Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Tortun.5946


Shurrup you, just applied for 10 jobs. So there!!! While I’m not working, I may as well enjoy the freeeeeedom!!!!

Tortun – Protector of Gandara and Bessie!
WvWvW Player Who Doesn’t Have Much of A Clue

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Twinklefairy.6739


Anyone care to explain what this fella was doing?

From a guild on Gandara, at first we thought he was a spy as he was sitting in bay, we thought he was just giving information about numbers/siege placement until he started sitting outside the wall you guys (Gandara) were trebbing and absorbing the treb shots with focus #4.
We were genuinely confused.

He went over to Piken Square in order to get spots for his map completion. Gandara hasn’t been on the green side for aout 6-8weeks or so! He hasn’t been relaying any information and is working with you guys in wvw this week. And yes, he does make himself useful often by absorbing siege fire on walls and other siege on the battlefield. Make use of him while he’s there, he won’t be spying or telling us anything, and if at any moment he does, he won’t be in the guild any longer! SN has a good name and plans to keep it that way. We do understand his frustration at not being able to get certain points on the map

And ill add that while we were trying to taking DB yesterday, he was there defending it with you all, and I’m pretty sure he was making a point of killing me as often as possible XD

Ta, as I said, we were confused when he sat outside absorbing your treb shots, worst spy eva!

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Oakwind.6187


Shurrup you, just applied for 10 jobs. So there!!! While I’m not working, I may as well enjoy the freeeeeedom!!!!

And while at work, we spam the forums, amirite? Don’t mind me, totally inconspicuous here.

I play Engineer.
Balthazar runes are broken.

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Riselight.3695


Well well, AR and Piken are working together again, and this time in the Jumping Puzzle.

Hahaha, just had to post for this.
Are you for real?
Taking a screenie of 2 people from different servers stomping you, and calling it an alliance is just lol.

Have I claimed there is an alliance? No.
You can choose:
-They are working together.
-A person from Piken went to AR to spy for Piken.
-Two people from AR went to Piken to spy for AR.

Riselight [WvW] – Elementalist
Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Dranul.2094


Gandaran borders last night was fun. We got a bit carried away around 11pm, and you took Bay from right under us.

Props to whoever decided to attack NW outer door at some point during the evening instead of trying to come through the hole in the wall, as that would have turned out very messy for you. A good job we spotted the attack relatively early =)

This was the work of the lovely Malicious Mischief[MM] Guild, with no more then 7 people. It also came as a surprise for us(the rest of the people on GBL) they didn’t tell, otherwise you guys probably would have repelled us. Too bad you guys took it back mercilessly a few moments after. gg

5-10 more seconds and we would of been in inner to stop the cap. Alas it wasn’t to be. We couldn’t be everywhere at once, to top it off we had been under seige for hours and hours against a kitten tonne of a sea of red, not to mention the occassional AR mass trying to peek into the hole in the wall. Epic action all night. Kudos though on the ninja, was alot of mayhem going on so alas we didnt have time for bio breaks, kitten breaks, drinks or even to sell for hours. Best type of fun though.

A word to the solo catapaulter from gandara against hills last night- against stone walls… we do apologise for coming over and stealing your fine work – you must of been their ages. But thanks for working it down, i told the guys to leave you alone and let u finish off that 1% but alas friendlies didnt listen.

Thanks to all for the fine words btw. TUP always look for the fight, zerg hunting, zerg busting call it what you will. We just want to have good action.

See you on the battlefield.

Dranul – Guild Leader – The Unlikely Plan [TUP]
Aurora Glade EU

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: oblivious.8074


Ta, as I said, we were confused when he sat outside absorbing your treb shots, worst spy eva!

he isn’t a spy and will be missed this week. He said he will even stop representing SN so people will not get suspicious of him.

He killed me at a camp in AR Borderland earlier when a bunch of you Pikens came along with him to take the camp from us.

I am in SN as well and We don’t approve of underhanded behavior

Good luck to all in the rest of this match up.

Main: Combustible Lemon – Asura Engineer
on Piken Square and Gandara.

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Twinklefairy.6739


Ta, as I said, we were confused when he sat outside absorbing your treb shots, worst spy eva!

he isn’t a spy and will be missed this week. He said he will even stop representing SN so people will not get suspicious of him.

He killed me at a camp in AR Borderland earlier when a bunch of you Pikens came along with him to take the camp from us.

