Question to SOS guilds

Question to SOS guilds

in WvW

Posted by: Xpiher.5209


I hate to beat a dead horse but I think its a little ridiculous that according to : Sea of Sorrows guilds you guys have over 1000 people from GMT + 10 time zone. How is it fun for you guys to basically not fight anyone during your time zone? According to this list, there’s a guild with over 900 members. WTF?

If only 200 of you guys split off, as a large group, to two different server you’d not only get to fight actually people, but you could potentially be the savior of the sever and be hailed as the reason why the new server WON.

Question to SOS guilds

in WvW

Posted by: TurtleMuncher.9750


A large reason for the oceanics clumping in one server is so that we can play with each other in both PvE and WvW during our timezones, I’ve been to predominantly NA servers and sometimes I just cant get a dungeon rolling when I want to. Even if a Oceanic guild transfers together to another NA server, it will be a ghost town there…


Question to SOS guilds

in WvW

Posted by: Xpiher.5209


A large reason for the oceanics clumping in one server is so that we can play with each other in both PvE and WvW during our timezones, I’ve been to predominantly NA servers and sometimes I just cant get a dungeon rolling when I want to. Even if a Oceanic guild transfers together to another NA server, it will be a ghost town there…

I get it that. Its why I want guesting to be available. But if all you care about is WvW, why would you stay on that server? I don’t see how its fun.

Question to SOS guilds

in WvW

Posted by: Brynna Stormclaw.9621

Brynna Stormclaw.9621

Pretty much what TurtleMuncher said.

Not very much fun trying to do dungeons or DE’s by yourself. Not everyone on Sea of Sorrows actively WvWs.

Edit: just saw your reply. If we’re using that logic, why do NA players stick together? We enjoy playing together instead of hanging out in a ghost town while NA folks are asleep. Either way, we have a heap of NA people here now so it should be fairly rounded out population.

Eris Ataxiar [HLX] – Sea of Sorrows

(edited by Brynna Stormclaw.9621)

Question to SOS guilds

in WvW

Posted by: Xpiher.5209


Pretty much what TurtleMuncher said.

Not very much fun trying to do dungeons or DE’s by yourself. Not everyone on Sea of Sorrows actively WvWs.

I know that. I was addressing this to the mainly the WvW people. But even if 100 people went one server and another 100 people went to another that should be enough to not only get better WvW match up, but also do your dungeon and PvE

Question to SOS guilds

in WvW

Posted by: Chaokel.5916


It’s as fun as logging in and being one of 20 people in WvW.

Basically as an oceanic we are faced with two extremes (over population, or no population), and unless you are the leader of a large guild 400+ or have sway over as many people its not going to change.

I’ve played during NA times on our server previously it wasn’t fun. We had easily sub 20 people in the maps most of the time. I’m not going to leave just to experience that somewhere else in my PT.

PvE wise it makes no sense, all the zones would be abandoned, running a dungeon would be next to impossible.

I’ve made many friends here, even when guesting comes around i won’t be moving. I’ve put down roots. I like it here. I like my comrades in WvW, i like the chatter in LA, i like having a sense of building up my server as time goes on.

p.s. now that we have NA guilds we will be accordingly matched with other servers that also have 24/7 or close to 24/7 coverage, meaning good even fights all week. The problem has been fixed for us, i understand that others still desire oceanic coverage, but i can’t see any they could offer that is better than what we have here.

Question to SOS guilds

in WvW

Posted by: Chaokel.5916


Pretty much what TurtleMuncher said.

Not very much fun trying to do dungeons or DE’s by yourself. Not everyone on Sea of Sorrows actively WvWs.

But even if 100 people went one server and another 100 people went to another that should be enough to not only get better WvW match up, but also do your dungeon and PvE

Not even close. Lets assume they get 70% activity at primetime (a very generous estimate), now lets split those 70 players up. Some can’t afford to focus their attention on something as demanding as WvW / dungeons, so they go farm or afk, or use the trading post, lets say this covers ~15 people.

Now we have 55 players, this is a guild primarily focused on WvW i mean thats the reason they moved right? Out of these 55 the majority remaining will probably want to be doing what they love most.

40 of those jump into WvW, what can you do with 40 people? Well you can man a single map and have a slightly below average zerg if you run around in a group. You can spread out and have 10 people on each map (which is pretty much a joke force, 10 people can’t even assualt a tower with 3-4 competant defenders). Either way points wise you can’t compete with a single server that has more members on at this time, or has a stronger NA force that gives their oceanics a larger lead when they log on.

Now we have 15 people remaining that want to do something else, realistically are 1/3 of them going to want to run the same dungeon? Probably not. Crafting, leveling alts, farming for legendaries, etc there are so many things to do. It’s hard enough to get people for some dungeons on SoS when we have a ~9k member pool to access, with 15 you have almost no chance. (and i haven’t even mentioned DE’s, there certainly would be no karma zerg or enough people to do things like temples)

tldr; 100 people is nowhere near enough to do everything a server has to offer. if you think so, you haven’t really thought about it long enough.

Question to SOS guilds

in WvW

Posted by: Xpiher.5209


tldr; 100 people is nowhere near enough to do everything a server has to offer. if you think so, you haven’t really thought about it long enough.

