Inviting Enemies to your Group
yeah, I have noticed this as well. Someone on another server invited me to a group once and we chatted for a bit. I was in a zerg at the time and they were able to counter our zerg because they knew exactly where we were because of me. I left because I felt guilty and will never accept an invitation from an enemy again.
But makes me wonder how often it happens to a low level player who doesn’t really know better.
I love chatting with people from other servers like that in the JP. One week the party had me, and a single person from both servers in it. We ran the entire JP as a team, and I absolutely loved it. Especially the chats we had while doing it.
PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald
I join parties with the enemy if I want to congratulate them or whatever. It’s usually like: invite → “hey nice fight/defense/counter-siege/whatever” → exit party.
It’s harmless when used for stuff like that, but it kind of defeats the point of not letting other servers trash talk you — not that I’ve had that happen yet.
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast
Good way to fight thieves(stealth)
I’m surprised you just found out. Either way this is the only form of communication with enemies and I wouldn’t want it to be removed.
[GoA] Guardians of Arcane – Officer
Ruins of Surmia – Commander
I only get invites from people I kill in the JP. I just assume it will all be garbage coming out of their mouth so I never accept them. Before with the report bug it was unavoidable and I had to just put them on my ignore list.
it’s so easy to plant spies in groups and have perfect tracking…
You’re right, it is voluntary. No one is forcing you to accept the invite from “Server Invader.” So I would disagree in saying that it’s an easy tool for spying.
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!
I only get invites from people I kill in the JP. I just assume it will all be garbage coming out of their mouth so I never accept them
. Before with the report bug it was unavoidable and I had to just put them on my ignore list.
You like to gank carebears but don’t want to listen to their stream of tears afterward? But that’s the best part…
I only get invites from people I kill in the JP. I just assume it will all be garbage coming out of their mouth so I never accept them
. Before with the report bug it was unavoidable and I had to just put them on my ignore list.
You like to gank carebears but don’t want to listen to their stream of tears afterward? But that’s the best part…
I get my tears fix on these forums.
I only get invites from people I kill in the JP. I just assume it will all be garbage coming out of their mouth so I never accept them
. Before with the report bug it was unavoidable and I had to just put them on my ignore list.
You like to gank carebears but don’t want to listen to their stream of tears afterward? But that’s the best part…
I get my tears fix on these forums
WvW forums are a place for constructive discussion, not:
Trash talking
Calling People Out
We use it for dueling mainly, its easier to organise GvG with this.
I only get invites from people I kill in the JP. I just assume it will all be garbage coming out of their mouth so I never accept them
. Before with the report bug it was unavoidable and I had to just put them on my ignore list.
You like to gank carebears but don’t want to listen to their stream of tears afterward? But that’s the best part…
I get my tears fix on these forums
WvW forums are a place for constructive discussion, not:
Trash talking
Calling People Out
Doesn’t mean people don’t do it regardless.
They should fix it so that if you’re in a party with someone and they’re on an opposing team, you can’t see them in stealth. I was playing sPvP hot joins with my guild yesterday and I could see my friend’s mesmer when she stealthed, it made fights much more difficult for her. Other than that I don’t have a problem with partying up with enemies.
They should fix it so that if you’re in a party with someone and they’re on an opposing team, you can’t see them in stealth. I was playing sPvP hot joins with my guild yesterday and I could see my friend’s mesmer when she stealthed, it made fights much more difficult for her. Other than that I don’t have a problem with partying up with enemies.
Why should they do that?
Don’t party with the enemy if you don’t want them to see you in stealth.
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]
Myself and an ally were getting harassed in WvW by this one very persistent ranger, and because she was from the last place server we invited her to team up against Maguuma, who was currently stomping us too.
We had a grand time taking camps and guards out, sharing the captures in a roughly even fashion. I couldn’t use any support moves on her, but at least we were able to interrupt when Maguuma players would try to stomp.
I think this is actually a great mechanic, even if it’s unintended, and should be expanded upon. Once you’re in-party with an enemy player, you should have the option to right-click their portrait and propose entering “no friendly fire” mode, where you can’t hit them, but can use support moves on them. Then to go back to normal you would just leave the party.
