Riverside vs Gandara vs Aurora Glade
Well was at least 6 XxX around-
2 mesmer?:D
45:/ hehe if u have fun its ok we enjoyed too.
So you see 45 KISS there?
i see a lot of thing and u too right?
mesmers ftw i guess^^ we had 39 people in our ts. including some non kiss members. So please stop telling us we had 52 + kiss running around, while you are trying to make it sound like you was fighting us alone. Next time please try it more than one time. We like the lootbags.
Yes mesmers…i was one of the two u saw outside that camp…and no…you weren 45 KISS..u were 75/80 lemmings acting like pro..making portals to wipe 4/5 ppl at time…
And remember..u must gather up to face us…you without the serverside pug are worthless..
I like the lootbags more than you..when kiss members die inside the blob and they re left on the ground like garbage….we do the cleaning…and most of the times the tag is KISS…can you imagine why?
go /buy skill…try to roam in 20/30 (alone) and maybe you will deserve a little respect from us.
Cya blobbers
You should take up politics, being able to lie convincingly in spite of hard evidence to the contrary is a skill only the coldest of heart possess. By assuming we would want your respect, you assume to much.
Not sure what’s so fun about camping one location with a 40+ guild blob against outnumbered and disorganized PUGs with only a few from each guild, but I suppose anything else is too challenging for KISS to enjoy.
Asura on patrol in defense of Gandara and Bessie!
Administrator of http://thisisgandara.com
KISS be quiet, XxX be quiet would make this thread less popcorn worthy.
I appreciate both of your efforts, XxX for killing loads of dudes and fighting for Gandara’s and stuff, and KISS for your flame ram tactics and the percentage of badges we get from you guys (I’m sure your server appreciates you more but less whining from everyone would be very nice.
No offense Nem, but every single week I see you guys involved in a discussion about numbers and arguing about it throughout the thread with whoever you’ve acxused or whoever has accused you, no matter how wrong they are -‘no u noob’ ‘we had this number’, does it not get repetitive at times? You guys are good at what you do, and we know there’s a language barrier and stuff, but if I’m being harsh I think you guys sound a bit too whiny on the forums, stop talking to them and prove them wrong by wiping their assumedly sorry kittens, y’know?
KISS we know you’re on of the less appreciated AG guilds, seeing as I think you’re supposed to be larger or something, or less difficult to fight in some ways, but stop baiting the XxX guys, and don’t rise to any comments they make/glad them yourselves :/ i swear we can’t have one week without several days of drama like this, and Dius seem to be more uptight with the popcorn these days -_- I’m sure you were the sole reason that you were ticking [insert number nominally higher than the other two] at some given point in time, and I’m sure you guys never ran low on supplies for many hours, but we don’t need to hear about all your accomplishments, I’m sure my fellow Gandarans are just posting in frustration because they couldn’t kill you and your allies, so why not mention that in a non-hostile way, instead of ‘we camped that supply camp and we onnlly were running 45 in our guild group, but because of that we held back 52 guild groups and constantly were ticking >9000’, which I think is overcreditting yourselves in a way. You could say ‘because we holding X at this location, our lovely and capable team mates were able to do Y and hence we achieved Z, which is why we did X’ or something non-evil, you know?
I’ve forgotten what my poin- oh yeah, play nice children…
Underworld Battalion [WvW] Leader (retired) – Gandara [EU]
All Is Vain https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/pvp/gf-left-me-coz-of-ladderboard/
W v W-r o a m e r
lol XxX are getting annoyed be careful they may flank you while your fighting their blob, oh wait they already tried that in their video I see a lot of friendlies on that mini map no ? Don’t accuse of blobbing when you do it yourselves. P.s every server blobs at one time so shut up and get on with it
That is exactly what happened, their main group was pouring through the door and xxx tried to come from the side, they either pushed too soon or the other Gandarans pushed too late, but their typical tactic of using the rest of the server as a meat shield didn’t work, many tears fell. If you look at the stream from our side you can see the actual numbers that were there behind us as xxx failed as usual.
