Paid Transfers - A massive mess up

Paid Transfers - A massive mess up

in WvW

Posted by: Offski.4897


Well it looks as though what the majority were calling for has totally destroyed a number of servers. Elona who are in tier 2 at the moment are now a super German server and are 7 points off being the number 1 server overall as there is no one left in Arborstone or Kodash to fight them in tier 2.

Our server has had a few guilds join, which we worked hard for prior to Anet’s announcement. But with numerous guilds joining Viz and Elona and leaving other servers it is going to be a struggle to compete.

Any sort of balance between servers that was established over time has dissappeared. This is a shame as the tier match ups until this week were becoming far more competitive.

This was always going to happen with the forewarning of the introduction of paid transfers, which if it was going to happen, should of been introduced early on in the game or at the very least should of been brought in with no prewarning.

Necromancer – Sanctum of Rall[IRON]

Paid Transfers - A massive mess up

in WvW

Posted by: salluks.6017


yea, not to mention this already destroyed a slew of servers in its wake on both EU and NA.

but i still believe deso has a lot of PVE people who can be encouraged to do WvW.
How many servers have an overflow in LA besides deso for 24hrs?

Paid Transfers - A massive mess up

in WvW

Posted by: pot.6805


The announcement of paid transfers will be the final nail in the coffin of competitive WvW. Heres to another 3 months of messed up tiers.

Beast mode

Paid Transfers - A massive mess up

in WvW

Posted by: Gab Superstar.4059

Gab Superstar.4059

I wish they could bring back 1 day matches for at least a week after the change happens.

Of course it’s not going to happen, but I wish it would

Very Good Detectives [VGD]
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe

Paid Transfers - A massive mess up

in WvW

Posted by: Skoti.3195


Imagine those ques during primetime. They are already loooooong. Another bad decisision made by ANET.


Paid Transfers - A massive mess up

in WvW

Posted by: Brooke.9741


Its all swings and round abouts atm…
Some people look for the easy life, easy kills etc… and jump upon the latest bandwagon until the next one comes along.
Then its the people who believe they are better than the server they represent, so move to what they perceive as greener pastures.
And, the server loyalist, who think the server they represent needs improvements, and so try to recruit guilds/people from other servers.
The result is what we have now, maybe in the months ahead after paid transfers kick in, we might get a stable competitive world vs world game.

Paid Transfers - A massive mess up

in WvW

Posted by: Calico.9780


There have been NO massive transfers of Guilds to or from Elona Reach. A few individuals may have joined, but since we are the only german Server playing regulary T1-T3 Matches, this is nothing new. We always had our share of WTJ.

Our Community remains pretty much untouched by the end of Server Transfers. Like most German Servers, there ain’t that many options to choose from anyway for most Guilds. What we see now is the very last wave. Things will settle in soon enough. Some strong Servers will lose a couple of ranks, like Arborstone. Some remain untouched (like Elona), some will even get stronger (Vizunah).

But afterall, finally things will settle down. No flvour of the month Server beeing pushed from nowhere into tier1 only to fall back to tier3-4 after the big guilds move on.

[AI] Anima Immortalis
Commander – Elona Reach Homelands

Paid Transfers - A massive mess up

in WvW

Posted by: ktith.6197


You’re going to see people migrating to top tier servers (T4 and up). What you’re not going to see after the paid transfers go in are people still wanting to move up to these tiers. To move up to a higher tier after the paid transfers go in will cost the equivalent in gems to about 50 bucks. But, to move down to lower tiers T5 and down it could be as cheap as 5 bucks.

These figures are based on the last meta data that I saw with gems and the costs of transfers. These figures may or may not change by the 28th.

Cmdr. Xandria Wolfkin
[RED] Devona’s Rest

Paid Transfers - A massive mess up

in WvW

Posted by: TheWizard.3719


What we learn in these days is, which servers got a good and loyal community….

Seafarer’s Rest [EXT] Exterminatus
Comatose Vigil (Ran) – Lysergamid (War)
Nunbarshegunu (Mes) – Abstract Genesis (Nec)

Paid Transfers - A massive mess up

in WvW

Posted by: Tynan.6279


Hahahah… Make up your minds, before all I read was people whinning about free transfers and now the opposite. This community will never be happy.

