GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Llyrx.3497


Seems to me they just could not hack it in the bracket they were in and to ease a hurting butt they dropped down to a low ranked server so they could easily overwhelm the competition thus somehow raising thier self esteem.

Just a pointer. DE left DH on a winning week and not long after the 5 week win spree.

There’s a world of difference between WM/DE and RE.
And this comes from my experience of fighting WM/DE/SoS and RE.

Can’t tell if aimed at all of us, or just RE, but everyone in Kain right now is working together to achieve what Kain has. Granted it’s unbalanced, but despite the few bad eggs all servers have, most of us aren’t trying to say the servers are worse than us, they aren’t they are just unlucky and can’t cover the ground we can as fast as we can, or dancing on the dead bodies.

This thread very quickly turned into nothing even related to the match-up and just a full on slug fest against Kaineng, then again, this is the internet, these are forums, I shouldn’t expect much.

Kiridono – GL of RE
Overseer of NEO Alliance -www.NeverEndingOdds.com

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: fellyn.5083


Only been playing GW2 and WvW about a month now and although i love the WvW concept having loved RvR in DaoC years back, the server transfers are BS and it makes any rankings completely broken. Also as miffed I am at the current imbalance I feel sorry for those on Kain whom are like myself and dont transfer servers as often as we change our underwear. The guilds like WM will leave once they come across an even fight leaving the server in a bracket they should not be in.

Seriously , Training? Come on now. Seems to me they just could not hack it in the bracket they were in and to ease a hurting butt they dropped down to a low ranked server so they could easily overwhelm the competition thus somehow raising thier self esteem. I know if i was in WM i would have quit the minute this transfer was discussed. All i see from them is excuse after excuse for how they mucked up WvW for so many of us. How about just admitting that WMmis a horrible guild full of bad players. Is a shame Kain got stuck with them.

Server transfers should cost 50 to 100 bucks per player then at least similar guilds who drop down so severley so they can just steamroll any competition with pure numbers will have to ask themselves. Is it worth that much dough just to pretend our guild is some kind of good.

You have no idea what your talking about. No one came here because we couldn’t “hack it” in our teir, we came here to bring Kain up.

You’ve got to be kidding.
Nobody believes that.
Not even lvl 100 politics can make your statement believable.

There’s a world of difference between WM/DE and RE.
And this comes from my experience of fighting WM/DE/SoS and RE.

I can write in details, but I’m sure it will get flagged.

Keep on dreaming.

Please go on ahead with that list. We’re all very interested in what you have to say.

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Stoneslammer.3650


Seems to me they just could not hack it in the bracket they were in and to ease a hurting butt they dropped down to a low ranked server so they could easily overwhelm the competition thus somehow raising thier self esteem.

Just a pointer. DE left DH on a winning week and not long after the 5 week win spree.

There’s a world of difference between WM/DE and RE.
And this comes from my experience of fighting WM/DE/SoS and RE.

Can’t tell if aimed at all of us, or just RE, but everyone in Kain right now is working together to achieve what Kain has. Granted it’s unbalanced, but despite the few bad eggs all servers have, most of us aren’t trying to say the servers are worse than us, they aren’t they are just unlucky and can’t cover the ground we can as fast as we can, or dancing on the dead bodies.

This thread very quickly turned into nothing even related to the match-up and just a full on slug fest against Kaineng, then again, this is the internet, these are forums, I shouldn’t expect much.

What i had to say was not meant towards anyone that was on Kain last week. If you three guilds really just wanted to build a WvW server and not steamroll the rest of us for kicks or self esteem boosts then why didnt two of your guilds move to the thirds server. Really it is lame that you all had to drop down to a low ranked server and muck up WvW for the rest of us.

I have nothing against Kain at all. Is just very lame that Anet allows such nonsense. Specially WM claiming they moved to get away from exploiters and we watch them exploiting from day 1. Anyway say what you want but if you all truely wanted a challenge then you would have moved to a higher tiered server.


(edited by Stoneslammer.3650)

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Ninya.3942


I am also quite interested to hear his list. After my post pretty much explained why we came to Kain.

Elementalist Class Lead
Rethesis [RE] – Tarnished Coast

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Llyrx.3497


I am also quite interested to hear his list. After my post pretty much explained why we came to Kain.

We all know the truth, RE came because you all missed me and my awesome running people off cliffs commanding style. Commander of lemmings Kiridono. Self proclaimed title, but i like it

Kiridono – GL of RE
Overseer of NEO Alliance -www.NeverEndingOdds.com

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Ninya.3942


I am also quite interested to hear his list. After my post pretty much explained why we came to Kain.

We all know the truth, RE came because you all missed me and my awesome running people off cliffs commanding style. Commander of lemmings Kiridono. Self proclaimed title, but i like it

So you and Ether have something in common, other than being noobs

Elementalist Class Lead
Rethesis [RE] – Tarnished Coast

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Llyrx.3497


I am also quite interested to hear his list. After my post pretty much explained why we came to Kain.

We all know the truth, RE came because you all missed me and my awesome running people off cliffs commanding style. Commander of lemmings Kiridono. Self proclaimed title, but i like it

So you and Ether have something in common, other than being noobs

Don’t compare me to Ethernoob! I’ve been insulted many times in my life, but you have just taken it too far!
I like to think of myself as more a leader that goes down with his troops, I wouldn’t make them do something I wouldn’t and all that

Kiridono – GL of RE
Overseer of NEO Alliance -www.NeverEndingOdds.com

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Binafus.8153


Kain is a server that is made up mainly of people who favor WvW and as we have more success there will most likely be more people join with the same mindset.

