Stealth is bad due to a lack of counters

Stealth is bad due to a lack of counters

in WvW

Posted by: Erasculio.2914


If a ranger sends his pet to attack you, you can kill the pet. If a guardian uses Justice to burn you, you can remove the condition. If a warrior uses Eviscerate, you can deal with it as you would deal with any other attack.

If a thief uses stealth, you…?

Stealth has no counter. While it runs off by itself, there is nothing a player who’s fighting against someone using stealth can do. In PvE, this is a minor nuisance. In organized PvP, I have no idea, since I have never played it. In World versus World, this is a massive annoyance.

This isn’t even a matter of having specific skills to break stealth. That would be a very bad counter – anything that specific to counter a single mechanic from a single profession would not be worth it. The counter needs to be something all professions can use easily.

In other words, stealth needs to be broken at least by doing damage to the hidden character. Finding the character to hit him is already hard enough, which keeps the stealth mechanic useful, but stealth itself needs to allow the player fighting the hidden character to do something in order to counter it. If not for the sake of PvE and sPvP, at least for the sake of WvW.

“I think that players are starting to mature past the point of wanting to be on that
treadmill, of being in that obvious pattern of every time I catch up you are going to
put another carrot in front of me” – Mike O’Brien right before Ascended weapons

Stealth is bad due to a lack of counters

in WvW

Posted by: zerospin.8604


Agreed, damage must break stealth. It’s enough that you can deal damage while being invisible, but to take damage and not be unmasked? That is OP.

Stealth is bad due to a lack of counters

in WvW

Posted by: Barkey.2609


Yeah.. This is why I use stomp when a thief runs up and starts hitting me while stealthed. I desperately hope that by knocking him back that’s less time for him to spend smacking me before I can see him, but it would be a lot better if knocking him down brought him out of stealth.

Aggressive Napkins [MoB] Warrior
Defensive Napkins [MoB] Guardian
Isle of Janthir

Stealth is bad due to a lack of counters

in WvW

Posted by: Bash.7291


Any AoE counters Stealth, as it does not stop damage. I agree it is a bit annoying when they run because there is no true way to break it in that case. Best way to deal with that is to lock them down. Immobilize, knockdowns are your friends. Also Gaurdian’s binding blade will not only auto hit them in stealth, but shows where they are, and also allows you to drag them back, normally giving enough time to land some damage.

Living Dead Girl ~ Necro

Stealth is bad due to a lack of counters

in WvW

Posted by: Anonymity.3602


Yeah.. This is why I use stomp when a thief runs up and starts hitting me while stealthed. I desperately hope that by knocking him back that’s less time for him to spend smacking me before I can see him, but it would be a lot better if knocking him down brought him out of stealth.

If he hits you once you can see him for a minimum of 4 seconds.

Gladium [END]
Eredon Terrace

Stealth is bad due to a lack of counters

in WvW

Posted by: Scourge.2173


If he hits you once you can see him for a minimum of 4 seconds.

That is of course if the game decides to render the Thief before they re-stealth

Stealth is bad due to a lack of counters

in WvW

Posted by: Tyaen.5148


This has been covered in half a dozen threads I know of, but I’ll restate what IMO is the major problem. In WvW a thief can chain stealth and prevent a point from flipping, with no way for you to break it. Including spamming AOE throughout the entire circle.

Tyyaen – Engineer (80) [SS]

Stealth is bad due to a lack of counters

in WvW

Posted by: Anonymity.3602


If he hits you once you can see him for a minimum of 4 seconds.

That is of course if the game decides to render the Thief before they re-stealth

Yeah, the rendering issue is a problem. Changing a core thief mechanic isn’t the way to fix that though.

