Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: alkalone.5798


Nice multi wipe at bay GH !
We were in 40 vs 70 at lord room x)
We just loose Hills. You are too many this night

[MoS] Alkalone | Vizunah Square

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: flameinabox.8913


1st of all I want to shout out to my fellow VcY Quaggan buddy on the Dzagnur BL, it was fun roaming with you as quaggans, if he/she/it does not receive this message may a VcY let them know for me! also LMFAO you vcy guys killed naqbi and placed 5 rams on his dead body, LOVED IT!! HAHAHA <3

We had to kill that pink afro asuran xD

its blue lol, but omg it was the best 5 man roaming i’ve ever done, so much laughs. Don’t forget to say hi to my quaggan buddy for me!

AG-Commander: Mesmer Mukuro
Flare[FIRE] #1 Fabulous Mesmer-
Official Flare PR Manager

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: fab.3298


@ RiOT RE: “lol we wiped SoE and co blob several times tonight and VoTF gets the credit on the forums”

I only really remember one encounter with you guys and that was at lake (there may have been more but it was a long raid), we never stood a chance and only attacked because it seemed rude not to. I had fun fighting you guys last week when we met with similar numbers but tonight we had about 10, CHvc had about 10 and your group still outnumbered us by a very large margin.

I guess Phetid gave VoTF a shout out because we encountered them a lot tonight and their numbers were much closer to our own, although they may as well have been a 40 man zerg for all the damage we done to them. Those guys are tough, maybe by the end of the match-up we’ll start downing at least a couple of them.

That being said, I actually noticed that a lot of ROS were running in guild groups of 15-30 tonight and not in monster blobs. I have a lot of respect for FRS, XxX, and VoTF for doing that. See you all again tomorrow night.

Fab The Guardian
[Re] Rerolled

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Svarty.8019


I’m looking forward to trying to squeeze some fun out of this now rotten lemon of a matchup. Either that or I’ll just not bother WvWing. Probably the latter. Enjoy your PvD, RoS bandwagoners.

Nobody at Anet loves WvW like Grouch loved PvP. That’s what we need, a WvW Grouch, but taller.

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Taps.2367


Alright, wrapping up for the night. I spent all evening and some part of the night getting Greenbriar @ DZ BL up to T3. A boring task, for most part – but I preferred it to you bunch of dolyak killers from GH who made me almost flip my table over. Hopefully you will have nightmares tonight!

Jokes aside, I was most entertained by FIRE teasing said tower at some point of the night. Kept me on my toes and senses alert. :P

Unfortunately after successful defense of the tower over 9 hours became into end by +50 man DZ group trebbing us down from the Ruins. But it was fun while it lasted.

Ignis Lilium [Ind] | FSP

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: flameinabox.8913


Alright, wrapping up for the night. I spent all evening and some part of the night getting Greenbriar @ DZ BL up to T3. A boring task, for most part – but I preferred it to you bunch of dolyak killers from GH who made me almost flip my table over. Hopefully you will have nightmares tonight!

Jokes aside, I was most entertained by FIRE teasing said tower at some point of the night. Kept me on my toes and senses alert. :P

Unfortunately after successful defense of the tower over 9 hours became into end by +50 man DZ group trebbing us down from the Ruins. But it was fun while it lasted.

unfortunately we were only a 5 man squad, we were looking for fights and killed quite a few people, but then we were distracted by VcY, I ran off with my quaggan buddy and naqbi was killed and his body was covered in ram building sights xD, but then my quaggan buddy left me and shortly after I found you riot chaps! so I ran over in quaggan form to say hi and use killed me in cold blood =( </3

AG-Commander: Mesmer Mukuro
Flare[FIRE] #1 Fabulous Mesmer-
Official Flare PR Manager

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Neandramathal.9536


Our precious siege! :p Duels were nice and thrilling.

