November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Kaizz.7306


1. Please provide proof of Ehmry hacking. Just lumping servers together and saying “oh every server does it” doesn’t make it true. I’ve been on for the majority of the orb takings in Ehmry’s matches, I can say that because I’ve been there taking it or have been told about it while I’m offline. The closest to any “exploits” I’ve heard of on Ehmry was a few weeks ago, and we finally broke into the freakin garrison, and the defenders were so busy on their siege that they didn’t notice 2 of our commanders go up the stairs, drop down behind the altar, destroy it, and the guards, then take the orb and run. Whats sad is defenders watched them, and didn’t bother.

2. This is a great match up. Maguuma has just gained a couple of guilds that have some friends of mine in it, so that’s why GH is pushing so hard. Well, that and freakin Noice defends everything overnight like an amazing commander, so we’re trying to outlast him. Also, our server just generally doesn’t like GoM and Mag. It seems Mag has the same feelings towards EB, because after an hour or 2, ET had been completely pushed out of the rankings. At 1 point they only held a tower and a camp for an hour. As I said, though, I’m not concerned with them, I really just want to beat Mag into oblivion.

3. As far as the fightclubs, I’m not sure if we’re doing it this week. I know FINE set it up with Ehmry the past 2 weeks for NSP, but honestly, I don’t trust Mag for crap. I don’t think Eredon even has enough ppl to do anything like that anyway.

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: cainejw.7142


Current score is 32,554 EB, 21,194 Maguuma, 3,655 Eredon.

Maguuma is playing the nightcap game as they flipped all of Eternal Battlegrounds, some of EB Borderlands, and haven’t touched Eredon Terrace Borderlands much.

It’s also clear that Maguuma is really only after EB at this point. I think it’s abundantly clear that, frankly, our servers hate each other. I look forward to giving Maguuma another week of losses and downranking.

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Pacjam.3920


Current score is 32,554 EB, 21,194 Maguuma, 3,655 Eredon.

Maguuma is playing the nightcap game as they flipped all of Eternal Battlegrounds, some of EB Borderlands, and haven’t touched Eredon Terrace Borderlands much.

It’s also clear that Maguuma is really only after EB at this point. I think it’s abundantly clear that, frankly, our servers hate each other. I look forward to giving Maguuma another week of losses and downranking.

Its obvious ET isn’t putting up a fight so we are attacking the only opposition we have.

Whats the issue with that?


(edited by Pacjam.3920)

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Scifi.9754


I’ll admit that the lack of a 3rd team hurts Maguuma quite a bit since Mag does …backdoor better then most servers

Giggidy….that is all.

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Ninein.4782


Boy I ask an innocent question about transfers and the trolls come out to play. I can see a lot of potential in this thread. Fun in the battlefield and on the forum. Can’t ask for more.


November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: katniss.6735


It’s also clear that Maguuma is really only after EB at this point.
I look forward to giving Maguuma another week of losses and downranking.

Clearly just focused on EB:


Server: Maguuma – Leafy Lass – Elementalist (WvW)
Guild: Bill Murray [Bill]/ [DERP]

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Harper.6709


Can we really call it nightcapping when its noon on a Sat? Either way, yes we are focused on Ebay, simply because we havent seen any ET to contend with. I dont really see what you are trying to imply. If something were actually red, we would probably go and take it.

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: AjoraOaks.3659


Current score is 32,554 EB, 21,194 Maguuma, 3,655 Eredon.

Maguuma is playing the nightcap game as they flipped all of Eternal Battlegrounds, some of EB Borderlands, and haven’t touched Eredon Terrace Borderlands much.

It’s also clear that Maguuma is really only after EB at this point. I think it’s abundantly clear that, frankly, our servers hate each other. I look forward to giving Maguuma another week of losses and downranking.

Enjoy that green map.

(edited by AjoraOaks.3659)

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


because we havent seen any ET to contend with.

I still haven’t seen a single ET player yet. It’s like finding a unicorn or something. Rare magical beasts that spook easily so hide just before being found.

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


Sucks to be you then, I’ve seen a few unicorns. You must be green with envy.

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Yummee.3170


We were so heavily out numbered by ebay all night in eternal. Yet we held them off at danelons and slowly pushed them into their spawns after finally taking their keep in 8 hour pursuit.