We have the makings of a great server community.

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Sumwun.3846


While i understand the viewpoint from HOD and GOM and also feel that imbalanced matchups are not fun for anyone.

Devona and Kain has traditionally been tier 8 servers. For as long as anyone could remember. Many of us learnt to stick it out when were getting rolled and keep fighting. Its no coincidence that our population increased overtime. Both from transfers and from native homegrown pvpers. And your attitude in face of difficulty affects whether your server will grow or whether it will continue to diminish.

A bit of tier 8 history.

It came with Fergusons dropping to our tier. Kain was improving somewhat.(taking blue for once which seemed like a server first) Back then the fergusons still outnumbered us and Devonas was pretty much left in the dust. (Yes theyve been there too)

It was then that the PR campaigns by Fubuki were sent out and more people came to the server. Mind you this didnt change things overnight. Even with transfers we could only take 2nd place.

And then came the week……..prob the week that changed it all, the diverging point when Kain won for the first time.

It was not the transfers, it was not of a population advantage.
It was SoS and the nightcap…….and also the complete lack of presence of Ferg Asian timeslot

Ferg still outnumbered us at that time. I remember on Tuesday or wednesday. The Score was still lopsided 60k plus in favor of them. But then Chastor SoS and the Asian
army sprang out of the woodwork for the first time in history. We got 600pts tallies every night gaining 20k points every night. And we barely managed to force a win with 20k points over Fergies.

And we thought we would have good times ahead. How we were wrong! An unexpected monster was lurking in the shadows.

………..It was that server both we and Ferg rolled over the last week.

The Devonas…….

I still never got what exactly happened in that fateful week. I heard Devonas got some transfers. Which probably spurred up all their natives. And then Kain and ferg was slacking somewhat because of events.

But Devonas……that kid which we ganged up on turned into the bully overnight and resulted in 9-10 weeks of losses on our part. Complete with some first rate forum drama.

Now the morale of the story is…..you gotta stick through the hard times and do your best with what you have

Some lesser more fair-weathered people would have made the Kain story end right here by choosing to give up. Kinda like Fergusons now, they used to be the strongest of us 3 in tier 8. And now theyve lost enough that they cant beat SF now. A shame. In fact the small guild im in has already transfered for a month or 2 to BP and now im more of a free agent who goes to different servers but intends to come back to Kain when the fighting is going to get more rough in tier 6.

Youve faced DR before. You know how much people they can put out and how strong they are. We faced the same for 9-10 weeks. Were we destroyed? Yes. Did some people leave? Yes. (My guild left) But did a lot of stay there to fight against the odds and generally have fun doing it? Yes doubly so!

In those 10 weeks against DR. It was rare that we lost by more than 100k pts. We mostly were able to get around 200 point tallies around the clock. There were many of us still fighting. Ferg also was rather tenacious in defending their borderlands at that time and it was never a real steamroll. We held the DR which swept through tier 7 in a week for 9-10 weeks. And our best effort against them was in week 7 or 8 where we lost by about 20-30k pts. Most of the Devonas can attest to that. Us and Ferg most likely put up more resistance against them compared to some tier 6-7 servers they fought.

Kaineng had arguably less population then Ferg and was a true tier 8 server in a way before those 10 weeks of getting destroyed by Devonas.

After those 10 weeks. We are what we are now.

We GAINED population when we were getting destroyed.
Food for thought right there.

And now with transfers with WM and DE. I’d like to thank them now for coming since i hadnt done it before. We are probably looking at having 2 times or even maybe 3 times the population we had before those 10 weeks of defeat. (Id never had queues before ever)

So HOD/GOM guys. Dont feel too bad, well be moving soon. And keep your spirits up!
You may well be like Devona who rose up overnight. Or like Kain who actually got stronger through those 9 weeks of defeat.

And i patiently await the day for my rematch with the Devonas.
Gotta send them back to tier 8. Where they belong. duh!

Good post man. Pretty accurate all the way around from one vantage point too.

Yak’s Bend.

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Sumwun.3846


Kain is a server that is made up mainly of people who favor WvW and as we have more success there will most likely be more people join with the same mindset.

We have the makings of a great server community.

whats your map chat like in WvW? – i’m currently in the market for a new lawn.

Yak’s Bend.

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Chaster Sharpshooter.3640

Chaster Sharpshooter.3640

Please do try to trim the full quote if you are just going to answer it in one line of text.

“To learn is what I need, to teach those who needs to learn is my duty …”
Chaster the Scarred – Leader of [SoS] Guilds
Server: Kaineng | Recruitment Status: Open

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: NastyPiggy.2046


So HOD/GOM guys. Dont feel too bad, well be moving soon. And keep your spirits up!

The problem with this is, this isn’t like it’s the first time it’s happened, this is like the 3rd or 4th time this has happened. I believe the first time(possibly 2nd because of transfers) GOM got decimated the first time which made our 2 biggest guilds leave which lead to being destroyed the next week also.

Like I said before, one time it’s fine, it’s actually expected, it’s when it happens over and over, it becomes to be the norm and not the exception. We’re put into the tier based off previous weeks then another server get’s “beefed up” and then it destroys the even matches the tiers have created.

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: SHAKA ZULU.3128


whats your map chat like in WvW? – i’m currently in the market for a new lawn.

It tends to stay rather task-oriented with a little joking sprinkled in between. I don’t personally see a lot of bickering or fighting and when I do it gets shut up pretty quickly. Some gloating over the other servers which isn’t my favorite and I hope to see less of, but it’s a main group of offenders that don’t tend to be fed into. We have a lot of new people to the game right now so a lot of asking for help too.