The Kiss blobber:
“By assuming we would want your respect, you assume to much.”
Deserve is different…can’ t you see what i mean?
Assume this, blobber.
Lamfotha [VcY]
Soosick [VcY]
xXx tears are salty but very, very bitter. Ruined my popcorn.
I think a lot of their members must have quit since no-more-culling revealed their only tactic. I kind of remember them being better, not good, just slightly better than that.
Currently it’s incredibly dull on GW2, and I think others would agree that the drama from these WvW “discussions” is quite entertaining.
Sea of Sorrows
Why do you think I have a laugh in this thread? most wouldnt even know my guild as they currently inactive so get to have the odd laugh here as im not leading
And here the flyhackers are inside our garrison, right after they killed me and a couple of arrowcarts on the wall..
Same guild tag as in Hills – I guess Gold Club Deutchland are the resident cheaters at Riverside server. I will keep an eye out for those cheaters, they can be dangerous…
hobby: busting Trebuchettes
Gandara server
Thanks back to FURY for the good fights before and after that one also. Not our best night but we never go down without giving some slaps back. We shall get our revenge!!!
Gandara (EU)
Goodness there is a lot of rage in here. I think some of you need to think about why KISS bring out such strong emotions in you, particularly if they are as ‘bad’ as you like to try and convince everyone.
Next time you come to the forums to rant and cry because you died stop for a moment, remember this is just a game and take some deep breaths. Then re-read what you were about to post and realise how whiny and stupid it makes you look.
Are we really crying about numbers again?
I mean, I could count as many ballistas as you did cout KISS in the respective camp on AG-BL. :P
At the end of the day it’s just a game. If you see so many players in a camp, doing nothing dangerous, move on and prey they wont attack anything (or just leave a slippery scout).
Yesterdays AG-BL southwest camp action was just priceless. I never had such a fight for a stupid camp (and a few trebs) with all 3 parties included!
Sadly I dont have screenshots of the actuall fight with RSvsYakvsFURY in the camp.
There’s no rage here.
Next time you come to our borderland to troll because you died a lot stop for a moment, remember this is just a game and think about what you could do with 50 people. Then re-think your tactics and realise how unproductive you were and how stupid it makes you look.
Everyone just stop arguing and go watch the video Hoax posted. A nice epic openfield fight!
Thanks and much respect to Yak!
my stream: http://twitch.tv/Para_Streaming
All names start with Para
I love some gandara players talking about effeciency, when i take tower on their border with 5 ppl and they are taking it back by trebbing for 1 hour+ while the blob is getting wiped in vale camp by KISS.
Aurora Glade
Are we really crying about numbers again?
I mean, I could count as many ballistas as you did cout KISS in the respective camp on AG-BL. :P
At the end of the day it’s just a game. If you see so many players in a camp, doing nothing dangerous, move on and prey they wont attack anything (or just leave a slippery scout).Yesterdays AG-BL southwest camp action was just priceless. I never had such a fight for a stupid camp (and a few trebs) with all 3 parties included!
Sadly I dont have screenshots of the actuall fight with RSvsYakvsFURY in the camp.
Not sure, but FURY might have some footage from that fight :P
Thanks back to FURY for the good fights before and after that one also. Not our best night but we never go down without giving some slaps back. We shall get our revenge!!!
Probably one of the best fights we had in this match up
(edited by Acotje.5689)
This is getting kinda tiresome.
People call blob on someone. That someone instantly pops on forum
Then they forget to count the people around them drawn to them by that blue shiny thing and kinda indirectly trash them by saying they only run a 35 man group and that the 15 add ons are not contributing, being useless noobs.
Also so nice to see that the ONE comeback line being used on these forums are
“Look at all our loot we got 101 spikes mofo kitten kitten ”
If this game had an age restriction WvW would be in big trouble
Bro, don’t hate on all the spikes I get. Everyone knows the amount of spikes you get is a measure of how much skills you got in WvW 8-)
[dw] & [YAK] cheers for the fights last night. [XxX] nice ambush on us coming out of EB keep. Looking forward to more of the same tonight.