Name: Fml Yummee
Guild: Hmong Warriors
Server: Maguuma

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Golem.7845


Current score is 32,554 EB, 21,194 Maguuma, 3,655 Eredon.

Maguuma is playing the nightcap game as they flipped all of Eternal Battlegrounds, some of EB Borderlands, and haven’t touched Eredon Terrace Borderlands much.

It’s also clear that Maguuma is really only after EB at this point. I think it’s abundantly clear that, frankly, our servers hate each other. I look forward to giving Maguuma another week of losses and downranking.

Its obvious ET isn’t putting up a fight so we are attacking the only opposition we have.

Whats the issue with that?

common sense is the height of underhanded blackhat villainy
but seriously I’d just ignore Cainejw, guy has a completely skewed view of us

various mythrils [AKS] Maguuma
and it paints

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Besetment.9187


Current score is 32,554 EB, 21,194 Maguuma, 3,655 Eredon.

Maguuma is playing the nightcap game as they flipped all of Eternal Battlegrounds, some of EB Borderlands, and haven’t touched Eredon Terrace Borderlands much.

It’s also clear that Maguuma is really only after EB at this point. I think it’s abundantly clear that, frankly, our servers hate each other. I look forward to giving Maguuma another week of losses and downranking.

Our last matchup was really friendly and we learned alot. We are learning alot from Ehmry Bay right now – particularly from your use of supply denial using teams of thieves. I’m proud to be fighting you guys because you actually make me think and adapt.

I don’t understand why you have to be this way. Enough with the hostility already. Also GOON and SFD hardly play anymore and they both have no active commanders. What you are fighting is predominately an organization of small guilds with no affiliation to SA. It is not the same server you fought a month ago. You are also clearly not the same server we fought a month ago.

Can we stop trashing this thread please?

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


Sucks to be you then, I’ve seen a few unicorns. You must be green with envy.

I am . This is our first time fighting them and there are almost none around.

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Ralathar.7236


Our last matchup was really friendly and we learned alot. We are learning alot from Ehmry Bay right now – particularly from your use of supply denial using teams of thieves. I’m proud to be fighting you guys because you actually make me think and adapt.

I don’t understand why you have to be this way. Enough with the hostility already. Also GOON and SFD hardly play anymore and they both have no active commanders. What you are fighting is predominately an organization of small guilds with no affiliation to SA. It is not the same server you fought a month ago. You are also clearly not the same server we fought a month ago.

Can we stop trashing this thread please?

This this this a million times this. There are core people left in each server of course but the server makeups have changed a good amount in number and organization since last time.

Lets have a good fight and judge each other fairly, then make judgements about this match-up. Old match-ups are completely irrelevant.

Rashanala – 80 Elementalist
Ehmry Bay – Legion of the Iron Hawk [Hawk]

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Monztor.9207


Score update incase anyone can’t play right now.

I would like to start a movement to let Eredon Terrace a little more free roam. They’re an endangered species and us continually hunting down the few we see is bad for their morale.


November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


I wanna know when EB wakes up, if we’re only playing the nightcap game, cause it’s 3:30pm EST/12:30pm PST atm. That’s some solid beauty sleep.

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Roland Falantyr.3290

Roland Falantyr.3290

I wanna know when EB wakes up, if we’re only playing the nightcap game, cause it’s 3:30pm EST/12:30pm PST atm. That’s some solid beauty sleep.

You seem to not understand night capping and why its kitten so I’ll help you out:

You guys flipped the whole map over night and now have 10 ballistas pointing at our respawn in eternal. WvW in this game is not legit because of nightcapping. /thread

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


Mag gets night capped every match up (except this one I guess, finally found a server with even less night players than we got maybe). You focus up and plow your way through. Giving up when the match hasn’t even been going on for 24 hours yet, and 12 of those hours were controlled by your own server, is absolute lunacy.

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Plutonium.1308


Who said anything about giving up? Ehmry doesn’t do that.

Observe Adapt Overcome
[FTF]Danke Bitte

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: katniss.6735


I’m lagging so bad today. I was having a hard time with that P/D thief cat. Time for my cat nap.

