Status with the Thief in WVW?

Status with the Thief in WVW?

in WvW

Posted by: CreativeAnarchy.6324


At the moment, I play a thief. She is a lot of fun.

I find them very annoying to fight against.

I also like to annoy other people.

You have to learn how to play this class just like every other class.

There is no magic escape button. I’ve had my butt handed to me plenty of times. I have yet and will never make a post about the other class being OP because I know that if a good player is behind those controls, they will make anything OP.

I wish I had that easy button other players think I have as well as all the other skills and traits that I seem to possess and active at the same time as all the others in my list. Last I checked I can only have 3 skills, a heal skill and a elite skill active at the same time. Wish I knew how the others get activated at the same time. I also want to know how they got extra trait points. I could really use those extra points.

I speak for my self and no one else. Only fools believe they speak for a majority.

(edited by CreativeAnarchy.6324)

Status with the Thief in WVW?

in WvW

Posted by: Zid.4196


Status: Working as intended.


Status with the Thief in WVW?

in WvW

Posted by: Aratoa.7398


Thieves are a good class overall for WvW, they are excellent roamers in WvW due to their speed/mobility. They have high potential for burst but terrible staying power in fights, leading them to escape and reset if the opponent doesn’t die in the first 5 to 10 seconds of a fight. As a class they are designed to do just this, make things die and be elusive. A well played thief is a scary thing, but so is a well played anything.

So, what’s the story? Are they OP? My guild mates seem to think that there is some serious love for the thief going on with the developers that will prevent nerfs, but no class should be able to solo entire groups of other characters so easily.

They aren’t OP. There is no love for them beyond any other class, they have received fairly substantial nerfs to their damage (50% reduction from DD, 15% from PW…) along with other tweaks. They aren’t able to solo entire groups of players easily unless those players are truly awful at playing and the thief is really good.


(edited by Aratoa.7398)

Status with the Thief in WVW?

in WvW

Posted by: Avatara.1042


Stop pretending you are not OP and broken, thieves.

Status with the Thief in WVW?

in WvW

Posted by: Braxxus.2904


They aren’t able to solo entire groups of players easily unless those players are truly awful at playing and the thief is really good.

Pfft who are you trying to kid here? Level 21 thief and spiked 3 players out of a group of 8 tonight as a P/D thief abusing culling and escaped from retribution by the rest of the group using shortbow offhand. It’s so incredibly easy to solo groups of people with a 90% invisibility duration thanks to culling in WvW we could place the mouse in a fish tank and have the family goldfish do it.

Blackwater Vanguard
Yaks Bend

Status with the Thief in WVW?

in WvW

Posted by: Steelo.4597


show me one other game, just one, where a stealth class can hop in and out of stealth while in combat to their likeing and hit like a truck at the same time. its broken and no amounts of words will be able to excuse this sad piece of class design. culling issues are just the cookie on top of the broken stealth design.

i fear we will look back to this day and remember the good old wvw as it is now – Jan 2015

Status with the Thief in WVW?

in WvW

Posted by: Zenyatoo.4059


Stealth needs to end when you take damage.

You should NOT be able to just pop stealth and then move in any direction (with a kittening teleport no less)

It’s literally impossible to catch a thief who is capable of hitting the stealth key on his keyboard unless you have enough CC to chain immobilize him.

There should be consequences to engaging targets you cannot beat. You should not have an instant get out of combat free card. Stealth should be used to make first strikes, and skillful retreats, not “Oh kitten im losing, stealth, infiltrators arrow behind target, dodge roll twice and lol as they cant possibly catch you”

As for thief damage, honestly? Meh. I dont think i’ve been killed in a 1v1 engagement with a thief. Most of them dart in, realize I dont die in 3 seconds, lose half their hp, then just run away. Some of them dagger storm, which extends their life by an extra few seconds, but that’s about it.

Status with the Thief in WVW?

in WvW

Posted by: Docmandu.2914


It’s not like Thieves don’t fight other Thieves in WvW.
It’s easy, really.
“Target Nearest Enemy” > “Mark Target” > Stomp Cull’d Thief > ??? > Profit.

