Jan 11-18 | SBI vs SoR vs TC

Jan 11-18 | SBI vs SoR vs TC

in WvW

Posted by: Tyaen.5148


Anyone been following the T1 scores? I find them quite interesting

It’s almost impossible to be doing that badly during oceanic prime time with the numbers and skill that BG have shown themselves capable of. Either the other 2 servers are absolute monstrosities with 4 full map queues and godlike players or BG gave up. I find that quite a disappointment as I was rooting for them to make a showing after beating T2 so badly =/


Do you understand the scoring system? Their current score evolution is plus 19K where JQ is -25K. You don’t necessarily have to win to move up. They are certainly doing better than the server they replaced in T1, SBI’s evolution is currently -66K

I was referring to the screens of BG being kept at like 50ppt during oceanic prime, where they would have 600+ in T2. I don’t see how any server that could field their numbers can lose every keep and every tower, hence my observation. I guess I wasn’t too clear in that, but please be rest assured I do understand the scoring system and have no need of your education

Ah, well in that case it’s understandable as SoS has amazing Oceanics.

Tyyaen – Engineer (80) [SS]

Jan 11-18 | SBI vs SoR vs TC

in WvW

Posted by: SirLeroyz.5820


Anyone been following the T1 scores? I find them quite interesting

It’s almost impossible to be doing that badly during oceanic prime time with the numbers and skill that BG have shown themselves capable of. Either the other 2 servers are absolute monstrosities with 4 full map queues and godlike players or BG gave up. I find that quite a disappointment as I was rooting for them to make a showing after beating T2 so badly =/

Bg were untested all they did was pvdoor, because both TC and SoR has no presents, and now that they have to actually fight to take keeps they can’t keep up

honestly this is the best I have seen the forums been in a while. The amount of trash talk when BG was here was unbelievable…… SBI and TC have really great sportsmanship, I prefer being in any tiers with great sportsmanship than on tiers with people who decide to laugh at you after fighting 5v1 or how saying doubleteaming in wvw is strategy but start complaining how its unfair when they hit tier 1, its laughable honestly…(its about time someone put bg in their place)

(edited by SirLeroyz.5820)

Jan 11-18 | SBI vs SoR vs TC

in WvW

Posted by: MrSilver.5269


Hey KOM,

I dont mind that you use speed hack

I dont mind that you use radar

I dont mind that you use ports near the fight after you down

What I do mind is:

1. When I’m owning your thiefs 1v1, you jump in and help or they speed off 1300 range away.

So – When ever any one of you want to 1v1, let me know and 1v1. You can use any hack you want becuase as you know – I’m still beating you.


An affront to Thieves has been detected.

Sir, a little known fact even among Thieves is that the follow-up skill to Infiltrator’s Strike – Shadow Return – is an almost unlimited range teleport. This may look like a hack to those who don’t know about it.

Some Thieves have reported teleporting so far that they had to go through the WvW loading screen. Infiltrator’s Strike is no. 2 main-hand sword, so sword Thieves can do this pretty often.

Just as a FYI, Malf plays a thief. In fact he is without a doubt the most skilled thief I have EVER seen in this game. He knows what he is talking about. He runs He runs d/d and I wanna say s/d, and knows all about infiltrator’s.

~Dreadlord Silver / Zilver

But I’m trying, Ringo. I’m trying real hard to be the shepherd.

Jan 11-18 | SBI vs SoR vs TC

in WvW

Posted by: Ethan Mccloud.3218

Ethan Mccloud.3218

GWEN here again with and Additional Update…

There has been some Grumblings about some Balista’s to the mouths from the wayward seige thats firing day an night. I want to make clear to one an all that Tarnish Coast offers the best dental plan around. Our Pirate dentists combat certified can fix any missing teeth out there..
Now i know what your thinking .. "Self.. this coverage is gonna cost a fortune " . well you couldn’t be more wrong . For the LOW low low asking price of a loot bag .. this service could be yours .
Some of you i’ll bet still think that this coverage is not needed.. When will I ever need this junk …. Well ill tell you when .. Let me paint a picture … Your in your tower stradling an arrow cart , a warm chill in the air , a dry rain inbound up from the bottom of the coast… you hear a knocking at the gate .. on the other side is an angry mob awfully upset about what you called their mothers . They beat down the gates an low an behold … 18 balista arrows come flying at your face.. Extreme maybe ,..But hey ..its their mothers we are talking about here. NOW is the time For this awesome coverage . why just yesterday .. i caught 4 balistas to the face from both SOR and SBI .

