Remove Vizunah Square from the European Serverpool or...

Remove Vizunah Square from the European Serverpool or...

in WvW

Posted by: Riyu.2103


…don`t match it with other European servers in WvWvW

Over 50% of the population from this server are French Canadians, which means, they are playing when Europe is sleeping. This results that Vizunah Square server has a pretty good population 24/7, while all other European servers have not (yes because the most sleep at night).

This again results that Vizunah Square raids evertyhing 24/7 on the WvWvW maps.

Positive suggestions I picked up from this thread so far:

- Make the “outmanned” buff actually useful
- Make the Keepguards x % stronger if population is x %
- On DAoC, you needed to unlock the relic fort by taking a chain of keep. And then, you still had to breaks doors. —→ It should not be possible to capture Orbs that easy

(edited by Riyu.2103)

Remove Vizunah Square from the European Serverpool or...

in WvW

Posted by: Device.1357


So you want to deny access to an entire server because you can’t hack it in WvW?

Remove Vizunah Square from the European Serverpool or...

in WvW

Posted by: TheBob.9863


I don’t know if they have Canadians or not but at the moment WvW is decided by whoever has the bigger numbers during night time and coupled with the fact that scores reset at around 1AM for Europe that’s all she wrote, pretty big design flaw in my opinion.

The question is, should WvW winner be decided by whoever has the bigger numbers during the night(after reset) or not?

Remove Vizunah Square from the European Serverpool or...

in WvW

Posted by: The Spiral King.2483

The Spiral King.2483

So you want to deny access to an entire server because you can’t hack it in WvW?

I’m on a US server and have to deal with Sea of Sorrows and the aussies annihilating the entire map every single night. It is a perfectly rational complaint. Night capping is a serious issue that needs to be solved.

Remove Vizunah Square from the European Serverpool or...

in WvW

Posted by: Device.1357


So you want to deny access to an entire server because you can’t hack it in WvW?

I’m on a US server and have to deal with Sea of Sorrows and the aussies annihilating the entire map every single night. It is a perfectly rational complaint. Night capping is a serious issue that needs to be solved.

It’s not an issue and it doesn’t need and cannot be resolved. Unless your suggestion is to lock WvW every time your server goes to bed and unlock it when you wake up so YOU can gain the advantage, and not them. All these complaints are about you gaining the advantage, because you can’t deal with other people having an advantage over you. If you want perfectly fair PvP, go play sPvP. WvW is obviously not for you.

Remove Vizunah Square from the European Serverpool or...

in WvW

Posted by: Troma.3250


Oh god, why why why ! for the last time, we have NO French Canadians !

it’s us, the same players. We are fanatics of WvW, and we have a lot of “nolife” players. We lead even our pickup, and we play a lot at night.

How many times i will have to say this? the French Canadians don’t care about us, they lag in Euro serv

“Over 50% of the population from this server are French Canadians”

source? because it’s not true. At all. Stop imagine

co-founder of Grand Cross Alliance
General of Grand Cross Knights [GCK]

(edited by Troma.3250)

Remove Vizunah Square from the European Serverpool or...

in WvW

Posted by: Device.1357


I’m all for equal footing battles but when you’re fighting against 2 time-zones its a bit out of hand

I keep hearing this but it has yet to be proven to be the case.

either force Canadians to play on US servers

Terrible idea.

or give some sort of damage/health buff when fighting vs higher numbers otherwise this problem will persist and people will eventually get bored of the same old stuff.

There already is a buff when you’re outnumbered in a zone.

Remove Vizunah Square from the European Serverpool or...

in WvW

Posted by: warboss.1362


there are no french canadians on Vizunah….
only french hardcore players.
I hope Arena net will give you the numbers
you have casual pve population majority , we have hardcore WvW population majority (only 1 server in EU yes).

see results of this survey: gamestyle and playstyle

Remove Vizunah Square from the European Serverpool or...

in WvW

Posted by: Tahj.3759


Vizunah Square has all the dedicated hardcore WvW/RvR FR players all banded into one big alliance. There’s nothing else than european players, they’re just a whole lot and really dedicated.

