New to WvW, someone help me with this question

New to WvW, someone help me with this question

in WvW

Posted by: ShadowMaster.5708


So.. I tried WvW and its super fun when you have this HUGE team to own with. But when i die i have to respawn at a waypoint wich is usually miles away from my team. This totally ruins it for me. When i die, i have to walk for 5 minutes just to die again? Isnt there another way to get to your team quicker? Like portals, spawning or something…

So.. I tried WvW and its super fun when you have this HUGE team to own with. But when i die i have to respawn at a waypoint wich is usually miles away from my team. This totally ruins it for me. When i die, i have to walk for 5 minutes just to die again? Isnt there another way to get to your team quicker? Like portals, spawning or something…This might sound stupid, i am new to this thing

New to WvW, someone help me with this question

in WvW

Posted by: Perdan.1045


If your team owns keeps and have waypoints built, use those.

If your team is so far away from your spawn and you die, but still have to run back to them.. why didn’t they revive you? If they are still there and alive, they could revive you.

But really, no, there is no easy way to cross the map without running or using waypoints or getting a revive.

New to WvW, someone help me with this question

in WvW

Posted by: Gisei.5749


Running time is important to the balance of the war. When a player is killed, he needs to be ousted for a few minutes, or actually gaining ground would be impossible.

If you wanna go faster, spec for more speed.

~Sorrow’s Furnace~

New to WvW, someone help me with this question

in WvW

Posted by: xtorma.1283


It requires you to think about how to engage, your chances of success, and the ramifications of not coming to the proper conclusion.

You would have hated the original everquest.

Baron Irongut – Warrior-

New to WvW, someone help me with this question

in WvW

Posted by: Perdan.1045


It requires you to think about how to engage, your chances of success, and the ramifications of not coming to the proper conclusion.

You would have hated the original everquest.

This one time in Sebilis, I died 5 times just to get my corpse back. That was fun.

New to WvW, someone help me with this question

in WvW

Posted by: Regrets of Sini.6083

Regrets of Sini.6083

Generally, people on your side will try to revive you after the fight, that is if your side won the fight. Unless you die somewhere in the line of fire, like a choke, where resurrecting you is not practical.

My suggestion is to get a better feel for flow of combat and not putting yourself needlessly in harms way by charging first or getting caught in places where getting res would be problematic.

New to WvW, someone help me with this question

in WvW

Posted by: Glektor.2934


It requires you to think about how to engage, your chances of success, and the ramifications of not coming to the proper conclusion.

You would have hated the original everquest.

This one time in Sebilis, I died 5 times just to get my corpse back. That was fun.

Good ol’ Plane of Fear… Talk about some corpse retrieval memories.

New to WvW, someone help me with this question

in WvW

Posted by: Glektor.2934


Running time is important to the balance of the war. When a player is killed, he needs to be ousted for a few minutes, or actually gaining ground would be impossible.

If you wanna go faster, spec for more speed.

This is the sum of it, it’s to create a balance. If you could just respawn right by where you died, no one would ever win a battle. And, since they can’t just kill you off altogether and have to let you respawn and rejoin the fight, this slows down reinforcements, allowing one side to make progress.

With a bit of practice, you’ll learn to stay alive better in those big groups.
Tip: when your dumb teammate pack runs up and is attacking a keep and no one sets up any siege weapons, people are going to die. I’m amazed at how often I see people try to “siege” towers and stuff without any siege weapons.

Usually, like people said, your allies will revive you if you wait(unless your team gets wiped out or pushed back too far to reach you)

New to WvW, someone help me with this question

in WvW

Posted by: Sotaudi.1265


First, I doubt there is anyone who does not find it frustrating to have to run a long way back in order to return to a battle after having to respawn. However, it is necessary. Here is why.

In PvE, there are respawn timers and respawn limits that prevent mobs from spawning so quickly that you cannot defeat the encounter and, in cases of instances, prevent you from having to fight the same mobs over and over again if you have to come back after being killed. These are needed mechanisms to make a fight winnable. Likewise, in a real war, battles are won when everyone on one side is killed or enough are killed that the losing side runs out of reinforcements or otherwise recognizes that it can no longer field enough fighters to win the battle and withdraws.

PvP suffers from a lack of either limitation. Unlike in a real war, you don’t really die when you die in PvP, so you respawn like a mob in PvE does. That means that, again unlike in a real war, you have basically an unlimited supply of reinforcements. Worse, unlike PvE, more enemies can join the battle at any time, who, again, can infinitely respawn.

Because of this, there has to be an attrition mechanism for PvP battles to come to some kind of conclusion. Since perma-death or kicking people out of the zone won’t fly, it has to be in some kind of limit on the respawn. Making people wait to respawn would be equally untenable, so the only real option is to control where people can respawn so that there is a delay before they can get back into a battle without preventing them from returning to battle altogether. Coupled with the revive mechanics, this allows people to choose to respawn and run back or wait for someone to get them back up so they don’t have to run back.

Together, those to mechanics shape the natural advantages and disadvantages of the map for each team. A team that is near its spawn points gets an advantage of being able to get people back into battle faster. This helps them control the area of the map that they are intended to control. Likewise, a side controlling a keep can build a waypoint, which allows additional waypoints in the map, but it is an upgrade, so they have to build it. Likewise, when a keep is under siege, the waypoint becomes contested so that the owning side cannot have an endless supply of defenders. If you get killed and have to respawn, you have to make your way back through the enemy to get back inside the keep.

These mechanisms make it so that battles can actually come to a conclusion even with the respawn mechanics. Yes, it is frustrating to have to run all the way back, but it would be more frustrating if nobody could ever win a battle because both sides could just keep spawning people right back into the fight.