Wreckd ~ Mesmer/Warrior/Necro
[SIC] Strident Iconoclast ~ FA

Paid Transfers - A massive mess up

in WvW

Posted by: Offski.4897


Hahahah… Make up your minds, before all I read was people whinning about free transfers and now the opposite. This community will never be happy.

I was never against free transfers and/or paid transfers, either way it did not bother me. The issue I have is giving people notice, when Anet must of known what would happen. Arborstone was a fantastic wvw server which has now had its wvw community pretty much destroyed.

Necromancer – Sanctum of Rall[IRON]

Paid Transfers - A massive mess up

in WvW

Posted by: Psychatog.8246


You’re going to see people migrating to top tier servers (T4 and up). What you’re not going to see after the paid transfers go in are people still wanting to move up to these tiers. To move up to a higher tier after the paid transfers go in will cost the equivalent in gems to about 50 bucks. But, to move down to lower tiers T5 and down it could be as cheap as 5 bucks.

These figures are based on the last meta data that I saw with gems and the costs of transfers. These figures may or may not change by the 28th.

why would anyone pay 5 dollars to transfer to a dead server. also i doubt it will be $50 because thats as much as the game itself….might aswell buy a new account at that point.

Paid Transfers - A massive mess up

in WvW

Posted by: Scryar.2954


Just to clarify one thing. There wasn’t any mass transfer from guilds to elona. Arbrostone collapsed , so its a 1vs1 against kodash. Without a third server involved the wvsw population differences between kodasch and elona are much more noticeable.

And i dont understand your point. I agree that arborstone was a great server, but why do you think there problems had to do with the end of free transfers? I heard there were some discrepancies among their main wvsw alliance, so the collapse would have probably happened without the announcement of paid transfers.
and let me remind you that free transfers were responsible for servers to break apart. Far Shiverpeaks went from t1 to t7 after their guilds moved to blacktide and Sfr. Blacktide played a few weeks ago in t1 and is now third in t4 matchup with 1.600 points. Piken seems to be the next bandwagon server and i really hope they wont share the same fate like the last bandwagon server (blacktide)

Im really happy about the end of free transfers. We will have to wait some weeks, but after that the matchups will be balanced. I just hope the costs will be high enough to stop guilds from changing servers every week. The best solution would be a 1 week ban from wvsw after moving.

WvsW smallscale & tpvp
Champion- Magus, Shadow, Illusionist, Hunter

Paid Transfers - A massive mess up

in WvW

Posted by: Krosan.2890


It is unsettling everything now but in the long run it will be better for WvW I think. No more superservers popping up from the lower tiers or half the guild from a server leaving etc.
I just hope my server can keep most of our people.

Paid Transfers - A massive mess up

in WvW

Posted by: Calico.9780


Hahahah… Make up your minds, before all I read was people whinning about free transfers and now the opposite. This community will never be happy.

I was never against free transfers and/or paid transfers, either way it did not bother me. The issue I have is giving people notice, when Anet must of known what would happen. Arborstone was a fantastic wvw server which has now had its wvw community pretty much destroyed.

Although i will miss Arborstone (one of the best servers i’ve ever fought against), i don’t see your point. Giving them a bit more notice would have been nice, but it’s not gamechanging. As far as i have been informed, they likely would have broken up anyway. The End of Servertransfer might have acted as a catalyst, nothing more.

So, this threads seems a bit like QQing over things that have been long coming. We knew that end of server transfers would come, many of us hoping for sooner then later. When the message of the end arrived, there was euphoric reaction in our Teamspeak Server on Elona. Finally no FotM Server anymore, like Blacktide. American Guilds leaving EU Servers, another good thing. Elona Reach always had a very strong nightshift for a EU Server, but we had a lot of trouble to compete with Guilds from overseas, leading to Raidleads that almost suffer from burnout syndrom. This was always a problem for our non-english speaking Server. Now we maybe compete with other Tier1 servers once again.

So, I’m quite happy. Servers with a loyal Community will survive this without a scratch.

[AI] Anima Immortalis
Commander – Elona Reach Homelands

Paid Transfers - A massive mess up

in WvW

Posted by: Mif.3471


They should of never let free transfers go on so long.

Yes they did it because of no guesting, but I doubt many people were transfering to play with friends and then transfering back again once 3 day and 7 day cooldowns were introduced.

