Ratings and Matching system worthless with 24 hr free transfers

Ratings and Matching system worthless with 24 hr free transfers

in WvW

Posted by: Archaeneoso.8461


It has to be time for free transfers to go away, or at least change.

As it is, the rating and matching system is pointless. SoR had a barn burner of a match last week, with the final scores between the three servers within about 5k of each other. This week SoR gained a lot of guilds (that wanted to getaway from queues, understandable) but now has a 300k to 90k to 50k lead. As of yesterday we could have walked away from WvW entirely and the other servers couldnt have caught up.

There have been a lot of suggestions, no WvW for 2 weeks after transfer. Transfers once ever 2 weeks only, etc. But those still will not fix mass free transfers making the ratings system pointless.

Time to go to paid transfers

Ratings and Matching system worthless with 24 hr free transfers

in WvW

Posted by: flyinpiranha.2580


They know.

There’s three theories I have:

1) They don’t give a kitten
2) They are still collecting data before making any permanent change
3) They have something in the works, but they realize that ‘server transferring coattail riders’ make up a large part of the population so they are letting them prosper

That’s my limited “have no idea how to program or run an MMO” mentality works.

I think they should make some short term changes. I honestly can’t fathom the orb theory. It’s like if a basketball team is 60 points ahead at halftime, then the next half they let them have 7 players instead of 5 for doing so good in the first half … it seriously makes no sense I can’t even imagine what they were thinking. I thought these guys were supposed to be the cream of the crop when it came to PVP rulesets?

Ratings and Matching system worthless with 24 hr free transfers

in WvW

Posted by: Thorgrum.4679


It has to be time for free transfers to go away, or at least change.

I think you’ll find plenty who agree, probably Anet too they just havent done it yet. Its begining to negatively impact their product, I came here mainly for the WvWvW (never played gw1) this issue has me looking back to my old mmo by tuesday at the lastest most weeks.

Ratings and Matching system worthless with 24 hr free transfers

in WvW

Posted by: Archaeneoso.8461


Orbs are a side issue, they should maybe add to score, not make you harder to kill. Or PERHAPS make it so the keep they are in is harder to sack.

But he free transfers is killing things. A servers rating means ZERO when entire guilds can shift servers weekly, if not daily. It makes the matchups based on ratings pointless, unless you get very very lucky like the SoR battle last week. That was fun, that was exciting, everyone fighting it out till the bitter end.

Now people are farming the grub because its the only place to get anything after you do the jumping puzzle chest.

Ratings and Matching system worthless with 24 hr free transfers

in WvW

Posted by: Sneski.5418


Maybe it has nothing to do with those 24 hr free transfer. But still, when I was in wvw today I had the feeling something really changed.

I didn’t think we were good before, at the start we always lost. Nobody listened and when we captured something we lost 2 other things. But after some weeks we got used to each other, some people got leadership and got people to listen to them. We had scouts and when there was danger, people responded. Offcourse there was frustration from the better players but people got more experienced and it was getting real fun.

But not today … if you want the story, it’s long.
First there were the 30 bots from our side running in cirkels. (probably a problem on every server) One team was capturing towers and camps. The other team was trading and crafting at our citadel, or just standing still between the gates. At the end we where trying to take back one of our towers. The defenders were weak so I shouldn't be a problem. But then I see titanpaw is under attack, so I want to go and check. One player is building a catapult so first I use my supply to help him. But the others don't react, even when he is running around shouting 'who has supplies'. They are just bashing the gate and spreading out around the tower. I port to the the citadel and 10 people are standing there ... I tell the team Titanpaw is attacked and then lost. Nobody moves, nobody reacts, nobody cares. 3 players captured titanpaw while we got 15 people doing other things in our citadel.
You know … I ‘m not good at it too, but at least I try to play the game. I like WvW but not enough to leave my server. I have irl friends on my server who don’t like wvw. I’m in a guild on my server and I’m not into WvW enough to follow a hardcore guild around other servers. But I like the co-op with people who take it serious, that made it fun. Maybe it will sorts itself, maybe it’s a coincidence but WvW today, it was a joke.
Tomorrow I’ll give it another try. I really hope I see things wrong because it would ruin a part of the game for me. Maybe even make it boring.
(Sorry for the grammar, my English still needs some work ;-) )

(edited by Sneski.5418)

Ratings and Matching system worthless with 24 hr free transfers

in WvW

Posted by: Hexd.4796


Half of the servers are listed as Full and do not allow transfers, and the rest of the servers have High populations. The balance problem in WvW is not due to a shortage of players