Here are some things that I think ANet could do to breathe new life into WvW and keep WvW exciting and active in the future:
1. Make WvW provide equivalent rewards to PvE
For the amount of play time we invest, a person should be able to make equivalent gold, acquire an equivalent amount of drops at an equivalent rareness rate, acquire honor badges at a rate equivalent to the ease of obtaining PvE dungeon tokens, and acquire an equivalent amount of rare crafting materials. A person should be able to choose to either play 5 hours in PvE or 5 hours in WvW and receive equivalent reward for that choice.
2. Make obtaining top stat gear in WvW equivalent to obtaining top stat gear in PvE.
Right now, as we all know, the only means for obtaining ascended gear is to PvE. ANet has said they regret rolling ascended gear out in the fashion, and promise to make acquiring such gear accessible “through other means” in the future. Well that’s nice. But there needs to be a way to acquire the top teir gear exclusively through WvW at an equivalent pace as PvE. Period. I should be able to choose exclusively to WvW and feel that I am at no disadvantage whatsoever from someone who chooses to PvE all or most of their playtime. PvE and WvW are not at odds with each other. People should be able to do what is most fun to them without feeling like they must do something else in order to compete.
Right now, I don’t trust ANet to make WvW an equally viable way to get geared. I hope they make it “better,” but so far PvE is the fastest, and sometimes only (in the case of ascended gear) way to do this. That needs to change.
3. Rank Guilds in WvW both in sever and across servers
In sPvP, you earn “Glory” points for your participation. In WvW, players should earn a similar kind of “points” for participation in various ways. The only difference would be, this points add to your guilds total points. Guilds would then be ranked on their own server, and ranked globally across servers. An individual’s contribution in WvW would add to the guilds overall points, and thus ranking. Points could be awarded for captures and defenses, the way gold, karma and experience are awarded now. Additionally, individual actions which as killing players, going on a kill streak, and various other things could contribute as well.
Having guild rankings based in this way is not the magic bullet that “fixes” WvW, but if taken in consideration with other changes, it would be a very nice low-impact way to encourage WvW participation, and add to a sense of guild pride and community.
4. WvW only utility skills, Player WvW “Ranks”
This might sound controversial at first, but if you hear me out I think you’ll find that it is not too radical. Imagine if there were a pool of, say, 10 utility skills per class that were unlockable only through WvW and usable only in WvW. Imagine if they way you unlocked these utility skills was by achieving new “ranks” in WvW. And the way you acquired new ranks was by the same point system I’ve suggested to contribute to Guild rankings.
Now, the way stuff like this usually goes wrong is that they make WvW-only abilities in a tiered system. So for example, there are some weak abilities that can be accessed at low rank, then some medium ones at middle rank, and some super powerful ones at high rank. That approach is a terrible idea.
I don’t want players who are able to devote 10 hours a day to WvW to be specially rewarded over players who are only able to play 2 hours in a day. The way around this is to have no tier. Have each ability cost a certain amount of “points” to purchase – just like PvE utility skills and skill points. Only have them all cost the same amount.
If one or two utility skills in the same class are considered to be “super awesome” then the first moment you have enough points to purchase any uiltity skill, you can purchase that one. So everyone gets some access to some cool WvW-only utility skill choices, but no one has to feel like they are at some major disadvantage if they can’t play 80 hours a week.
I’m sure there are many more great ideas out there. But these four things are things I believe would breathe fresh life into WvW and help keep it fun and active for the future. Number one is something they can and should do immediately. There really is no excuse for not fixing this in my mind. And even that would really go a long way to making things better.
Selwynn Swiftblade, Guardian
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