GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Debois Guilbert.6413

Debois Guilbert.6413

This is the first week I’ve spent any significant time in WvW and, even though we seem to be getting rolled by Kainang, I am still having a great time. I have to admire Kainang’s coordination and rapid response.
I think many of the PvE’ers out there would be interested in how easy it is to finish off the Monthly WvW achievement this week. I finished off mine (first time completion) in a couple of hours. It is very easy to find red players who have no fear of dying. Yeah, I’ve helped plenty of Kainang players finish off their monthly’s too, but have managed to not spend too much on repairs.
I can see why many of the normal GoM WvW crowd is a bit down, but for those looking for badges, kills and loot it is a good week… to die.

Altoholic Luciana Delaluna, Ranger
Phoenix Ascendant [ASH] – Gate of Madness
“This space intentionally left blank.” ~ Zork

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


Anyway, I’ve said what I wanted to say about this off-topic topic and I’m done with this discussion and replying. I truly wish your servers all the best, you all seem a little battle fatigued but are really cool cats considering. Have fun, ok?

Haha, don’t worry. It’s just talking everything to death on forums is totally my favourite hobby.

Gate of Madness

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: NastyPiggy.2046



About the AR vs GoM match up, I think it was more about you guys losing players then us gaining! :P

Sure, the issue was still about transfers. Large transfers throws the tier system off.

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Ragnarok.4586


So I’ve played on GoM since beta, and I can safely say this week in WvW is making me consider quitting GW2 all together. I play this game soley for WvW, and this imbalance is horrible.

All you cats from WM can put on your happy faces, but your tactics tell another story of the kind of people you are. You are sheisty, spawn camping, and honorless players. You’re really only good if you have a thief friend lurking in the shadows to 2 or 3v1.

I really can’t wait til Kaineng leaves this tier. I have had alot of fun with other servers in the past, even Yak’s Bend was more fun than Kaineng. I hope you guys get to Tier 1 and please, please, please… stay there.

I hope all of the guilds that transferred to your server get locked in, and they close server transfers, or at least make them cost money. I’m sure your WvW experience will suck with long queue’s etc. Have fun with that.

Mekanos – Engineer | Alradian – Warrior
[FcTR] on Maguuma

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Leghyker.1530


So here I was watching Seattle vs. Washington on the idiot box. I couldn’t help from noticing that Seattle had over 1300 players on their sideline. I wonder if they transferred in last week?

The position of " transfers happen deal with it" seems to fly in the face sanity.

However, it is the system that is in place. Regrettably we have to deal with it.

We Need Therapy
If everybody is thinking alike, then somebody isn’t thinking!

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: NastyPiggy.2046


Anyway, I’ve said what I wanted to say about this off-topic topic and I’m done with this discussion and replying. I truly wish your servers all the best, you all seem a little battle fatigued but are really cool cats considering. Have fun, ok?

Not really battle fatigued, just tired of the imbalance… non diehard players won’t deal with the imbalance which leads to more imbalance for the diehard players on those low population servers.

The question has to be… is imbalanced WvW good or bad for GW2? Arenanet put in a system to try to matchup servers that were at the same level, large guilds can destroy that balance and do.

I am just going to hate to see another large PvP based game go down the toilet because the developer can’t control the amount of people each side brings into a match like they can with smaller scaled battles.

I’m sure there are valid reasons for large guilds to transfer which is fine, it’s when it continues to happen time after time, that’s when it becomes a real problem to the game.

Could I leave my small server, sure that helps me but it hurts that server I just left. I had hoped GW2 to be my long term PvP MMO but I’m not so sure it’s going to be steady on a regular basis till all the non diehards leave and there’s only 3 servers left with 1 of them being the winner(that people go to) and the other 2 just being there.

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: NastyPiggy.2046


So here I was watching Seattle vs. Washington on the idiot box. I couldn’t help from noticing that Seattle had over 1300 players on their sideline. I wonder if they transferred in last week?

The position of " transfers happen deal with it" seems to fly in the face sanity.

However, it is the system that is in place. Regrettably we have to deal with it.

No… people don’t have to deal with it, hence why non battleground PvP MMOs seem to die or go down to 1 server, people decide not to deal with it and leave.

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: StormWolf.7645


I have no quarrel with HoD or Kaineng for that matter. Just the guilds like WM and SoS. I’m sorry for all you native Kaineng players. I’ll be bitter if I’m still around when some large guild transfers to GoM and gives us queues and tries to steal the glory.


Just a note: SOS -is- a native Kaineng Guild. They’ve been here since Kaineng opened for business. Chaster’s a good guy too who’s kept his Guild here and strong whether WvW was going good or bad. One of the few large Guilds that I doubt will ever move anywhere else.

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Ragnarok.4586


Ah, sorry thought they were a transfer.

Mekanos – Engineer | Alradian – Warrior
[FcTR] on Maguuma

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Ragnarok.4586


So here I was watching Seattle vs. Washington on the idiot box. I couldn’t help from noticing that Seattle had over 1300 players on their sideline. I wonder if they transferred in last week?

The position of " transfers happen deal with it" seems to fly in the face sanity.

However, it is the system that is in place. Regrettably we have to deal with it.

No… people don’t have to deal with it, hence why non battleground PvP MMOs seem to die or go down to 1 server, people decide not to deal with it and leave.

I agree with this. I know alot of people that have already quit due to WvW imbalance and alot of current players that are considering it.

Mekanos – Engineer | Alradian – Warrior
[FcTR] on Maguuma

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: ShadowSoljer.6524


Since this match is an autowin for you, I guess you only have these forum threads to go by about what our server is like. It is too bad your name calling has invalidated much of the value I would put on your respect or opinion.