No fair! I fell asleep

[GoV] Gnomes of Vabbi || [Imp] Impact
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness:

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Taps.2367


unfortunately we were only a 5 man squad, we were looking for fights and killed quite a few people, but then we were distracted by VcY, I ran off with my quaggan buddy and naqbi was killed and his body was covered in ram building sights xD, but then my quaggan buddy left me and shortly after I found you riot chaps! so I ran over in quaggan form to say hi and use killed me in cold blood =( </3

Haha, the built ram stayed there for hours! I swear I didn’t kill any of you though (only shot you with an arrow cart. o:) ), I mostly watched from the tower, excited to see a good fight, just to see you getting hit by the steamroll that is VcY.

Ignis Lilium [Ind] | FSP

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: flameinabox.8913


unfortunately we were only a 5 man squad, we were looking for fights and killed quite a few people, but then we were distracted by VcY, I ran off with my quaggan buddy and naqbi was killed and his body was covered in ram building sights xD, but then my quaggan buddy left me and shortly after I found you riot chaps! so I ran over in quaggan form to say hi and use killed me in cold blood =( </3

Haha, the built ram stayed there for hours! I swear I didn’t kill any of you though (only shot you with an arrow cart. o:) ), I mostly watched from the tower, excited to see a good fight, just to see you getting hit by the steamroll that is VcY.

We didn’t actually get killed we just sort of waved, danced, jumped for joy and we both went our separate ways xD that AC was annoying though!! we were happily lining up to wave at VcY and we were being killed by it so we had to disband the line >.>

AG-Commander: Mesmer Mukuro
Flare[FIRE] #1 Fabulous Mesmer-
Official Flare PR Manager

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Genotix.6804


Gentlemen, now we’ve reached the point of completely pointless posts.

Let me ask you this, what do you suggest we do to solve your issues? Allow us to hear your constructive criticism instead of repeating what you think is the problem. If you actually have a solution then by all means post it, but if you want to put down another “RoS got 6 T1 guilds” then I’m afraid your post would be completely pointless and repetitive, and probably shall be reported.

I’ve said it over and over; we’ve heard your complaints and there is absolutely nothing we can do. These guilds did not break any game rule by moving because they are, like any of us, are entitled to do anything in the game as long as they don’t break the rules made by ArenaNet.

If you have a complaint, send it to ArenaNet because they are the only ones that can actually do something, but don’t post it here.

Well in general i agree with what you said.
For me the solution is to stop provoking us(not you, your posts make sense)
Stop the blobing posts, stop the equal numbers posts, stop the it’s your chance to get better posts, stop the good luck at tier 8 posts, stop the we didn’t recruited we only shown interest at some guilds posts, stop the 150 people is not a big deal.
Do not come to the opponents shoutbox and mock them.
Show respect to your enemies and you shall get the same.
If i personally don’t see that i will start reporting all of the above.

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: BrainZz.8976


Nice fights on dz border yesterday, i was commanding when we lost half of us and many riot when you tried to take down inner bay when the login servers crashed but we still wiped the german zerg over and over again, you guys never give up!
Also lots of fun with fire, i was the mesmer quaggan buddy
Ps.: If all the forum whiners would go into wvw, you would be in t1 lol, keep the fights off here !

(edited by BrainZz.8976)

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Genotix.6804


Nice fights on dz border yesterday, i was commanding when we lost half of us and many riot when the login servers crashed but we still wiped the german zerg over and over again, you guys never give up!
Also lots of fun with fire, i was the mesmer quaggan buddy
Ps.: If all the forum whiners would go into wvw, you would be in t1 lol, keep the fights off here !

Don’t you have a door to knock down atm?

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Ferawyn.6542


Nice fights on dz border yesterday, i was commanding when we lost half of us and many riot when you tried to take down inner bay when the login servers crashed but we still wiped the german zerg over and over again, you guys never give up!
Also lots of fun with fire, i was the mesmer quaggan buddy
Ps.: If all the forum whiners would go into wvw, you would be in t1 lol, keep the fights off here !

wow, this arrogance.
It’s not enough that you enjoy the wipe orgy, you also need to inform them that you only need half of your t1 mob for it.

