Gandara Vs Arborstone Vs Augury Rock (Tier 4)
Thanks Seed, we are improving a lot lately!
The tonic is barely used by our guild and i honestly don’t see the need to hide the reason for using it either. So i’ll explain why WE us it. It’s simply to make it easyer for the group to follow the leader/frontline. Sure, the red mark works but this makes it even easyer. That’s all!
There is another small reason, but that only applies when you face enemy groups that know your guild (and armor skins) very well. They will try to kill your leader to heavily disorganise your group. So using the potions on all your frontline makes it harder for them to do this. But it’s really not needed in this tier.
Culling, a special skill or anything like that is not and has never been the reason for using this potion. There is nothing unfair about using it. I just wanna make that clear.
Gandara – WvW Warrior
Thanks Seed, we are improving a lot lately!
The tonic is barely used by our guild and i honestly don’t see the need to hide the reason for using it either. So i’ll explain why WE us it. It’s simply to make it easyer for the group to follow the leader/frontline. Sure, the red mark works but this makes it even easyer. That’s all!
There is another small reason, but that only applies when you face enemy groups that know your guild (and armor skins) very well. They will try to kill your leader to heavily disorganise your group. So using the potions on all your frontline makes it harder for them to do this. But it’s really not needed in this tier.
Culling, a special skill or anything like that is not and has never been the reason for using this potion. There is nothing unfair about using it. I just wanna make that clear.
But but all I see is a fat charr, no ghost :p
Semper Dius [Dius]
EU Gandara
The report I got was about TURK, unfortunately I think due to the language barrier, they can’t respond or choose not to. Either way, it’s not the sort of behaviour we want on our beloved gandara
WvWvW Player Who Doesn’t Have Much of A Clue
Thanks Seed, we are improving a lot lately!
The tonic is barely used by our guild and i honestly don’t see the need to hide the reason for using it either. So i’ll explain why WE us it. It’s simply to make it easyer for the group to follow the leader/frontline. Sure, the red mark works but this makes it even easyer. That’s all!
There is another small reason, but that only applies when you face enemy groups that know your guild (and armor skins) very well. They will try to kill your leader to heavily disorganise your group. So using the potions on all your frontline makes it harder for them to do this. But it’s really not needed in this tier.
Culling, a special skill or anything like that is not and has never been the reason for using this potion. There is nothing unfair about using it. I just wanna make that clear.
Thanks for you answer, It was my first thought: using as a beacon because of the poor Group/UI system, and the blop of all the game particle effect, who make it very difficult to see ^^
Before I thought it was generating an heavy clipping when using it a lot. because dying from nowhere and seeing 5-10 guys appearing around me as ghost ^^.
anyway thanks for the answer.
Our raid is bit off finally this week, (irl, car broken, Sickness,..) but you ll see a few of us still on to fight in group size ^^
The report I got was about TURK, unfortunately I think due to the language barrier, they can’t respond or choose not to. Either way, it’s not the sort of behaviour we want on our beloved gandara
Funny, a player from 3 different turkish guilds being accused of speed hacking. I’m going to be optimistic and choose to believe its the same guy getting booted from one to the next.
Very sporting AR. Having someone start upgrades on our keeps just minutes before you attack, killing any chance of setting up defence. It seems outnumbering us 3 to 1 isn’t enough.
Once would be a coincidence, twice would be unfortunate, but this is happening repeatedly. And the timing simply can’t be excused by nubs ordering them without knowing better.
Also seen an increase in the number of pointless rams being built inside keeps lately.
(edited by Ragnar.4257)
Yes it happend again! Not the first time someone ordered extra guards before you guys attack something.
It’s WAR and to be fair what one player does from server to server shouldn’t reflect badly on the server as a whole. Yes they have huge numbers but I think AR now see they could be fighting a very close battle if night service ramps up tonight and tomorrow…. We’ve done 35k in a night, we can put the heat on them
If you know its happening just keep an eye on the upgrades person while you’re fighting the war… pew pew pew.
