Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: Ashlov.3819


Congratulations. Glad to see all these servers fall down the ranks while you gobble up the players and guilds in their wake. Tier 1… You earned it. When you fall back down, I am guessing we at Maguuma will give you special attention.

Oh my God, I’m so scared. Oh wait, this is a video game.

Chuck Chuck Bobuck – Dwarec Mercs [DM] – NA Guild on Sanctum of Rall

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: Raven Paradox.1860

Raven Paradox.1860

I feel bad for SoS. Really, we in Blackgate stopped giving a darn and went to WvW only to lvl our alts in the past 2 weeks.

Welcome to seeing SBI attack you from the right and JQ from the left. Welcome to seeing them never attack each other.

Welcome to seeing every SBI enemy have WM over their name and see every bandwagoner talking trash on the forums.

Welcome to seeing your opponents QQ on these forums about every single tactic you use yet they use it all the time too.

Seriously, that is all T1 is. I pray that SoS wins this upcoming week. I pray you kick the crap out of at least JQ so they leave T1 and Blackgate can go where it belongs and it’ll actually be a 3 way fight.

Best of luck to SoS, and congratulations on your achievement. But be prepared to be annoyed, especially by all the kids that talk trash on these forums when they aren’t the ones doing anything in game.

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: Mindvibe.4630


I feel bad for SoS. Really, we in Blackgate stopped giving a darn and went to WvW only to lvl our alts in the past 2 weeks.

Welcome to seeing SBI attack you from the right and JQ from the left. Welcome to seeing them never attack each other.

Welcome to seeing every SBI enemy have WM over their name and see every bandwagoner talking trash on the forums.

Welcome to seeing your opponents QQ on these forums about every single tactic you use yet they use it all the time too.

Seriously, that is all T1 is. I pray that SoS wins this upcoming week. I pray you kick the crap out of at least JQ so they leave T1 and Blackgate can go where it belongs and it’ll actually be a 3 way fight.

Best of luck to SoS, and congratulations on your achievement. But be prepared to be annoyed, especially by all the kids that talk trash on these forums when they aren’t the ones doing anything in game.

day 1: blackgate vows to put sbi in t2 forever.
day 2: 2v1 claims begin, but blackgate welcomes any challenge from mere mortals.
weeks later: we were just levelling alts bro.

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: dreamstation.9530


Congrats SoS. It has been a challenging time for us but we finally made it. No doubt we will have a hard time this coming week but we will still try our best.

And to everyone whining about transfers, we needed the NA/EU presence. At release it was pretty much all Oceanic so we never stood a chance. It was necessary.

And what servers don’t have transfers? All of the top servers have had transfers to them, the top servers being the worst offenders. People flock there and ride the coat tails of the few.

Well done SoS.

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: cold.3946


Welcome! Good luck, have fun.

Keg – 80 Guardian | Mini Keg – 80 Mesmer
Strike Force [SF] Stormbluff Isle

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: BlusterWolf.2103


Its funny how blackgates were talking about how beasty they were on the 1st few days in WvW, and now they just turn into QQ gate and making terrible excuses.

Anyways, Welcome to T1 SoS.

Forty Milliseconds…rangers who remember…know…

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: lotusedge.6743


get ready to be 2v1’d and the jumping puzzles getting camped.

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: pot.6805


I feel bad for SoS. Really, we in Blackgate stopped giving a darn and went to WvW only to lvl our alts in the past 2 weeks.

Welcome to seeing SBI attack you from the right and JQ from the left. Welcome to seeing them never attack each other.

Welcome to seeing every SBI enemy have WM over their name and see every bandwagoner talking trash on the forums.

Welcome to seeing your opponents QQ on these forums about every single tactic you use yet they use it all the time too.

Seriously, that is all T1 is. I pray that SoS wins this upcoming week. I pray you kick the crap out of at least JQ so they leave T1 and Blackgate can go where it belongs and it’ll actually be a 3 way fight.

Best of luck to SoS, and congratulations on your achievement. But be prepared to be annoyed, especially by all the kids that talk trash on these forums when they aren’t the ones doing anything in game.

day 1: blackgate vows to put sbi in t2 forever.
day 2: 2v1 claims begin, but blackgate welcomes any challenge from mere mortals.
weeks later: we were just levelling alts bro.