They should of gone paid right from the start, and given everyone one free transfer with a 45 day use by date, thus allowing people to transfer to a friends/guilds server (if they couldn’t make in in on launch) when they had the opportunity.

What’s done is now done; But what was done was devastating to WvW communities.

Tarnished Coast | Best cookies in all of Tyria

(edited by Mif.3471)

Paid Transfers - A massive mess up

in WvW

Posted by: salluks.6017


Hahahah… Make up your minds, before all I read was people whinning about free transfers and now the opposite. This community will never be happy.

I was never against free transfers and/or paid transfers, either way it did not bother me. The issue I have is giving people notice, when Anet must of known what would happen. Arborstone was a fantastic wvw server which has now had its wvw community pretty much destroyed.

Although i will miss Arborstone (one of the best servers i’ve ever fought against), i don’t see your point. Giving them a bit more notice would have been nice, but it’s not gamechanging. As far as i have been informed, they likely would have broken up anyway. The End of Servertransfer might have acted as a catalyst, nothing more.

So, this threads seems a bit like QQing over things that have been long coming. We knew that end of server transfers would come, many of us hoping for sooner then later. When the message of the end arrived, there was euphoric reaction in our Teamspeak Server on Elona. Finally no FotM Server anymore, like Blacktide. American Guilds leaving EU Servers, another good thing. Elona Reach always had a very strong nightshift for a EU Server, but we had a lot of trouble to compete with Guilds from overseas, leading to Raidleads that almost suffer from burnout syndrom. This was always a problem for our non-english speaking Server. Now we maybe compete with other Tier1 servers once again.

So, I’m quite happy. Servers with a loyal Community will survive this without a scratch.

This is exactly the problem, you will replace us in tier 1 next week. but when we go to tier 2 , we will beat tier 2 just as badly as u did unless piken moves to tier 2 next week , so we will replace u again in a week.

i still think its a good thing for us at deso, the server is full(only server in eu) now and we cannot take in more people even if we wanted to, however we are also stuck with a lot of PVE crowed who hopefull will go to SFR after this week :P

Paid Transfers - A massive mess up

in WvW

Posted by: Byron.1902


Tbh, and I know this sounds crazy but this is the best thing that could have happened to WvW. Paid transfers were always going to create a mad rush whatever their scheduling.

I know the first few weeks of matches (from 28th) will be v frustrating as servers bounce around but the populations/strength will reassert itself:

- strong servers will form guild alliances to cover all maps and timezomes (either due to necessity or queue frustration) and become balanced.
- mid-tier servers that have avoided joining rushes will stay roughly where they are in their tiers but more importantly, keep the type of fights they are used to and like .
- low-tier servers that have recruited new blood (such as xaoc to surmia) will rise to a tier that balances their lack of numbers/organisation, giving them challenging but ultimately satisfying fights.

The anomalies:

-high tiered servers with large PvE focused populations will only go one way, down. This is unavoidable so accept it.
-the biggest losers are t2 and t3 brackets. fights will be challenging for a while then its run into the brick-wall time. This is unavoidable so accept it.

Three suggestions that will help address these problems.

1. Anet creating some kind of partition or seperate queue/lobby for the jumpy jumpy insert colourful word ppl. – keeping Pvpers and Pvers happier and focused on what they enjoy most.
2. If you’re in a T2/3 server right now and want to have a crack at T1 at some point – RECRUIT. YOUR. kitten OFF. – you only have yourselves to blame if it never happens.
3. Change the points/tick weighting of structures from 3am-7am (imo 2,4,7,12). This would rly help servers with false bracket positions / unhealthy timezone biases. Making weekly match-ups more satisfying/truly reflective and help ppl keep their jobs in RL (^^)

Paid Transfers - A massive mess up

in WvW

Posted by: ndrangles.5183


it’s going to take some additional time after paid servers are implemented for all the servers to “settle” into their true ranks. you need to consider all the mass transferring going on this week since it’s the last free one. like people have been saying, the announcement of a transition from free to paid transfers is naturally going to cause some chaos. there are a lot of players who have been abusing free transfers to hop worlds every week. the ranking system isn’t equipped to deal with this chaos; it needs the server populations to be relatively stable from week to week in order to work. paid transfers will be that stabilizer, so they are a very, very good thing!

