Make Commander cost badges, not gold

Make Commander cost badges, not gold

in WvW

Posted by: Ragnarok.4586


Read the title. Nuff said. Think it makes pretty good sense so PVE nubs don’t come into WvW and lead mindless followers to their deaths.

Thankyou for your time.

Mekanos – Engineer | Alradian – Warrior
[FcTR] on Maguuma

Make Commander cost badges, not gold

in WvW

Posted by: EnRohbi.2187


People use Commander for PvE content as well.
I use it to rally people for Group and World events almost every day.

Do you want the PvE nubs taking up your queue slots for weeks on end while they grind for badges so they can go back and rally their PvE armies?


Make Commander cost badges, not gold

in WvW

Posted by: Ragnarok.4586


Make another tag for WvW then? I don’t know what to tell you. Someone that doesn’t have at least 2000 badges of honor to spend on a tag should not be leading troops in WvW.

Mekanos – Engineer | Alradian – Warrior
[FcTR] on Maguuma

Make Commander cost badges, not gold

in WvW

Posted by: Ragnarok.4586


Oh, and for clarification, I’ve had my commander tag for months, and I’ve been an adamant WvW player on Gate of Madness since launch.

Many people wearing the Commander tag in WvW zones don’t even know where the water gates are on their kitten keeps.

Also, this is the WvW section of the forums, so I’m not quite sure why you are defending the use of the tag in a PvE setting.

Mekanos – Engineer | Alradian – Warrior
[FcTR] on Maguuma

Make Commander cost badges, not gold

in WvW

Posted by: Tetra Bug.7134

Tetra Bug.7134

Why not influence? Your guild earns it in PvE and PvP. Seems to make perfect sense, guilds choose who should command, and the tab is assigned by the guild to the player. They leave the guild, no more tab for them and the guild uses it on someone else. Seems to make sense, those who have commanders manuals keep them and that’s that.

Ur Kel – Warrior
AR → EB → DB → Maguuma
Arkham – [Ark]

Make Commander cost badges, not gold

in WvW

Posted by: Delvoire.8930


Both points are valid. Someone who has never even logged into WvW shouldn’t have a Commander tag that can (if they finally decide to log into WvW) cause a lot of problems.

Two separate tags for PVE and WvW would be a great addition.

80 ~Thief~ Isabella Angel | 80 ~Eng~ Ratchet McClank
80 ~Warrior~ Delvoire | 80 ~Ele~ Azalea Avenir
80 ~ Guardian~ Rag Nor | Server ~ FA

Make Commander cost badges, not gold

in WvW

Posted by: Sovereign.1093


If your commander isn’t good, tech him to become better.

[Salt] Heavy Loot Bag

Always Loyal

Make Commander cost badges, not gold

in WvW

Posted by: style.6173


Easy solution:

1. PvE commanders cost 100 gold
2. WvW commanders cost 100 gold and need a certain number of achievements. (kills, defense, captures). You want a commander than has shown the ability across all of the areas and not just kills (badges)

Make Commander cost badges, not gold

in WvW

Posted by: Ragnarok.4586


Why not influence? Your guild earns it in PvE and PvP. Seems to make perfect sense, guilds choose who should command, and the tab is assigned by the guild to the player. They leave the guild, no more tab for them and the guild uses it on someone else. Seems to make sense, those who have commanders manuals keep them and that’s that.

Tetra, not sure with I agree with this. Some players choose not to be in guilds (stupid because the game is called guild wars). But many commanders may not come from large guilds, or guilds with the influence to purchase a commander tag if this were the case.

Commander tags (or a WvW version) as stated above, should be obtainable only by experience on the battlefield. Seems like Badges of Honor are the way to go.

Mekanos – Engineer | Alradian – Warrior
[FcTR] on Maguuma

Make Commander cost badges, not gold

in WvW

Posted by: EnRohbi.2187


There are limitless small tweaks they could do to Commander to make it much better,
Suggestions like these have been rolling in since the beta weekends,
Fact is, it’s over 6 months later and Anet has changed nothing about Commander.