All of BG vowed to do that? Where?

Beast mode

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: Dixa.6017


Sea of Sorrows is going to get owned

Sea of Sorrows has so many bad commanders they dont even know when to switch maps

so many bad guilds like FoE and pW who will sit and defend something with 10-15 players even if there is no risk of it being lost

Daish is going to avoid playing WvW this week

perfect, last time u left when we losing 30k during halloween . we turn dominating everything immediately, It was a big big win. glad you wont show up again next week.

thank god. there wont be meaningless argument between commanders anymore. No commanders will be pssed off and leave the BL, we will fight tight as one, as we always did when diash was not around.

And plz, keep out of WvW next week, coz everytime you said you leaving, you came back 2 or 3 days later when we started winning.

And when you not in WvW, please dont judge other commanders on chatbox, every commanders trying to ignore you and make sure the community go well.

Sea of Sorrows rises with or without you, good player or normal players they are our brothers. Large guilds or small guilds they are all part of our family. Winning or losing we will keep fighting, ET humiliated us and now they fall, IoJ crushed us and now they lost 3 weeks in a row.

We are here because we kept fighting, we will guard our world no matter what. This is our world and everyone has the right to fight for it, its our duty, its our honor.

JQ and SBI, listen up, you are better or not we dont care, but we are coming.

Sea of Sorrows has only got this high so far because of night caping at prime time SoS loses almost everything

if SoS wants to hold stuff at prime time they need to work out how to move maps spreading across 4 maps and fighting WvW as a 2v1 wont proably wont work in tier 1

u have fun Daish is going to play some planetside 2

Daish there is a reason why we are spread out and why you don’t understand what’s going on. they are related.

every week the guild leaders and guild commanders get together and decide which borderland that guild will be in charge of and at what time zone. every week it’s different.

we are spread out because we – smartly – have been making sure the strong guilds like MERC, PRX, Tysm, FOE and more are all utilizing their members to ensure maximum coverage.

you are not invited or included in this discussion along with mz pure and a handful of others because you refuse to work together. as soon as you enter a map you expect everyone to follow you just because you paid 100g for a title and an achievement instead of asking what the current commanders are doing.

all you do is criticize. because of this you are not part of the discussions had during these meetings. you are a non-factor to SoS and worst of all most of your tactical advice is usually pretty bad.

i’m sure you’ll respond to this in your usual first person snarkiness but know this – the majority of SoS WvW’ers have taken measure of you and no longer care.

The best thing you can do is to cooperate with people instead doing your own thing or constantly belittling people in map chat.

as a head-start SoS’er i’m glad we have clawed our way up to the top. our oceanic players tend to be more into pve and i’m sure this once in a gamelife event combined with the free trial is going to make any wvw presence this weekend spotty at best just like halloween. maybe worse. i ignored halloween because it comes every year. this one i can’t ignore personally, so you won’t be seeing Tricky Smurf on the battlefield before monday.

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: Azariah.8420


i’m sure you’ll respond to this in your usual third person snarkiness but know this – the majority of SoS WvW’ers have taken measure of you and no longer care.

Only problem with comment.

80 Thief – Black Lion Mercenary Corps [MERC]
Sea of Sorrows

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: Cover Girl.2580

Cover Girl.2580

Welcome to T-1 guys. Hopefully things are as intense as they are right now, all week.
I hope that claim of the Train guild saying they are intent on sending SBI to T-2 are baseless. BG can attest to the wrath of the koreans.

also: this

day 1: blackgate vows to put sbi in t2 forever.
day 2: 2v1 claims begin, but blackgate welcomes any challenge from mere mortals.
weeks later: we were just levelling alts bro/

Sanctum of Rall
The Mord Sith [MORD]
(Borderlands Stationed Commander)

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: AIMonster.8236


Sea of Sorrows is going to get owned

Sea of Sorrows has so many bad commanders they dont even know when to switch maps

so many bad guilds like FoE and pW who will sit and defend something with 10-15 players even if there is no risk of it being lost

Daish is going to avoid playing WvW this week

Good riddance.

Daish stops playing WvW we start winning. Only he fails to see the correlation.