I don’t know all of what’s going on at DR but if you’d even consider us of all servers to transfer to it must be… divisive. That sucks.


a guardian from k[Ai]neng

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Sumwun.3846


whats your map chat like in WvW? – i’m currently in the market for a new lawn.

It tends to stay rather task-oriented with a little joking sprinkled in between. I don’t personally see a lot of bickering or fighting and when I do it gets shut up pretty quickly. Some gloating over the other servers which isn’t my favorite and I hope to see less of, but it’s a main group of offenders that don’t tend to be fed into. We have a lot of new people to the game right now so a lot of asking for help too.

I don’t know all of what’s going on at DR but if you’d even consider us of all servers to transfer to it must be… divisive. That sucks.

It does suck, although I don’t really know how much DR is actually “imploding”. I have been trying to stay out of the battle grounds. simply too much swill.

I get time off around the Holidays. I spent a lot more time in WvW over the last few weeks and my god, I can’t stomach some of the bullkitten I have seen people say, or how they have behaved. I understand frustration, TALKING IN ALL CAPS WILL ALSO HAPPEN from time to time, so will spam. But when it’s all three, combined with blanketed angry statements, well, Video game or not, I’m not cool with people talking like that to other people.

This isnt WoW, we are playing a game thats been designed to promote team work. and If my realm mates feel the need to talk to other real mates like they are garbage, why in gods name would I want to be part of this? There are what? 12 realms in the US? there needs to be one that’s just people working together. That’s what I want. win or lose, a team.

Most of the personality’s that made K so unlikable in our last few weeks together are gone and moved on to poison other atmospheres. A move towards DR’s sister server would be nice. You both share a similar story and I can still feel like I have grown with the server having watched it grow, fall, and fight against my own for so many weeks.

I’m not ready to bail just yet, but I am most defiantly looking at lawns. I do love me some Perennial Ryegrass.

Yak’s Bend.

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Sumwun.3846


Please do try to trim the full quote if you are just going to answer it in one line of text.

No. I was complimenting him on the post. I had to trim some to get the quote to work. It was a good post and it deserved to have to be scrolled through a second time.

Yak’s Bend.

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Wryscher.1432


I am also quite interested to hear his list. After my post pretty much explained why we came to Kain.

Im not sure your post is as clear as you think it is. When I read it, what I get out of it is.

We stayed on DH until it became clear we were going to start falling in the ratings. I mean that is what we could see the writing on the wall meant right?

Instead of trying to stay and teach and help the people of DH as they slide down into whatever new bracket they end up in, which is part of the claim on why you moved to Kain, we decided to bail.

We thought it would be fun and exciting to win instead, as we move up into whatever tier now should be kains home. After all moving up is much more fun and exciting then moving down.

[Sane]-Order of the Insane Disorder
Melanessa-Necromancer Cymaniel-Scrapper
Minikata-Guardian Shadyne-Elementalist -FA-

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Littlefeather.8623


I want to reiterate what some of has has already said, just for informational purposes.

DH has always been High+ Population, yet only atmost 6-7 large organized guilds, after our loss in T3, guilds started leaving us, RE was the last big WvW guild left on the server.

No night crew, no other large NA Primetime WvW guild, just RE in T5…our guild alone can not maintain that amount of coverage or manpower, we have 380-400 members but only 50-80 do WvW.

DH is a Pve Server, we have never had an official night crew.

When I transfered to Kain, I noticed it was only “Medium” population on the list, and I was amazed at the numbers Kain fields for WvW. With DH having the higher population in general, DH does not have the WvW population as Kain does. And no we could not get DH PvE players into WvW, we would ask for help and they would do a /laugh or whatever, its almost sad the reactions we received when we asked for support.

We are glad to be in a server where we have WvW support, NA primetime and Night time, no longer is it left to a few guilds, no longer is it left up to RE to keep the server alive, yall have no idea what kind of relief this brings to RE. As of now, we are taking advantage of PvE, but the days will soon come when we will have to put in 4-12 (for some of us) hours a day in WvW again as a guild.

We dont have any hidden agendas, we love to WvW as a guild, and we love the fact we are not the only ones who fight for the server as well.

Crazy Leg

(edited by Littlefeather.8623)

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Littlefeather.8623


Instead of trying to stay and teach and help the people of DH as they slide down into whatever new bracket they end up in.

You have no idea how many countless hours myself and my guildies have tried with DH PUG’s. Some of RE have spent 12-16 hours in WvW on a daily basis, no matter how many maps we paint, no matter how much communication and explaining I do, no matter how much leading by example we do, DH PUG’s didnt want to learn.

I would take them to a supply camp and inform them they needed supply, but when we went to a tower I couldnt get two rams up at the gate.

If they see a grub or whatever they just had to stop and kill it, when we didnt have the time…no matter how many times I tried to tell them to follow me, they wouldnt. It was very disheartening to try to lead them when they didnt follow or where easily distracted, there was almost no point.

PS. Personally I am not proud that I have transfered, but the sight of DH was depressing in WvW before we left, and I am loyal to my guild before any server. But it feels yall want to throw us out before yall even get the chance to see what we capable of, I will say that anything yall have seen from us as of now in terms of “stratgey/ tactics” is only the tip of the iceberg. I just want to ask if we can pretend to be friends at the very least…

Crazy Leg

(edited by Littlefeather.8623)

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Ninya.3942


I am also quite interested to hear his list. After my post pretty much explained why we came to Kain.

Im not sure your post is as clear as you think it is. When I read it, what I get out of it is.

