How come Viznu dominates WvW

How come Viznu dominates WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Aussie.7069


I thought WvW was going to be kept even, Viznu controls more than 50% by themselves

How come Viznu dominates WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Shadow.3475


They will sooner or later face other servers with players that play 24/7.

How come Viznu dominates WvW

in WvW

Posted by: nilco.8457


They will sooner or later face other servers with players that play 24/7.

No they wont.

To quote myself :

“Ok look at this :
2037.296 Vizunah Square
1881.94 Far Shiverpeaks
1838.906 Desolation
1800.944 Riverside

This is the bracket im in. The team that finish third, will be switched with the 4th team on the list. Top team cant move, second team dont move being second.

1727.343 Augury Rock
1705.124 Kodash
1642.647 Aurora Glade

This is the bracket riverside/desolation can be in, top and bottom gets rotated out accordingly.

Makes sense? I bet it does now.

Educated." – Nilco.8457

How come Viznu dominates WvW

in WvW

Posted by: nidwin.6731



Let’s wait for the next rotation mate. What happened before this week’s rotation is one thing. What’s happening since the real kick off of W vs W is something completely different.

How come Viznu dominates WvW

in WvW

Posted by: nilco.8457



Im waiting with great suspense brosefski.

How come Viznu dominates WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Senti.5372


Posting in another ArenaNet win for me thread.

How come Viznu dominates WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Hissatsu.3174


Its obvious, if two other servers do not ally and beat them, then they keep winning. Its three sided pvp, and not two sided pvp, for a reason.

How come Viznu dominates WvW

in WvW

Posted by: gingertree.5062


Its obvious, if two other servers do not ally and beat them, then they keep winning. Its three sided pvp, and not two sided pvp, for a reason.

So we team up to artificially derank a server with night cappers leaving even lesser worlds to tackle the problem. Meanwhile hoping the winning world doesn’t go up rank to face a different night cap server or even 2 at the same time. Sounds about right.

The night capping world could possibly still win even if 2 worlds team up. Give them just 4 hours of 100% map control and they just amassed the same amount of points you would otherwise acquire in a more or less even 3-way split over 12 hours. That’s how powerful it is.

How come Viznu dominates WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Bloodtau.4672


They have a lot of neck beards on benefits.

How come Viznu dominates WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Hissatsu.3174


2 gingertree.5062
They win in points yes, but in prime time, when majority of population is playing, they would get their kittens handled to them, if your two servers play well. Thus they both never sink from their first place (so they could tackle lesser servers), and get owned every day. A nice punishment, no?

How come Viznu dominates WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Xandax.1753


I thought WvW was going to be kept even, Viznu controls more than 50% by themselves

You thought wrong.
sPvP is going to be kept even.
WvW is world vs. world and some worlds field more players at various times than others.

How come Viznu dominates WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Hissatsu.3174


2 Aussie.7069 Xandax.1753
And, with any system, you can never keep it even for the topmost part. If someone plays better and is at first place, there is nothing you can do to change that. “Even” means that weaker servers fall down and get pitted against weaker servers, while stronger servers rise and get pitted against stronger servers, but if one server is the best there is, what can you do to find better opponents for it?

How come Viznu dominates WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Pherenice.8124


Hard to score 50/60k points versus a server that plays 24/7.
I can name 2 sollutions for this.

1.-24/7 servers versus 24/7 servers NA / Europe server merged = more servers = more balance

2. advertise you want more time zone’s on your server, talk to guilds who are also looking for servers to have 24/7 WvW coverage.

EU has 27 servers
NA has 24 servers
Combine then into 1 pool and within a month balance will settled down, maybe sooner maybe later.

WvW can never achieve real balance.
There always has to be 1 dominating and 1 getting the whip and 1 that stand inbetween.

But the more servers you add to the pool the more balance you can achieve.

How come Viznu dominates WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Hissatsu.3174


2 Pherenice.8124
Actually, ANet intention was for servers to go into dimplomacy, for losing servers to band together against winning server, so that the one dominated would get downed by combined power of other two.
And imho, the 24/7 coverage idea is very flawed. Its forcing servers to look for guilds from another side of the earth, playing with delay, for the sake of beating other server in an unfair battle (150v10 isnt fair, yep). But so far ANet seems to be okay with it. I hope they change their mind when they see it fails over and over.