Server: Maguuma – Leafy Lass – Elementalist (WvW)
Guild: Bill Murray [Bill]/ [DERP]

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Supersun.4603


I wanna know when EB wakes up, if we’re only playing the nightcap game, cause it’s 3:30pm EST/12:30pm PST atm. That’s some solid beauty sleep.

Welcome to Ehmry Bay.

We don’t get night capped. We get morning capped :/

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: LordWyktin.5209


Since ET is getting absolutely destroyed this week, with what appears to be a Ebay v Mag match anyway, any guilds on ET that want to ally with a few of us on Maguuma against Ebay, feel free to contact me in-game. Be glad to stand together and help purge Ebay from your borderlands and against them together.

Maguuma: Standin’ up for the little guy.

(If nothing else, Materia [MATE] is always accepting transfers TO Maguuma, and you’re welcome to come on over and join us in the fight!)

Wyktin of [MATE] on Maguuma

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: DeckerDontPlay.1639


Can I get an update on scores? Currently stuck at work and I’m losing my mind

Sixes – KUM – Maguuma

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Risky.4132


Current score is 32,554 EB, 21,194 Maguuma, 3,655 Eredon.

Maguuma is playing the nightcap game as they flipped all of Eternal Battlegrounds, some of EB Borderlands, and haven’t touched Eredon Terrace Borderlands much.

It’s also clear that Maguuma is really only after EB at this point. I think it’s abundantly clear that, frankly, our servers hate each other. I look forward to giving Maguuma another week of losses and downranking.

Enjoy your loss!


November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


I love all this trash talking not 24 hours into the match. One of you is going to be very embarrassed at the end of the match :P

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: DeckerDontPlay.1639


Wow, EB needs to wake up already. We peak so high and crash just as hard.

Sixes – KUM – Maguuma

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Skulkan.9785


I still haven’t seen a single ET player yet. It’s like finding a unicorn or something. Rare magical beasts that spook easily so hide just before being found.

I’ve seen 4 or 5 comments about the lack of ET players, and no response from the usual ET members, so I’ll attempt to answer your queries. ET lost several of our WvW guilds (ie Ruin, FoR, etc). We’re too high ranked and have very little population to contend. That isn’t to say we’re not trying. We just don’t have the player base.

However, that being said, ET does seem to be better for it. Being forced to band together to hold so little has in many ways made WvW more fun and personal. Attacking doors and NPCs gets old. I have to give props to our commanders for holding things together despite the fact that we’ve been out-manned for the past 5 weeks.

It’s unfortunate that your two servers don’t get along. This thread could be much more useful without all the mudslinging back and forth.

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


Yeah, everyone knows about ET’s situation. Hope things get better for you guys soon, it’s been kind of sad to see how slow you and HoD drop because of how the ranking system works.

Also, that one shot on our dolyak was pretty impressive.

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: lil baby anime.6834

lil baby anime.6834

Yeah it kinda sucks how badly you got screwed by server transfers. Being massively outnumbered for several weeks straight as the system slowly drops you down to the level you’ll eventually settle at has to be pretty kitten annoying.

lil baby anime aka teeny tiny anime bka the littlest of the baby animes

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: hobbes.6178


Since ET is getting absolutely destroyed this week, with what appears to be a Ebay v Mag match anyway, any guilds on ET that want to ally with a few of us on Maguuma against Ebay, feel free to contact me in-game. Be glad to stand together and help purge Ebay from your borderlands and against them together.

Maguuma: Standin’ up for the little guy.

(If nothing else, Materia [MATE] is always accepting transfers TO Maguuma, and you’re welcome to come on over and join us in the fight!)

Um…please don’t. I love Maguuma and would prefer if we didn’t stoop to this level…ever.

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: LordWyktin.5209


“stoop to this level”? By offering to help an underpopulated server to fight against a server that vastly outnumbers them? I don’t see the problem, to be honest. You saw this sort of thing quite a bit in DAoC, from time to time, so it’s not “stooping” from where I sit, but friendly cooperation to achieve mutual goals.

I can particularly remember a few instances of Midgard guilds helping Albion when it (Albion) was being absolutely overwhelmed by Hibernia for weeks on end. In the end, it energized Albion to get back into the fight and brought good fights not just against Hibernia, but eventually, to Midgard as well once the temporary alliance was ended.

