Is TC a good server for my Guild?

Is TC a good server for my Guild?

in WvW

Posted by: Joey.2769



Hi all! My guild is PvX which makes us need to cater to both our pve element and our wvw groups. We total around 150 and field approximately 30 wvw on reset and about 15-20 throughout the match. We have multiple commanders that are knowledgeable and conscious of other guilds on maps and try to coordinate with them. Is TC a good fit for us? We would like to stay within tier 2 or 3.

Thanks for your input.

Joey- Einherjar Bladow

Commander X Swagalicious X
Commander Twerknificient
Joey Bladow

Is TC a good server for my Guild?

in WvW

Posted by: Handin.4032



I think TC is one of the funnest environments I’ve ever played in in any MMO. We seem to have a decent amount of every. If you want to do WvW, we have MANY dedicated WvW’ers, as well as several large WvW guilds, lots of smaller ones, and even a decent amount of RP WvW (which can be really fun to see in chat!), as well as a new 10k slot mumble, etc. If you’re into PvE, we have people constantly running just about everything in a good environment. If you’re into RP, there’s lots of that too!

But what I really have enjoyed is the environment. It’s quite relaxed and really focused on just having fun, even while doing serious things. We’ve had events like a mini quaggan group (people tonic’ed as mini quaggans) running around in WvW, etc. And when things get rough for us, we just laugh and have fun despite getting our butts kicked!

I would definitely check out the site (though note, just like any server wide forum it can have some drama). But there will be some good contacts on that site for people to get ahold if you have any questions, or want to transfer. We have been arranging black outs with a lot of the WvW guilds to try to bring in new transfers.

Either way, I’m sure all of TC would be glad to have you join The Toast!

TC Golden Dolyak – [DOLY]
Mesmer – FURY
Rank 55 – Bunker Engi, Top 300

Is TC a good server for my Guild?

in WvW

Posted by: Random Weirdness.6750

Random Weirdness.6750

i suggest you check out their website ( and look around there. the hardest part about TC is trying to get your entire guild in before paid transfers start

Is TC a good server for my Guild?

in WvW

Posted by: ykyk.2740


Honestly, TC is a good fit for anybody, unless you are specifically looking for a tier-1 level 24/7 WvW focused HARDCORE server, which we aren’t. The PvE is obviously huge and of great quality due to the size of the server population and the demographics (remarkably mature and good-natured in general, something that always stood out to me coming from many previous games and MMOs). WvW here is competitive, although tier 2 will be an uphill battle for the coming weeks.

I could go on forever but I think the general vibe and reputation of the server as well as its popularity speaks for itself. We’ve always been a hard server to get in though, but as I understand many of the bigger guilds on both WvW and RP sides have been trying to organize blackout events to get some of the interested guilds through this week. Maybe someone more directly involved in that can provide more information there.

In any case I’m sure everybody on TC will be thrilled to have you guys on board. The community here is something else.

Is TC a good server for my Guild?

in WvW

Posted by: rhyein.6172


TC has a very stable population due to it’s unofficial RP nature, and that population will likely keep us from dropping any lower than T3 once the new super-servers move up to their correct places. We’ve also gotten a few WvW guilds from other servers transfer in during the few slots where we show up at Very High population. In short, both the PvE and WvW side of the server is very much alive and I think it would fit your criteria nicely.

Unfortunately, as Random said, the biggest worry would be getting into the server. So far we’ve had a few times where the server drops down to very high every day, so the earlier you start the better the chance. We’ve also been coordinating blackouts throughout the week. Feel free to PM or whisper me in game if you have any more questions.

Is TC a good server for my Guild?

in WvW

Posted by: Karuna.1357


Greetings to you. Tarnished Coast is a wonderful destination for PvX guilds because our server truly does offer a little bit of everything — there is an extremely vibrant PvE population to work with, and we have a great WvW crew as well.

The community is also very welcoming to newcomers — especially those people who have a strong interest in working together with us as part of the team.

The only real drawback, as mentioned above, is that the server population currently is trending more towards full so it can be a trick (or a matter of luck) sometimes to get people in.

