Servers FR / ES / DE are they brought to disappear?

Servers FR / ES / DE are they brought to disappear?

in WvW

Posted by: Kayato.9178


First of all it’s a translation from a post on the french forum , please excuse my English.

Here’s a question for Anet after thinking about what I heard in a week.
It’s not a problem nightcapping but a deeper imbalance. Far ahead of the servers were McM European servers (FR, DE, or even half English half Russian).

Except, since a week the key to return to the top is to recruit massively (I’m not talking about a small guild of 30 people but a whole community migration) in the USA and therefore one completely opposite timezone to the EU. It’s not anymore a ladder EU, but an international ladder.

So my questions are as follows :
- Are the 2 ladders going to merge (EU and US)?
- Will servers FR / DE / ES disappear? Because the Americans will not come on the french server and french server will be deserted as they will sink to the bottom of the ranking.
Currently the only way to survive is to shorten the nights to avoid the penalty score. This is obviously something that can not hold.

Why not choose a specific and definitive timezone for an account ?

This is not a post against Desolation but on the future of the European ladder. Please stay polite.

Servers FR / ES / DE are they brought to disappear?

in WvW

Posted by: Kontrolle.3514


If you give a fk about any ladder in WvW, then you are doing it wrong and should play something else. Me and and all people i play with dont care at all if we are on top or bottom of the servers, for us its important to have challenging and interresting fights and you can have them everywhere at any given time.

That might be the case because we all came from DAoC and we arnt that obsessed to numbers like you WoW kids seem to be.

(edited by Kontrolle.3514)

Servers FR / ES / DE are they brought to disappear?

in WvW

Posted by: Scryar.2954


Time will tell. Most Americans want competitve WvsW. So they stay on us servers to fight against other us servers during their primetime. A guild, who prefers to fight when their enemies are sleeping, is a exception so far. We will see in the next months how this evolves. Maybe more Us guilds will transfer to europe. Maybe Ruin will get bored of fighting vs npcs and gates and will move back to a us server. We will see

WvsW smallscale & tpvp
Champion- Magus, Shadow, Illusionist, Hunter

Servers FR / ES / DE are they brought to disappear?

in WvW

Posted by: Kyus.3812


If you give a fk about any ladder in WvW, then you are doing it wrong and should play something else.

as blunt as this guy is he’s right. the top of the ladder is where the larger population is. but it has no bearing on doing well. treat every evenings gameplay like an individual competition look at your progress when your guild logs on and look at the state of the borderlands and eb when you log off. thats the competition.

Kyús – 80 – Guardian// All Classes Level 80
Hand of Blood [HoB]
EU – Aurora Glade

Servers FR / ES / DE are they brought to disappear?

in WvW

Posted by: Ravax.1205


Why not choose a specific and definitive timezone for an account ?

This is not a post against Desolation but on the future of the European ladder. Please stay polite.

I’ll give you a super simple answer to that question. Over years of gaming, many people have made friends with people from all over the world, and like to play together, i’m not talking about RUIN coming over to deso. But you’re ‘idea’ would ruin gaming for MANY people, myself included. We are adults, and work/travel all over the world, all the time. If there were timezone limitations, that would separate many old guilds, which have been together throughout many different games, mine included.

Get with the melting pot already! I do not wish to impose my ideals on others, but this nationalistic way of thinking from so many people gets to me… I think it’s time for MANY MANY cultures to start broadening their horizons, and blend with other cultures.

Servers FR / ES / DE are they brought to disappear?

in WvW

Posted by: Kayato.9178


Why not choose a specific and definitive timezone for an account ?

This is not a post against Desolation but on the future of the European ladder. Please stay polite.

I’ll give you a super simple answer to that question. Over years of gaming, many people have made friends with people from all over the world, and like to play together, i’m not talking about RUIN coming over to deso. But you’re ‘idea’ would ruin gaming for MANY people, myself included. We are adults, and work/travel all over the world, all the time. If there were timezone limitations, that would separate many old guilds, which have been together throughout many different games, mine included.

Get with the melting pot already! I do not wish to impose my ideals on others, but this nationalistic way of thinking from so many people gets to me… I think it’s time for MANY MANY cultures to start broadening their horizons, and blend with other cultures.

I also travel a lot abroad. I don’t speak about french only, i speak about EU and US ladder.

I went to the USA, I have friends there. I never said that my question was the answer. But nobody can deny the imbalance that is created on the EU ladder.

@Kontrolle I never played WoW but I played DAOC, sorry for you

Servers FR / ES / DE are they brought to disappear?

in WvW

Posted by: Epoch.5396


Hes right.
Anets fix for PvDoor is to get your own players in that timeframe. Thats their fix! That fix is going to really hurt servers that cant field international sides.
I’m especially looking at German servers as they have a much smaller overseas group that speak german. (SP) and (FR) might do fine. Anets fix will essentially relegated (DE) to the bottom with their current 24 playerbase.

If you dont care about rankings…thats fine but plenty do and this is Anets design so give it a rest. Saying “l2notcare” is comical. People are playing this game like a sport. Just because you liked DAoC (i did too) doesn’t mean you cant get into the scoring system. The fact is your reply is like a wow forum reply. Not a DAoC one. If you want to represent that game start talking like an experienced player rather than a wow forum troll.