I am in SN as well and We don’t approve of underhanded behavior

Good luck to all in the rest of this match up.

As I said, after we saw him deflecting your treb shots we didn’t think he was spying, we were just curious about him being there. Now our curiosity is sated and we welcome him for the week.

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Lurch.9517


Tonight I ended up face down in da mud more often then usual. TUP, you guys are nasty but maybe a tad predictable. Anyways, waiting for some of our guildmates to return to the game from irl so we can field our troops and have a clash against you on more equal terms. So fed up with the bickering that’s been rolling in this thread.

Just let it be something in the past, not to be remembered and focus on the future instead.

Peace out!

We’ll adapt and change when it’s required, but, it hasn’t been.

If you are trying to be a tough guy wannabe marine the phrase you are looking for is ‘adapt and overcome’ big boy. o7

Actually, I wasn’t. You feel better now?

I can not imagine what brought me to that obviously terribly mistaken conclusion so I humbly apologise. Do you feel better now?

semper fi o7


Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Twinklefairy.6739


Tonight I ended up face down in da mud more often then usual. TUP, you guys are nasty but maybe a tad predictable. Anyways, waiting for some of our guildmates to return to the game from irl so we can field our troops and have a clash against you on more equal terms. So fed up with the bickering that’s been rolling in this thread.

Just let it be something in the past, not to be remembered and focus on the future instead.

Peace out!

We’ll adapt and change when it’s required, but, it hasn’t been.

If you are trying to be a tough guy wannabe marine the phrase you are looking for is ‘adapt and overcome’ big boy. o7

Actually, I wasn’t. You feel better now?

I can not imagine what brought me to that obviously terribly mistaken conclusion so I humbly apologise. Do you feel better now?

semper fi o7

Not everything that’s said has to be a quote from somewhere. But it’s nice that you’re so loyal to them that you kick up a fuss whenever someone says something remotely similar to a phrase they use.

(edited by Twinklefairy.6739)

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Amadeus.5687


So, right now me and my guild mate’s fra [NNF] was defending Greenbriar in Gandara borderlands! Really good time’s with the red Gandara, when suddenly, out of nowhere, a little AR group fly into the tower some how, all from the guild [LDF] (Larmes do Feu), and cap the tower while we are busy defending the gate (shame on us for not looking at lord room), but still. So, this look like hack to me, and I can send some screenshots (Anet don’t want us to post SS about stuff like that here).
Anyway, any know this guild, or is from it, that would care to explain what you just did before we report the entire guild for hacking?
Edit: We got Video footage of the mesmer flying in as well, one my m8’s was frapping the defence

(edited by Amadeus.5687)

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Saint Scarlet.2906

Saint Scarlet.2906

@Tortun, yeah most of the best fights i’ve had are at night when we have so few around and whichever enemy it is of the week starts to think they wanna take my towers and keeps. Pfft no chance or at least not without a long drawn out siege. Will say you guys are actually one of the better night “zergers”, if something doesn’t work a couple of times you guys generally try a different tactic, unlike others(Elona) who’s 40+ man zerg was farmed for 4 hours just doing the same thing over and over again. Fun times less culling problems and more room to stretch your legs round the maps.

Commander Oracle Of Glint
Executed [EXE]
Piken Square

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Phule.1968


So, right now me and my guild mate’s fra [NFF] was defending Greenbriar in Gandara borderlands! Really good time’s with the red Gandara, when suddenly, out of nowhere, a little AR group fly into the tower some how, all from the guild [LDF] (Larmes do Feu), and cap the tower while we are busy defending the gate (shame on us for not looking at lord room), but still. So, this look like hack to me, and I can send some screenshots (Anet don’t want us to post SS about stuff like that here).
Anyway, any know this guild, or is from it, that would care to explain what you just did before we report the entire guild for hacking?
Edit: We got Video footage of the mesmer flying in as well, one my m8’s was frapping the defence

It’s not like they are gonna confess about it so just drop a link to the video on A-net’s h4XxorZmail and let em judge it instead.

Where’s my X-ray goggles when I need em?

