(edited by eremos.8142)
Great fights with QQ and FSV this evening though, especially the garrison 3-way. We outnumbered FSV, and yet they still jump in. Always a nice surpise to find some on FSP or MS who have balls
Life’s too short to worry about repair costs!
We’ve really enjoyed fighting Gandara. We’re a pretty new guild so we never pass up an opportunity to test ourselves, and these fights, as opposed to the massive zergs we often see from other servers, have really given us the chance. And it’s really nice to see our efforts are appreciated.
Practice makes perfect!
(edited by eremos.8142)
Yeah at the end we just kinda decided to run into every single battle marker and focus millers
Looking at mos.millenium makes me sad =( Gandara might move up a tier if you keep this pressure up and AG will move down, I don’t mind AG at all but most fun fights we have had in long time has been with Gandara. So i guess my personal mission this week is to try to push down Gandara abit more Hug you all to death with our Pink Quaggan army!
Haha would love to see you push us … Shame ours ts was not working propelly all night made our movement a little shifty :/ but as long as there two guild groups support each like last night the maps will be green … Sunny hill tower is YaKs and we will hold it as longas possible hehe nice fights on Fsp did well defending your garrison ..
Keep your heads up and happy hunting
Greetz to YaK! You guys got us yesterday few times. Was hard to do something against you. I guess you was about 40? We tried always to win but there was no real chance for us. You did everything right.
Hope we can do the GvG this week. See you on the BL
Was great having the outmanned buff for most of last night’s playtime for me- MS run golems at almost exactly the same time every night, it’s like having our own event ‘spot the golems’:-)
Great fights over SM and in our own BL- but it was a bit sad late on when we were calling for help taking down Hills gates and there was only 4 of us on our own BL!!!
Thanks to Gandara and FSP for the awesome garri-fight – let’s do that again sometime.
Greetz to YaK! You guys got us yesterday few times. Was hard to do something against you. I guess you was about 40? We tried always to win but there was no real chance for us. You did everything right
Hope we can do the GvG this week
. See you on the BL
Nah nothing you can do when we have 40 tbh was training day last night so the newer member have a idea what they are expected don’t get me wronge think we wiped at hillz and endless times pushing garrison other time when ts was robotic lol we should be running are normal 20 ish tonight
And yeah the gvg looking forward to it I see you run melee heavy will see what rabbit we can pull out if the hat on Thursday
Give a pm what Mao you on tonight if any
Greetz to YaK! You guys got us yesterday few times. Was hard to do something against you. I guess you was about 40? We tried always to win but there was no real chance for us. You did everything right
Hope we can do the GvG this week
. See you on the BL
Nah nothing you can do when we have 40 tbh was training day last night so the newer member have a idea what they are expected don’t get me wronge think we wiped at hillz and endless times pushing garrison other time when ts was robotic lol we should be running are normal 20 ish tonight
And yeah the gvg looking forward to it I see you run melee heavy will see what rabbit we can pull out if the hat on Thursday Give a pm what Map you on tonight if any
And any other guild from ms or dap want a gvg as it looks like we going up this week all the best YaK
/wave to the Gandara Ele from(Song) who fought with me 3 times near Dawn’s Eyrie MS Border ,especially our last fight was pretty funny until a Shiverpeaks group rushed over us ^^
Thx for the nice evening to all of you even though the MS Border looks once again like a scene of devastation lol.
Well even if some might have another view about the groupsizes..i don’t think that MS has much bigger groups then yours. If you come on the MS borderlands as guildgroup you have to expect being outnumbered by the pug the main pug is always on our homelands while the guildgroups try to do something on their own on other borderlands but if we are in trouble we call for help and they try to swap maps.
But on the other hand as you could see durring the last week and also now 2-3 guildgroups of yours are more then able to shatter our homelands and also our Pug in pieces thats just the different between a well organized good team and a pug that consists of players with different lvl ,solo builds,non TS user ect.
Also you can’t really expect every guild or group to watch for the size or if the opponent group might be outnumbered. When i walk around between resource camps and towers and one of your guildgroups is rushing me down you don’t watch for numbers do you ? ^^ otherwise you would send only 1-2 ppls over to me)
If you look for fights against even groups i recommend to get in touch with the guildleaders as far i know the guilds do always look for GvG fights and this way its a bit easier to make sure you don’t get disturbed much durring the fight by a pug or another guildgroup.
it’s the same all over. If Dius want to fight MS guilds, we go FSP Bl’s and Millers BL’s for FSP guilds normally
However you did have [QQ] on MS tonight who were awesome to fight o/
For FSP + Millers you’ll find us on the enemy borderlands as well
Its just that EVERYONES pugs goes EB and then home map :P
Hehe we were really glad that QQ was there tbh can’t tell how many times they saved my butt near the east tower.
