Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Mefk.9167


I think Auora would like ascension ^^. Gl in T3 vs. Piken and vs. Baruch Bay.

You need more ppl for nichtfighting KISS.

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Caid.4932


It’s always nice fighting Riverside and Gandara, but I really dislike the number of cheaters on these 2 servers. I see many enemy players in wvw fly, teleport out of water, non-thieves stealth for 20 secs+, etc I hope that the some of the lawful players on both Riverside and Gandara will report the cheaters in their guilds.

That said, thank you for the good fights we’ve had this week.

Ps. I have omitted player-identifiers and guild-tags. Is it allowed to post the guild tags, and player identifers of the cheaters?

I wouldn’t personally, it just leads to an argument in the thread and honestly these threads really dont need much help to turn into flame wars.
I think if the post you report them in gets flagged it’ll be deleted and you’ll get an infraction. Or maybe not, I dont know, they’re pretty inconsistent about these things.

PM the guild leader or theres a few gandarans (like kinkywarrior who started this thread or me if you feel like) that’ll let their guild leaders etc now. We try not to take advantage of hacks, difficult to tell from our side of the fence who is hacking on our server though (though theres a couple who are known for it).


Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: SeeMuh.1907


Holy Cow…. After reading this thread i just wished i had recorded the last 4 weeks of WvWvW play. Each server is just blaming and flaming like the whole point of this game is to rename it into “Flame Wars 2”. But the truth is that i saw the soo disliked tactics people try to pin on one specific server are used from all of them in the same amount, at least as far as i noticed it. For example 2 weeks ago a large number of AG-Players hide out inside the Hillkeep they outmaned Riverside by far but they decided to bunker (no problem, cause its a tactic) but it coast em the keep cause they didn´t build something in the lordroom just on the outer wall – 24h later we had the exact same thing happen, just that the servers where reversed this time Riverside bunkerd and outmaned Auroraglade same thing happend Aurora got the keep. It´s just one example… I could give so much more, but sadly the just won´t work so well when u write em down. I have to admite i can only speak for the blue borderlands, but i highly doubt that it´s different on the other maps. It´s altough very intressting how every server always rages about the fact that their enemys have so much more man power. So i´m just starting to wounder which one has the least man power when all of em complain… Oh and just to tell a special Guild that Riverside isn´t afraid of fighting u in the openfield – even if u come at us with 20 guys we fight u evrytime and encounter u with our 5 man die honorable policie.

Greetings MyGuild

I nearly forgot to greet the Aurora Mesmer i fought yesterday u were awesome! :P

(edited by SeeMuh.1907)

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Indigus.9528


FURY Highlights from yesterday


(edited by Indigus.9528)

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Drizzy.1268


just curious, how many guards/warris you usually run?

[BNF] – Bitte Nicht Füttern

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: markic.4359


just came from EBL where huge Gandaran blob farmed DTK + pugs (also blob)

after getting wiped several times they started building arrow carts on every corner of the map (open field) and still didnt help them :/

definetly rs worst server of all ^^

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Zorni.6851


hahaha, u guys always make me laugh^^
learn2play gw2!!!

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Myrmidone.4362


Yeah you right hunny you wiped us several times, even with the arrow carts you farmed us and never ever get wiped , more fairy tales…………..pls.
Just read Seemuhs post nothing more to say.

Greets Myrmi

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: mordran.4750


At first you should learn how to count before we can talk here 8 vs 30+ nice try
How is the view up there in the tower? Do you get any wxp for planting flowers up there? Because there is no space for any more Arrowcarts.
Your Leader don´t want to do a GvG against us because there are no Arrowcarts allowed. Otherwise we could solve that over there.

No No bro, first, lying does not help you as i know how many people you had on your ts . second i am not on a dw member neither i am on riverside so i don´t know what guild leader you are talking about. but for now it is enough for me that you got infracted for your useless post. So troll on and post childish videos, it fits your personality well.

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: draugris.9872


And don’t get me wrong i don’t mean to offend you, its just too bad we get targeted by multiple guilds at once in open field.

