(edited by Nidhogg.2950)
Invitation to Piken Square, From Gunnars Hold
Nice post Nid , and i agree , i wouldnt insult dreddz and co by asking them to join us , but a voice comm at the end would be great
Personally i too know some of these guys from back when and spoke to dreddz last night , same as i always say , only one thing better than fighting with friends and that is fighting AGAINST them , really looking foward to this week.
Hopefully we didnt peek last week and we bring our “A” game , hope everyone enjoys this week as much as i think i will
Are the pugs on Gunnars Hold inadequate Nid? xD This brings back memories..
Chuckled when I found out that we were facing off against some old friends this week.
Looney vids at http://www.youtube.com/feed/UCRhCtfrF9GhxU1CoeZSN0kQ/u
Midnight Mayhem
Good luck with your match-up and with recruiting more guilds for GH from Piken.
Cheers syn , very kind of u m8
Ahoy thar matey’s!
I booked this weekend off for some friday night flip action and boy what a treat! I was over the moon to see familiar guilds an then to receive messages from old Allies was the icing on the cake! I dont think ive ever stayed up so late in a game loggin off around 7am!
Piken has been cravin some good fights an crawlin our way up the rankings to reach the competive an organised guilds,and hurrah to Gunnars for being the first to spice up our battles!
Heres to a great week of fun!
Oh and we’ll see about the post match up chat,fraternising with the enemy still makes me feel dirty but then i do like to be dirty
wish i could fight you lot,instead of all the Germans last 2 weeks >.<
Nid, you can ask around in Mara if we can share the TS server for a few people.
we have few restirctions when it comes to WvW, I believe most of us are on mumble.
Ill also ask around.
Don’t know all you guys from Piken, but im sure you will bleed just as much as our previous frienemies.
Don’t try stealing our guys, Gunnars We got great community going on Piken.
Second Law.
Necrosis is a pvp guild from Warhammer (KA) and we are currently on Piken Square. We came from Desolation and we love this server. I would advise good guilds from GH to join us. You will soon realize why guilds from GH should move to PS and not the other way around.
As for the meeting, if it will be about destroying AM i am all in since its a server with low skill but big zergs. I think their rating is overrated and they achieved it due to off-peak hours zerging.
Leader and commander of Necrosis[Necr] Greek pvp Community
Proud to be in Piken Square
@ Op.. No..
15 characters.
ApollothirteenAs for the meeting, if it will be about destroying AM i am all in since its a server with low skill but big zergs. I think their rating is overrated and they achieved it due to off-peak hours zerging.
Yeah, there was nothing like destroying AM’s zergs during primetime, getting a 600 point lead during primetime, then losing the week by 150k points because they capped the map during the early mornings. They’ll pay for that this week though.
Second Law [Scnd] – Guild leader
Currently: Axiom – Necro
I second Apollo. Come to PS, Gunnars!
Some of us crazy GG are staying up to 7am and beyond to combat the night-capping as best we can.
Second Law.
A whole lot of posters above, starting with Syndic, failed to read through the first post, or even worse, understand what’s going on…
Having a blast fighting Piken right now and yup, sitting down and talking about a W3 week once it’s over is a great thing to do, i believe, not just this time but we might make a custom out of it.
ApollothirteenAs for the meeting, if it will be about destroying AM i am all in since its a server with low skill but big zergs. I think their rating is overrated and they achieved it due to off-peak hours zerging.
Yeah, there was nothing like destroying AM’s zergs during primetime, getting a 600 point lead during primetime, then losing the week by 150k points because they capped the map during the early mornings. They’ll pay for that this week though.
I wonder how we always cought up the 20k Points Gunnar got every Night from Monday to Friday. Gunnar dominated every night and still we barely lost by 10k Points.
But still… our server is absolutely miserable this week and I expact the 3rd place (since you both hate us it isn’t a surprise, but how bad it’s going the last 2 weeks was a surprise).
