Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Bunzy.8674


If I don’t want to PvE why should I punished in a PvP environment?

Bunzy – I’m a mother father gentleman
WvW Roaming Videos

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Angelyne.2936


because Arena Net want you to go on PvE so you’ll get less time to complain about bugs, lags, culling, unbalanced classes on world vs world

read fast, that post will be soon deleted.

Angelyne – Guild Leader for Metatrone – Vizunah Square [Fr] on EU Ladder

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Zaemon.2640


I feel less inclined to log on as the main reason i play is to do wvw, and i dont want to be forced into doing pve to be on a level playing field with others who have farmed ascended gear. Allowing us to buy equivalent gear with badges or karma would alleviate the anger wvw players are currently building up. Ima blow i tell ya!! :O

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Raincrow.1840


Allowing us to buy equivalent gear with badges or karma would alleviate the anger wvw players are currently building up. Ima blow i tell ya!! :O

That’s what I’d like to see.

I don’t mind if people who spend a lot of time doing PvE come into WvW with their best gear….. as long as I have a way to earn equivalent gear doing WvW.

Crystal Desert; The Viking Server
When are people going to figure out there’s a war going on?

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Mere Image.8376

Mere Image.8376

It shouldn’t have even been introduced into the game in the first place. Now it’s messing up WvW. People shouldn’t be required to do PvE to be their best in PvP.

Server: Ehmry Bay
Guild: Commanders of the Reborn Empire Nation [CORE]
Level 80 Professions: Mesmer, Warrior, Thief

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Junkie.9745


I dont think everyone will have ascended gear anytime soon and its just about a few stat point better than excotic. So i guess you wont be able to recognize any big difference.

Anyway, I did really enjoy the fact in GW1 that there was an absolute maximum and you could create pvp chars at maximum stats within a few seconds. Its a bit sad they did not implement this for GW2 (yes i know you can do it for spvp).

Speaking of sad things: Where are my beloved GvG’s? Isnt this game called Guild Wars? Lacking the name’s content aint fun at all -.-

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Diablo.9301


I dont think everyone will have ascended gear anytime soon and its just about a few stat point better than excotic. So i guess you wont be able to recognize any big difference.

Anyway, I did really enjoy the fact in GW1 that there was an absolute maximum and you could create pvp chars at maximum stats within a few seconds. Its a bit sad they did not implement this for GW2 (yes i know you can do it for spvp).

Speaking of sad things: Where are my beloved GvG’s? Isnt this game called Guild Wars? Lacking the name’s content aint fun at all -.-

The difference between exotic and ascended gear isn’t small at all. People have calculated how much your damage improves by wearing ascended gear over exotic gear. With just the three pieces you will do 6% more damage. That is not minor. It gets even worse when more ascended gear gets added so you can get a full set. Assuming all ascended gear offers a similar stat increase as the rings did you will do 36% (!) more damage than with exotic gear. That makes this a must have.

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Zid.4196


Stats matter. When I got full exotics there was a noticeable effect in fights. As ANet plans to introduce many more ascended items…well…they are going to be a must have.

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Same.4687


If Ascended gear is not made available through WvW I will stop playing this game.

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Lyan.6804


Assuming u all have exotics gear, how did u get them?
Unless u use badges equip, u had to pve, craft or buy.
And if u want pvp without equip stats u allways have spvp/tpvp.
Also usually pvpers want to have the best equips. So, if u want, u do it, noone forcing u to.
And how would u make fair ppl that have to do dungeons to get the items, and u would just have to keep aoeing a zerg to get same item?
Instead of this thread u would have pvers complaining wvw players get more benefits.
Kind of hard to balance things out, do 1 dungeon a day with friends and try to have fun in game^^

Gandara Commander [SN]
Ly Ann at ur service

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: iorlas.6721


Assuming u all have exotics gear, how did u get them?
Unless u use badges equip, u had to pve, craft or buy.
And if u want pvp without equip stats u allways have spvp/tpvp.
Also usually pvpers want to have the best equips. So, if u want, u do it, noone forcing u to.
And how would u make fair ppl that have to do dungeons to get the items, and u would just have to keep aoeing a zerg to get same item?
Instead of this thread u would have pvers complaining wvw players get more benefits.
Kind of hard to balance things out, do 1 dungeon a day with friends and try to have fun in game^^