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Genotix.6804


Nice fights on dz border yesterday, i was commanding when we lost half of us and many riot when you tried to take down inner bay when the login servers crashed but we still wiped the german zerg over and over again, you guys never give up!
Also lots of fun with fire, i was the mesmer quaggan buddy
Ps.: If all the forum whiners would go into wvw, you would be in t1 lol, keep the fights off here !

wow, this arrogance.
It’s not enough that you enjoy the wipe orgy, you also need to inform them that you only need half of your t1 mob for it.

You can take the opportunity and improve mate
Adapt, develop and improve and also do not dare to point them the obvious because these people are having fun.
Are you not entertained?

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Hyung.6140


You’re on Dzag, right, Ferawyn? Which guild are you in, out of interest?

Hyinna, Gunnars Hold
[Ub] – My Life for Alesia

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Ferawyn.6542


Yes on Dzag, my guild has sadly left GW2 for good though some time ago and I haven’t joined another since. Still a bit undecided if I want to go back with them to middle earth or not.

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: BrainZz.8976


Lol im only posting that because you could have easily wiped us at bay, but instead you built trebs and hide behind the lake? We ported to spawn 3 times to get supply while you were in bay and if you have had a decent commander you would have taken bay easily you were more than twice our numbers.
And about the t1 zerg: i will make screenshot next time, we had less than 10 vcy and about 5 riot, rest was randoms .
Stop whining start improving, the skill lv of many dz zergs reminds me of jadesea zerker upscaled guys

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Zgorzel.4902


Lol im only posting that because you could have easily wiped us at bay, but instead you built trebs and hide behind the lake? We ported to spawn 3 times to get supply while you were in bay and if you have had a decent commander you would have taken bay easily you were more than twice our numbers.
And about the t1 zerg: i will make screenshot next time, we had less than 10 vcy and about 5 riot, rest was randoms .
Stop whining start improving, the skill lv of many dz zergs reminds me of jadesea zerker upscaled guys

We were never bored when fighting against DZ <3 Your server had too many people joining, so there is no way for You to get nice, small scale battles in this tier.

Midnight Mayhem [MM] – Gunnar’s Hold
Gunnar’s Hold Server Forum

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Edeor.9720


Stop whining start improving, the skill lv of many dz zergs reminds me of jadesea zerker upscaled guys

Yeah… mmm wait every time I see a VCY alone, he runs away, is this skill too? Well, I suppose you need to be skilled to run like hell.

Kareha Silverwind – mesmer of Clan McBenwick (Gunnar’s Hold)

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Caliban.3176


Stop whining start improving, the skill lv of many dz zergs reminds me of jadesea zerker upscaled guys

Yeah… mmm wait every time I see a VCY alone, he runs away, is this skill too? Well, I suppose you need to be skilled to run like hell.

Anyone who has ever been in T1 learnt from the best. Triple veil and permanent stability (floating banners). Don’t forget to also have some blocks/invulns and swiftness and stun breaks. (Leaps don’t hurt)

Vizunah, better runners than Usain Bolt!

7.2k+ hours played on Minesweeper

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Sird.4536


Stop whining start improving, the skill lv of many dz zergs reminds me of jadesea zerker upscaled guys

Yeah… mmm wait every time I see a VCY alone, he runs away, is this skill too? Well, I suppose you need to be skilled to run like hell.

We have perfected our positioning tactics. Here is what we do. We have our solo runner putting down multiple viels to confuse the enemy. That person then uses all his/her leaps to further the gap. This is then followed by using at least one switfness skill. Throw in a few dodge rolls for added dramatic effects. Never forget the healing skill, this si important when you are miles ahead of your opponent and in no danger of losing HP. If a friendly tower is nearby make sure to get the guards on your side. And finally if all these fails use the way point.

RP enthusiast

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: VicisPatronus.5418


Learn Learn Learn? Use different tactics? LOL. I’ve been on T1 too, main problem is that we dont have as many big and active wvw guilds. But alone Cry Havoc, PRXM, MM etc can wipe you. The difference is you have plenty of that size. Give us 4-5 more of that size+a night raid team that is strong, and we’d have equal opportunity to win.

Commander for [MM] on Gunnars Hold

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Pyranna.2054


Was witness to vcy getting owned by siegerazer last nite xD You guys came back n wiped us but it was funny all the same!