This isn’t even one of the first 20 threads suggesting that Commander icons cost badges instead of gold.


Make Commander cost badges, not gold

in WvW

Posted by: Tetra Bug.7134

Tetra Bug.7134

Why not influence? Your guild earns it in PvE and PvP. Seems to make perfect sense, guilds choose who should command, and the tab is assigned by the guild to the player. They leave the guild, no more tab for them and the guild uses it on someone else. Seems to make sense, those who have commanders manuals keep them and that’s that.

Tetra, not sure with I agree with this. Some players choose not to be in guilds (stupid because the game is called guild wars). But many commanders may not come from large guilds, or guilds with the influence to purchase a commander tag if this were the case.

Commander tags (or a WvW version) as stated above, should be obtainable only by experience on the battlefield. Seems like Badges of Honor are the way to go.

True enough, but you can have a personal guild to solve that problem. If you’re not in a guild and you’ve got the money to buy a tab, chances are you’d be able to buy plenty of influence. It’s not a perfect solution but it does seem one of the better options currently.

Ur Kel – Warrior
AR → EB → DB → Maguuma
Arkham – [Ark]

Make Commander cost badges, not gold

in WvW

Posted by: iCryptik.1496


Haha, PvE Commanders be ‘da worst o’ ’da bunch.

It be more than a fortnight me be seein a PvE “Commander” try ’ta rally people ’fer Jormag. It be ’da worst attempt me be seein anyone try ’ta lead.

Commander should have been somethin ‘ta earn through WvW conquest alone. PvE’ers be not have much o’ a need ’fer it, when they could just be meetin at X waypoint and headin ’ta their objective in a zerg ball ’wit one person targeted.

Tarnished Coast [TC]

Make Commander cost badges, not gold

in WvW

Posted by: Juan Ignacio.8903

Juan Ignacio.8903

its just a commander tittle if u want follow his tag do it … its not hard to get 100g neither badges. I rather have a commander that has no clue and get some people together instead of some dudes just running arround.

Make Commander cost badges, not gold

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Commander should cost badges. You can only buy it out in wvw. All I do is wvw and have my bank filled with badges that don’t do anything. There’s no way I’m going to make 100g out in wvw, it’s a joke.

Really the commander tag is a joke. It’s the reason they don’t allow groups bigger than 5, because then the good guilds wouldn’t have to put on a “I’m over here, follow me noobs” tag.

Make Commander cost badges, not gold

in WvW

Posted by: Gab Superstar.4059

Gab Superstar.4059

If they cost badges, it would be even more of a joke. Before you drop 100g on a commander title you really have to debate whether or not it is worth it to you.

If it was 2000 badges, half of the people in WvW would have commander tags, since badges are pretty much useless anyway.

Very Good Detectives [VGD]
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe

Make Commander cost badges, not gold

in WvW

Posted by: erigais.6805


i agree with this 100%.
just let all the commanders keep their commander tags and make a new one, a GOLDEN COMMANDER OF JUSTICE TAG that cost 1-2k badges. thats a commander i can look up to. thats one i can believe in. thats one my burning heart of friendship can shine on for. please anet. make it happen.

[Sekz] Officer erigais AKA Weeaboo Hunter

Make Commander cost badges, not gold

in WvW

Posted by: Ragnar.4257


What about guilds that want to band together and buy a commander tag for them to organise with? Account-bound badges don’t work for them.

Does a currency that can be got from jumping puzzle guarantee a better commander?


(edited by Ragnar.4257)

Make Commander cost badges, not gold

in WvW

Posted by: Esoteric.5490


Gold is the only currency shared by both PvE and WvW. The tome is meant for use in both, so it must cost a currency that is not exclusive to one or the other. It’s the same reason that you can’t buy the tag with Fractal Tokens.