Typical reply.. but the issue is the culling makes it so you can’t target the thief, not even with Target Nearest Enemy… only thing that will hit a culled thief (or any class with stealth) is AOE damage.

Before they adjust thieves (or any class) they should FIX the culling problem.. only then will it be possible to see the real issues.

I’ve basically given up on playing the game, as my only interest is WvW and it’s unplayable due to the culling problem.

Status with the Thief in WVW?

in WvW

Posted by: FourTwenty.4268


ITT: People don’t like it when players can escape.

Status with the Thief in WVW?

in WvW

Posted by: Strang.8170


ITT: People don’t like it when players can escape.

….so much warm feelings of people raging at me back when playing my kity kity ranger in alliance battles

Dr.Strang E – Nameless veterans (NV) – Gandara (EU)
[ ex- Piken Square (EU), ex- Aurora Glade (EU) ]

Status with the Thief in WVW?

in WvW

Posted by: Stiv.1820


ITT: People don’t like it when players can escape.

Yea, D/D eles and even warriors are just as good at fleeing as a Thief if not better.

Status with the Thief in WVW?

in WvW

Posted by: Zid.4196


True, however D/D eles are not nearly as good at killing people, while warriors never kill anybody…they just help a lot of people to suicide.

Status with the Thief in WVW?

in WvW

Posted by: Stiv.1820


True, however D/D eles are not nearly as good at killing people, while warriors never kill anybody…they just help a lot of people to suicide.

Really? D/D eles are great at fighting multiple enemies and bailing as soon as there is too much pressure. I think they are better than a thief for 1v5 types stuff due to all the AoE. HUNDUD BURRDS? (I think the Warrior should yell that in the Heavy’s voice anytime they do that move)

Status with the Thief in WVW?

in WvW

Posted by: Strang.8170


ITT: People don’t like it when players can escape.

Yea, D/D eles and even warriors are just as good at fleeing as a Thief if not better.

Thieves are more frustrating because stealth is a lot more annoying mechanic than endless mobility skills.

Dr.Strang E – Nameless veterans (NV) – Gandara (EU)
[ ex- Piken Square (EU), ex- Aurora Glade (EU) ]

Status with the Thief in WVW?

in WvW

Posted by: CreativeAnarchy.6324


They aren’t able to solo entire groups of players easily unless those players are truly awful at playing and the thief is really good.

Pfft who are you trying to kid here? Level 21 thief and spiked 3 players out of a group of 8 tonight as a P/D thief abusing culling and escaped from retribution by the rest of the group using shortbow offhand. It’s so incredibly easy to solo groups of people with a 90% invisibility duration thanks to culling in WvW we could place the mouse in a fish tank and have the family goldfish do it.

As you stated, they were abusing culling.

When this issue gets fixed, I don’t think they will as OP as you are making them out to be.

There is a difference between a class that is actually capable of soloing the group you say VS. a class that is using a bug to solo the group that you say.

I speak for my self and no one else. Only fools believe they speak for a majority.

Status with the Thief in WVW?

in WvW

Posted by: Warlord Lu Bu.7905

Warlord Lu Bu.7905

Most classes can escape from battle if played right. There are many teleport moves to help you flee as well as swiftness.

As strong as some claim the thief to be, he certainly has many weaknesses as well. If you keep dying to thieves, it’s because you don’t understand how to combat a thief, not because they are “OP”. I personally find thieves incredibly easy to fight against. Some classes will have their advantages over others, but they will also have a weakness against some others too.

War Legend Lu Bu – Commander
[WäR] Warband of Absolute Retribution
Borlis Pass

Status with the Thief in WVW?

in WvW

Posted by: Stiv.1820


ITT: People don’t like it when players can escape.

Yea, D/D eles and even warriors are just as good at fleeing as a Thief if not better.

Thieves are more frustrating because stealth is a lot more annoying mechanic than endless mobility skills.

Not sure why that is. I don’t even try to chase a d/d ele because it’s so annoying. They will endlessly outrun you, get in range of a keep door then stand their ground and even if you do down them, they mist form inside the keep and self rally.

At least with stealth you can try to predict where they are headed and set up a lockdown or keep dpsing.

