Logging out

Logging out

in WvW

Posted by: Curuglas.1847



I now personally witnessed a several Gandarans who just logged out while in down mode. This not only demonstrates exceptional lack of skill on their part, but also leaves the accomplishments of their server’s team in a shady light.

To avoid such a behaviour though, please leave the characters of players who log out in fight for another, say, 30 seconds in the WvW world, before they can log in again.

This is beginning to take the fun out of WvW, and if this is considered “normal” behaviour, then I guess WvW will be soon empty, since no one gets any rewards from besting opposing players.

So long,

Logging out

in WvW

Posted by: Lord Jim.3971

Lord Jim.3971

And I’ve witnessed plenty of Abaddon’s Mouth and Drakkar Lake players doing that as well. I’d imagine everyone on the boards could post exactly the same thing just with different names. It sucks but hey we aren’t WvW’ing for the loot are we? At least if they are in the downed state you’ve bested them in a fight. An AM logged off on me this morning as I jumped him trying to gank a fellow Gandaran who was doing a bit of cloud watching.

Conchis – Tchuu Tchuu I’m A Train [TCHU] – Gandara

Logging out

in WvW

Posted by: Lyan.6804


Before making new threads, u should check other posts like this, theres like 10 threads about this, and u see Gandara and u would see any other server so go check those threads and u see that is happening everywhere.
I do believe this is just random ppl, because real wvwers wouldnt logout to not pay repairs or whatever reason, its up to Anet to put a timer before ur able to logout. Prolly that would fix it.

Gandara Commander [SN]
Ly Ann at ur service

Logging out

in WvW

Posted by: Kimbald.2697


Or… if you log out in downed state, you get the same repair bill as when finished and all of that.
On top of a few minutes penalty when logging in downed state.

I’m sure the system could recognise this and handle accordingly.

As for which server does it more: think that’s more a type of players than a type of server.
Some servers will have more of these of course, but wouldn’t pin it on the server as such.

Wiggely, wobbely and other wombaty wabbity creatures…

Logging out

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


It is a bad game mechanic in gw2 that almost every single other mmo I have played got right… if you are in combat you cannot log out… No clue why they couldn’t code that in gw2.


Logging out

in WvW

Posted by: Topher.1684



This is beginning to take the fun out of WvW, and if this is considered “normal” behaviour, then I guess WvW will be soon empty, since no one gets any rewards from besting opposing players.

So long,

I love all these posts about such minors things and claim that it’s going to kill the game. I (and most the the poeple I WvW with) don’t play to stab flags into players. There are normally plenty of people willing to circle the poor fellow and impale the downed player, so we just move on. As for rewards, 1 person out of every 10-20 (maybe it’s just me, but I rarely notice people logging out when downed) isn’t going to kill your rewards. If I’m wrong, and whole zergs log out when they are beat, tell me, but I think you are trying to make this sound like a much worst problem then it actually is.

Logging out

in WvW

Posted by: TxJBxT.9370


Take out repair bills in WvW and it will stop. Never seen this happen in sPvP.

Logging out

in WvW

Posted by: Topher.1684


It is a bad game mechanic in gw2 that almost every single other mmo I have played got right… if you are in combat you cannot log out… No clue why they couldn’t code that in gw2.

Personally I love the fact that you can do that. My main is a thief and I don’t know how many times the game has said “not while in combat” when I try to do something, but have no enemies near me/chasing me/looking to kill me (and I’m referring to PvE, not PvP here). It’s a known bug with stealth. I’m not trying to defend what people are doing in PvP, although I don’t think it should matter all that much.

And those other mmos might have “got it right”, but those other games also sometimes prevents you from logging into the game after a dc because your character is still hanging around. Neither system is perfect.

Something this game could add is a countdown if trying to log out in combat, say 5-10 seconds…ie you hit log out, game things you are in combat, you get a countdown of a few seconds before the game returns you to the login screen. The above mentioned 30 secs is way too long imo, 10 secs max should be enough. That way you still get your kill and 0-2 badge(s), and we don’t have to read about it here!