Got mine with Karma which i earned in WvW.If i want the best equipment i am forced to PvE.PvE’ers get tokens or whatever,in wvw i get karma which is useless to me so why shouldn’t i be able to use it to buy the gear? I don’t want to do one dungeon a day or even a week if ever,i do have fun in the game for me it’s wvw.You obviously don’t wvw,how is it fair that pvers get the best gear for just killing AI over and over and over? wvw is ever changing, dungeons are “fixed” do it once it stays the same.

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Babanovac.2496


Assuming u all have exotics gear, how did u get them?

Earned karma in WvW and bought the gear in Orr.

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: SAC.7862


And how would u make fair ppl that have to do dungeons to get the items, and u would just have to keep aoeing a zerg to get same item?
Instead of this thread u would have pvers complaining wvw players get more benefits.

hilarious. You heard it guys, lets continue giving 0 rewards to wvw players.

Due to your post referring to an already deleted post, your post was deleted as well.

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Junkie.9745


I dont think everyone will have ascended gear anytime soon and its just about a few stat point better than excotic. So i guess you wont be able to recognize any big difference.

Anyway, I did really enjoy the fact in GW1 that there was an absolute maximum and you could create pvp chars at maximum stats within a few seconds. Its a bit sad they did not implement this for GW2 (yes i know you can do it for spvp).

Speaking of sad things: Where are my beloved GvG’s? Isnt this game called Guild Wars? Lacking the name’s content aint fun at all -.-

The difference between exotic and ascended gear isn’t small at all. People have calculated how much your damage improves by wearing ascended gear over exotic gear. With just the three pieces you will do 6% more damage. That is not minor. It gets even worse when more ascended gear gets added so you can get a full set. Assuming all ascended gear offers a similar stat increase as the rings did you will do 36% (!) more damage than with exotic gear. That makes this a must have.

Its +15 stats (5 each) per item. So thats a total by now of 6 × 15 = 90 Stats (30 each) IF you are lucky enough to even get one ring and IF that one got the stats you need (want). I dont see how that is supposed to be 6% damage -.-

Basically thats a lot of IF’s … I am lvl 14 in this dungeon and saw just once some1 get a ring (magic find stats included). The time you spend there to even get the chance to drop would equal like 200k karma you could get in WvW.

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Same.4687


I did all of the Fractals once. I must admit it was quite fun because I did it with a group of people that only play WvW and PvP. So we suck at jumping puzzle stuff and more PvE related things. However people are talking about lvl14… That means you would have to run a metric kittenton of those Fractals and although I enjoyed myself during that first run, I highly doubt I will enjoy myself the other 13 times…

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: raenen.5807


If they do it like invader gear it will cost 1000 badges a piece or more.

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Thrumdi.9216


Allowing us to buy equivalent gear with badges or karma would alleviate the anger wvw players are currently building up. Ima blow i tell ya!! :O

That’s what I’d like to see.

I don’t mind if people who spend a lot of time doing PvE come into WvW with their best gear….. as long as I have a way to earn equivalent gear doing WvW.

If it is badges only for Ascended WvW gear, I guarantee there will be a hue and cry.

Some classes, especially those with more team-oriented builds, just don’t get the same amount of drops (looking at you Guardian).

Without a change in the badge drop rate, that means more PvE (jumping puzzles) or changing to a selfish build.

Thrumdi, Captain of The Tarnished Coastguard

The ultimate GW2 troll.

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: lcc.9374


the exact number of how much badges it should cost is up to debate, and id happily give 1000 badges too for a ring anyway, 500 sounds more right though

but the point is, i believe it would be better if they had more ways then just doing that dunguen again and again to get the ascended gear

the previous top tier gear, exotics can be achieved in many ways

you could grind dungeuns forever, buy it straight from the TP, craft it, get it from karma, get it with WvW badges

now with ascended gear the only option left is grind dungeuns forever
which doesnt sound like much fun to me

And there is the problem that ascended gear affects WvW balance, but you cant get ascended gear in WvW, which isnt quite fair

Put it this way, what would you think if the best PVE gear in this game can only be got in WvW? You would complain about it too right?