I say this because I know them very well, they dominated in Warhammer Online too, and probably elsewhere.

Remove Vizunah Square from the European Serverpool or...

in WvW

Posted by: iKoyy.1634


…don`t match it with other European servers in WvWvW

Over 50% of the population from this server are French Canadians, which means, they are playing when Europe is sleeping. This results that Vizunah Square server has a pretty good population 24/7, while all other European servers have not (yes because the most sleep at night).

This again results that Vizunah Square raids evertyhing 24/7 on the WvWvW maps.

You got it so wrong man. Best troll so far.

Remove Vizunah Square from the European Serverpool or...

in WvW

Posted by: Zax.6170


Remove Vizunah Square from the European Serverpool or...

in WvW

Posted by: Impossible Odds.4627

Impossible Odds.4627

So you want to deny access to an entire server because you can’t hack it in WvW?

I’m on a US server and have to deal with Sea of Sorrows and the aussies annihilating the entire map every single night. It is a perfectly rational complaint. Night capping is a serious issue that needs to be solved.

Crystal Desert here; not sure what the problem is, we stomped SoS last time we faced them. They night-capped a lot but we managed to re-cap everything before the night was even over.

Regardless, this won’t be a problem when the matches last longer than a day.

Remove Vizunah Square from the European Serverpool or...

in WvW

Posted by: mobtek.3075


So you want to deny access to an entire server because you can’t hack it in WvW?

I’m on a US server and have to deal with Sea of Sorrows and the aussies annihilating the entire map every single night. It is a perfectly rational complaint. Night capping is a serious issue that needs to be solved.

hahah we had the same on Sea of Sorrows last night, all the aussies but a skeleton crew were asleep, the US players smacked us up nicely As to an issue that needs resolving, I’d disagree, makes it more fun IMHO
And yes, I went to bed at 4AM because it was so much fun to be so outnumbered
OT: And to the guys who were trying to scout locations to build seige engines on the hill overlooking Sea of Sorrows overlook, being set on fire is nothing compared to the hilarity of doing a barrel roll off a cliff while on fire and going splat. Those of us defending all gave you a 6.0 for the landing, you nailed it

Remove Vizunah Square from the European Serverpool or...

in WvW

Posted by: VoLtZ.5192


itt : butthurt americans
just because your server is bad at WvWvW doesnt mean you need to find excuses..
if you researched a bit you’d know that there are some top EU MMO guilds on the server..
the canadian excuse is just one of the most stupidest excuses ive ever seen

Remove Vizunah Square from the European Serverpool or...

in WvW

Posted by: Fugly.5287


There are several American servers with the same issue with Australian and Korean players.

Remove Vizunah Square from the European Serverpool or...

in WvW

Posted by: Uder.9187


There are no canadians on Vizunah, they are just well organised, peple know what they do, the quality of the players is a huge difference compared to other servers. I bet they have a server wide TS they use.

The Iron Triangle – Desolation
Leina Shade | Svea Lightbringer | Maximus Ironhide | Mara Deathblossom

Remove Vizunah Square from the European Serverpool or...

in WvW

Posted by: Xonal.5426


I’m from Desolation – it just seems to me that so far Vizunah Square are the only server taking WvW remotely seriously — if they’re willing to make sure they’re pop capping borderlands at 4am and splooging siege equipment everywhere at 5am then gg to them, it’s working.

Right now I think the biggest problem is the reset time, it resets at midnight so us lazy Desolation WvWers go to bed leaving very few in our borderlands (all are pretty much instant join from reset onwards..) this lets VS get an unclosable lead in points come the following afternoon when borderlands start to pop cap for us (and what is usually Farshiver Peaks)

Remove Vizunah Square from the European Serverpool or...

in WvW

Posted by: nilco.8457


Really guys? No Canadians? I play on far shiverpeak (represent yo) we are currently the second best realm in europe after Viznuah Square, and we stand NO chanse in hell. Why? Because they field 4 FULL WvWvW borderlands after every single reset, there is ALWAYS a que. I doubt Viznuah is home to unemployed french people who play 24/7 as that would be stupid.