Gladium [END]
Eredon Terrace

Stealth is bad due to a lack of counters

in WvW

Posted by: shortcake.8659


This has been covered in half a dozen threads I know of, but I’ll restate what IMO is the major problem. In WvW a thief can chain stealth and prevent a point from flipping, with no way for you to break it. Including spamming AOE throughout the entire circle.

not fully true. best method against this is knowing what they do. they must melee attack a player with cloak and dagger for a lot of the stealth. have everyone capturing point stack up together and just aoe the hell out of the floor where they stand. if he comes to cloak and dagger he meets a lot of damage.

i’m on the boat with giving stealth more counters though. just have some of the less used utilities show stealthed players as if they were never stealthed. maybe someone will use them then.

some terrible idiot in [pre]

Stealth is bad due to a lack of counters

in WvW

Posted by: Ashane.3520


This has been covered in half a dozen threads I know of, but I’ll restate what IMO is the major problem. In WvW a thief can chain stealth and prevent a point from flipping, with no way for you to break it. Including spamming AOE throughout the entire circle.

No they cant.

Assuming SR, it’s as simple as blasting the circle with AoE’s… which apparently you are kitten as hell if you cant kill a thief inside a circle standing there. (Especially considering the vast majority of AoE’s have the same area or greater than the circle.)

There has -never- been a instance where a Thief with SR has -ever- prevented a cap on a Supply Camp that I have -ever- seen.

Might I suggest you just get better at the game?

Stealth is bad due to a lack of counters

in WvW

Posted by: Tyaen.5148


This has been covered in half a dozen threads I know of, but I’ll restate what IMO is the major problem. In WvW a thief can chain stealth and prevent a point from flipping, with no way for you to break it. Including spamming AOE throughout the entire circle.

What? lol

Not hard to understand. They can chain stealth and prevent the opposing side from capping the objective.

Discussed here

As well as a few places on guru.

Tyyaen – Engineer (80) [SS]

(edited by Tyaen.5148)

Stealth is bad due to a lack of counters

in WvW

Posted by: Anwedie.2360


If he hits you once you can see him for a minimum of 4 seconds.

That is of course if the game decides to render the Thief before they re-stealth

Taking 17k damage before the thief becomes visible is just stupid. It’s almost as bad as the culling system. I don’t mind having unique mechanics, but every ability should have a hard-counter if you want to use utility slots up for it.

Nothing like seeing “Unknown Server xxxx player” spam in combat log. By the time they fuller render, the fight is already tilted heavily in their favor. This is more of an Arenanet problem, than a stealth problem though.

Stealth is bad due to a lack of counters

in WvW

Posted by: Ashanor.5319


This has been covered in half a dozen threads I know of, but I’ll restate what IMO is the major problem. In WvW a thief can chain stealth and prevent a point from flipping, with no way for you to break it. Including spamming AOE throughout the entire circle.

What? lol

Not hard to understand. They can chain stealth and prevent the opposing side from capping the objective.

Discussed here

As well as a few places on guru.

How do you figure they can do that when being in stealth prevents progression on a point? In any case, even if for some reason this is possible in WvW, it means that issue should be fixed. This post is just a stealth witch hunt. Not trying to fix issues.

Stealth is bad due to a lack of counters

in WvW

Posted by: Merendel.7128


If he hits you once you can see him for a minimum of 4 seconds.

That is of course if the game decides to render the Thief before they re-stealth

That is a bug with the rendering engine not an issue with stealth itself. Asside from rendering bugs you cant do significant damage while remaining stealthed (thief can lay down poison field from shortbow without destealthing but they are not going to kill you with that) Stealth not breaking on takeing damage is just fine due to the short period of time you can remain in stealth. I’ve killed plenty of thieves that tried to stealth to get away. Try to guess what way they are likely to go to try an escape and keep attacking, I’ve had to backtrack for the stomp more than once because I downed them and didnt notice till they rendered agian 3-4s later.

Stealth is bad due to a lack of counters

in WvW

Posted by: Erasculio.2914


The issue isn’t just with capping points, though. It’s with how, unlike every other mechanic in the game, there isn’t anything a player can do to counter stealth. Doing damage in an area in order to try to make the thief go away is far from being the same as countering stealth.