However I think most of us would love it to fight in smaler groups and since we are in this tier it became obvious that we have to change our tacticSo i hope we will go for it too.
yesterday was really a good and funny evening even if we had to do a last minute change of plan due lack of numbers on our dear FSP BL the day IC+CA, Yak, one MS small zerg and another GA guild decided to have a tour on FSP.
We hold as much as we could (basically Garri + 1 tower) and had a lot of fun with some really epic battles around supply camps.
I’m curious to see the IC video and our TNN video of the battle close to the north camp
A pity to lose Gandara as an opponent; most of the guilds are very nice and is good to have a clash with them.
Aurora here, yep gandara is a nice server, let’s see if we make a deal, we send Miller sound UP so the germans play by them self and FSP, gandara, aurora glade play together, i think everybody will be happy
Aurora here, yep gandara is a nice server, let’s see if we make a deal, we send Miller sound UP so the germans play by them self and FSP, gandara, aurora glade play together, i think everybody will be happy
That would be fantastic :-)
Well as an AM player i would really like to see that happen. But Gandara has to take some days of i guess or they and not MS will replace AG in t4.
Yeah we can handle this with 20
I recognize the pink norn mesmer in the center of the picture and no, you can’t handle it!
So GO GO Miller Smash everything Play 24/7 and get in tier4, RS and AM are waiting, Glorius Arrow cart battle waits!!!!
Gandara take a break you know that you don’t want to be in tier4
/bullkitten off
Happy match to all of you, may the coverage help you
Aurora here, yep gandara is a nice server, let’s see if we make a deal, we send Miller sound UP so the germans play by them self and FSP, gandara, aurora glade play together, i think everybody will be happy
Not everybody Would be so nice if we had a german pikenstyle server..
Aurora here, yep gandara is a nice server, let’s see if we make a deal, we send Miller sound UP so the germans play by them self and FSP, gandara, aurora glade play together, i think everybody will be happy
Not everybody
Would be so nice if we had a german pikenstyle server..
Make one
Gandaraaaaaaaaaaaaa looose haaaaaaaaarder, I know you waaaaaaaaaaaaant us!
Haws, sadly there are so many people out there who don’t care about good match ups, too bloodthirsty for points and wxp :<
Is there any guild out there (FSV or MS) who likes to fight mine? We play WvW every now and then, so we’re not top and I think we can field a force of around 10 people. Preferably people who like to play WvW on a casual level aswell and are tired of the constant zerging.
Gandara, you hunting for us?
Gandara, you hunting for us?
Unfortunately there wasnt much else to do
We finally made our treb at the bridge and u already got into briar with ur catas =( we were hoping to treb your catas for lolz :P
WvW Matchup Changes!
World vs. World matches are about to get an injection of variety! With these changes you can look forward to facing new opponents in new matchups and testing your world’s skill against more foes!
guess we wont be seeing AG to soon….
Too FS and MS STAY AWAY from my kitten supplycamps arghhhhh……
Serieusly, this is getting stupid. Fix the kitten keep arenanet. We can’t even defend it -_- If we go close to Gandara keep as Gandara players our game crashes -_-
Update: 8:30 am -> Game crashes happening at Gandara Hill now as well. We can’t get out. Only way atm is to speed run it to Aldon safe path.
Update 8:40 am-> Game Crashes happening when Wp’ing to the hill now. This is not always, but more people are reporting this.
Update 8:51 am → going from EBG to Gandara BL , Can let your game crash as well.
(edited by Halbarz.3854)
Yesterday we (GoT) had an event starting @ Miller’s.
After some time we went to our home BL to help out AoA resulting in a stand off between FS (AoA & GoT) vs. MS vs. GA.
Awesome to see our 2 groups (95% guildmembers and certainly not the word that musn’t be said) standing apart from eachother, buffing up and hitting those pesky invaders .. again and again.. and again.
Backing eachother up when the one of us was getting sandwiched… aswesome fights!
After an hour or so [GoT] hopped into GA and fought side-to-side with [PUNK] vs. [XxX] and a GA pug “group”. It’s fun to see our old FSP group fighing us which resulted in a looooooong fight, starting just outside briar, moving towards south camp and bending towards the ruins through the water.
We finally lost but left the battlefield with our heads up high as we didn’t run, we didn’t stand down, we pushed [XxX] back and gave them our best. Thnkx for the fight ppl., may these battles come more often.