It is still the bracket we belong to and we will show you.. if not this week then another ^^
I would really laugh if we would still beat Piken because this time we are surely not the most night-active server. Pitty… I liked that “We absolutely destroyed AM whenever we played but we lost by 150k points!!!”-sentence. Could argue 24/7 about that, but I already did in other threads ^^
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth
Lets keep it polite fellows,
But some misconceptions seem to have creeped into the thread somehow, Ill reinstate below.
I, personally, will mostly be gunning for Piken Square. Not out of any hatred towards them but rather the opposite. I know other WvW leaders share my opinion(dont worry AB, some of us are quite keen to go gunning for you). Gunnars Hold will not ally against AB and certainly not against Piken. Im not a representative of the server but Ive heard most of the guildleaders views about alliance and I agree with them, wont do that here.
The meeting at the end of the week would be more a convivial meeting and discussing of the week, I will not try to coerce Piken guilds to move to Gunnars, they dont need an invite from their old comrade/enemy to know they would be very welcome and Im not going to suggest they give up their organisation on Piken.
Ill view any invite from Piken as the compliment it is but as long as there is still life and community in Gunnars this is my home. Piken would however be my first choice for moving, followed closely by the honorable people of Kodash.
Gunnars Hold has delivered for me, little drama any more, awesome people to fight besides and challenging enemies in front. Even should we lose this week we have proven in previous weeks that Gunnars morale doesnt break easily, not while we can still pick up a sword!
I don’t fear an alliance.. it’s ridiculous to think the other servers ally against your own and I always laugh about people who whine about something like that. It’s just parts of both your servers openly mention they hate our server because of whatever is a appropriate reason for that.
Like I mentioned our server isn’t in top form actually.. a lot of work has to be done again, but I surely won’t accept sentences that state our server reached this bracket undeserved.
I always tried to be nice and converse politely in different threads, but I’m getting a bit sick of this always repeating Piken-sentence. Just because we haven’t Guilds like KISS, RG and VII doesn’t mean we are inferiour in any kind of battle
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth
I am entitled to my opinion as you are to yours. I have fought against almost every server out there with a few exceptions since we were originally from Desolation. Saying that i don’t like AB’s style is not offensive, at least not in my book. I don’t like the way you move in the map and i don’t like they way you conduct combat. It is not fun and it is not effective. You won by 150k because you took everything in every map during morning and you kept them through the afternoon. It took us time to get every single point back when it was upgraded and full of defenders , while you pve’ed in the morning in empty maps.
So, in my opinion you didn’t deserve the rating you have. You don’t have to agree with me , but you can’t deny me the right to express myself however i see fit. So a zerg of 40+ ppl who get pushed by 15 and start running is inferior in my opinion. Gunnar on the other hand stand their ground and fight.
There is no wrong and right when it comes to that. It’s whatever people like more or less.
And to clear things up, Red Guard transferred to Blacktide at least for this week. I don’t know if they are coming back. That was our main force late night.
Leader and commander of Necrosis[Necr] Greek pvp Community
Proud to be in Piken Square
(edited by Apollothirteen.7201)
Best regards to Piken and Gunnar WAR veterans.
Burlok salutes you. Piken it is now.
ApolloThirteenAnd to clear things up, Red Guard transferred to Blacktide at least for this week. I don’t know if they are coming back. That was our main force late night.
Yeah, If they have left permanently, it’ll certainly be a loss for our server, great guild RG, and Sacrx always did pretty well commanding. I know that when we last fought AM, they transferred to Seafarers for that week, so i guess they’ve been looking at leaving for quite a while, good luck to them. Although I’m surprised they jumped on such a bandwagon.
With regard to this meeting, I’ll run it by my guild leader, see what he thinks of it. Should be quite interesting, and would definitely promote inter-server community. Which i think is especially important since WvW has started to settle.
Second Law [Scnd] – Guild leader
Currently: Axiom – Necro
Lucky for us on Gunnars that Red Guard left though it seems, your fighting hard enough allready.
Since Blacktide also holds some Warhammer veterans it might be that Red Guard will find likeminded spirits in Syndics CIR and Snorths Unnamed on Blacktide. Reading the posts Red Guard is definatly getting noticed favorably over on Blacktide.