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: xtorma.1283


I believe they have already stated that ascended will eventually be made available in wvw. I would start saving up badges and karma now.

Baron Irongut – Warrior-

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Junkie.9745


Not sure if rings are soulbound but i know for a fact the dungeon is. So you cant enter the dungeon using another char.
Badges are soulbound so you could get them for any char. I dont really care if they implement sth like a trade for badges since i got 2k of those but i does not seem fair to me.

Best solution would be to raise exotic equip to ascended level in WvW areas. So it would not matter which one of those you got equipped.

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


The problem is that getting gear with badges is so much more difficult than getting the same gear in PvE.

Come on, who here got his gear with badges? And who got the jewelry with badges?

By the time average player in WvW farms enough badges for 1 ascended, the other average player in PvE will farm the entire set.

PS: Not to mention that this will just increase zerging. You’ll need to zerg to get badges.

Unemployed people should not receive any social benefits if they are already working in an MMO.

(edited by Ianervan.3415)

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Valkh.3204


If I don’t want to PvE why should I punished in a PvP environment?

Obtaining “exotic gear” proper for WvW is one of the simplest things in GW2. No heavy PvE grinding required.

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: MoonSpell.4512


Like I said in another thread:

What bothers me. Is the promise that anet made; u’r not forced to do anything u don’t like to do to stay an equal to all the other players. (Legendary arm is only beautiful no more stats). And now new jewelry … And up to full arm/armures that got better stat… Are we going to have this by WvW ? (Like we can do now?)

Hope anet will keep theirs promises

~~ MoonSpell ~~ Guardien [FM][GC][VS]

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: MoonSpell.4512


Ps In WvW u can got ur armur/arm with karma ( u win a lot, I got 800k karma for now), and with the badges that are little more difficult to got.
So stop saying that WvW players did pve to get their stuffs!

~~ MoonSpell ~~ Guardien [FM][GC][VS]

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Foddzy.6291


Make Ascended/Legendary gear have the same stats as exotics when in WvW please.

PvP balance was respected when the changes to Legendary items was made, WvW deserves the same respect.

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Mark.3615


Make Ascended/Legendary gear have the same stats as exotics when in WvW please.

PvP balance was respected when the changes to Legendary items was made, WvW deserves the same respect.


Even if we all get the new gear it still upsets the balance of
Players vs Siege
Players vs Lords [easier nightcapping]
Established players vs newbies

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Junkie.9745


I dont think everyone will have ascended gear anytime soon and its just about a few stat point better than excotic. So i guess you wont be able to recognize any big difference.

Anyway, I did really enjoy the fact in GW1 that there was an absolute maximum and you could create pvp chars at maximum stats within a few seconds. Its a bit sad they did not implement this for GW2 (yes i know you can do it for spvp).

Speaking of sad things: Where are my beloved GvG’s? Isnt this game called Guild Wars? Lacking the name’s content aint fun at all -.-

The difference between exotic and ascended gear isn’t small at all. People have calculated how much your damage improves by wearing ascended gear over exotic gear. With just the three pieces you will do 6% more damage. That is not minor. It gets even worse when more ascended gear gets added so you can get a full set. Assuming all ascended gear offers a similar stat increase as the rings did you will do 36% (!) more damage than with exotic gear. That makes this a must have.

Its +15 stats (5 each) per item. So thats a total by now of 6 × 15 = 90 Stats (30 each) IF you are lucky enough to even get one ring and IF that one got the stats you need (want). I dont see how that is supposed to be 6% damage -.-

Basically thats a lot of IF’s … I am lvl 14 in this dungeon and saw just once some1 get a ring (magic find stats included). The time you spend there to even get the chance to drop would equal like 200k karma you could get in WvW.