Majyyks [Os] – NSP

Paid Transfers - A massive mess up

in WvW

Posted by: Dayra.7405


-high tiered servers with large PvE focused populations will only go one way, down. This is unavoidable so accept it.

I don’t believe in this one. Maybe in the short run, but in the long run only these server will be able to maintain powerful WvW-Forces. There will be hard-core GW2 players that will play GW2-WvW for years, but I don’t believe that they are a majority. In the long run only well mixed PvE and WvW servers with a healthy PvE, will have the new recruits needed to keep enough mass for successful WvW. Pure WvW-Server with just WvW population will just die out rather sooner than later (as people will move to other games).

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

Paid Transfers - A massive mess up

in WvW

Posted by: Pendragon.8735


I expect this change to create something of a major and minor league split somewhere in the middle tiers. Where everything above a certain point will be bandwagon servers with long queues and very competitive bases, and the lower servers, very spotty coverage casual servers. The problem for the latter will be their coverage gaps will create extremely decisive score periods where if even one server has a moderate population advantage it will likely decide the whole match.

Once people start paying for transfers don’t see many choosing to pay for anywhere but where they expect to almost be assured of winning and little frustration.

Problem for the higher tiers, people having paid money to move only to not be able to play because of long wait times.

This may be a prelude to the first forced server merges down at the bottom.

Paid Transfers - A massive mess up

in WvW

Posted by: Junkpile.7439


We get professional guilds who pay player transfers. This thief killed 3 pugs in youtube, we need to recruit him.

Low quality trolling since launch
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch

Paid Transfers - A massive mess up

in WvW

Posted by: Phule.1968


I’ve been waiting for this for a long long time and finally it’s here. When the servers have settled in I believe the pvp will be just awesome. Take you pick folks and make it a good one.

Thanks A-net!

Where’s my X-ray goggles when I need em?

Paid Transfers - A massive mess up

in WvW

Posted by: Calico.9780


This is exactly the problem, you will replace us in tier 1 next week. but when we go to tier 2 , we will beat tier 2 just as badly as u did unless piken moves to tier 2 next week , so we will replace u again in a week.

I’m not sure, have you ever paid attention to our Elona Reach before? We’ve been bouncing from rank 8 to rank 2, back to 7 and then rank 3. We are used to beeing to good for tier2 and not international enough for tier 1. With most NA Guilds now out of the Picture, we are almost on even footing with other t1 servers. Granted, that remains to be seen, but right now i got a good feeling.

So if Deso has that Problem now, get used to it. We’ve been living with bouncing around long enough, thx to massive Servertransfer every week. Finally this will come to an end and we can settle down where we belong. Wherever that might be.

And don’t think t2 will be easy. The current Match-Up includes only two Servers and Kodash isn’t as bad as the statistics make them look right now. They are simply overpowered by our numbers, with Arborstone out of the picture. Pretty sure they will put up a very decent fight in a “real” matchup.

[AI] Anima Immortalis
Commander – Elona Reach Homelands

Paid Transfers - A massive mess up

in WvW

Posted by: MarzAttakz.9608


For Desolation that’s not the case Dayra, we’ve fought extremely hard to solidify our WvW community, we’ve been lucky to receive some strong guilds recently, however since our server is stuffed to the throat with pve’rs who do not care about WvW no matter what we do will bring them to play.

Since we’re “FULL” most hours of the day as a result many guilds who would have come to Desolation have instead moved to other servers like SFR.

The point being that we’ve done what we can, we cannot recruit further, we have to fight with what we’ve got, the question remains, do we have what it takes with what we’ve got to remain a tier 1 server against already strong servers who have gained more due to the announcement of paid transfers.


Once proud member of Extraordinary Gentlemen [EXG]{DESO4LIFE}

Paid Transfers - A massive mess up

in WvW

Posted by: Dayra.7405


@MarzAttakz: Lol, Deso is in T1, isn’t that bad, is it? And I think Deso is healthy and stable. You (as well as us and VS) will easily survive the short time that SFR is better than we are.

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

Paid Transfers - A massive mess up

in WvW

Posted by: MarzAttakz.9608


You haven’t fought them recently, in the two weeks since you guys dropped down they have grown stronger, much stronger. This week will be interesting for sure, but do yourself and your server a favour, save some energy, don’t burn out dominating because when you get back into tier 1 you’ll notice a massive difference to the last time.