Status with the Thief in WVW?

in WvW

Posted by: Strang.8170


Not sure why that is. I don’t even try to chase a d/d ele because it’s so annoying. They will endlessly outrun you, get in range of a keep door then stand their ground and even if you do down them, they mist form inside the keep and self rally.

At least with stealth you can try to predict where they are headed and set up a lockdown or keep dpsing.

Mainly because targeted skills still work, immobilizes stuns etc remain effective, you don´t need to re-acquire target, you can immediately see if it´s worth it to chase…lot´s of reasons.
Though by far the biggest reason in my opinion is that stealth forces players to guess where thief might´ve gone. It´s not about skill anymore, just down to pure luck.

Dr.Strang E – Nameless veterans (NV) – Gandara (EU)
[ ex- Piken Square (EU), ex- Aurora Glade (EU) ]

Status with the Thief in WVW?

in WvW

Posted by: Stiv.1820


Not sure why that is. I don’t even try to chase a d/d ele because it’s so annoying. They will endlessly outrun you, get in range of a keep door then stand their ground and even if you do down them, they mist form inside the keep and self rally.

At least with stealth you can try to predict where they are headed and set up a lockdown or keep dpsing.

Mainly because targeted skills still work, immobilizes stuns etc remain effective, you don´t need to re-acquire target, you can immediately see if it´s worth it to chase…lot´s of reasons.
Though by far the biggest reason in my opinion is that stealth forces players to guess where thief might´ve gone. It´s not about skill anymore, just down to pure luck.

None of that stuff works at 2K+ range that they get in about 2 seconds :P

I don’t think it’s true about stealth. I use C&D on stelathed thieves with a lot of success to mess them up. It’s particulary easy on Glass Cannon thieves. I also kill them while in stealth with ClusterBomb AoE. Maybe playing one gives me more insight as to where they will be, but it works.

I ran into a group last night that was built to murder me. The mesmer had greatsword and sword/focus, guardian had all his knokcback/pull toys and a warrior that spammed killshot whenver he was at full adren. I never once got stealth from my SR I was bounced around like a ragdoll and hit by 12K killshots when I was on my back.

(edited by Stiv.1820)

Status with the Thief in WVW?

in WvW

Posted by: Strang.8170


None of that stuff works at 2K+ range that they get in about 2 seconds :P

I don’t think it’s true about stealth. I use C&D on stelathed thieves with a lot of success to mess them up. It’s particulary easy on Glass Cannon thieves. I also kill them while in stealth with ClusterBomb AoE. Maybe playing one gives me more insight as to where they will be, but it works.

I ran into a group last night that was built to murder me. The mesmer had greatsword and sword/focus, guardian had all his knokcback/pull toys and a warrior that spammed killshot whenver he was at full adren. I never once got stealth from my SR I was bounced around like a ragdoll and hit by 12K killshots when I was on my back.

Groups always prevail over players.

Problem is that when people don´t have access to powerful enough ground targeted aoes, fighting stealthed players becomes a drag.
Even with aoes it comes down to guessing. When target uses movement skills, there´s no doubt about their intentions. When target stealths, he could be doing anything, going anywhere. Many people don´t like being forced to gamble, and even less when wrong answer punishes them severly.
One can ofcourse practice guessing, but point is that it takes the results out of the players hands, or atleast it feels that way in many cases.

Dr.Strang E – Nameless veterans (NV) – Gandara (EU)
[ ex- Piken Square (EU), ex- Aurora Glade (EU) ]

Status with the Thief in WVW?

in WvW

Posted by: DeWolfe.2174


Wait… as a warrior, what are my endless mobility skills?? The lack of mobility is my biggest complaint with my class. As a full height Norn, I have the slowest animation and movement speed ever created!!!!! Swiftness does nothing once we enter combat mode, then we’re snail’s.

If I’m running with the rifle and a thief stealth’s in behind me because of culling, I don’t even fight anymore. I just go down so I can WP and get back to fighting faster. The battle is a complete waste of time. Even if do swap weapon and beat on the thief, there going to stealth and run anyway.

Mesmer’s illusions and the thieves stealth should not have been created IMHO. Those skills by there very nature are OP. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if you could HEAR them or something. Otherwise, this design of complete and utter unknowing is bs.

[AwM] of Jade Quarry.