Wyktin of [MATE] on Maguuma

(edited by LordWyktin.5209)

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: ParaldaWind.4523


I’m really impressed by Ehmry Bay this week, but I’m extremely surprised by their night team not existing.

Generally Maguuma gets destroyed at Oceanic times, does decent during primetime, and destroys during European primetime (11 AM – 6 PM EST). It’s 6 now, which is when our European players start go to to bed, but we’re stilling winning by quite a large margin.

It will be interesting to see what happens tonight at primetime. Glhf all.

No tears, only dreams
Maguuma –

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: jadjay.8701


I’m also from ET, just poped in here to say that yes we are out there but we only have enough of a force to defend our small section of our own BL and yes we do have that small of a population ( probably the lowest in the game). We are always outnumberred atleast 3-1 but we are used to it and getting quite good at attacking much bigger groups, if you wish to fight us it’s not that hard to find us, just come to our BL but be careful if you encounter a “unicorn” we tend to have a big bite. Just ask FA or Yaks.

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: hobbes.6178


“stoop to this level”? By offering to help an underpopulated server to fight against a server that vastly outnumbers them? I don’t see the problem, to be honest. You saw this sort of thing quite a bit in DAoC, from time to time, so it’s not “stooping” from where I sit, but friendly cooperation to achieve mutual goals.

I can particularly remember a few instances of Midgard guilds helping Albion when it (Albion) was being absolutely overwhelmed by Hibernia for weeks on end. In the end, it energized Albion to get back into the fight and brought good fights not just against Hibernia, but eventually, to Midgard as well once the temporary alliance was ended.

Eh, to each his own.

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Jamaz.9837


Ehmry is at this tier right now because of its evening presence which stems a lot from the community. Everyone is pretty much in their late 20s with jobs and families and the majority of people started on EB for PvE. There isn’t a concentration of hardcore PvPers like what I was accustomed to in WoW, but in exchange you don’t get the ego-tripping Call of Duty ragers on our server; it’s actually the most mature server I’ve ever played in.

We lose everything in WvW overnight and in the morning, but it’s not something I ever really complain about. If we had to pull 18 hour shifts just to move up in tiers or beg for a 500-man Aussie guild to transfer over, I’d rather just stay in Tier 5-6.

It looks like Maguuma is camping whatever upgraded defenses they amassed in the European primetime making our bid for the lead pretty slim. I’m not bitter though; it’s what I’d do to other servers to win. Don’t count out our guild to throw in the towel though; we haven’t in the past 3 match-ups against your server.

Ehmry Bay – The Shadowmoon

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Besetment.9187


Enjoy your loss!

Don’t do this. Respect your opponents. Whether they beat you down or fail hard, they will teach you something but only if you shut up and listen.

If Ehmry plays like they did on the first six hour of reset, we would be toast right now. Unfortunately its always difficult to maintain a highly structured system like they did throughout the week unless everyone plays unseemly hours and burns out. But in those first six hours they played about as good as if not better than SoS 2.0 and Fort Aspenwood when we played them. And those guys are really really good.

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Loco.9508


Current score is 32,554 EB, 21,194 Maguuma, 3,655 Eredon.

Maguuma is playing the nightcap game as they flipped all of Eternal Battlegrounds, some of EB Borderlands, and haven’t touched Eredon Terrace Borderlands much.

It’s also clear that Maguuma is really only after EB at this point. I think it’s abundantly clear that, frankly, our servers hate each other. I look forward to giving Maguuma another week of losses and downranking.

I’m looking forward to your posts this week, I need the humor.

Verdict – 80 Mesmer – EVOH – Maguuma

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: lil baby anime.6834

lil baby anime.6834

It looks like Maguuma is camping whatever upgraded defenses they amassed in the European primetime making our bid for the lead pretty slim. I’m not bitter though; it’s what I’d do to other servers to win. Don’t count out our guild to throw in the towel though; we haven’t in the past 3 match-ups against your server.