Well to be honest why do you write disrespectful things if you do not want to offend somebody ? You do.

We do not run coordinated with other guilds but from time to time we meet on the battlefield. Sometimes unintended sometimes not when we come to help defending or attacking objectives.

I guess that´s the same for you, we also saw you run together with other guilds, TUP for example. So shall we also come to the Forums and whine about FURY not running alone bla bla bla ? No, because that would be untrue and offending.

Mondsucht [MS] – Kodash

(edited by draugris.9872)

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: ZStefanovic.2475


And don’t get me wrong i don’t mean to offend you, its just too bad we get targeted by multiple guilds at once in open field.

Well to be honest why do you write disrespectful things if you do not want to offend somebody ? You do.

We do not run coordinated with other guilds but from time to time we meet on the battlefield. Sometimes unintended sometimes not when we come to help defending or attacking objectives.

I guess that´s the same for you, we also saw you run together with other guilds, TUP for example. So shall we also come to the Forums and whine about FURY not running alone bla bla bla ? No, because that would be untrue and offending.

I never wrote anything disrespectful, i just mentioned what i saw and that was multiple guilds who always engaged a fight together. But think of me what you want, have a good night

Former [FURY] – Farming Orr since 1802
my stream:
All names start with Para

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: MartyPartys.9187


just curious, how many guards/warris you usually run?

Yesterday we ran 11 guardians, 9 warriors, 2 eles and 1 mesmer if I’m correct. It was a bit problematic because we had a queue on the map and we couldn’t switch characters. But ye, you gotta do with what you have right.

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Caid.4932


just curious, how many guards/warris you usually run?

Yesterday we ran 11 guardians, 9 warriors, 2 eles and 1 mesmer if I’m correct. It was a bit problematic because we had a queue on the map and we couldn’t switch characters. But ye, you gotta do with what you have right.

You tend to run quite a heavy melee set up anyway though, dont you? (always kind of felt like that from our pov)

Anyway i’ve found dw to always be quite good when it comes to doing there own thing and giving a good fight even when the numbers dont favour them.
Some of the criticism of everyone involved here is a tad silly imo.


Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: MartyPartys.9187


just curious, how many guards/warris you usually run?

Yesterday we ran 11 guardians, 9 warriors, 2 eles and 1 mesmer if I’m correct. It was a bit problematic because we had a queue on the map and we couldn’t switch characters. But ye, you gotta do with what you have right.

You tend to run quite a heavy melee set up anyway though, dont you? (always kind of felt like that from our pov)

Anyway i’ve found dw to always be quite good when it comes to doing there own thing and giving a good fight even when the numbers dont favour them.
Some of the criticism of everyone involved here is a tad silly imo.

We actually really balance our classes because we think you need something from every class to make a whole.

Criticism is mainly because RS doesnt have that many guilds out on the field and I think we’d all like to see some more. I have respect for all the guilds who come and fight in a fair fight. I enjoy it, if I win or lose, It’s why I play the game.

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: The Hunter.4516

The Hunter.4516

Gandara some nice fights tonight, always enjoy fighting you guys!
Riverside why you run so much?

Proud Member of [CA] from Aurora Glade.

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Caid.4932


just curious, how many guards/warris you usually run?

Yesterday we ran 11 guardians, 9 warriors, 2 eles and 1 mesmer if I’m correct. It was a bit problematic because we had a queue on the map and we couldn’t switch characters. But ye, you gotta do with what you have right.

You tend to run quite a heavy melee set up anyway though, dont you? (always kind of felt like that from our pov)

Anyway i’ve found dw to always be quite good when it comes to doing there own thing and giving a good fight even when the numbers dont favour them.
Some of the criticism of everyone involved here is a tad silly imo.

We actually really balance our classes because we think you need something from every class to make a whole.

Criticism is mainly because RS doesnt have that many guilds out on the field and I think we’d all like to see some more. I have respect for all the guilds who come and fight in a fair fight. I enjoy it, if I win or lose, It’s why I play the game.