(edited by DeWolfe.2174)

Status with the Thief in WVW?

in WvW

Posted by: Zenyatoo.4059


Make stealth end when you take non-condition damage.

Stealth is now balanced. It becomes an engagement tool, or an escape for when you have already distanced yourself.

Status with the Thief in WVW?

in WvW

Posted by: Tulisin.6945


Make stealth end when you take non-condition damage.

Stealth is now balanced. It becomes an engagement tool, or an escape for when you have already distanced yourself.

This’d require a pretty large thief revamp.

Not to mention “an escape for when you have already distanced yourself” is useless. Mobility lets thieves escape, not stealth. If they’ve already moved away, stealth is pointless, if they can’t move away, stealth as an escape is pointless. Furthermore, if they can move away, stealth or not, they aren’t going to get caught.

Remove stealth completely and for escape situations most thieves still won’t die because stealth is not a very good escape tool, mobility is. However, there have been a tiny handful of threads blaming thief mobility for being broken compared to daily stealth complaints.

Status with the Thief in WVW?

in WvW

Posted by: Same.4687


These threads have been around for ages now. Thieves are fine, if you can get one-shotted by a thief it most likely means you are a glass cannon (or close to it). Which means you do good damage yourself but as comes with high risk/high reward you die easily.

Burst thieves can only do that one thing, burst down a single target. Glass cannon thieves cannot light up a group like a glass cannon Ele can. We can’t shatter a group like a Mesmer can. All we can do is pop in, burst the crap out of that one person and pop out.

100b warriors have higher burst damage than thieves, have double the HP and are quite mobile too.
Mesmers have about the same amount of burst damage (but including aoe dam), more HP, have great escapes and thus quite mobile.

This isn’t anything new, people are just annoyed by thieves because of the CULLING issue. Nothing more, nothing less.

Status with the Thief in WVW?

in WvW

Posted by: dank.3680


Typical reply.. but the issue is the culling makes it so you can’t target the thief, not even with Target Nearest Enemy… only thing that will hit a culled thief (or any class with stealth) is AOE damage.

That is not true at all, while you may not see them right away you definitely CAN target them. As a thief I fight thieves all the time too since there are so many usually. I don’t have a problem targeting them because I’m good at predicting which direction they will be in and just spam my target key. Knowing the timing of stealth helps as well since you can predict when they will attack.

You may not realize it but you have to be facing in the general direction of a target to pick them up with the target nearest enemy key.

#MAGSWAG: All class player. XOXO

Status with the Thief in WVW?

in WvW

Posted by: Same.4687


Making damage break stealth is stupid. There are multiple skills in this game that follow thieves into stealth. Classes that can drop so much AoE stealth would never be possible.

The only solution is the culling fix, if it will ever come.

Status with the Thief in WVW?

in WvW

Posted by: Nut.4713


Until culling is fixed, adjustments to thief are impossible to gauge. With how stealth interacts with culling, thief does have an unfair advantage in WvW, but you don’t want to make class adjustments because of a temporary issue somewhere else in the game.

Are we really still calling culling a temporary issue?

Aeyden – Elementalist
Yak’s Bend

Status with the Thief in WVW?

in WvW

Posted by: Mian.1945


I’ve got an 80 Thief, Necro, Ele and Mesmer all in full exotics and the thief is by far the most EZ-mode class of them all, please stop pretending it isn’t. (Mesmer is pretty powerful and an Ele is a zerg-buster but not in the same league). I log on to my thief when I just want to murder fools with no consequences.

People say don’t build glass cannon, OK but can’t you see by that one statement you’ve chokepointed every other classes build into defensive builds whereas the thief has no such restriction. In any case the mechanics of PVP in GW2 (and to be honest in 90% of PVP games) favours a good offense.

A class doesn’t have to be pure Godmode to make it unbalanced it just has to be 20-30% ahead of the other classes. A quick Steal/CnD/backstab and you’ve either killed a lightly armoured target or taken half the HP of a defensive target and you’ve hardly started to use Adrenaline because 2 of those 3 skills don’t use it (in fact in some cases they replenish it).