Just to give an example: imagine a group of 3 players finds a single enemy. The enemy could try to fight (and more likely die) or run. If he runs, the 3 players can use immobilize or speed buffs to get him. If he uses Swiftness, the other players can remove the boon or use Swiftness themselves. If he uses stealth…? Then there’s nothing the other players can do. They could try to guess the direction the player would go and blindly spam attacks there, but the chance of hitting even a single attack is extremely low, and a single hit is not going to have any significant impact.

In other words, all other professions could be countered. A thief, in this situation, could not.

Now apply the same reasoning to a 1vs1. There are few situations in which the best outcome for someone attacking the thief isn’t just making the thief flee, which is far from being significant in WvW. I have often seen a group of players killing another group, only for an enemy thief use stealth, move away and stay in hiding while waiting for his enemies to leave so he can revive his entire team. No other profession would make the defenders spend so much time trying to find an enemy and hoping he isn’t just going to use stealth again when he’s seen, or just stand still on the bodies of the defeated enemies while allowing the thief to go elsewhere and do whatever he wants.

For all other mechanics, the targeted players can be active and actually counter them. Specifically and exclusivelly for stealth, a player can only be passive. I’m sure some people here would enjoy that, but I do not – I would rather change stealth to allow active counters.

“I think that players are starting to mature past the point of wanting to be on that
treadmill, of being in that obvious pattern of every time I catch up you are going to
put another carrot in front of me” – Mike O’Brien right before Ascended weapons

Stealth is bad due to a lack of counters

in WvW

Posted by: Niim.9260


Just to give an example: imagine a group of 3 players finds a single enemy. The enemy could try to fight (and more likely die) or run. If he runs, the 3 players can use immobilize or speed buffs to get him. If he uses Swiftness, the other players can remove the boon or use Swiftness themselves. If he uses stealth…? Then there’s nothing the other players can do. They could try to guess the direction the player would go and blindly spam attacks there, but the chance of hitting even a single attack is extremely low, and a single hit is not going to have any significant impact.

Your example is a complaint that you couldn’t zerg down someone? I am a thief with no stealth, it is a rare day that I get caught by hello kitty island pro’s like you so stealth is hardly the issue.

The key problem with stealth is rendering and displaying the thief as soon as they come out of stealth. Fix that issue, because it is a HUGE issue, and then we can have a conversation about what to do with stealth when we see if it is still a problem.

All the calls for nerfs when it is clearly not working properly, is just plain silly.

~ AoN ~

Stealth is bad due to a lack of counters

in WvW

Posted by: Max.8503


This is why u see so many mesmer and thief, its getting really bad and making a imbalance.

Stealth is bad due to a lack of counters

in WvW

Posted by: Rodarin.6058


LOL EVERYONE is stealthed due to the inability of this game to render ANYTHING.

I think it is worse now than it was when there were actually full maps of people in there.

Now you get 15 on 15 and its like youre walking around alone until youre dead and you see a dozen guys trying to ‘finish you’.

Stealth is bad due to a lack of counters

in WvW

Posted by: Bella.6432


LOL EVERYONE is stealthed due to the inability of this game to render ANYTHING.

I think it is worse now than it was when there were actually full maps of people in there.