We stayed on DH until it became clear we were going to start falling in the ratings. I mean that is what we could see the writing on the wall meant right?

Instead of trying to stay and teach and help the people of DH as they slide down into whatever new bracket they end up in, which is part of the claim on why you moved to Kain, we decided to bail.

We thought it would be fun and exciting to win instead, as we move up into whatever tier now should be kains home. After all moving up is much more fun and exciting then moving down.

Oh we tried. As Little points out, again, we were the last major WvW guild. We grew tired of the lack of PUG willingness to learn or even just cooperate. We have a better WvW community on Kain now and the general population does a great job of learning and responding to requests.

Elementalist Class Lead
Rethesis [RE] – Tarnished Coast

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Theftwind.8976


I am also quite interested to hear his list. After my post pretty much explained why we came to Kain.

Im not sure your post is as clear as you think it is. When I read it, what I get out of it is.

We stayed on DH until it became clear we were going to start falling in the ratings. I mean that is what we could see the writing on the wall meant right?

Instead of trying to stay and teach and help the people of DH as they slide down into whatever new bracket they end up in, which is part of the claim on why you moved to Kain, we decided to bail.

We thought it would be fun and exciting to win instead, as we move up into whatever tier now should be kains home. After all moving up is much more fun and exciting then moving down.

Oh we tried. As Little points out, again, we were the last major WvW guild. We grew tired of the lack of PUG willingness to learn or even just cooperate. We have a better WvW community on Kain now and the general population does a great job of learning and responding to requests.

Really now, you are making it sound like nobody is as good as you are. From what I have seen of Kaineng over the past few days is that in reality they are really not that good at all. If the numbers are not tilted heavily in your favour you are nothing more than badge fodder. In fact since Friday, I have collected over 150 badges fighting Kaineng. You resort to portal bombs to capture Gods and even with only a dozen of us defending we managed to capture it back last night while we were still fighting your vaunted army. 4 of us managed to take a tower from under your noses along with 3 supply camps and it was priceless to see you send 30 plus to take it back.

As I stated one on one, two on one or even 3 on 1 Kaineng just cannot cut it. There has not been one single battle this week that you have won without overwhelming numbers. what does that tell you about your skill levels in WvW?

Theftwind (HoD)

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: lcc.9374


Kain is a server that is made up mainly of people who favor WvW and as we have more success there will most likely be more people join with the same mindset.

We have the makings of a great server community.

whats your map chat like in WvW? – i’m currently in the market for a new lawn.

My my our old enemy. Now looking to transfer here eh? /Raises an eyebrow

But i guess from reading the forums i think you one of the more nicer and reasonable DR weve had the chance to meet. I was looking at the Dev/borlis/maguma thread today. Good stuff. Drama is highly entertaining, especially when it doesnt concern you.

I wouldnt take sides in your server arguments. But yeah us at Kain know how u feel. Well weve been through weeks and weeks of Devona kitten talk. They were winning all that time too, which makes them go all out. Its weird here as your former enemy that i can share the same sentiments you feel towards that guy whose name starts with a “D” which also belongs in that guild who starts with a “P” Now theres more guys in “P” which are a bit kitten too but ill let that slide.

And no im not talking about who you think im talking about.
Im talking about Darwinism. He’s a total kitten!
Ok you guys can stop writing that flame post against me now

…………….i guess were buddies in a sense, we think alike.

About the current matchup.

Sometimes its fun when GOM can field some nice numbers. Most of the time its me waiting at spawn desperately for someone on the other side to come out. While telling the other 5 kains also waiting there to get in line cos i was there first…….in my mind.

Yeah I spawncamp. Problem? Spawn camp with siege though is a No though thats just cheap.

Not much fun. Guy from GOM just partied me to trakittenalk tonight too!. Man months in WvW and i havenet even got trakittenalk whispers ever. This a first. Lol so Mads

Not much fun, but ill bear with it, need ta move up. Or i use my free agent status again to find some more balanced fights and then only come back round tier 5.

….that sounds good

(edited by lcc.9374)

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Littlefeather.8623


I am also quite interested to hear his list. After my post pretty much explained why we came to Kain.

Im not sure your post is as clear as you think it is. When I read it, what I get out of it is.

We stayed on DH until it became clear we were going to start falling in the ratings. I mean that is what we could see the writing on the wall meant right?

Instead of trying to stay and teach and help the people of DH as they slide down into whatever new bracket they end up in, which is part of the claim on why you moved to Kain, we decided to bail.

We thought it would be fun and exciting to win instead, as we move up into whatever tier now should be kains home. After all moving up is much more fun and exciting then moving down.

Oh we tried. As Little points out, again, we were the last major WvW guild. We grew tired of the lack of PUG willingness to learn or even just cooperate. We have a better WvW community on Kain now and the general population does a great job of learning and responding to requests.

Really now, you are making it sound like nobody is as good as you are. From what I have seen of Kaineng over the past few days is that in reality they are really not that good at all. If the numbers are not tilted heavily in your favour you are nothing more than badge fodder. In fact since Friday, I have collected over 150 badges fighting Kaineng. You resort to portal bombs to capture Gods and even with only a dozen of us defending we managed to capture it back last night while we were still fighting your vaunted army. 4 of us managed to take a tower from under your noses along with 3 supply camps and it was priceless to see you send 30 plus to take it back.

As I stated one on one, two on one or even 3 on 1 Kaineng just cannot cut it. There has not been one single battle this week that you have won without overwhelming numbers. what does that tell you about your skill levels in WvW?