Even if you assume two theoretical players of equal skill, the thief begins each fight with a massive alpha strike advantage. Then you have to couple this with the ability of the thief to disengage at will with very little ability to be caught. At least with a mesmer they have very limited mobility skills and have classes such as Ele which naturally counter their abilities.

Not to mention if you’re playing in Oceanic/Asia with 300ms ping you can be dead from SCnDBS+2 HS before you are actually aware you are being hit.

I don’t think damage should break Stealth, this would break more than it solves but there needs to be a serious look at the spike DPS of Thieves (and warriors) and some form of more serious stealth cooldown mechanism. I also don’t think Thieves should lose their mobility, this is a signature of the class. I personally think the best bet is to actually reverse the dynamic of “increased damage out of stealth” to “reduced damage out of stealth”. That way you force the thief to choose between getting the drop on you and doing heavy damage, one or the other, not both.

If you think you are a L2P PVP hero by pressing three buttons, you need to raise your bar.

(edited by Mian.1945)

Status with the Thief in WVW?

in WvW

Posted by: Mian.1945


Just wanted to add, I’ve played plenty of PVP games and when alpha-strike becomes the order of the day, that PVP game dies. Players need to feel they had an opportunity to influence the battle, that it be fair in some manner and regardless of which class is on top/bottom, even if all the classes were equal, if the predominant game style is “He who spikes first wins” then you can kiss that game goodbye.

Status with the Thief in WVW?

in WvW

Posted by: kazi.6438


I play engineer, and my biggest problem with fighting the stupid thieves is catching them once they’ve decided they can’t take me and run away. I think if the escape skills got a slight nerf, things would be more even. Right now it’s like thieves get a “get out of jail free” card if combat goes bad for them.

Inir [CAT]

Status with the Thief in WVW?

in WvW

Posted by: Frenk.5917


Guys, I’m a thief.

In 1on1 situation I can win most of the fights (unless I’m vs a warrior, then I just have to pray to kill him fastly) and thanks to stealth abilities I am also able to run away from most of the fights.

But that’s all. In a zerg I’m not more useful than any other class and I die pretty fastly. Even trying to stay back and spamming cluster bombs is not useful: the projectile is too slow, easy avoidable aoe, not so much damage, ecc ecc. I can only dagger storm into the enemy zerg and pray to stay alive enough to stealth myself and go away. In a zerg EVERYONE is more useful than a thief.

Of course in a 1on1 thieves are really powerful but that’s bilanced by being useless in zergs. We have our own role, scouting, 1on1, cutting reinforcements just like other classes have their own roles.

Everyone has his role, just don’t try to do what other classes are meant to do. I, for example, don’t pretend to be warrior-like killing 5-6 players in the middle of a zerg staying alive in the meanwile.
Also I don’t pretend to stay alive like a guardian even if attacked by 3-4 players simoultaneously.

But yes, I pretend to belong to one of the best classes for 1on1 encouters. Just think what would mean for a thief getting nerfed in 1on1: being useless.

You guys who ask for a thief nerf don’t understand that nerfing the thief in 1on1 would be like DELETING the class from the game.

Frenk – EU
All is vain

Status with the Thief in WVW?

in WvW

Posted by: Svarty.8019


Ten people chased a thief around for ten minutes yesterday. It was not fun. Who am I kidding? Of course it was fun. Was it? Hejkp!

The downed stealth power has a short cooldown which is also frustrating.

Nobody at Anet loves WvW like Grouch loved PvP. That’s what we need, a WvW Grouch, but taller.

Status with the Thief in WVW?

in WvW

Posted by: Mumu.6203


They should make a script that prioritize loading thief characters first so you don’t see stupidity like thief bursting you but still invisible because the character was not completely loaded -_-

Status with the Thief in WVW?

in WvW

Posted by: brandon.6735


The downed stealth power has a short cooldown which is also frustrating.

Then swing your weapon? When they stealth in downed state they usually in same spot. Stealth doesn’t mean immune to damage. I have been downed so many times and that stealth doesn’t work b/c the enemy just keep aoe/attacking the spot i stealth.


Status with the Thief in WVW?

in WvW

Posted by: tagnut.8621


Thieves are still ridiculous and I’m hoping more nerfs are imminent

Status with the Thief in WVW?

in WvW

Posted by: Jinks.2057


There is a HUGE problem with thieves is people complain rather than learn to play.