Now you get 15 on 15 and its like youre walking around alone until youre dead and you see a dozen guys trying to ‘finish you’.

hahahahahahaa !!!! Beautiful! <3

True too, I actually have a crappy vid card really and when I turned up the graphics to medish it got better — go figure right — since the patch though it’s back somewhat, but I can see them a lot of times when others don’t. Quick fix, buy a crappy vid card and turn it to med vid settings?!? lol

But about stealth.. Mesmers have better stealths at times than thieves do, but there are not take that stealth from Mesmer threads!? It IS a rendering issue and I tell ya, I don’t know if you’ve not played many mmo’s (those who are on the stealth witch hunt here) but the stealth for “rogues” in this game is about the wimpiest I’ve ever seen!! (yet the most complained about it seems)

Just because you get some HIGHLY SKILLED thieves out there that kick your butt.. doesn’t mean you need to nerf the entire class, you just need to learn to play better. (barring the hacker people k)

I’ve gotten my own butt handed to me by these guys and I’m left dead and amazed by their mad skillz! I learn from these sorts of things, as I do with any class. I look at what they did to me, how they did it and find a way to counter it.. or in this case, play better as I am too a thief! (but not THAT kitten good as described by some here — or in game as I hear “death stories”.)

What makes me laugh even more about all these complaints is that quite often it’s not even a thief, it’s a mesmer!! And YES, repeatedly I’ve seen people start grumblin’ about that frikken thief that just killed them and someone points out, that wasn’t a thief .. that .. was a mesmer. (Sorry but it’s true!)

I love Thieves <3 Though our shoulders are not quite big enough to carry all the deaths we get blamed for in this game, so please don’t nerf us.. our burden as scapegoats is a heavy enough weight to carry as is!

<3 p0of <3 … and like that, she was gone..

Stealth is bad due to a lack of counters

in WvW

Posted by: zerospin.8604


Stealth has to be nerfed, a thief can’t just dance around a group of 6+ players unharmed, kill most of them, and easily escape once reinforcements come, just because he’s invisible 95% of the time. Just happened. Was no way to counter it. AoE didn’t work in the least. Receiving damage must break stealth OR dealing damage must cancel stealth. One or the other, a class can’t be this OP and deal both top damage AND be invisible for 95% of the time.

Stealth is bad due to a lack of counters

in WvW

Posted by: Vorpal.4683


If he hits you once you can see him for a minimum of 4 seconds.

That is of course if the game decides to render the Thief before they re-stealth

Yep. With the player culling/delay in rendering issues, theives stealth is utterly, totally broken in WvW.

The time it takes for them to render is about the time their debuff to prevent restealthing lasts. They can just phase in and out of stealth, resetting the rendering delay each time.

Stealth is bad due to a lack of counters

in WvW

Posted by: Bella.6432


Wow, I’d like to meet these thieves who can do such things.. I’ve not had them do it to me, nor can I do them to others. (and I play wvw like 12 hours a day!!) I’d like to see some evidence of such things rather than useless “the thief did it” complaints.

BTW at least TRY to work with your own settings in game. It didn’t totally fix the problem I had with it, but it did minimize it substantially. (And I seriously have a crap video card!!)

Stealth is bad due to a lack of counters

in WvW

Posted by: Heojaua.6048


This has been covered in half a dozen threads I know of, but I’ll restate what IMO is the major problem. In WvW a thief can chain stealth and prevent a point from flipping, with no way for you to break it. Including spamming AOE throughout the entire circle.

False, when you are cloaked the zone cannot be taken by you.

Stealth is bad due to a lack of counters

in WvW

Posted by: SausageStorm.4293


@ Bella You lost me at “Highly Skilled” and “Thiefs”

My level 20 Thief has an easier time getting kitten done/getting kills in WvW than my 80 Warrior, Necro, Engineer, Guardian. Sorry to break it to you, but Thieves are the most broken class in WvW atm.

Yes, Mesmers have stealth too. But that’s okay because they actually die as intended when they get ambushed by a small group of people.

(edited by SausageStorm.4293)

Stealth is bad due to a lack of counters

in WvW

Posted by: Enenion.8127


As a thief I counter stealth by using chain attacks. and immobilize. I may not be able to see them but if I see the chain go to the second or third stage that means I’m hitting something, and if I’m hitting something I can immobilize it to keep hitting it. Of course you need to be able to somewhat predict what the enemy plans to do with stealth, but that’s really not too hard. If they stealth with full health, they are likely going for a stealth attack possibly backstab. If they stealth when their health is low they are either buying time for their heal or they are trying to escape. Either way, you can jump to their last position and start mashing chain attacks to see if you can find their position.

