(edited by omniomi.7351)
Some WvW queue time science...
I think we need more research than this to make a good conclusion as to whether not Ques are FqFi or LqFi
The que times are rather annoying in the grand scheme of things especially for prime time WvW
Angry Intent | Multiple Servers
WTB Razor Blade Free Candy!
I think we need more research than this to make a good conclusion as to whether not Ques are FqFi or LqFi
The que times are rather annoying in the grand scheme of things especially for prime time WvW
I agree, this is just a small example of the 5 minute person getting in before the 50 minute person and the other 2 as well… I have a larger data set… Just not going to type out for the 20+ members who were in queue tonight… I can tell you though some were seeing >35 minutes while some were seeing ~15 quite randomly…. As soon as someone would tell me they popped at ~12 minutes and I’d relay it to TS a bunch would pipe up that they’d been waiting over 20-30…
It’s hard to come up with an average, or to reassure those waiting when the order seems random… Also hard to tell if we should be getting people to requeue or not… could pop at any second, is it really worth resetting your timer? But what if you’re the 50+ minute guy?
(edited by omniomi.7351)
I remember when Anet was asked how many players can be in WvW at the same time, they said as many as it can support but they keep all the sides even. So maybe the system is dynamically adjusting the population cap of WvW based on some other variable which screwes up people who queue at different times so that it’s not always a FIFO system.
Did all four of your participants attempt to join the same map, or were they joining separate maps? Did profession seem to have any bearing on speed in your extended data pools?
What about latency or distance from server in terms of real-world location? Wireless internet versus wired internet? Connection speed?
What color were they this week (red? blue? green?)? Is the server they represent winning or losing when they queue, and does this seem to be a factor?
There’s a lot of variables here, and I’m willing to help you gather more data. I’ll see if I can’t find some people on Tarnished Coast willing to keep track of some info.
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast
The whole queue system being screwed up and a game-able crap shoot has been known about for quite sometime. Your observances were rather common during the first month after release and there are a bunch of old threads you could sift through if you wanted to add to the data set.
ANET could not seem to reproduce the problems we were reporting on their end so they just waited for the population to spread out and stabilize instead of fixing it, granted, they’ve been very busy fixing other issues. People don’t complain about the stupid messed up queue system anymore because queues are rare, not because anything has been done to improve it. Another reason to keep the populations balanced instead of stacked at the top, this game in its current state cannot support waiting to get to the fun bits.
Xyleia Luxuria / Sweet Little Agony / Morning Glory Wine / Precious Illusionz /
Near Fanstastica /Ocean at the End / Blue Eyed Hexe / Andro Queen / Indie Cindee . . .
Did all four of your participants attempt to join the same map, or were they joining separate maps? Did profession seem to have any bearing on speed in your extended data pools?
What about latency or distance from server in terms of real-world location? Wireless internet versus wired internet? Connection speed?
What color were they this week (red? blue? green?)? Is the server they represent winning or losing when they queue, and does this seem to be a factor?
- All were trying to join the same map (did not queue for any other maps either).
- Not sure about profession data but I can find out.
- Latency / Distance : all US players, one Canadian player (actually got in the fastest).
- Connection speed/Method: Again, would need to find out.
- We’re the green server this week and we’re winning in points so far.
I suppose there could be a number of moving target factors for queue times… It would seem unfair though.
One interesting data point but I doubt it was related:
- The person who got in the fastest was the highest ranked member in the guild (Lt), the rest were all members though.
The whole queue system being screwed up and a game-able crap shoot has been known about for quite sometime. Your observances were rather common during the first month after release and there are a bunch of old threads you could sift through if you wanted to add to the data set.
My bad… I’ll do some forum searches.
A queue of 50 minutes? Holy mother… I just requeue after 10-15 and within another 5 min I’m in… And yes in Lions Arch.
The queues shouldn’t take that long, just requeue after 15 minutes.
[VII] Seventh Legion | http://twitch.tv/censtudios
A queue of 50 minutes? Holy mother… I just requeue after 10-15 and within another 5 min I’m in… And yes in Lions Arch.
The queues shouldn’t take that long, just requeue after 15 minutes.
It doesn’t always work. I tried this a couple of time and it worked only 1 time.
Keep requeueing then. If it doesnt work it means it got bugged again or whatever is causing this.
Sometimes I have to requeue 2 or 3 times, but then the total queuetime is still 30 min or so.
[VII] Seventh Legion | http://twitch.tv/censtudios
We have often queue, but no players in map. Weird.
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
I don’t understand why there isn’t an estimate wait time for queues. At the very least tell us what position we are in!
Someone in the german forum said it is not FIFO, but FIRO (First in, Random Out ).
And even if I never measured that, it completely fits my experiences.
Queues are totally random, always have been.
Just another basic functionality that Arenanet have given up trying to fix while they go off on random crusades against things like AOE instead.
- Colin Johanson while spamming key 1 in GW2
There also seem to be a party-queue thing going on. If you’re in a party and they all queue for a map you often get in at the same time. So logically it would be best to queue solo, not in a party, but I don’t know if its true.
[VII] Seventh Legion | http://twitch.tv/censtudios
A queue of 50 minutes? Holy mother…
Haha – Xylla and I have nearly 1-2 hours of queue on oceanic prime time.
Someone in the german forum said it is not FIFO, but FIRO (First in, Random Out
And even if I never measured that, it completely fits my experiences.
That would make total sense, a grab bag of sorts, the server wouldn’t have to make lists filled with placing, simply instead ask who still needs to get into WvW and selecting a random player from those that answer.
Xylla, I really enjoy EB battles and WvW in general, it does kinda suck at the top we (JQ and SoS) need to wait for the fun bits to happen. Btw you NORDs can be tenacious in tower defense, it makes it much more meaningful when we fail siege or capture a tower.
But yes, I’d rather a structured queue system so we can play WvW!
Angry Intent | Multiple Servers
WTB Razor Blade Free Candy!
Order in which they got into the map:
4: 3-5 minutes
1: 50 minutes
3: 30 minutes
2: requeued at that point (35 minutes) and they got in after less than 5.
Not doubting your results but, did all members of this dataset use actual clocks to measure their queue time? Reason I ask is I often ‘feel’ like I am in a queue for far longer then I really am, especially on reset day when you wanna rip into it. Its like the opposite of when you are inside and you think you’ve been at it for 30 minutes and all of a sudden you realize its 3 hours later.