Still, they cap all 4 maps within 2 hours of a reset, why? Because its full borderlands vs max 60-70 shiverpeakers and 30-40 desolation players. 2 days ago Viznuah beat us by 75.000 points.

And for the record, during Shiverpeak peaktime we beat the french and desolation 9/10 times, we can never close the score gap with dem canadians tho.

Also, I would like to extand a hand to any desolation player here, lets stop fighting each other and kill some french, oui?

(edited by nilco.8457)

Remove Vizunah Square from the European Serverpool or...

in WvW

Posted by: ThundernLightning.7508


This topic has been discussed to death already. Guess what, persistent world pvp is persistent. It is a necessity to have 24/7 coverage to compete in NA wvw and it appears the same is true for European servers. If you can’t manage that you will not, and do not deserve to, move to the top.

Remove Vizunah Square from the European Serverpool or...

in WvW

Posted by: Xonal.5426


Also, I would like to extand a hand to any desolation player here, lets stop fighting each other and kill some french, oui?

Not possible on Desolation – at least you guys can field large numbers of the same guild at 4am (like [GF]) we simple folk on Desolation merely follow the lvl10 leading the zerg, if he takes a right into Farshiver territory then that is the way we go

Remove Vizunah Square from the European Serverpool or...

in WvW

Posted by: nilco.8457


Thundernlightning friend, the server who are complaining are, Far Shiverpeak and Desolation. Second best, and third respectively in Europe at this time. We cant move to the top because we are already there.

Remove Vizunah Square from the European Serverpool or...

in WvW

Posted by: VoLtZ.5192


just because they are better than you doesn’t mean you have to come up with bad excuses such as region players
if a few canadian players can make such a huge difference, why couldnt you ?

vizunah is just the home of the best EU guilds so deal with it

Remove Vizunah Square from the European Serverpool or...

in WvW

Posted by: ThundernLightning.7508


Thundernlightning friend, the server who are complaining are, Far Shiverpeak and Desolation. Second best, and third respectively in Europe at this time. We cant move to the top because we are already there.

How does this change anything? You will stay second and third without improving your 24/7 coverage

Remove Vizunah Square from the European Serverpool or...

in WvW

Posted by: Xonal.5426


Thundernlightning friend, the server who are complaining are, Far Shiverpeak and Desolation. Second best, and third respectively in Europe at this time. We cant move to the top because we are already there.

How does this change anything? You will stay second and third without improving your 24/7 coverage

Well we’re not going to because we’re primarily populated by EU residents… so let’s instead just say #2 is the new #1, shift every server up a position accordingly and pretend VS doesn’t exist?

Remove Vizunah Square from the European Serverpool or...

in WvW

Posted by: Syn.3459


So you want to deny access to an entire server because you can’t hack it in WvW?

it has nothing to do with “not hacking it” it’s to do with timezones, which is clearly a major issue when the match is all day long

Remove Vizunah Square from the European Serverpool or...

in WvW

Posted by: Quickfoot Katana.8642

Quickfoot Katana.8642

There already is a buff when you’re outnumbered in a zone.

Do you even know what does that buff consist in?
Here’s some help:
NONE of this helps you if you are outnumbered. It’s a pathetic buff that basically looks to you in the eyes and says: LOL you can’t beat them, here’s extra XP and magic find, go farm grubs and wolves.

Remove Vizunah Square from the European Serverpool or...

in WvW

Posted by: Thorvald.5432


And for the record, during Shiverpeak peaktime we beat the french and desolation 9/10 times, we can never close the score gap with dem canadians tho.

You do not. That only happened a few times.

There is no canadian (or so little it doesn’t matter). If you want proof ask ANet.

Why do we have so many people late at night ? Because we cannot login before reset. And if you don’t get in the minute the reset happens, you have to wait till 4 AM to get in.
Since we are WvW freaks, we are frustrated not being able to play, so if we managed to get in, we want to play more than what we would normally do.

Also we have the biggest and oldest alliance of guilds from DAoC with the most experience in RvR strategy and discipline. This include great leaders able to command random people and communicate between various map to address needs of defense and attacks.

Yes we play more and later than most other servers but, we are not to blame. ANet is at fault with :
1. not having sorted queue problems
2. First to get 3 orb of power after reset wins.