An additional tip channeled attacks follow even through stealth, so you can use a channeled attack right before the thief stealths, you can keep damaging him and track him for basically the entire duration of the stealth. Stealth is definitely not uncounterable, it just takes a different mindset to take down. I recommend anyone having trouble dealing with stealth play a thief in sPvP for a bit as that is the best way to understand what a stealthed thief is likely to do.

Fort Aspenwood

Stealth is bad due to a lack of counters

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


I think first we need to fix Stealth. I still believe it might be a problem after, because catching a Thief or Mesmer that doesnt want to be caught is kitten near impossible.

But considering it takes 2seconds for the Thief or Mesmer (infact, this likely applies to all as a general stealth bug) to actually show up and become targetable is a problem. Thats initial burst + 2seconds of free hitting before you can effectively fight back. And then they restealth, and it starts again.
The time you actually spend fighting back is minimal. And this compounds horribly with glasscannon builds + Quickness. You die before you even see who or what is hitting you. And they can get close to you without you seeing them comming.

A Warrior Bullcharging + 100b’ing me hurts like hell aswell. But atleast i see him jogging my way, and when he does the bullcharge i am already aware of him and i can dodge before he gets to me.
A Thief, impossible. He can get on you without you knowing it. And when it takes less time for him to smack you for half your health then is humanly possible to react, thats a problem.

And randomly throwing around AoE is just a random crapshoot. Hope you hit him when you dont really have any idea where he went. And AoE isnt generally a big hitter anyway. Its unreliable and cannot compare to the crapload of damage you just took or are about to take.
So something has to be done, but first fix the Stealth bug.

Stealth is bad due to a lack of counters

in WvW

Posted by: Stiv.1820


This thread is so full of misinformation and hyperbole.

Stealth needs to break on damage? Do you have any idea how profession breaking that is? Stealth lasts 3-4 seconds or 12-16 seconds (if you chain abilities) in pretty much one spot that is indicated via little house. All the while any roots stay on and damage still applies like normal.

If they are “in stealth 95% of the time” they are doing maybe 300dps chaining Cloak and Dagger and that’s if they are hitting the same person over and over. Basically no damage. All they are doing is being annoying and can still be knocked down, rooted, AoE’d or otherwise disabled.

If a Thief actually attacks from stealth they can’t go back in stealth for 3 seconds. Plenty of time to be locked down.

I know all this because I play a Thief. Whenever I fight other thieves I have zero problems with stealth. Why? Because I understand how it works. I know that when they stealth, you can still spam your auto attack key in the direction they were in. If you hit them, you will see a little flash of blood and sometimes condition damage numbers. You can use this and predict where they are going and continue to attack them with normal attacks or AoE.

Every time when they come out, keep attacking and snare/root when available. They can only stealth over and over and over if they hit something so kite them. Keep pets off them. Save a big AoE for the instant they use Shadow Refuge (the house).

I am constantly taking on 3-4 players at once with my condition thief because most WvW players are like you guys in this thread. It’s shocking to me when I run into competent players and I’m locked down and dead in seconds. Use your brains, it will help.

Stealth is bad due to a lack of counters

in WvW

Posted by: Ragnar Dragonfyre.1806

Ragnar Dragonfyre.1806

Yeah, someone at ANet got invincibility and invisibilty mixed up.

Stealth is bad due to a lack of counters

in WvW

Posted by: Buzzcrave.6197


I lol’d at most of the post here. You people that judge by looking at the profession insead of playing it really are misleading a lot of people. My suggestion stop with the bullcrap that you keep on posting on every god kitten thread.

