Party members buff priority

Party members buff priority

in WvW

Posted by: Daendur.2357


Hi, why there is no priority for members of party/guild while using boons?
It is stupid that an AoE buff effects someone just because it is closer to the source.
If I cast swiftness I do because I want my group to have it, not 4 of us and someone else, leaving the fifth without it.
I think it should be: self -> group -> guild -> others (ordered by proximity)
What do you think ?

Black Thunders [BT] – Gandara

Party members buff priority

in WvW

Posted by: Kerithlan.1659


I normally would agree, but escorting yaks is already a major pain with the current AoE caps, especially when skirmishes break out.

Fosthe — Sylvari Elementalist
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast

Party members buff priority

in WvW

Posted by: Puz.8529


I agree. Buffs should go to group first. Having my group fall behind because some random run along gets the swiftness instead takes the p….

However, I think that you should do the following. Basic boons go to group first. Swiftness should just go to more than 5 and also always go to your group at least. And perhaps also always go to Dolyaks as well! :P

Puz – TDA

Party members buff priority

in WvW

Posted by: Kerithlan.1659


I agree. Buffs should go to group first. Having my group fall behind because some random run along gets the swiftness instead takes the p….

However, I think that you should do the following. Basic boons go to group first. Swiftness should just go to more than 5 and also always go to your group at least. And perhaps also always go to Dolyaks as well! :P

That creates a new problem though — what if you’re in a group of 5 and a swiftness, protection or aegis buff you intended for an ally ends up on the yak instead?

The problem is the 5 cap limit, not prioritization of that cap. 5 just isn’t reasonable for the type of environment we’re in.

Fosthe — Sylvari Elementalist
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast