Gunnar's hold

Gunnar's hold

in WvW

Posted by: hilguebelle.7125


Gunnar’s Hold have been created/reinforced by Alliance XAOC. Now, they OVERRULE WvW in our part. Do you think it’s normal an entire alliance can change server to be sure they will always be full in the WvW maps, and destroy all ?!?!?
Even with efforts, they seem to be twice our number ! At morning (GMT+1), we can just hope not be FARMED . We do not own any place, they block jumping puzzles.

WHERE’S THE PLEASURE? Many players of my guild now are upset; they will leave GW2 just because of that: no balance. When where are less on the map, can’t we have Buffs ?

It’s just like International alliances rules, and overs, then, can’t play…

Does ARENA want only pro-gamers in WvW ?

Gunnar's hold

in WvW

Posted by: Steelo.4597


Waaah just a few more days, dont panic, fort ranik! Sorry, we are on the rise, just passing your server in tiers! You guys certainly give us a run for our money, i bow to your commanders, they are very good! Also free transfers are over now, so things should balance out in the next weeks. Ne desperez pas, la prochaine semaine va etre meilleur. best french in town. GG guys, keep pushing hard.

i fear we will look back to this day and remember the good old wvw as it is now – Jan 2015

Gunnar's hold

in WvW

Posted by: Ryuherz.9345


Velcome to backstabin guilds !!!
What you think hapened on Ring of Fire server the same stupidity.

Piople are abadonin their homelands to win WvW it shold been adresed and stoped !!!

You put suc hard work to take somethin bud the oposite team hawin always greater numbers !!!!

ArenaNeT fix WvW already !!!

Gunnar's hold

in WvW

Posted by: Ryuherz.9345


Waaah just a few more days, dont panic, fort ranik! Sorry, we are on the rise, just passing your server in tiers! You guys certainly give us a run for our money, i bow to your commanders, they are very good! Also free transfers are over now, so things should balance out in the next weeks. Ne desperez pas, la prochaine semaine va etre meilleur. best french in town. GG guys, keep pushing hard.

Seriously dude shut up do you think its funy to lose againts you guys you got your fun bud we put your hard work to take atlest 1 tower !!

Gunnar's hold

in WvW

Posted by: Ventus.9483


Anet closed free transfers so this kind of alliance dropping now carries a financial penalty. GH will be out of your matchup soon. There is no pleasure for them. They aren’t pro gamers (mostly awesome super nice gamers though). They will be mostly sorry for how awful this matchup is for you, the idea is to be as dominant as possible to escape the lower tiers if they are dominating.

It happened to us last week No point QQing, just go find good fights and hit them in the undefended bases.

[TEO] Cloaa
Whiteside Ridge
I’m in your zerg, cleaving it hard

Gunnar's hold

in WvW

Posted by: Steelo.4597


what you mean 1 tower.. sometimes you have more points then us! and steal blacktide keep from us all the time? maybe you dont play at good time.. try 10pm-3am for really good fights, xaoc is sleeping then :P

i fear we will look back to this day and remember the good old wvw as it is now – Jan 2015

Gunnar's hold

in WvW

Posted by: fab.3298


The alliance didn’t join us, a few guilds from it did. Those guilds are primarily GMT+4 and as such log in early and tend to cap a lot whilst you guys have few defenders, for those few defenders it must suck, but there’s really nothing we can do about it. Also, we are not full, other than reset night i’ve only encountered a short queue on our own borderland once, and that’s when you were rampaging through it and we called everyone back to defend.

During primetime it’s a pretty close fight and you guys give as good as you get. We just have better coverage – give it a few weeks after the scores reset for things to start stabilising.

Fab The Guardian
[Re] Rerolled

Gunnar's hold

in WvW

Posted by: fynyte.6410


You may not believe it, but this isn’t fun for some of us on GH either. Logging on to a blue map may be glorious for some people, but for me personally it’s just a sign I should go lurk in PvE instead. I’m not belittling your point, and it might look like whining ‘cause we’re winning, but there are always other perspectives.

It’s also worth remembering, that while it’s little comfort to you now, GH has been on the receiving end of the same kind of zerg-stomping/PvD night capping you’re currently experiencing. We began to pull ourselves back up even before Xoac joined, though the rise would have been much slower and infinitely more enjoyable.

I (and I would hope many others) do sympathise, we don’t think it’s awesome or funny that your WvW experience (and by extension that of your PvE’ers) is being ruined by server hoppers and we hope stability returns to these tiers as soon as possible.