As if I care what you think of my opinion, if you were in WvW as much as you were in here trying to put down the new Kaineng transfers, you guys might actually have a couple towers…

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: JudgeD.5673


I’ve ran with Chaster and his band before, and I’ll say now what I have told him. I’m very impressed with their performance. When Devona was running us into the ground on a daily basis it seemed, SoS could have left but they didn’t.
On a side note, the guild I belong to (MoT), has lost its founder. He transferred to another server (for legitimate reasons), but we will still try to help out in WvW as a guild whenever possible.

The Robertsons – Julie, Lyana, Adrian, and Lewis
Tarnished Coast Server (formerly of Kaineng)

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


Since this match is an autowin for you, I guess you only have these forum threads to go by about what our server is like. It is too bad your name calling has invalidated much of the value I would put on your respect or opinion.

As if I care what you think of my opinion, if you were in WvW as much as you were in here trying to put down the new Kaineng transfers, you guys might actually have a couple towers…

Okay, so you write posts about Gates of Madness in a thread about Gates of Madness match ups but don’t care what people on Gates of Madness think. Just be respectful.

I do play a lot of WvW! That’s why I like talking about it. We did have a couple towers yesterday while I was on for the evening. So I guess you got me there.

Gate of Madness

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: NastyPiggy.2046


Since this match is an autowin for you, I guess you only have these forum threads to go by about what our server is like. It is too bad your name calling has invalidated much of the value I would put on your respect or opinion.

As if I care what you think of my opinion, if you were in WvW as much as you were in here trying to put down the new Kaineng transfers, you guys might actually have a couple towers…

Wouldn’t it be great if I could play GW2 at work, that would rock!

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: hoschi.8693


All you cats from WM can put on your happy faces, but your tactics tell another story of the kind of people you are. You are sheisty, spawn camping, and honorless players. You’re really only good if you have a thief friend lurking in the shadows to 2 or 3v1.

I really can’t wait til Kaineng leaves this tier. I have had alot of fun with other servers in the past, even Yak’s Bend was more fun than Kaineng. I hope you guys get to Tier 1 and please, please, please… stay there.

I hope all of the guilds that transferred to your server get locked in, and they close server transfers, or at least make them cost money. I’m sure your WvW experience will suck with long queue’s etc. Have fun with that.

So you say they don’t have any honor because they spawn camp you when they can, or because you have to go against larger numbers. Well, hate to break it to you, but this is what happens in other tiers. Be that as it may though, I find it “interesting” that you wish so many bad things on them.

What does it say about your own honor ?

They can’t be on all maps all the time. So go where they are not, if it’s a problem. See how they play and what their style is, read their movements and counteract them. That’s how it works, that what makes this all fun.

It is, after all, a game, a past time we all use to have fun and enjoy ourselves.

Saint of Destruction of the Holy Church of Jedsus Chris of Saturday Feints
Strike Force [SF]

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: ShadowSoljer.6524


Since this match is an autowin for you, I guess you only have these forum threads to go by about what our server is like. It is too bad your name calling has invalidated much of the value I would put on your respect or opinion.

As if I care what you think of my opinion, if you were in WvW as much as you were in here trying to put down the new Kaineng transfers, you guys might actually have a couple towers…

Wouldn’t it be great if I could play GW2 at work, that would rock!

It sure would!

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


All you cats from WM can put on your happy faces, but your tactics tell another story of the kind of people you are. You are sheisty, spawn camping, and honorless players. You’re really only good if you have a thief friend lurking in the shadows to 2 or 3v1.

I really can’t wait til Kaineng leaves this tier. I have had alot of fun with other servers in the past, even Yak’s Bend was more fun than Kaineng. I hope you guys get to Tier 1 and please, please, please… stay there.

I hope all of the guilds that transferred to your server get locked in, and they close server transfers, or at least make them cost money. I’m sure your WvW experience will suck with long queue’s etc. Have fun with that.

So you say they don’t have any honor because they spawn camp you when they can, or because you have to go against larger numbers. Well, hate to break it to you, but this is what happens in other tiers. Be that as it may though, I find it “interesting” that you wish so many bad things on them.

What does it say about your own honor ?

They can’t be on all maps all the time. So go where they are not, if it’s a problem. See how they play and what their style is, read their movements and counteract them. That’s how it works, that what makes this all fun.

It is, after all, a game, a past time we all use to have fun and enjoy ourselves.

I kinda wish Mekanos would cheer up too and I am not for wishing miserable experiences on others.

Gate of Madness

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: NastyPiggy.2046


They can’t be on all maps all the time. So go where they are not, if it’s a problem. See how they play and what their style is, read their movements and counteract them. That’s how it works, that what makes this all fun.

You still still need enough people to make an attack. This is the problem, the lower tier servers don’t have the population to make up for when the non diehards get tired of dying and just quit logging into WvW. That’s the point where GOM is at, no it’s not a great WvW server, hence being in the 2nd to the bottom tier of WvW servers.

I’ll still log on and fight, there are others who will also log in and fight when heavily out manned, but there’s only so much you can do when you don’t even see 15 allies on the same battlefield with you.

I just think the imbalance is going to slowly kill the population of GW2’s WvW, once the bottom servers are deserted, slowly the new smallest servers will start thining out even more… it’s just something that will keep on happening till we’re down to a handful or less of servers.

(edited by NastyPiggy.2046)

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Sals.9534


Since this match is an autowin for you, I guess you only have these forum threads to go by about what our server is like. It is too bad your name calling has invalidated much of the value I would put on your respect or opinion.

As if I care what you think of my opinion, if you were in WvW as much as you were in here trying to put down the new Kaineng transfers, you guys might actually have a couple towers…

Wouldn’t it be great if I could play GW2 at work, that would rock!