Yeah I played for a lil bit in your borderlands. We kept trying to make pushes further north and hitting multiple targets at once a few times but good defenses and fast moving kinda stopped our advances. Seems like any time you pushed south you ran into the same problem we did so it was a bit of a stalemate when I left. Pretty fun though.

lil baby anime aka teeny tiny anime bka the littlest of the baby animes

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Roland Falantyr.3290

Roland Falantyr.3290

Another match ruined by timezone imbalance. shame.

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Besetment.9187


Maybe so but Maguuma has extremely limited coverage. Its a shame that Ehmry’s is worse than ours but it seems that it will always be an issue no matter who you play. Fort Aspenwood could hold over night against us (and they didn’t have much overnight). Yaks Bend is holding over night against them.

I don’t pretend that WvW is not fundamentally a game of numbers and the tiers roughly indicate who has the most players on 24/7.

(edited by Besetment.9187)

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Ninein.4782


I’m in shock that Maguuma is nightcapping another server. I was expecting this week to be rough from how well Ebay was doing Friday night.


November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Besetment.9187


No kidding. We were broken by Ehmry’s opener. I was in Ehrmy Bay’s borderland and we disintegrated, like we did on most maps in the first couple of hours. I think we really needed to step back for a bit and think about what went wrong and how to make it right. We did that yesterday and its helping today. We encountered many tactics that we were unfamiliar with. We got into terrible defensive positions that exposed our supply lines to really insane supply capping/ganking from Ehmry. Like those TAC nutters who sweep in like an invisible plague and destroy our escorted yaks every 3 minutes.

In the opening hours we encountered numerous perma stealth thieves that prevented us from capping supply camps. We used to defend breaches with siege but had to stop doing that because every time we did allow a wall to go down, Ehmry would stealth in multiple mesmers. You guys did an amazing 40 man portal from our Garrison watergate to inner on day 1. We didn’t even see the mesmer get through the north west breach and we had cannons and ballistas pointed at it the whole time. We lost the Garrison.

The only thing I will say about your mesmers is that they emote far too much. We have caught mesmers many times because they emoted and we saw it. This includes several occassions where we didn’t find them after a full sweep until they emoted.

But that is something we haven’t seen before. We are used to mesmer infiltration and do it frequently but never have we done it or encountered it on this scale. After an hour finding that we had a wall down for only 10 minutes and theres 4 or 5 mesmers in our Garrison – thats a spooky thing.

(edited by Besetment.9187)

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Besetment.9187


By the way, that Garrison watergate portal was one of the top 3 plays I’ve seen since release and that includes fighting SoS 2.0, Fort Aspenwood and Tarnished Coast, now all heavy hitters in the top 3 tiers.

Those guys should be having serious regrets that they will never face (and thus learn how to deal with) an onslaught like that from Ehmry because they will almost certainly never play Ehmry due to population difference and the way the ranking system works.

We scouted the Zerg heading to the watergate and prepared an inner Garrison defense designed to crush an assault on the watergate. When I saw the portal go down I knew it was over immediately. Well played.

(edited by Besetment.9187)

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: roostapro.9827


I must say…I’m proud to be an…Eredonian(?)…

We fight hard, get so little yet we still have great members on our server dedicated to putting up a fight rather than putting down arms and running away. (And are also dedicated on rebuilding the server rather than using the free-tranfer rubbish that should have never been introduced)

Yes, we took loses (Population Wise) but that will never stop a server no matter how small or big to stop fighting, you may not see us everywhere, but we definitely see you (Implying of sneakiness).

I have seen “Recruitment” Threads and “Which server”, and it is very disheartening to see “Avoid HoD/ET like a plague, let them fall” Comments, there is one thing everyone should know.

A server does not fall. We only pick ourselves up, and fight for the future.

Anyway, enough of my…speeches (I guess i’ve No-Lifed AC3 i feel like an assassin -.-)

Regarding MAG & EHMRY – Hacking Posts again? Really? *Sigh, guess I’ll say this a 2nd time in 2 weeks:

Just because 1 person hacks on a server doesn’t mean you need to Class that certain server the hacker is on as a “Hacking Server”, It is 1 person (Or 2..) that is there, to ruin the fun of the game as they are SORE losers and have NO Skill (Definition of a Hacker right there) and by saying “Ohhh X Server Hacks” only disheartens those who read the thread, a REPORT button in-game is there for a reason, USE it.

now can we get back onto our WvWvW or does everyone just want to keep throwing words down each others throat?