I have been on TC for about three months now and also fill in as a WvW commander on the server. You are welcome to contact me directly if you would like to ask any questions or go over any particulars regarding your guild and potentially making TC your new home. You will also meet a lot of friendly people over on that would be willing to assist you.

Guild Leader/Commander, the Everlasting Sacred Path [ESP]
Tarnished Coast

(edited by Karuna.1357)

Is TC a good server for my Guild?

in WvW

Posted by: Barab.9016


TC is a great server. One of the best communities in gw2

Kurthos “When Jade Quarry awakens, they will ask themselves, when were we ever asleep?”

Is TC a good server for my Guild?

in WvW

Posted by: ryan.3915


You have to be nice to join TC. :P

Blaine Warbler, Thief
EDMW, Jade Quarry.
I still love Crystal Dessert tho.

Is TC a good server for my Guild?

in WvW

Posted by: ykyk.2740


You have to be nice to join TC. :P

TC makes people nice when they come in. Srs.

Is TC a good server for my Guild?

in WvW

Posted by: OutspokenAardvark.9781


We’d love to have you and I promise you’d love it here just as much. The only issue is getting in before it’s too late. I think TC as a community needs to contact ANet and ask for a server boost :P

Rhyme – Commander
[DIS] Dissentient –
[TC] Tarnished Coast

Is TC a good server for my Guild?

in WvW

Posted by: Jayne.9251


I would suggest because of other outside mitigating factors like the full and robust RP community, a very active PVE community pretty much every hour of the day, and the general mature audience of the server that TC is probably one of the better ones to pick to make a permanent home. While other servers may see ups and downs in population, TC likely won’t ever lose its overall full status. I think it’s an important thing to consider, given that down the road there probably will be server mergers … this will likely never affect TC.

If you’re tired of jumping from one server to another in search of something more stable, TC is probably your best bet.

The issue, as many have mentioned, is getting in. It’s a North American based server, but we have folks from all over the world playing. Your best bet is to try at hours that take into account the three time zones in North America. Try before the East Coasters wake up, and try after the Pacific Coasters go to bed.

Another thing: It appears opening and closing your world map selection doesn’t accurately reflect the server status. It seems that the only way to get an accurate refresh is to literally close the game and reboot it. Hope that helps.

L’enfer, c’est les autres

Is TC a good server for my Guild?

in WvW

Posted by: OldRodKS.9758


You have to be nice to join TC. :P

TC makes people nice when they come in. Srs.

It’s the cookies… you should see what we put in them. Oh, I’ve said too much!

Playing on Tarnished Coast
Playing a various Stormspire alt – if it’s Stormspire, it’s probably me
Guilds: Elder Prophets [EP], Principality of New Katulus (PiNK)

Is TC a good server for my Guild?

in WvW

Posted by: TheDevilWithinU.7092


TC is a great server, yes this is also coming from their main enemy currently in WvW. We respect them and I will say they are a great server to transfer to! Plus it wouldn’t hurt if they had more bodies on the battlefield.

| Maguuma | [KEK] | GvG Relic & Historian |
Notorious Nevermore – Guardian

Is TC a good server for my Guild?

in WvW

Posted by: style.6173


There are two really great things about TC:
1. Fun people. There are always exceptions of course, but overall it’s a great environment.
2. Virtually no queues. Excluding server reset, there is typically 0-5 minute wait time on any server. EB and TBCL are the most popular. The other BL maps rarely have any queue except on Friday reset.

I definitely recommend the server.

Is TC a good server for my Guild?

in WvW

Posted by: Joey.2769


Thank you all for your input. I have linked this forum post to my guild and hopefully it will help us make the right choice for where we move. I hope to fight alongside you soon.

Joey – Einherjar Bladow

Commander X Swagalicious X
Commander Twerknificient
Joey Bladow

Is TC a good server for my Guild?

in WvW

Posted by: Pixels.6532


Not on TC, but I’ve played against them in WvW and seen some of their community in the WvW matchup threads.

Great group, imo. If I was going to transfer, It would be to TC, but I’m happy with SoR.