Once proud member of Extraordinary Gentlemen [EXG]{DESO4LIFE}

Paid Transfers - A massive mess up

in WvW

Posted by: GoNeKrAzY.7308


In my opinion paid transfers are the best thing that could happen. Atleast now you wont have entire guilds with 300+ members hopping about. And the fact that its cheaper to hop to a low pop server means that populations will stabilize eventually. Besides. You dont really HAVE to pay to move. One can always grind a ton and exchange gold for gems if needed. 30-35 gold(thats around what 1600 gems goes for) is a week of grind at best.

[TEO] Sigurd Hsring
Gunnar’s Hold
Probably the Only Existing Neon Norn Engineer

Paid Transfers - A massive mess up

in WvW

Posted by: Calico.9780


The current t1 servers ain’t the only ones that build up some strength lately.

Even without massive Guilds transfering to our server, we managed to increase our numbers in WvW by quite a bit. If it proves to hard we will stay a week or two and bounce back to tier2. But don’t count us out yet. Vizunah Players remember the time we made our first entry into tier1…. and to everyones surprise we’ve won that match-up. Maybe, just maybe, it’s time for a second gold medal. Time will tell.

[AI] Anima Immortalis
Commander – Elona Reach Homelands

Paid Transfers - A massive mess up

in WvW

Posted by: Junkpile.7439


I don’t wanna fight against elona. They are even more boring than viz.

Low quality trolling since launch
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch

Paid Transfers - A massive mess up

in WvW

Posted by: Aisar.9048


In my opinion paid transfers are the best thing that could happen. Atleast now you wont have entire guilds with 300+ members hopping about. And the fact that its cheaper to hop to a low pop server means that populations will stabilize eventually. Besides. You dont really HAVE to pay to move. One can always grind a ton and exchange gold for gems if needed. 30-35 gold(thats around what 1600 gems goes for) is a week of grind at best.

Right, it’s really annoying to see people complaining about paid transfers incoming. Free transfers are a HUGE problem for WvW and people need to realize that some damage is going to be caused as a result of a fix for something that NEVER SHOULD HAVE BEEN AVAILABLE! There are a ridiculous amount of guilds and individual players who are server hopping and destroying communities and upsetting the balance on servers because they want to be on what they perceive to be a current winning server. This free transfer system throws server loyalty right out the window and everyone is jumping around on a whim when things are not going their way.

It’s an immature, “I want the best all the time or I am going to pout” attitude and WvW will be a mess until free transfers go away. OP is complaining about the short-term and not realizing that free transfers are catering to and allowing the reactionary crowd to mess things up. Massive server hopping has been going on since day one, yes it’s happening a ton at this moment but people need to deal with it.

We need servers to become stable and for people to sit down and stay put or stop playing. Stop with the knee-jerk reactions. Free transfers need to go NOW!

Paid Transfers - A massive mess up

in WvW

Posted by: Tala.7638


To the EU servers,
Please consider a move to SoS. If you are interested in learning more about the people, guilds and community of Sea of Sorrows, please contact us on our forums or visit:

Personally I think free transfers hurt at launch more than helped Wv3. This will simmer down things and add stabilty to our community. This is a fact.

Talaysteria/Talas Cap/Talarenth
THE Mystic Plumbers [LUCK]
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.

Paid Transfers - A massive mess up

in WvW

Posted by: Nexnecis.7895


In my opinion paid transfers are the best thing that could happen. Atleast now you wont have entire guilds with 300+ members hopping about. And the fact that its cheaper to hop to a low pop server means that populations will stabilize eventually. Besides. You dont really HAVE to pay to move. One can always grind a ton and exchange gold for gems if needed. 30-35 gold(thats around what 1600 gems goes for) is a week of grind at best.

Right, it’s really annoying to see people complaining about paid transfers incoming. Free transfers are a HUGE problem for WvW and people need to realize that some damage is going to be caused as a result of a fix for something that NEVER SHOULD HAVE BEEN AVAILABLE! There are a ridiculous amount of guilds and individual players who are server hopping and destroying communities and upsetting the balance on servers because they want to be on what they perceive to be a current winning server. This free transfer system throws server loyalty right out the window and everyone is jumping around on a whim when things are not going their way.