As for the Turks of Gandara it’s a shame they don’t integrate more I’m sure they’re lovely peoples.
WvWvW Player Who Doesn’t Have Much of A Clue
Yes they have huge numbers but I think AR now see they could be fighting a very close battle if night service ramps up tonight and tomorrow…. We’ve done 35k in a night, we can put the heat on them
We’ve been doing that for a few nights now and the score has been getting wider despite it.
By 6/7 they’ve reversed the numbers and we’re ticking for 100 or so points and it stays that way till prime time, at which point its an unhill struggle to get back to level terms because of upgrades on everything.
So i wouldn’t bet on us catching up unfortunately
(edited by Caid.4932)
Pray to Bessie :P PRAY!!!
I stopped doing the night service cause it totally buggers ya up in the long run.
WvWvW Player Who Doesn’t Have Much of A Clue
Your not allowed give up the night service, BESSIE NEEDS YOU!!!
Logging on at 6am and making sure AR dont cap anything till prime time single handed would be an acceptable compromise though.
Good on you those Arborstone players whom ventured out into the battle ground last night so glad to see some of you take the time and effort to give it a go.
AR why the hell do you lot run when we get into your places instead of fighting till the very last second, everytime we get into anywhere and are at the lord you lot leg it, Hell we was even outnumbered 3 to 1 this morning when we took your garrison for giggles.
Eno Live (Ele)
I wanted to thanks the [LAG] guild of Gandara for their play yesterday evening. It was in the supply camp next to bay (AR map). I don’t know what you were really doing (I guess you were praticing your repack) but that was quit fun. We were bored to only take supply camp one after the ohters and you guys lighted up our evening. We enjoy the many encounters despite you have each time the advantage of the field…(It’s very hard to croos the netrance of the supply camp). Hope next time we will fight in open field
Just a question: did you use stealth or mesmer portal each time you were coming? Cause we didn’t see you and when we could, it was nearly too late… (and I don’t even talk about the fact we don’t see our main lead…). It’s just a question to understand if it’s due to our lack of attention or the new patch of Anet.
I hope we will cross swords tonight again
Augury Rock
Yesterday wasa great little night. First up when we were fighting for bay on urrr can’t remember which BL, my small group of four took out a group of ten in a very tense fight, there was a moment of shock and awe but I’m pretty sure we used the terrain to our advantage….
Then as Eno took on gandara BL; the tiny terrors known as Asura on patrol from SN and Smug started taking camps and towers in arbor and AR until 3am. Was a lot of fun.
Oh and I take back what I said earlier, I met a nice Turk player last night in MM
WvWvW Player Who Doesn’t Have Much of A Clue
Okok, next GW2 video complete – random roaming and silliness:
Perish [FLEE]
yesterday fight mainly against LDF,and one big inc against zerg.
(edited by Nemesys.7251)
TY Tohu
Since yesterday it was our first riding night in the w3 as a guild, its a great pleasure to see that we gave U so much fun yesterday evening Our goal on the long run is to learn from mistakes and improve our fights in every aspect, so we can continue with all this fun moments in w3.
Yesterday fights at camp were a huge fun for my guildies, so Gandara can expect us on the field again. Would it be this week? I am not certain. But on the other hand, I can give a promise to Tohu, we will meet again in the future
To answer your question, yesterday we used environment a lot as primary tool. We had an Mesmer as well and therefore we used invisibility, portal was not in use yesterday.
btw I would like to welcome Judge to the server.
cya on the field
EU Gandara
(edited by Brko.3079)
too bad ldf prefer zergs and inc us always instead of play(and they are more than us without other guild) or inc us when we are fighting other 40 enemy,but dont worry we come back again and kill u all as usual.
Awesome fights in Arbor BL today! Intense battles, brilliant teamwork. Thanks everyone <3
Awesome fights in Arbor BL today! Intense battles, brilliant teamwork. Thanks everyone <3
Indeed that was really fun, much more fun than T1-T2 fights tbh !