I get it now … the 6% increase … guess it was meant or 6% more stat points (which does not equal 6% more dmg).
Lets assume you get full equip (including armor) thats a total of 12 × 15 statpoints = 180 statpoints. Since you have about 3k points in total it would be an increase of 6%.
BUT 6% more points does not mean 6% more dmg.

I still dont think it would have a big impact on WvW since most the player dont use the 1h buffs (gem store) nor do they use food or the other stuff (wrench symbol). These player already got a huge advantage (which everone may have) and there are no complaints.

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


Obtaining “exotic gear” proper for WvW is one of the simplest things in GW2. No heavy PvE grinding required.

Really? And how do you obtain those 6 slots (jewelry, back..) without heavy PvE grinding?

And if what you say is true, why is almost no one in full exotic gear in WvW?

And if I want stats other than that of exotic karma gear, what then? I have to choose inferior stats? Which brings us back to grinding for optimal gear.

Wow all of you really just whine and whine. You don’t like how the company deviates a bit from a such stupid idea in the first place and you go nuts. The people who earned Ascended gear earned it and have the right to go into WvW. Just because you got beat by someone with Ascended gear means nothing.

Oh **** up.

Unemployed people should not receive any social benefits if they are already working in an MMO.

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: gimmethegepgun.1284


Best solution would be to raise exotic equip to ascended level in WvW areas. So it would not matter which one of those you got equipped.

No, best solution would be to remove the new tier of equipment entirely and make it just be new skins.
You know, like every single item that was ever added to GW1.

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Diablo.9301


I dont think everyone will have ascended gear anytime soon and its just about a few stat point better than excotic. So i guess you wont be able to recognize any big difference.

Anyway, I did really enjoy the fact in GW1 that there was an absolute maximum and you could create pvp chars at maximum stats within a few seconds. Its a bit sad they did not implement this for GW2 (yes i know you can do it for spvp).

Speaking of sad things: Where are my beloved GvG’s? Isnt this game called Guild Wars? Lacking the name’s content aint fun at all -.-

The difference between exotic and ascended gear isn’t small at all. People have calculated how much your damage improves by wearing ascended gear over exotic gear. With just the three pieces you will do 6% more damage. That is not minor. It gets even worse when more ascended gear gets added so you can get a full set. Assuming all ascended gear offers a similar stat increase as the rings did you will do 36% (!) more damage than with exotic gear. That makes this a must have.

Its +15 stats (5 each) per item. So thats a total by now of 6 × 15 = 90 Stats (30 each) IF you are lucky enough to even get one ring and IF that one got the stats you need (want). I dont see how that is supposed to be 6% damage -.-

Basically thats a lot of IF’s … I am lvl 14 in this dungeon and saw just once some1 get a ring (magic find stats included). The time you spend there to even get the chance to drop would equal like 200k karma you could get in WvW.

I get it now … the 6% increase … guess it was meant or 6% more stat points (which does not equal 6% more dmg).
Lets assume you get full equip (including armor) thats a total of 12 × 15 statpoints = 180 statpoints. Since you have about 3k points in total it would be an increase of 6%.
BUT 6% more points does not mean 6% more dmg.

I still dont think it would have a big impact on WvW since most the player dont use the 1h buffs (gem store) nor do they use food or the other stuff (wrench symbol). These player already got a huge advantage (which everone may have) and there are no complaints.

Why do you assume all items will only have a 15 statpoint increase? It’s much more realistic to assume that every ascended item will increase based a certain percentage. This is how it’s done between every gear tier available (blue → green → yellow etc.) Since other gear items like weapons, armor and amulets give more statpoints the increase in stat will also be bigger. You also forgot that ascended weapons will do (alot) more damage per hit than exotic weapons. An ascended Greatsword for example will do 1077 – 1191 damage per hit while an exotic one only does 995- 1100 damage.