It’s an immature, “I want the best all the time or I am going to pout” attitude and WvW will be a mess until free transfers go away. OP is complaining about the short-term and not realizing that free transfers are catering to and allowing the reactionary crowd to mess things up. Massive server hopping has been going on since day one, yes it’s happening a ton at this moment but people need to deal with it.

We need servers to become stable and for people to sit down and stay put or stop playing. Stop with the knee-jerk reactions. Free transfers need to go NOW!

This :D

Paid Transfers - A massive mess up

in WvW

Posted by: salluks.6017


This is exactly the problem, you will replace us in tier 1 next week. but when we go to tier 2 , we will beat tier 2 just as badly as u did unless piken moves to tier 2 next week , so we will replace u again in a week.

I’m not sure, have you ever paid attention to our Elona Reach before? We’ve been bouncing from rank 8 to rank 2, back to 7 and then rank 3. We are used to beeing to good for tier2 and not international enough for tier 1. With most NA Guilds now out of the Picture, we are almost on even footing with other t1 servers. Granted, that remains to be seen, but right now i got a good feeling.

So if Deso has that Problem now, get used to it. We’ve been living with bouncing around long enough, thx to massive Servertransfer every week. Finally this will come to an end and we can settle down where we belong. Wherever that might be.

And don’t think t2 will be easy. The current Match-Up includes only two Servers and Kodash isn’t as bad as the statistics make them look right now. They are simply overpowered by our numbers, with Arborstone out of the picture. Pretty sure they will put up a very decent fight in a “real” matchup.

we haven’t had a nightshift atall for a long time now, so NA being there or not doesn’t really make a difference to us.
last week we finished 2nd despite sfr having prx on their side, if we go to Tier 2, its only cos u don’t have competition in Tier 2 , its something that we cannot control.

Paid Transfers - A massive mess up

in WvW

Posted by: Byron.1902


-high tiered servers with large PvE focused populations will only go one way, down. This is unavoidable so accept it.

I don’t believe in this one. Maybe in the short run, but in the long run only these server will be able to maintain powerful WvW-Forces. There will be hard-core GW2 players that will play GW2-WvW for years, but I don’t believe that they are a majority. In the long run only well mixed PvE and WvW servers with a healthy PvE, will have the new recruits needed to keep enough mass for successful WvW. Pure WvW-Server with just WvW population will just die out rather sooner than later (as people will move to other games).

What I mean by this is basically, PvE heavy servers are difficult to organise for WvW. This alone gives them a slight disadvantage in match-ups (I think we’d all agree Pugs are notoriously unstable). For a t1 server (like deso) with this problem t2 beckons. If you’re behind in the tick with equal numbers its because you can’t/don’t organise. However, like I stressed earlier, a server such as this will find its bracket eventually.

I do agree that in time more people might be tempted to WvW if their PvE content dries up. However, I’m sure you’d agree that most of these players will be less inclined to contribute/join an organised WvW outfit. The fights will remain casual and the Pugs will get mowed down just the same.

Paid Transfers - A massive mess up

in WvW

Posted by: yriafelc.6124


I’m all for paid transfers, which should have been there from the start, but I personally believe that ANet should not have announced it until it was live. What happens is this gave people time to jump to the top servers, and they will, and leave the wvw population of lower tier servers broken.


Paid Transfers - A massive mess up

in WvW

Posted by: salluks.6017


In my opinion paid transfers are the best thing that could happen. Atleast now you wont have entire guilds with 300+ members hopping about. And the fact that its cheaper to hop to a low pop server means that populations will stabilize eventually. Besides. You dont really HAVE to pay to move. One can always grind a ton and exchange gold for gems if needed. 30-35 gold(thats around what 1600 gems goes for) is a week of grind at best.

Right, it’s really annoying to see people complaining about paid transfers incoming. Free transfers are a HUGE problem for WvW and people need to realize that some damage is going to be caused as a result of a fix for something that NEVER SHOULD HAVE BEEN AVAILABLE! There are a ridiculous amount of guilds and individual players who are server hopping and destroying communities and upsetting the balance on servers because they want to be on what they perceive to be a current winning server. This free transfer system throws server loyalty right out the window and everyone is jumping around on a whim when things are not going their way.

It’s an immature, “I want the best all the time or I am going to pout” attitude and WvW will be a mess until free transfers go away. OP is complaining about the short-term and not realizing that free transfers are catering to and allowing the reactionary crowd to mess things up. Massive server hopping has been going on since day one, yes it’s happening a ton at this moment but people need to deal with it.