Logging out

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


It is a bad game mechanic in gw2 that almost every single other mmo I have played got right… if you are in combat you cannot log out… No clue why they couldn’t code that in gw2.

And those other mmos might have “got it right”, but those other games also sometimes prevents you from logging into the game after a dc because your character is still hanging around. Neither system is perfect.

Actually you are wrong. Perfect World for instance had a force log feature that prevented that.


Logging out

in WvW

Posted by: Curuglas.1847


Hi again and thanks for your feedback.

Sorry if there are already threads like this, but the search function didn’t yield them to me prior to my posting.

And the fact that I mentioned Gandara is because I haven’t seen it this frequently with any other defenders. Today just about 2 out of 3 kills logged out while in down mode or just about 10-20% health.

I just would like a timer for the logged out or disconnected player while in fight, so that his character stays in the WvW world for about 30 seconds. If your client crashed or you had to log out urgently in mid-fight, you should not mind to wait 30 seconds before re-entering the game with any char.

Other games have logout timers, too. If you really need to leave, there is always Alt-F4, (no timer involved), but if you do it while in fight, your char should remain in-game for any one to grab their kill. And yes, stabbing a pole into another toon or just hacking him to pieces sometimes really relieves some tension

I am not looking for a system to punish players who have to leave, but to get the victors the satisfaction (and possibly loot) they deserve. So any lockout on the player who disconnected in down mode is unnecessary, for all it’s worth he may just re-login a second after he left, just as long as his character (or at least some image of him) stays there long enough to get killed.

In essence, leaving an “afterimage” of a logged out player for the opponents to finish would be a small touch, and presumably rather easily implemented. I know WvW has other issues, and this “problem” may not be far up on the list, but nevertheless I’d like ArenaNet to recognize this as a problem that needs to be addressed in one way or the other.

So long,

Logging out

in WvW

Posted by: Topher.1684


It is a bad game mechanic in gw2 that almost every single other mmo I have played got right… if you are in combat you cannot log out… No clue why they couldn’t code that in gw2.

And those other mmos might have “got it right”, but those other games also sometimes prevents you from logging into the game after a dc because your character is still hanging around. Neither system is perfect.

Actually you are wrong. Perfect World for instance had a force log feature that prevented that.

Well that one example doesn’t make me wrong. My previous games have all been like I described. I did read your post wrong initially, thinking you said “most mmos” and not most mmos that you have played. For that I’m sorry. But in order to adopt those other game features, they would still need to fix the “in combat” bug that seems to appear every now and then.

Logging out

in WvW

Posted by: Niim.9260


Ultimately who cares? They lost the fight regardless if they force log or get stomped, all I lose is a kill credit and a chance at a badge. I care little about either, so if they force log it just saves me the effort of stomping.

~ AoN ~

Logging out

in WvW

Posted by: BabelFish.7234


Take out repair bills in WvW and it will stop. Never seen this happen in sPvP.

Exactly. The punishment of having to run around on a gigantic map and the potential for getting ganked on your way to the destination is punishment enough.

Logging out

in WvW

Posted by: gabal.4520


Whoever does it is really lame since if you are being an active and good player in WvW you should even with repair bills actually earn money. Besides, we have had queues at almost all borderlands for last few days at Gandara so they just gave themself a nice 5-15 minute waiting period when they log back in.
We learn from every enemy and regrettably some of us learn such tricks as well…

Infidelija, boatswain of Bloody Pirates [YARR], lvl 80 elementalist
hobby: busting Trebuchettes
Gandara server

Logging out

in WvW

Posted by: Tortun.5946


I have to admit that I was in a party with a guildy and some randoms in WvW the other day. I noticed the guildy’s portrait go black from time to time and I asked them if they were still in the BG… I soon figured out they were logging off and had to tell them to stop it because it’s not fair and it is in a way cheating.

They got the message and stopped. This is a problem across all servers and although Gandarans do have their fair share of bad eggs we pride ourselves on trying to be the best that we can be.