Furious Cookies[FURY]
Everyone just stop arguing and go watch the video Hoax posted. A nice epic openfield fight!
Thanks and much respect to Yak!
cheers. not our greatest fight, looks like lots of work to be done our side. Well played, FURY have gotten a lot stronger as a unit since we were last in T4 which is great to see.
[dw] & [YAK] cheers for the fights last night. [XxX] nice ambush on us coming out of EB keep. Looking forward to more of the same tonight.
im sure u are looking for more with your number:D
[dw] & [YAK] cheers for the fights last night. [XxX] nice ambush on us coming out of EB keep. Looking forward to more of the same tonight.
We came to have a look what was going on around that area and to our suprise there was FURY with golems, was a funny unexpected encounter =D!
Probably one of the best fights we had in this match up
Dear [FURY] guys, your video and your statements are the proof there’s more to this game than an average a day in the office grinding badges and wxp zerg drone will ever experience. You fought in equal numbers a fair fight in open field and you won, deservedly. You did that for the sake of it, for the thrill and excitement and the good taste a victory like that leaves in your mouth. Isn’t that so? Weren’t you looking for more afterwards?
This is what we’re looking for every night, at least we’re trying.
I was about to quote another message in response to the ongoing flame, but then I read this and decided to put it on top.
Currently it’s incredibly dull on GW2, and I think others would agree that the drama from these WvW “discussions” is quite entertaining.
And that’s the point.
It’s dull because of the way some guilds are playing the game. They’re playing it safe, simply throwing numbers at the problem.
They’re doing preemptive zerg sometimes when not really needed, forcing smaller groups out of the border. I guess it can’t be helped because some guilds are so huge and obviously can’t ask their people to stay home. But every guild big enough could always make 2 distinct groups, put more people in charge, share responsabilities, improve teamplay.
Some other guilds, slighty smaller, are too scared to move on their own and stick to each other or stay a mere 20 seconds away, ready to perform sandwiches on opposing groups. Nothing wrong with that, this is tactics 101. Except, each and every guild group is more often than not equal in number or bigger than their enemies. And they’re not willing to risk a one on one confrontation. They prefer to trample enemies with overwhelming numbers and perhaps show off their portal bombing and flanking skill: again, nothing wrong with this at all, I’m sure it brings tons of Badges and WPX. But, where’s the fun? where’s the thrill ? Isn’t the excitement of beating the odds, trying to outsmart bigger groups, surviving a no-win scenario worth the risk? Defeating your opponents in a fair fight, worth showing (as Fury did earlier in their “vs Yak” video) or die trying. And if you die in such a fight, nothing happens: you just come back and try harder, and if your opponents do respect you, you’ll find them waiting for you, again on their own.
Now, many people stated this is just a game. And perhaps your way is the way it is meant to be played. But this is a very dull game indeed. If I wanted to hang out with my buddies, I’d go for a beer with them. If I wanted to grind hours in a routine, I’d make sure I’m getting paid. I for one believe you’ve not really played Guild Wars unless you have at least tried to do what we try to do on a daily basis. Ask Fury guys about their fight: a mere 3 mins worth much more than HOURS of “supply camp defense”.
I’m trying not to sound preachy and I know I’ve failed but, please don’t say this game’s dull, because you want that way, and you’re doing nothing to make it better.
Probably one of the best fights we had in this match up
Dear [FURY] guys, your video and your statements are the proof there’s more to this game than an average a day in the office grinding badges and wxp zerg drone will ever experience. You fought in equal numbers a fair fight in open field and you won, deservedly. You did that for the sake of it, for the thrill and excitement and the good taste a victory like that leaves in your mouth. Isn’t that so? Weren’t you looking for more afterwards?
This is what we’re looking for every night, at least we’re trying.
I was about to quote another message in response to the ongoing flame, but then I read this and decided to put it on top.Currently it’s incredibly dull on GW2, and I think others would agree that the drama from these WvW “discussions” is quite entertaining.