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: Actinotus.6410


Can I suggest to my colleagues on SoS that it is not helpful to call people out on a public forum like this.

SoS is doing well because we are generally working well as a team. We’d be better off bringing in these people to work with us rather than alienating them.

If someone is annoying you in teamchat put them on ignore.

Sea of Sorrows

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: Shlamorel.8714


Congratulations, and all the best SoS.

A lot of good guilds, and many friends moved from our server (DB) to SoS for more competitive WvW; it’s good to see their strategy pay good dividends.

Thanks for the encouragement

I remember your name from DB.

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: Actinotus.6410


We’d be better off bringing in these people to work with us rather than alienating them..

LOL, no we wouldn’t. You must be new to SoS…. it’s Daish F F S

Actinotus know him well. But Actinotus’s comment stands – as in real life, one can ignore those who one finds a colleague annoying and even offensive if it is difficult to work with them.

And my comment is directed equally at him.

(and it is not that relevant but I have been on SoS since BWE and will always be on SoS)

Sea of Sorrows

(edited by Actinotus.6410)

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: Beyonce.3207


Congratulations SoS for showing what 24/7 strategies can do in just day 1 of this matchup. We are currently leading by a large margin, lets continue to zerg them every minute of every day, yay!

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: Dhar.6392


Picked a good week to enter the fight. Lost Shores.

Just don’t get too confident. JQ was rolling BG and SBI last weekend too with a sizable lead by Monday… and it didn’t matter in the end.

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: Nidhogg.2950


A very nice opening post to read! congratulations on your achievements and carry on the fight!

Guildleader of Vitas, Gunnars Hold

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: Daish.6139


Sea of Sorrows is going to get owned

Sea of Sorrows has so many bad commanders they dont even know when to switch maps

so many bad guilds like FoE and pW who will sit and defend something with 10-15 players even if there is no risk of it being lost

Daish is going to avoid playing WvW this week

perfect, last time u left when we losing 30k during halloween . we turn dominating everything immediately, It was a big big win. glad you wont show up again next week.

thank god. there wont be meaningless argument between commanders anymore. No commanders will be pssed off and leave the BL, we will fight tight as one, as we always did when diash was not around.

And plz, keep out of WvW next week, coz everytime you said you leaving, you came back 2 or 3 days later when we started winning.

And when you not in WvW, please dont judge other commanders on chatbox, every commanders trying to ignore you and make sure the community go well.

Sea of Sorrows rises with or without you, good player or normal players they are our brothers. Large guilds or small guilds they are all part of our family. Winning or losing we will keep fighting, ET humiliated us and now they fall, IoJ crushed us and now they lost 3 weeks in a row.

We are here because we kept fighting, we will guard our world no matter what. This is our world and everyone has the right to fight for it, its our duty, its our honor.

JQ and SBI, listen up, you are better or not we dont care, but we are coming.

Sea of Sorrows has only got this high so far because of night caping at prime time SoS loses almost everything

if SoS wants to hold stuff at prime time they need to work out how to move maps spreading across 4 maps and fighting WvW as a 2v1 wont proably wont work in tier 1

u have fun Daish is going to play some planetside 2

Daish there is a reason why we are spread out and why you don’t understand what’s going on. they are related.

every week the guild leaders and guild commanders get together and decide which borderland that guild will be in charge of and at what time zone. every week it’s different.

we are spread out because we – smartly – have been making sure the strong guilds like MERC, PRX, Tysm, FOE and more are all utilizing their members to ensure maximum coverage.

you are not invited or included in this discussion along with mz pure and a handful of others because you refuse to work together. as soon as you enter a map you expect everyone to follow you just because you paid 100g for a title and an achievement instead of asking what the current commanders are doing.

all you do is criticize. because of this you are not part of the discussions had during these meetings. you are a non-factor to SoS and worst of all most of your tactical advice is usually pretty bad.

i’m sure you’ll respond to this in your usual first person snarkiness but know this – the majority of SoS WvW’ers have taken measure of you and no longer care.