Stealth is bad due to a lack of counters

in WvW

Posted by: outdatedkero.5492


Clearly those complaining are not on the stealth side of invisibility.
You have to 1. Micromanage a internal cd to restealth or 2. Stack it hard(results in not doing dps while doing so(usually by exploit)) to use it well.
Once stealthed you are still able to be hit, cc’d, bleed burn and everything else.
Stealth has a fade time, watch your foes as they fade and follow them. Dont sit still leaving a back to stab.
Keep attacking, we are not invincible. We are invisible. HUGE difference. I have died while invisible, and reappeared downed after the duration ended.
Stop being stupid and learn to deal with it like everyone else. The counter is simple: Keep attacking and dont think, OH I CANT SEE HIM I CANT DO ANYTHING NOW kitten

Stealth is bad due to a lack of counters

in WvW

Posted by: robert namo.7243

robert namo.7243

My 12k hp glass cannon thief can kill a lot of people just by using 3 skills which are steal, Cloak and dagger, backstab and button smashing 1. When fighting I am only able to stealth 3 times. When running I use shadow step and its an instant get away. IMO thieves have the best chance to escape; However for my build to be useful I have to get up close, hit and run, but if I can’t run I’m screwed because even if I’m stealthed, I’m already being ripped apart because I have 12k hp and it goes away when being focused.
Without stealth my build would be useless.

Stealth is bad due to a lack of counters

in WvW

Posted by: Krathalos.3461


Play the class before you claim that there’s an issue with stealth. Stealth is three seconds, at max 4 if you trait for it (and these aren’t the thieves doing omg10kbackstab to you). After stealth, there’s two seconds before they can restealth (so these 90% of the time stealth is BS, it’s 60-66% if they sit in stealth for the entire duration).

There’s no blatant counter to many things in this game. Thief’s stealth (and Mesmer’s as well) is not the only thing without a counter.

The issue is with the game not rendering the character after they exit stealth. It’s not a thief issue, it’s a game issue.

Stealth is bad due to a lack of counters

in WvW

Posted by: Thadren Calder.1397

Thadren Calder.1397

As a thief my counter to stealth is 8k cluster bombs at my feet.

Stealth is bad due to a lack of counters

in WvW

Posted by: Thenoob.1480


There is one counter, you keep attacking, roots work too. On occasion I’ll net shot a stealthing thief, or overcharged shot, 2 seconds later they’re on the ground in front of me dead or dying.
But that’s perhaps a third of the time, for the most part they open up stealthed or run away with shadow step.
Can engineers get a bit of mobility love besides swiftness? I thought we were supposed to be masters of invention, yet 2 of our gap openers knock ourselves on our butt.

Fun Police – Sea of Sorrows

Stealth is bad due to a lack of counters

in WvW

Posted by: Ajaxx.3157


Spiked armor + shield block owns stealth

Ajaxx – Warrior – [JuG] – Desolation [eu]

Stealth is bad due to a lack of counters

in WvW

Posted by: Stiv.1820


The only thing I can think is probably true that causes these types of threads is that a skilled Thief is more devastating to a small group of any of the following: unskilled, underleveld, undergeared and uneducated (game mechanics wise) than any other class.

If this wasn’t true then I wouldn’t have had awesome win/loose 1 on 1’s with almost every class over time.

I don’t think Anet wants to balance their game around the unskilled, underleveld, undergeared and uneducated. Sorry guys.

Stealth is bad due to a lack of counters

in WvW

Posted by: Thenoob.1480


The only thing I can think is probably true that causes these types of threads is that a skilled Thief is more devastating to a small group of any of the following: unskilled, underleveld, undergeared and uneducated (game mechanics wise) than any other class.

If this wasn’t true then I wouldn’t have had awesome win/loose 1 on 1’s with almost every class over time.

I don’t think Anet wants to balance their game around the unskilled, underleveld, undergeared and uneducated. Sorry guys.