This reminds me…

Event: Fight Club
Date: Thursday
Time: 4PM PST
Location: To be determined
1. A servers players must be in one area together.
2. In order to start the fight, atleast 2 challengers (from any server) must go to the middle of the ring/open area.
3. Can be 1v1, 3v3, 5v5, Golem v Golem, etc.
4. No Spiking, only to down state.

Whisper any one from RE if you have any questions about it. Its great fun, it builds cohesion and good/friendly communication between other guilds/servers. Its a friendly competition of PvP, great fun and something we started with NSP/Maguuma back in the day. And every guild from any server who participated loved it

Crazy Leg

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Dhampyr.2104


snip bleah bleah I hate Kaineng bleah

So. Much. Anger.

Congrats on the badges! You’re almost halfway to your Gift of Battle, just from this week alone. You’re welcome!

Seriously, dude, focus on the fun. Although the scorecard is really lopsided, there were alot of fun fights this week. Starting a “you suck! No you suck more!” conversation in this thread is unnecessary.

Eve Morrow, Mesmer, Eve Flamescythe, Ele
Tarnished Coast

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Binafus.8153


Kain is a server that is made up mainly of people who favor WvW and as we have more success there will most likely be more people join with the same mindset.

We have the makings of a great server community.

whats your map chat like in WvW? – i’m currently in the market for a new lawn.

Probably like most other servers you have your bad and you have your good.

In general most people seem to have a real positive attitude towards Kain’s future and seem to be willing to help each other.

We will have to move up a few Tiers before it gets hard but working on building the a long term community, I would welcome anyone looking for a home to join us.

If you just want to see a higher tier go join SoS or JQ, if you want to work to get to Tier 1 and stay with a server come give us a try and I think you will like what you see.

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: WaffleSpeed.4872


I am also quite interested to hear his list. After my post pretty much explained why we came to Kain.

Im not sure your post is as clear as you think it is. When I read it, what I get out of it is.

We stayed on DH until it became clear we were going to start falling in the ratings. I mean that is what we could see the writing on the wall meant right?

Instead of trying to stay and teach and help the people of DH as they slide down into whatever new bracket they end up in, which is part of the claim on why you moved to Kain, we decided to bail.

We thought it would be fun and exciting to win instead, as we move up into whatever tier now should be kains home. After all moving up is much more fun and exciting then moving down.

Oh we tried. As Little points out, again, we were the last major WvW guild. We grew tired of the lack of PUG willingness to learn or even just cooperate. We have a better WvW community on Kain now and the general population does a great job of learning and responding to requests.

Really now, you are making it sound like nobody is as good as you are. From what I have seen of Kaineng over the past few days is that in reality they are really not that good at all. If the numbers are not tilted heavily in your favour you are nothing more than badge fodder. In fact since Friday, I have collected over 150 badges fighting Kaineng. You resort to portal bombs to capture Gods and even with only a dozen of us defending we managed to capture it back last night while we were still fighting your vaunted army. 4 of us managed to take a tower from under your noses along with 3 supply camps and it was priceless to see you send 30 plus to take it back.

As I stated one on one, two on one or even 3 on 1 Kaineng just cannot cut it. There has not been one single battle this week that you have won without overwhelming numbers. what does that tell you about your skill levels in WvW?

Oh boy! What a déjà vu I had reading this.
Oh yeah, no commander will wreck its brains on strategy when he can just overwhelm anything.

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Ninya.3942


I am also quite interested to hear his list. After my post pretty much explained why we came to Kain.

Im not sure your post is as clear as you think it is. When I read it, what I get out of it is.

We stayed on DH until it became clear we were going to start falling in the ratings. I mean that is what we could see the writing on the wall meant right?

Instead of trying to stay and teach and help the people of DH as they slide down into whatever new bracket they end up in, which is part of the claim on why you moved to Kain, we decided to bail.

We thought it would be fun and exciting to win instead, as we move up into whatever tier now should be kains home. After all moving up is much more fun and exciting then moving down.

Oh we tried. As Little points out, again, we were the last major WvW guild. We grew tired of the lack of PUG willingness to learn or even just cooperate. We have a better WvW community on Kain now and the general population does a great job of learning and responding to requests.

Really now, you are making it sound like nobody is as good as you are. From what I have seen of Kaineng over the past few days is that in reality they are really not that good at all. If the numbers are not tilted heavily in your favour you are nothing more than badge fodder. In fact since Friday, I have collected over 150 badges fighting Kaineng. You resort to portal bombs to capture Gods and even with only a dozen of us defending we managed to capture it back last night while we were still fighting your vaunted army. 4 of us managed to take a tower from under your noses along with 3 supply camps and it was priceless to see you send 30 plus to take it back.

As I stated one on one, two on one or even 3 on 1 Kaineng just cannot cut it. There has not been one single battle this week that you have won without overwhelming numbers. what does that tell you about your skill levels in WvW?

So according to you, we have no decent duelers and our tactics stink…hrm

We were the best at WvW as a guild on DH when all was said and done. Not saying we were elite, but in the end we were the last ones to be there in force as a guild trying to lead our server. So yes we were the best WvW GUILD on our server. Again, not saying we were super duper awesome guys like you obviously are, but we tried and tried for over month after the server began to bleed other WvW guilds after the first loss.

I can point to several instances where I have beaten groups of GoM and HoD players solo and in small skirmish groups. I also like how last night on GoM, me and a thief friend, trolled on a GoM commander (an asura engineer) and killed him 5 or 6 times even though he kept hiding in his 10+ man group and running away at 50%. My favorite however, is when we decide to siege up Crag/Cliff and counter the siege you all like to place in your spawn areas then repel your zerg and breakout event with a group of 5-10 people.