The best thing you can do is to cooperate with people instead doing your own thing or constantly belittling people in map chat.

as a head-start SoS’er i’m glad we have clawed our way up to the top. our oceanic players tend to be more into pve and i’m sure this once in a gamelife event combined with the free trial is going to make any wvw presence this weekend spotty at best just like halloween. maybe worse. i ignored halloween because it comes every year. this one i can’t ignore personally, so you won’t be seeing Tricky Smurf on the battlefield before monday.

your Alliance has almost no real Commanders “main” guilds like FOE sit in towers with the Commander icon on saying “my guild is holding this tower” with 5-10 players while the server loses keeps (IN THE SAME MAP)

if you keep doing what your doing spreading out its only going to hurt Sea of Sorrows and make players leave the server on mass

your Alliance would sit in maps holding 1 tower when another Borderlands map would lose 1-2 keep’s (explain what the point of that is?)

your Alliance constantly ends up attacking both servers and has no idea how to Manipulate the other servers or Sacrifice to your advantage

Sea of Sorrows gets most of its points from night caping and the more spread out you are the less PUG/RANDOM players that you will have join WvW on our server it will be like self destructing

Daish has done alot for SoS trying to teach players and commanders how WvW works but Daish is done for now

Daish only just learnt that Follower’s list can only show around 200 players Daish’s Follower list hit 200 players 3-4 weeks ago wonder how many players are on it

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: Daish.6139


Daish makes a lot of predictions(like losing the Halloween week), Daish is generally wrong.

Nobody cares what you say anymore, because the only thing you seem capable of doing is sitting in a map(or the forums) and being snarky. One day I hope to see you contribute something useful to a conversation, but you’ll understand if I don’t hold my breath.

This match has so far been great fun, will be interesting to see how the week unfolds.

Daish just explained whats going to cause SoS to fail

when you know whats causing the failure it helps you improve

if you dont know why your failing it takes much longer to fix the issues

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: Alsonia.4753


No if you know why you’re failing and nobody wants to bother trying it takes even longer to fix the issue. BG in a nutshell; BG will never be T1 material again. Gratz SoS; I’m sad I transfered off the week you guys actually got an NA population.

Gloria Taril | Guardian of [ICoa]
Repping Beastgate since day 1.

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: Zokio.7048


Welcome! I have been looking forward to SoS reaching tier 1 for some time now. Very nice introductory post too. I hope to see your best SoS! You will have occasional complaining from forum posters though. Just remember that the people who complain are not representing their server, just their own arrogance. Stay classy!

~Zokeo (Necromancer)
~Stormbluff Isle

(edited by Zokio.7048)

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: RiversOnFire.3607


Daish makes a lot of predictions(like losing the Halloween week), Daish is generally wrong.

Nobody cares what you say anymore, because the only thing you seem capable of doing is sitting in a map(or the forums) and being snarky. One day I hope to see you contribute something useful to a conversation, but you’ll understand if I don’t hold my breath.

This match has so far been great fun, will be interesting to see how the week unfolds.

Daish just explained whats going to cause SoS to fail

when you know whats causing the failure it helps you improve

if you dont know why your failing it takes much longer to fix the issues

There is one commander—im not going to say who— we all origin sos know about. he is so predictable, when the things below happen, we all know hes around.

1. he was the NO.5 best commander in SoS, well, we have only 5. When he did some dump things, We told him that was wrong. he always reply:" you dont know anything about this game", and one day he said so proudly:" xxx(and he always refer himself as xxx? got 574 total captures in WvW ." I checked mine, I got 700+ and some of my friends got 1000+, but, “you dont know anything about this game” to all of us.

2. he comes in a BL, the next second, chatbox is full of “follow xxx” , “rally on xxx”, “come to xxx”, no matter what you are doing, he asks you to drop it and follow him.

3. he once dropped 2 rams under our own tower gate.

4. if there is an argument between commanders in WvW, it must be xxx vs other commanders.

5. he learnt a new trick. he led 30 players to hills, he placed 4 cate under west wall. It would be a perfect tactic without one fact: there was another wall about 100 yards away which had only 1/4 health… how did he miss that?

6. he changes his guilds tag so often, coz he is too good that no guild would be able to keep him.

7. when he fails, it must be “we dont have enough numbers”. when other commanders win after he left, it must be “they all left this BL”. He actually say that when ppl are so happy for the big vitory.