Now are Pirate Dentists are standing by so get in while you can ..That will conclude this update .. In the meantime ..keep up the fight my brothers an sisters of the Toast.

Tarnish Coast Defender and Geico representative (look for the YAK)

Tarnish Coast Defender
Proud Member OF “TSF” The Shining Force.

Jan 11-18 | SBI vs SoR vs TC

in WvW

Posted by: Jayne.9251


I don’t think anyone ever explained why TC are nicknamed “Zombie coast”

Am I missing something obvious?

We call ourselves that sometimes since a few weeks, after someone (from CD?) said that we are like zombies: even when you kill us 10 times, we always come back!

The term was given to us from Blackgate as a sign of respect for our tenacity. Win or lose, we keep coming to fight.

Well this, plus the sentiment behind it was you knock ten of us down and we come back with more. Just when you think we’ve been wiped, we keep rising with greater and greater numbers and keep coming at you!



L’enfer, c’est les autres

Jan 11-18 | SBI vs SoR vs TC

in WvW

Posted by: Binary Rain.4869

Binary Rain.4869

We at The Shining Force certainly are trying to make our mark on WvW! We held our Toasty homeland I believe Saturday night, not giving up anything except a few supply camps here and there.

Well fancy meeting you here captain! So what altitude are we traveling at today?

(edited by Binary Rain.4869)

Jan 11-18 | SBI vs SoR vs TC

in WvW

Posted by: The Mexican Cookie.3690

The Mexican Cookie.3690

After 2-3 golem rushes you finally took my EB keep. Well played SoR, well played

Worst part was I didn’t even get to pick up my loot before you pulled me off my arrow cart >:(

Had fun for those few hours though. Seeing that SoR commander in the ghost tonic was truely terrifying, wondering how many zerglings were about to render behind him.

#LoveArrows2013, never forget.

(edited by The Mexican Cookie.3690)

Jan 11-18 | SBI vs SoR vs TC

in WvW

Posted by: Pixels.6532


Great matchup! Hope it stays close. It’s great to go up against 2 other servers with similar coverage and peak hours.

Sanctum of Rall

Jan 11-18 | SBI vs SoR vs TC

in WvW

Posted by: covenn.7165


Anyone been following the T1 scores? I find them quite interesting

It’s almost impossible to be doing that badly during oceanic prime time with the numbers and skill that BG have shown themselves capable of. Either the other 2 servers are absolute monstrosities with 4 full map queues and godlike players or BG gave up. I find that quite a disappointment as I was rooting for them to make a showing after beating T2 so badly =/

Bg were untested all they did was pvdoor, because both TC and SoR has no presents, and now that they have to actually fight to take keeps they can’t keep up

honestly this is the best I have seen the forums been in a while. The amount of trash talk when BG was here was unbelievable…… SBI and TC have really great sportsmanship, I prefer being in any tiers with great sportsmanship than on tiers with people who decide to laugh at you after fighting 5v1 or how saying doubleteaming in wvw is strategy but start complaining how its unfair when they hit tier 1, its laughable honestly…(its about time someone put bg in their place)

If you follow the threads there you will see 2v1 excuses. We all get 2v1’d, its part of the game and not worth making life difficult on the moderators over.

Jan 11-18 | SBI vs SoR vs TC

in WvW

Posted by: Static.9841


I don’t think anyone ever explained why TC are nicknamed “Zombie coast”

Am I missing something obvious?

I think it was Blackgate that first started calling us Zombie Coast and that was because no matter what, we just keep coming back over and again like zombies and just wouldn’t break.

[Zeus] Guild ~ Desolation. Not some silly muffin thing, stop stalking me Dhiania!

Jan 11-18 | SBI vs SoR vs TC

in WvW

Posted by: Mishi.7058


After 2-3 golem rushes you finally took my EB keep. Well played SoR, well played

Worst part was I didn’t even get to pick up my loot before you pulled me off my arrow cart >:(

Had fun for those few hours though. Seeing that SoR commander in the ghost tonic was truely terrifying, wondering how many zerglings were about to render behind him.

