Free Xfers to end on the 28th! Chose BG!
Hey Gunzo nice thread BG is lacking NA guilds the most so if you want good action in NA prime BG is for you
Well my friends who are still thinking or have recently moved servers. PRX and other guilds, I’m talking to you kind folks as well. Did last night remind you of HOD days? Having your folks log on right at reset and then dc a lot and get back into that wonderful queue?
Not a lot of fun on JQ and SOS. Some of those queues were hours? That is not going to change the rest of the weekend. The 28th is coming up in a few days.
I encourage all guilds thinking of making a change, look at BG. There’s a great thread with another guild asking about BG. Read it and we on BG hope you make the choice to come over to us.
We do have queues on reset night, but unlike the good folks over on JQ and SOS, the queues free up for the rest of the week. Is it important to fight along side your mates vs. pvqueue? I think you’re saying yes – definitely.
We need good guilds like yours, come help make a difference on BG. Join us.
HB – Blackgate
Not to rain on your parade but blackgate has like 3 recruiting threads on the first page now. It’s getting a little out of hand.
Not to rain on your parade but blackgate has like 3 recruiting threads on the first page now. It’s getting a little out of hand.
They disappear on the 28th...until then...
[why join the reigning champ’s server...come BG...we have fun]
It is just nice to be polite and follow forum rules. There’s a reason why A-Net moderators lock threads which talk about the same subject to consolidate it into one thread.