8.“you must stop attacking red/blue/green, we need blue/green/red to attack green/red/blue”. he controls all.

9. he always predicts: " SoS is going to lose, im leaving for the week." somehow, we always started to win right after he said that. and he always come back in 2-3 days, like he never said anything.

10. ppl folow him because they should follow, ppl dont follow him because they must be stupid.

11. he has a thing with green/blue/redlake and mom.

12. he has patient, he can keep attacking same green/blue/redlake for 4 hrs without taking it. who else can do that?

13. he never cares about what you are doing, for him, you are just following(smart)/ not following(stupid) him. if you attack red/blue/green when he is not, then you extremely stupid. coz of NO.8

14. When we pushing in one BL, we cap towers and a keep and going for next one. he jumps in “its meaningless to fight here, abc BL needs you, all teleport to [xyz waypoint]”

Im not saying the name, but, if you read any of the 14 above to your friends who played long enough in SoS WvWvW, they know who Im talking about.

he is the one. and he wont be around next week. cheers

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: kidbs.8920


Daish makes a lot of predictions(like losing the Halloween week), Daish is generally wrong.

Nobody cares what you say anymore, because the only thing you seem capable of doing is sitting in a map(or the forums) and being snarky. One day I hope to see you contribute something useful to a conversation, but you’ll understand if I don’t hold my breath.

This match has so far been great fun, will be interesting to see how the week unfolds.

Daish just explained whats going to cause SoS to fail

when you know whats causing the failure it helps you improve

if you dont know why your failing it takes much longer to fix the issues

There is one commander—im not going to say who— we all origin sos know about. he is so predictable, when the things below happen, we all know hes around.

1. he was the NO.5 best commander in SoS, well, we have only 5. When he did some dump things, We told him that was wrong. he always reply:" you dont know anything about this game", and one day he said so proudly:" xxx(and he always refer himself as xxx? got 574 total captures in WvW ." I checked mine, I got 700+ and some of my friends got 1000+, but, “you dont know anything about this game” to all of us.

2. he comes in a BL, the next second, chatbox is full of “follow xxx” , “rally on xxx”, “come to xxx”, no matter what you are doing, he asks you to drop it and follow him.

3. he once dropped 2 rams under our own tower gate.

4. if there is an argument between commanders in WvW, it must be xxx vs other commanders.

5. he learnt a new trick. he led 30 players to hills, he placed 4 cate under west wall. It would be a perfect tactic without one fact: there was another wall about 100 yards away which had only 1/4 health… how did he miss that?

6. he changes his guilds tag so often, coz he is too good that no guild would be able to keep him.

7. when he fails, it must be “we dont have enough numbers”. when other commanders win after he left, it must be “they all left this BL”. He actually say that when ppl are so happy for the big vitory.

8.“you must stop attacking red/blue/green, we need blue/green/red to attack green/red/blue”. he controls all.

9. he always predicts: " SoS is going to lose, im leaving for the week." somehow, we always started to win right after he said that. and he always come back in 2-3 days, like he never said anything.

10. ppl folow him because they should follow, ppl dont follow him because they must be stupid.

11. he has a thing with green/blue/redlake and mom.

12. he has patient, he can keep attacking same green/blue/redlake for 4 hrs without taking it. who else can do that?

13. he never cares about what you are doing, for him, you are just following(smart)/ not following(stupid) him. if you attack red/blue/green when he is not, then you extremely stupid. coz of NO.8

14. When we pushing in one BL, we cap towers and a keep and going for next one. he jumps in “its meaningless to fight here, abc BL needs you, all teleport to [xyz waypoint]”

Im not saying the name, but, if you read any of the 14 above to your friends who played long enough in SoS WvWvW, they know who Im talking about.

he is the one. and he wont be around next week. cheers

Lol I remember that guy from WoW. He hasn’t changed one bit. Still making a name for himself in every mmo that he plays (not a good one either). I’m glad he is on SoS and not my server :-P

SoR – Nethernoz (Necro), Zealot of Pain (Guardian), William The Butcher (Ranger)

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: Dixa.6017


Can I suggest to my colleagues on SoS that it is not helpful to call people out on a public forum like this.

SoS is doing well because we are generally working well as a team. We’d be better off bringing in these people to work with us rather than alienating them.