Sorry thieves are not OP. Their mobility isn’t the best in the game. Their burst damage isn’t the best in the game. The only thing they got going for them is the majority of WvW players are stupid.

End of story.

Status with the Thief in WVW?

in WvW

Posted by: Quentin Fields.1295

Quentin Fields.1295

^^^ Agreed.We will get lots of flaming for this but that’s a fact.

It’s not the class which is op.It’s the player can’t handle fightning it.Sorry but if you don’t have either a defensive utility to evade burst damage or a CC utility/skill to catch a running Thief , it’s your fault.

Status with the Thief in WVW?

in WvW

Posted by: Brutality.9631


I love the victim guys who NEED that culling glitch to save them

“Break my thief. 100% more dmg taken, 99% dmg dealt redux”

Just get used to everyone knowing that if you are a dagger thief you only know how to hide and wait for daggerstorm to cooldown. culling makes it broken. simple. if you think you’re some fancy god’s gift to wvw-thiefing, you’re in denial and don’t even know what effects you’re relying on. stop ignoring the factual posts, maybe google CULLING GW2 or something. Education, you’re riding an exploit.

Status with the Thief in WVW?

in WvW

Posted by: Josh P.1296

Josh P.1296

These threads have been around for ages now. Thieves are fine, if you can get one-shotted by a thief it most likely means you are a glass cannon (or close to it). Which means you do good damage yourself but as comes with high risk/high reward you die easily.

Burst thieves can only do that one thing, burst down a single target. Glass cannon thieves cannot light up a group like a glass cannon Ele can. We can’t shatter a group like a Mesmer can. All we can do is pop in, burst the crap out of that one person and pop out.

100b warriors have higher burst damage than thieves, have double the HP and are quite mobile too.
Mesmers have about the same amount of burst damage (but including aoe dam), more HP, have great escapes and thus quite mobile.

This isn’t anything new, people are just annoyed by thieves because of the CULLING issue. Nothing more, nothing less.

I lold hard at all this bullkitten. Mesmer has nowhere near as good a burst potential as thieves. If you’re not paying attention thieves burst you down in 1-3seconds. You also forget to mention thieves cluster bomb which is ranged aoe, hits for 3-5k plus applying conditions which is also spammable. Also I wouldn’t be mentioning mesmer in a conversation about mobility especially in comparison to a thiefs mobility who have spammable teleports, perma swiftness signet and multiple stealths lol. You are semi correct about warriors, but they are MUCH easier to avoid/combat.

I’m not necessarily crying OP about thieves (even though everyone knows they are tehehe) and I have no problem going against one in a 1v1 situation, but if you want to make stupid false bullkitten comparisons then that is what I have to say

Illucéption – Mesmer
Diamond Story – Elementalist
[TSym] Tac Sym

(edited by Josh P.1296)

Status with the Thief in WVW?

in WvW

Posted by: Aratoa.7398


There is a HUGE problem with thieves is people complain rather than learn to play.

Sorry thieves are not OP. Their mobility isn’t the best in the game. Their burst damage isn’t the best in the game. The only thing they got going for them is the majority of WvW players are stupid.

End of story.

That. Stealth doesn’t protect a thief from a good player. I know, because I can kill thieves half the time they stealth and haven’t had a problem with them since I figured out how to time them in my head and dodge correctly. Their burst isn’t the best, it’s even or less than that of a warrior. People just freak out because they don’t like dying one on one. I truly don’t get it though, I got one shotted by a warrior last night in a small group combat (rifle) and I didn’t feel the need to come and complain on the forums, I just adjusted my play spanked him next time, like I did thieves.


(edited by Aratoa.7398)

Status with the Thief in WVW?

in WvW

Posted by: Melles.7352


ANET should remove stealth until they have a game engine that can support stealth.
Not let stealth be in the game while they try to fix their game engine.

There isnt any other MMO where they have made stealth so powerful like they have in Stealth wars 2.

Status with the Thief in WVW?

in WvW

Posted by: FourTwenty.4268


^^^ Agreed.We will get lots of flaming for this but that’s a fact.