Want some Milk cookie?
You’ll get your keep back cause we <3 you and SBI.

Commander Silvannas
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu

Jan 11-18 | SBI vs SoR vs TC

in WvW

Posted by: Judas.5432


honestly this is the best I have seen the forums been in a while. The amount of trash talk when BG was here was unbelievable…… SBI and TC have really great sportsmanship, I prefer being in any tiers with great sportsmanship than on tiers with people who decide to laugh at you after fighting 5v1 or how saying doubleteaming in wvw is strategy but start complaining how its unfair when they hit tier 1, its laughable honestly…(its about time someone put bg in their place)

If BG likes to trash talk and accuse their opponents of ganging up or cheating, they should fit right in with SoS and JQ in the T1 thread. I have a feeling that a lot of SBI was like me and stopped playing because there was a sever lack of “let’s just have fun and do what we do” there. I’ve been having a great time in T2 (That 2 hour – I didn’t even realize it was so long – Bay Keep battle someone posted a video of here was one of my favorite battles to date in WvW) and hope BG manages to keep their T1 position so we can keep fighting you guys :-D

The battles are just as challenging but there is no stopping to /laugh or whatever else the GW2 equivalent of Qauke-style-corpse-teabaging there is…..which just leaves a bad taste in your mouth, so to speak. I walk away from battles with TC and SoS smiling regardless of the outcome. It’s been a long time since I’ve felt that way in WvW.

ps – Props to [Choo] for a great guild name…I love seeing groups of them and shouting out “The Train’s coming!”

Judas – Kaineng
[CO] Cryptic Omen

Jan 11-18 | SBI vs SoR vs TC

in WvW

Posted by: tkalamba.2541


Anyone with an update while I’m at work?

Lord Lefteris – Engineer [Sanctum of Rall]

Jan 11-18 | SBI vs SoR vs TC

in WvW

Posted by: muekung.2518


Anyone with an update while I’m at work?

1:26 AM GMT+7


Jan 11-18 | SBI vs SoR vs TC

in WvW

Posted by: Golden.5726


Yeah, good job SF. Did a nice job defending hills.

Yea Hills was sieged up and was a blast to defend all day. My favorite moment was wiping 6 golems in 5 seconds on the north hills gate.

unfortunatly id like to point out that there was 8 golems in the first rush :/
you guyd do deserve a little accurate bragging rights for that btw! the cout party you left at north hills was the most annoying counter to a golem rush i could have ever forseen.

that being said, FAllenzippy (icons golem obsessed nude radish) donated most of those golems to the cause out of his own pocket. and from what i understand he still considers it a sucessful rush, cuz it was a helluva lotta fun!!!!!!

[icon] Atäir Swiftbow – www.iconicguild.com
SoR – Iconic Guild Commander
“They are to our left, right, in front, and behind us. They cant get away this time!”

Jan 11-18 | SBI vs SoR vs TC

in WvW

Posted by: Pixels.6532


Anyone with an update while I’m at work?

1:26 AM GMT+7

TY! Great job SoR, keep it up!

Sanctum of Rall

Jan 11-18 | SBI vs SoR vs TC

in WvW

Posted by: Christos de Soufre.3802

Christos de Soufre.3802

Dear SoR and TC,

Here are some brief moments from our mostly civilized duel event last Friday: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WvgN-L3jQbo

Please enjoy.

Yours truly,

Happy to see I took up half of the video’s length. We did have to stop though… It was becoming tiring, haha! You don’t die!

One of the better fights I’ve had, plus it was the most active footage I had of other people dueling around us, so yar. ^^

Chris “Dawnheart” Aerinoh — Revenant, Guardian — Blackgate

Jan 11-18 | SBI vs SoR vs TC

in WvW

Posted by: tkalamba.2541


Anyone with an update while I’m at work?

1:26 AM GMT+7

Thank you good sir.

Lord Lefteris – Engineer [Sanctum of Rall]

Jan 11-18 | SBI vs SoR vs TC

in WvW

Posted by: CHIPS.6018


Dear SoR and TC,

Here are some brief moments from our mostly civilized duel event last Friday: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WvgN-L3jQbo

Please enjoy.