And that’s the point.
It’s dull because of the way some guilds are playing the game. They’re playing it safe, simply throwing numbers at the problem.
They’re doing preemptive zerg sometimes when not really needed, forcing smaller groups out of the border. I guess it can’t be helped because some guilds are so huge and obviously can’t ask their people to stay home. But every guild big enough could always make 2 distinct groups, put more people in charge, share responsabilities, improve teamplay.
Some other guilds, slighty smaller, are too scared to move on their own and stick to each other or stay a mere 20 seconds away, ready to perform sandwiches on opposing groups. Nothing wrong with that, this is tactics 101. Except, each and every guild group is more often than not equal in number or bigger than their enemies. And they’re not willing to risk a one on one confrontation. They prefer to trample enemies with overwhelming numbers and perhaps show off their portal bombing and flanking skill: again, nothing wrong with this at all, I’m sure it brings tons of Badges and WPX. But, where’s the fun? where’s the thrill ? Isn’t the excitement of beating the odds, trying to outsmart bigger groups, surviving a no-win scenario worth the risk? Defeating your opponents in a fair fight, worth showing (as Fury did earlier in their “vs Yak” video) or die trying. And if you die in such a fight, nothing happens: you just come back and try harder, and if your opponents do respect you, you’ll find them waiting for you, again on their own.Now, many people stated this is just a game. And perhaps your way is the way it is meant to be played. But this is a very dull game indeed. If I wanted to hang out with my buddies, I’d go for a beer with them. If I wanted to grind hours in a routine, I’d make sure I’m getting paid. I for one believe you’ve not really played Guild Wars unless you have at least tried to do what we try to do on a daily basis. Ask Fury guys about their fight: a mere 3 mins worth much more than HOURS of “supply camp defense”.
I’m trying not to sound preachy and I know I’ve failedbut, please don’t say this game’s dull, because you want that way, and you’re doing nothing to make it better.
Thank you for your kind and wise words. I absolutely agree that fights like in the video are the highlights of my WvW evenings. I miss the old days where you would roam the borderland, capping stuff and constantly looking over your shoulder for that guild who might sneak attack and catch you off guard. These days that feeling is gone, atleast for me it is. Blobs are constantly being tracked, since its hard to miss.
FURY has grown, in skill but also in numbers. We have tried to split up in two smaller groups in the past only to be swallowed by overwhelming numbers. i am all for trying it again to get back to more equal fights, or even fighting groups that have bigger numbers to put ourselfs to the test.
At the moment i am enjoying only two things WvW has to offer: repelling large forces in choke positions(mostly in keeps) and doing GvG’s. I miss the fights in open field like we had with Yak in that video, i really hope we can get back to those kind of fights soon.
I still have some footage i recording during the “old days” when fighting XxX, more equal numbers and better fights. Like i said before, we grew in numbers with dedicated people. Its not strange for us anymore running 30+ on any random event. I know you guys don’t do GvG and prefer random open field and i respect that, i would have liked facing you in exact even numbers to have an epic battle again
my stream: http://twitch.tv/Para_Streaming
All names start with Para
dont worry if the thing continue like that where 1 2 3 4 5 6 guild move as one for sure u dont need to look over your shoulder because we leave gandara,and dont need look behind for us.
cough cough 3omega7alpha on our keep in the early morning when we were outmanned cough -
The legend grows by the second, it was really 52 omegas.
No seriously it wasn’t THAT bad. 1 omega, 8 alphas, 4 superior catas an arrow cart or two and a few flame rams … maybe it was that bad.Caid, you know I was there, right? Are we talking about the same keep?
Really, didn’t see you there? Playing an alt?
Hope it ws the same keep or poor RS are really desperate to get our EB keep. It was 6am when i was there
Blobs have made my roaming easier, soloing supply camps and towers, two manning keeps… Gandara still have some small time guilds taking care of the non-blob players like me but Riverside’s smaller guilds such as REQ have been nowhere to be found.