Is Red Guard still being led by that grumpy warrior priest Sacrx? would love to fight him next week if Piken hasnt moved up a bracket then, there are some puggies I’d like him to meet :-p
Hey to all the old faces. Nid, what is your guild tag and which borderland are you most likely to be in during primetime?
I agree with Nid and Snowstorm on a few points , i personally have stated that wherever Tainted , HOB , VII etc turn up i want to be there to be a right royal pain in the backside , not because of hatred , but because i know and respect these guys , i also agree that piken would be a great place to be , but gunnars is also great , maybe even greater
If anyone from AM gets jealous , i dont mind killing you guys too , but you have to remember i spent all last week killing you . so as they say , a change is as good as a rest.
As far as a post WvW meeting goes i think its a great idea , so long as Tjattras comes along , i can’t have an ex guildie killing me and getting away with it …. good on ya mate .
been a good close weekend so far , hope this sort of play continues
Sorry if I interrup again.. it will be the last time. And maybe some even won’t mind if i stay polite.
So, in my opinion you didn’t deserve the rating you have. You don’t have to agree with me , but you can’t deny me the right to express myself however i see fit. So a zerg of 40+ ppl who get pushed by 15 and start running is inferior in my opinion. Gunnar on the other hand stand their ground and fight.
Thats the funny point. You don’t like us because of what you postet.. ok..
On the other hand you respect Gunnar.. ok..
But now how the game went last week…
Gunnar was a great opponent, but they got the most points during the night because after 1 or 2 they turned the whole maps. We sometimes lost up to 20k points to them during one night and still we could dominate the day and just barely loose to them.
You don’t like us but you like Gunnar although they did exactly the same. You are just biased and if you would have the better night-shift you would exactly do the same. On Abaddon nobody flamed Gunnar for beeing the better server at night and nobody startet flaming threads again and again. I don’t get it why Piken is so persistent there.. Miller was even worse but you guys just keep flaming Abaddon. It’s funny and sad.
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth
Greetings to all the Ex WAR Vets from KN
Like some of you I was also on WAR & on KN I played a Warrior Priest named Garibaldi from the Guild RvK, a small guild of 20ish members. Anyway after getting GW2 I looked for a home & was invited to Vitas by Nidhogg to later find we knew each other from WAR (we had a few duels ) & then @ the start of this week I also found out that some Ex WAR vets are on Piken like Tainted & Vll, this gave me goose pimples knowing that I could be fighting old friends & enemies.
Anyway Myself, Nidhogg & Vitas (VS) will be spending most of our time on Piken bl testing our metal alongside Slaught & his BdB guys.
Weekends are not our strong point as we old farts have an alcohol problem but I am looking forward to the week ahead.
See you on the field where death is the start of life.
WvW Squad Leader
Sacrx is still leading Red Guard. I heard his not going move from Black TIde since he got all he wanted. Russian zerg taking night ours and him taking prime time. Also rewdguard is playing with other guilds like Inglorious Bs or Pax Mortis
Piken Square 28 August 2012 – 10 february 2013
Tarnished Coast since 10 feb 2013
Red Guard working with Unnamed and CIR ? can’t believe my eyes :p
M.r. Starfall you misunderstood me. The reason i don’t like AM is the way you are fighting. I said that already. What i said about night-capping is that it’s the reason why you have this rating. And i don’t hate you. Hate is a strong word.
Leader and commander of Necrosis[Necr] Greek pvp Community
Proud to be in Piken Square
Vanz, as Mushy stated we will mostly be on Piken Square Borderlands this week. Our guild tag is [VS].
You’re most likely to encounter me on a human mesmer, Sane Jack.
My compliments on your guild warband, it moves as a single creature. Very nice maneauvering. We’ve already seen what happens if I throw a zerg at you in Warhammer so forgive me if I dont try that again :-p
Ill send a whisper to one of your guildies when Im running around on Piken, I already know 7th can kill us, lets see if you can find us :-)
Is the dwarf Tacticus still with you btw?