Yours truly,

Happy to see I took up half of the video’s length. We did have to stop though… It was becoming tiring, haha! You don’t die!

One of the better fights I’ve had, plus it was the most active footage I had of other people dueling around us, so yar. ^^

I feel bad for the necro in the first fight. Holy cow her attacks/spells doesn’t hurt at all.

Chipsy Chips(Necromancer) & Char Ashnoble(Thief)
The Order of Dii[Dii]-SBI→Kaineng→TC→JQ
Necro Encyclopedia-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrAjJ1N6hxs

Jan 11-18 | SBI vs SoR vs TC

in WvW

Posted by: Silverkung.9127


I wish we should struck in T2 for long and learning/killing each other and
let BG have FUN on they goal T1 more longer!!
T2 this day we good awesome enemy type to fight and am looking for it.
(for my repair bill.)

BTW got work to go 4day can’t play game. :T__T:

Ps. congra[Choo] you got nick name by enemy call it’s very proud for your guys xD .

Jan 11-18 | SBI vs SoR vs TC

in WvW

Posted by: Fudge.9527


The fight in SBI Bay Keep on reset night was the most fun I’ve had in WvW for a long time. All 3 servers fighting over one objective for 2+ hours with plenty of siege and portal bombs (and portal suicides) to go around.

And as others have pointed out, it’s nice to look at this thread and not see it full of trakittenalking and cheating accusations. On the other lands, looks like the T1 thread got modded.

Looking forward to the WvW action for the remainder of the week.

Jan 11-18 | SBI vs SoR vs TC

in WvW

Posted by: Sins Vorkag.5218

Sins Vorkag.5218

There has been some Grumblings about some Balista’s to the mouths from the wayward seige thats firing day an night. I want to make clear to one an all that Tarnish Coast offers the best dental plan around. Our Pirate dentists combat certified can fix any missing teeth out there..
Now i know what your thinking .. "Self.. this coverage is gonna cost a fortune " . well you couldn’t be more wrong . For the LOW low low asking price of a loot bag .. this service could be yours .

Tarnish Coast Defender and Geico representative (look for the YAK)

If’n tha highly skilled dentists cannot be fixin’ yer teeth ‘n mayhaps killed ye in da process we be havin’ a top notch Fleet o’ Pirate Necromancers fer raisin’ yer sorry lubber arses ta keep da Zombie Coast afloat!

All inclusive ’n da aformentioned policy.

Dread Pirate Sins
The Shadow Legion (TSL) for WvW and
The Shipwrecked Pirates (TSP) on Tarnished Coast

Jan 11-18 | SBI vs SoR vs TC

in WvW

Posted by: arpodz.5196


Yeah, good job SF. Did a nice job defending hills.

Yea Hills was sieged up and was a blast to defend all day. My favorite moment was wiping 6 golems in 5 seconds on the north hills gate.

unfortunatly id like to point out that there was 8 golems in the first rush :/
you guyd do deserve a little accurate bragging rights for that btw! the cout party you left at north hills was the most annoying counter to a golem rush i could have ever forseen.

that being said, FAllenzippy (icons golem obsessed nude radish) donated most of those golems to the cause out of his own pocket. and from what i understand he still considers it a sucessful rush, cuz it was a helluva lotta fun!!!!!!

That was actually an awesome learning experience because we made mistakes but were still able to take AH, normally it doesn’t work out that way.

Jan 11-18 | SBI vs SoR vs TC

in WvW

Posted by: Skysophrenic.6378


Bring on the pain train!
Choo choo!

In all likeness, this is my first appearance on the forums and I’d just like to say, love the sportsmanship and love this matchup – also glad that in EB while things were hard, SBI and TC you guys really gave a fight.

Also would like to say that before with the previous matchups we would only have experienced commanders lead, whereas in this setting we seem to be more relaxed and even gave some newer commanders a shot at leading (thankful for this opportunity!)

Feel free to say hi if you see me in overflow!

~Deep Fried Chicken (awesome name eh?)