The more difficult it is to roam about a server’s areas the more respect they are to be given in my estimation. If I see our players get harrassed by a guild group I’ll gather up some players I know and go fight them off.
Ideally you’d get to fight duelists, small organized groups, and larger zergs, but nowadays it’s become increasingly popular to run as a server blob. And the blobs are so well taught that they’ll just pass you by as you are stomping out one of their players and as such present little threat to anybody except the large zergs, not even the scouts that are giving away their location.
Ultimately I think this strategy will prove less effective in the end and also takes the enjoyment out of the game for everybody involved.
This is not a post directed at any server in particular, just a general overview of what I’ve seen in the past few months of WvW.
(edited by TheGreatA.4192)
source: AG player on 24 January 2013
I S U P E R S I N I.4761
Being as we had the pleasure of playing with [XxX] last week, I would just like to say we really enjoyed having you on Aurora Glade for the week. Great support you offered, in the things AG did in last weeks match up.
I would like to ask if you would consider returning to the server, being as you are clearly the best guild on Gandara Currently. I would just like to ask you to rejoin us before its to late. “give it some serious thought eh?”
Thanks for the help, and thanks for the fights this week its been a lot of fun.
IGN: Disaproval
guild: [KISS]Alliance
server: Aurora Glade
Solo roamer
Currently roaming on Vabbi
(edited by piker.6790)
First i must say, thx for fights. Like fights vs blobs, like fights vs bigger numbers, its challenge for me and guild.
XxX was great guild – great fights, great videos … but now its only Whining guild about numbers) …. dont forgot: This game is only about numbers, who have more numbers, have bigger chance win fight
P.S.: sorry for my english
[FURY] Furious Cookies – Gunnar’s Hold (ex- Aurora Glade)
(edited by Elviiira.2987)
source: AG player on 24 January 2013
I S U P E R S I N I.4761
Being as we had the pleasure of playing with [XxX] last week, I would just like to say we really enjoyed having you on Aurora Glade for the week. Great support you offered, in the things AG did in last weeks match up.
I would like to ask if you would consider returning to the server, being as you are clearly the best guild on Gandara Currently. I would just like to ask you to rejoin us before its to late. “give it some serious thought eh?”
Thanks for the help, and thanks for the fights this week its been a lot of fun.
IGN: Disaproval
guild: [KISS]Alliance
server: Aurora Glade
Well played sir
hobby: busting Trebuchettes
Gandara server
source: AG player on 24 January 2013
I S U P E R S I N I.4761
Being as we had the pleasure of playing with [XxX] last week, I would just like to say we really enjoyed having you on Aurora Glade for the week. Great support you offered, in the things AG did in last weeks match up.
I would like to ask if you would consider returning to the server, being as you are clearly the best guild on Gandara Currently. I would just like to ask you to rejoin us before its to late. “give it some serious thought eh?”
Thanks for the help, and thanks for the fights this week its been a lot of fun.
IGN: Disaproval
guild: [KISS]Alliance
server: Aurora Glade
I would like to Add Piker, when you returned to Gandara the following week, we had some good fights against you in the good old days. Then you had a couple of our members move over to Gandara who really liked you’r style.
I do not know what happened between you guys all I can say is that kiss has not changed. We run with friendly commanders that I can admit gathers a few players from Aurora glade on a daily basis enjoy following us around. KISS plays as a guild or at least aims too.
We really enjoyed fighting you in the old days, on a realistic note I would like to remind you that KISS is a casual PVE guild, that populates world vs world. Your moaning about a friendly social none elite guild that plays for fun. If you cant deal with that then maybe you have to find your own solution or try improving yourself as a guild. IF we are not worth the fight to you stop trying and stop crying.
Being honest I think because you can no longer wipe KISS it frustrates you. Go chill out on EB as you have claimed in previous post’s. you would not go to any borderlands because of the KISS/UNTY/RDDT groups.
I read through the Gandara website forums today. It was amusing to see all you guys moan about is KISS blob this KISS blob that 40+ this at 4am 10 of us killed 38705614 KISS inside there garrison.