Well … maybe give compliments to the RS groups that do (like dw)
Credit where its due and all that
They do seem to have improved on that front in recent weeks, cant really get a stack of roaming guilds overnight.


(edited by Caid.4932)

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: climbatize.8729


Cheers to the WvW fluffy charr for the fireworks!!

We were about to end the op’s when we met you =)


Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Dark Lord Killer.9473

Dark Lord Killer.9473

We had a brilliant event this evening, I would like to thank both the RS and Gand groups we faced during the event. Even though we were outnumbered most of the time, I didn’t see any of the superzergs which we all dislike. As a result we managed to take RS Bay → Gand Hills → Gand Bay → RS Bay (In that order). With help of [ECL] and [FURY] ofcourse.

Special shoutout to the two parties of [BB] who joined us on our event.

Argwulf, Human Guardian
Member of [ASA]
My heart is in the Glade, my feet are in Gandara.

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Space.8053


nice fights AG and FURY, finally got that bay tonight

shame wvw shut down when it did, was looking like a tasty set of fights!

Fat Rob

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: skly.5401


Thanks again to [YAK] for [FEAR] WvW Team™’s 1st official TvsG match last week:

[FEAR] the team,
WvW team (non-guild)
Team Manager

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: icey.7368


Ty for a good night in AG BL was fun
O uh that Gvg wouldn’t mind taking you on with our team but you don’t get on early

[YaK] Gandara EU- WvW officer
contact :

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Immolator.5640


@Quenoz, I’m not one to defend Riverside, but, that looks legit. Just looking through the gap on top of the gate, yknow?

Commander Ezekiel The Paladin
Underworld Battalion [WvW] Leader (retired) – Gandara [EU]
All Is Vain

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: quenoz.3859


@Quenoz, I’m not one to defend Riverside, but, that looks legit. Just looking through the gap on top of the gate, yknow?

hmm. post got removed but they shot like the whole area inside and on top of the walls, seems barely legit to me tbh. oh well.

The Unlikely Plan [TUP] Raid Leader

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: DanyK.3842


Mini-guild op with real spartans last night (ONAR). Started out on RSBL but seems we scared AG off the map. It was only a revenge for arrowcarting us when we tried to wipe that RS blob for you at the tower. Just so you know: If you arrowcart into a smaller group attacking a larger group, the small group will take the beating while the zerg will enjoy running us over while we take 4k unnecessary unblockable damage per second from 5 superior arrowcarts from people we are essentially ‘trying to defend’.
It’s a shame you zoned out after the 2 fights we had. We also broke into bay and got blitzkrieged by an extremely unorganised group (group?… SEA!) of Riverside. Realising there was nothing we could do against ze monsterblob and also the lag was insane and we weren’t even taking it seriously we moved to EBG for some more fun.
Fury at mendon’s was starting out to be a great idea of you to farm Gandara there. We almost fell for it but the magic find bonfire and 20 people stacked up inside gave it away We tried to assault some of your lonely people, which I believe was a group of 6 or something but our group was fully bunkerised, meaning we had almost 0 dps. I was sad to see all of you decided to jump down to get the 7 of us :/
Either way when our pugs showed up we decided to portal-bomb you right on that bonfire so we could take the +50%MF before murdering you guys
I guess that made you mad because we saw you chase after us and then finally kill us at Aldon’s (had no idea why we were there). Then we also took a tower of yours, also not really on purpose but when commander tagged off loads of people started following our group so I thought we’d give them something to do meanwhile.
I like everything about the matchup except for Arrowcart-side and ze monsterlag, which comes with ze monsterblob. Until they nerf arrowcarts and set borderland limit to 20 people this is pretty much unplayable for small groups tho.