I think this is actually a great mechanic, even if it’s unintended, and should be expanded upon. Once you’re in-party with an enemy player, you should have the option to right-click their portrait and propose entering “no friendly fire” mode, where you can’t hit them, but can use support moves on them. Then to go back to normal you would just leave the party.
Not sure if a ‘no friendly fire’ mode with support options would work as it may be prone to exploiting.
Imagine a Mesmer spy on your server inviting his Mesmer friend from the opposing server to group and then use portal to get him into your keep.
Fojja – Vyxxi – Nymmra – Mymmra – Champion of Dwayna .. and more
Highly Over Powered Explorers [HOPE] – Desolation EU
Grats on getting this patched soon.. Just like when the report option to get name was posted about it got patched.. Our last method of communicating with good fighters on the other side, why would you feel the need to make a stupid post about it anyways.
You’re right, it is voluntary. No one is forcing you to accept the invite from “Server Invader.” So I would disagree in saying that it’s an easy tool for spying.
Spying implies that the spy is actually from the invading server and has transferred for the purpose of spying. Partying up with their buddies on the invading servers allows them to share info more efficiently, if only that their position is right there on the map at all times.
Northern Shiverpeaks
I think this element of spying and subterfuge should be an intended part of WvW! We already have swords and sorcery, why can’t we have cloak and dagger too?
Here’s a fun idea: If you see somebody frequently hanging out with enemy players, you have the option to flag them as a “potential spy”. If they get a certain number of these, people on their own team can shoot them. Let’s get CUTTHROAT up in here!
You’re right, it is voluntary. No one is forcing you to accept the invite from “Server Invader.” So I would disagree in saying that it’s an easy tool for spying.
Spying implies that the spy is actually from the invading server and has transferred for the purpose of spying. Partying up with their buddies on the invading servers allows them to share info more efficiently, if only that their position is right there on the map at all times.
You can spy without transferring. But as I said, no one is making you accept the invite that clearly says “invader”, so it’s less efficient and more contrived.
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!
I like it. It should stay in, but if it doesnt I always have my guilds with my name so people will be able to send me tells.
You can spy without transferring. But as I said, no one is making you accept the invite that clearly says “invader”, so it’s less efficient and more contrived.
You’re not getting it. We’re not talking about somehow being tricked into giving your position away through this.
player from server B transfers to server A, joins party with friends from server B, follows server A’s zerg/commander, giving away their exact map position away to friends from server B.
This is something that already happens, separate from being able to party with players from other servers. Partying with them just makes sharing information easier.
Northern Shiverpeaks
You can spy without transferring. But as I said, no one is making you accept the invite that clearly says “invader”, so it’s less efficient and more contrived.
You’re not getting it. We’re not talking about somehow being tricked into giving your position away through this.
player from server B transfers to server A, joins party with friends from server B, follows server A’s zerg/commander, giving away their exact map position away to friends from server B.
This is something that already happens, separate from being able to party with players from other servers. Partying with them just makes sharing information easier.
Who is this we? According to the OP, we’re talking about a player on a server joining the party of an enemy player from a different server. If you go through the trouble of transferring servers, why would you need to join a party with commanders that includes a person from your home? You have the commander on watch, you already know the information. Adding another person is overkill, pointless, and doesn’t make the feature useful or easier, because you have already done something that will provide you with much more information and you can relay it to your team in seconds with something as simple as a voice comm.
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!
I like the idea of being able to group with the opponent as it can be useful for setting up duels. However, I think those who are grouped with an opponent should have a different colored name over their heads so others on the same or opposing side will know something might be up.
As for “spying” and such, I think that is overblown and overrated in this game and other games. I came from a game that had so much paranoia about spying, that if people took that energy and instead focused it on actual pvp, we would’ve had much better fights.
If 2 people on different servers want to “spy” and help each other out, it’s a lot easier to do that using voice than it is in-game, and anyone from any server can talk to any opponent if they set up voice chat ahead of time.
So if you’re worried about spying and such with the grouping abilities, do yourselves a favor and don’t worry. Just go play the game. You’ll be happier.
Who is this we?
Me, Scootabuser and anyone else mentioning the “spying” aspect of the overall topic.
Northern Shiverpeaks
Who is this we?