Hehe you can, it’s called the forums.

Yes! I wish I could.
-Customer comes into the store.
-Excuse me do you have Itsakaduzee in stock?
-Not now I have a invis thief all over my kitten

Colegate / Selos Song Kaineng-DE Guild

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Ragnarok.4586


All you cats from WM can put on your happy faces, but your tactics tell another story of the kind of people you are. You are sheisty, spawn camping, and honorless players. You’re really only good if you have a thief friend lurking in the shadows to 2 or 3v1.

I really can’t wait til Kaineng leaves this tier. I have had alot of fun with other servers in the past, even Yak’s Bend was more fun than Kaineng. I hope you guys get to Tier 1 and please, please, please… stay there.

I hope all of the guilds that transferred to your server get locked in, and they close server transfers, or at least make them cost money. I’m sure your WvW experience will suck with long queue’s etc. Have fun with that.

So you say they don’t have any honor because they spawn camp you when they can, or because you have to go against larger numbers. Well, hate to break it to you, but this is what happens in other tiers. Be that as it may though, I find it “interesting” that you wish so many bad things on them.

What does it say about your own honor ?

They can’t be on all maps all the time. So go where they are not, if it’s a problem. See how they play and what their style is, read their movements and counteract them. That’s how it works, that what makes this all fun.

It is, after all, a game, a past time we all use to have fun and enjoy ourselves.

You can attempt to discredit my honor in WvW all you want, but at the end of the day I don’t spawn camp. That’s all there is to that.

Anywho, I guess the simplest solution to my problem with the imbalance in WvW is just not to play.

Mekanos – Engineer | Alradian – Warrior
[FcTR] on Maguuma

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Dhampyr.2104


I have no complaints about Kaineng who fought hard and organized themselves and built a server that’s better than mine. Props to you guys.

“better” is definitely not accurate imo. Higher population, yeah, I’ll buy that, but better? Nah. I’ve seen some amazing play, large and small scale, from each server in our matchup this week. GoM’s defense of the supply camp close to their spawn in Kain BL was awesome – the ambushes and fighting there was great. And HoD’s run on their BL last night was nothing short of epic. The score doesn’t reflect that, but to be honest, we’re all T7 here – who cares about score? I didn’t care about the score when we were last, and I care about score even less now. I’m in this game to have a good time.

Eve Morrow, Mesmer, Eve Flamescythe, Ele
Tarnished Coast

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Sumwun.3846


Not sure if this is belated or not, but Grats on T7 K. Not too sure what happened over the last few weeks. Did any of the guilds that split come back or did you guys pick up some new team mates? Lots of fresh 80’s? one way or the other Grats to those of you who stuck it out!

Yak’s Bend.

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Sals.9534


I don’t get involved in spawn camping. Plus our guild officers yell at us if they see us doing it.

Colegate / Selos Song Kaineng-DE Guild

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Leghyker.1530


I have no complaints about Kaineng who fought hard and organized themselves and built a server that’s better than mine. Props to you guys.

“better” is definitely not accurate imo. Higher population, yeah, I’ll buy that, but better? Nah. I’ve seen some amazing play, large and small scale, from each server in our matchup this week. GoM’s defense of the supply camp close to their spawn in Kain BL was awesome – the ambushes and fighting there was great. And HoD’s run on their BL last night was nothing short of epic. The score doesn’t reflect that, but to be honest, we’re all T7 here – who cares about score? I didn’t care about the score when we were last, and I care about score even less now. I’m in this game to have a good time.

I must admit our defense of our land was truly stuff of legends. Most of my fellow Hounds of the Devil didn’t cower in fear. They kept the faith! And in the end that’s all you can ask for!

We Need Therapy
If everybody is thinking alike, then somebody isn’t thinking!

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Lonya.2384


To the people of Kain…

I’ve played against you for a few days now, and yes, you do outnumber HoD but…

I’ve noticed a few things that don’t seem to waiver with you. You don’t actually use tactics as much as you use patterns.

From a military point of view, patterns will eventually be your demise.

If your pattern is broken, the group seems to be lost and tend to run away. Upon return to the same fight, they bring extra people and then the pattern repeats itself. There is no difficulty finding a Ballista or Treb when it’s always placed in the same spot thus again making it a pattern not a tactic. There is no difficulty finding 25+ people huddled together behind a building waiting to portal bomb a single player when it’s become a pattern.

These are a few examples of actual things done in 3 nights of playing this week against HoD when I’ve been involved in the fight.

This post is meant to be constructive criticism and not a slam.

HoD = home for life

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: hoschi.8693


You can attempt to discredit my honor in WvW all you want, but at the end of the day I don’t spawn camp. That’s all there is to that.

I wasn’t doing that. I was basically calling you a hippocrite for accusing someone to have no honor, then act without honor yourself by wishing bad things on them.

That has nothing to do with WvW, infact nothing with GW2.

Saint of Destruction of the Holy Church of Jedsus Chris of Saturday Feints
Strike Force [SF]

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: SHAKA ZULU.3128


Not sure if this is belated or not, but Grats on T7 K. Not too sure what happened over the last few weeks. Did any of the guilds that split come back or did you guys pick up some new team mates? Lots of fresh 80’s? one way or the other Grats to those of you who stuck it out!

Picked up a kitten ton of transfers. Talk about growing pains. But you guys wouldn’t know anything about that, would you? See you in T5, wait for us!


a guardian from k[Ai]neng

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Leghyker.1530


It isn’t the dogs in the fight, it’s the fight in the dogs! Sick’em!

We Need Therapy
If everybody is thinking alike, then somebody isn’t thinking!

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: zephyr.6045


To the people of Kain…

I’ve played against you for a few days now, and yes, you do outnumber HoD but…

I’ve noticed a few things that don’t seem to waiver with you. You don’t actually use tactics as much as you use patterns.

