Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior
French and Spanish servers are International
Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior
We held our own against them last week but last night they seemed to be a bigger zerg than usual When the draw came up again, even the most hardcore of WvW players seemed a little demoralised by the prospect of facing JS and FR again.
But it is what it is, I think a lot of people are planning to spend this week in the PvE world so that we drop down.
WvWvW Player Who Doesn’t Have Much of A Clue
French people in Canada rather pick a French server then a NA sever
French people in Canada rather pick a NA server than a French server.
And this is how it works since years.
French people in Canada have very few reasons to play on a French server.
French server have a different timezone, that’s why they prefer to play on NA server.
So is it fair that a European server has to play against two international servers?
European server speak English and English is international, isn’t it ?
So European server are more international.
Just look Desolation and BlackTide, international servers.
French people in Canada rather pick a French server then a NA sever
French people in Canada rather pick a NA server than a French server.
And this is how it works since years.
French people in Canada have very few reasons to play on a French server.
French server have a different timezone, that’s why they prefer to play on NA server.So is it fair that a European server has to play against two international servers?
European server speak English and English is international, isn’t it ?
So European server are more international.
Just look Desolation and BlackTide, international servers.
Yes, and as soonest u get international players FR players will call for justice and forum will be flooded exactly like is it happeing for 2 weeks in T1 forums
(edited by KiNgPiN.2075)
French people in Canada rather pick a French server then a NA sever
French people in Canada rather pick a NA server than a French server.
And this is how it works since years.
French people in Canada have very few reasons to play on a French server.
French server have a different timezone, that’s why they prefer to play on NA server.
So if you would live in Canada, you speak French, you’ll still go for a NA server? I won’t, if there were servers for my native language, I would certainly play on one of them.
So is it fair that a European server has to play against two international servers?
European server speak English and English is international, isn’t it ?
So European server are more international.
Just look Desolation and BlackTide, international servers.
Desolation & Blacktide are not the only two EU servers out there, and EU servers are meant for Europeans, and French servers are meant for French speaking people, and not all of them live in France
Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior
Even if they played on EU servers, which they don’t..
8M people living in Quebec. Now get the numbers of english speaking and spanish speaking communities in the americas.
French Canadian massive force on French serv is a joke..
Vs have almost no FC since the launch, the only remarkable thing is “CaSu”… 1 guy creat a guild in the goal to troll FS and say on a random internet site “VS – CaSu – 500 French canadian – Hebrew speak”… unfortunately lot of ppl, like Ruins, think the french canadian speaking hebrew is a reality…
AS have like VS only few canadian, pending 1 week we have the support of the FC guild Armata ( 30ppl ), but they back in us serv.
Jade Quarry
So if you would live in Canada, you speak French, you’ll still go for a NA server? I won’t, if there were servers for my native language, I would certainly play on one of them.
It’s not just about the language I think, culturally speaking, they are closer to USA than to France And, they also probably want to play with their (> 70%) English speaking Canadian friends
As a matter of fact, the biggest French speaking Canadian community plays on Northern Shiverpeaks :
We’ve asked some guilds about moving to EU, but they didn’t seem interested
French speaking people, and not all of them live in France
Well, we’ve already rulled out the ours friends from Quebec since they play on NA servers. Without them, 99% of French speaking people are on GMT or GMT+1 (Belgium, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, etc ..)
The only hope for [FR] servers to compete is if they remove the [FR] tag or put in place some limitation but that’s really unlikely
(edited by Gwal.2813)
We held our own against them last week but last night they seemed to be a bigger zerg than usual
When the draw came up again, even the most hardcore of WvW players seemed a little demoralised by the prospect of facing JS and FR again.
But it is what it is, I think a lot of people are planning to spend this week in the PvE world so that we drop down.
I agree… I will play pve this week and next week on the new content arriving. It can get disheartening when we were winning and both French servers joined forces to stomp us (they cant will a fair fight WVWVW it seems) I know Arenanet are ok with 2 servers joining forces but can you see 2 mainly english servers joining up? I think not.