If someone is annoying you in teamchat put them on ignore.

daish calls himself out every week.

EVERY. SINGLE. WEEK. he makes a similiar post in the matchup thread. without fail.

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: Jedahs.2713


At this time SOS still maintains a lead in WvW but I am extremely disappointed with the amount of infighting on this thread.

Daish has been rally people into WvW since the beginning of this server and even if you dont like his style, he has shown dedication.

Meanwhile I see entire boarderlands empty during oceanic times. Please instead of writing shameful hate posts here go to Lions Arch and rally people get to into WvW. Every able body is needed!

And reminder FotM is here to stay but an undefeated climb from tier 5 to tier 1 is a one in a seever life time event. Dont screw up at the finish line. As day 1 has shown us we do have the skill to play in tier 1. Now we only need to get in and play!

Jedahs, Sea of Sorrow’s 1st WvW Commander
Resigned Founder of Black Lion Mercenary Corps [MERC]
Join 1500+ WvWers @

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: Jedahs.2713


Dedicated wvw players should all spend 5 to 10 minutes before and after wvw spamming lions arch and whispering friends and guildees to get into wvw

If you can get 3 to 5 people into wvw who otherwise wouldnt have, You have done your server proud

Jedahs, Sea of Sorrow’s 1st WvW Commander
Resigned Founder of Black Lion Mercenary Corps [MERC]
Join 1500+ WvWers @

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: Jedahs.2713


we still maintain the lead. keep it up!

Jedahs, Sea of Sorrow’s 1st WvW Commander
Resigned Founder of Black Lion Mercenary Corps [MERC]
Join 1500+ WvWers @

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: notebene.3190


Congratulations you guys!

Sadly, I had to move on to another server, as friends and family started playing and it was too difficult to get us moved to the server. I was there from the beginning up until the past week, and a bit sad I didn’t get to see the final step.

At any rate, well done folks!

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: Grifter.4257


We don’t know if we are ready, most likely it will be an uphill struggle to the bitter end.

But it is in the uphill struggle where we thrive. This is where to will be conditioned through the bloodiest of battles.

We’re currently facerolling both of the opposing servers… keep it up SoS.

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: pot.6805


I wouldn’t get too ahead of yourselves though, SBI can easily reduce 30k leads in a day and has done it 3 weeks in a row.

Beast mode

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: Guild Wars Fan.3249

Guild Wars Fan.3249

I wouldn’t get too ahead of yourselves though, SBI can easily reduce 30k leads in a day and has done it 3 weeks in a row.

agreed – I’m quietly optimistic about our chances of taking this weeks prize…however, you won’t catch me telling people we’re facerolling other servers etc…ever. There’s a reasonable chance we won’t win, SBI and JQ have been in T1 for a while now – you don’t get into 1st and 2nd (and stay there) on the leader-board by accident.

Lets show them the respect they are due – SBI and JQ (and all of the other servers we’ve faced) all deserve that respect. I don’t care how much we beat anyone by, it doesn’t give us the right to put them down or demean them. For a start, that other server is made up of players of varying skill sets, they’re not all the same faceless player. Putting another server down because we are beating them just makes US look like idiots and is highly dishonorable.

I have much more fun playing an opposition who shares a mutual respect, rather than grudge matches rife with abuse and trolling.

Its been a great match so far and thoroughly enjoyable. I have nothing but the utmost respect for JQ and SBI, you guys are tough as nails and a nightmare to combat!

(edited by Guild Wars Fan.3249)

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: Cover Girl.2580

Cover Girl.2580

We don’t know if we are ready, most likely it will be an uphill struggle to the bitter end.

But it is in the uphill struggle where we thrive. This is where to will be conditioned through the bloodiest of battles.

We’re currently facerolling both of the opposing servers… keep it up SoS.

This sort of post loses respect for SOS, and angers SBI. If you read the first week posts of the BG/SBI/JQ match from some similar BG players, they used the exact same sentence. Please keep the chest tumping in check until you win. Its day 2 of a 7 day match.

Sanctum of Rall
The Mord Sith [MORD]
(Borderlands Stationed Commander)

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: Elterzzz.4378


We don’t know if we are ready, most likely it will be an uphill struggle to the bitter end.