From a military point of view, patterns will eventually be your demise.

If your pattern is broken, the group seems to be lost and tend to run away. Upon return to the same fight, they bring extra people and then the pattern repeats itself. There is no difficulty finding a Ballista or Treb when it’s always placed in the same spot thus again making it a pattern not a tactic. There is no difficulty finding 25+ people huddled together behind a building waiting to portal bomb a single player when it’s become a pattern.

These are a few examples of actual things done in 3 nights of playing this week against HoD when I’ve been involved in the fight.

This post is meant to be constructive criticism and not a slam.

We noticed this @ Godsword, put up 3 trebs and minutes later the badges started rolling in.

- Zeph
Tarnished Coast
Norpass Imperium [NOPE]

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Nodeninja.5321


I have never understood what spawn camping had to do with video game ‘honor’. There are 3 Borderlands and EB, nobody in this game can spawn camp me as long as that’s true. Treat spawn campers the same way you would treat WvW if you were severely outmanned. Do something else. Not necessarily something other than WvW, but something other than whatever is going on at one particular spawn (although thanks to this match-up I’m getting alot of alt leveling and dungeon runs in.)

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Seuss.5946


Even though we couldn’t take Garrison back. It was a pretty epic fight between HoD and Kaineng. Also, there are more trebs in the back where the tower is, couldn’t fit them all in the picture…

Thank you for posting this! This is the closest picture i can find to represent the EPIC fight that went down and it still doesn’t do it justice . I’ve been in WvW since day one back in Darkhaven and now here on Kaineng and i have to say this was the best fight I’ve been in. The push back and forth between both sides was amazing. At one time you had most of your zerg in the lords room but we managed to push you out.

Thanks again for the great time!

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Atlanis.6597


They can’t be on all maps all the time. So go where they are not, if it’s a problem. See how they play and what their style is, read their movements and counteract them. That’s how it works, that what makes this all fun.

The day before yesterday, in the morning, I went to the Eternal Battlegrounds. With a small band of compatriots, we took a supply camp. Then ten to twenty players from kaineng showed up and crashed our three-man party. So, we went to the GoM borderlands. This time, we didn’t even get to capture the supply camp before a sizable group (at least twenty) showed up and smashed us to bits. At this, the people I was with gave up. I attempted to move on alone but it was futile. About an hour later, Scarecrow Zz managed to rally enough people to take a couple of supply camps and even a tower, which we held for a whopping three hours with the aid of King Dreadnaught and more players that he rallied.

Keep in mind that this is during off-hours. It was 4-8 am eastern time. I didn’t venture onto the other realm’s bgs, but I know that I saw supply camps flipping back and forth on the HoD bg, so I assume that they were dealing with a similar situation. tl;dr Kaineng actually does have the manpower and/or organization to maintain a presence on all three maps. GoM flat-out doesn’t have the manpower.

As it stands right now, Kaineng has 227,804 points, followed by GoM with 18,466 points and HoD with 13,338 points. This is beyond being sad, and perhaps even beyond being pathetic. Those people who weren’t there during the opening minutes of the battle don’t understand exactly how severe the imbalance is. Kaineng took all four maps within an hour. GoM didn’t even have a supply camp left by the time they were done. This, unlike my previous anecdote, was not only during primetime, but also during a time when we had an unusually high number of players in WvW due to a close fight between GoM and HoD for who would control the greatest portion of the map at the finale.

We broke down the gate to Stonemist Castle only to have our forces begin dropping like flies within seconds. It took over thirty seconds before I could see anything due to culling, by which point I’d already been killed despite blowing every defensive cd I have (and I play a tanky engi, so I have a lot). We lost everything before the first hour of fighting was finished, as did HoD.

As for WvW queues, I’ve only ever played on GoM and I never knew that they existed prior to this series of events, if that says anything about the manpower possessed by this server.

tl;dr Kaineng can and does maintain presence on all three maps through raw manpower and/or organization, both of which the other realms in the fight do not possess.

EDIT: This isn’t to say WM or SoS or any other guilds aren’t great, the battle for the GoM keep on the GoM badlands was unbelievably awesome and easily the most fun that I’ve had in WvW to date, but the repetition of basic strategies to ‘counter’ Kaineng is getting frustrating, since they are obviously made without knowledge of the present situation.

(edited by Atlanis.6597)

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Ragnarok.4586


You can attempt to discredit my honor in WvW all you want, but at the end of the day I don’t spawn camp. That’s all there is to that.

I wasn’t doing that. I was basically calling you a hippocrite for accusing someone to have no honor, then act without honor yourself by wishing bad things on them.

That has nothing to do with WvW, infact nothing with GW2.

sigh If you’re going to dub somebody a HYPOCRITE, at least have the decency to spell your insult correctly.

Mekanos – Engineer | Alradian – Warrior
[FcTR] on Maguuma

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Wryscher.1432


Ive never really understood all the post about spawn camping or even puzzle camping. Most the spawns have more then one way out so typically if i want out i just go another way. Of course I haven’t tried this week since most the fighting seems to be at the spawn so that is where I hang out. So maybe Kain has enough people to camp all the exits.

Open world pvp is always about numbers and always ends up at this point for someone. Just part of the game. Typically I don’t do it because I don’t find it fun. And usually the people getting camped end up getting the better of it since there are always morons ready to get plowed by the guards. But of the several MMOs i have played that have open world pvp spawn camping always happens somewhere.

I mean Id rather the 20 people stand at the spawn so I can just go around them. then run into them on the other side of the map.