Me, Scootabuser and anyone else mentioning the “spying” aspect of the overall topic.
As it stands, if you target an enemy and then open up the party panel and hit “invite.” You can invite an enemy player.
I for one LOVE this and although it is possibly a glitch, I think it works perfect. It’s 100% voluntary and helps us people looking for good fights set up 1v1s.
The implications are bad though, it’s so easy to plant spies in groups and have perfect tracking…
That says nothing about transferring to an enemy server, then joining their party. That simply talks about how players can join other players while they are on different servers.
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!
Look, I was just trying to clarify what you got wrong in your initial post, since the part of the OP you quoted clearly indicates the type of situation I’ve tried to explain…but you were going off on some weird tangent about not being forced into partying with invaders, which has nothing to do with spying.
Northern Shiverpeaks
Look, I was just trying to clarify what you got wrong in your initial post, since the part of the OP you quoted clearly indicates the type of situation
No, it doesn’t. You brought in a situation of someone transfering to an enemy server, neither I or the OP was talking about that.
I’ve tried to explain…but you were going off on some weird tangent about not being forced into partying with invaders, which has nothing to do with spying.
As it stands, if you target an enemy and then open up the party panel and hit “invite.” You can invite an enemy player.
The implications are bad though, it’s so easy to plant spies in groups and have perfect tracking…
The OP says it RIGHT there. How does that not have to do with spying? You join an invaders party, you know where they always are and can use that information to your benefit. How am I going off on a tangent? It’s the EXACT same thing the OP is talking about.
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!
As my first post stated, the term “spying” has that specific connotation. I guess you don’t share that usage/meaning and that’s fine, I’ll drop the subject since we’re obviously not talking about the same thing and further discussion is pointless.
Northern Shiverpeaks
I like that you can be grouped and exchange with an enemy. I was running on my Ranger on JQ and got into a nice long 1v1 with a thief….after a pretty drawn out fight I finally dropped him. Once stomped I saw a group invite from “Stormbluff Isle Invader” and I accepted.
First message I got was “how are you spec’d, I played a lvl 80 Ranger in WvW and I could never of beaten a Thief with a bow spec” (I’m Gimpy LB/SB spec’d)
We exchanged spec ideas for a few minutes, un grouped and went on our separate ways. being able to interact with enemies kind of humanizes the person across from you and makes the game a little more engaging. At least from my perspective.
As a former DAoC player I always liked getting to know the guys you fought regularly, sadly VN boards were the only medium to do it. Having the option to do it in this game adds to it as long as its not abused for other purposes which are legitimate concerns.
Vol I –
Vol II –
As my first post stated, the term “spying” has that specific connotation. I guess you don’t share that usage/meaning and that’s fine, I’ll drop the subject since we’re obviously not talking about the same thing and further discussion is pointless.
No it doesn’t. Spying is not a specific situation. It’s gathering enemy intel, the way you do it is not the determinate. You can spy on voice comms, through friends, through parties, through having multiple accounts. None of these involve server transferring yet they are all seen as spying. Bottom line, the OP does not mention transferring to servers, I didn’t either. You did, and tried to start debating it.
But you’re right, it’s pointless, drop it.
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!
Well now that people mention it on the forums it will get fixed.
It’s also getting misused though. When i down people in WvW and laugh at them, they often try to invite me for flaming.
I killed someone, got a random party invite, thought it was a friendly. They joined, yelled at me in french a bunch, then posted my name all over gw2LFG saying I was paying people to complete fractals .(_ _ ). It was really just obnoxious
I only get invites from people I kill in the JP. I just assume it will all be garbage coming out of their mouth so I never accept them
. Before with the report bug it was unavoidable and I had to just put them on my ignore list.
You like to gank carebears but don’t want to listen to their stream of tears afterward? But that’s the best part…
Exactly. Thank you, lol.
One week we were bored before reset, just doofing around in bluelake tower, and a thief standing outside from SoS party invited a guildie of mine. They chatted for a bit, nothing earth-shattering or ‘spying’ as it were, and we went back to messing around with him outside the tower. Sometimes, like in this case, it was just boredom + silliness = lol
Jade Quarry
Onslaught [OnS]