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Valkh.3204


If we talk about WvW the only thing that matters is teamwork and how you can fit there. Are you ready to spend some money for sieges. How you can contribute to your team? You can’t kill N+ people all alone? Yes, you can’t and that’s how WvW works. You are not a hero! You are small piece of one big war machine. You are expendable. You are unnamed soldier at first place. There is nothing more effective than sieges. You must always carry at least few arrow carts and flame rams with you. Listen and follow your commander. Join WvW dedicated guild, if you want to be dedicated. Lone wolves die … alone.

Last, but not least:
Enjoy the game and don’t take it personal


Main idea is that your equipment isn’t everything about WvW. There is a lot more behind the scenes. If you can’t kill someone – trick him.

(edited by Valkh.3204)

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


If we talk about WvW the only thing that matters is teamwork and how you can fit there.

Stop degreading the conversation.

If we talk about WvW the only thing that matters is population, and timezone spread.

But we’re talking about actual gameplay, and you cannot tell us that better gear doesn’t matter in actual battle. Even if your team of 20 would beat enemy team of 20, if you had better gear you would win faster, and more efficiently, and thus be able to do more across the map and score more points.

I cannot possibly imagine that a good skilled player would talk nonsense such as “level and gear doesn’t matter, we could be lvl30 and naked and if we had teamwork it would not matter”. That’s newbie talk. Every advantage means a lot to competitive players. That’s why you see many using food. Because it matters. And why orbs were such a problem. Because stats mattered.

PS: Oh, you’re in a RUIN guild rotfl. That explains a lot. Why did I even bother. It’s not like your guild needs stats or anything. You don’t need Ascended armor just a “transfer server” button.

Unemployed people should not receive any social benefits if they are already working in an MMO.

(edited by Ianervan.3415)

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Valkh.3204



Please be so kind and show me the place where i am saying that gear does not matter. What about naked ?!

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: skupuz.6940


If we talk about WvW the only thing that matters is teamwork and how you can fit there.

Stop degreading the conversation.

If we talk about WvW the only thing that matters is population, and timezone spread.

But we’re talking about actual gameplay, and you cannot tell us that better gear doesn’t matter in actual battle. Even if your team of 20 would beat enemy team of 20, if you had better gear you would win faster, and more efficiently, and thus be able to do more across the map and score more points.

I cannot possibly imagine that a good skilled player would talk nonsense such as “level and gear doesn’t matter, we could be lvl30 and naked and if we had teamwork it would not matter”. That’s newbie talk. Every advantage means a lot to competitive players. That’s why you see many using food. Because it matters. And why orbs were such a problem. Because stats mattered.

You do realize that there are people in WvW that are 1: under lvl 80, nothing having all traits, using MP or rare instead of exotic….

PS. WvW isn’t competitive. You may think it is, and more power to you if you do, but the mechanics and system just isn’t…

It’s a casual game of capture the keep.

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Junkie.9745


Why do you assume all items will only have a 15 statpoint increase? It’s much more realistic to assume that every ascended item will increase based a certain percentage. This is how it’s done between every gear tier available (blue -> green -> yellow etc.) Since other gear items like weapons, armor and amulets give more statpoints the increase in stat will also be bigger. You also forgot that ascended weapons will do (alot) more damage per hit than exotic weapons. An ascended Greatsword for example will do 1077 – 1191 damage per hit while an exotic one only does 995- 1100 damage.

Since I am at work I did not do a lot of research about unknown stuff like increased damage (never heared or read about on any official page).
Was just trying to figure out where those numbers came from.

BUT I dont want WvW-only-Player to get the new gear. I got no problem if they scale ascended items down or exotic up for WvW but its not right to give someone who was never in the dugeon the set. Probably the best solution would be to create a new set which got nothing to do with agony but got the same stats like ascended and sell it for 500-1000 badges e.a. .

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


On a grand level, yes, I agree. But on battle and individual (roaming) level, it’s still competitive. But when I say “competitive player” I mean a mentality that goes for improving efficiency, compared to casual mentality that goes “take whatever profession, whatever traits, whatever armor, whatever teammates, and hey ho let’s go”. If you play like that then you can play naked or not, it won’t matter. But if you want to be as efficient as possible (competitive mode), then you’re not going to talk how better stats don’t matter.