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Immolator.5640


So, right now me and my guild mate’s fra [NFF] was defending Greenbriar in Gandara borderlands! Really good time’s with the red Gandara, when suddenly, out of nowhere, a little AR group fly into the tower some how, all from the guild [LDF] (Larmes do Feu), and cap the tower while we are busy defending the gate (shame on us for not looking at lord room), but still. So, this look like hack to me, and I can send some screenshots (Anet don’t want us to post SS about stuff like that here).
Anyway, any know this guild, or is from it, that would care to explain what you just did before we report the entire guild for hacking?
Edit: We got Video footage of the mesmer flying in as well, one my m8’s was frapping the defence

It’s not like they are gonna confess about it so just drop a link to the video on A-net’s h4XxorZmail and let em judge it instead.

I would’ve thought he put in case they defended themselves or anyone knew if they had any history with these kinds of incidents, the former would occur definitely if they were innocent, and it’s very unlikely no ones knows their track record, therefore it’s reasonable to search for more information before calling ANet.

As for [LdF], I have not seen them do this kind of stuff before, but I have only seen and fought them a couple of times; the only pattern I can see is they like to sneak into Keeps through the breaches of your siege rather than their own…

Commander Ezekiel The Paladin
Underworld Battalion [WvW] Leader (retired) – Gandara [EU]
All Is Vain https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/pvp/gf-left-me-coz-of-ladderboard/

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Sandro.3694


Hello there quite an enjoyable night on Gandara BL, lots of fight we’ve seen many guild from Piken packing together, Gandara had many forces on the map tonight…

You [VII] & [DT] guys are playing sneaky sneaky but beware we have eyes on the battlefield

cya next time.

Dungeon Gaming – http://getdungeon.com

(edited by Sandro.3694)

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: genowefapigwa.5769


Thank you Nom for nice fights
Old enemies are better then new friends


Goraca Mariola
INC&Garaz Runkaraki
Ele from Piken Square

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Jal.5894


Before we get accused of exploiting, the take of Bay in AR BL from Gandara was done legit with a Mesmer hiding until he could portal us in -then managed to chain portal using other mesmers to get 40 or so of us straight onto inner

HoB – Aurora Glade (EU) [ ex- Piken Square (EU) ]

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Luranni.9470


Before we get accused of exploiting, the take of Bay in AR BL from Gandara was done legit with a Mesmer hiding until he could portal us in -then managed to chain portal using other mesmers to get 40 or so of us straight onto inner

Personally I’d always give Tainted the benefit of the doubt in a situation like this – allies of too-long standing!

Perish [FLEE]

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Khrums.3765


Nice fights at Gandara Brd. maybe bit too zergy for us as we run short with15 ppl war-band only, so wasn’t really able to pickup fights with you.
Any way more good fights incoming later this week and looks like we can have good time during next match-up too
Piken guilds slowly getting back to game and lots of fun with us.

Good luck guys

Hand of Blood [HoB] Piken Square , VII Overflow

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Caid.4932


@ Victory
Yeah this week our lack of organisation has really been punished by TUP and VII in particular, having seen it, its surprising it hasn’t cost us more in this match or previous ones.
I’ve only been on for an hour or two in total at prime time to see them and in that relatively short space of time its already obvious why they’re wiping far larger numers of us but its pretty disheartening to see us falling for the same ‘tricks’ over and over again.
We keep chasing them when they back off and that 40 man zerg gets spread out over a mile in pockets of 2 or 3 players which when rushed by 10/15 Piken just melt like butter. They keep turning tail and running straight into lines of warding when if they stood their ground and tried to do some damage when they were inevitably going to die they might halt the rush a bit sooner (or at all).
Anyway seems to be quite a few new guilds knocking about so a welcome to any new gandarans. Even if we were organised before (we weren’t, at all) we’d probably have to reorganise to make best use of the new guys. So its a good opportunity to get our act together and maybe give some of the guilds from AR and PS a better fight in future, instead of the current situation with them wiping the floor with us due to some pretty basic tactics.

@ Jal
Yeah we saw you running in before taking bay and new you’d be porting people up first chance you got, seemed you kept a couple of mesmers by the wall to get any late comers in or people who died. We seemed to kill dozens of you before we lost bay but you just kept coming. We didn’t react spectacularly well to it really, which unfortunately has been a bit of the story of this week in particular.


Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Puz.8529


Before we get accused of exploiting, the take of Bay in AR BL from Gandara was done legit with a Mesmer hiding until he could portal us in -then managed to chain portal using other mesmers to get 40 or so of us straight onto inner

No worries, we saw you where on inner. But with just 7 of us defending. Not much could be done about it. Nice little night zerg with TUP, VII and Tainted. Have fun with the french! And a nice portal for briar, but you hardly needed that against our numbers.