How come Viznu dominates WvW

in WvW

Posted by: TheBob.9863


2 Pherenice.8124
Actually, ANet intention was for servers to go into dimplomacy, for losing servers to band together against winning server, so that the one dominated would get downed by combined power of other two.
And imho, the 24/7 coverage idea is very flawed. Its forcing servers to look for guilds from another side of the earth, playing with delay, for the sake of beating other server in an unfair battle (150v10 isnt fair, yep). But so far ANet seems to be okay with it. I hope they change their mind when they see it fails over and over.

In top3 eu match up (Vizunah vs Shiverpeak vs Desolation) at night time it’s 150 vs 15 vs 15. Even if Shiverpeak allies with Desolation they will still lose against Vizunah’s night time numbers which are far superior. Not to mention cross-server alliance is close to impossible to achieve.

Here’s a pic to give you an idea of Vizunah’s night time dominance..


How come Viznu dominates WvW

in WvW

Posted by: TRON.1085


During EU timezone we actually take 50% of the maps on desolation sometimes…..problem is every night this week while were all asleep, all our hard work is gone and VS take 99% of the map with a massive player number US Timezone on an EU server.

Now they have had all night to upgrade fully everything to the highest point, what took us 6 hours to take 50% of the map back and struggle up hill fighting all day will now take us 12 hours because of all the massive supply they stock piled in the US Timezone on an EU server. Then add how they took back all 3 orbs over night everynight with no defence…..= OP.

Now a few days and nights later, each night that goes past it gets harder and harder because of them having a massive US timezone. We spend half the morning trying not to get spawn camped.

We actually win most of our fights against VS and FS. FS and Deso do not suck.

Winning WvW is not based upon who is the better server or wins the most fights, or who does better. Right now the system is broken and its based upon who has more players at US Timezone when everyone else is asleep.

Im actually thinking the reason Arena Net announced a server has been exploiting server transfers, I bet you 10000% that VS has been exploiting the server transfer system and american guilds have been jumping onto the VS server at night time to keep them winning.

If it wasn’t for US Timezone VS would be losing right now, thats a pretty obvious fact. During the day we take back almost 50% of the map from them, thats when they have 3 orbs and a huge amount of upgrades and supply stock piled.

Now take away those 3 orbs, and the upgrades they got in US timezone, now take away the 1000’s of supply they stockpiled in US timezone……we would easily take 75%+ of the map back off them.

VS are winning because of there US Timezone numbers, which could be due to exploiting server transfers, not because there better at WvW….

Also exploits.

FS and possibly VS have been using a fly hack…..yes im not making this up a fly hack that they are using to steal orbs. Was reported and source is from the french gw2 official forum.

So there you have it, VS and FS have to cheat to win. WvW system is seriously broken right now and arena net need to sort this out.

(edited by TRON.1085)

How come Viznu dominates WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Troma.3250


Holy… TRON, do you realize all is post is pure bull**** ? US transfert abuse by night now? hmm? what will you invent next, Arena Net dev playing with us with cheated characters?

" I bet you 10000% that VS has been exploiting the server transfer system and american guilds have been jumping onto the VS server at night time to keep them winning."

You shouldn’t bet like this, because it’s

1) Stupid
2) Wrong

co-founder of Grand Cross Alliance
General of Grand Cross Knights [GCK]

How come Viznu dominates WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Glor.2485


Oh my god Tron, i’ve never read so much BS on these forums x) You take the palm.

How come Viznu dominates WvW

in WvW

Posted by: nidwin.6731


If I understand it well during Prime-Time it’s Desolation the besst of the best EU server.
This can become very interresting coming weeks.

How come Viznu dominates WvW

in WvW

Posted by: TRON.1085


There have been people jumping onto the opposing worlds and attempting to sabotage them. Using up supply in keeps to build useless siege weapons, moving orbs out, spying and using the commander icon to get people to trust them into doing attacks that would only serve to get them wiped.

This on top of the rest of what I said above in my other post. Ignore the trolls, its been confirmed by other players and other forums.

How come Viznu dominates WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Kayato.9178


Conspiracy. :popcorn:

How come Viznu dominates WvW

in WvW

Posted by: MagnusLL.8473


If I understand it well during Prime-Time it’s Desolation the besst of the best EU server.
This can become very interresting coming weeks.