Its a joke to see. I can give you specific numbers every day of the week to the hour.
Monday to Friday – 7pm 10+ kiss members with no commanders. (on split borderlands)
Monday to Friday – 8pm 15/20 kiss members with commanders.
Monday to Friday – between the hours of: 9pm -1 am 25-30 with possibly 5 LoE.
this so-called 4am 40 man zerg is more like 10-15 KISS + any awake Aurora glade players.
Friday night reset – KISS can gather 40-80 players on 1 borderland If its not over populated by the rest of Aurora Glades guilds. These figures are from me being the leader and the main commander of the guild. Please stop making things out to be worse than they are.. this includes all of your comments about advising KISS members to run 20-30 and playing properly.
You make it sound much much worse than it actually is. all of Aurora glades try hard to work together on selected borderlands. It does not mean we blob blob blob.
I would like to add that one of the two x KISS members you have in xXx still attend our ts3 on a weekly basis, they still enjoy playing with us in pve.
On a different note It was great fun keeping Gandara guilds like Duis YaK xXx IC WvW busy for over 2 hours. While you get self obsessed with the wanting to kill or re-claim the camp. you was not busy claiming other keeps or towers. It was a lot of fun and I am sure both servers had lots of lootbags to gain.
I did see alot of /salute’s /waves from both servers. All the trolling here is coming directly from xXx because they simply raged off over a unsuccessful attempt at wiping the enemy. Which is a weekly acceptance on the Gw2 forums when it comes to Gandara vs Aurora Glade.
Just remember its you guys with the problem… ….so seriously please quit the drama.
Good luck to everyone and take it easy.
I read through the Gandara website forums today. It was amusing to see all you guys moan about is KISS blob this KISS blob that 40+ this at 4am 10 of us killed 38705614 KISS inside there garrison.
I don’t care about the numbers personally. But while we’re here, doesn’t your forums tell people from enemy servers to stay out, yet you feel the need to come to our forums :O?
Honestly, our forums are a place to vent, cry, laugh, etc etc without bringing the most of it to here. Sure some slips through, some come here anyway but it’s our little place <3
Honestly, I see KISS – during primetime – with a large tail of PUGs more often than not.
Now, if AG is so starved of commanders that only KISS and FURY (and more recently NR) can tag up, and that’s why there are always so many pugs following you, that’d make sense.
But given a server your size, I’d be surprised if that was the case.
More often than not, our guild groups (Dius, MM, xXx, JDGE) will run with Commander off during primetime, to avoid attract PUGtails.
If you’re consistently deciding not to do that, then you are intent on attracting PUGs to create a zerg.
Which is ‘ok’ by itself, but it’s silly to just try and make it seem as if you have no hand in it happening.
I understand Kinky :-) Although I pay for my internet like everyone else. I actually came across it via a google search for gandara whilst the gw2 game and website was offline this morning.
Aurora glade website has no mention of not searching server websites or not doing it.
If you really wanted Gandara website to be private you would change the privacy level Via members.
Thanks for asking. and nice fights between Duis and KISS yesterday was alot of fun. :-)
I understand Kinky :-) Although I pay for my internet like everyone else. I actually came across it via a google search for gandara whilst the gw2 game and website was offline this morning.
Aurora glade website has no mention of not searching server websites or not doing it.
If you really wanted Gandara website to be private you would change the privacy level Via members.Thanks for asking. and nice fights between Duis and KISS yesterday was alot of fun. :-)
I know I’m just questioning. :P I could Boost the privacy, but there’s no need to hide anything there. So read away, it’s just going to be pages and pages of grumpy people xD
Yea we had fun, although we weren’t self obsessed with that camp We just wanted to fight.
May the Spikes be many for everyone.
Honestly, I see KISS – during primetime – with a large tail of PUGs more often than not.
Now, if AG is so starved of commanders that only KISS and FURY (and more recently NR) can tag up, and that’s why there are always so many pugs following you, that’d make sense.