Also sorry to xxx there was no commanders anymore on Arbor BL and i had to put mine on, i hope to catch you without it before the reset if we are able to set our 12man group up tommorow.
@JDGE i lold a lot when i saw u being stuck in that stair, you guys had start ur inc exactly at the same time of the 100% cap xD !
~Jhiana – Warforgis [WAR]
(edited by Croustibat.1304)
Haha yeah, it was really bad timing for us. Half of the guild among with some randoms got stuck inside the wall and they couldn’t get out. Our TS was full of lols :>
yesterday fight mainly against LDF,and one big inc against zerg.
Nice video.
Looks like a really heavy ranged group you’ve got there, kind of suprised your melee didn’t melt instantly. Looks like they were kind of using hit and run tactics?
Interesting to see a necro leading anyway
Not a really good evening for us yesterday, small group vs good team on Gandara, I reckon one [CntK], but there were a lot ^^. finally with had a small revenge with the PU in front of garrison on RA.
The [SN] I think you were afk when we found you, your 5-6 man against our 6-7 of us.
Map looking very empty.
too bad ldf prefer zergs and inc us always instead of play(and they are more than us without other guild) or inc us when we are fighting other 40 enemy,but dont worry we come back again and kill u all as usual.
you started recruiting ? ah no I forgot you roam always with 10-13 man ^^.
Comedia del arte. we know why
(edited by Seed.5714)
Ty alot to the Arbonstone and angry rock guilds that we fought yesterday, was a fantastic fun evening. Battles forth amd back, alot of resspect to green, field some numbers and fight back.
Lol War, that was wery wery funny.
To Dius, and wvw, cheers alot for the teamwork last night, seems Gendara can field some organiced fighting spirit.
Nice vid XxX, we will have one of our first week in gendara aswell ready in short.
/Osicat < Judge >
you started recruiting ?
Comedia del arte. we know why
Lol. And you don’t know that this is spanish? Stop embarassing yourself mate, but nice try tho. Seems like you need to talk about us, maybe all your advertising made us recruit some people a couple days ago, and they’re doing pretty good as you can see! In that case, thank you!
Nice vid XxX, we will have one of our first week in gendara aswell ready in short.
/Osicat < Judge >
Thanks mate! Looking forward to see that video!
Rea Mania- Human Necromancer
The [SN] I think you were afk when we found you, your 5-6 man against our 6-7 of us.
That was you? I think we were stood between Garrison and Arah, we were just chattin in /say and havin a bit of fun whilst waiting for folks to get to us and well…. BAM hit by a truck from behind. :P Was SN and a couple of Smug it hurt big style although I suppose it was pay back for moments earlier
WvWvW Player Who Doesn’t Have Much of A Clue
“Seed.5714” just a question…did you enjoy the fight yesterday?
Did you enjoy your face in the mud? good man…good.
Lamfotha [VcY]
Soosick [VcY]
you started recruiting ? ah no I forgot you roam always with 10-13 man ^^.
i think u have really some problem, we have tons of video look all of them and count how many we are from blacktide,gandara,augury rock,and far shiverpeack,2 day ago a guild of friend merged with us,now yes we are a bit more,and why we are a bit more?we are bored to be zerged from 40 man guild zerg always,10 man CANT kill a guild group so big but 20 can.Now pls do your game and shut up,now stop post useless thing on a match up post.
The [SN] I think you were afk when we found you, your 5-6 man against our 6-7 of us.
That was you? I think we were stood between Garrison and Arah, we were just chattin in /say and havin a bit of fun whilst waiting for folks to get to us and well…. BAM hit by a truck from behind. :P Was SN and a couple of Smug
it hurt big style although I suppose it was pay back for moments earlier
yes I saw lol you didn’t move when we came till the impact but at this point I saw only 5-6 SN the smug was bit before or later cannot remember now and just when we finished with you we got zerged by the CnTK bus.. was fun but not too long O_o
@for the others
I can see that my pull taunt works ^^,
so many angry man
we know why
(edited by Seed.5714)
you started recruiting ? ah no I forgot you roam always with 10-13 man ^^.
i think u have really some problem, we have tons of video look all of them and count how many we are from blacktide,gandara,augury rock,and far shiverpeack,2 day ago a guild of friend merged with us,now yes we are a bit more,and why we are a bit more?we are bored to be zerged from 40 man guild zerg always,10 man CANT kill a guild group so big but 20 can.Now pls do your game and shut up,now stop post useless thing on a match up post.
