Has cheating affected your game play?
I’m sorry, perhaps I don’t understand. Are you saying that building siege on another server limits the amount of siege you can build? Because, I don’t think that’s the case. (I could be wrong.) Perhaps because I play on a very small pop server, I’ve just never run in to it.
As to time to build: There’s a few things that impact that; what sort of siege (regular or super), what type of siege (rams take less than golems), and how many people remembered to get supply, and how many people are building at one time.
With a dedicated group; everyone with supply, you can throw up siege in seconds. If however, you’ve only got a couple of people building, and nobody remembered to get supply before you started…well…that’s a long slow build.
Perhaps I’m not addressing your concern; but I’m not sure I understand what problem you’re seeing.
Torwynd Trueheart: Here I come to save the day!
NSP – Quak Resident Duchess L’Orange
It hasn’t effected me. Though I understand spies making siege was a problem, I think it’s less used now that transfers cost money. If you see it happen I suggest watching them for a bit. Siege needs people to use them or they’ll despawn after about a half an hour, so staking them out may let you catch the spy.
Part-time Kittenposter
Siege needs people to use them or they’ll despawn after about a half an hour, so staking them out may let you catch the spy.
That’s not true. In spite of what ANet has repeatedly stated, the only siege that reliably despawns after 30 minutes is trebs … everything else is indeterminate and often lasts until destroyed by the enemy.
Stormbluff Isle [AoD]
I’m sorry, perhaps I don’t understand. Are you saying that building siege on another server limits the amount of siege you can build? Because, I don’t think that’s the case. (I could be wrong.) Perhaps because I play on a very small pop server, I’ve just never run in to it.
This post was most likely made in response to the cheating that has taken place from another server onto ours. There was somebody who was educated and knowledgeable of the siege limits and placement to render the majority of it useless and to stop us from placing any more on the map. They sieged up our keep with clusters of 5 ballistas in useless spots that can’t be hit by enemies unless they break in, which made it so that we couldn’t build rams at stonemist to take it. Those people also took our golems we had built, and took them into the enemy zerg so that they all died and wasted them.
It was blatant cheating, and it’s disgusting to say the least. If people feel the need to cheat to win in a game, then they should take a break from the game and re-evaluate themselves.
This post is also the result of people throwing wild accusations out with no real basis and a player with admittedly limited PvP experience in this game taking their rants about spies to heart.
This post is also the result of people throwing wild accusations out with no real basis and a player with admittedly limited PvP experience in this game taking their rants about spies to heart.
Not once in my post did I refer to your server, or any server for that matter, just simply that it wasn’t somebody native to our’s.
This post is also the result of people throwing wild accusations out with no real basis and a player with admittedly limited PvP experience in this game taking their rants about spies to heart.
The OP may have limited experience in WvW, but if you don’t think his complaint has any basis in fact then your experience in WvW is even more limited than his.
Stormbluff Isle [AoD]
@ Anoelle.. when it comes to build times of siege.. i believe that guild siege requires less supply to build .. also there are breakout events where the siege placed is pretty much finished..
Let’s ask tootsie.
This post is also the result of people throwing wild accusations out with no real basis and a player with admittedly limited PvP experience in this game taking their rants about spies to heart.
The OP may have limited experience in WvW, but if you don’t think his complaint has any basis in fact then your experience in WvW is even more limited than his.
I do realize that these things happen on occasion. I also realize that they happen a fraction of the amount of times that people CLAIM they happen, and that when someone new on a WvW map sees experienced players making wild accusations they often take it to heart without really questioning it’s validity.
I remember the other night watching two players walk siege golems right up onto a wall and leaving them in treb range from another servers tower. Didn’t really strike me as to what they were doing until after they were gone and I couldn’t grab their names.
It should surprise me that people are so desperate to win a virtual game, but then my experience in Eve showed me that people will do anything for even the smallest advantage.
I still don’t follow….building the siege inside the keep is called ‘defending the keep’. It is not cheating. If you had a problem destroying the enemy’s gate where all the enemies’ sieges are pointing at that direction, you are doing it wrong. The gate isn’t the only place you can destroy. You can also destroy the walls (some wall) with cata or treb in great distance.
Siege limit by area.
Siege limit by map.
Ppl depletin supplies.
Ppl stealing golems.
U can do all this and more with a second copy of gw2 … now in offer!