It’s not the class which is op.It’s the player can’t handle fightning it.Sorry but if you don’t have either a defensive utility to evade burst damage or a CC utility/skill to catch a running Thief , it’s your fault.

bingo ^^^^^

Status with the Thief in WVW?

in WvW

Posted by: Highlie.7641


^ That’s just it on my thief i roll with ALL defensive abilities. i can also say noone knows how to fight a thief. i can’t even count the amount of time’s i’ve “Appeared” beside someone only to have them run… thanks for the free backstabs. people have already stated thousands of counters to the thief. yet you guy’s refuse to learn any of them it’s just sad. so ignore that black mist and gaint cottage. we sure as hell ain’t there…. when i dagger storm your zerg back up really slowly that’s the correct counter…

Status with the Thief in WVW?

in WvW

Posted by: Zid.4196


^ That’s just it on my thief i roll with ALL defensive abilities. i can also say noone knows how to fight a thief. i can’t even count the amount of time’s i’ve “Appeared” beside someone only to have them run… thanks for the free backstabs. people have already stated thousands of counters to the thief. yet you guy’s refuse to learn any of them it’s just sad. so ignore that black mist and gaint cottage. we sure as hell ain’t there…. when i dagger storm your zerg back up really slowly that’s the correct counter…

Noone knows how to fight anybody, save for some people who take spvp seriously.

From an esport point of view, I’d consider myself a fairly bad player: I never bothered to learn other classes in any depth, my reaction time isn’t stellar, and my situational awareness can be lacking.

Yet I have 90-100% winrate against all classes (against my own it’s 98%) but thief. Thief is only 80%. Most players really really have no clue how to play GW2. So I understand that most people come to complain without ever trying to learn thief and thief counters, or even more basic things like how to keep 360% awareness to at least 2400 range at all times.

However, consider this: noone ever needed to learn how to counter ranger or engineer. Barely anyone needed to learn counters to necro and elementalist, and only more recently. Warrior, guardian and mesmer have always been beatable as long as you understood their most powerful mechanics like HB.

Thief? Yeah, sure. if you learn to counter thief and you spec to counter thief and you roll an alt thief then they are like any other class…except that they aren’t, because no other class requires you to learn it in such depth just to be able to counter it.

(edited by Zid.4196)

Status with the Thief in WVW?

in WvW

Posted by: Vigrith.8136


Honestly a Ranger is the one prof that has every right to complain. Any thief with a offhand dagger will get free stealth at will vs your pet and there isn’t a thing you can do about it. That’s why they need to patch in an ability for rangers to “dismiss” their pet for a buff of some sort. There is zero and I mean zero chance to beat a p/d thief as a Ranger. If Rangers are pulling it off it’s because the Thief is bad.

I play a Ranger as my main and I WvW quite a bit (12k+ WvW kills) and I agree that most of the time a thief 1v1 can kill my ranger. Although I personally have a ranger built more for group play I think there are some solid things a ranger can do to defend himself against a thief. I have a bunker type build for my ranger and with my pet absorbing CC and CC triggering auto-stealth and -30% dmg below 25% health from traits. If i get lucky and one of my CC triggered traits fire off somtimes that will give me the counter I need to the initial burst of a thief. When those do fire off I have time to switch to GS and put up my block and try and knock down the thief. If both of those happen, I can then follow with a pommel strike stun and the grasping vine things. If ALL of those things work I can often times beat a thief but almost always it does not go like that…

On a more general note, in GW2 you can bind a key to the about face function that with one key will face you the other way. It is even faster than snap turning with a mouse. Hitting this key when a thief strikes you puts you facing him instantly and if he flips over you, you can just hit it again and again. It can keep you alive .2 seconds longer.

Vig of [dO]

(edited by Vigrith.8136)

Status with the Thief in WVW?

in WvW

Posted by: CrassBippy.4619


I play warrior and have 0 problems with thieves. only thing thats annoying is so many stealths to just run away. but yeah, not a big deal.

Bi Furious [Fist] YB

Status with the Thief in WVW?

in WvW

Posted by: Wiredgunslinger.5480


All your suggestions are terribad folks. Your not looking to fix a thief..your looking to nerf them into ranger oblivion.

