Lag-hacking in WvW to become immune to melee.

Lag-hacking in WvW to become immune to melee.

in WvW

Posted by: Gray Fullbuster.4763

Gray Fullbuster.4763

I’ve noticed this very often that a enemy char will freeze-animation while running and then all my melee attacks will miss, even those that home in on the enemy. This is a huge issue that has remained in pvp games for years, and the main way to fix it has been to increase melee range by 5-8 yards and make certain attacks always do their damage regardless of range as long as they are within 10 yards when cast/used.

Any other suggestions would be appreciated, as would constructive discussion.

Lag-hacking in WvW to become immune to melee.

in WvW

Posted by: Ragnar the Rock.3174

Ragnar the Rock.3174

I haven’t noticed this that much in GW2 PVP to be honest.

The main gripe I have with PvP in general at the moment is that once a zerg gets to a certain size the game will stop rendering/showing additional enemies/enemy players.

Sadly this number of people & how tightly confined they are does not need to be much beyond 40 in a 1200 unit radius either.

This allows groups/guilds to quickly zerg targets & not be targeted thus making the only thing that can hit then be AOE.

& before you say it yes I am running a high end computer, & so are many of my friends who all see this happen.

Lag-hacking in WvW to become immune to melee.

in WvW

Posted by: GenericName.5046


Dodge, Blind, Diversion, Aegis, Warrior skill… just to name a few things that could of happend negate all damage fora long time. i mean without even trying i can negate all damage for 5 seconds as a mesmer. Also if you increase melee range you jack up half the fighting system in this game and if they are hacking it wont fix the issue as melee is not even half of the damage types.

Lag-hacking in WvW to become immune to melee.

in WvW

Posted by: Gray Fullbuster.4763

Gray Fullbuster.4763

It was pure miss, not immune,evade,dodge, block, etc. Was definitely done on purpose since it was fine, then they freeze frame and keep running while all my attacks miss each time. Its an obvious hack, just like the teleport hack.

Lag-hacking in WvW to become immune to melee.

in WvW

Posted by: CeCaKonVeu.5734


fraps and report abuse although u can hardly prove it was intentional and not crappy computer lag.

Ive seen people do “mega dodge rolls” in spvp using this lame behavior too… lag ur computer + dodge = end the roll at 1200+ range.

not sure what they can do about it though :/

Lag-hacking in WvW to become immune to melee.

in WvW

Posted by: Helathir.3647


you sure hes not using a skill that makes him evade/block all atacks while channeling like pistle whip for thiefs?

Lag-hacking in WvW to become immune to melee.

in WvW

Posted by: draculthemad.6273


There are a couple of times where suddenly has somehow started lag-hopping around, and it wasn’t invis.

Invis and the various dodges all have a spell effect after all.

It is probably just the usual people “window-dragging” or intentionally interrupting their network connection.

Lag-hacking in WvW to become immune to melee.

in WvW

Posted by: R E F L H E X.8413

R E F L H E X.8413

“The main gripe I have with PvP in general at the moment is that once a zerg gets to a certain size the game will stop rendering/showing additional enemies/enemy players.”

I think this has to do with settings and internet connection speed. Try running the game on best performance if you don’t have a 40mb connection speed. I don’t remember but I’m pretty sure that helped. However I have only zerged AFTER I lowered my connection speed.

There’s no need for me to have a good connection anymore, hell I will probably get dial up since I don’t need it anymore. Interrupting is gone, I can afford to lag.

I must’ve missed the sign that said it was a fire sale.

Lag-hacking in WvW to become immune to melee.

in WvW

Posted by: Elthurien.8356


I have noticed tell-tale signs of packet forcing hacks on a couple of occasions in very small 2v2 or 2v3 encounters. Unfortunately I dont bother trying to chase them
down to duplicate because its just far too much effort. I know something is suspect when I can play against a large zerg force without much lag or fps loss but when I face
one of these guys there are odd fps/lag behaviour when there is no obvious cause. Seen similar issues in games like age of conan and Warhammer where people used a third party program called AoCbuddy or Warbuddy.

Lag-hacking in WvW to become immune to melee.

in WvW

Posted by: R E F L H E X.8413

R E F L H E X.8413

I’m a mesmer therefore, I’m a melee caster (wtf? positioning was supposed to be of importance, that was a gw2 selling point positioning of your players is actually a hundred times less important here than it ever was. however it’s a bit hard to see how much positioning would effect you once in a format that actually matters).

Anyways, i think the worst problem for melee right now is INVISIBLE ENEMIES.

I’m not talking about thief, or skilled invisibility, no.

I’m talking about a group of 40 invisible enemies that won’t show up until they are all dead!

I must’ve missed the sign that said it was a fire sale.

(edited by R E F L H E X.8413)

Lag-hacking in WvW to become immune to melee.

in WvW

Posted by: Pelum.5261


I’m a mesmer therefore, I’m a melee caster (wtf? positioning was supposed to be of importance, that was a gw2 selling point.).

Anyways, i think the worst problem for melee right now is INVISIBLE ENEMIES.

I’m not talking about thief, or skilled invisibility, no.

I’m talking about a group of 40 invisible enemies that won’t show up until they are all dead!

Thats because this game is coded to load friendlies before enemies. Can’t be helped too much.

Leader of the Dark Immunity Gaming Community – Est. 2003
Embrace the Immunitree
Commander and Leader of Dark Immunity [DI] – Fort Aspenwood

Lag-hacking in WvW to become immune to melee.

in WvW

Posted by: R E F L H E X.8413

R E F L H E X.8413

I’m a mesmer therefore, I’m a melee caster (wtf? positioning was supposed to be of importance, that was a gw2 selling point.).

Anyways, i think the worst problem for melee right now is INVISIBLE ENEMIES.

I’m not talking about thief, or skilled invisibility, no.

I’m talking about a group of 40 invisible enemies that won’t show up until they are all dead!

Thats because this game is coded to load friendlies before enemies. Can’t be helped too much.

I think it is partially settings and internet speed unless someone with a 40gb connection like ii used to have gets the same problems, however I think running it on lowest settings did work better for my newer/slower connetion. But guildwars 1 has better graphics at that point.

I must’ve missed the sign that said it was a fire sale.

Lag-hacking in WvW to become immune to melee.

in WvW

Posted by: Conditioned.2467


Yea fix this please arenanet.

Lag-hacking in WvW to become immune to melee.

in WvW

Posted by: Varian.1435


I have noticed this as well the past few days, always with warriors. Server is pounding on the guy, all of a sudden he freezes up and becomes immune, and ends up about 30 yards away afew seconds later