That said it amazes me how many french do WVWVW… were always outnumbered (even when we were against 1 server at a time) in a fair fight ie relatively same numbers zergs ect we were better than them… they only beat us with numbers and not skill… then when we were winning they decided to team up with each other and increase there numbers even more :p
It may seem like sour grapes from me… but I love a fair fight… not this “We have more players online than you therefore we can beat you”.
Because French servers only account for 18.5% of European servers?
That said it amazes me how many french do WVWVW… were always outnumbered (even when we were against 1 server at a time) in a fair fight ie relatively same numbers zergs ect we were better than them… they only beat us with numbers and not skill… then when we were winning they decided to team up with each other and increase there numbers even more :p
Oh, come on! Idk if you’re the only one thinking FR and JS are teaming up or not, but it is a legend!
I’m on FR and I can kitten swear upon anything that we never formally allied, at any moment (quite the opposite, actually). From my experience in WvW, I can even say that we happened to be focused by you and JS, especially on your homemap.
Any kind of 2v1 will happen during a full week of fight, doesn’t mean two servers allied to bring the third one down.
Btw, it’s funny how we (FR) were saying the same thing of you last week, about how we were better than you and how you outnumbered us. :p We even thought (maybe wrongly?) that some NA guilds joined you, because you were much better competitors than two or three weeks ago.
Everyone sees the world his own way.
Fort Ranik [FR]
Everyone sees the world his own way.
Seems like you and your server are reliant on that statement. It would be nice if Anet could shed some light on what’s being discussed here.
Are there many NA players on the FR servers in the EU?
Do players from other severs join opposing servers and take up room and leak information?
Does it seem from the data they have that 2 servers avoid confrontation while concentraiting on another?
Would be nice to know… Because given the childish and flippent responses I woulden’t put it past them to straght up lie. But to be honest I coulden’t care less, stay in teir 4 if you can, because I’m sick to death of playing the same boring game against Fort Ranik.
If you can muster a 3am Zerg do better…[/quote]
FR deffo outnumbers Gandara a lot! I do think since the orbs were taken away that the fights have become a little more interesting when it comes to the scores.
And midweek we were hit both sides at Stonemist castle from JS and FR at the same time which made for an intense time, I certainly ran around not knowing what to do as the wall kept falling and there were no supplies.
I can’t imagine it’s rewarding for a night service to completely take a map with little to no opposition though even if it does result in a win at the end of the week.
WvWvW Player Who Doesn’t Have Much of A Clue
Everyone sees the world his own way.
Seems like you and your server are reliant on that statement. It would be nice if Anet could shed some light on what’s being discussed here.
Are there many NA players on the FR servers in the EU?
Do players from other severs join opposing servers and take up room and leak information?
Does it seem from the data they have that 2 servers avoid confrontation while concentraiting on another?Would be nice to know… Because given the childish and flippent responses I woulden’t put it past them to straght up lie. But to be honest I coulden’t care less, stay in teir 4 if you can, because I’m sick to death of playing the same boring game against Fort Ranik.
If you can muster a 3am Zerg do better…
We all see the world our own way…or…The only world you live in is the one in your mind…perspective is REALITY…like or or not you don’t get to decide how others think, only attempt to influence them and the more you know about yourself the less likely you are to fall under the influence of others…chew that around for a bit.
It isn’t like the world or life is giving you a choice. I could care less what this thread is about what I do care about is people acting responsible for themselves. Take that how you want do with it what you will, when people refuse to think for themselves I have no problem doing it for them lol but i doubt they will like what i decide as much…
fort ranik have maximum 50 players who on the night !
fort ranik have not internanional players .
it s just players french who play the night for win !
Are there many NA players on the FR servers in the EU?
Not on FR (or they’re very silent).
Do players from other severs join opposing servers and take up room and leak information?
Yeah, sure. One transfer/week makes it totally worthwhile. Totally.
(There was irony in that sentence)
Does it seem from the data they have that 2 servers avoid confrontation while concentraiting on another?
Sure, it can happen sometimes on some maps. On every homemap, the basic strategy for the two invaders is to each attack one side of the defending server. But the situation is different on the other maps. There’s no such thing as “two server teaming up totally and keeping avoidnig each other on all maps during 7 days”. That doesn’t happen.