[Sane]-Order of the Insane Disorder
Melanessa-Necromancer Cymaniel-Scrapper
Minikata-Guardian Shadyne-Elementalist -FA-

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Llyrx.3497


To the people of Kain…

I’ve played against you for a few days now, and yes, you do outnumber HoD but…

I’ve noticed a few things that don’t seem to waiver with you. You don’t actually use tactics as much as you use patterns.

From a military point of view, patterns will eventually be your demise.

If your pattern is broken, the group seems to be lost and tend to run away. Upon return to the same fight, they bring extra people and then the pattern repeats itself. There is no difficulty finding a Ballista or Treb when it’s always placed in the same spot thus again making it a pattern not a tactic. There is no difficulty finding 25+ people huddled together behind a building waiting to portal bomb a single player when it’s become a pattern.

These are a few examples of actual things done in 3 nights of playing this week against HoD when I’ve been involved in the fight.

This post is meant to be constructive criticism and not a slam.

We noticed this @ Godsword, put up 3 trebs and minutes later the badges started rolling in.

I killed your trebs at godsword, Nice placement inside your spawn though, I was pretty hard to target the second one when we had to use AC to take it out.

I’d like to point out to GoM complaing about transfers, I’ve seen a few old familiar guild names from higher tiers appear of the last day or so.

Kiridono – GL of RE
Overseer of NEO Alliance -www.NeverEndingOdds.com

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Lightsbane.9012


I have never understood what spawn camping had to do with video game ‘honor’. There are 3 Borderlands and EB, nobody in this game can spawn camp me as long as that’s true. Treat spawn campers the same way you would treat WvW if you were severely outmanned. Do something else. Not necessarily something other than WvW, but something other than whatever is going on at one particular spawn (although thanks to this match-up I’m getting alot of alt leveling and dungeon runs in.)

so if you’re severely outmanned and being spawncamped at all exits on all maps?

As quick as the Valkyries ride,
As true as Odin’s spear flies,
There is nowhere to hide.

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Lightsbane.9012


To the people of Kain…

I’ve played against you for a few days now, and yes, you do outnumber HoD but…

I’ve noticed a few things that don’t seem to waiver with you. You don’t actually use tactics as much as you use patterns.

From a military point of view, patterns will eventually be your demise.

If your pattern is broken, the group seems to be lost and tend to run away. Upon return to the same fight, they bring extra people and then the pattern repeats itself. There is no difficulty finding a Ballista or Treb when it’s always placed in the same spot thus again making it a pattern not a tactic. There is no difficulty finding 25+ people huddled together behind a building waiting to portal bomb a single player when it’s become a pattern.

These are a few examples of actual things done in 3 nights of playing this week against HoD when I’ve been involved in the fight.

This post is meant to be constructive criticism and not a slam.

We noticed this @ Godsword, put up 3 trebs and minutes later the badges started rolling in.

I killed your trebs at godsword, Nice placement inside your spawn though, I was pretty hard to target the second one when we had to use AC to take it out.

I’d like to point out to GoM complaing about transfers, I’ve seen a few old familiar guild names from higher tiers appear of the last day or so.

orlybro? so how much are they helping in wvw?

As quick as the Valkyries ride,
As true as Odin’s spear flies,
There is nowhere to hide.

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Llyrx.3497


To the people of Kain…

I’ve played against you for a few days now, and yes, you do outnumber HoD but…

I’ve noticed a few things that don’t seem to waiver with you. You don’t actually use tactics as much as you use patterns.

From a military point of view, patterns will eventually be your demise.

If your pattern is broken, the group seems to be lost and tend to run away. Upon return to the same fight, they bring extra people and then the pattern repeats itself. There is no difficulty finding a Ballista or Treb when it’s always placed in the same spot thus again making it a pattern not a tactic. There is no difficulty finding 25+ people huddled together behind a building waiting to portal bomb a single player when it’s become a pattern.

These are a few examples of actual things done in 3 nights of playing this week against HoD when I’ve been involved in the fight.

This post is meant to be constructive criticism and not a slam.

We noticed this @ Godsword, put up 3 trebs and minutes later the badges started rolling in.

I killed your trebs at godsword, Nice placement inside your spawn though, I was pretty hard to target the second one when we had to use AC to take it out.

I’d like to point out to GoM complaing about transfers, I’ve seen a few old familiar guild names from higher tiers appear of the last day or so.

orlybro? so how much are they helping in wvw?

I didn’t say they was, Was just pointing out, Kaineng isn’t the only server with transfers. Personally, the fights both HoD and GoM are putting up against us is impressive and making it good fun, Not the overmaning them with zerg power, I mean the long battles we get to have.

Kiridono – GL of RE
Overseer of NEO Alliance -www.NeverEndingOdds.com

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: TeamBattleAxe.3901


This thread has gotten pretty silly.

GoM/HoD: This isn’t the first time you’ve been zerged. Stop acting like it. Kitten happens, and we’ll have a much better match-up next week.

Kain: You’re still new at having huge numbers in your favor. Learn to do so gracefully and not resort to being jerks about it. If Fubuki still plays, I can imagine he’s probably facepalming himself to death over some of the attitudes and tactics coming from Kaineng.

Personally, I don’t care who we fight or how badly we’re outnumbered. All I do is WvW, so nothing you bring to the table will ever send me back to PvE. Even if you manage to chase away all of my servermates, I’ll still be there throwing myself at 1vZerg ’til reset and taking as many of you kittens down with me as possible.

Now, back to the war.

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: StormWolf.7645


This thread has gotten pretty silly.

GoM/HoD: This isn’t the first time you’ve been zerged. Stop acting like it. Kitten happens, and we’ll have a much better match-up next week.

Kain: You’re still new at having huge numbers in your favor. Learn to do so gracefully and not resort to being jerks about it. If Fubuki still plays, I can imagine he’s probably facepalming himself to death over some of the attitudes and tactics coming from Kaineng.