Kharz Halfheart – Necro
The Soul Slayers [SLAY]
FarShiver Peaks

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: silvershadez.8421


Learn Learn Learn? Use different tactics? LOL. I’ve been on T1 too, main problem is that we dont have as many big and active wvw guilds. But alone Cry Havoc, PRXM, MM etc can wipe you. The difference is you have plenty of that size. Give us 4-5 more of that size+a night raid team that is strong, and we’d have equal opportunity to win.

Ye we are all worse then anyone on Gunnars Hold. You guys clearly are the top notch skilled players everyone of us wants to be. There’s no other way to win against you but outnumbering.

Can you please teach me?

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: ragas.1843


@ vicispatonus,you guys been on t1?? but then there is ppl in your server asking, ??? what about you guys share some good wvw builds
‘’this is my opinion nothing to do with my guild’’
on topic: good fights keep it up DZ you guys got the number’s and nice yesterday get your home garrison twice 5 min after you guys.but GZ (/clap) to not give up

Micro[VcY]call center manager

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Genotix.6804


Learn Learn Learn? Use different tactics? LOL. I’ve been on T1 too, main problem is that we dont have as many big and active wvw guilds. But alone Cry Havoc, PRXM, MM etc can wipe you. The difference is you have plenty of that size. Give us 4-5 more of that size+a night raid team that is strong, and we’d have equal opportunity to win.

Ye we are all worse then anyone on Gunnars Hold. You guys clearly are the top notch skilled players everyone of us wants to be. There’s no other way to win against you but outnumbering.

Can you please teach me?

Nah i prefer to learn from the best like yourself. Teach me arrogance please

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: VicisPatronus.5418


I didn’t say we as MM, but I’ve been on T1 twice actually. And I do know how to fight you, and I do know how to beat you guys. I have several commanders that I’ve learned from, one that might interest you more than any other, for a very specific reason=)

Commander for [MM] on Gunnars Hold

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Sird.4536


Was witness to vcy getting owned by siegerazer last nite xD You guys came back n wiped us but it was funny all the same!

We figured we could tank the seigerazer and wipe you. Kinda underestimated his damage lol. Not many died though and as you said we came back out for a fight, this time kiting the blasted npc.

Also I would like to see any GH guild wipe us on their own, only CHvc have done so. We are always open to GvG.

RP enthusiast

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Sird.4536


Also on the point of ‘learn’ etc. We started out as a small guild. We worked on ways to improve our game play by working as one. When people saw us on the field taking on equal or bigger forces and going about our business people started to apply to the guild. We recruited and became a big guild and from that point have never gone backwards.

What my guild members are trying to say is there are still good fights to be had in this match up. You shouldn’t stop or think why bother. There was a thread someone posted of a guy asking about gear. This shows you guys want to learn and if you got any questions then I will answer them myself to you (this is not me being arrogant).DZ never gave up yesterday, they kept coming wave after wave.

Everyone wants to be challenged and find ways to improve, that includes us. XxX run with numbers similar to what GH guilds runs with and look at what they do.

RP enthusiast

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Sird.4536


Also I would like to see any GH guild wipe us on their own, only CHvc have done so. We are always open to GvG.

You’d like to see any GH guild wipe you??
Then go on to state a GH guild has wiped you.

Very tricky, you sneaky devil with statements designed to confuse your enemy such as these, you must be a mesmer.

Fine PRXM, MM etc have not wiped us. Only CHvc and that was one evening in hills. Had some good fights with those guys.

RP enthusiast

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: NaqbiCmR.3086


best 1v1 fights against GoA guys in DZ border props to you guys!!!:)

Guild Leader

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Svarty.8019


Also I would like to see any GH guild wipe us on their own, only CHvc have done so. We are always open to GvG.

Believe me when I say that we enjoyed it as much as you seem to have. This isn’t just a wipe, it’s a S&M wipe.

Nobody at Anet loves WvW like Grouch loved PvP. That’s what we need, a WvW Grouch, but taller.