Greetings to [PUNK] and [AoA], let’s r0ck some more this week
P.s. When we were @ Sunny, we tried to get the door down.. multiple guardians glitched in when they were hitting the door and used #2 hammerskill.
<em>These ppl. ran up the stairs and jumped of the walls ASAP</em> as we as guild do not stand for gameplay (ab)using such bugs, pls. Anet.. check this out as it was impossible for them to help out at the door without glitching in
(edited by Zephyer.5716)
So GO GO Miller Smash everything Play 24/7 and get in tier4, RS and AM are waiting, Glorius Arrow cart battle waits!!!!
Gandara take a break you know that you don’t want to be in tier4
/bullkitten off
Happy match to all of you, may the coverage help you
Please come join in with us AG. We miss you! I’m sure MS will gladly have a trio with AM and RS in tier 4.
Gandara take few days off now ! Go drink beer and do stuff aslong u dont play WvW for few days ^^
I really wish we could do FSP-Gandalf-AG if we have a matchup like this i promise i don’t drop any siege in the entire week we only do fights and everyone stay at 250 tick, so that we don’t change the score.
Miller needs some coverage so that they can go up, gandara stay down
GL see you at reset, if anyone from FSP and miller want to GvG i’ll try to get a group ready on Sunday or theusday, we did our first yesterday and we want more i need practice, just PM here or in game if you’re interested
Serieusly, this is getting stupid. Fix the kitten keep arenanet. We can’t even defend it -_- If we go close to Gandara keep as Gandara players our game crashes -_-
Update: 8:30 am -> Game crashes happening at Gandara Hill now as well. We can’t get out. Only way atm is to speed run it to Aldon safe path.
Update 8:40 am-> Game Crashes happening when Wp’ing to the hill now. This is not always, but more people are reporting this.
Update 8:51 am -> going from EBG to Gandara BL , Can let your game crash as well.
I just logged in, wped to gandara garrison and boom… game crashed (2:30 pm)
even when we are down to +120 points, we never give up
about 20 TNN with the help of 8/10 pugs sending a Gandara Guild back to WP.
Take this as a kind reply to the person who wispered me if I was scared to be in a video with them: now you have a nice video of all of us together
so 20 tnn (organized guild)with around 10+pug 30+(soo many green dot on minimap:D) against 18 and u killed us,gj.
my pov incoming too.
(edited by Nemesys.7251)
Serieusly, this is getting stupid. Fix the kitten keep arenanet. We can’t even defend it -_- If we go close to Gandara keep as Gandara players our game crashes -_-
Update: 8:30 am -> Game crashes happening at Gandara Hill now as well. We can’t get out. Only way atm is to speed run it to Aldon safe path.
Update 8:40 am-> Game Crashes happening when Wp’ing to the hill now. This is not always, but more people are reporting this.
Update 8:51 am -> going from EBG to Gandara BL , Can let your game crash as well.
I just logged in, wped to gandara garrison and boom… game crashed (2:30 pm)
Yup, can’t port to garrison either. Yay for crashes
Lost t3 keeps in gandara BL because of
so 20 tnn (organized guild)with around 10+pug 30+(soo many green dot on minimap:D) against 18 and u killed us,gj.
my pov incoming too.
but we never pretend to be pro-players now, we are still proudly n00bs.
yet it was not us who fall in the trap
nor it has been us who said that they can manage against 40+
And I heard that yesterday DW as well taught you some nice moves.
some of our long fight of yesterday with 17 XxX and 3 guest.(so 20)and some inc with 15.
(edited by Nemesys.7251)
so 20 tnn (organized guild)with around 10+pug 30+(soo many green dot on minimap:D) against 18 and u killed us,gj.
my pov incoming too.but we never pretend to be pro-players now, we are still proudly n00bs.
yet it was not us who fall in the trap
nor it has been us who said that they can manage against 40+And I heard that yesterday DW as well taught you some nice moves.
oh it was a trap to kill us with more and do the video,ok enjoy it if u call that a victory hehe(zerging a guild wow im so proud of u),im sure with guild u can give us some problem but u never try it and u know well why.
Dw?we got few fight alone with them an many other while they blobbing,but they try it u not so u dont deserve talk about them.
and for all who want our bag with blob or not we are on this evening too.
ps: that video show only how we always play and how u always play:D is not a good thing for u all,but is good for us,thanks for the advertisement of our guild.