Invaders [Inv] – Vizunah Square

(edited by Thorvald.5432)

Remove Vizunah Square from the European Serverpool or...

in WvW

Posted by: Parthis.2091


It’s 01:30 in the morning, an hour after WvW rolled over. Vizunah have all three orbs, SC, the majority of keeps and towers and most camps. In the Vizunah borderlands they outnumber us 3:1.

There’s no denying that VS have some talented players, but this is unwinnable. There’s no skill in this; it’s a numbers game. By the morning when there’s a chance of evening out the numbers the damage is done – the gap is simply too large.

Desolation can improve. We don’t have many structured guilds, and sometimes we lack direction if there are a lot of PvEers grinding their monthlies, but the simple fact is that right now, at this time of day, we’re massively out numbered.

When two zergs meet the biggest one wins. Whether this is down to French-canadians or not is beside the point. The battlefield is not equal, so it’s hardly a battle.

Anet are smart enough to solve this problem. Scores could scale based on active population and participation. The (frankly useless) outnumbered buff could be made useful. etc etc.

Also; remove the orbs. It does more harm than good. Immediately after the reset the first to cap them wins.

Commander Amayasu Gerani, Guardian.
Leader of [JDGE] on Gandara EU.
A GW2 API for Objective-C –

(edited by Parthis.2091)

Remove Vizunah Square from the European Serverpool or...

in WvW

Posted by: Megg.7941


Nice whine thread

Remove Vizunah Square from the European Serverpool or...

in WvW

Posted by: Maximelene.6794


Hello, French player here, playing from France !

I just popped to say that, hey, it’s 4 am here, and I’m still playing. I’m not canadian, but I just capped like… all your points !

Stop looking for excuses : our server has a MASS of dedicated players, who don’t care about playing during the night. And a lot of organization.

Remove Vizunah Square from the European Serverpool or...

in WvW

Posted by: JemL.3501


why would a world have access denied becuase has people 24/7

I took an arrow to the knee

Remove Vizunah Square from the European Serverpool or...

in WvW

Posted by: Bondurant.1540


Remove Vizunah Square from the European Serverpool or...

in WvW

Posted by: Ral.5326


This topic has been discussed to death already. Guess what, persistent world pvp is persistent. It is a necessity to have 24/7 coverage to compete in NA wvw and it appears the same is true for European servers. If you can’t manage that you will not, and do not deserve to, move to the top.

Except that’s not true at all. There are many people from different times zones on NA servers(Oceanic players/ Asian players/ European players) but on EU servers every single player is in more or less the same time zone. During night time, on every server except Vizunah, borderlands are completely empty.

I don’t think anyone cares who the best wvw server is on Europe. For whatever reason(if they say its dedicated players and not people from different time zones i believe them) Vizunah dominates at night and it makes wvw really boring when the match is over before it starts for 99.99% of the servers population. I think everyone from Far Shiverpeaks, Desolation and Riverside would love a match between each other without Vizunah as it would be so much more enjoyable, but it will never happen.

Remove Vizunah Square from the European Serverpool or...

in WvW

Posted by: Charlouf.1985


bondurant !
u french canadian
u door killer !

op : u should be more scared by belgium people (with big chocolate box) , and swiss (big watchs), and french caledonian (these one got big knifes) who share the other 50% with french canadian (big woodworker).

( Regroupement Guild Wars 2 Québec
Quebekers Alliance [QKA] “will be on server” Northens Shiverpeaks / Cimefroides du Nord. )

(edited by Charlouf.1985)

Remove Vizunah Square from the European Serverpool or...

in WvW

Posted by: warboss.1362


to the far shiverpeaks whiners about timezones

you should thank the russian alliance that is playing on FS (claiming to play from gmt+4 up to gmt +11. yes gmt +11) and get more guys like nug and GF (kiss :p) .
because at the times being they are your server. they do 95% of the rvr job. without them you would’nt have to whine about your 2nd place you would be in the low bottom .

i have been playing on FS the first week. left because zero communication, slow organization by a casual alliance. Pugs unleaded, top russians actors playing only in closed circle not saying a single english word.