Sanctum of Rall

Is TC a good server for my Guild?

in WvW

Posted by: rhyein.6172


Population caps just increased. If your guild has decided on moving, now is the best time to do it.

Is TC a good server for my Guild?

in WvW

Posted by: Rastaman.9015


No doubt is TC one of the best servers out there but personally I would join SoR ive been on a couple servers and SoR is the only one that has really exceeded my expectations. Even to the point where we organized a HUGE WvW event that is going on as we speak. PvE is great as well we are planning some events for that as well. Huge dungeon races in about a month but no one knows yet i have to farm a crap load of gold for the prizes.

The class master. I enjoy all of the professions.

(edited by Rastaman.9015)

Is TC a good server for my Guild?

in WvW

Posted by: rhyein.6172


No doubt is TC one of the best servers out there but personally I would join SoR ive been on a couple servers and SoR is the only one that has really exceeded my expectations. Even to the point where we organized a HUGE WvW event that is going on as we speak. PvE is great as well we are planning some events for that as well. Huge dungeon races in about a month but no one knows yet i have to farm a crap load of gold for the prizes.

SoR has some great guilds, but it’s not going to be in T2 long and I’m assuming their guild is an NA guild, which I’ve been told repeatedly that SoR does not need or want any more of. It’s also pretty poor taste to try to hijack a guild thinking of going to your current WvW competition for this week and the next when your server already massively outnumbers everyone.

Is TC a good server for my Guild?

in WvW

Posted by: OutspokenAardvark.9781


We don’t know how long the server caps will be heightened for so you should hop in our server-wide mumble to figure out what we’re about and join your new home as soon as possible!

Rhyme – Commander
[DIS] Dissentient –
[TC] Tarnished Coast

Is TC a good server for my Guild?

in WvW

Posted by: DancingPenguins.9875


The thing about Tarnished Coast is that their WvW is extremely puggable. You can jump in and not feel lost or out of place even on the first day.

The problem is that they oftentimes have very loose zergs and are all over the map, the flipside of this is that if they ever get broken, it gets really annoying to see a bunch of camps constantly being flipped. For other servers, it’s easier to tail a commander and intercept.

Is TC a good server for my Guild?

in WvW

Posted by: HenryAu.7523


TC is nice. Just don’t get mad in the following situations and everything will be awesome.

Scenario A:
Some Icon: “Everybody gathers on me!”
TCer A: “Quickly, everybody ELSE go gather on icon while I solo/duo this camp.”
TCer B: “I’m supply running to repair that thing. F off.”
TCer C continues RP walk with dolyak as a dolyak.
TCer D&E play tag in keep while in princess doll form.

Scenario B:
2 min later.
Some Icon: “WTF why is there no defender in that tower far far away from my icon!”

Is TC a good server for my Guild?

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


TC is nice. Just don’t get mad in the following situations and everything will be awesome.

Scenario A:
Some Icon: “Everybody gathers on me!”
TCer A: “Quickly, everybody ELSE go gather on icon while I solo/duo this camp.”
TCer B: “I’m supply running to repair that thing. F off.”
TCer C continues RP walk with dolyak as a dolyak.
TCer D&E play tag in keep while in princess doll form.

Scenario B:
2 min later.
Some Icon: “WTF why is there no defender in that tower far far away from my icon!”

TCer C sounds pretty awesome, I’m not gonna lie. What sound do dolyaks make? I could be making it on Teamspeak to my guildies while doin this.

Gate of Madness

Is TC a good server for my Guild?

in WvW

Posted by: HenryAu.7523


TCer C sounds pretty awesome, I’m not gonna lie. What sound do dolyaks make? I could be making it on Teamspeak to my guildies while doin this.

Hahaha I wish somebody could tell me that as well.

Is TC a good server for my Guild?

in WvW

Posted by: Rhongomyniad.5081


TC is open at the moment for transfer (i.e. NOT FULL). Do join us

If you have questions, do check us out on

A thread elaborating on our server and why you should come :

TC is open for transfer now – usually it’s FULL except for very rare instances, so do transfer while you can

Is TC a good server for my Guild?

in WvW

Posted by: Sarasti.2453


TC is nice. Just don’t get mad in the following situations and everything will be awesome.