Shinobi, the way of sabotage ><
I’ve run into speed hackers, fly hackers, orb glitchers, terrain exploiters, spies from other servers, sabotuers, and all the rest at one time or another in WvW.
No match outcome I have ever seen, was determined by them. So other than annoying me when I see them, I care very little about cheaters. They aren’t numerous enough to truly worry me.
Darkhaven>Dragonbrand>Blackgate>Maguuma>Yaks Bend>Stormbluff Isle>Yaks Bend
I still don’t follow….building the siege inside the keep is called ‘defending the keep’. It is not cheating. If you had a problem destroying the enemy’s gate where all the enemies’ sieges are pointing at that direction, you are doing it wrong. The gate isn’t the only place you can destroy. You can also destroy the walls (some wall) with cata or treb in great distance.
You are correct … you don’t follow (i.e.,you don’t understand). There is a maximum of five siege allowed within a certain area so a saboteur can, for example, build five ballistas in the inside of a tower near the gate to prevent defenders from building catas on the ground or arrow carts on the walls in that area. A saboteur can use up all the supply by building flame rams inside a tower to prevent it from being upgraded, or to prevent defenders from using the depot supply to repair walls or gates under attack. Whether you consider that to be cheating or not, it most certainly is not called “defending the keep.”
Stormbluff Isle [AoD]
You are correct … you don’t follow (i.e.,you don’t understand). There is a maximum of five siege allowed within a certain area so a saboteur can, for example, build five ballistas in the inside of a tower near the gate to prevent defenders from building catas on the ground or arrow carts on the walls in that area. A saboteur can use up all the supply by building flame rams inside a tower to prevent it from being upgraded, or to prevent defenders from using the depot supply to repair walls or gates under attack. Whether you consider that to be cheating or not, it most certainly is not called “defending the keep.”
dude have you seen the range of those siege? Cata can go range from 4000. On the other hand, Ballista can go range from 3000. So you don’t need to build Cata within enemies’ siege range near gate or wall. Great distance within 3500k distance won’t prevent defender from building those sieges.
maybe i’m guessing he meant by this cheating about the enemies used up all the siege in one map. "There is also a hard limit to how many weapons can be placed on the map. This map limit is explained by Mike Ferguson of ArenaNet as “basically anything that is not a ram counts towards one ‘limit’ for the purpose of this explanation and each team can have up to 100 of these types of weapons out at any time per map. Each team can also have up to 100 rams placed on a map.”
You are correct … you don’t follow (i.e.,you don’t understand). There is a maximum of five siege allowed within a certain area so a saboteur can, for example, build five ballistas in the inside of a tower near the gate to prevent defenders from building catas on the ground or arrow carts on the walls in that area. A saboteur can use up all the supply by building flame rams inside a tower to prevent it from being upgraded, or to prevent defenders from using the depot supply to repair walls or gates under attack. Whether you consider that to be cheating or not, it most certainly is not called “defending the keep.”
dude have you seen the range of those siege? Cata can go range from 4000. On the other hand, Ballista can go range from 3000. So you don’t need to build Cata within enemies’ siege range near gate or wall. Great distance within 3500k distance won’t prevent defender from building those sieges.
maybe i’m guessing he meant by this cheating about the enemies used up all the siege in one map. "There is also a hard limit to how many weapons can be placed on the map. This map limit is explained by Mike Ferguson of ArenaNet as “basically anything that is not a ram counts towards one ‘limit’ for the purpose of this explanation and each team can have up to 100 of these types of weapons out at any time per map. Each team can also have up to 100 rams placed on a map.”
sigh …
Let me try to explain to you (“dude”) what the OP and others were referring to. Follow closely because you seem to have difficulty with this stuff. Let’s say that you are a member of Ferguson’s Crossing in Tier 8 and you are normally fighting Sorrow’s Furnace there. Somebody from Sorrow’s Furnace either gets a second account and rolls an additional character on Ferguson’s Crossing, or he temporarily transfers one of his characters to Ferguson’s Crossing. He tags along with one of your teams when you capture Durios in EB. As soon as the tower flips to Ferguson’s Crossing he starts building five ballistas inside the tower on the ground right behind the gate using supplies from the depot there. The ballistas are useless, he wastes the depot supply building them, you and the rest of your team cannot build anything within 500 units, and if he keeps it up the tower never gets upgraded. No defensive cata behind the gate, no defensive arrow carts on the wall, and possibly not even anything on the supply shed … nothing within 500 units. He does all of this simply because his real allegiance is to Sorrow’s Furnace, not Ferguson’s Crossing.
