Has anyone else seen disappearing siege?

Has anyone else seen disappearing siege?

in WvW

Posted by: Thurbleton.5841


We take a tower and I start dropping carts/catas/and balis for defense. As everyone starts moving back and forth from the depots to build I notice there are sections where I had placed siege but theres none there now.

This could be clever enemies sneaking in and aoe’n them down along the wall but wanted to know if anyone else has seen siege disappear after placing a TON down on a tower just after claiming? At first I suspected it was because the siege was still in ‘building’ phase but even when dropped over time just after a dozen or so siege is built around a point I’ll notice some along some wall will disappear and no attackers were spotted.

Am I cray cray or is the game making siege disappear?

WTB Keg Brawl in Custom PVP → Key Brawl Tourneys!

Has anyone else seen disappearing siege?

in WvW

Posted by: Jayne.9251


I think it’s on a timer .. if it’s not built after a certain period of time, it appears to disappear .. at least that’s what i’ve noticed.

L’enfer, c’est les autres

Has anyone else seen disappearing siege?

in WvW

Posted by: Avalon.4809


If you don’t build a siege in time, they disappear.
Also, all sieges have a life-time limit. After a period of time, if nobody uses that siege, it disappears.

Has anyone else seen disappearing siege?

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


Build sites last about 30 minutes. If you can’t build something in 30 minutes, you don’t deserve to build whatever it is.

Has anyone else seen disappearing siege?

in WvW

Posted by: Jayne.9251


I’ve seen it disappear in less than 30 …

L’enfer, c’est les autres

Has anyone else seen disappearing siege?

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


Maybe it’s 20. It’s longer than 10, I can promise you that. A single person can make a treb or golem, and run all the supply from a supply camp without issue.

Has anyone else seen disappearing siege?

in WvW

Posted by: Jayne.9251


In my situation I had two arrow carts up … and was the only person running supply from the camp .. arrow carts don’t take a massive amount of mats to build, but by the time I came back for the second one, it had gone poof.

L’enfer, c’est les autres

Has anyone else seen disappearing siege?

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


Like I said, you can run a treb or golem by yourself. I know because I do it constantly. That’s 100 supply. 40 more supply than 2 arrow carts. Never once had one disappear on me.

Has anyone else seen disappearing siege?

in WvW

Posted by: Jayne.9251


Hrm, maybe I’m not remembering properly and I got caught up in an attack and was delayed. I’ll watch more carefully from now on and see …

L’enfer, c’est les autres

Has anyone else seen disappearing siege?

in WvW

Posted by: Kraag Deadsoul.2789

Kraag Deadsoul.2789

Built siege is on a despawn timer of 30 minutes if not used within that time period; it may be a little less for golems and a little more for trebuchets.

Siege build sites are on a much shorter timer; I don’t know exactly what it is, but it’s significantly less than 30 minutes.

There’s another potential issue. There’s a limit to how many siege weapons can be constructed on a map or within a single fortification. I don’t know the precise number. If you have an unfinished arrow cart build site and someone builds an arrow cart to completion somewhere else on the map such that the limit has now been reached, this could explain the sudden disappearance of your siege build sites.

The safe approach is to only place those blueprints for which you have supply available to build. Don’t throw down ten blueprints if you only have supply enough to complete three of them. Build three, then wait until you have the supply (from whatever source) to build more before placing additional blueprints.

So many souls, so little time. ~ Kraag Deadsoul

Has anyone else seen disappearing siege?

in WvW

Posted by: kanikani.2430


Built siege is on a despawn timer of 30 minutes if not used within that time period; it may be a little less for golems and a little more for trebuchets.

Siege build sites are on a much shorter timer; I don’t know exactly what it is, but it’s significantly less than 30 minutes.

There’s another potential issue. There’s a limit to how many siege weapons can be constructed on a map or within a single fortification. I don’t know the precise number. If you have an unfinished arrow cart build site and someone builds an arrow cart to completion somewhere else on the map such that the limit has now been reached, this could explain the sudden disappearance of your siege build sites.

The safe approach is to only place those blueprints for which you have supply available to build. Don’t throw down ten blueprints if you only have supply enough to complete three of them. Build three, then wait until you have the supply (from whatever source) to build more before placing additional blueprints.

The problem is the timers are not as consistent as you state, it is very buggy at the moment and has been so since the lost shores. I have seen trebs disappear in 10 min and I have seen catas last for days. I wish Anet would spell out the specific rules they use for siege timers, the stuff is not cheap we deserve it.

Ishionna (80 Ele)

Has anyone else seen disappearing siege?

in WvW

Posted by: Avalon.4809


My cata disappeared while I was using it.

Has anyone else seen disappearing siege?

in WvW

Posted by: Thurbleton.5841


As previously stated I suspected some of the loss was due to a ‘build time’ before despawning but further rush defense setups resulted in fully built siege disappearing.

Also I’m not referring to one person making a dozen siege. When I run my groups we often drop all our remaining supply on defense siege then burn the local 100 instead of upgrading (the chances of holding out while upgrading proved slim when we had no siege)

Does anyone know how the ‘siege cap’ works? I too have heard theres a max of 200 siege per map but is it broken down by type (50 rams max, 30 carts, etc) ? Does it follow a circle (once 201 is made does 200 go away or 001) ?

Did they introduce the siege limit during the Lost Shores updates? (When your unable to place due to too much siege nearby). Also if this IS in fact an issue perhaps its not being solved because we aren’t noticing it and reporting it. More feedback for/against is appreciated!

WTB Keg Brawl in Custom PVP → Key Brawl Tourneys!

(edited by Thurbleton.5841)

Has anyone else seen disappearing siege?

in WvW

Posted by: kanikani.2430


Did they introduce the siege limit during the Lost Shores updates? (When your unable to place due to too much siege nearby). Also if this IS in fact an issue perhaps its not being solved because we aren’t noticing it and reporting it. More feedback for/against is appreciated!

No the siege limit was always there. We are noticing it more because the siege despawn timers are messed up. This has also lead to a lot more sabotage. We never noticed it as much before because junk siege used to disappear in a timely fashion.

So I can build a cata in the corner of the map and it stays there for days, means one less siege you can place for that length of time. And it means sometimes the 25 arrowcarts in our keep will last for the whole match, but my treb cant last for 15 minutes.

Ironically all there ‘new’ builds recently have helped despawn some of this junk siege by resetting the servers.

Ishionna (80 Ele)