Sir Dany | Twitch
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: ZStefanovic.2475


some spamming: FURY streaming tonight –

Former [FURY] – Farming Orr since 1802
my stream:
All names start with Para

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: KinkyWarrior.1879


Dat Melee… We counted only 1 mesmer + 1 necro as your non melee :P

Dius Vanguard [DiVa]

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: ZStefanovic.2475


hehe, we have more ranged than that

Former [FURY] – Farming Orr since 1802
my stream:
All names start with Para

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: kribre.9683


Almost funny to see how each primetime of servers comes and ends :P

[VII] – Seventh Legion – retired
[Dius] – Semper Dius – Kodash

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: KinkyWarrior.1879


Gah tonight was a complete contrast to yesterday. Yesterday, we did awesome and had a barrell of laughs. Today was… bad. Simply put we played bad and got wiped. Kudos to the AG groups today.

Dius Vanguard [DiVa]

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: kribre.9683


Thank you JDGE for that little small on small on AG now Was fun, to bad we got hit by DTK which outmanned both of us together^^

[VII] – Seventh Legion – retired
[Dius] – Semper Dius – Kodash

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: ZStefanovic.2475


Don’t be so hard on yourself Dius was a couple of great fights we had with you guys. Good fights and much respect as always!

Former [FURY] – Farming Orr since 1802
my stream:
All names start with Para

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Seregon.2187


Gah tonight was a complete contrast to yesterday. Yesterday, we did awesome and had a barrell of laughs. Today was… bad. Simply put we played bad and got wiped. Kudos to the AG groups today.

Aww don’t be too hard on yourself, we enjoyed meeting you (even though we heavily outnumbered you unfortunately). Keep up the portalling, luckily mine was just next to yours ^^


Ruby Ruby Rubyyy / Lord Snickersnak
[team] Team Team Team Team Team Team
[TUP] The Unlikely Plan

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: KinkyWarrior.1879


Not being hard, just saying it wasn’t down to impossible odds tonight, you guys beat us fair :P

Our portals are done by the mesmer which cant talk to us on TS XD Never know when we’ll get one and never know where we’ll end up… it’s an adventure!

You may have some backline FURY but kitten gurrrlll you do pack dat melee ;P

Dius Vanguard [DiVa]

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: FrouFrou.4958


Thank you JDGE for that little small on small on AG now Was fun, to bad we got hit by DTK which outmanned both of us together^^

Yes, it was lovely indeed! :>

Froudactyl // Herp Derp Druid // Judge Legends [JDGE] // Seafarer’s Rest

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Caid.4932


Gah tonight was a complete contrast to yesterday. Yesterday, we did awesome and had a barrell of laughs. Today was… bad. Simply put we played bad and got wiped. Kudos to the AG groups today.

Aye played better than we have in a long time yesterday and worse today than we’ve had in a long time.
Hi ho, everyone has their good and bad days. Wasn’t to be

Fury seemed to be going pretty easy on us at points which was just a bit embarrasing. Generous and gave us plenty of opportunities to get our act together but still a bit embarrasing.


(edited by Caid.4932)

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: CosmicChopsticks.2876


New build in the middle of wiping a RS zerg

Crazy (Jess/Dave/Chuck), The Karma Initiative [rddt]
Aurora Glade

(edited by CosmicChopsticks.2876)

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: DanyK.3842


Note to self: never roam in a 4 man group on EBG while there’s monsterblobs around. 10 second skill lag, slideshows and insane rubber-banding sums up last night. Sorry to the reinforcement minizergs rushing back into SM for not givin you guys a real fight but I could literally not use any skill, not even skill1.
Lovely duel with KISS thief even if that necro really wanted to protect you :P
Sorry for no rematch but I really only came for my daily.

Sir Dany | Twitch
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: umpljn.4290


Nice work this morning


Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: FrouFrou.4958


Aw yeaah dat pie. The weather looks rather green and has a scent of mad PvD in the air!

Froudactyl // Herp Derp Druid // Judge Legends [JDGE] // Seafarer’s Rest

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Adam.4103


I’m sure all you RS are proud of your insane blobbing…

Adam The Vanquisher

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: DanyK.3842


Riverside, once again I am proud of you. You must have fought well for those points! I bet there was a high level of organisation and skill involved in hitting down those empty towers. Keep up the awesome work! Hope to see you run back to your t3s in primetime

Sir Dany | Twitch
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Space.8053


it’s a public holiday in Germany so go easy guys

Fat Rob

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: gaborkaldy.3210


So awesome that 2 day public holiday in Germany can crash an entire weeks work in half a day. Go enjoy it guys. We be back from work to put you into your place.