It’s sabotage, not defense, and there is no way to stop it. You can’t even kill the unwanted siege since as far as ANet is concerned it was built by a member of your own team. If you still don’t understand please don’t bother replying.
Stormbluff Isle [AoD]
Siege needs people to use them or they’ll despawn after about a half an hour, so staking them out may let you catch the spy.
That’s not true. In spite of what ANet has repeatedly stated, the only siege that reliably despawns after 30 minutes is trebs … everything else is indeterminate and often lasts until destroyed by the enemy.
That’s not true either. Siege reliably despawns after 30 minutes of not being used on the BL’s. On EB, it’s an entity unto itself for some reason, and siege can be left and stays there for days. On the BL’s, however, it’s like clockwork pretty much.
sigh …
Let me try to explain to you (“dude”) what the OP and others were referring to. Follow closely because you seem to have difficulty with this stuff. Let’s say that you are a member of Ferguson’s Crossing in Tier 8 and you are normally fighting Sorrow’s Furnace there. Somebody from Sorrow’s Furnace either gets a second account and rolls an additional character on Ferguson’s Crossing, or he temporarily transfers one of his characters to Ferguson’s Crossing. He tags along with one of your teams when you capture Durios in EB. As soon as the tower flips to Ferguson’s Crossing he starts building five ballistas inside the tower on the ground right behind the gate using supplies from the depot there. The ballistas are useless, he wastes the depot supply building them, you and the rest of your team cannot build anything within 500 units, and if he keeps it up the tower never gets upgraded. No defensive cata behind the gate, no defensive arrow carts on the wall, and possibly not even anything on the supply shed … nothing within 500 units. He does all of this simply because his real allegiance is to Sorrow’s Furnace, not Ferguson’s Crossing.
It’s sabotage, not defense, and there is no way to stop it. You can’t even kill the unwanted siege since as far as ANet is concerned it was built by a member of your own team. If you still don’t understand please don’t bother replying.
I think you’re a month too late….read this https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/wuvwuv/Willing-to-share-WvW-details about siege despawning….furthermore; you can’t just temporary transfer from another server unless you have another gw2 account. I’m guessing you haven’t tried “guesting” yet. While you are guesting to another server, you cannot participate in World versus World for that world; you will be moved back to your home world. You should try and it won’t hurt your currency or account.
Ive seen a case of this in eb one of our opposing teams keeps was full of useless rams in long rows, theyve had this problem for alittle while now, so when we retook it we had to destroy it all.. Its annoying and childish and is not in the spirit of wvw, i dont hate the people who do this, i pity them.
Aurora Glade
sigh …
Let me try to explain to you (“dude”) what the OP and others were referring to. Follow closely because you seem to have difficulty with this stuff. Let’s say that you are a member of Ferguson’s Crossing in Tier 8 and you are normally fighting Sorrow’s Furnace there. Somebody from Sorrow’s Furnace either gets a second account and rolls an additional character on Ferguson’s Crossing, or he temporarily transfers one of his characters to Ferguson’s Crossing. He tags along with one of your teams when you capture Durios in EB. As soon as the tower flips to Ferguson’s Crossing he starts building five ballistas inside the tower on the ground right behind the gate using supplies from the depot there. The ballistas are useless, he wastes the depot supply building them, you and the rest of your team cannot build anything within 500 units, and if he keeps it up the tower never gets upgraded. No defensive cata behind the gate, no defensive arrow carts on the wall, and possibly not even anything on the supply shed … nothing within 500 units. He does all of this simply because his real allegiance is to Sorrow’s Furnace, not Ferguson’s Crossing.
It’s sabotage, not defense, and there is no way to stop it. You can’t even kill the unwanted siege since as far as ANet is concerned it was built by a member of your own team. If you still don’t understand please don’t bother replying.
I think you’re a month too late….read this https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/wuvwuv/Willing-to-share-WvW-details about siege despawning….furthermore; you can’t just temporary transfer from another server unless you have another gw2 account. I’m guessing you haven’t tried “guesting” yet. While you are guesting to another server, you cannot participate in World versus World for that world; you will be moved back to your home world. You should try and it won’t hurt your currency or account.
*sigh Maybe a picture will help you understand.