I’m being the Devil’s advocate here, but leading is a whole different world than following in WvW. There is a far higher level of understanding for good commanders than there is your average player (no matter how many hours you have put into WvW). I say this because commanders face issues and are forced to understand strategies and situations that most players are never encountered with because they fulfill the role of the follower. 100g is difficult to attain and it seems as though you expect a commander to be on your level when they have just gotten the tag. All PvE aside, there could be a new commander who only plays WvW, but isn’t nearly as experienced as you. It is admirable that they want to step up and be a leader.

Be proactive. Reach out to them. Help them be a better player. The problem isn’t the tag costing gold, it is players with attitudes like yours that would rather shun them instead of making them an asset for your server. Be part of the solution.

Blackgate Forever,
Riven – [KnT] GM –
Commander – Grand General of Blackgate

Make Commander cost badges, not gold

in WvW

Posted by: Rising Dusk.2408

Rising Dusk.2408

I have something like 4k BoH, and if I spent those on my icon instead of 100g, I don’t think it would’ve improved anything. People get those badges doing jumping puzzles and crying on the forums when they’re forced to PvP in a PvP zone (who would’ve thunk it?). The only real way to make this work is to have some sort of ‘vetting’ system where the players support commanders who lead well, and that support is translated into a “number of supporters”. Then, this number of supporters is listed somewhere, so players know who the good commanders are and who the inexperienced ones are. Then, as a final note, give players the ability to filter commander tags visible by how many supporters they have, and now you can listen to who you want to and ignore the rest.

It’s elitist, but really, it should be. You want good commanders being able to lead, not bad ones. The only real challenge here that I dislike with my idea is that it makes it very difficult for new commanders who are skilled but not well known. How do you get known if no one will listen to you in the first place because of a lack of renown?

There are lots of challenges to getting this system right, and no doubt that is why it’s sort of been left alone. I don’t think the best answer is as easy as just making it badges or something.

[VZ] Valor Zeal – Stormbluff Isle – Looking for steady, casual-friendly NA raiders!

Make Commander cost badges, not gold

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Gold is the only currency shared by both PvE and WvW. The tome is meant for use in both, so it must cost a currency that is not exclusive to one or the other. It’s the same reason that you can’t buy the tag with Fractal Tokens.

I’m being the Devil’s advocate here, but leading is a whole different world than following in WvW. There is a far higher level of understanding for good commanders than there is your average player (no matter how many hours you have put into WvW). I say this because commanders face issues and are forced to understand strategies and situations that most players are never encountered with because they fulfill the role of the follower. 100g is difficult to attain and it seems as though you expect a commander to be on your level when they have just gotten the tag. All PvE aside, there could be a new commander who only plays WvW, but isn’t nearly as experienced as you. It is admirable that they want to step up and be a leader.

Be proactive. Reach out to them. Help them be a better player. The problem isn’t the tag costing gold, it is players with attitudes like yours that would rather shun them instead of making them an asset for your server. Be part of the solution.

First, karma is used in both PvE and WvW. IMO karma would even be better than gold. As gold is 1000x easier to obtain in PvE

Second, arguing about how good a commander should be or shouldn’t be to get the tag is silly. It’s a tool to help organize people, most of the time the people in my guild want to turn it on only for us, but can’t. The discussion here is really about the price of the tool for organizing people.

Make Commander cost badges, not gold

in WvW

Posted by: Porky.5021


Make another tag for WvW then? I don’t know what to tell you. Someone that doesn’t have at least 2000 badges of honor to spend on a tag should not be leading troops in WvW.

No. You shouldn’t be following him.

Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

Make Commander cost badges, not gold

in WvW

Posted by: Rising Dusk.2408

Rising Dusk.2408

Make another tag for WvW then? I don’t know what to tell you. Someone that doesn’t have at least 2000 badges of honor to spend on a tag should not be leading troops in WvW.