Deep Fried Chicken
[Choo] PainTrainChoo

Jan 11-18 | SBI vs SoR vs TC

in WvW

Posted by: tkalamba.2541


Anyone been following the T1 scores? I find them quite interesting

It’s almost impossible to be doing that badly during oceanic prime time with the numbers and skill that BG have shown themselves capable of. Either the other 2 servers are absolute monstrosities with 4 full map queues and godlike players or BG gave up. I find that quite a disappointment as I was rooting for them to make a showing after beating T2 so badly =/

BG=Skill? don’t make me laugh. BG Server is full of bandwagon jumpers. I guarantee if their present score situation continues at T1 many will jump ship by the end of the week.

Most likely… And BG will sink down like HoD, since all the guys who came to BG, came because of all the “Probably one of the best server in tier2 and the most potential server to move up to tier1” and i’m sure they don’t want to stick in a 3rd place server…

Give them some time before we declare them dead. Historically, they usually ended the weekend behind us and then gained the lead pretty quickly throughout the rest of the week. (This was the case with many weeks before TC showed up).

They still haven’t had the chance to adjust to T1. Their loss in the first week is to be expected. Give them a few weeks and they’ll likely be fighting a bit more fiercely.

Lord Lefteris – Engineer [Sanctum of Rall]

Jan 11-18 | SBI vs SoR vs TC

in WvW

Posted by: Azaruil.3406


Hey humans, this is the SBI, SoR & TC thread. So far it has been generally positive so it would be nice if you guys didn’t soil it with feuds with BG from last week. Thanks.

“I smell like pomegranate.”

Jan 11-18 | SBI vs SoR vs TC

in WvW

Posted by: scootshoot.6583


honestly this is the best I have seen the forums been in a while. The amount of trash talk when BG was here was unbelievable…… SBI and TC have really great sportsmanship, I prefer being in any tiers with great sportsmanship than on tiers with people who decide to laugh at you after fighting 5v1 or how saying doubleteaming in wvw is strategy but start complaining how its unfair when they hit tier 1, its laughable honestly…(its about time someone put bg in their place)

If BG likes to trash talk and accuse their opponents of ganging up or cheating, they should fit right in with SoS and JQ in the T1 thread. !"

Following the T1 thread, BG is getting a lot of flak for their poor tactics on EB. A few posters mentioned they were fighting like they never fought in EB before, haha. Was pretty funny but dead on accurate assessment as they pretty much had free reign at T2 here.

Jan 11-18 | SBI vs SoR vs TC

in WvW

Posted by: Aodh.6418


honestly this is the best I have seen the forums been in a while. The amount of trash talk when BG was here was unbelievable…… SBI and TC have really great sportsmanship, I prefer being in any tiers with great sportsmanship than on tiers with people who decide to laugh at you after fighting 5v1 or how saying doubleteaming in wvw is strategy but start complaining how its unfair when they hit tier 1, its laughable honestly…(its about time someone put bg in their place)

If BG likes to trash talk and accuse their opponents of ganging up or cheating, they should fit right in with SoS and JQ in the T1 thread. !"

Following the T1 thread, BG is getting a lot of flak for their poor tactics on EB. A few posters mentioned they were fighting like they never fought in EB before, haha. Was pretty funny but dead on accurate assessment as they pretty much had free reign at T2 here.

I actually came in this thread to see how T2 matchup was doing and have found a whole lot of people still slinging mud at Blackgate. That’s pretty disheartening as most of us felt we left T2 on a positive note. Blackgate may not be doing as well as they did in T2 but who honestly expected them to roll face in T1? We sure didn’t.

It’s good to see a nice matchup in T2 though, good luck to all you guys. I’m rooting for SoR, was always good times fighting you guys.

Jessica Locke – Ranger
Team Riot [RIOT] – Blackgate
http://www.youtube.com/aodhnitola - http://www.twitch.tv/aodhnitola

Jan 11-18 | SBI vs SoR vs TC

in WvW

Posted by: Proumbro.1376


Following the T1 thread, BG is getting a lot of flak for their poor tactics on EB. A few posters mentioned they were fighting like they never fought in EB before, haha. Was pretty funny but dead on accurate assessment as they pretty much had free reign at T2 here.

Hey humans, this is the SBI, SoR & TC thread. So far it has been generally positive so it would be nice if you guys didn’t soil it with feuds with BG from last week. Thanks.