Personally, I don’t care who we fight or how badly we’re outnumbered. All I do is WvW, so nothing you bring to the table will ever send me back to PvE. Even if you manage to chase away all of my servermates, I’ll still be there throwing myself at 1vZerg ’til reset and taking as many of you kittens down with me as possible.

Now, back to the war.

I think I love you. <3

<—— Has been facepalming at the silly chest-thumping and such!

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Nodeninja.5321


I have never understood what spawn camping had to do with video game ‘honor’. There are 3 Borderlands and EB, nobody in this game can spawn camp me as long as that’s true. Treat spawn campers the same way you would treat WvW if you were severely outmanned. Do something else. Not necessarily something other than WvW, but something other than whatever is going on at one particular spawn (although thanks to this match-up I’m getting alot of alt leveling and dungeon runs in.)

so if you’re severely outmanned and being spawncamped at all exits on all maps?

I have yet to see a group large enough AND smart enough to completely shut down all exits. The tiniest bit of creative thought will find you outsmarting 90% of the zerg trying to shut down ‘all exits’. If, however, the unlikely happens and they are at every camp exit, there is a whole world out there away from WvW that can’t be camped. Thus, no force has ever or will ever be able to genuinely spawn camp anyone who doesn’t WANT to be there getting camped.

Having gone through the early days of LOTRO LOLPVP as a monster player, and having successfully circumvented the Freep zerglings outside our 1 spawn with it’s 1 exit without stealth or maps, I find it very difficult to believe that the Kain zerg and it’s zerg guilds have the manpower and intelligence to literally shut down all avenues into every WvW map.

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: mambastik.8735


@ GoM

Great fight today in GoM BL. I must admit, I am impressed with the numbers I’ve seen from you today. I was in your map for 7 hours today and with the help of WM, we finally took Sunnyhill just now, although I should have taken it with the 6 golems I put infront of it after Garrison, but for some reason the gate was bugged and wouldn’t take damage…?…

But anyway, this is what WvW is, I dont pay attention to the scorecard, As a front line commander I must say I am impressed with your will. And it even felt that Kain was outnumbered throughout the evening. I came from a server where we had no night crew, and I am so relieved my guild can WvW now knowing we do have a great night crew.

I was there at Sunny defending and was wondering why the golems barely scratched the gate. Now that you mentioned it, it did seem that the gate was bugged. I remember a player saying that he couldn’t even see it. Then when your attack came, pets, summons, and even 2 warriors slipped through the gate and into the tower. Got scared when one of the golems was already 4/5 through the gate.

It was a really fun night. Skilled players and strategic commanders working together. But then the main zerg came. We send a 20 man squad, you counter with 50. We send 2 golems to take a fully fortified garrison, then you guys took back the wooden garrison with 6. Yep, no fun at all. That’s when most of us called it a night.

(edited by mambastik.8735)

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Llyrx.3497


I have never understood what spawn camping had to do with video game ‘honor’. There are 3 Borderlands and EB, nobody in this game can spawn camp me as long as that’s true. Treat spawn campers the same way you would treat WvW if you were severely outmanned. Do something else. Not necessarily something other than WvW, but something other than whatever is going on at one particular spawn (although thanks to this match-up I’m getting alot of alt leveling and dungeon runs in.)

so if you’re severely outmanned and being spawncamped at all exits on all maps?

I have yet to see a group large enough AND smart enough to completely shut down all exits. The tiniest bit of creative thought will find you outsmarting 90% of the zerg trying to shut down ‘all exits’. If, however, the unlikely happens and they are at every camp exit, there is a whole world out there away from WvW that can’t be camped. Thus, no force has ever or will ever be able to genuinely spawn camp anyone who doesn’t WANT to be there getting camped.

Having gone through the early days of LOTRO LOLPVP as a monster player, and having successfully circumvented the Freep zerglings outside our 1 spawn with it’s 1 exit without stealth or maps, I find it very difficult to believe that the Kain zerg and it’s zerg guilds have the manpower and intelligence to literally shut down all avenues into every WvW map.

The “camping” spawn I’ve seen is ballista to defend the camp, they run out of that one gate and wonder why they die.

Honestly, This thread is a lot of sillyness as said above, A loto f us are just there because all we do is WvW, just like the ones on GoM and HoD sayign that’s all they do, We’ll be out of the tier soon and you’ll not have to worry about it :\ Till then, we’ll see you on the battlefield and hope for more awesome fights.

Kiridono – GL of RE
Overseer of NEO Alliance -www.NeverEndingOdds.com

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Draygo.9473


@TeamBattleAxe: Fubuki has not played in over a month.

Apathy Inc [Ai]

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Wryscher.1432


This thread has gotten pretty silly.

GoM/HoD: This isn’t the first time you’ve been zerged. Stop acting like it. Kitten happens, and we’ll have a much better match-up next week.

Kain: You’re still new at having huge numbers in your favor. Learn to do so gracefully and not resort to being jerks about it. If Fubuki still plays, I can imagine he’s probably facepalming himself to death over some of the attitudes and tactics coming from Kaineng.

Personally, I don’t care who we fight or how badly we’re outnumbered. All I do is WvW, so nothing you bring to the table will ever send me back to PvE. Even if you manage to chase away all of my servermates, I’ll still be there throwing myself at 1vZerg ’til reset and taking as many of you kittens down with me as possible.

Now, back to the war.

I was sort of wondering about that at work. Yeah I have a lot of free time at work so what!?

All I could think of was that in most of the other face rollings I knew the servers or had played them. Now given I haven’t been wvw for as long as most of you I started in the BP/AR/GoM match ups.