Desolation is very strong whenever it has full population on a map, yes. But FS and VS are no slouches either.

For me the worst thing about this system is how 7 (and soon 14) day matches are decided within the first 24-48 hours. It simply doesn’t make any sense. In the last 2 days on Desolation you could instantly enter the VS or FS borderlands with no queue at almost any hour of the day. Participation is already dropping very sharply and it will keep going down if things aren’t changed quickly. If ArenaNet thinks they’ve got several months to fix the mess they are deluding themselves.

How come Viznu dominates WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Mr Magoo.9065

Mr Magoo.9065

If you want to be succesfull in WvW in this game you better LEARN 2 PLAY THE GAME! Quit your job, give away your child, say kitten you to your responsibilities.
then proceed to succeed at the gamez

How come Viznu dominates WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Aepervius.2701


My two (maybe ignorant) cent : this not a 1vs1, it is a 1vs1vs1 3 contestant. The 2 second server guilds (or the fifth next position) could simply make alliance against the first of a bracket ? That would make sense ? And once the first fall down, then against the first get gnawed at by 2nd and 3rd, with even more strategic play and alliance. Maybe i am naive but let it settle a few week and i betcha such alliance will begin to form.

How come Viznu dominates WvW

in WvW

Posted by: TRON.1085


The biggest issue besides servers using world transfers to cheat, bugs and exploits in WvW is whether its an EU or US server, as soon as they go to sleep, there “night shift” time zone is what dictates who win’s WvW.

Winning WvW should not be based apon who has the most numbers while everyone is asleep, who has the most number of players on the “night shift” = who wins WvW.

It should not be like that and im sure Arena Net did not intend it to be this way. Solution and suggestions? I have a few but there not very good and have flaws of there own so for now I dont really have any.

Hopefully Arena Net can find a way to solve the “night shift” problem in WVW.

How come Viznu dominates WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Muan.1029


Just been inside the Desolation’s borderlands few min ago, to complete the puzzle jump. While Longview (tagged by desolation) was assaulted by VS people, a lot of red defenders were… camping the entrance of the puzzle jump
: )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Muan — Janitor of [CaSu]
Vizunah Square

(edited by Muan.1029)

How come Viznu dominates WvW

in WvW

Posted by: username.4932


Don’t tell them it brings no points please !

How come Viznu dominates WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Lucubration.8361


There are actual exploits related to server transfer and WvW; recruiting off-peak players for your server is not one of them.

WvW is not about ‘keeping it even’. The team with the best strategy, organization, diplomacy, and tenacity should win, and it should be an inspiration for others to do improve.

How come Viznu dominates WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Mr Magoo.9065

Mr Magoo.9065

There are actual exploits related to server transfer and WvW; recruiting off-peak players for your server is not one of them.

WvW is not about ‘keeping it even’. The team with the best strategy, organization, diplomacy, and tenacity should win, and it should be an inspiration for others to do improve.

What exactly is inspiring about that? lol

I fully agree with this statement

he team with the best strategy, organization, diplomacy, and tenacity should win, and it should be an inspiration for others to do improve

right now the only organization needed is make sure you steamroll the entire map during nighttime. GG

Defend it all you want, it’s broken. And while WvW really is not about keeping it even, if you want to see what great imbalances, in whatever capacity(mostly just great population disparities) do to WvW-esque game modes just look at, oh I dont know, maybe almost every single other game ever attempting a game mode like this or large scale PvP in general…

WvW is uneven enough without night capping.

How come Viznu dominates WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Gibbonici.9437


There have been people jumping onto the opposing worlds and attempting to sabotage them. Using up supply in keeps to build useless siege weapons, moving orbs out, spying and using the commander icon to get people to trust them into doing attacks that would only serve to get them wiped.

This on top of the rest of what I said above in my other post. Ignore the trolls, its been confirmed by other players and other forums.

Yep, I’m 95% certain that this happened in our match last night.

Whiteside Ridge [JG] [PiP]
Yetas – Human Ranger
Ramonn Yetas – Human Rifle Warrior

How come Viznu dominates WvW

in WvW

Posted by: zarg.1853


FS and Deso also covers several time zones with guilds, Russians, Scandinavian, Pole then the problem is not he somewhere else?