Point is…these little chest thumping arguments can go both ways and serve little purpose. You think you’re some kittening awesome player and all of us are mindless drones, that’s fine. However, WvW is not about duels and not about being the best solo player. WvW is about winning and using sound tactics…which at this point we don’t even need to use. We face even number zergs on GoM and HoD borderlands, but the problem is you guys don’t have the numbers to counter it on different maps so we end up rolling score. You can claim we have no skill or strategy, but obviously you can’t really tell if we do or not due to the fact that we have just been rolling over you guys all week.

Calm down, grab a smoke or something and go solo some more lowbie groups. Or come to fight club and beat down on some of us hapless foes

Elementalist Class Lead
Rethesis [RE] – Tarnished Coast

(edited by Ninya.3942)

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


I agree. Chest thumping arguments are a waste of time. I don’t care how many badges people got or how good they think they are or how much contempt they have for their opponents since none of those things help anyone improve. This applies to people from my server or other servers.

Gate of Madness

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Hexin.5603


A lot seems to be getting repeated in discussions. Please keep in mind a few commonalities that are being communicated:

1. The guilds who have moved to Kain, came from multiple servers ranging t1-t8. It’s not an influx based off of crippling one server.

2. These guilds have been discussing this for many weeks, it’s not a hop and flip situation.

3. The guilds in many cases, were some of the final remaining large guilds that did try various other methods within their server. Attempted things such as assisting and aiding pve environments to help those, in return offering a place to help build what they could of the remaining wvw interest. Tried even to market it to some extent, I’ve seen and communicated some in LA, but as noted… we spent many weeks leveled. Stalemated, with the same resolve. A few more here and there, and a few leaving. There could be many other options we weren’t able to try (because possibly we never thought of it). Many hold loyalty to there guilds, but the people and personal game preference is wvw. So we finally decided to look to another option. Building a wvw base.
Based from our experiences, it takes the help of many guilds*, not one.

4. I’ll give some praise to ferg’s … as they have commendable players and skill. Justice – special shout out to you. But even over weeks and months, building only a dozen or two players cannot build wvw. It can build a guild. Someday I do anticipate to see ferg’s again in combat.

MOST IMPORTANTLY to be clarified…

5. No SINGLE guild is to be praised, and not to confuse individuals self pride with the overall goal. EVERY GUILD, and EVERY PLAYER, who steps in through the portal is contributing. We are all skilled players in our own way, and have abilities and strengths that are to be used and leveraged to help the server, Kaineng.

Here is where I will segway an example, I am from Rethesis, one of our first observations in recognizing someone’s skill … in a situation where stalemated taking a tower, a certain commander from another guild, found a seige placement that had LoS, and was not able to be targeted. That’s okay, but where the extra respect comes, was seeing the ability to leverage his guilds skillset, and players. Protecting the placement, build and defending it. Our own guild leader put this type of thinking back to us, to learn and develop from.

No one person is above any other, we all have a common interest. A common goal. If you are ever interested in WvW and new to the server, or just bought the game, without doubt, we would welcome any level of contribution. There’s things even long term vets can learn from other perspectives.

Please do not discredit our server. Nor any of our guilds. I don’t mind the random trolling, but there are many very good and skilled guilds that call Kaineng as home, and we fight for our server. No dis-respect to GoM or HoD… I do enjoy the battles, even in the current situation. But I would believe the next few weeks will be much of the same regardless of foes, numbers do matter in WvW, but that doesn’t mean 1 person is better than any other. Let’s keep this on track.

And as Ninya offers, we do hold ‘fight clubs’ for those who see the week as wash, and care to have some 1v1, 3v3, or 5v5 fun.

~ Xgammon / Hexin / Omega Bomberman [RE], NEO, Kaineng

There’s a world of difference between WM/DE and RE.
And this comes from my experience of fighting WM/DE/SoS and RE.

There is a difference between all our guilds. None of that matters when we aim to work together. WM you seriously need to reconsider some of the statements against WM. They are extremely skilled and intelligent individuals who know how to calculate dps, and play fast and hard. They have solid leadership. You have your ‘opinions’ but that is where it lands. A personal opinion. I have respected them for many years, but in WvW a guild is comprised of a multitude of levels, and skills. My example above, was in fact, compliments to Jang from a tactical decision and leadership shown on Friday night. I was not intending on writing that, until I saw your note.

Willing to pay for boxed expansion if you put legit GvG in the box $$

(edited by Hexin.5603)

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Sumwun.3846


My my our old enemy. Now looking to transfer here eh? /Raises an eyebrow

But i guess from reading the forums i think you one of the more nicer and reasonable DR weve had the chance to meet. I was looking at the Dev/borlis/maguma thread today. Good stuff. Drama is highly entertaining, especially when it doesnt concern you.

I wouldnt take sides in your server arguments. But yeah us at Kain know how u feel. Well weve been through weeks and weeks of Devona kitten talk. They were winning all that time too, which makes them go all out. Its weird here as your former enemy that i can share the same sentiments you feel towards that guy whose name starts with a “D” which also belongs in that guild who starts with a “P” Now theres more guys in “P” which are a bit kitten too but ill let that slide.

About the current matchup.

Sometimes its fun when GOM can field some nice numbers. Most of the time its me waiting at spawn desperately for someone on the other side to come out. While telling the other 5 kains also waiting there to get in line cos i was there first…….in my mind.

Yeah I spawncamp. Problem? Spawn camp with siege though is a No though thats just cheap.

