Portal to be given to other professions

Portal to be given to other professions

in WvW

Posted by: Isaac.6041


The news on the Mesmer forums is that ArenaNet is planning to give other professions a portal-like skill.

I think it’s kind of unfair Mesmers get robbed of their uniqueness. But whatever.

If they go ahead with the change, you’re probably going to see even more screwed up battles.

Be on the lookout for X hiding over there!

Portal to be given to other professions

in WvW

Posted by: Thrashbarg.9820


I play an Asura, why shouldn’t I be able to make portals?!

Robbed of their uniqueness? Not quite, they can still poop clones all over the place…..

Hats off to all the ones who stood before me, and taught a fool to ride.

Portal to be given to other professions

in WvW

Posted by: Stoneslammer.3650


Yea I personally think portals I.E. portal bombs should be taken out of WvW. But dont worry Mesmers will still be unique with clones running around everywhere. It is not the portals that make em hard to kill.


Portal to be given to other professions

in WvW

Posted by: Sladeakakevin.4162


The news on the Mesmer forums is that ArenaNet is planning to give other professions a portal-like skill.

I think it’s kind of unfair Mesmers get robbed of their uniqueness. But whatever.

If they go ahead with the change, you’re probably going to see even more screwed up battles.

Be on the lookout for X hiding over there!

I would rather have other classes with portal, since it gives the mesmer too much priority in WvW. Tell me what is unique about the Engineer that helps in WvW? Necro? Ranger?

Why should mesmers be the only one with an ability that can turn the tide of battle?

Portal to be given to other professions

in WvW

Posted by: Wasabi Kitty.8247

Wasabi Kitty.8247

I highly doubt that would happen. Has a developer even hinted towards that or is it just random speculation.

Anet make Rev great again.

Portal to be given to other professions

in WvW

Posted by: Boomstin.3460


I highly doubt that would happen. Has a developer even hinted towards that or is it just random speculation.

They did hint something along those lines at the livestream the other day. But i doubt well see anything very soon.

All is vain.

Portal to be given to other professions

in WvW

Posted by: Waffler.1257


I doubt that they meant they are literally giving portal to other classes. The utility of portal in both WvW and sPvP is disproportionate to any ability other classes have access to making them a must have class. The reason they moved away from the trinity system is because dedicated healers were a must have class, and this is something they didn’t want. I’m guessing they were referring to the need to provide other classes with skills that provide as great of utility as portal, but I don’t expect most people on the forums to understand this.

Portal to be given to other professions

in WvW

Posted by: ayethe.9425


well rangers have range, eng if done right i have been assured can have almost permanent swiftness and great wall aoe, eles have the great wall aoe more so than others, guardian look to be hard to kill thefts go invisible and 2 shot people, Mesmer have portals so i think it would be wrong to take away that defining thing about them

Portal to be given to other professions

in WvW

Posted by: Daniel.5794


well rangers have range, eng if done right i have been assured can have almost permanent swiftness and great wall aoe, eles have the great wall aoe more so than others, guardian look to be hard to kill thefts go invisible and 2 shot people, Mesmer have portals so i think it would be wrong to take away that defining thing about them

Because that extra 300 range that rangers have to trait to get is such a big advantage…

FijiPeanut – Semper Dius [Dius]