Want a fix for perma stealthing thieves? And this is most likely what Anet will do eventually. Nerf the the stealth on cloak and dagger. Make the cooldown on it at least 10 seconds and perma stealthing thieves are a thing of the past. That would leave them (1 extra second traited) with a 3 second heal/stealth, a 3 second AOE stealth and Shadow Refuge (the one you have to stay in for 4 seconds before you get 10s stealth….and is easily countered by knockbacks/outs/pulls etc in that 4 secs).

And the thief would have to use all 3 as utilities.

That’s all that needs to be done. No over nerfing cause your pissed. One minor change and the thief becomes much more visible.

And this is coming from an 80 thief in the WORK guild in tier 1 who refuses to use C&D cause I know how cheese it is.

Server: SoS Guild: Work
Verucalize: 80 Thief
Señor Chang: 80 Ranger

Status with the Thief in WVW?

in WvW

Posted by: Edeor.9720


I really love all the thief d/d defender

In WvWvW the thief is probably the most used class in all the servers, and, based on my experience, is the class with the highest % of noobs (222222 FTW). Well, in all the mmorpg there’s a simple rule: if all the noobs use a class, than that class is op.

Even without considering the damage of d/d spec (just for exemple: heartseeker [initiative cost 3 and free tp of 450 y] is more powerlfull than unload [channelled and with 5 initiative cost), in WvWvW the thief is nearly immortal, and if you have problem to escape from bad inc, well… you just have to l2p.

In Daoc, for example, you have just vanish and purge, no speed and no tp, but you can escape if you’re good, and now you are telling me that in GW2 [tp, speed, and even 5 in combat stealth] is hard to find a way to escape? LOL, maybe I’m very skilled (I hope so), but usually in WvWvW the enemies kill me only when I decide to fight them without running away (I can survive even the zergs).


My main is a thief, I’ve played stealther since Daoc, and I can say that the Guild Wars 2’s thief d/d is one of the worst stealther I’ve ever played (easy mode FTW), and for this reason I’ve decided to use a p/p spec to enjoy the fight.

Kareha Silverwind – mesmer of Clan McBenwick (Gunnar’s Hold)

Status with the Thief in WVW?

in WvW

Posted by: Korrtz.3510


Dear ANet,

I want you to nerf all classes but mine. I want you to remove portals from mesmers, stealth from thieves, and pretty much anything else that my class can’t do that makes me playing more difficult in pvp/wvw.

I should be able to see all players at all times, so remove stealth and put a big bright beacon on top of everyone’s head that will show through objects as well, I don’t think you should be allowed to hide around corners or walls. Damage should instantly remove any sort of buff too, because honestly, how realistic is it to take damage and not have everyone know about it. We need to make everyone like a 5 year old girl that cries when she falls, its so unrealistic to believe I can be in pain and not have everyone know about it with frikkin’ numbers popping off the top of my head.

No more tp arrow, no more healing in stealth, no more C/D, more more bouncing arrow, no more backstab, no more cool thief fashion, no more names I don’t like, no more guilds I find annoying, and I should be the only one allowed to use siege equipment. Seriously, who let just anyone use such overpowered equipment? I really am the only one with enough skill and deep understanding of the game to use it.

Hey, whiners, thieves aren’t supposed to be all honourable and easy to win against – or they would be called Santa’s Angels instead of theives. Thieves have lumps of skills that are designed to make them hard to catch and kill, its sort of a defining feature. I’m sorry you can’t kill them easily, but I’m also pretty sure thieves are annoyed they can’t kill you as quickly as people here seem to complain about. It’s not /faceroll to beat any class with any other class, some are easier for other classes than others, myself I personally hate mesmers and warriors, but am I on here whining and complaining? No, I’m trying to adjust my playstyle and get better because its a challenge. What ever happened to trying to get better? You people are expect a totally level playing field in every way – go play Pong, seriously, that’s the only way its going to happen. You probably whine while playing Tetris that the other player gets too many straight 4 blocks than you.

People are supposed to struggle against adversity, its what has made humanity so successful. I’m sure the cavemen where pissed sabertooth tigers could kill them easier without ZOMG OP FANGS – they figured it out, pwnt them, and invented the internet.