When BP started growing we had played them and Won so when they started stretching their wings yeah it sucked loosing but hey off they went. Then AR exploded without BP here to hold them down. A couple of others came and went who rolled us, but it never felt as overwhelmingly pointless as this.

I mean I like to win sure, but even loosing I like to cap and hold stuff and feel like I am making progress. None of that is even remotely possible. It was just as boring last week for the same reason. There is no way to progress when you have everything.

And then here comes a server you have never even played before, so there are no ‘friends’. Just a bunch of kittens trying to kill you!!

And really when It comes down to it at the end of the day, I like GoM I like the people here, everyone is friendly and helpful, and most people rollin in EB don’t treat WvW like it is the end of the world. Perfect. But I’m Jealous. I want to win, I want to be relevant I don’t want to be just another Server at the bottom.

When AR wins and Moves up or BP or some of the others that have passed our way up or down, it was ok we knew them, they ‘earned it’. They weren’t just some server coming from no where full of spit, and beating us like a drum!

I guess I just need a hug and someone to cuddle me and tell me it will be alright. They have hit me so many times!! Not one hug!!

[Sane]-Order of the Insane Disorder
Melanessa-Necromancer Cymaniel-Scrapper
Minikata-Guardian Shadyne-Elementalist -FA-

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


This thread has gotten pretty silly.

GoM/HoD: This isn’t the first time you’ve been zerged. Stop acting like it. Kitten happens, and we’ll have a much better match-up next week.

Kain: You’re still new at having huge numbers in your favor. Learn to do so gracefully and not resort to being jerks about it. If Fubuki still plays, I can imagine he’s probably facepalming himself to death over some of the attitudes and tactics coming from Kaineng.

Personally, I don’t care who we fight or how badly we’re outnumbered. All I do is WvW, so nothing you bring to the table will ever send me back to PvE. Even if you manage to chase away all of my servermates, I’ll still be there throwing myself at 1vZerg ’til reset and taking as many of you kittens down with me as possible.

Now, back to the war.

I was sort of wondering about that at work. Yeah I have a lot of free time at work so what!?

All I could think of was that in most of the other face rollings I knew the servers or had played them. Now given I haven’t been wvw for as long as most of you I started in the BP/AR/GoM match ups.

When BP started growing we had played them and Won so when they started stretching their wings yeah it sucked loosing but hey off they went. Then AR exploded without BP here to hold them down. A couple of others came and went who rolled us, but it never felt as overwhelmingly pointless as this.

I mean I like to win sure, but even loosing I like to cap and hold stuff and feel like I am making progress. None of that is even remotely possible. It was just as boring last week for the same reason. There is no way to progress when you have everything.

And then here comes a server you have never even played before, so there are no ‘friends’. Just a bunch of kittens trying to kill you!!

And really when It comes down to it at the end of the day, I like GoM I like the people here, everyone is friendly and helpful, and most people rollin in EB don’t treat WvW like it is the end of the world. Perfect. But I’m Jealous. I want to win, I want to be relevant I don’t want to be just another Server at the bottom.

When AR wins and Moves up or BP or some of the others that have passed our way up or down, it was ok we knew them, they ‘earned it’. They weren’t just some server coming from no where full of spit, and beating us like a drum!

I guess I just need a hug and someone to cuddle me and tell me it will be alright. They have hit me so many times!! Not one hug!!

hug There, there, it’ll be alright. We’re all in this together. Darkhaven should be a more appropriate match.

Edit: As for Gates of Madness, we have some way to go before we start improving.

Gate of Madness

(edited by styx.7294)

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: fellyn.5083


All you cats from WM can put on your happy faces, but your tactics tell another story of the kind of people you are. You are sheisty, spawn camping, and honorless players. You’re really only good if you have a thief friend lurking in the shadows to 2 or 3v1.

I really can’t wait til Kaineng leaves this tier. I have had alot of fun with other servers in the past, even Yak’s Bend was more fun than Kaineng. I hope you guys get to Tier 1 and please, please, please… stay there.

I hope all of the guilds that transferred to your server get locked in, and they close server transfers, or at least make them cost money. I’m sure your WvW experience will suck with long queue’s etc. Have fun with that.

So you say they don’t have any honor because they spawn camp you when they can, or because you have to go against larger numbers. Well, hate to break it to you, but this is what happens in other tiers. Be that as it may though, I find it “interesting” that you wish so many bad things on them.

What does it say about your own honor ?

They can’t be on all maps all the time. So go where they are not, if it’s a problem. See how they play and what their style is, read their movements and counteract them. That’s how it works, that what makes this all fun.

It is, after all, a game, a past time we all use to have fun and enjoy ourselves.

You can attempt to discredit my honor in WvW all you want, but at the end of the day I don’t spawn camp. That’s all there is to that.

Anywho, I guess the simplest solution to my problem with the imbalance in WvW is just not to play.

So if you have a problem with spawn camping what is your suggestion then? For them to just let you go and do as you please? Would that be fair to you?

I don’t get your complaint.

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Jeda.5209


To sum up some of the key points.
At reset one guild was assigned to stop a server.
The rest of the server went to deal with the another server.
At one point the one guild assigned to stop a server had to go help the rest of the server stop the one server they were suppose to be stopping because they couldn’t seem to get it done.

Yes you are all Kein now. Yes you all work together. Yes you will be going places. And grats. But if that, written by someone on your own server doesn’t sound like you are being carried you might be delusional.