It’s always Beer Time!
Desolation – [TEU]

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: DanyK.3842


More wine for me too!

Sir Dany | Twitch
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Missy.7356


Aw yeaah dat pie. The weather looks rather green and has a scent of mad PvD in the air!

With an aroma of Golems.

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Myrmidone.4362


I dont think that this guy plays on RS and his post is ironic, cause only 2-3 Guys from RS post in this thread.
Read my post again perhaps you should rethink your thoughts.

Greets Myrmi

btw……….rarely saw somebody from RS complaining about blobbing, hacking, cheating and whatever else…… the just play the game, instead some of your Server doing this all the time just think about that

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: DanyK.3842


The guy who posted the screenshot is from RS. We hate on him because he posted that screenshot. We also hate on RS because we can and because of your playstyle and also because we loose against you. Furthermore people who don’t recognise this make for good trollbait.
PvD is nothing to be proud of. Next time you uncontest grenth please post a pic of that too.

Sir Dany | Twitch
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Dark Lord Killer.9473

Dark Lord Killer.9473

Looking at the scores, I still see potential for us, AG, to win this week. It will be extremely hard though, considering there is holidays in Germany and therefore they will be playing the entirety of today, tonight and tommorrow. I think with these facts we can at least conclude that language-bound servers are unbalanced when it comes to points like these, because neither Gandara nor AG will ever have holidays that account for such a large percentage of the server’s WvW population. I admit, in the end of the year we probably have had the same cumulative hours of holidays, but they will be spread out across the year and not all at the same time. The result is that the situation where everyone has holidays on the same time, blobs can be formed. Whereas when they are spread out only smaller groups can be formed. I’m not blaming RS or Germany for holidays because that would be rediculous. It’s just fairly dissapointing to see a week that we would have won otherwise go to waste because of bad timing and bad luck.

Next to that I would still like to adress that I dislike the RS playstyle very much, on RS border both yesterday and two days ago we’ve seen one guild group running: [IF]. They actually came outside the towers and keeps, but after a couple of fights they just ran when they saw us, back into the tower. Or they would group up or sandwich us with pugzergs or other guilds. This is one of the more agressive guilds on RS and it’s still performing this playstyle. It really says something about the playstyle as a server. We needed a bonfire to lure them out yesterday, a bonfire (!). Apperently 50% magic find is more important than fun fights or actually capping back your objectives.

Off to a new week against the Riverblobs tomorrow. I wish both my fellow Gladians and the Gandarans a lot of strength in the hard times to come.

Argwulf, Human Guardian
Member of [ASA]
My heart is in the Glade, my feet are in Gandara.

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Myrmidone.4362


Me so hostile? Best joke ever;-)
I keep your last sentence cause its the only reasonable one.^^
See ya.

Greets Myrmi

btw……..its nearly impossible to match all your forumwarriors but at least i try

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: gaborkaldy.3210


Gabe i got your point, but do you really think, Gandara or AG would act differently?
I think this is a very one-sided view of the whole Thing.
See ya on Battlefield and yes there are still people who live in germany(cause i am no german;-) and work right now^^.

Greet Myrmi

We are starting to have a conversation with much understanding. You are right. Every language based server (german, spanish, frenchie) would do this of course.

In case of english servers we are not so lucky. English servers are a bit different i guess. They are more like international servers in my point of view. They are melting people who doesn’t have an own server. In our guild we have players from US, UK, Scandinavian countries, and Middle – East Europe as well. Myself from Hungary.

I feel for you have to work on bank holidays. I am working for a swedish multi and it happens sometimes with me as well.

See you on the battlefield!
Cheers, Gabe

It’s always Beer Time!
Desolation – [TEU]