I do my game, I enjoy it, but it seem few people need some steroid to keep going, and btw I ll keep speaking (who are you to tell me to shut up)I didn’t ask you permission, and you post is very useful and fuel of wisdom btw…
and I don’t need to check your video, I know exactly how you play.
(edited by Seed.5714)
I do my game, I enjoy it, but it seem few people need some steroid to keep going
This doesn’t even make sense to me. But nice try, keep going dude.
@for the others
I can see that my pull taunt works ^^,
so many angry manwe know why
Lol, you’ve clearly never seen an angry italian
You’re just annoying, but you know, you don’t get “angry” with mosquitos, you just slap them when they’re around Nice forum skills anyway mate!
Rea Mania- Human Necromancer
I do my game, I enjoy it, but it seem few people need some steroid to keep going
This doesn’t even make sense to me. But nice try, keep going dude.
@for the others
I can see that my pull taunt works ^^,
so many angry manwe know why
Lol, you’ve clearly never seen an angry italian
You’re just annoying, but you know, you don’t get “angry” with mosquitos, you just slap them when they’re aroundNice forum skills anyway mate!
we know why…
you need to answer..
“Seed.5714” just a question…did you enjoy the fight yesterday?
Did you enjoy your face in the mud? good man…good.
Didn’t see this ^^,
well I didn’t have time to enjoyed it was to short, I saw you once, and you jumped with you 13 man (lol ok 12 angry man to be fare) in our seven man squad.
I hope you didn’t trash this video.. you can be proud
I do my game, I enjoy it, but it seem few people need some steroid to keep going
This doesn’t even make sense to me. But nice try, keep going dude.
@for the others
I can see that my pull taunt works ^^,
so many angry manwe know why
Lol, you’ve clearly never seen an angry italian
You’re just annoying, but you know, you don’t get “angry” with mosquitos, you just slap them when they’re aroundNice forum skills anyway mate!
we know why…
you need to answer..
I can’t see any question here. What should i answer?
Passive-aggressive much dude?
Rea Mania- Human Necromancer
I do my game, I enjoy it, but it seem few people need some steroid to keep going
This doesn’t even make sense to me. But nice try, keep going dude.
@for the others
I can see that my pull taunt works ^^,
so many angry manwe know why
Lol, you’ve clearly never seen an angry italian
You’re just annoying, but you know, you don’t get “angry” with mosquitos, you just slap them when they’re aroundNice forum skills anyway mate!
we know why…
you need to answer..
I can’t see any question here. What should i answer?
Passive-aggressive much dude?
Ok cause you seem of bad faith too, I ll be a little bit generous and I point you what you seem to don’t understand.
You need to think out of the box, when I use steroid it doesn’t make sense for you.
People who takes steroid need to be bigger, You see where I am going ? I let you think
Bigger Better.. read the answer of your GM to help you
Just wanted to add CNTK had max number of 17 online yesterday. A very smallish bus I believe.
Ok cause you seem of bad faith too, I ll be a little bit generous and I point you what you seem to don’t understand.
You need to think out of the box, when I use steroid it doesn’t make sense for you.
People who takes steroid need to be bigger, You see where I am going ? I let you thinkBigger Better.. read the answer of your GM to help you
Oh i see now. Maybe it wasn’t that clear, since larger in dimension =/= larger in numbers, but i’ll be generous too and i won’t point it out. Funny how you arrived to such a statement knowing nothing about us (but you actually think you do, even funnier). I won’t keep this nonsense going on anymore so, cya on the battlefield
Rea Mania- Human Necromancer
yesterday fight mainly against LDF,and one big inc against zerg.