(edited by Nemesys.7251)
Lost t3 keeps in gandara BL because of
Maybe that’s how they implement ‘more matchup variety’ into wvw. Making one random borderland impossible to defend by crashing the natives out of the game when they try to enter it :P
We were not enough to put a real good fight (12/13 max)… But it was a nice evening ! We will meet tonight. Count on that
Serieusly, this is getting stupid. Fix the kitten keep arenanet. We can’t even defend it -_- If we go close to Gandara keep as Gandara players our game crashes -_-
Update: 8:30 am -> Game crashes happening at Gandara Hill now as well. We can’t get out. Only way atm is to speed run it to Aldon safe path.
Update 8:40 am-> Game Crashes happening when Wp’ing to the hill now. This is not always, but more people are reporting this.
Update 8:51 am -> going from EBG to Gandara BL , Can let your game crash as well.
I just logged in, wped to gandara garrison and boom… game crashed (2:30 pm)
Yup, can’t port to garrison either. Yay for crashes
Started at around 11:30pm last night for me, still happening now on EBG and it happened when I used the waypoint for the Garrison on Gandara Borderland.
It happened last night any time I went NEAR the main keep on EBG. It was irritating, there was a big group of us doing quite well after taking the MS borderland in it’s entirety, moved onto EBG, played for about an hour there, when asked to port home to protect Jerri, the majority of us got DC’d, only to have a further 4 or 5 DC’s before we realized the problem was the keep.
I’ve actually tweeted them about this and saw a lot of other people tweeting and posting on their Facebook page but not one person has yet to get a response (as far as I’m aware?). I’m mainly confused as to why it started happening so suddenly really.
so 20 tnn (organized guild)with around 10+pug 30+(soo many green dot on minimap:D) against 18 and u killed us,gj.
my pov incoming too.but we never pretend to be pro-players now, we are still proudly n00bs.
yet it was not us who fall in the trap
nor it has been us who said that they can manage against 40+And I heard that yesterday DW as well taught you some nice moves.
oh it was a trap to kill us with more and do the video,ok enjoy it if u call that a victory hehe(zerging a guild wow im so proud of u),im sure with guild u can give us some problem but u never try it and u know well why.
Dw?we got few fight alone with them an many other while they blobbing,but they try it u not so u dont deserve talk about them.and for all who want our bag with blob or not we are on this evening too.
ps: that video show only how we always play and how u always play:D is not a good thing for u all,but is good for us,thanks for the advertisement of our guild.
seems rosik is in the air, btw hybernia sucks! oh nvm wrong game
Nooooo! FSV what did you do?!?! The quaggan magics protecting Gandara garrison are strong but unpredicatable, now we all suffer the CTD on your account =P.
New WvW mini game on Gandara, how close can you get to garrison NE outer, current record seems to be 5ft but with training and dedication we reckon one superhuman Gandaran may get close enough to start repairing.
#GanadaraGarrisonSortItOut =P
yeah no wonder there aint much people on your border and massive “forbidden word” at millers :P We had alot of fun but then some people had to leave and we lost our mojo
Was kinda fun at one point when we were running towards briar and Army was jsut rushing out and instantly turned around inside the tower, we had a great laugh so thank you
Nice fights with you guys XxX. We were once again only 7-8 but we had a lot of fun !!
See you
Sadly you were the only ones who came out and fight us head on tonight..
We saw a complete classic LOL moment yesterday when GS weilding ranger came leaping amongst the 4 of us, realised we weren’t going to die and then attempted to run into the keep we had just captured a couple minutes ago.
I swear his character looked shocked – nevermind what he must have said to himself in the couple of seconds before we put him out of his misery!
We almost felt sorry for the guy, but thanks for making us smile :-)
Is it Ironic that a server who busted a gut to get rid of Gandara is now begging us to stop fighting so we can face them again ?
AG is one of the servers I love to face, but throw a match…….never
Whole day became pretty tedious due to the crash bug all over Gandara bl. Anet doesn’t crash reports from hundreds of players multiple times even warrant a reply let alone a fix ?
New WvW mini game on Gandara, how close can you get to garrison NE outer, current record seems to be 5ft but with training and dedication we reckon one superhuman Gandaran may get close enough to start repairing.
Got 4ft and workin on it!!
Manys lols had on EBG early this morning. Millers trebbing Wild Creek from SM and then as soon as the wall was down, they all rushed in and sort of died against just three of us. FSP came next and similarly died. Then Millers came again, shortly followed by FSP and we were just overwhelmed by reds and FSP ended up capping Wild Creek. All that trebbing by Millers, and then FSP took the tower. That group of Millers must have been kicking themselves this morning. At least you capped it a little bit later anyway ;-)
Also, Gandara garrison WP is still bugged and causes a CTD if used.
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Contact /u/e-scrape-artist on reddit if you encounter a bug.