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Luffy.9365


None said that VcY cant be wiped…….No guild has only victories and thats quite normal in WvW , because every day you dont run @ your 100% . Different members , commanders , numbers or even mood ,when you have 7day per week WvW raid force.
Thing is , ppl should enjoy playing against each other and stop this flame war……we dont play for the 1st place Ranking kitten
As Sird said , we are always open for GvG action, if someone wants to train with us <3

[VcY]Velocity – Snowfang/Luffy D Portgas/Bagif

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Neandramathal.9536


we are always open for GvG action, if someone wants to train with us <3

I’m always up for GvG, but our numbers for such are somewhat different.

[GoV] Gnomes of Vabbi || [Imp] Impact
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness:

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Svarty.8019


IMO, organising GvG is an indicator of awfulness. I prefer organic open world battles where allies and mobs from either side can swing the fight. That’s why we like three-way battles in the first place, right?

Nobody at Anet loves WvW like Grouch loved PvP. That’s what we need, a WvW Grouch, but taller.

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Galadana.6405


Hey everyone,
I’ve been one of the commanders that lead yesterday night on DZ BL, and I am truly amazed of what I have seen there. But I have to admit – I have my comm for just a week now.
We had 3 guild groups of you, xXx, VcY and a hand full of RiOT, and as you said, some randoms – but still, no one was without stability, and you burst into us out of nowhere.
I told my ppl, even if we whipe again, and again – I DO want to see that, and we should just watch and learn. You set us full of conditions, bubblebump our zerg into pieces and even if I stood last – I went down due to confusion usually. And I am pretty sure we outnumbered you most of the time.
When we opened bay and I only saw you guys hiding on the arena in the Lordroom, everything full of weapons – I knew we were’nt able to cap that. But still I wanted to rush into you guys^^.
We have a lot of work to do on Dzagonur, but I hope we can motivate at least 50% of our active WvW-players. We still have the problem, that most of them are not used to run together or stay with the comm during a fight. But well, we have to start to improve.

One more thing… What exactly where you RIOT-guys thinking, when you ran out of your spawn with the golem right into our SF-group? I really wonder O.o

Sylvari Guardian [Silberfalken]
Commander @ Dzagonur
I’m a woman.. hear me roar

(edited by Galadana.6405)

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Nymph of Meliai.6739

Nymph of Meliai.6739

One more thing… What exactly where you RIOT-guys thinking, when you ran out of your spawn with the golem right into our SF-group? I really wonder O.o

I wasn’t online when that happened but my guess is that we were either drunk or having a bit of a laugh… contrary to popular belief… we don’t take ourselves that serious… we play for fun

Nymeria Meliae | SoS
Acid Bath Babies Go Plop Plop [FizZ]

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Luffy.9365


we are always open for GvG action, if someone wants to train with us <3

I’m always up for GvG, but our numbers for such are somewhat different.

When i speak about GvG , i mean to organize static number(20v20 , 25v25) of ppl in a clean area. If you dont have that many number ,then yes we cant perform it . I mostly refer to guilds that can have 25 ppl on and train with us……. 25v25 for example.

IMO, organising GvG is an indicator of awfulness. I prefer organic open world battles where allies and mobs from either side can swing the fight. That’s why we like three-way battles in the first place, right?

Hmmm no. I dont play WvW for mobs , npcs or allies to gain or take the “glory”. I play WvW , because its the only place that i can enjoy the fights with ma guild, cause i <3 open fields fights and iam looking forward to face strong guilds in fair fights. Organizing GvG gives you same numbers, all participants are ready and prepared and no 3rd factor(npc-ally-siege-numbers etc) can ruin your fun fights:)
Svarty, in my opinion, avoiding GvG is an indicator of awfulness(and not the other way around) ,cause you are hiding behind any “3rd factor” as i previously stated . Doesnt matter if i lose or win , i play to having fun and improve as a guild. I respect if someone doesnt want to perform GvG for his own reasons but plz dont say that we are awful because we like GvG:/

[VcY]Velocity – Snowfang/Luffy D Portgas/Bagif

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Neandramathal.9536


When i speak about GvG , i mean to organize static number(20v20 , 25v25) of ppl in a clean area. If you dont have that many number ,then yes we cant perform it . I mostly refer to guilds that can have 25 ppl on and train with us……. 25v25 for example.