Scenario A:
Some Icon: “Everybody gathers on me!”
TCer A: “Quickly, everybody ELSE go gather on icon while I solo/duo this camp.”
TCer B: “I’m supply running to repair that thing. F off.”
TCer C continues RP walk with dolyak as a dolyak.
TCer D&E play tag in keep while in princess doll form.

Scenario B:
2 min later.
Some Icon: “WTF why is there no defender in that tower far far away from my icon!”

TCer C sounds pretty awesome, I’m not gonna lie. What sound do dolyaks make? I could be making it on Teamspeak to my guildies while doin this.

Dolyaks sound like this:

SarĂ¢sti, level 80 charr mesmer
Tarnished Coast

Is TC a good server for my Guild?

in WvW

Posted by: Joey.2769


So here’s an update my guild decided to go with Blackgate for their alliance. After doing my research I and a handful other players decided TC was the server for us. I am going to be registering on the server forum tomorrow. If you are currently recruiting and would like to add a few more to your ranks could you pm me with your website and a contact. Thank you all again!

Commander X Swagalicious X
Commander Twerknificient
Joey Bladow

Is TC a good server for my Guild?

in WvW

Posted by: Grimpaw.7493


If anyone else is wondering about joining TC still,… I highly recommend joining if you think that good players make the game more fun for those around them – be it in PvE or WvW, through fighting honourably or role-playing and extending that fun to all players regardless of ability or server.

~ Sleight of Mind ~ mesmer
~ Ann Du Lance ~ guardian
Tarnished Coast

Is TC a good server for my Guild?

in WvW

Posted by: dirtyoldgoat.5496


Welcome to the server!

Fallendruid, White Lighter, The Native Sun
PINK is the new Black
Tarnished Coast (via Tyranny)

Is TC a good server for my Guild?

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


TC is nice. Just don’t get mad in the following situations and everything will be awesome.

Scenario A:
Some Icon: “Everybody gathers on me!”
TCer A: “Quickly, everybody ELSE go gather on icon while I solo/duo this camp.”
TCer B: “I’m supply running to repair that thing. F off.”
TCer C continues RP walk with dolyak as a dolyak.
TCer D&E play tag in keep while in princess doll form.

Scenario B:
2 min later.
Some Icon: “WTF why is there no defender in that tower far far away from my icon!”

TCer C sounds pretty awesome, I’m not gonna lie. What sound do dolyaks make? I could be making it on Teamspeak to my guildies while doin this.

Dolyaks sound like this:

My gosh, I never realized they had such lovely singing voices.

Gate of Madness

Is TC a good server for my Guild?

in WvW

Posted by: Jayne.9251


We have the Dolyak whisperer on our server now. /nod


L’enfer, c’est les autres

Is TC a good server for my Guild?

in WvW

Posted by: Ryx.5476


Just transferred TC a few days ago, I was really amazed on how welcoming and friendly the server is. You’ll get random PM’s and /says of “Welcome to our server!” or “If you guys need anything just tell me.” and “Glad to have you guys fighting alongside with us!”

You’ll never be lonely at Wv3 as they have a server-wide Mumble. You can ask all the stuffs that you want and not get ignored.

The moment I transferred, I hopped on EBG and on their Mumble, I never felt the time passed by as I was having so much fun. It’s not only pure battles going around in Wv3 on this server, there’ll be break times where you can RP with awesome people that will give you a good laugh. Heck, this server made me love the Dolyaks, you’ll know why the moment you guys transferred here.

All in all, me and my guild The Mailed FIST has never regretted transferring here. We’d be glad to have you guys on our new home as well!

May Dwayna blaze you.. #420

Is TC a good server for my Guild?

in WvW

Posted by: Sunspots.9861


Some servers are just looking for full guilds, but we would love to have anybody who wants to be a valuable part of a great community. There are plenty of guilds already who will welcome you into their ranks. Visit for information on our W3 plans and meet some of the people who reside here already. See ya soon!

Auburn Skies – Retired- Ranger of [PiNK]
When wvw was still fun feat. [PiNK]