Not everyone loves the zerg, whether they’re being zergged on, or forced to zerg themselves.

Stick it out FR and BT, enjoy what you can when you can (fun is still possible, though it may seem difficult to find) and I hope next week is better for you.

Piken Square

Gunnar's hold

in WvW

Posted by: Roo Stercogburn.9671

Roo Stercogburn.9671

We’ve learned quite a few things from fighting Ranik this week. I know there are some imbalances at different times but prime time you guys are strong and we often have our work cut out keeping up with you.

As to the rest of it, pretty much what Fab said.

Master Baker on Gunnars Hold serving you hot cookies.
Looney vids at
Midnight Mayhem

Gunnar's hold

in WvW

Posted by: drkn.3429


I find it both ridiculous and offensive that the OP can be summarised to “GH got Xaoc, now they can win and roll over us, because they got Xaoc, and it’s their fault we have 0 fun from the format”.

Chill. The whole ladder is changing, a lot of servers are undergoing revamps due to free transfers – and they always have, actually, as WvW guilds have been transfering ever since October, upsetting the balance here or there. It took a while, but everything eventually resolved over time.


Gunnar's hold

in WvW

Posted by: Dutchares.6084


Probably lots more low rank servers will rise, with guilds/alliances in high wvw population servers dropping down to a low ranking server because of crazy queues. (1+hours)

Free transfer closing wont change that.. it only did change that alot of lower tier players/guilds transfered top tier, just before closing, because they dont want to be overrun all the time.. While top tier/guilds transfer down tier because of server getting to outrages queue times and they cant play as a guild anymore because of that.

Gunnar's hold

in WvW

Posted by: Runty Choir.4893

Runty Choir.4893

Fyi the whole alliance didn’t join GH only 1 guild did and that was the [Xoac] guild. GH was on the rise before they even joined us and coming together by getting the PvE community trying WvW. The rest of the alliance went to RoS.

Victrixx [xVx]

Gunnar's hold

in WvW

Posted by: Vukanigia.5496


Yea, aliance split on 3 diferent realms (Piken, ROS and Vabbi). Xaoc come on Vabbi but after they got steamrolled by ROS aliance they move to Gunnars Hold.

Xaoc is one of the strongest WvW guilds in EU but they are just one guild after all so they need support from rest of the server. If you bring that support on the field you will rise and shine but if you let Xaoc fight alone it will make them lose their morale and leave…

Gunnar's hold

in WvW

Posted by: hilguebelle.7125


I know it’s not fun being 10 on 1 poor guy; the only challenge is “will l be kicker than my friend to kill him?”. And, for the help of all server to the XAOC, in WvW, I saw few others tags; [XAOC] everywhere, on each player name….

I just thnik it’s a shame. That kind og Alliance and Guilds should play in opposition to the others, not against servers like us. If Millenium, Pandora, XAOC and others love that, good for them, fight, but forget us.

And if you don’t find fun being 5 on 1 guy, why do you rush him, and let no chance to him, when he’s coming to do the jumping puzzle in a map? 5 hunters with machine guns on a rabbit, it’s sport?

I really hope it’ll end soon; i’ve been playing GW2 since it’s release, the same for GW1, and now, I’m getting upset because of that situation, and my members the same… I’ve just said an IRL goodbye to a 7 years guild member, he leaves GW2… Thanks to XAOC …

Being strong doesn’t mean you HAVE to be TYRANIC; try the fun, let the solo player goes to jumping puzzles; being gentlemen should help your image…
And thanks for our commandants. They’re just most awfull; the mornings, when we get back, sometimes, some places, it’s groups with no leaders, as many “Chiefs” does know tactic, strategy; they just had 100po lol

-to be continued-

Gunnar's hold

in WvW

Posted by: hilguebelle.7125


For the moment, I’ve only seen 5 or 6 real goods Commanders; the others I’ve seen as futur good commanders don’t have the money to pay the tag. and we’re not your numbers, you’re playing all the time… this morning (7GMT) we were 10 on Fort Ranik’s map, and only 5 together, the other 5 doing PvE, jumping puzzle; Each try we made on a place, 20 XAOC on us… No match. 20sp reparation, and that’s all folk…

Gunnar's hold

in WvW

Posted by: Svarty.8019


I think you need to understand that we have been in your position, Hilguebelle, and no, it’s not much fun when the sides aren’t balanced (whatever time of day it is).