Well, 5v5 is a static number but it’s a different static number to the one you’d prefer.

Now, obviously you do have 5, whereas we don’t have 25 – so it’s still possible just not in the way you are wanting. But that’s kinda one of the points people have been making, the fights you are looking for mostly don’t exist in this tier except for 1, maybe 2 guilds during ‘event’ nights.

Not trying to start an argument, just saying

[GoV] Gnomes of Vabbi || [Imp] Impact
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness:

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: vomelette.4316


Dear VcY and any other guild interested we would love to do a GvG with you and hopefully learn and have fun while doing it. Our problem is that we can most likely only field around 10 people but we would happily have 10vs20+ against you if you dislike the notion of bringing less than 20 people the fight. I’m looking forward to hearing from you in the near future (just contact me or Fab and we can make it happen)

Ralf Ansgar
The Frenzied Few [RAGE]

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Mizu.9387


RiOT can probalby furfill your dreams Fab. Maybe we can meet just before reset or sometime late evening in the middle of the week?

Sif Urkraft

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Mizu.9387


Oh yes, we have been known to “lose” golems under the influence of alcohol. Som got lost, others fell asleep at the bottom of the lake we’ve even had a few get lost at spawn!
Don’t drink and drive kids!

Sif Urkraft

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


Dear VcY and any other guild interested we would love to do a GvG with you and hopefully learn and have fun while doing it. Our problem is that we can most likely only field around 10 people but we would happily have 10vs20+ against you if you dislike the notion of bringing less than 20 people the fight. I’m looking forward to hearing from you in the near future (just contact me or Fab and we can make it happen)

15vs15 sounds interesting too

and good fights everywhere, good matchup, etc.

(don’t want to be infracted again for being to funny )

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Sceinna.3561


Been enjoying this week a lot so far. Even though I transfered to RoS myself a few weeks ago to avoid massive zerging and now the zerg comes to us! QQ

But all in all it’s been great fights and the T1 transfers are great and fun guys to play with.

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Dalure.4691


Hey all,

Just a quick hi to VoTF …… lol guys you moved….. get your kitten up in Tiers …. cus we miss our Baby Aneu haha……and Teel remind himnot to blob :P (sarcasme).


WvW Commander of Piken Square
Guild: ForsakenGamers (FG)

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Luffy.9365


Dear VcY and any other guild interested we would love to do a GvG with you and hopefully learn and have fun while doing it. Our problem is that we can most likely only field around 10 people but we would happily have 10vs20+ against you if you dislike the notion of bringing less than 20 people the fight. I’m looking forward to hearing from you in the near future (just contact me or Fab and we can make it happen)

Hey m8 , for 5-8 ppl groups we have tpvp teams if you are looking for something like that. If we must skip one day to have some fun(GvG) ,we need more ppl to participate because its unfair for the rest. Thats why i call for GvG and not for group vs group. For the last, we have tpvp

BTW thnks all the Dzagonur ppl for the awesome fight this afternoon-night @ DZ BL. The fight in garrison was huge <3

[VcY]Velocity – Snowfang/Luffy D Portgas/Bagif

(edited by Luffy.9365)

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Cradorell.3941


Thanks guys for the fights tonight FIRE! Brilliant fights, started awfully but got better slowly nice job

Óne Pulse – OP – Raid Leader

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: flameinabox.8913


Thanks guys for the fights tonight FIRE! Brilliant fights, started awfully but got better slowly nice job

Agreed! We had a jolly good time, thanks for the fun <3

AG-Commander: Mesmer Mukuro
Flare[FIRE] #1 Fabulous Mesmer-
Official Flare PR Manager

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Ilesyt.7084


Was asked by my dear friend D**** not to post it, so here you go:

Really liking the song btw.

Leader of Deus Ex Machina [DEX]
Ruins of Surmia

(edited by Ilesyt.7084)

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: fab.3298


Another great night in ROS BL, thanks to everyone who was there. Big thank you to Distrap and CHvc for organising it.

Fab The Guardian
[Re] Rerolled