Next time come find us earlier! So we can have some decent fights!

Puz – TDA

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: censo.5408


So, right now me and my guild mate’s fra [NNF] was defending Greenbriar in Gandara borderlands! Really good time’s with the red Gandara, when suddenly, out of nowhere, a little AR group fly into the tower some how, all from the guild [LDF] (Larmes do Feu), and cap the tower while we are busy defending the gate (shame on us for not looking at lord room), but still. So, this look like hack to me, and I can send some screenshots (Anet don’t want us to post SS about stuff like that here).
Anyway, any know this guild, or is from it, that would care to explain what you just did before we report the entire guild for hacking?
Edit: We got Video footage of the mesmer flying in as well, one my m8’s was frapping the defence

plzz give us the video plz i need to see the fly hack !

ps : how can you have a video of this, if you don’t see them on the keeper ?

(edited by censo.5408)

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: zagaraad.2780


@ Victory
Yeah this week our lack of organisation has really been punished by TUP and VII in particular, having seen it, its surprising it hasn’t cost us more in this match or previous ones.

Today was VII’s first day back after a 2 week break.

Gandara is a new opponent to us at VII and hopefully houses some strong guilds. As more of the Piken guilds return, I’m sure any damage done to our servers reputation will be repaired when Gandarians realise they have not been communicating with the majority.

We already know the guys from AR. Hi again and well done with the points this matchup.

We actually need help to shake off the rust. We will hit Gandara BL every night from 19:00gmt – 22:00gmt until the pairing changes. Organised guilds and zergs from both servers welcome to swarm us.

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Dranul.2094


Before we get accused of exploiting, the take of Bay in AR BL from Gandara was done legit with a Mesmer hiding until he could portal us in -then managed to chain portal using other mesmers to get 40 or so of us straight onto inner

No worries, we saw you where on inner. But with just 7 of us defending. Not much could be done about it. Nice little night zerg with TUP, VII and Tainted. Have fun with the french! And a nice portal for briar, but you hardly needed that against our numbers.

Next time come find us earlier! So we can have some decent fights!

If that was our (TUPs) attack on briars, cata’d wall down then portaled up. It wasn’t a “zerg” of tup vii and tainted – I wont speak for them, but personally I hate “zerging” and “blobbing up”. Coming to and/or asking for assist an assault or defence when outnumbered is different.

Had plenty of french out the front of your briars hence the need to portal up and put you in the middle rather than make the basic error of walk in and have french on our backs. (Assuming ofc we are talking about the same instance – if not noworries).

Had fun tonight. Lots of fights inside garrison and around the place against a sea of red, really enjoyed it. Whipping the lads into shape

Try not to pull too far ahead now k

To the rest of the week of smushing and perhaps to future week(s) at this rate.

Dranul – Guild Leader – The Unlikely Plan [TUP]
Aurora Glade EU

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Twinklefairy.6739


Yer, as Khrums said, tonight crossed the border into ‘too zergy’ at times for my liking for the simple reason I like to see what’s shooting me on my screen. Havn’t seen culling that bad since the Elona megablobs (mainly AR with NOM seemingly at the middle of them all) but ah well.
Gandara defended their Garrison very well tonight it must be said, plenty of times we (TUP) just wanted to break down the outer to have a play inside, it always eventually ended with a respawn as we were gradually whittled down each time, but it was still good fun and a good smush.
Would love to see a few less megablobs in the future, but was nevertheless quite an intense night, and kudos to you Gandarans that were defending Garrison this evening.

(edited by Twinklefairy.6739)

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Krato.4729


Thanks to both Gandara and Augury Rock for some challenging fights this evening, across all borderlands. This matchup is proving to be well balanced and opportunity for some epic battles, I for one am looking forward to meeting both servers again next week. From AR, [LdF] and [NOM] have particularly impressed me with their organisation and opportunistic strikes. Whilst no particular guild on Gandara has stuck out, I sense your ‘PUG warbands’ are actually organised and move large numbers together very well. Hope for more fights before the week is out.