And these have been here for at least 12 hours with nobody touching them (several of us baby sat them for hours to make sure nobody refreshed them).
Because of all this useless siege, we are at the siege cap on the map and cannot build more to defend towers or assault anything.
Btw there is plenty more that I couldn’t fit in one screencap.
sigh …
Let me try to explain to you (“dude”) what the OP and others were referring to. Follow closely because you seem to have difficulty with this stuff. Let’s say that you are a member of Ferguson’s Crossing in Tier 8 and you are normally fighting Sorrow’s Furnace there. Somebody from Sorrow’s Furnace either gets a second account and rolls an additional character on Ferguson’s Crossing, or he temporarily transfers one of his characters to Ferguson’s Crossing. He tags along with one of your teams when you capture Durios in EB. As soon as the tower flips to Ferguson’s Crossing he starts building five ballistas inside the tower on the ground right behind the gate using supplies from the depot there. The ballistas are useless, he wastes the depot supply building them, you and the rest of your team cannot build anything within 500 units, and if he keeps it up the tower never gets upgraded. No defensive cata behind the gate, no defensive arrow carts on the wall, and possibly not even anything on the supply shed … nothing within 500 units. He does all of this simply because his real allegiance is to Sorrow’s Furnace, not Ferguson’s Crossing.
It’s sabotage, not defense, and there is no way to stop it. You can’t even kill the unwanted siege since as far as ANet is concerned it was built by a member of your own team. If you still don’t understand please don’t bother replying.
I think you’re a month too late….read this https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/wuvwuv/Willing-to-share-WvW-details about siege despawning….furthermore; you can’t just temporary transfer from another server unless you have another gw2 account. I’m guessing you haven’t tried “guesting” yet. While you are guesting to another server, you cannot participate in World versus World for that world; you will be moved back to your home world. You should try and it won’t hurt your currency or account.
*sigh Maybe a picture will help you understand.
And these have been here for at least 12 hours with nobody touching them (several of us baby sat them for hours to make sure nobody refreshed them).
Because of all this useless siege, we are at the siege cap on the map and cannot build more to defend towers or assault anything.
Btw there is plenty more that I couldn’t fit in one screencap.
That is kitten crappy. But like another poster said above, some players will cheat if they can and 50$ for a 2nd account is nothing to some people. If you ever played Shadowbane or EVE, you’d know what incredible lengths players will go to spy and cheat.
Now, how much does it affect game play? Sometimes not much but some times a lot. Like, why did they remove orbs? Wasn’t because of balance it was because of all the cheating.
What I mostly see is full supply depots empty by worthless upgrades just before a serious assault is going to happen, especially on garrison or hills.
sigh …
Let me try to explain to you (“dude”) what the OP and others were referring to. Follow closely because you seem to have difficulty with this stuff. Let’s say that you are a member of Ferguson’s Crossing in Tier 8 and you are normally fighting Sorrow’s Furnace there. Somebody from Sorrow’s Furnace either gets a second account and rolls an additional character on Ferguson’s Crossing, or he temporarily transfers one of his characters to Ferguson’s Crossing. He tags along with one of your teams when you capture Durios in EB. As soon as the tower flips to Ferguson’s Crossing he starts building five ballistas inside the tower on the ground right behind the gate using supplies from the depot there. The ballistas are useless, he wastes the depot supply building them, you and the rest of your team cannot build anything within 500 units, and if he keeps it up the tower never gets upgraded. No defensive cata behind the gate, no defensive arrow carts on the wall, and possibly not even anything on the supply shed … nothing within 500 units. He does all of this simply because his real allegiance is to Sorrow’s Furnace, not Ferguson’s Crossing.
It’s sabotage, not defense, and there is no way to stop it. You can’t even kill the unwanted siege since as far as ANet is concerned it was built by a member of your own team. If you still don’t understand please don’t bother replying.
I think you’re a month too late….read this https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/wuvwuv/Willing-to-share-WvW-details about siege despawning….furthermore; you can’t just temporary transfer from another server unless you have another gw2 account. I’m guessing you haven’t tried “guesting” yet. While you are guesting to another server, you cannot participate in World versus World for that world; you will be moved back to your home world. You should try and it won’t hurt your currency or account.
I told you not to bother replying if you persisted in being obtuse.