I’ve had my fair share of AM and Drakky’s logging out. One even logged out as my group of five ran towards him to claim a camp. There’s blame on each side and it’s up to guilds and party members to let folks know that logging out is indeed wrong.

Tortun – Protector of Gandara and Bessie!
WvWvW Player Who Doesn’t Have Much of A Clue

Logging out

in WvW

Posted by: KinkyWarrior.1879


As stated above it’s happening all over. It doesn’t surprise me at all to find some on Gandara are doing it. Personally I never have or will, no matter how many times I die, purely for the fact that my income in WvW tops my Outcome so I don’t care nout about costs or what ever it makes people log out for. On that note combat logging from the other servers has only really been an issue for me this week, never really in the past. I put it down to a growing trend of idiocy.

Dius Vanguard [DiVa]

Logging out

in WvW

Posted by: ComeAndSee.1356


Quit exaggerating — only a tiny minority of players actually do it.

Sha Nari – 80 Guardian (http://bit.ly/12RNvtK)
Lorella Windrunner – 80 Thief
Shayera Nightfall – 80 Mesmer

Logging out

in WvW

Posted by: azizul.8469


old news really…..

Cutie Phantasmer/Farinas [HAX] – CD Casual
Archeage = Farmville with PK

Logging out

in WvW

Posted by: Tortun.5946


Actually, a little bit offended re-reading the post as it kind of suggest that everyone on Gandara does it and as a result has no skill.

Not sure if you checked the scores last night and the day before, and the day before that. We were third from reset but it looks like we’ll be finishing first Kills mean not a lot in WvW if you don’t have the monopoly property to support it.

Tortun – Protector of Gandara and Bessie!
WvWvW Player Who Doesn’t Have Much of A Clue

Logging out

in WvW

Posted by: Curuglas.1847


Actually, a little bit offended re-reading the post as it kind of suggest that everyone on Gandara does it and as a result has no skill.

Not every one, but every other one. About 1 out of 2 or 3 kills (and yes, sadly I killed only Gandarans, because Drakkars were nowhere to be seen ) did log out in down mode or even a second before… And my point is, that since I have only seen Gandarans do this so far (cannot speak for the other Abbadons’ though, since I don’t see what they do), this casts a bad light on the entire server – at least from my point of view. If this offends you, perhaps you could suggest in your Team chat to those Gandarans who log out, to cease this behavior.

Not sure if you checked the scores last night and the day before, and the day before that. We were third from reset but it looks like we’ll be finishing first Kills mean not a lot in WvW if you don’t have the monopoly property to support it.

And although WvW might be about the points and keeps for some, many cannot participate because of the performance issues in larger groups. Thus I deem it rather random who happens to have the bigger group online together. Last week Gandara lost to us, this week we can’t seem to hold our forts.

And there are two different skills in WvW:
1st organizational: to get enough people together to take on defended towers, keeps or Stonemist
2nd individual: to best other players in 1 vs 1 or even 1 vs many

I refer only to the 2nd type of skill ^^

So long,

Logging out

in WvW

Posted by: KinkyWarrior.1879


Not every one, but every other one. About 1 out of 2 or 3 kills (and yes, sadly I killed only Gandarans, because Drakkars were nowhere to be seen ) did log out in down mode or even a second before… And my point is, that since I have only seen Gandarans do this so far (cannot speak for the other Abbadons’ though, since I don’t see what they do), this casts a bad light on the entire server – at least from my point of view. If this offends you, perhaps you could suggest in your Team chat to those Gandarans who log out, to cease this behavior.

I’m going to use your logic.

A group of 10 Gandarans thereabouts held a supply camp from a large group of Abbadons, maybe 20 with the Abbadons group backing away and actually running in the end. Using your logic, your entire server must therefore be cowards, if you take offence to this I suggest you go and type /team and ask your server to stop running away.

Now that isn’t my view, it happened but it was a group of AM Pugs with the Gandaran group being organised. My point is though if you judge an entire server by every tom, dick and harry you’ll end up with a very skewed view of the server.

Dius Vanguard [DiVa]