Not much fun. Guy from GOM just partied me to trakittenalk tonight too!. Man months in WvW and i havenet even got trakittenalk whispers ever. This a first. Lol so Mads

Not much fun, but ill bear with it, need ta move up. Or i use my free agent status again to find some more balanced fights and then only come back round tier 5.

….that sounds good

Haha yea. I much rather watch someones drama than have to be in it. But, I had to be in it this time. Someone had to be in it. It’s gone on long enough. And I never appreciated his behavior when we shared 8th.

After K cracked open and your less likable guilds split, I was happy for K. much like brothers or sisters, or one brother and one sister. K and DR had that feel to me. while we were alternating weeks between Ferg and BP getting abused by our drunk uncle, we still found a special way to despise each other in a friendly, strangely positive way.

I enjoyed beating on you guys much like I enjoyed punching around my brother when we were younger. and much like my brother, you Guys would always punch back, and fight a little harder because it’s ok to think, “I want to kill my kittening brother” as long as you don’t actually do it. We were neighboring small towns for a good time. to see the other develop from across the highway is still nice to see despite the competition.

It makes sense one would want seek refuge at the developed neighboring town after watching it develop into a small city when yours was recently ravaged by a hot winded tornado.

I appreciate the compliments. I do. It’s difficult not to look like a rabble rouser when you need to break windows, slap panicked women and shake babies in order to get people to wake up.

It boils down to, I’m a team player who wants to help support a team that’s there for the team, and not the individual. I will sit at a tower for hours and build, repair, or whatever if there is purpose behind it. right now, at home, purpose is defined by zerg size. leaving behind a bread crumb trail of undefended, undeveloped property behind it to be rescooped up in 5 min or less. what’s the plan for this? react. go back and do it over.

I want to play somewhere that knows why that is bad, and how to teach new players the same lesson without having to present it in a, “Listen to your God, little bug” type of format.

Current match up. I Have read you guys are in the same position we were in. your pop is up, you are ready to fight and for some really wonky reason, you don’t have enough opponents. Our first week out of 8 i remember thinking that Feg and K should both be up here with us. I stopped WvW for a bit because it was straight up brutal. we simply had too many people, after moving up. and we just punched holes in the two unfortunate servers that we faced. already forgot them. I think one started with an E.

But the main reason I visited at all was because I read K moved up, and I was legitimately happy/proud of and for all of you.

Yea, I don’t really spawn camp, but there will always be exceptions ( i dunno about siege)

Yak’s Bend.

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: TeamBattleAxe.3901


This reminds me…

Event: Fight Club
Date: Thursday
Time: 4PM PST
Location: To be determined
1. A servers players must be in one area together.
2. In order to start the fight, atleast 2 challengers (from any server) must go to the middle of the ring/open area.
3. Can be 1v1, 3v3, 5v5, Golem v Golem, etc.
4. No Spiking, only to down state.

Whisper any one from RE if you have any questions about it. Its great fun, it builds cohesion and good/friendly communication between other guilds/servers. Its a friendly competition of PvP, great fun and something we started with NSP/Maguuma back in the day. And every guild from any server who participated loved it

I’m definitely interested, but I probably won’t be on ’til much later (8 PM or later by your time zone). Any chance of a round two for us late-nighters?

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: SHAKA ZULU.3128


Also throwing a plea in for a little later round 2. I’d like to spectate at least.


a guardian from k[Ai]neng

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: TeamBattleAxe.3901


Oh, you’re definitely playing. I want to see how my no-stealth thief stacks up against a respectably adequate guardian. Consider the gauntlet dropped.

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Dhampyr.2104


+3 for a second round of fight club later on in the evening!

Eve Morrow, Mesmer, Eve Flamescythe, Ele
Tarnished Coast

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: SHAKA ZULU.3128


Oh, you’re definitely playing. I want to see how my no-stealth thief stacks up against a respectably adequate guardian. Consider the gauntlet dropped.

lol gotta say I don’t have much in the way of strat against a thief that doesn’t stealth as I’ve never actually encounter that. :P My last duel went 4 loss and only 1 win so my pride is quite damaged :*(


a guardian from k[Ai]neng

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Paul.5032


+3 for a second round of fight club later on in the evening!

Challenge #1
Pass through Kaineng siege machines at spawn without dying.

Challenge #2
See #1


GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Hexin.5603


Little always accommodating those east coaster ;-P

What about our PST and those in Aus, Asia Pacific region who want to sleep in… if we have enough interest, maybe we can get a second time slot (doubt it, but worth trying for, any have later time zones chime in). Personally my start time is around 9pm PST (roughly)

@ Shaka … 4 losses and 1 win isn’t all too bad, I’d get my backside handed to me with 0 survivability and still working on builds/testing… so would expect a 0 win scenerio o.O It’s just for fun anyways and a break from the wvw. Little does a good job coordinating

Willing to pay for boxed expansion if you put legit GvG in the box $$

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Asami.3572


@ Paul:

There are multiple exits from spawn in every borderland… Not trying to start an argument or anything cause there’s already enough and I truly wish to just add in a friendly reminder, but any spawn camping that happens will only happen at the front exit of the spawn. Just go to one of the side exits…

Silver Koneko/Silver Kom Trikru/Lime Dorito

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Asami.3572


@ Paul:

There are multiple exits from spawn in every borderland… Not trying to start an argument or anything cause there’s already enough and I truly wish to just add in a friendly reminder, but any spawn camping that happens will only happen at the front exit of the spawn. Just go to one of the side exits…

Silver Koneko/Silver Kom Trikru/Lime Dorito

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Lightsbane.9012


@ Paul:

There are multiple exits from spawn in every borderland… Not trying to start an argument or anything cause there’s already enough and I truly wish to just add in a friendly reminder, but any spawn camping that happens will only happen at the front exit of the spawn. Just go to one of the side exits…

can i ask how high of a horse you’d be on if this was in reverse?