Nice video.
Looks like a really heavy ranged group you’ve got there, kind of suprised your melee didn’t melt instantly. Looks like they were kind of using hit and run tactics?
Interesting to see a necro leading anyway
We recently merged and we used to run small melee heavy teams so we’re kinda used to get in, get out stuff. Thing is they run range heavy so it’s still new to all of us. That being said, we’re working on it, as you can see in the vid :p
Also, less qq, more pew pew!
Wonder what tree Ppl spec into for forumwarrior skills Nwm, instead of debate who have what nr of player, I say credit al guilds who fight with tactic understanding and teamwork, Nomatter if its. gendara Arbour or angry rock guild.
I saw the best ambuch ever the other day, some angry rock guild used 2 portals , a transfom and stealth to gank little me with 8 ppl, Alot of credit to nice gank, a nice gank is sometimes as fun as a full battle if you just do it with style.
/Osicat <Judge>
The [SN] I think you were afk when we found you, your 5-6 man against our 6-7 of us.
Yeah, after we killed you in the camp between your NPCs we were chatting and you got your revenge.
I was happy when CNTK killed you. :p
on Piken Square and Gandara.
Just wanted to add CNTK had max number of 17 online yesterday. A very smallish bus I believe.
no idea how many, but I reckon few PU with them ^^
Well it’s almost over and despite not having the coverage for the day. It’s been a blast, I found the fun in the games once again. Thanks to the massive force of AR for the battles, the sieges and the over all war. Special thanks goes to those remaining on Arbor, despite the vertical climb you’ve kept fighting and you’ve been fighting hard
Hope things get better for you guys sooner rather than later.
Oh and thanks to INT, TDA, SN and a couple of other guilds old and new for letting a racist little Asura tag along for the fights.
WvWvW Player Who Doesn’t Have Much of A Clue
A good week ends against you Gandamen.
Always a pleasure to fight all the good teams you have on your server even if ANet’s patch has not allowed us to play has often as we would have liked this week (queue and player limit on WvW maps).
Hope to fight you again later, INT TDA SN Smug XxX CNTK … I may forget to name some others …
And don’t get bothered by Seed’s pulls, he just likes to forumfight more than everything else … and due to him we seem to have been granted a specific “focus the Gnou” buff …
CommandRoux – Gnou -
We recently merged and we used to run small melee heavy teams so we’re kinda used to get in, get out stuff. Thing is they run range heavy so it’s still new to all of us. That being said, we’re working on it, as you can see in the vid :p
Also, less qq, more pew pew!
Looks really good, vast majority of guild groups seem to rely more on melee bursts, just nice to see someone trying something different. Good luck with it anyway a bit of variety in tactics is nice to see.
Really good to fight all of you from Gandara, even XxX ^^.
About my little taunt, don’t get mad guys.
I hope to catch you next time, as we say in french “c’est de bonne guerre”
Is a shame we didn’t met Dius though, it would be for next time guys.
Ps: I need to say that for Naero coz I feel the need to educate:
You must know the sense of the word “allegory”.
So now, you know how I can use “Steroid” as someone who want to get bigger for a guild who want to recruit to be bigger. and is not very difficult. hope you understand this time cause is not fun if I have to explain all my taunt..
Sur ce, bon vent.
Nice week, had some pretty good fights and i’m glad to hear that from you guys.
Ps: I need to say that for my man Seed, you must know the sense of the word “sarcasm”. And sorry to say that mate, but it wasn’t funny anyway Cheers!
Rea Mania- Human Necromancer
Thanks for a fantastic Matchup.
We done our first week on Gandara now and we salute bothe enmy and friends with a movie from it.
/Osicat <Judge>
Ps: I need to say that for my man Seed, you must know the sense of the word “sarcasm”.
Did you use any sarcasme ? So you thought the opposite of what you wrote in all your post ? I am glad, you like me finally :p