Everyone sees the world his own way.
Seems like you and your server are reliant on that statement.
‘Cause it’s true, that’s all. You seem to firmly believe for whatever reason that we have a bunch of NA players and we team up with other French servers to bring you down. I tell you that’s not the case. Period. (It seems I waste my breath, though, so I’ll stop here)
Fort Ranik [FR]
Are there many NA players on the FR servers in the EU?
Not on FR (or they’re very silent).
How can you know? There are French in NA as well
Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior
How can you know? There are French in NA as well
Sure, but between two incs from other servers, the only thing you can read during night time is “I’m going to bed, too tired”, “We take this camp, then I going to bed”, “So sleepy, but we have to go on”. Nothing like “hey, it’s sunny here. I’m leaving a few minutes to eat my lunch”.
Hence my “or they are very silent”.
Indeed. Let’s analyze it (briefly).
First post “Hey, let’s team up against Gandara”.
Second to fourth post “FR/Js is camping jumping puzzle, kitten idiots”
Fourth and fifth post “Yeah, let’s take Gandara down, they built 11 enhanced golems. Sounds fishy”
Sixth post “T1 = many golems”
Seventh and eighth post “how does mesmer tp work?”
Ninth post “Everybody’s camping jumping puzzle, so shut up”
Tenth post “I’m from Gandara, don’t try to team up (you already do it anyway), it’s unfair”
Eleventh post “Pics or it didn’t happen”
Twelvth post “From what I see, it’s mostly Gandara+FR teaming up agaisnt JS”+"FR sucks anyway"
Thirteenth post “We on FR don’t team up with other servers. Plus Gandara and JS are focusing on our lands on EBG, so you’re one to talk…”
Fourteenth post “Saying servers team up is plain stupid. It never happened”
Fifteenth post “Yeah, we’re the target of Gandara and JS, but we still managed to turn the tables.”
It really does sound like successful negotiations indeed…
Plus there’s no known commander from Fort Ranik in this topic.
Definitely not the best “evidence” you could have found. And, as I was saying, everybody’s saying “the other servers team up against ours”. So please, think before saying we allied just because our server tag is [FR].
Fort Ranik [FR]
U really expect them to say that they are allies? Ofc not, noone will admit that.
And im sry FR and JS, we dont believe that.
U guys plan attacks at same exact time, u act as a whole server from each side. Sure could be coincidence. U even have a time for the attacks.
So lets see just an example that happened yesterday on GB. Ur all servers decide to cap our supply camps, nothing new on that but u zerg it with ur full manpower in each side. What happened next? Both servers attack our main towers wich means alot of us had to spread out to defend our towers when u have full servers in 1 side. ok FR won cause or DE wasnt full upgraded. What happened next? JS quitted taking the tower cause they died and BOTH of u go Garrison, in each gate. U all died and keep coming and coming and coming, u guys didnt want to quit BOTH of u. Weird when 1 stopped the other did too? I say cmon ur all servers wiped at us when we were all divided. U can ally, we see that everyday at a specific time, just dont lie about it. But pls play fair.
Would be obvious for JS to attack FR since they are few points of u but u keep attacking Gandara. At the moment u should be focusing on not letting FR take any points, but maybe im just a noob
Show us that ur good, because if u use other server to win that doesnt prove anything, if u guys are that good show us with tactics pls, not with numbers from both servers.
As for Gandara, the defence at Garrison wich wasnt even upgraded was an awsome job, even i thought for myself its lost, but we kept fighting and won
Never lose the fighting spirit Gandarians!!
Ly Ann at ur service
I play on Gandara, and we have to play against two French servers: Fort Ranik and Jade Sea. Gandara is a European server, and most of its members are European as well. French servers are more international, French people in Canada rather pick a French server then a NA sever, and French is a common language in major parts of Africa and minor parts in South America and Asia. So is it fair that a European server has to play against two international servers?
Just because the French language finds its origins in France, doesn’t mean that only Europeans will play on it.
Same goes for Spanish, it is not only spoken in Spain, it’s the most common language in South America.
Yeah, because English is not widely spoken all around the world…