Kratoon – TUP Officer/Warband Leader

(edited by Krato.4729)

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Utha.8209


Was definitively a very fun night in Gandara BL tonight with nice fights with both PS and Gandara. Garrison fights were epic , and evene if we didn’t succeed several times in the “bloody Lord Room” , we will come back !!!!!! ( I really want to get out of Garrison next time by the door !!!! )
Concerning Megablob , i’m a bit surprised as we were at the max around 40 which is far from “mega” , but yes culling was the “Third” ennemy for all
I hope we got some nice footage from tonight’s fight, but as usual I suspect our video expert from both side not to select the same fights

PS : I think I know a DT Meesmer who regrets one of his portal

let’s continue this battle dear PS and Gandara opponents !!

Greetings from France

Utha – Ab Intestat [Echo]

Augury Rock [FR]

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Caid.4932


‘PUG warbands’

PUG warbands is a pretty good description of gandara really. In fairness all the individual players on the server seem pretty good, it just doesn’t go far when you run into an organised group of pretty good players.
Theres definitely room for improvement anyway. We’ve been particularly poor this week but then it could just be that you being better than the average bunch has exposed the weaknesses of a few areas on the server.


Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Luranni.9470


I think it’s good. Gandara seems to push back when put in a corner even though it’s messy! I think everyone’s learning a lot.

Perish [FLEE]

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Sacrx.6721


Rise and Shine!.

Red Guard – Ultimate Dominator World First 25/6/13
if carlsberg played Guardian.

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Luranni.9470


Rise and Shine!.

Go to bed.

Perish [FLEE]

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Saint Scarlet.2906

Saint Scarlet.2906

What happened?? i got on this morning and we had 10 people across piken and EB and both Gandalf and AR were fielding 40+ zergs. Least we kept WC, Keep and Aldons but lost Jerri and Klovan to 6 golems, seriously AR why do you need 6 to take a little tower like that?
Hope more of our regulars show up tomorrow or it’ll be a hard night again.

Commander Oracle Of Glint
Executed [EXE]
Piken Square

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Luranni.9470


We’ve been fighting a wonderful group of AR folks from the guild tag [RMF]. Brilliant fun! Stubborn guys too!


Perish [FLEE]

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Kromsin.6359


I play in a small casual guild on Piken. You know the attitude of the players on Piken really make it enjoyable win or lose. Thanks for te great fights all.

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: EnoLive.2367


oppsy we seem to of kicked some royal butt tonight.
Awesome work my fellow Gandarians So nice to see us click tonight.
Siege getting insta built, ideas flowing and heard, new ploys tried out, yep awesome work guys.
As for AR and that Solo ranger that kept capping longview if I catch you at it and can screeny you bud you will be reported, but you only succeeded in getting my gander up and made me determined to take out your garrison which we did along with the rest of the map hehe.
Pikey and TUP boy you guys are tough nuts to crack but like they say even the hardest nut has to crack at some point.
for a great fight so far.

Co Leader & Founder “Privateers Uk” [PUK]
Eno Live (Ele)

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Shandolum.9420


Thanks AR for a nice fight on your Hills. we (2-4 people) did everything we could to defend, hope you enjoyed the little resistance =)
If our little zerg had been there instead of taking over all of Piken borderlands, as we had done yours before, it could have been a good fight as well.

Asuran Thief, Karuto [WvW], Gandara
‘know me by my black coat and hat with white feather’

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Cymru.3942


Well the last few posts have been a nice refreshing change to some of the previous posts more of this please!!


Ghiho of Gandara (WvW Guild)
You snooze you lose

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Tortun.5946


8:15am. Must be bed time…. collapses

Fun night, how do AR field so many people at night?!?! Although there was a point on their borderland where the zerg kept coming at my party from Garrison to the camp near bay (not vale, the other one) and we kept knocking them down until their third try when all our Cooldowns where out of whack, that was fun.

Although during peak time, I pulled a ranger off the wall at hills and he used a skill to leap back up there again which I’ve never seen before.

Tortun – Protector of Gandara and Bessie!
WvWvW Player Who Doesn’t Have Much of A Clue

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Jarul.8635


Although during peak time, I pulled a ranger off the wall at hills and he used a skill to leap back up there again which I’ve never seen before.

Did he leap backwards or forwards? I have an idea what that could be … maybe we need to react this ^^.

