inspiration for this grand nefarious scheme comes from a conversation I had today with a stubborn asuran mesmer from Envy. You said something like, “You will have map completion over my dead body!” No, my friend… it will be over OUR dead bodies… Fear my tactical genius!
mehehehehehe >:D
I like this guy already
Chaster the Scarred – Leader of [SoS] Guilds
Server: Kaineng | Recruitment Status: Open
It seems to me that most of Kain’s fight is towards Devs rather than taking out Fergs who could be set to beat us this week. Kudos to Chaster and the other SoS for the zerg last night. If we had a few more popular commanders to lead us around (often there’s none on any of the maps) then Kaineng could really do some damage.
See, change of perspective change a lot of things
Instead of ...
"Urgh, Dr again? Leave already."
Why not ...
"Ahaha, pethtic DR, they claim they are so better organized, they even ’play WvW based on careful calculations’ and are manipulating results to get them out of bracket, yet they were expecting to leave this tier last week, fail to do so. And now they are certain that they will definetly leave this week, let’s see that this does not happen, and this will be the greatest humiliation."
At lesast the latter is my point of view - screwing up opponent’s carefully planned plan is alway much more fun than trying to accomplish own goals >:D
Chaster the Scarred – Leader of [SoS] Guilds
Server: Kaineng | Recruitment Status: Open
I like this guy already
because your loud, annoying, really visible in game, and usually part of disorganized zergs that are easy to wipe.
Well now mate, you just proved yourself to be quite the uniformed one. As anyone who knows me…you will almost NEVER see me in a zerg. I tend to migrate back to upgrades, building siege, checking upgrades at other places while other folks run in zerg groups.
If you gonna open your mouth, please ensure its accurate else you just make yourself look, um…well…lets not post it in forums.
Wish you well in Wv3 and all your gaming exploits! (no pun intended)
Daemon’s Gate [HELL]
Fort Aspenwood
What’s with all the people Alt+F4ing….
Yea, last night seemed like every Ferg I ran across was crashing out. Didnt recognize any of the guild tags so guess they were mostly PvErs running around goofing. Still anoying though. Put in a suggestion so auto drop a loot bag if anyone crashes out though, got idea after talkin with guildees about it last night. (lol)
Daemon’s Gate [HELL]
Fort Aspenwood
Indeed, Darxio’s advertisement certainly sounded daunting. Map chat in my experience is often very friendly. Darxio may be speaking out of experience from wearing the commander tag (commander directed comments that most of us might not see). Either way, Kaineng is often very friendly in chat
The brief moment I spent on Kain was openly hostile!!!! (lol) But i do understand the reason behind it though. Other than that moment, everyone on Kaineng seemed to be pretty darn nice in mapchat and seemed very eager to jump in and do whatever. Might be Commander anxiety? Easy to get that when you have the people to do strats but they’re zergin for the loss instead. Dunno…just sad to hear more friction in KAIN, like several of em maself.
Daemon’s Gate [HELL]
Fort Aspenwood