Nobody at Anet loves WvW like Grouch loved PvP. That’s what we need, a WvW Grouch, but taller.

Gunnar's hold

in WvW

Posted by: igneous.8153


I find it both ridiculous and offensive that the OP can be summarised to “GH got Xaoc, now they can win and roll over us, because they got Xaoc, and it’s their fault we have 0 fun from the format”.

Chill. The whole ladder is changing, a lot of servers are undergoing revamps due to free transfers – and they always have, actually, as WvW guilds have been transfering ever since October, upsetting the balance here or there. It took a while, but everything eventually resolved over time.

He is totally right though, a single alliance joining or leaving can change a server drastically. It happened when <INT> left GH or when RUIN joined Blacktide. Examples are there, and they show that a big enough alliance can make a big enough impact on a single server’s WvW.

At least be grateful that XAOC are very decent and cooperative chaps, and they’ve very good at WvW.

Gunnar's hold

in WvW

Posted by: drkn.3429


Xaoc is down to one guild, ~200 people total, possibly slightly more (not concurrently online – total). It’s nothing like the initial INT or even Ruin with its timezone and numbers.

All GHians understand the frustration of waking up and seeing everything lost; all the gold used for upgrades wasted. But we’ve started doing much better, including fielding a night/morning team, quite a while before Xaoc joined GH. Not meaning to talk them down in any way, but seeing the whole server through the prism of a guild that is something different than it used to even 2 months ago is really silly.


Gunnar's hold

in WvW

Posted by: hilguebelle.7125


Thomas, I agree. The only timeset we are enough to fight GH well is the 18h – 23h (GMT+1); we are mostly a PvE server…

I stop McM for the week. I’ll see next week how it goes

Gunnar's hold

in WvW

Posted by: Gelltor.3015


Not much fun for most this week it seems,hopefully we’ll move onto a more balanced tier soon,let both servers have some decent matches then
I’d add black tide to that but I still haven’t seen anyone from their server yet 0.o

Gunnar's hold

in WvW

Posted by: vipeout.2485


He is totally right though, a single alliance joining or leaving can change a server drastically. It happened when <INT> left GH or when RUIN joined Blacktide. Examples are there, and they show that a big enough alliance can make a big enough impact on a single server’s WvW.

While I completely agree, please could you finally people stop spreading the so wrong rumor. RUIN leaving destroyed Deso, yes, but they left for PS2 not to BT. Those 12 – 15 members tops didn’t change anything on already full BT rushing to #1.

It’s been so long ago, I’m not even on BT anymore yet everybody believes that RUIN with its hundreds of members could transfer to a full server. Really.

Piken Square | Xiana [XT]

Gunnar's hold

in WvW

Posted by: Roo Stercogburn.9671

Roo Stercogburn.9671

I was running a team last night. Outnumbered pretty much every encounter by the French. Every decision to attack/take some property had to be weighed up against what we’d probably lose while doing so. Pretty much the way it should be.

One of the issues that I think is highlighted is just how much you need that third side to have a good showing. Fort Ranik were pretty much able to push the whole of Blacktide and still keep us busy on the other borderlands, while we were hardpressed to hold on to what had been won earlier in the day.

However, one of the highlights for me last night was forming up everyone in a line outside Longview and dancing with the French up on the cliffs overlooking it. Couldn’t stay long though, property to defend, lootbags to earn, etc.

Master Baker on Gunnars Hold serving you hot cookies.
Looney vids at
Midnight Mayhem

Gunnar's hold

in WvW

Posted by: kabeo.9638


As a loyal member of BT i still enjoy playing wvwvw.
And it feels good to beat those people runnning with XAOC tags despite being outnumbered:) Sure we don’t stand a chance in scores but there are fights where we can show that BT still have some people left that are willing to take a fight.
I’m often roaming alone around the map, taking supplies camps, dolyaks, vets. Which often ends in 1v1-3 situations. Sure i die sometimes but still i kill a lot more And always got extra smile on my face when i recognize tag of someone who is lying under my feet.

Defending a garrison, jumping alone in a zerg of people just to slow them down a bit, and hold Garrison a bit longer isn’t easy tho:P

Certain Death – Thief / Storm Psyche – Elementalist / Xavi Na Shezbaernon ~ Necromancer
Leader and only member of Zero Abilities [zero] @Blacktide