No. You shouldn’t be following him.

Yeah, he’s probably leading you into the JPs, haha.

[VZ] Valor Zeal – Stormbluff Isle – Looking for steady, casual-friendly NA raiders!

Make Commander cost badges, not gold

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Make another tag for WvW then? I don’t know what to tell you. Someone that doesn’t have at least 2000 badges of honor to spend on a tag should not be leading troops in WvW.

No. You shouldn’t be following him.

Yeah, he’s probably leading you into the JPs, haha.

I have 4k badges sitting in the bank and would have more if I didn’t start using them to buy siege. I know there are people out there with 4x as many as I have. The point is, gold is hard to get in WvW, while easy to get in PvE. I have only done the EBJP like 10 times, most of the time I don’t even get the chest because I’m killing people trying to get to the top.

Make Commander cost badges, not gold

in WvW

Posted by: Dark Magi.8947

Dark Magi.8947

It not that hard to get badges just time consuming. Way I see it there are 4 jumping puzzles in WvW, you have 5 maybe 4 toons. Do the math, and look at all the free siege you would get. I run 5 toons through 2 out of 4 puzzles pulling in about 16 to 20 badges. Puzzles are far faster for badges enough said here.

Make Commander cost badges, not gold

in WvW

Posted by: Slamz.5376


Commander icons should be a guild research item which lasts for, say, 1 week at a time. Say, 1500 influence, 2 days research.

Any guild can run a commander now and then but only larger guilds can run several commanders all the time.

Camelot Unchained – from the makers of DAOC
A game that’s 100% WvW

Make Commander cost badges, not gold

in WvW

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


Read the title. Nuff said. Think it makes pretty good sense so PVE nubs don’t come into WvW and lead mindless followers to their deaths.

Thankyou for your time.

And how many badges would be needed ? You realize people like to save them up to buy sieges it doesnt make sense to have t ospend about 1000 badges first on a book.Also,if you think the current commander isnt doing good,how about you give him some help mister awesomeness ?

Make Commander cost badges, not gold

in WvW

Posted by: CHIPS.6018


Bad idea. Most commander already spent all their badges on sieges b4 they saved up 100g.

Chipsy Chips(Necromancer) & Char Ashnoble(Thief)
The Order of Dii[Dii]-SBI→Kaineng→TC→JQ
Necro Encyclopedia-

Make Commander cost badges, not gold

in WvW

Posted by: airstu.2579


lol @ 1-2k badges for a commander. Ill take 4 pls.

Calisto – NSP BPTCBP
Dictator for Life
Shiverpeaks Search and Rescue [Lost]

Make Commander cost badges, not gold

in WvW

Posted by: Mister Mustard.7203

Mister Mustard.7203

I think buying them for gold is just fine. I can get behind an idea of guilds being able to “own” a title, to keep people from jumping ship after a guild pays for one.

But as far as “newb” commanders ruining your game, get over it. If they’re learning, help them. If they’re terrible jerks, then spread the word and people won’t follow them. If they pick up a mindless follower or two, it’s not the end of the world.

It’s a small problem that can mainly be addressed by action in your own community, it doesn’t need a systematic change to resolve it.

Make Commander cost badges, not gold

in WvW

Posted by: Porky.5021


Commander icon should be free.

People should learn to think about who they are following rather than expect Anet to provide them with a little icon to tell them who is worth following.

It does not matter what you require in payment for the commander icon. You can do gold, badges, kill counts, time in PvP, keeps taken, towers defended, a note from your mom…it doesn’t matter…some commanders will still suck and will not be worth following.

Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

Make Commander cost badges, not gold

in WvW

Posted by: jportell.2197


Make the Commanders cost certain achievement points… This would be interesting because it would make the tag more dynamic especially if they have more ranks instead of just a blue diamond… So a player that does ALOT of camp capping will have a certain commander/title/tag whatever and people that want to focus on nothing but camps (should be more of these than their are.) Can join that persons squad. Then so on for towers/keeps/stonemist etc etc. Someone that knows everything about capping a tower may suck at capping a keep… Some people just blow others out of the water with coordinating attacks on camps.. (5 people from all sides=mayhem). I don’t like the badges idea because it will be even more pve ppl coming in doing JP’s to get their badges then getting the commander tag… I say WvW achievements and nothing else.

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer

Make Commander cost badges, not gold

in WvW

Posted by: style.6173


I seriously wonder how many people here have played WvW much. Badges only are a HORRIBLE idea for commander. It is just as bad as 100 gold only. Just because someone did the JP a lot or killed a lot of people does not mean they are good at WvW.

As I’ve mentioned before, commander should be a combination of 100 gold as well as a certain number of achievements. These achievements would be across a number of areas such as kills, captures, and defenses.

Why 100 gold? So that people who spent it already have it as an “ingredient” for commander.

Why 100 gold + achievements? Most commanders will already have a decent number of kills/captures/defenses. Those who have already been leading will keep the title. Those who just troll with their tag on or spend all day in the JP will need to actually earn their title.

Make Commander cost badges, not gold

in WvW

Posted by: Phule.1968


w3 commander tag can ONLY be used in w3 and the cost should be in badges.

PvE commander tag can cost whatever and ONLY be used in PvE.

See, easy fix.

Where’s my X-ray goggles when I need em?

Make Commander cost badges, not gold

in WvW

Posted by: airstu.2579


how can you possibly think changing the requirement to badges will fix things. Pressing 1 in a zerg != skill but boy it does collect badges. Combine that with jp heroes and you have the making of a perfect commander. Fantastic idea.

Calisto – NSP BPTCBP
Dictator for Life
Shiverpeaks Search and Rescue [Lost]

Make Commander cost badges, not gold

in WvW

Posted by: Kolisch.4691


Using badges is way too easy via the JP by jumping (most get ported). I know someone who has nearly 10 different characters, level 80s, who has his toons ported up everyday by a mesmer. Badges show little about one’s ability in WvW. In fact I hope nobody gets a friggin badge at all through chests. They should be obtained by correctly WvW-ing, not standing in a pink circle and run to open a chest.

Instead, a Commander should fulfill tasks: Being involved in the capture/defense of structures and camps, using supplies, etc…things that may take awhile and hard work. In short →>> BEEN THERE, DONE THAT <<<. Not some guy who’s been in and out wvw a few times then says “Oh I wanna be a Commander”, and swipes his credit card.

HoT = Grind Wars 2
HoT = WvW players forced to PVE

Make Commander cost badges, not gold

in WvW

Posted by: Ragnarok.4586


how can you possibly think changing the requirement to badges will fix things. Pressing 1 in a zerg != skill but boy it does collect badges. Combine that with jp heroes and you have the making of a perfect commander. Fantastic idea.

Wow bro, so you don’t think, that if you ran around in a zerg long enough to collect 10,000 Badges of Honor that you wouldn’t have the slightest idea about WvW tactics and communication? Great argument… /e sarcasm off.

Mekanos – Engineer | Alradian – Warrior
[FcTR] on Maguuma

Make Commander cost badges, not gold

in WvW

Posted by: Ragnarok.4586


The key point is not about how many badges the tag would cost. The point is, there should be a Commander tag in WvW, for WvWers and earned with a WvW oriented currency.

Thinking about it now, 2,000 badges of honor is not even close to being enough. 10, 000 Badges of Honor, however, would be in my opinion. I still have not collected that many and I have roughly 15, 000 kills.

-OR- as someone mentioned earlier, base it around a currency earned when capturing/defending objectives.