But it is in the uphill struggle where we thrive. This is where to will be conditioned through the bloodiest of battles.

We’re currently facerolling both of the opposing servers… keep it up SoS.

This sort of post loses respect for SOS, and angers SBI. If you read the first week posts of the BG/SBI/JQ match from some similar BG players, they used the exact same sentence. Please keep the chest tumping in check until you win. Its day 2 of a 7 day match.

He by no means represents SoS as a whole. and you saying on the other post that we’re only winning atm cause we didnt do the event and just wvw is kind of arrogant to say as well… We had overflows as well during the whole thing. we just happened to have people not interested in getting free loot.

Dragon King of War; Death Divine X; Mesmereyezzz;
Founder of War Brigade [WAR] -[MERC][TF]
Sea of Sorrows. Crystal Desert.

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: Cover Girl.2580

Cover Girl.2580

I said you guys were dedicated. It was a compliment. not an arrogant insult.
Look up the definition of dedicated.

Sanctum of Rall
The Mord Sith [MORD]
(Borderlands Stationed Commander)

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: Elterzzz.4378


the context in which you brought up the word wasnt that nice. how you bragged about your zerg getting precursors and us seemingly missing out cause we wvw…

Dragon King of War; Death Divine X; Mesmereyezzz;
Founder of War Brigade [WAR] -[MERC][TF]
Sea of Sorrows. Crystal Desert.

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: Xenesis.6389


Ignore that poster Cover Girl, I would think most of SoS know better than that, might be a different story if the event didn’t happen this weekend. SBI and JQ have been in T1 for a while now, 5 days to go and both are capable of making a come back. The weekend event will be over today and it can be an entirely different story from mon-thurs. Good luck to all, but mostly to SoS ;D

Another derailing post. ^^
North Keep: One of the village residents will now flee if their home is destroyed.
“Game over man, Game Over!” – RIP Bill

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: Elterzzz.4378


but thats not the main point. we entered the match up knowing tier 1 isnt a joke. we have respect for you guys and know you guys are still getting pumped. so dont let those ‘facerolling’ words get to you as the majority of SoS know we should still be alert during these upcoming days.

Dragon King of War; Death Divine X; Mesmereyezzz;
Founder of War Brigade [WAR] -[MERC][TF]
Sea of Sorrows. Crystal Desert.

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: Cover Girl.2580

Cover Girl.2580

I was just bringing up that the same thing came from BG. For the most part, after killing us, SOS guys /salute or /bow, which show some extreme respect ( this is a good thing elterzzz ). Most of us return the favor. Was just saying, to the one kid, don’t faceroll us just yet. If you win, I’ll be elated and ask for a T-Shirt from the dream team.

Sanctum of Rall
The Mord Sith [MORD]
(Borderlands Stationed Commander)

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: Mance.5640


Alert during the upcoming days? You haven’t even faced half of JQ yet and probably 70% of SBI as well on the battlefield yet. You haven’t experienced DoorMachine either. (I do love DoorMachine, btw, I wish they were NA so I could fight them more.)

Both SBI and JQ aren’t 1 week wonder servers. BG found this out the hard way after a really grueling 3 week stay in Tier 1. We’ve been slaughtering each other on a large scale for months. SBI and JQ do not look at wvw from weekend stand points, or week standpoints like all the previous servers you have faced. A kindly word of advice, as I do hope you stay and do well, it makes for better fights, If I may…

You should consider yourselves a brand new force that has just entered some sort of trench warfare akin to WW1.

You now have firm control over “no mans land” after the weekend. The sparkles you see coming from the trench lines directly to your north and your south, are in fact the Cheshire Cat grins of your new friends SBI and JQ.

Welcome to the front.

Mance Malhavoc
Shadow Gypsies GM
Jade Quarry-GW 2

Mance Khan – Shadow Gypsies – Jade Quarry
“a friend of death, a brother of luck, and a s.o.b.” [SG since ’99]

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: cold.3946


This is a welcome to tier 1 thread for SoS. Can we please keep the bruised egos elsewhere. Whatever the reasons, they are in the lead and have put in work to get there.