“skilled Thief” you mean Dagger Storm? As an engineer I would love a button that makes me reflect projectiles, gain stability, and spam a 900 radius crippling aoe on a 90 second cooldown. Sadly our attacks with radius are barely more than melee range, with bombs literally being less than melee range.

Fun Police – Sea of Sorrows

Stealth is bad due to a lack of counters

in WvW

Posted by: Krathalos.3461


Sadly, again, that 900 radius crippling AoE is randomly tossed, and for most of the 8 second duration, it usually only hits a few times. It’s only good in a large zerg, and if the thief is actually hitting hard, jump on him. Two people can kill that Thief using Dagger Storm in like three seconds.

Dagger Storm is only good against scrubs who don’t realize it reflects projectiles. Anyone else will just jump on you and immediately kill you. It’s not even that good of an elite if the enemy team knows what they’re doing. But of course, the thief, which is the pubstomping class, is surprisingly the most complained about. Who would’ve guessed it?

Stealth is bad due to a lack of counters

in WvW

Posted by: Stiv.1820


Exactly, another example of a skill I have zero problems with. I personally just evade twice away and maybe get hit once by a single dagger if they are lucky. If you are in a group, swap to melee and stomp him, it will at the very least force him to roll out of the skill.

Stealth is bad due to a lack of counters

in WvW

Posted by: Thenoob.1480


Cripple: walk slower than your enemy
Stability: you can’t be crippled
Gee I wonder why no one goes up and hits the guy.

Fun Police – Sea of Sorrows

Stealth is bad due to a lack of counters

in WvW

Posted by: AXLORD.2045


“Why can’t the rock beat the paper ?”

Stealth is bad due to a lack of counters

in WvW

Posted by: Stiv.1820


Cripple: walk slower than your enemy
Stability: you can’t be crippled
Gee I wonder why no one goes up and hits the guy.

So he’s running away then? So evade away and don’t get hit? If he’s not running away then melee him. Pretty simple.

If he’s dancing around out of range of a dodge/charge/leap attack he’s not doing any damage to you.

Stealth is bad due to a lack of counters

in WvW

Posted by: Thenoob.1480


Jump shot is affected by cripple, at 900 range the dagger storm has as much range as a pistol shot, that plus cripple trying to dodge out of the area is pretty much worthless

Fun Police – Sea of Sorrows

Stealth is bad due to a lack of counters

in WvW

Posted by: zerospin.8604


Let’s just clear one thing. No class should be able to stand in middle of 3+ enemy players, with other enemies nearby, be able to attack them at will, kill some, and then easily escape. NO CLASS.

Thief can do it. I saw it today and on numerous other occasions in WvW. There was even another thief on our side, and he too couldn’t catch the other thief. This is the very definition of OP. I do not care how skillful he was and how bad we reacted, most classes can NEVER hope to do what he did and survive.

The only other class that could do this would be a Mesmer, but we know they need a nerf as well. Instant creation of infinite clones (pets) that on top of that deal damage is OP in PvP.

Of course it might be that the thief in question was aided by the culling issue, but still, I saw many thieves vanishing and never appearing again, even though ally players spread out and there are plains all around.

Either break stealth on taking damage, or break it on dealing damage, or give every class an ability to reveal stealthed objects. A counter must exist.

Stealth is bad due to a lack of counters

in WvW

Posted by: WereDragon.6083


Thieves take 100% damage while in stealth and currently if your charging a move. (Rangers channeled rappid fire.) or shots already in the air will ALL hit me. The strat i’ve taught people is to spam the ground with AoE’s to counter hostile thieves, I drop a choking gas field and spam cluster bombs, he has to hit you to restealth or burn up his decently high cooldowns. To do this he needs to walk through your hostile AoE.

The main issue is the rending in WvW i’ve seen it and hate it but remember we still take 100% damage, cripples, slows, bleeds, knockdowns, stuns while in stealth, couple with the already low theif healthpool and a bit of pressure makes me back off.