As quick as the Valkyries ride,
As true as Odin’s spear flies,
There is nowhere to hide.

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Asami.3572


I don’t understand the tone you meant behind your text. It seems kind of hostile even though my response to Paul was nothing of the sort… I’m sorry if this is a misunderstanding. I didn’t want to create one. Just wanted to remind people of the multiple exits :/

Silver Koneko/Silver Kom Trikru/Lime Dorito

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: TeamBattleAxe.3901


+3 for a second round of fight club later on in the evening!

Rule #5: When a mesmer shows up, we all jump him. :P

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Dhampyr.2104


+3 for a second round of fight club later on in the evening!

Rule #5: When a mesmer shows up, we all jump him. :P

Ok! I tend to roam/scout solo quite a bit, so won’t be too much different from the rest of my week. You guys have put more than one spike through my toon’s head this week. xD

Edit: OMG these forum problems suckkkkkkkk

Eve Morrow, Mesmer, Eve Flamescythe, Ele
Tarnished Coast

(edited by Dhampyr.2104)

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Lightsbane.9012


I don’t understand the tone you meant behind your text. It seems kind of hostile even though my response to Paul was nothing of the sort… I’m sorry if this is a misunderstanding. I didn’t want to create one. Just wanted to remind people of the multiple exits :/

that’s nice and all, but could you answer the question?

As quick as the Valkyries ride,
As true as Odin’s spear flies,
There is nowhere to hide.

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: JudgeD.5673


Fight club? Can I watch, Dhampyr? No throwing grenades from the sidelines, I promise.

The Robertsons – Julie, Lyana, Adrian, and Lewis
Tarnished Coast Server (formerly of Kaineng)

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Dhampyr.2104


I don’t understand the tone you meant behind your text. It seems kind of hostile even though my response to Paul was nothing of the sort… I’m sorry if this is a misunderstanding. I didn’t want to create one. Just wanted to remind people of the multiple exits :/

that’s nice and all, but could you answer the question?

If you’ve been on Kaineng for longer than three weeks, there wouldn’t be any sort of high horse involved at all. We’ve been in the same position as GoM and HoD are in now. For months, not just for a week.

Not sure what that question or answer has to do with this week’s matchup, though.

Eve Morrow, Mesmer, Eve Flamescythe, Ele
Tarnished Coast

(edited by Dhampyr.2104)

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Lightsbane.9012


I don’t understand the tone you meant behind your text. It seems kind of hostile even though my response to Paul was nothing of the sort… I’m sorry if this is a misunderstanding. I didn’t want to create one. Just wanted to remind people of the multiple exits :/

that’s nice and all, but could you answer the question?

If you’ve been on Kaineng for longer than three weeks, there wouldn’t be any sort of high horse involved at all. We’ve been in this position. For months.

or you could dance around it, it’s fine. i’ll make it a more obvious question.
what if GOM or HOD was able to spawn camp you? would you be spamming this thread with ‘there are multiple exits’ posts? i don’t think so.

As quick as the Valkyries ride,
As true as Odin’s spear flies,
There is nowhere to hide.

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Wryscher.1432


Ill have to come watch the fight club. Ive never been good at 1v1 not twitchy enough I guess. But it is still fun to watch.

Maybe I can trick my gf into get smoked several times.

[Sane]-Order of the Insane Disorder
Melanessa-Necromancer Cymaniel-Scrapper
Minikata-Guardian Shadyne-Elementalist -FA-

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Dhampyr.2104


No, if we were being camped, it would be posted in map chat for the map we’re in (that we should use the side exits), and that’s exactly how I learned about then originally, with DR camping us. Don’t have access to map chat for GoM or HoD, so forums seems to be a logical place for that suggestion.

I also noticed that Asami clarified and apologized if there was a misunderstanding. I don’t think he/she was being condescending, especially after the apology and second post. Your issue seems to be bigger than a suggestion about side exits.

Eve Morrow, Mesmer, Eve Flamescythe, Ele
Tarnished Coast

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: TeamBattleAxe.3901


Give it a shot, Wryscher. It’s just to downed state, so no worries about repair costs. And if those shifty Kaineng kittens try anything funny, we’ll just wipe ’em.

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Asami.3572


I don’t understand the tone you meant behind your text. It seems kind of hostile even though my response to Paul was nothing of the sort… I’m sorry if this is a misunderstanding. I didn’t want to create one. Just wanted to remind people of the multiple exits :/

that’s nice and all, but could you answer the question?

If you’ve been on Kaineng for longer than three weeks, there wouldn’t be any sort of high horse involved at all. We’ve been in this position. For months.

or you could dance around it, it’s fine. i’ll make it a more obvious question.
what if GOM or HOD was able to spawn camp you? would you be spamming this thread with ‘there are multiple exits’ posts? i don’t think so.

To be honest? No, I wouldn’t be posting about getting spawn camped. Because QQing here won’t solve anything with the spawn camping. Just use a different exit and please, for future reference, you don’t need to be so hostile to people just making friendly reminders about something that would help you.

I enjoy when there are good fights in WvW. Not this “we’re just gonna steam roll you” crap. We’re all gamers here. We’re all people here. We all just want to have fun. So how about we all stop the arguing and just play the game we all love? Get back to topics that won’t get this thread closed?

Silver Koneko/Silver Kom Trikru/Lime Dorito