Please go to their thread or start one of your own.

Great fights all around. I’m not gonna lie, I shed a small tear when I woke up in the morning and we had not only our home BL garr, but SM too! I love the fact that we have similar coverage on all three servers, and I look forward to great fights throughout the week!

Shiro No Shinigami – Necro
“Life is a beautiful lie, and I am a painful truth.”

Jan 11-18 | SBI vs SoR vs TC

in WvW

Posted by: GekoHayate.2451


What is [choo] doing in the BG/SOS/JQ thread?

Oh wait… and here I thought I was in the tier 1 thread with all the talk about Blackgate.

Havroun of Karp – Disciples of Magikarp [Karp]

Jan 11-18 | SBI vs SoR vs TC

in WvW

Posted by: Proumbro.1376


What is [choo] doing in the BG/SOS/JQ thread?

Oh wait… and here I thought I was in the tier 1 thread with all the talk about Blackgate.

LOL, you seriously gave me the biggest scare cause I am viewing the T1 thread in a different tab and I thought I had accidentally posted there instead T.T

Shiro No Shinigami – Necro
“Life is a beautiful lie, and I am a painful truth.”

Jan 11-18 | SBI vs SoR vs TC

in WvW

Posted by: TheDevilWithinU.7092


Fire up The Train!

| Maguuma | [KEK] | GvG Relic & Historian |
Notorious Nevermore – Guardian

Jan 11-18 | SBI vs SoR vs TC

in WvW

Posted by: kuora.5402


14 hours it has been since SBI started trebbing Bay SBIBL from garrison.

14 hours it has been since CDS held that keep from nonstop treb fire.

<3 all who came to help!

¸ . ø ¤ º ° º ¤ ø . ¸ ¸ . ø ¤ º ° º ¤ ø . ¸
[Aia] Amoria- The guild of pleasant love
¸ . ø ¤ º ° º ¤ ø . ¸ ¸ . ø ¤ º ° º ¤ ø . ¸

Jan 11-18 | SBI vs SoR vs TC

in WvW

Posted by: Kaleden.9386


First off, TC and SBI – thank you for the incredibly epic fights. Even small skirmishes turned into back and forth battles the ENTIRE weekend. I must say, the new blood in Tier 2 seems to have reinvigorated both TC and SoR. I hope SBI’s morale wasn’t hit by the change in Tier because I fear what a morale-boosted SBI looks like. The battle in SoR Garrison on opening night sure was glorious!

SBI – darn you and your defense at SoR Hills! Talk about being armed to the teeth at both north AND south hills, and keeping coverage on the west… what, do you hand out arrow carts and catapult blueprints to everyone that used that waypoint or something? Oi! It’s true that our first golem assault didn’t work out too well, but we’re a persistent bunch. I guess you got us back for the golem rush you sent against Southeast Garrison in the wee hours of the (NA) morning.

P.S. to the ding-dong ditching Mesmer(s) on SoR Garrison – “Git off mah lawn!” Seriously, I don’t appreciate the burning bags of kitten poo you leave on our doorsteps.

Jan 11-18 | SBI vs SoR vs TC

in WvW

Posted by: wondo.2870


P.S. to the ding-dong ditching Mesmer(s) on SoR Garrison – “Git off mah lawn!” Seriously, I don’t appreciate the burning bags of kitten poo you leave on our doorsteps.

LOL!! I’ll send this message to our persistent mesmer.

I think at one point he said “they are camping watergate now”. and " i get orange swords when i go up there now there are so many people waiting for me."

good times!

SAB is LOVE, SAB is LIFE #OccupySAB2014

Jan 11-18 | SBI vs SoR vs TC

in WvW

Posted by: Tyaen.5148


Strike Force, look forward to seeing your tags on the battlefield.

Score update?

Tyyaen – Engineer (80) [SS]

(edited by Tyaen.5148)

Jan 11-18 | SBI vs SoR vs TC

in WvW

Posted by: Jayne.9251


I think it’s very true that what is posted here on the forums, tends to play out in game. If the bulk of players from one server respond in the same way, first impressions become lasting ones.