What do we say to the god of death? Not Today….
Eleshod|80 Thief|Tarnished Coast
Malsavias|80 Necromancer| Tarnished Coast

Stealth is bad due to a lack of counters

in WvW

Posted by: AXLORD.2045


Jump shot is affected by cripple, at 900 range the dagger storm has as much range as a pistol shot, that plus cripple trying to dodge out of the area is pretty much worthless

You know that the daggers are thrown randomly, right ? If you can’t dodge twice to the thief and smash his face into the ground (or use ground-targeted AoE, or remove his stability and CC him) that’s not because the profession/elite skill is broken…

Stealth is bad due to a lack of counters

in WvW

Posted by: rook.4625


OP, I see you are keen on reading guides, that’s great.

Try reading guides on your profession, and welcome to PvP.

(edited by rook.4625)

Stealth is bad due to a lack of counters

in WvW

Posted by: spif.7580


Cripple: walk slower than your enemy
Stability: you can’t be crippled
Gee I wonder why no one goes up and hits the guy.

Immobilize Immobilize Immobilize

When I see a thief run into my team with daggerstorm, I swap to Sword and Infitrators (Immobilize) and just auto attack chain him. If he doesn’t cancel daggerstorm he will die.

—- Kaineng : Nuke → Saarc ---

Stealth is bad due to a lack of counters

in WvW

Posted by: Stiv.1820


Let’s just clear one thing. No class should be able to stand in middle of 3+ enemy players, with other enemies nearby, be able to attack them at will, kill some, and then easily escape. NO CLASS.

Thief can do it. I saw it today and on numerous other occasions in WvW. There was even another thief on our side, and he too couldn’t catch the other thief. This is the very definition of OP. I do not care how skillful he was and how bad we reacted, most classes can NEVER hope to do what he did and survive.

The only other class that could do this would be a Mesmer, but we know they need a nerf as well. Instant creation of infinite clones (pets) that on top of that deal damage is OP in PvP.

Of course it might be that the thief in question was aided by the culling issue, but still, I saw many thieves vanishing and never appearing again, even though ally players spread out and there are plains all around.

Either break stealth on taking damage, or break it on dealing damage, or give every class an ability to reveal stealthed objects. A counter must exist.

It does break on dealing damage and also applies a debuff that doesn’t let them stealth again for 3 seconds.

You are just showing you don’t understand the game mechanics. How can such an OP class take on 3 people with one of them being this amazingly OP class itself? Could it speak to the skill/level/gear/mechanics understanding of your little group versus his?

Your problem with mesmers further proves my point. They are incredibly easy to spot. You wait to see/hear the un-stealth animation and observe their moment and weapons.

Stealth is bad due to a lack of counters

in WvW

Posted by: Vexus.5423


Counters To Stealth Thief:
1. Moa when you can target him for a second, even if he is not rendering, the ability will still hit
2. AOE knockdown or knockback
3. Use a mace instead of a greatsword, you bandwagon tools
4. Use AOE damage abilities – yes it hurts just as hard when stealthed as when unstealthed
5. Talk with your teammates over voice comms and plan a burst attack the moment he’s targetable (oh wait, you’re not on voice, you’re unorganized and crying about dying to an organized group?)
6. Get any kind of immobilize/stun which you should already have anyway
7. Dagger Storm? Run in and melee the slow-moving spinning free target who is not dodging for 8 seconds
8. AOE fear → Immobilize → Burst the Thief
9. Walk backwards while autoattacking (the bare minimum effort you need to do)
10. Cast any sort of invisibility/stealth on your teammates and surprise the Thief who now has no target with 5 people jumping him from stealth, reversing the role

The best Thieves are patient Thieves, and you just need to be patient too. Just like when fighting every class, you have to play slightly different tactics, the same with the Thief – it just requires more thought to fight them, something skilled players take advantage of.