So even if total outcome depends on population and timezone spread and zerging, many battles itself are competitive. WvW is just a sandbox mode.

Unemployed people should not receive any social benefits if they are already working in an MMO.

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Nidhogg.2950


If the best gear for WvW would only be avaible through PvE it would be a illogical.

Not against PvE, even though I mostly do WvW. But if it was the case where the best PvE gear could only be got through WvW Im sure some of the people who agree with WvW gear being found in PvE would complain more loudly then the WvW-ers here do.

I just dont want to have an excessive grind to get to the end level gear. That used to be exotic and barely a few months in they are already raising the end level gear. Not too happy about that,


I like the names and look of Ascended items. I just hope the gear stats increase stops here. WvW doesnt need a grind for gear. We already grind for siege and gold for upgrades. Id rather see more upgrades and different siege engines then any player equipment.

Id take Charr flame thrower tanks, Asura lightning cannons or whatever over personal gear.

New armor and weapon skins are very nice though! keep those coming :-)

Guildleader of Vitas, Gunnars Hold

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Valorwing.2865


Obtaining “exotic gear” proper for WvW is one of the simplest things in GW2. No heavy PvE grinding required.

Really? And how do you obtain those 6 slots (jewelry, back..) without heavy PvE grinding?

And if what you say is true, why is almost no one in full exotic gear in WvW?

And if I want stats other than that of exotic karma gear, what then? I have to choose inferior stats? Which brings us back to grinding for optimal gear.

Wow all of you really just whine and whine. You don’t like how the company deviates a bit from a such stupid idea in the first place and you go nuts. The people who earned Ascended gear earned it and have the right to go into WvW. Just because you got beat by someone with Ascended gear means nothing.

Oh **** up.

LOL! No one in full exotic gear? Where the heck have you been? people were in full exotics since the first week of release. You can buy your trinkets lolz…. such a baby.

Jaded Imperfection

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Lyan.6804


Assuming u all have exotics gear, how did u get them?
Unless u use badges equip, u had to pve, craft or buy.
And if u want pvp without equip stats u allways have spvp/tpvp.
Also usually pvpers want to have the best equips. So, if u want, u do it, noone forcing u to.
And how would u make fair ppl that have to do dungeons to get the items, and u would just have to keep aoeing a zerg to get same item?
Instead of this thread u would have pvers complaining wvw players get more benefits.
Kind of hard to balance things out, do 1 dungeon a day with friends and try to have fun in game^^

Got mine with Karma which i earned in WvW.If i want the best equipment i am forced to PvE.PvE’ers get tokens or whatever,in wvw i get karma which is useless to me so why shouldn’t i be able to use it to buy the gear? I don’t want to do one dungeon a day or even a week if ever,i do have fun in the game for me it’s wvw.You obviously don’t wvw,how is it fair that pvers get the best gear for just killing AI over and over and over? wvw is ever changing, dungeons are “fixed” do it once it stays the same.

I dont pve, i only do wvw all day long and did 2 times the dungeon fractals since its out^^
Im sry, a game where nothing changes since launch? I have my equip finished since i dont know when.
I do understand that WvW is in pair with PvE and so we should be able to get same items, but, just my luck i never got an exotic in the hundreds of hours i did in wvw, i crafted my equips.
Now, a different thing would be asking if something will change in WvW and afaik huge content coming, and wvw players will be more rewarded too or give some sugestions about it.
Im the black sheep in this thread but im sry i like new stuff in game, something to aim for is nice to have.

Gandara Commander [SN]
Ly Ann at ur service

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: raenen.5807


If we talk about WvW the only thing that matters is teamwork and how you can fit there.

Stop degreading the conversation.

If we talk about WvW the only thing that matters is population, and timezone spread.

But we’re talking about actual gameplay, and you cannot tell us that better gear doesn’t matter in actual battle. Even if your team of 20 would beat enemy team of 20, if you had better gear you would win faster, and more efficiently, and thus be able to do more across the map and score more points.