With BG it was a chorus of voices boasting about their victory preemptively. Look where that got them. I don’t see SoS earning the same reputation, and certainly not on the basis of one poster who probably isn’t even part of their WvW core.

There is a sea of red to recap right now. All of us should be focused on that, not why the map ended up that way.

Keg – 80 Guardian | Mini Keg – 80 Mesmer
Strike Force [SF] Stormbluff Isle

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: JAGUAR.7542


Congratulations to SOS – honestly there was a bit of chest thumping prior to your arrival in T1 which had a few players wondering….but you have proven to be a formidable foe in the past 48hours, both in terms of attack and defence; showing both strategy and coordination that have taken many of us by surprise.

I think that this is great! It makes the challenge more fun and if we have to revamp some of our own tactics to combat you so much the better.

I wouldnt discard either JQ or us(SBI) just yet, however, as them be early days.

As Cover Girl said, I’d be happy if you won as it only adds to the fun of the challenge of combating you.


A nord necro WMI

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: Leo Paul.1659

Leo Paul.1659

I have nothing but utmost respect for SBI and JQ. I’m sure everyone (that matters) in SoS knows we haven’t even seen the true strength of SBI and JQ. I sure am eager to learn more about WvW from you guys. See you in the battlefield!

Queen Of The Moors (Blackgate)
Deaths Fear [Fear] / The Hardcore Caravan [HC]
Forum Warrior: Black Belt in Ninja Edits

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: Grumpdogg.6910


There is already a thread for the current matchup/scores/other servers. This is a thread for SoS to remember the roller-coaster we rode to get here.

“I swung a sword, I swung a sword again, oh look I swung a sword again!”
- Colin Johanson while spamming key 1 in GW2

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: Cover Girl.2580

Cover Girl.2580

This is a welcome to tier 1 thread for SoS. Can we please keep the bruised egos elsewhere. Whatever the reasons, they are in the lead and have put in work to get there.

With BG it was a chorus of voices boasting about their victory preemptively. Look where that got them. I don’t see SoS earning the same reputation, and certainly not on the basis of one poster who probably isn’t even part of their WvW core.

There is a sea of red to recap right now. All of us should be focused on that, not why the map ended up that way.

I don’t think we should assume who is or isn’t part of anyone’s core wvw group. It would be presumptive to do so. If you’re available to recap the zone, head there and begin as we have a long way to get there.

Sanctum of Rall
The Mord Sith [MORD]
(Borderlands Stationed Commander)

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: Grumpdogg.6910


We respect SBI more than we’ve ever respected anyone before in the history of ever.

Ok happy? Cool now kitten off thanks.

“I swung a sword, I swung a sword again, oh look I swung a sword again!”
- Colin Johanson while spamming key 1 in GW2

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: uplaabura.3289


Please stop the egocentric opinions and don’t say any “declaration of victory” as “We will flip the map at night”; “we will take the maps at day”; “we will take everything at weekday or at weekend”. Anything like that are totally pointless. No one can tell the result of this match. No one, OKay? No matter you are in SOS, JQ or SBI, no more arrogance plz. We respect every single enemy we’ve met, no matter the result is good or bad, we have done our best that’s all.

Just go and have a good fight and have fun.

BTW, this is a post that states the magic journey that SOS have experienced. We may discuss the warfare at the other post.

Tomizu Intrepid, Guardian
Sea of Sorrows
For Taiwanese ppl, plz feel free to join our RC channel 25383023 for group fighting

(edited by uplaabura.3289)

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: Notrub.6925


I just wanted to stop in and say welcome to Tier 1 and grats on the work in getting there. Some of the best fights I have had was against SoS & JQ in BWE3. Glad to see things haven’t changed.

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: Jedahs.2713


awww the charity thread got deleted

um….i dunno what to do anymore. tell your friends over the phone i guess

Jedahs, Sea of Sorrow’s 1st WvW Commander
Resigned Founder of Black Lion Mercenary Corps [MERC]
Join 1500+ WvWers @

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: Azariah.8420


awww the charity thread got deleted

um….i dunno what to do anymore. tell your friends over the phone i guess

Too much gw2 advertising, gotta be careful of that

80 Thief – Black Lion Mercenary Corps [MERC]
Sea of Sorrows