We need servers to become stable and for people to sit down and stay put or stop playing. Stop with the knee-jerk reactions. Free transfers need to go NOW!


he is not complaining about free transfers, he is complaining because Anet didn’t give us enough time to sort out kitten. Now we are stuck in a messy situation because of it.

Anet just said we are locking in 2 weeks which has created a big panic in all servers.

Paid Transfers - A massive mess up

in WvW

Posted by: Musty.3148


Ya know…

People Kittened at Anet begging for free transfers.

People Kitten at Anet for stopping them.

They can’t win with people.

I agree it’s going to mess up the servers for a while…

But in the end it’s all gonna be the same, just chillax, play the game on a server with freinds, don’t worry about winning/losing for a while. And it will even back out.

I DO agree that changing to daily matchups for about 2 weeks would help make it easier.

80 Elementalist/80 Mesmer/80 Guardian/80 Thief
Now Musty Britches since someone decided Shortbus Rider was offensive… [LoS] [NSP]

Paid Transfers - A massive mess up

in WvW

Posted by: Truebanana.5936


Arbostone was one of the few newest server without a big player base, because most of those who did transfer on it did that to avoid WvW queue.
We managed to get from the bottom of the ladder to the top pretty fast, but we didn’t have enough people to have a decent amount of player exept during prime time, as we were most of time at mid pop, but with a big part of our players who were coming in WvW.

Having a low pve population is a too big handicap, since you can’t really count on a serious back up from them.

Truebanana [Opt] Solo roaming D/F Elementalist on Augury Rock
Dolcebanana [Opt] Solo roaming D/F Elementalist twink lvl 60 on Augury Rock

Paid Transfers - A massive mess up

in WvW

Posted by: Aisar.9048


he is not complaining about free transfers, he is complaining because Anet didn’t give us enough time to sort out kitten. Now we are stuck in a messy situation because of it.

Anet just said we are locking in 2 weeks which has created a big panic in all servers.

Yeah I see, I am 3/4th asleep and my brain is not working right now :/ I can’t see them just all the sudden making the switch with no warning though. That would be pretty crazy.

Paid Transfers - A massive mess up

in WvW

Posted by: Steelo.4597


at least there will be balanced matchups at SOME point.

with every guild able to transfer without cost the imbalance would never have ended. after 28th, servers will move to their spot in the new balance and will stay there for good a few months later.

maybe then every tier can have as exciting matchups as gandara vs dzago vs aurora (16k for every server last time i checked) this week.

i fear we will look back to this day and remember the good old wvw as it is now – Jan 2015

Paid Transfers - A massive mess up

in WvW

Posted by: Tala.7638


AND, if big guilds really do care about this game, ppl will pay to make Wv3 balanced again, and transfer to another server, if stuff gets stagnate. All this does is stop the bleeding and gives stability to our community.

Like I said earlier, SoS is recruiting EU zone guilds and players. Please visit:

Thank you all, and happy gaming! May our zerg kill yours before we cull!!!

Talaysteria/Talas Cap/Talarenth
THE Mystic Plumbers [LUCK]
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.

Paid Transfers - A massive mess up

in WvW

Posted by: ktith.6197


You’re going to see people migrating to top tier servers (T4 and up). What you’re not going to see after the paid transfers go in are people still wanting to move up to these tiers. To move up to a higher tier after the paid transfers go in will cost the equivalent in gems to about 50 bucks. But, to move down to lower tiers T5 and down it could be as cheap as 5 bucks.

These figures are based on the last meta data that I saw with gems and the costs of transfers. These figures may or may not change by the 28th.

why would anyone pay 5 dollars to transfer to a dead server. also i doubt it will be $50 because thats as much as the game itself….might aswell buy a new account at that point.

I don’t specifically remember where I saw the gem transfer rate (google it and you may find it), but to go up to a “high” tier server it was going to be 4000 gems. At current 4000 gems is 50 bucks US. The conversion rate from gold to gems right now is about 1G = 43 gems(ish). In in game currency at current you’d be looking at about 93 gold to grind up in order to move up to higher population servers. However, when I found said data, to go down to “dead” or lower pop servers it stated as low as the equivalent of 5 US dollars which is about 400 gems (give or take) or about 9G in game currency at present.