Just want to point out I was there on reset from the start. Basically, we broke into several groups. 1 group focused on GOM which was mainly WM with some pugs, the 2nd group focused on HOD. I was part of a small group that took SM with some resistance primarily from HoD. HoD appear to give us the most harassment on SM once taken. Although GoM did attempt SM couple times. Everybody did a nice job. We almost lost SM once from HoD when they got to the lords room but we got alot of help in the nick of time. I was mostly scouting as well as started upgrades on SM, which took forever due to HoD constant harassing. I had built about 5 trebs and another guy was building trebs as well to aim at anz, durios and wild creek, but HoD kept taking them down with their trebs. While all this was going on WM (with some pugs) was hitting GoM pretty hard. Another commander (think it was two) never really seen them before were in Orge holding off HoD. From what I saw the group in Orge force was alot smaller than WM which help explain why they struggle a little more than the WM group. Plus yes WM was very organize as they acted like one team , which constantly put multiple sieges to attack from different areas to throw off the enemy. From what I got from the Orge group was they were not properly putting sieges and was kinda disorganized.

All that being said there were a bunch of people in queue. Including one of the commanders who couldnt get in from the guild I am in. I think he said he was waiting 45min or so not really sure. I was there in EB for about 5 hours and never saw him make it in. So there were plenty of good wvwers who couldnt get in. Many of the WM members did. So guild wise they probably had the biggest presence from any other Kain guild. Alot of them probably got in this reset because they rushed after last week when they first got here they were primarily stuck out of EB and doing BL because they were in queue. Guess what either way the Kain guilds were able to take 100% of EB with and without them.

So either way good job to all who contributed.

Sea of Sorrows

(Bronze Soldier)

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: lcc.9374


While i understand the viewpoint from HOD and GOM and also feel that imbalanced matchups are not fun for anyone. Its more an issue with Anet’s transfer system then a KAIN problem. And i encourage you guys on the losing servers to stick it out. While its natural to vent in forums about how outnumbered you. You shouldnt be stopping there. Its important to keep fighting and keep the server morale up.

Devona and Kain has traditionally been tier 8 servers. For as long as anyone could remember. Many of us learnt to stick it out when were getting rolled and keep fighting. Its no coincidence that our population increased overtime. Both from transfers and from native homegrown pvpers. And your attitude in face of difficulty affects whether your server will grow or whether it will continue to diminish.

A bit of tier 8 history.

It came with Fergusons dropping to our tier. Kain was improving somewhat.(taking blue for once which seemed like a server first) Back then the fergusons still outnumbered us and Devonas was pretty much left in the dust. (Yes theyve been there too)

It was then that the PR campaigns by Fubuki were sent out and more people came to the server. Mind you this didnt change things overnight. Even with transfers we could only take 2nd place.

And then came the week……..prob the week that changed it all, the diverging point when Kain won for the first time.

It was not the transfers, it was not of a population advantage.
It was SoS and the nightcap…….and also the complete lack of presence of Ferg Asian timeslot

Ferg still outnumbered us at that time. I remember on Tuesday or wednesday. The Score was still lopsided 60k plus in favor of them. But then Chastor SoS and the Asian
army sprang out of the woodwork for the first time in history. We got 600pts tallies every night gaining 20k points every night. And we barely managed to force a win with 20k points over Fergies.

And we thought we would have good times ahead. How we were wrong! An unexpected monster was lurking in the shadows.

………..It was that server both we and Ferg rolled over the last week.

The Devonas…….

I still never got what exactly happened in that fateful week. I heard Devonas got some transfers. Which probably spurred up all their natives. And then Kain and ferg was slacking somewhat because of events.

But Devonas……that kid which we ganged up on turned into the bully overnight and resulted in 9-10 weeks of losses on our part. Complete with some first rate forum drama.

Now the morale of the story is…..you gotta stick through the hard times and do your best with what you have

Some lesser more fair-weathered people would have made the Kain story end right here by choosing to give up. Kinda like Fergusons now, they used to be the strongest of us 3 in tier 8. And now theyve lost enough that they cant beat SF now. A shame. In fact the small guild im in has already transfered for a month or 2 to BP and now im more of a free agent who goes to different servers but intends to come back to Kain when the fighting is going to get more rough in tier 6.

Youve faced DR before. You know how much people they can put out and how strong they are. We faced the same for 9-10 weeks. Were we destroyed? Yes. Did some people leave? Yes. (My guild left) But did a lot of stay there to fight against the odds and generally have fun doing it? Yes doubly so!

In those 10 weeks against DR. It was rare that we lost by more than 100k pts. We mostly were able to get around 200 point tallies around the clock. There were many of us still fighting. Ferg also was rather tenacious in defending their borderlands at that time and it was never a real steamroll. We held the DR which swept through tier 7 in a week for 9-10 weeks. And our best effort against them was in week 7 or 8 where we lost by about 20-30k pts. Most of the Devonas can attest to that. Us and Ferg most likely put up more resistance against them compared to some tier 6-7 servers they fought.

Kaineng had arguably less population then Ferg and was a true tier 8 server in a way before those 10 weeks of getting destroyed by Devonas.

After those 10 weeks. We are what we are now.

We GAINED population when we were getting destroyed.
Food for thought right there.

And now with transfers with WM and DE. I’d like to thank them now for coming since i hadnt done it before. We are probably looking at having 2 times or even maybe 3 times the population we had before those 10 weeks of defeat. (Id never had queues before ever)

So HOD/GOM guys. Dont feel too bad, well be moving soon. And keep your spirits up!
You may well be like Devona who rose up overnight. Or like Kain who actually got stronger through those 9 weeks of defeat.

And i patiently await the day for my rematch with the Devonas.
Gotta send them back to tier 8. Where they belong. duh!

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: JudgeD.5673


I’ve heard there’s a good bit of drama as Devona forces its way up too. If that is what we must endure to get to T6 and beyond, so be it.

The Robertsons – Julie, Lyana, Adrian, and Lewis
Tarnished Coast Server (formerly of Kaineng)