I for one want to get back to the WvWvW thread (as Title says) and keep this thread clean of the word “Hack” “Glitch” and any other stupid words that were made to ruin the fun of a game. =)

Score update please? (Can’t get in the game atm, need to reinstall some stuff first)

Eredon Terrace – Voladeir Roost (Ele)|Roosta (War)|Error Occurred (Gua)|Àneskâ Necrötiâ (Nec)

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Besetment.9187


Everyone knows that Eredon has suffered an incredible mass exodus of players but I didn’t truly understand the extent of it until we played them. Or more appropriately didn’t play them. I’ve seen a grand total of 1 Eredon player since reset and I’ve done long shifts in Ehmry Bay Borderland, Maguuma Borderland and a short stint in Eternal. He was building a ram (by himself) outside South West Tower about 5 hours ago in Ehmry Bay Boarderland.

The only other Eredon players I saw weren’t technically players. It was an assembly of Krait farming bots in the lake of Ehmry Bay Borderlands numbering 4 or 5.

I haven’t been in Eredon Terrace Borderland yet, where we saw some red dots today. What a crying shame that server transfers have done this.

I still get depressed thinking about that guy building the flame ram alone.

(edited by Besetment.9187)

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: RanchDressin.8210


I still get depressed thinking about that guy building the flame ram alone.

Why you gotta bum me out?



November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Yummee.3170


Everyone knows that Eredon has suffered an incredible mass exodus of players but I didn’t truly understand the extent of it until we played them. Or more appropriately didn’t play them. I’ve seen a grand total of 1 Eredon player since reset and I’ve done long shifts in Ehmry Bay Borderland, Maguuma Borderland and a short stint in Eternal. He was building a ram (by himself) outside South West Tower about 5 hours ago in Ehmry Bay Boarderland.

The only other Eredon players I saw weren’t technically players. It was an assembly of Krait farming bots in the lake of Ehmry Bay Borderlands numbering 4 or 5.

I haven’t been in Eredon Terrace Borderland yet, where we saw some red dots today. What a crying shame that server transfers have done this.

I still get depressed thinking about that guy building the flame ram alone.

You should have recruited him into our server. Poor guy. The way you tell it, I’d have killed myself if I was that guy.

Name: Fml Yummee
Guild: Hmong Warriors
Server: Maguuma

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Roland Falantyr.3290

Roland Falantyr.3290

No kidding. We were broken by Ehmry’s opener. I was in Ehrmy Bay’s borderland and we disintegrated, like we did on most maps in the first couple of hours. I think we really needed to step back for a bit and think about what went wrong and how to make it right. We did that yesterday and its helping today. We encountered many tactics that we were unfamiliar with. We got into terrible defensive positions that exposed our supply lines to really insane supply capping/ganking from Ehmry. Like those TAC nutters who sweep in like an invisible plague and destroy our escorted yaks every 3 minutes.

In the opening hours we encountered numerous perma stealth thieves that prevented us from capping supply camps. We used to defend breaches with siege but had to stop doing that because every time we did allow a wall to go down, Ehmry would stealth in multiple mesmers. You guys did an amazing 40 man portal from our Garrison watergate to inner on day 1. We didn’t even see the mesmer get through the north west breach and we had cannons and ballistas pointed at it the whole time. We lost the Garrison.

The only thing I will say about your mesmers is that they emote far too much. We have caught mesmers many times because they emoted and we saw it. This includes several occassions where we didn’t find them after a full sweep until they emoted.

But that is something we haven’t seen before. We are used to mesmer infiltration and do it frequently but never have we done it or encountered it on this scale. After an hour finding that we had a wall down for only 10 minutes and theres 4 or 5 mesmers in our Garrison – thats a spooky thing.

You are kidding yourself. You guys are winning because you have a late night/early morning crew and capped the entire map with no resistance after getting hammered all night during prime time.

November 9th: Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


I feel like we’re reading different posts here because he just called your server awesome and you are dissing us in return. Do you want us to get back into an idiotic slapfight?

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

(edited by saiyr.3071)