FS had 100% of the map every single night and 30k points lead everyday too until they meet Vizunah. nobody on FS complained before that …

stop the timezones excuses , recruit, organize, and crush us.

Remove Vizunah Square from the European Serverpool or...

in WvW

Posted by: Cursed.4329


Ooo warboss is a real team winner joiner (from the good old CS days).
Its no wounder no one has whined before and that might have something with the forums not being up.
I didnt enjoy the full cap we got ever singel time and I was just waiting for a reset to fight and take some keeps again.

WvWvW is not about “PWING NOOB YOO LMAOLOL”, its about faffing around and having a good time.

Remove Vizunah Square from the European Serverpool or...

in WvW

Posted by: Kuroin.1703


I wish some serious L2 clans would move over to GW2, then we would see some real steam rolling.
I tried WvW once so far and I’m FS, what I saw was a huge number of FR, at least 5 times our number running anyone who stood and fight over wherever I went, I don’t think there is a good solution to this, seen it happen to many times in L2, more active side wins, it’s that simple.

Remove Vizunah Square from the European Serverpool or...

in WvW

Posted by: warboss.1362


“Ooo warboss is a real team winner joiner (from the good old CS days).”

your point is not valid we left FS while they were dominating because of the zero organization, leaving PUGs and small guilds aside nothing more.
and we really hope to get our a.. kicked by FS soon :p

(edited by warboss.1362)

Remove Vizunah Square from the European Serverpool or...

in WvW

Posted by: Kuroin.1703


“Ooo warboss is a real team winner joiner (from the good old CS days).”

your point is not valid we left FS while they were dominating because of the zero organization, leaving PUGs and small guilds aside nothing more.
and we really hope to get our a.. kicked by FS soon :p

About what you said about kittenes, they are always organized and usually quite good at PVP, had lots of fights vs kittene clans before which was always cool. Wish we had more of them at FS: :P

Yet don’t know if I understood this right but you left FS for VS? Sounds counter productive as you make it less organized assuming you are playing with a group and IMO you have no right to complain about the people who comment on the current balance if that is the case. :p

Remove Vizunah Square from the European Serverpool or...

in WvW

Posted by: warboss.1362


i did not complain^^ i fully agree in its current state their is inbalance but just not because of that canadian thing people are talking about. it’s because of population type and gamestyle and organization.
and i really love russian players as super good ennemies ^^. tons of fun playing against them:p

(edited by warboss.1362)

Remove Vizunah Square from the European Serverpool or...

in WvW

Posted by: hyttemaier.7950


I would have to agree, that something should be done, im on Far shiverpeaks, and we sleep at night i just woke up and Vizunah is in the lead with 53000 points, nothing we can do to pick up after that, so to win we should all quit jobs, schools and use drugs to stay awake 24/7 ? hehe, we all want to win and have fair battles, if i were at Vizunah square i would have a bad taste in my mouth, with the cheese wins 100 vs 10 at night, and yes i even tried one night to stay awake to see the state of this issue, and yes numbers on our side was around 10 people vs roughly 100 from Vizunah.

With all that said we have such epic battles at day! when we have even numbers, isent that what its all about? Vizunah go to sleep at night, and lets settle this at day!

Peace out

Remove Vizunah Square from the European Serverpool or...

in WvW

Posted by: Malpractice.7850


I feel like a easy fix would be make guards % stronger if outnumbered by %, so that its a challegenge, still. Walls/doors, too.

Not a totally 100% fix, but easily implemented, bandaid fix that would slow down the overnight rolling.

Remove Vizunah Square from the European Serverpool or...

in WvW

Posted by: fingis.2867


People willing to log on after hours has always been a problem in MMOs. In WoW, getting the achievement for killing a city boss was impossible on some pvp servers. Highly rated arena teams would decide to fight you instead of queuing for arena etc. The trick was to log on after everyone went to bed.

What do you want to do, sell a ‘do not disturb’ sign that you can hang on a keep after hours that keeps everyone out?

Remove Vizunah Square from the European Serverpool or...

in WvW

Posted by: Parthis.2091


What do you want to do, sell a ‘do not disturb’ sign that you can hang on a keep after hours that keeps everyone out?