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: kribre.9683


First of all, good luck to all of you! And hope to fight against you guys very soon! Would like a rematch with Gandara and AR now that we’ve been more organized, would also like to give a bash on PS as we’ve never faced them before! And again, good luck to all of you! Cya on the battlefield (hopefully)!

[VII] – Seventh Legion – retired
[Dius] – Semper Dius – Kodash

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: gabal.4520


Some nice fights last night – I always like when we can learn something from the opponents and we can learn a lot about group organization from The Unlikely Plan and VII. Too bad our zerglings kept falling for the same false retreat tactics over and over again – it is frustrating to see a trap being set and 30 people just rushing in it even though you are yelling at them not to do that…

Infidelija, boatswain of Bloody Pirates [YARR], lvl 80 elementalist
hobby: busting Trebuchettes
Gandara server

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Cal.1985


Before we get accused of exploiting, the take of Bay in AR BL from Gandara was done legit with a Mesmer hiding until he could portal us in -then managed to chain portal using other mesmers to get 40 or so of us straight onto inner

Ssssh don`t tell them!

Cal Dae | Tainted | Piken Square

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Twinklefairy.6739


Was definitively a very fun night in Gandara BL tonight with nice fights with both PS and Gandara. Garrison fights were epic , and evene if we didn’t succeed several times in the “bloody Lord Room” , we will come back !!!!!! ( I really want to get out of Garrison next time by the door !!!! )
Concerning Megablob , i’m a bit surprised as we were at the max around 40 which is far from “mega” , but yes culling was the “Third” ennemy for all
I hope we got some nice footage from tonight’s fight, but as usual I suspect our video expert from both side not to select the same fights

PS : I think I know a DT Meesmer who regrets one of his portal

let’s continue this battle dear PS and Gandara opponents !!

Greetings from France

I was mainly referring to the fight at hills, where boon were trapped in the lord room, TUP and a few others came through the north gate to hit the guys outside the tunnel in the back, and after capping the lord room AR moved to the north inner supply depot. All of that passage of play.
If you (NoM) weren’t there I apologise, I couldn’t actually see many of the players there to get guild names, but it’s just that most of the times I’ve seen lots of people stacking on one spot from AR, there have been lot’s of NoM tags involved.
Edit: But at least it was a far more action packed night than most previous ones, nice to see all 3 servers out with nice numbers even if only for a couple of hours.
I’m not sure if we had anyone frapsing from our point of view, well unless you count Krato collecting footage for his special project.

(edited by Twinklefairy.6739)

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Dranul.2094


Some nice fights last night – I always like when we can learn something from the opponents and we can learn a lot about group organization from The Unlikely Plan and VII. Too bad our zerglings kept falling for the same false retreat tactics over and over again – it is frustrating to see a trap being set and 30 people just rushing in it even though you are yelling at them not to do that…

Had alot of fun last night

Was breaking in a few of the newer guys, getting them used to the mass scale combat that we love – you guys can sure bring numbers. Enjoying teaching them the basics and how we role, was a good night.

Dranul – Guild Leader – The Unlikely Plan [TUP]
Aurora Glade EU

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Tortun.5946


Woke up at 3pm!!!! No Night service for me tonight lol…. MIssed a courier too Booooo….

Tortun – Protector of Gandara and Bessie!
WvWvW Player Who Doesn’t Have Much of A Clue

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Luranni.9470


Taking it hard from both ends and not a pot of lube in sight!

This is knackering :P.

Perish [FLEE]

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Elvicof.8263


Just look at your night stand, Luranni


Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Luranni.9470


Just look at your night stand, Luranni

Shush, you.

Perish [FLEE]

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Luranni.9470


lmfao: Members of HDND on AR side (or something like that) – sorry for turning into a princess in the middle of that fight, I hit the wrong button lol…. ohhhhhhhhhh that hurt.

Perish [FLEE]

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: IDarko.4709


So the green server is going to beat the red server after all. nothing new then!

Gratz to Augury Rock! You guys really stepped up your game this matchup.

I have had a lot of fun battles this week. Especially during primetime now and then. There is just so many groups running arround!

Dius Vanguard [DiVa]
Gandara – WvW Warrior

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Shandolum.9420


So the green server is going to beat the red server after all. nothing new then!

It’s not over till its over =) been going back and forth a LOT. But AR is definitely the winner of this weeks battle.

Asuran Thief, Karuto [WvW], Gandara
‘know me by my black coat and hat with white feather’