Mekanos – Engineer | Alradian – Warrior
[FcTR] on Maguuma

Make Commander cost badges, not gold

in WvW

Posted by: EnRohbi.2187


how can you possibly think changing the requirement to badges will fix things. Pressing 1 in a zerg != skill but boy it does collect badges. Combine that with jp heroes and you have the making of a perfect commander. Fantastic idea.

Wow bro, so you don’t think, that if you ran around in a zerg long enough to collect 10,000 Badges of Honor that you wouldn’t have the slightest idea about WvW tactics and communication? Great argument… /e sarcasm off.

I think that the majority of wvwers have spent their badges long ago before reaching 10,000.

I know some people hoard them like hallowe’en candy, but not everyone.
I keep only a few stacks in my bank and find things to spend the rest on.
But if the currency for Commander were to be switched from Gold to Badges, it would leave a lot of people who rightfully deserve it who simply don’t hold onto their badges.


Make Commander cost badges, not gold

in WvW

Posted by: Ragnarok.4586


how can you possibly think changing the requirement to badges will fix things. Pressing 1 in a zerg != skill but boy it does collect badges. Combine that with jp heroes and you have the making of a perfect commander. Fantastic idea.

Wow bro, so you don’t think, that if you ran around in a zerg long enough to collect 10,000 Badges of Honor that you wouldn’t have the slightest idea about WvW tactics and communication? Great argument… /e sarcasm off.

I think that the majority of wvwers have spent their badges long ago before reaching 10,000.

I know some people hoard them like hallowe’en candy, but not everyone.
I keep only a few stacks in my bank and find things to spend the rest on.
But if the currency for Commander were to be switched from Gold to Badges, it would leave a lot of people who rightfully deserve it who simply don’t hold onto their badges.

The point I am trying to make is this : Commander should cost WvW currency, not currency which can be farmed in PvE or bought on Ebay.

It doesn’t have to be badges. Badges are simply the only WvW particular currency which exist.

You guys are just arguing semantics.

Mekanos – Engineer | Alradian – Warrior
[FcTR] on Maguuma

Make Commander cost badges, not gold

in WvW

Posted by: Ragnarok.4586


Make the Commanders cost certain achievement points… This would be interesting because it would make the tag more dynamic especially if they have more ranks instead of just a blue diamond… So a player that does ALOT of camp capping will have a certain commander/title/tag whatever and people that want to focus on nothing but camps (should be more of these than their are.) Can join that persons squad. Then so on for towers/keeps/stonemist etc etc. Someone that knows everything about capping a tower may suck at capping a keep… Some people just blow others out of the water with coordinating attacks on camps.. (5 people from all sides=mayhem). I don’t like the badges idea because it will be even more pve ppl coming in doing JP’s to get their badges then getting the commander tag… I say WvW achievements and nothing else.

This is a great idea actually. I like that. Maybe have different ranks, like Lieutenant/Captain/Commander/General. Based on types of WvW achievements. Love it.

Mekanos – Engineer | Alradian – Warrior
[FcTR] on Maguuma

Make Commander cost badges, not gold

in WvW

Posted by: EnRohbi.2187


how can you possibly think changing the requirement to badges will fix things. Pressing 1 in a zerg != skill but boy it does collect badges. Combine that with jp heroes and you have the making of a perfect commander. Fantastic idea.

Wow bro, so you don’t think, that if you ran around in a zerg long enough to collect 10,000 Badges of Honor that you wouldn’t have the slightest idea about WvW tactics and communication? Great argument… /e sarcasm off.

I think that the majority of wvwers have spent their badges long ago before reaching 10,000.

I know some people hoard them like hallowe’en candy, but not everyone.
I keep only a few stacks in my bank and find things to spend the rest on.
But if the currency for Commander were to be switched from Gold to Badges, it would leave a lot of people who rightfully deserve it who simply don’t hold onto their badges.

The point I am trying to make is this : Commander should cost WvW currency, not currency which can be farmed in PvE or bought on Ebay.

It doesn’t have to be badges. Badges are simply the only WvW particular currency which exist.

You guys are just arguing semantics.

I still think the overarching point is invalid though (As detailed earlier in my posts),

Commander is not a WvW specific feature, or it would simply be disabled in PvE maps.
Anet wants it to be used in PvE as well, therefore, it must be attainable in a currency related to both.

But I’ve already covered all this, so let me bring up something new.

There is NO system that modern technology is capable of, that will accurately determine whether someone is a good leader or not. None. Zero. Impossible.

There is no reason Anet should waste their resources “fixing” the Commander acquisition, when the end result is going to be just about the same that it is now: Bad players will still get Commander icons and it will still be up to every individual to decide whether the person with their icon on is worth following or not.


Make Commander cost badges, not gold

in WvW

Posted by: Ragnarok.4586


how can you possibly think changing the requirement to badges will fix things. Pressing 1 in a zerg != skill but boy it does collect badges. Combine that with jp heroes and you have the making of a perfect commander. Fantastic idea.

Wow bro, so you don’t think, that if you ran around in a zerg long enough to collect 10,000 Badges of Honor that you wouldn’t have the slightest idea about WvW tactics and communication? Great argument… /e sarcasm off.

I think that the majority of wvwers have spent their badges long ago before reaching 10,000.

I know some people hoard them like hallowe’en candy, but not everyone.
I keep only a few stacks in my bank and find things to spend the rest on.
But if the currency for Commander were to be switched from Gold to Badges, it would leave a lot of people who rightfully deserve it who simply don’t hold onto their badges.

The point I am trying to make is this : Commander should cost WvW currency, not currency which can be farmed in PvE or bought on Ebay.

It doesn’t have to be badges. Badges are simply the only WvW particular currency which exist.

You guys are just arguing semantics.

I still think the overarching point is invalid though (As detailed earlier in my posts),

Commander is not a WvW specific feature, or it would simply be disabled in PvE maps.
Anet wants it to be used in PvE as well, therefore, it must be attainable in a currency related to both.

But I’ve already covered all this, so let me bring up something new.

There is NO system that modern technology is capable of, that will accurately determine whether someone is a good leader or not. None. Zero. Impossible.

There is no reason Anet should waste their resources “fixing” the Commander acquisition, when the end result is going to be just about the same that it is now: Bad players will still get Commander icons and it will still be up to every individual to decide whether the person with their icon on is worth following or not.

I don’t know about you, but if I could find a diamond in the 1 square foot of rough, I’d rather do that then search for a diamond in 1000 square feet of rough.

For me, its an issue that revolves around ease of access.

I agree that bad leaders will still get it. But not as many.

Mekanos – Engineer | Alradian – Warrior
[FcTR] on Maguuma

Make Commander cost badges, not gold

in WvW

Posted by: Impala.4952


I think a personal setting to turn OFF (or ON) the commander icon on people you don’t want it on would solve things (something similar to /ignore). This way if you don’t like a certain commander you can just suppress it on that person so you don’t see it. But others who may like the commander can continue to see it. If we resolve it that way you can keep how people get the icon the way it is.

Make Commander cost badges, not gold

in WvW

Posted by: EnRohbi.2187


how can you possibly think changing the requirement to badges will fix things. Pressing 1 in a zerg != skill but boy it does collect badges. Combine that with jp heroes and you have the making of a perfect commander. Fantastic idea.

Wow bro, so you don’t think, that if you ran around in a zerg long enough to collect 10,000 Badges of Honor that you wouldn’t have the slightest idea about WvW tactics and communication? Great argument… /e sarcasm off.

I think that the majority of wvwers have spent their badges long ago before reaching 10,000.

I know some people hoard them like hallowe’en candy, but not everyone.
I keep only a few stacks in my bank and find things to spend the rest on.
But if the currency for Commander were to be switched from Gold to Badges, it would leave a lot of people who rightfully deserve it who simply don’t hold onto their badges.