But given a server your size, I’d be surprised if that was the case.
More often than not, our guild groups (Dius, MM, xXx, JDGE) will run with Commander off during primetime, to avoid attract PUGtails.
If you’re consistently deciding not to do that, then you are intent on attracting PUGs to create a zerg.
Which is ‘ok’ by itself, but it’s silly to just try and make it seem as if you have no hand in it happening.
Very fair comments here. If Aurora Glade groups do flag on Commanders Its because of the Baruch Bay and Riverside blobs. Its hard for your guild to follow with different computer specs and fast movements with 80+ I mean lets be serious. If Aurora Glade and Gandara are going to constantly accuse each other of Blobs we should seriously take a step back and look at the bigger picture.
Aurora Glade has some excellent guilds
Gandara has some excellent guilds too.
Gandara have been in tier 3 Gandara have also had hands on with the BB blobs.
Aurara glade have been stuck in T4 for months Vs FSP BB Riverside constant blobs.
Everyone has the right to kitten and moan although Gandara and Aurora Glade are few and far between when it comes wanting to play with the GOOD productive guilds that EACH server provides.
The 2 servers are like 2 needles in a haystack forced to blob at times against dumb FSP RS BB numbers come prime-time nothing we can do about it.
In general I would like to take my hat off to Gandara as a server, very productive and lots of fun to fight.
Cheers for the reply.
Yea we had fun, although we weren’t self obsessed with that camp
We just wanted to fight.
May the Spikes be many for everyone.
Yeah it was great fun I think it went on for 2+ hours. But a couple of times we got smacked hard + northwest bay near the worm by your guild also some Gandara players behind us. It was a seriously messy massacre. You guys move fast and play very well.
Very fun night for us indeed.
Thanks again and thanks for the info about browsing ( not to be nosy )
If you really wanted Gandara website to be private you would change the privacy level Via members.
Wish you’d lower the privacy settings of your site, only found out about it a day or two before you ramped it up and it was pretty entertaining
No seriously i dont think anyone particularly cares who reads our site.
As for the comments about 40+ kiss groups, its kind of natural really. You see 40 guys and a dozen of them are kiss while the rest are assorted tags with 1 or 2 members then your going to say 40 kiss going x.
Same as you saying you kept 5 guilds busy in our borderlands yesterday. I went to bed fairly early (bout 9) and at the time the only guilds on the border were us (dius) and YARR. Im sure there were members of other guilds in there, we had a LOT of pugs on. But it was pretty guild free.
Maybe more showed up as the night wore on though. I wouldn’t know
Was one of the more fun evening I’ve had in wvw for a while though
Anyway, i used to give out and moan about blobs but they dont particularly bother me anymore. I dont like or respect them much but I’m used to them and have learned to deal with them basically.
Also we didn’t get much of a break from blobs in T3 xD. We had to deal with them at 9am through to prime time.
awww people are being nice now. . . guess that will change in the next 6hrs when one the “l33t” players throw their next hissyfit
This is my last post about this matchup, coz I hate flame, troll and whatever…
XxX has the same playstyle of the beginning and we will focus on it EVER. We hate zerg/blob playstyle. As a small guild we can’t effort guilds 4:1 and even more, we can just try if they are not coordinated as a guild. A PUG zerg indeed. I think this is quite clear to everyone who plays well this game.
Guild Wars 2 is only numbers? Mmmmmm if it is that I’ll leave this game soon… (as i have done in the last months).
Thats all and I would only say: a game is made by players and not by numbers… Remember always it! Or your game will be over in some months.
best regards and respect to all
Solo roamer
Currently roaming on Vabbi
awww people are being nice now. . . guess that will change in the next 6hrs when one the “l33t” players throw their next hissyfit
Can’t wait! Popcorn anyone 8-)?
Same as you saying you kept 5 guilds busy in our borderlands yesterday. I went to bed fairly early (bout 9) and at the time the only guilds on the border were us (dius) and YARR. Im sure there were members of other guilds in there, we had a LOT of pugs on. But it was pretty guild free.
