SBI too dependent on pugs

SBI too dependent on pugs

in WvW

Posted by: Dhar.6392


Again and again and again

SBI guild is dependent on pugs do to the grunt work. The so called ‘alliance’ will perk up for the moment… but only for that. Be it a supply camp or keep being trebbed… you have only enough attention for it after it’s been flipped.

Enough. I’m calling out to all other pugs… left them fry. It’s way past time the ‘hard core’ guilds take a serious interest in maintaining supply camps and keeps past the first few minutes of acquisition.

This is also a call to Opps- COME AND GET IT. SBI is pathetic about defense. They have succeeded because they are almost totally dependent on pug defenses. Their organization is superior…for attack; but stick on defense for more than 3 yaks or a keep they ‘own’… worthless. I can recount on both hands and feet how often I have been the only one at a keep or supply camp giving the ‘word’. You think they have it all to themselves… chances better than 50%… nobody is there. Nobody. (If you attack it like a FOOL… they will own you before the wall is down… that won’t change..)

(Most of the grieving about being hacked… no screenshots because nobody was nearby…Nobody!)

Frankly- I’m sick of being ignored… you want to defend it… you want to get the upgrade done fast… balls up buddy! I’m done giving the word. Besides being a suicide; not a single kitten badge for my sacrifice.

Figure it out after you have lost the camp, the tower, the keep. Don’t whine to the map or community when your status drops, that it takes forever to get upgrades (upgraded supply delivers more)… you have only yourself- and your total lack of discipline over your troops to blame. Your so called control is only good for constant booty. Just a kittenload of zerg commanders… the lot of you.

’Nough said… and plenty!

(edited by Dhar.6392)

SBI too dependent on pugs

in WvW

Posted by: earendil.1290


Chill out man, it’s only a game, you’re supposed to have fun not rage.

SBI is indeed dependent on PuGs (I’m a pug btw). PuGs that start as noobs then learn and get better, then they get independent.

Many of the pugs I saw during our regular hour fights (not right now – it’s a mess over there when we cannot hold a Tower in a queued SBI BL – I’d hate to be a commander there) are rather competent – they know how and when to run supply, how to report enemy forces, how to use siege and so on.

We do not have a “structured” leadership. We have bands of roaming vikings each with his Jarls, that do their stuff. When they meet – they fight together (since rules do not allow to fight each other ).

On SBI every grunt/soldier is supposed to think like a commander. Or he will have it hard. But once he gets there – it’s really fun.

You probably just had a bad experience. Happens during the post reset hours and week ends, when people are less organized and newcomers are more present. Either tough it and start to learn the game or, well, try again later, in a better mood.

Btw – there is no such thing as “discipline over troops” in SBI. You picked the wrong server to transfer. There is no “hierarchy” no commander considers himself a better player than the rest of us (more knowledgeable maybe, but he had to start too at some point). If people understand why they need to run supply – so be it. Else…

As one of the WM leaders told us when we lost a keep…“Great! Now we go take it back!”.

We want the fight and the fun, not the points.

Edit – I checked your post history and I realized you’ve been here on SBI for a long time. Sorry I assumed you transferred – I just did not see you on our forums.

(edited by earendil.1290)

SBI too dependent on pugs

in WvW

Posted by: nvidia.3765


SBI players are made of the hardest metal in all the lands. We have some coordination, but rely on player skill to win in the end. We do not rely on some great alliance but on the SBI brotherhood and above all, we fight to the end because it is fun. To understand SBI, you must understand that. I believe we are the only tier 1 server who has dropped to tier 2 and fought back to tier 1. Most other servers just fall apart when the move to tier 2.

(edited by nvidia.3765)

SBI too dependent on pugs

in WvW

Posted by: Fourth.5603


SBI players are made of the hardest metal in all the lands. We have some coordination, but rely on Koreans to win in the end. We do not rely on some great alliance but on the SBI’s Korean players and above all, we fight to the end because it is fun. To understand SBI, you must understand Koreans.

SBI too dependent on pugs

in WvW

Posted by: cold.3946


No offense buddy, but the SBI community is so inclusive that we get beyond language barriers to work together. You sound like someone alienated because we didn’t act according to your plan – get over yourself.

We have incredibly organized guilds that go out of their way to invest in our WvW success. These are guilds that fund our war effort. They are active in our community forums. They communicate with each other and coordinate attacks together. Nobody issues orders, we ask for help without authority.

If you are somehow feeling disenfranchised and you want to feel more involved, I suggest you get acquainted with our server forums. I have to warn you though; on SBI we play for the battle, not for badges. You might want to lose that chip on your shoulder.

PS: The best defense is a strong offense.

Keg – 80 Guardian | Mini Keg – 80 Mesmer
Strike Force [SF] Stormbluff Isle

SBI too dependent on pugs

in WvW

Posted by: SmokeyNYY.7841


Except that the best defense is not a strong offense. The best defense is actual defense…You see your assumption can be proven wrong across all sports and even in actual warfare. If you over extend your offense your defense is severly hindered. I.E. Rome and now the USA.

(edited by SmokeyNYY.7841)

SBI too dependent on pugs

in WvW

Posted by: cold.3946


Except that the best defense is not a strong offense. The best defense is actual defense…You see your assumption can be proven wrong across all sports and even in actual warfare. If you over extend your offense your defense is severly hindered. I.E. Rome and now the USA.

Where did you learn history, from a movie? The decline of the Roman Empire is a terrible example for this.

Too short, want to read:

Keg – 80 Guardian | Mini Keg – 80 Mesmer
Strike Force [SF] Stormbluff Isle

SBI too dependent on pugs

in WvW

Posted by: Talesslaser.7813


I don’t see the point of this post…SBI is just smart. Obviously we’re not running around defending every supply camp, but we have eyes everywhere at our towers and our response time is generally quick if there’s a tower under attack, unless there’s something more important going on. There’s even pugs that go out of their way to do nothing but run dolys and scout on defense, or do nothing but run supplies to where it’s needed, instead of just attack for the sake of the rest the the people putting pressure on the other servers. Those people individually deserve as much credit for our success as our large guilds do, and any leader you talk to would undoubtedly say the same.

SBI too dependent on pugs

in WvW

Posted by: nvidia.3765


SBI players are made of the hardest metal in all the lands. We have some coordination, but rely on Koreans to win in the end. We do not rely on some great alliance but on the SBI’s Korean players and above all, we fight to the end because it is fun. To understand SBI, you must understand Koreans.

The editing is not true, but it is funny. Having said that. our night, day and evening crews all make up what SBI is. Everybody fights hard to win.

(edited by nvidia.3765)

SBI too dependent on pugs

in WvW

Posted by: cold.3946


I don’t see the point of this post…SBI is just smart. Obviously we’re not running around defending every supply camp, but we have eyes everywhere at our towers and our response time is generally quick if there’s a tower under attack, unless there’s something more important going on. There’s even pugs that go out of their way to do nothing but run dolys and scout on defense, or do nothing but run supplies to where it’s needed, instead of just attack for the sake of the rest the the people putting pressure on the other servers. Those people individually deserve as much credit for our success as our large guilds do, and any leader you talk to would undoubtedly say the same.

Amen. Many PuGs regularly contribute in a massive way to our victories. Lots of them are great leaders too. 100g doesn’t buy leadership qualities – it just makes you easier to find on a map. Similarly, you don’t need to be in a large guild to be a war hero.

Keg – 80 Guardian | Mini Keg – 80 Mesmer
Strike Force [SF] Stormbluff Isle