Is the dwarf Tacticus still with you btw?
Who’s moving? We may not have the late night/morning caps going on, which ultimately defines those who sit in the top brackets of WvWvW, but we do have the opportunity to bring out the dustpan and brush in the evening. Cleaning up red names during prime time is far more enjoyable.
Hahahaha Kyma , great post , but i think u will find that dreddz knows me well enough , and he knows i am a straight talker , if i wanted him to come to us i would ask him m8 , oh btw if yr english is not good , it puts my english to shame m8
Don’t worry yourself Kyma, there’s a strong community on Piken, and I can’t see any major guilds leaving for Gunnars. Especially seeing as we’re still rising through the WvW leaderboards
Once WvW settles, we’re going to be fighting similar servers every week. If you don’t talk to people on opposing servers, this’ll make the fights all blend together so that every week is the same as the last, just 2 different red names that we need to kill.
Second Law [Scnd] – Guild leader
Currently: Axiom – Necro
Looking forward to a week of good fights.
Had some good fun today in Pikens BL fighting up north for 30-40mins in the open field as it should be you guys really know your stuff, hope the rest of the week is as much fun as today.
WvW Squad Leader
Duraz Tarag stays on Piken 4 evah! GH and AM are good oponents.
Nidhogg – Check your PM’s on GW2Guru mate! lol.
Great fights so far this matchup – Thanks to all involved.
Aurora Glade – EU
ex-Piken Square – EU
The good fights are mainly coming from Piken Square. Abaddons Mouth is just a massive zerg without skill (yes we defended the bridge at GreenBriar the whole saturday evening against you and you didnt get through with your 40 man zerg, and us with 12 people).
Piken Square gets my respect they have good tactics and ofcourse my old opponents from Aion are on Piken, always fun to fight Boon and Afterlife.
Had some nice fights last days guys.
And no dont come over, that would mean we wouldnt have nice fights in the future
Nice to see some familiar names – when I saw the Vitas guildtag I did wonder if it was the same VOP. What happened to the Odious Parrots part of it though?
I also note that Mr Kyma has left [HoB] off his list – presumably this is tacit permission for us to server hop to Gunnars Hold? :P
Regards to all, and here’s to Piken’s inevitable and crushing victory!
Formerly Snikkit Bloodhand, Squig Herder of Karak Norn
Piken Square [EU]
Hi Nid and other ex-WARers!
Looks like we are set for a good week of WvW
Having now recovered from our Guild meet HoB will be out in force to say “hi” properly!
Piken Square
PS BL seems to always be full when VII forums up. We have been “forced” to spend our evenings in AM BL… Or are you guys avoiding that BL on purpose? Have seen only some LoE tags around.
The good fights are mainly coming from Piken Square. Abaddons Mouth is just a massive zerg without skill (yes we defended the bridge at GreenBriar the whole saturday evening against you and you didnt get through with your 40 man zerg, and us with 12 people).
Piken Square gets my respect they have good tactics and ofcourse my old opponents from Aion are on Piken, always fun to fight Boon and Afterlife.
This is just the usual pseudo elitism crap coming from someone beholding one situation and generalising it. As if 40 players represent a whole server. For my part I haven’t seen a single zerg/guild/group of Gunnar’s Hold which impressed me through their skill and gameplay. Quite the contrary, more often than not I can literally single-handedly stop most of your zergs from continuing to attack an objective by simply spewing one cluster-bomb after another down from the wall with my thief. Does this make me a good player? Nope, it just means you do – as all other servers here – have your fair share of brainless zergs running around. Does this furthermore mean you don’t possess good groups? No, of course not. It just means, that I haven’t witnessed them yet.
Piken Square on the other hand have – and had (RG) – one or two guild groups which we simply can not compete with, as our server largely consists of purely casual players with a high average age (yeah, moms and dads, maybe yours too?). VII comes to my mind here. Though even they tend to kitten up from time to time and get their kitten handed to them (and not by a larger force), I have personally seen that yesterday at Ascalon.