I mean this in the nicest possible way, but smarter people than you work a lot harder than you to solve problems. Anet could solve this problem. Anet are smart people.

This isn’t arena, or a 10 point achievement. This is a major component of the game, and it needs addressing. It starts with not making the team with the most power more powerful; remove the orbs. Scale points by active participation and population. Make the Outnumbered buff actually useful; as it is all it does encourage lower pop teams to avoid fighting and go farming.

The view from the morning is attached.


Commander Amayasu Gerani, Guardian.
Leader of [JDGE] on Gandara EU.
A GW2 API for Objective-C –

(edited by Parthis.2091)

Remove Vizunah Square from the European Serverpool or...

in WvW

Posted by: Grushy.7126


lock borderlands capping during sleep time. Fair for EU people since they sleep anyway, if some Canadian is playing on Vizu [fr] you force them to migrate to a US server, where they should play fairly according to their timezone.

Remove Vizunah Square from the European Serverpool or...

in WvW

Posted by: gebrechen.5643


Maybe it makes sense to change the invites. When only 10 from each other realm are in wvw then no more invites to wvw should be possible. That could be hard times.

What I don’t really get is how can everyone, who can’t play the day because of endless queue, can play at night and still get up early every day? :<

Some people die on epidemic, other have skill.
- great warlord Waha of Sea 2981bc

Remove Vizunah Square from the European Serverpool or...

in WvW

Posted by: Maximelene.6794


lock borderlands capping during sleep time. Fair for EU people since they sleep anyway

How is this fair ? There are people who work late and want to play after. There are people who simply want to play during the night (I’m in this case).

Who can decide “after this hour, WvW is somehow blocked, see you tomorrow” ? That’s not the point of a persistent 24/24 battle.

It’s a war, and wars doesn’t stop at midnight.

Now, you have a lot of point to get back. That’s a lot of work, you should start as soon as possible instead of complaining.

Remove Vizunah Square from the European Serverpool or...

in WvW

Posted by: Jakula.1072


I am on Isles, and we have a good Aussie player base but we don’t tend to win more than we lose. I would imagine some servers have large dedicated World vs World guilds and as such are more dedicated that other servers.

Jakula – 80 Ranger [Phaxx]
Isles of Janthir

Remove Vizunah Square from the European Serverpool or...

in WvW

Posted by: Grushy.7126


lock borderlands capping during sleep time. Fair for EU people since they sleep anyway

How is this fair ? There are people who work late and want to play after. There are people who simply want to play during the night (I’m in this case).

Who can decide “after this hour, WvW is somehow blocked, see you tomorrow” ? That’s not the point of a persistent 24/24 battle.

It’s a war, and wars doesn’t stop at midnight.

Now, you have a lot of point to get back. That’s a lot of work, you should start as soon as possible instead of complaining.

you CAN’T bridge the gap in points and siege that is formed during the late night zerg, that is the whole point of this discussion.

Again, this is not a 24/24 battle… is a “from 3am to 7am war”, so as you can see your magical persistent WvW does not exists even now.

Remove Vizunah Square from the European Serverpool or...

in WvW

Posted by: gebrechen.5643


lock borderlands capping during sleep time. Fair for EU people since they sleep anyway

How is this fair ? There are people who work late and want to play after. There are people who simply want to play during the night (I’m in this case).

Who can decide “after this hour, WvW is somehow blocked, see you tomorrow” ? That’s not the point of a persistent 24/24 battle.

It’s a war, and wars doesn’t stop at midnight.

Now, you have a lot of point to get back. That’s a lot of work, you should start as soon as possible instead of complaining.

No it’s not a war. It’s a game. And it’s impossible to win against servers who cap everything at night time. Even if we would be better the rest of they day it’s absolutely impossible to conquer all that back what was capped with minimum effort at night.

It would be fair enough to keep numbers even. I have wait times the whole day and have to wait to get into wvw. So where is the problem to just let as many vizunah guys into borderlands as are ppl from the opposing server?

Some people die on epidemic, other have skill.
- great warlord Waha of Sea 2981bc