L’enfer, c’est les autres

Jan 11-18 | SBI vs SoR vs TC

in WvW

Posted by: TheDevilWithinU.7092


Score update brought to you by: Nero Solarno & Wychmire Swamp!


| Maguuma | [KEK] | GvG Relic & Historian |
Notorious Nevermore – Guardian

Jan 11-18 | SBI vs SoR vs TC

in WvW

Posted by: Indo.8629


Good weekend again TC and SBI. You guys really bring it!

Tempest Wolves – The Sanctum
80k kills and counting

Jan 11-18 | SBI vs SoR vs TC

in WvW

Posted by: Doomdesire.9365


I am seriously loving this matchup. I wish we could stay together forever.

Queue overlyattachedGW2wver.jpg

Jan 11-18 | SBI vs SoR vs TC

in WvW

Posted by: Lanthrudar.1437


An affront to Thieves has been detected.

Sir, a little known fact even among Thieves is that the follow-up skill to Infiltrator’s Strike – Shadow Return – is an almost unlimited range teleport. This may look like a hack to those who don’t know about it.

Some Thieves have reported teleporting so far that they had to go through the WvW loading screen. Infiltrator’s Strike is no. 2 main-hand sword, so sword Thieves can do this pretty often.

Actually the range is 10000, it’s an extremely funny skill to use, and yes, it does give you loading screens when you go too far =D

Also, a weird glitch, sometimes if you place it behind an object that would normally block shadowstep, and you go far enough, you will go through it, I’m guessing because it hasn’t rendered any object while it’s loading. I don’t think it works with towers, but it’s interesting nonetheless.

So if we can load Trebuchets with Thieves and fire them, those Thieves can later Shadow Return back to the Trebuchet?

EDIT: Illustrating 10000 range.

Well how it works is that you place down a trap, and in order to shadowstep back, someone must activate that trap, and in actuality, you shadowstep to the person who activated the trap, not the trap itself. In addition, once activated, you only have a few seconds to shadowstep back, otherwise you lose the option too and must restart, but yeah, it is possible, however it’s entirely luck that it would happen. The more likely scenario is using it as an ambush, which I do use sometimes. Place it on a commonly used road and wait behind a bush far away and go for the ambush :P

In actual WvW gameplay, that’s the only real use I found the trap for. I can’t find another use for it, due to the few seconds you get upon someone activating the trap, and the unlikely hood that someone would even activate it.

If anet removed that timer, the trap would be a great skill. We could activate it and stalk someone without being there. If thieves ever get extreme nerfs, I hope traps are given some love, because I really want to see the timer removed and the true potential of this trap revealed.

If they did this they they’d need to put a range of 900-1200 on the ability to warp to it, just like every other ability in the game has a max effective range. Interesting idea for the skill though, sounds like it could be tweaked a bit like most other classes have tweaks to make them a bit more effective.

Jan 11-18 | SBI vs SoR vs TC

in WvW

Posted by: Lanthrudar.1437


Anyone been following the T1 scores? I find them quite interesting

It’s almost impossible to be doing that badly during oceanic prime time with the numbers and skill that BG have shown themselves capable of. Either the other 2 servers are absolute monstrosities with 4 full map queues and godlike players or BG gave up. I find that quite a disappointment as I was rooting for them to make a showing after beating T2 so badly =/

Bg were untested all they did was pvdoor, because both TC and SoR has no presents, and now that they have to actually fight to take keeps they can’t keep up

From what I’ve seen, this^.

Not to discount that BG’s Oceanic players/guilds do not have skills, they may just be very rusty after weeks/months of not fighting other large scale active groups. Hopefully their Oceanics will limber up, unfreeze their skills and keep on slugging it out over there. I think they belong in T-1, for more even matching during coverage if nothing else.

And yes, it was nice to not wake up and have everything blanketed by BG simply due to PvDoor.

Jan 11-18 | SBI vs SoR vs TC

in WvW

Posted by: Magnus Pym.2356

Magnus Pym.2356

Dear SoR and TC,

Here are some brief moments from our mostly civilized duel event last Friday: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WvgN-L3jQbo

Please enjoy.

Yours truly,

Happy to see I took up half of the video’s length. We did have to stop though… It was becoming tiring, haha! You don’t die!