Maybe more showed up as the night wore on though. I wouldn’t know
Was one of the more fun evening I’ve had in wvw for a while though.
I like the way the forums are at the moment, Although I would like to confirm that I saw with my own eyes, a full stacked [Duis] tag who we had alot of fun fighting Hell they even wiped us up northwest a couple of times. Good play. hmm lets see we have about 15 previously raging [xXx] members who bought the loss to these forums. I also saw [YaK] stacked outside vale entrance with balista’s and attempting a couple of mesmer bombs. They even pushed the southwest side of vale mountain to jump down on us. It really was set guilds and set randoms from Both Aurora Glade and Gandara. It is really nothing to be ashamed of or attempt to hide. It was a kitten load of fun dont forget that guys.
Its all that matters is the fun.
Same as you saying you kept 5 guilds busy in our borderlands yesterday. I went to bed fairly early (bout 9) and at the time the only guilds on the border were us (dius) and YARR. Im sure there were members of other guilds in there, we had a LOT of pugs on. But it was pretty guild free.
Maybe more showed up as the night wore on though. I wouldn’t know
Was one of the more fun evening I’ve had in wvw for a while though.I like the way the forums are at the moment, Although I would like to confirm that I saw with my own eyes, a full stacked [Duis] tag who we had alot of fun fighting Hell they even wiped us up northwest a couple of times. Good play. hmm lets see we have about 15 previously raging [xXx] members who bought the loss to these forums. I also saw [YaK] stacked outside vale entrance with balista’s and attempting a couple of mesmer bombs. They even pushed the southwest side of vale mountain to jump down on us. It really was set guilds and set randoms from Both Aurora Glade and Gandara. It is really nothing to be ashamed of or attempt to hide. It was a kitten load of fun dont forget that guys.
Its all that matters is the fun.
Like i said i wasn’t there for the majority of the night. Stayed up the night before for some shenanigans. Anyway was fun while i was there and we had guild bounty stuff before so we had quite a few more than usual which was nice.
Funny that we have to have pve stuff to get people into wvw seeing as were supposed to be a wvw guild lol.
Funny that we have to have pve stuff to get people into wvw seeing as were supposed to be a wvw guild lol.
Hehe its the way of the world with Gw2 I guess not much in the way of community based events unless you make them happen yourself eh.
Cant wait for some kind of expansion!
LOL Dius. Thanks for letting me finish my daily peacefully at the south camp.
Muchos gracias from the moose with fireworks! :P
I’m a Gandarian player for a long time and only playing WvW(mostly EB) nothing else. This is my evaluation about the server.
It’s not about great fights or superb guilds, its about habbits.
-If there is no commander log out or switch to a BL with an online active commander.
-If we can gather enough zerg power to destroy anything, it turns out a loot bag hunting session instead of capturing or defending.
-There is an endless discussion about SM if it’s important or not.
-Nearly no one cares about dolyaks or upgrading camps. They are there for experience and karma.
-%90 of golem attacks from our side occur at late night-early morning just to troll enemy. If we capture an enemy keep, thats because someone bored and throwed some golems at 5am. It has never been a tactic. Golems = Trolling machines.
-There is always at least 10 commanders in EB without activating their blue icons just because their high esteem may get hurt or its tiresome. Because of that there is no active commanders in EB %70 of the time.
-If we have outmanned buff no one cares about losing a fully upgraded t3 tower with lots of siege on it. It’s normal to lose it because we were outmaned even if it’s defendable by 5 people.
-Gandara borderlands and EB are our first priorities, second is JP, third is daily, fourth leveling another alt, fifth petting the cat and maybe sixth one is the other borderlands. Never attack other borderlands before ours is fully safe.
-Our first supply sources are unfinished upgrading towers.
-If 3 trebs attacking, repair the wall but never build anti siege.
-It is impossible for us to put 2 rams infront of a gate. The first one comes instantly and if someone ask for a second, people will throw five and none of them are going to get complete.