You are assuming that those 100 people are the only ones on the map. Yes, a little more may need to come over, but from what I’ve seen each server has 30-100 people on off time. 100 more people would be enough to use politics and good tactics to stop a complete shellacking.

ANET needs to fix some other issues, but politics and spreading out a little bit would certainly be a little bit more fun that simply dominating an entire match during your prime time IMO. If not then meh whatever.

Question to SOS guilds

in WvW

Posted by: Nevron.9413


Well, SoS did have a surge of NA guilds jump to the server to take advantage of that off-hour coverage without having to coordinate it, so it should be jumping up tiers to fight other servers with an off-hour presence.

Guild – Shadow of Apophis [SoA]

Question to SOS guilds

in WvW

Posted by: displacedTitan.6897


SoS is on the way up to Tier 3/2 this week. So it will be fighting other servers who have 24/7 coverage.

Question to SOS guilds

in WvW

Posted by: Brynna Stormclaw.9621

Brynna Stormclaw.9621

There are far less Oceanics than NA players.. there are simply not enough of us to go around. We shouldn’t have to sacrifice our enjoyment of the game so that others can benefit. I just don’t get it sometimes – we are either the game’s hottest commodity, or we are kitten dirty nightcappers. It’s impossible to please everyone.

Eris Ataxiar [HLX] – Sea of Sorrows

Question to SOS guilds

in WvW

Posted by: Xpiher.5209


There are far less Oceanics than NA players.. there are simply not enough of us to go around. We shouldn’t have to sacrifice our enjoyment of the game so that others can benefit. I just don’t get it sometimes – we are either the game’s hottest commodity, or we are kitten dirty nightcappers. It’s impossible to please everyone.

Guesting would allow you guys to be on a different home server and still get the community of another server. It needs to be implemented. Yes, I know there aren’t enough of you to go around, but if you weren’t so concentrated on what 2 servers, there wouldn’t be an issue for WvW.

Question to SOS guilds

in WvW

Posted by: Tzash.5748


Yes, I know there aren’t enough of you to go around, but if you weren’t so concentrated on what 2 servers, there wouldn’t be an issue for WvW.

I’m curious as to where you got this idea that only 2 servers have an Oceanic presence. There are actually quite a few servers with off peak players, its just the numbers that vary.

Question to SOS guilds

in WvW

Posted by: Arforyon.1746


You can already run dungeons with people for other servers so dungeons specifically wouldn’t ever be a problem. For general pve events maybe but just until guesting kicks in.

Thoros Myr – Level 80 Guardian

Question to SOS guilds

in WvW

Posted by: SKYeXile.2716


Cool thread, ill be sure to pass on your concerns about WvW to the PvEers of SoS next time they set foot in WvW…

Xile | TRF – GM | [AU] – Now Recruiting.

Question to SOS guilds

in WvW

Posted by: declan.3968


I’m a member of a 400+ strong carebear alliance on SOS. Even if we moved to another server what good would it do? Less than 50 of us actively WvW.

Question to SOS guilds

in WvW

Posted by: Xpiher.5209


I’m a member of a 400+ strong carebear alliance on SOS. Even if we moved to another server what good would it do? Less than 50 of us actively WvW.

This thread is addressed to the 50 members you have that are dedicated WvW players. Not about the PvE players who never do WvW

Yes, I know there aren’t enough of you to go around, but if you weren’t so concentrated on what 2 servers, there wouldn’t be an issue for WvW.

I’m curious as to where you got this idea that only 2 servers have an Oceanic presence. There are actually quite a few servers with off peak players, its just the numbers that vary.

Hence why I said concentrated? I know there are “night crews” on all servers. The issue is that none of them have enough players to actually have decent fights against the servers who are dominated by “night crews”

(edited by Xpiher.5209)

Question to SOS guilds

in WvW

Posted by: Ignicity.7938


Let me play devils advocate for this post.

When GW2 launched, 3 unofficial Oceanic servers were chosen. They were: Isle of Jan’thir, Gates of Madness, and Sea of Sorrows.

I think these are the “night crews” that Xpipher has been discussing.

Ignicity – 80 Necromancer
Unreal Aussies [uA] – Isle of Janthir

Question to SOS guilds

in WvW

Posted by: Tzash.5748


Let me play devils advocate for this post.

When GW2 launched, 3 unofficial Oceanic servers were chosen. They were: Isle of Jan’thir, Gates of Madness, and Sea of Sorrows.

I think these are the “night crews” that Xpipher has been discussing.

And yet the “strongest” Oceanic PvP guilds joined TA and went wherever they went, which wasn’t any of the unofficial servers. Not sure where they’ve gone now.

Question to SOS guilds

in WvW

Posted by: Ignicity.7938


To be honest, I have absolutely no idea where they have all spread out to since launch. Some may have switched servers, some may have left the game; it’s all conjecture.

But what I will say is that Isle of Jan’thir still has a strong Oceanic presence.

Ignicity – 80 Necromancer
Unreal Aussies [uA] – Isle of Janthir

Question to SOS guilds

in WvW

Posted by: Tzash.5748


I’ll definitely agree that SoS and IoJ have good Oceanic pops but that doesn’t mean there aren’t any others. I still remember people from ET claiming they had no night crew a week after they shut out both SoS and IoJ in Oceanic primetime.