Siege absolutely does not automatically despawn, at least not in EB as the fellow above pointed out, and even if it did 30 minutes is plenty of time for a saboteur to wreak havoc with useless siege placement and wasted supply. And I didn’t say guest transfer … I said “temporarily”, as in a week long server transfer. I purposely used Tier 8 as the example because those servers presumably have low population, making the transfer relatively cheap.
You might consider searching through any one of the several recent forum threads that discuss exactly this same situation if you still don’t believe me.
Stormbluff Isle [AoD]
Simple answer….NO.
Was that “hypothetical” scenario using sf and fc the actuall server(s) your issue was in? I just have a hard time believing anyone in sf would consider that even remotely necessary.
The problem is that the siege cap is implemented in a lazy, and just plain wrong way. It should limit “per local area” and not global. For any experienced mmo player / designer, it should be obvious that global siege limit would get abused.
I think you’re a month too late….read this https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/wuvwuv/Willing-to-share-WvW-details about siege despawning…
Don’t believe everything you read. All siege despawning after 30 minutes is flat out wrong. Anyone who spends any appreciable time in WvW can observe this.
Siege needs people to use them or they’ll despawn after about a half an hour, so staking them out may let you catch the spy.
That’s not true. In spite of what ANet has repeatedly stated, the only siege that reliably despawns after 30 minutes is trebs … everything else is indeterminate and often lasts until destroyed by the enemy.
That’s not true either. Siege reliably despawns after 30 minutes of not being used on the BL’s. On EB, it’s an entity unto itself for some reason, and siege can be left and stays there for days. On the BL’s, however, it’s like clockwork pretty much.
This is no more true then the statement you are replying to.
I’snt there guild activated siege you can buy in the art of war tree that takes less supplies to build??
You also might want to consider trolls. Just last week I saw 3-4 of our golems ridden out to fight the grub and be destroyed just because people like to troll thier own server for some reason.
Not saying what happened in your case, wasn’t cheating. I think everyone has seen a bunch of it. From people flying, to someone making 900 rams in SM by the supply depot.
But sometimes it isn’t cheating, but someone trolling you, or some ‘helpful’ fellow trying to get his used supply achievement.
Melanessa-Necromancer Cymaniel-Scrapper
Minikata-Guardian Shadyne-Elementalist -FA-
Was that “hypothetical” scenario using sf and fc the actuall server(s) your issue was in? I just have a hard time believing anyone in sf would consider that even remotely necessary.
I only used FC and SF in the example because they are in Tier 8, where presumably a server transfer would be inexpensive because of the relatively low pops. I absolutely meant no disrespect to either server.
Stormbluff Isle [AoD]
Siege needs people to use them or they’ll despawn after about a half an hour, so staking them out may let you catch the spy.
That’s not true. In spite of what ANet has repeatedly stated, the only siege that reliably despawns after 30 minutes is trebs … everything else is indeterminate and often lasts until destroyed by the enemy.
That’s not true either. Siege reliably despawns after 30 minutes of not being used on the BL’s. On EB, it’s an entity unto itself for some reason, and siege can be left and stays there for days. On the BL’s, however, it’s like clockwork pretty much.
This is no more true then the statement you are replying to.
Sure it is. I’ve actually taken the time to do experiments on the BL vs EB for four hours a day, for a full week. I watched siege I ticked remain, while the one I didn’t despawn before my very eyes.
True the BL is still buggy as heck, with quaggans taking out siege with lightning strikes, even when they’re allied. But for the most part, any placed siege that’s not ticked within 30 minutes of use will go poof. Siege I’ve placed on EB sometimes lasts a full week.
Yeah, I didn’t realize this was a problem until last night when I logged into EB (NSP), and there were ballistas stacked on top of ballistas in areas where they would do absolutely no good. No defensive siege anywhere where it might have been useful. Subsequently, no way to build useful siege.
As to spawning, I know someone was watching them; and I periodically checked, and they were still there hours after I first saw them, and someone said they had been there for hours already. So, with nobody refreshing them, they were not despawning. Perhaps an EB bug, perhaps a ballista bug, I do not know. What I do know is that I’ve never before seen this tactic, and I think it really sucks.
Torwynd Trueheart: Here I come to save the day!
NSP – Quak Resident Duchess L’Orange
FA has had to deal with this forever.. I never stopped to think about what server we fight might be doing it…
but I’ve seen ballistas stacked in the garrison, or placed in completely worthless places all too often
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.
@Cactus: No disrespect taken, I was mostly just curious if anyone in my home world would sink that low