I cannot possibly imagine that a good skilled player would talk nonsense such as “level and gear doesn’t matter, we could be lvl30 and naked and if we had teamwork it would not matter”. That’s newbie talk. Every advantage means a lot to competitive players. That’s why you see many using food. Because it matters. And why orbs were such a problem. Because stats mattered.

You do realize that there are people in WvW that are 1: under lvl 80, nothing having all traits, using MP or rare instead of exotic….

PS. WvW isn’t competitive. You may think it is, and more power to you if you do, but the mechanics and system just isn’t…

It’s a casual game of capture the keep.

Not competitive? People spend many hours a day in wvw. You need to know what your talking about before you say something completely stupid.

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Christos de Soufre.3802

Christos de Soufre.3802

WvW is meant to be imbalanced. It’s been emphasized since way, way pre-launch.

Go play s/tPvP if you don’t like it.

Chris “Dawnheart” Aerinoh — Revenant, Guardian — Blackgate

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Arreyanne.2683


I agree keep it out, or maybe sometime after they introduce the entire set they might give us something like………………



Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: morrolan.9608


the exact number of how much badges it should cost is up to debate, and id happily give 1000 badges too for a ring anyway, 500 sounds more right though

500 per piece adds up to 6000 badges for a full set, that is ridiculous. I’d take 500 for a full set.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Toast.6459


People whining about ascended gear should probably get at least one piece before they continue complaining. Let me tell you, it makes almost no difference, besides setting you back 15g+ to craft. and more if you want to infuse it later.

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Columba.9730


Lol, the gear will be mandatory. learn some math. 20%+ improvements to stats without the infusions. Not trivial.

only thieves know how to play, they chant “L2P” every time their god mode is challenged.

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Kalan.9705


After 440hrs of playtime, mostly in WvW, and selling everything for the best prices I can get from players of brokers. This has allowed me to acquire to date:

3 out of 24 pieces of exotic armour I want
3 out of 24 superior runes
0 out of 15 exotic jewellery
0 out of many exotic weapons

I can buy 1 miserable piece of wvw badge gear, but I don’t much like the stats and there’s no point running a survival build with only 1 piece of gear.

WvW rewards are utter rubbish, unless you stop being useful to your side to go harvest and do jump puzzle crap, only travel in a steamroll group when actually pvp-ing and log out or server hop any time you don’t have a huge advantage.

The prospect of ascended gear makes me feel like there is no point to ever trying to gear up to play WvW, I’d have to spend so much time doing stuff I dislike that it far outweighs the time I might eventually get doing WvW without my un-grinded gear penalty.

Totally demoralised by the savage amount of gear grind WvW players face.

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: wombat.6123


[quote=816194;morrolan.9608500 per piece adds up to 6000 badges for a full set, that is ridiculous. I’d take 500 for a full set.
6000 badges for a full set is too much, but on the other hand you want a full set of exotics for 500 badges…you’ve got to be kidding right?

Wombling Wombat
FA – Protectorate of Aspenwood [PRO]

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: morrolan.9608


6000 badges for a full set is too much, but on the other hand you want a full set of exotics for 500 badges…you’ve got to be kidding right?

Nope, getting 500 badges is a far more lengthy process than getting say 252,000 karma. Plus there are the class imbalances which means some classes have a clear advantage in terms of the amount of badges they earn.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Toast.6459


Lol, the gear will be mandatory. learn some math. 20%+ improvements to stats without the infusions. Not trivial.

Not sure where you’re getting 20%, even with the upgraded infusions, it isn’t nearly that much. You might want to check your math, sounds like you haven’t even looked at the ascended gear, let alone owned any.

Keep Ascended Gear Out Of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: DeWolfe.2174


I was just adding up the new accessory slot gear. A lot of it is not a specific as existing exotic gear. Which would make a more spread out and balanced character. Whether it’s a good thing, idk. What I do know is, Ascended gear adds up to at about a 10% increase in total points. Which is more than just a couple of points, though not 20% either. Quite substantial really when many aren’t even at Rare or Exotics yet. We’re like tissue paper in WvW as it is!

Will offensive Agony work in WvW? That’s just another thing to deal with now….

[AwM] of Jade Quarry.