And speaking of zergs in general. I read here more than once that we make all our points over the daytime. And Gunnar’s in the night, so what? We surely do not have more people doing WvW than you do. And considering the actual score, what does it say about your server, that we seem to be able to stay not far behind you? Shouldn’t you be able to crush us into oblivion, if you are that much better? A little bit humility would be a better approach.
In the end it is a game, though for some of you it seems to be far more than that and the hatred some of you seem to have for our server is honestly quite shocking. I hope this isnt’t true for your whole server and those people are just a minority.
You are saying its just a game and still say i hate your server, think its a bit of a contradiction. The people ive encountered from AM are really people with no skill at all.
This doesnt mean i hate your server because im not because you give me my badges
Have fun and dont take the game to serious
PS BL seems to always be full when VII forums up. We have been “forced” to spend our evenings in AM BL… Or are you guys avoiding that BL on purpose?
Have seen only some LoE tags around.
LoE been in the AM boarderland often. Mostly completely outmanned by both VII (PS) and AM.
Always is a struggle as we not a pvp focused guild but we do the best we can with limited numbers (ie 10 or less ) however I rather fight an uphill struggle then join the 1 or 2 boardlands that has a big queue because we are dominating them.
Does mean I havent been getting to work alongside the people I normally do which means tactics go out the window (it is hard to get people to not auto attack a wall kitten lol) .. but we manage to get some movement through the zone and it is nice to go from owning nothing to owning the bottom corner against all odds!
Still, VII, can you stop being mean and smashing into me when I am fighting the germans
You are saying its just a game and still say i hate your server, think its a bit of a contradiction. The people ive encountered from AM are really people with no skill at all.
This doesnt mean i hate your server because im not because you give me my badges
Have fun and dont take the game to serious
I didn’t mention you specifically, but said in this thread there are quite some people openly expressing their hate and despise for our server and that this is quite shocking for many of us – as it is just a game. How you turn this around and tell me to not take a game too serious is ridiculous to say the least.
And as I said above, I haven’t met really good groups from Gunnar’s either. Some single players yes. Does this mean you all suck? See above. But this discussion leads to nowhere, I just wanted to express my point of view and I am sure yours isn’t a mirror of your whole server.
Piken Square on the other hand have – and had (RG) – one or two guild groups which we simply can not compete with, as our server largely consists of purely casual players with a high average age (yeah, moms and dads, maybe yours too?). VII comes to my mind here. Though even they tend to kitten up from time to time and get their kitten handed to them (and not by a larger force), I have personally seen that yesterday at Ascalon.
RG have moved to Blacktide, so they havent been on our server during this match up.
Seriously, all three servers are in tier 6. None of us are superstars.
Point wise it’s been very even so far and each server has a strong gain at various times of the day. I find myself checking the scores from work frequently.
As far as battles go, we’re loving the activity of both AM and GH. As previously stated VII have been restricted to AM BL so far but hope to get a chance at GH shortly. Someone told us we may get a good fight out of a guild called KISS. Hopefully we will encounter them soon.
RG have moved to Blacktide, so they havent been on our server during this match up.
That’s why I said “had”.
Piken Square on the other hand have – and had (RG) – one or two guild groups which we simply can not compete with, as our server largely consists of purely casual players with a high average age (yeah, moms and dads, maybe yours too?). VII comes to my mind here.
This is just the usual pseudo elitism crap coming from someone beholding one situation and generalising it. As if few guilds represent a whole server.
See what I did there?
And before you go bonkers, relax, it’s a (bad) joke.
Anyways, I’m from Piken and while we might have few good guilds roaming the maps, I feel it’s more of a all around effort instead of few great guilds pulling us through.
We’ve got a great community backing us up, I’m really enjoying playing WvW on Piken.
I’ve been here from the start and the server keeps on evolving when it comes to WvW.
This match has been great so far, I’ve seen good fights from both sides but I have to say (from my point of view) that Gunnar’s hold seems to have more smaller and organized groups running around.
You’ll have to forgive people hating on the Germans, you’ve beaten us pretty badly in the past.
(edited by Siofra Crumble.2098)