One of the better fights I’ve had, plus it was the most active footage I had of other people dueling around us, so yar. ^^

Haha yeah, made you turn quite alot!

Jan 11-18 | SBI vs SoR vs TC

in WvW

Posted by: Kaleden.9386


P.S. to the ding-dong ditching Mesmer(s) on SoR Garrison – “Git off mah lawn!” Seriously, I don’t appreciate the burning bags of kitten poo you leave on our doorsteps.

LOL!! I’ll send this message to our persistent mesmer.

I think at one point he said “they are camping watergate now”. and " i get orange swords when i go up there now there are so many people waiting for me."

good times!

Haha, please do!

I know this wont help convince your mesmer to seek out other activities, but YEESH!!! I’m not sure the word “persistent” does justice to the unwavering devotion that mesmer displayed at befouling our Garrison waypoint.

Honestly, I feel like I owe them a beer and a punch in the face.

Jan 11-18 | SBI vs SoR vs TC

in WvW

Posted by: Harhar.5021


Just wanted to add my opinion that I am loving this match-up!

All my guildies and most folks I talk to on TC also agree—this is kick-kitten wvw fun. SoR and SBI, much respect for your skills, and kudos to both of you for bringing the fight and remaining honorable. Of course there are the occasional lapses here and there but MUCH less than previous match-ups on our rise to t2.

Good sportsmanship and Vicious fights are a really pleasant combination don’t think? I hope we keep the 3 of our servers in this bracket for a while!


Jan 11-18 | SBI vs SoR vs TC

in WvW

Posted by: Bavragor.1043


Score update from the SBI lands:


Bavragor, Sanctum of Rall
Leader of [FEAR] www.feargw2.com
Recruitment status – Open

Jan 11-18 | SBI vs SoR vs TC

in WvW

Posted by: earendil.1290


The issue BG is facing is that in T1 servers are obsessed with points and rank. Which leads to the ugliest official 2vs1 you’ll ever see. JQs master this at perfection since the HoD days when SBI first got sent to T2. The SoS leader of one of their biggest guilds has wrote a guide on “how to use 2vs1 effectively”. And they are proud of it.

I’m not a big fan of BG, and they did tend to complain a lot. But I do believe them when they decribe SoS and JQs teams building golems one near the other to send them against the only BG keep on the map. We’ve been there.

This is what it takes to win/survive in the current T1 – hit the third server to make sure they are lower in rank than you. This is what got many SBI WvWers disgusted over the last few months – you try to constantly defend against two mutually non hostile zergs. There were times in EB when they had two sets of siege built targeting our spawn camp.

SBI never ever wanted to do this and we were laughed at as “losers”. 2vs1 is bound to happen in the heat of the action – but this was too much. IOJ did not like to do this either and they were out. BG were the weaker link when they were up with us and JQ focused on them too (SBI was focusing on them too but for different reasons -not 2vs1). Once SoS arrived and JQ found a like minded server strong enough to compete 2vs1 against SBI became official policy. BG is living it right now.

Fortunately, with the Elo system in place, BG will stay in T1 at least a few more weeks. Maybe more if we stay on 2nd or third place. I’ve seen no trace of “strategic” 2 vs 1 in T2 so far and hope never to see it.

Good luck to all!

Jan 11-18 | SBI vs SoR vs TC

in WvW

Posted by: Sunspots.9861


Here’s a score update since I just got online and finally managed to make it through a long q! Here comes the TC weekday push!


Auburn Skies – Retired- Ranger of [PiNK]
When wvw was still fun feat. [PiNK]

Jan 11-18 | SBI vs SoR vs TC

in WvW

Posted by: Belisaria.7342


This match remind me of that one match SOR had with Yak and NSP about 2 months ago which at the time was the most balance Tier and I believe it was also the only match at the time that wasn’t a blowout. Hope SBI stay in this tier for awhile they sure are worthy opponent. \,,/


Sanctum of Rall

Jan 11-18 | SBI vs SoR vs TC

in WvW

Posted by: Jayne.9251


I say this completely selfishly, but I kind of hope SBI comes in third — only to keep them with us for at least another week. The matchups this week have reinvigorated us all — SoR, TC and SBI. It’s been a ton of fun.

L’enfer, c’est les autres