Don’t shoot the messenger, but it’s in some data that was pulled from information from some Anet thread somewhere or info that was up on the GW2 site that was just transferred onto one of the “unofficial official GW2 gaming sites”.

Cmdr. Xandria Wolfkin
[RED] Devona’s Rest

Paid Transfers - A massive mess up

in WvW

Posted by: TurtleofPower.5641


Yep it’s a bit of a disaster. I understand what happened (ANet thinks being nicer is always better and so gave everyone a friendly warning about when free transfers will end) but unfortunately sometimes you HAVE to be mean.

Just giving people like 1-2 day’s notice would have been harsh but balanced against weeks of transfer-a-thon (think run at the bank) going on… I think mean was the realistic way to go here. Now we have to see if people can stomach picking up the pieces or if this is actually a big blow to WvW.

Paid Transfers - A massive mess up

in WvW

Posted by: Bonzi.7324


Hahahah… Make up your minds, before all I read was people whinning about free transfers and now the opposite. This community will never be happy.


~less QQ more PEWPEW~ [EC] roaming since BWE2
Bonzi – Ranger / Onizuka Kenji ~ Ele
Badhabbits – Thief / MeĆ­ster ~ Guardian

Paid Transfers - A massive mess up

in WvW

Posted by: Genev.2450


The pre-warning was good.
With most of our guild being on break and our server emptying out, the guild was spread out between our previous server (the inactive ones) and some others.
The warning gave us the few days we need to draw back together on 1 server, even people who don’t really play anymore put in some effort to log on and switch server, because the game is no subscription so it’s easy to come back some time if people feel like it…

1-2 days wouldn’t have been enough for that, not even for me who might not be proper active atm, but still paying attention to things, since i’m in the middle of moving appartments and uni starting again in a few days.

What i do find silly about the announcement is the mass recruiting frenzy it sparked.

No, i have no interest in SoS. Really. Stop spamming every single thread with it.
In this thread’s case, repeatedly.

(edited by Genev.2450)

Paid Transfers - A massive mess up

in WvW

Posted by: Jayne.9251


For those who lost folks or stayed the status quo … Be grateful. An influx of massive amounts of players usually means a significant amount of growing pains as the new and old folks adjust to each other. If you think you’ve seen ego fights on the forum before, pity the poor server with suddenly double the amount of commanders it had previously…. Then connect the dots to what the server climate will be like. Sure everyone puts on their best date face when they first meet, but there will be weeks of personality struggles to figure out before things go back to “normal.”

Sometimes it’s all a matter of how you look at it.

L’enfer, c’est les autres

Paid Transfers - A massive mess up

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


The balance in the tiers was now dictated by the constantly changing community. It created a dynamic because this system has been in place for so long. An interesting one even, you’d get superservers but these servers would also dissolve after the fun was gone.
Now this dissolving wont happen as fast, or at all. Frustrating people out of a tier, shifts in a tier will be more dictated by that people simply stop playing.

When would a superserver not crush the rest? When they are so bored they wont play. And before that happens, the other 2 servers that face might have already given up and stopped caring aswell, dropping because they stopped trying aswell.

I dont think this is going to do positive things for WvW. It shouldve come a lot sooner, and not anounced. So now we get people jumping to a few select servers.

Paid Transfers - A massive mess up

in WvW

Posted by: Exarthious.5792


A lot of server hoppers in here afraid of not being able to transfer to a winning server, once their server starts losing.

These free transfers have destroyed a lot of servers, and ruined the fun of those loyal enough to stay on a server, win or lose.

Paid Transfers - A massive mess up

in WvW

Posted by: Too Frisky.9165

Too Frisky.9165

A massive mistake? Free server transfers was a MASSIVE mistake. Servers have grown exponentially while others have fallen to the depths of server hell simply because anyone and everyone could simply transfer to the top T1 server and bandwagon all day long. My home server is SBI and I watched as we slipped to T2 not because we couldn’t handle it anymore, but because 600 some players left our server to go join JQ just so they could win. Free server transfers absolutely destroy what little balance there is in WvW.

The only people who see this as a mistake are people who are upset that they can’t server hop to a winning server and pretend like they’ve actually contributed the whole time.

80 Thief [Munchies Reborn]
80 Necromancer [Munchies Survives]