The point I am trying to make is this : Commander should cost WvW currency, not currency which can be farmed in PvE or bought on Ebay.

It doesn’t have to be badges. Badges are simply the only WvW particular currency which exist.

You guys are just arguing semantics.

I still think the overarching point is invalid though (As detailed earlier in my posts),

Commander is not a WvW specific feature, or it would simply be disabled in PvE maps.
Anet wants it to be used in PvE as well, therefore, it must be attainable in a currency related to both.

But I’ve already covered all this, so let me bring up something new.

There is NO system that modern technology is capable of, that will accurately determine whether someone is a good leader or not. None. Zero. Impossible.

There is no reason Anet should waste their resources “fixing” the Commander acquisition, when the end result is going to be just about the same that it is now: Bad players will still get Commander icons and it will still be up to every individual to decide whether the person with their icon on is worth following or not.

I don’t know about you, but if I could find a diamond in the 1 square foot of rough, I’d rather do that then search for a diamond in 1000 square feet of rough.

For me, its an issue that revolves around ease of access.

I agree that bad leaders will still get it. But not as many.

I agree with you,
But I think this is one of the most minor problems in the game right now and the devs shouldn’t be wasting their time on it. (And no matter how small the change might seem to you, and I don’t know if you have any Software Development background, but it would not just be a case of changing a couple lines of code. Many other factors would be considered) Especially considering the advantage of changing the acquisition method of Commander wouldn’t actually fix the situation, it would just make it marginally better for people who don’t recognize any of their own server’s commanders.


Make Commander cost badges, not gold

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


Bad idea. This is how commander icons have been from the start and thus they should remain that way now.


Make Commander cost badges, not gold

in WvW

Posted by: uberkingkong.8041


I agree 100%, im so sick of seeing PvE commander tags in JP, they have no common decent sense to turn it off while in WvW.

Make Commander cost badges, not gold

in WvW

Posted by: airstu.2579


how can you possibly think changing the requirement to badges will fix things. Pressing 1 in a zerg != skill but boy it does collect badges. Combine that with jp heroes and you have the making of a perfect commander. Fantastic idea.

Wow bro, so you don’t think, that if you ran around in a zerg long enough to collect 10,000 Badges of Honor that you wouldn’t have the slightest idea about WvW tactics and communication? Great argument… /e sarcasm off.

Wow, if that makes a good commander, I can’t wait until next week. I look forward to seeing your zerg commanders push 1 and dominate.

Calisto – NSP BPTCBP
Dictator for Life
Shiverpeaks Search and Rescue [Lost]

Make Commander cost badges, not gold

in WvW

Posted by: Doomdesire.9365


IMO, 6K badges would be a good number

Make Commander cost badges, not gold

in WvW

Posted by: Ragnarok.4586


how can you possibly think changing the requirement to badges will fix things. Pressing 1 in a zerg != skill but boy it does collect badges. Combine that with jp heroes and you have the making of a perfect commander. Fantastic idea.

Wow bro, so you don’t think, that if you ran around in a zerg long enough to collect 10,000 Badges of Honor that you wouldn’t have the slightest idea about WvW tactics and communication? Great argument… /e sarcasm off.

Wow, if that makes a good commander, I can’t wait until next week. I look forward to seeing your zerg commanders push 1 and dominate.

Man, you look into things way too much. The point was, that someone that put in the time to accumulate 10, 000 badges(or whatever time consuming currency in WVW) SHOULD have more experience than someone who just farmed gold in PvE.

REALLY hope that clarifies things for you.

Mekanos – Engineer | Alradian – Warrior
[FcTR] on Maguuma

Make Commander cost badges, not gold

in WvW

Posted by: Besetment.9187


Gold is the best method because it is fungible. If you have enough influence, you don’t need to spend any gold yourself. Other players will donate money and buy it for you.