Servers FR / ES / DE are they brought to disappear?

in WvW

Posted by: Belfagor Diabolos.1940

Belfagor Diabolos.1940

Everyone who was playing in GW2 from early beta tests should rememberer Anet statements, so Game will be a region lock, and all-so plans to charge for server transfer and guesting option, just after several complains from people who " travelling a lot a cross continents in real live ". They ( Anet ) didn’t apply this from 1st day giving players a chance to find for them a right server, and unfortunately leaving a open gate to exploit this situation. Merging EU and NA servers will destroy identity EU serves especially all DE, FR, ES all so Importing NA players to EU WvW competition will completely destroy balance on EU WvW tournament ..
Its just my opinion …. So please just try to understand my point of view … ( U don’t have to agree I do not expect this )

Far Shiverpeaks [EU]

(edited by Moderator)

Servers FR / ES / DE are they brought to disappear?

in WvW

Posted by: Tygra.4570


I have to agree to disagree with the IP limitations. Lots of guilds have members that play far from the others. You can’t break that, people want to play with their friends.

But OP’s post is really clever, and i would give my vote to a huge merge. Merge EU and US rankings, make the FR DE and ES tags disappear. Time will do its thing, balance will come and no-one will ever complain about night power anymore.

It is time for a change, please merge the rankings !

The French Flair [FF]

Servers FR / ES / DE are they brought to disappear?

in WvW

Posted by: Boa Cinderella.1298

Boa Cinderella.1298

The system of EU/US-Matches does not take into account the time when these maps are crowded by players and when not. (By the way, I am shure, ArenaNet will not give us statistics about.) So it can happen that a powerful WvW-WorldServer (A) fills the four maps only for 8 hours, not meeting much enemies and winning all fights. These players go to sleep and to work then. While this time, a badly playing WvW-Worldserver (B) owns for 16 hours with a small crowd all areas. You know, the development of potential points can show this. But the final result of points does not tell us anything about the quality and success of players on their wvw-servers. Server (B) gets qualified on top. Will it be possible to get similar qualified wvw-servers where people play approximately at the same time together in one match? At the moment this is more accidently than thoughtful.

- Piken – [ONYX]

Servers FR / ES / DE are they brought to disappear?

in WvW

Posted by: Ualtar.5047


You basically have 2 choices.

1. Be an exclusive community and be one of the lower tier servers.

2. Be an inclusive community and have better coverage.

If you want to keep your server to your language/country group then you will have WvW problems. I see people denigrating Americans saying they will not want to play on French servers. That really is not true. Given an opportunity, I am sure Americans will play wherever there is a good fight.

We have had some Asian guilds join up on Tarnish Coast lately. I saw them speaking in /say in another language and I don’t see a problem with that. Should I have said “speak English or leave our server” or should I fight with them and try to win?

Alrekr Yerling
Khazad Fundinul [KF] – Tarnished Coast

Servers FR / ES / DE are they brought to disappear?

in WvW

Posted by: Wothan.4673


If you want to keep your server to your language/country group then you will have WvW problems. I see people denigrating Americans saying they will not want to play on French servers. That really is not true. Given an opportunity, I am sure Americans will play wherever there is a good fight.

Yes our tag serv [FR] / [DE] / [SP].. is clearly don’t desire for other ppl to inc on this serv.
So what, we need to leave our tagged serv to come in classic “EU” serv if we want have a competitive serv ?. Because ATM we can"t fight vs serv with classical prime time + US prime time when all EU sleep…

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

Servers FR / ES / DE are they brought to disappear?

in WvW

Posted by: Belfagor Diabolos.1940

Belfagor Diabolos.1940

Will be nice to get some official statement from Anet about transfers between EU and NA and a guesting options ..
I’m not talking about night-capping ( is nothing wrong if all players are from this same region ) this is not a point.
At the moment most EU players including my self – thinking so this ( transfer NA guilds to EU competition ) is some kind of exploit non-perfect transfer system & wrong interpretation Anet statement about ( Night Capping and YOU ) …

Far Shiverpeaks [EU]

Servers FR / ES / DE are they brought to disappear?

in WvW

Posted by: Dee Jay.2460

Dee Jay.2460

What happened to all the French Canadians?

As I see it, the only language without a significant overseas population are the Germans.

Servers FR / ES / DE are they brought to disappear?

in WvW

Posted by: Thorvald.5432


What happened to all the French Canadians?

As I see it, the only language without a significant overseas population are the Germans.

There was only 1 canadian guild on AS for 2 weeks but they want back to NA.

Invaders [Inv] – Vizunah Square

Servers FR / ES / DE are they brought to disappear?

in WvW

Posted by: Gwal.2813


about FR :
French Canadians play on US server. They are not interested in playing on FR servers and there’s currently no Canadian guild on FR servers.

about ES:
I don’t think there is a MMO community in Latin America.

So, all localized server are in the same case : they can’t recruit to fill 24/7 coverage

I see 2 solutions :
- ANet could create a GMT/GMT+1 ladder for them (and the few EU servers that want to play like this)
- ANet remove localized servers, ladder became worldwide, and those players migrate to other International server to fill the spots for more coverage

But the 2nd solution means the loss of identity of those servers and communities… (and a united community is always some valuable in a MMO)

Vizunah Square [FR]

Servers FR / ES / DE are they brought to disappear?

in WvW

Posted by: omphin.1752


How about for european off peak hours there were only half points given? Towers give you 5 points instead of 10 etc etc. Surely that would deter the need to have such strong 24 hour coverage.

This off peak time may only amount to 4 or 5 hours in the total 24 hours of the day but it would eliminate the need for european servers to recruit americans to stay competitive. This would ensure the survival of the FR, ES and DE servers allowing them to stay competitive.

Just a thought, cause i like to face servers with a national identity and not just all international.

(edited by omphin.1752)