Strongest force in europe ranking 2nd

Strongest force in europe ranking 2nd

in WvW

Posted by: Chris.7082


Point income of 310 points (average) in the evening this week (check your records if you doubt), yet we still rank 2nd because of night capping. YES i have read your post, and all i can say about it is – find a proper solution.

It can not be that the best server in europe gets screwed over by a certain french server gaining point advantage only because they have french speaking allies in different time zones.

When i log on in the morning we have a point income of 30 points or something, enemies camping our spawn with siege weapons. In the evening we totally dominate them, scoring 300+ points. Still we rank 2nd at the end of the week.

We would like to have A. a proper ranking that reflects a servers accomplishments (night capping isnt one) and B. face different servers too, some that also play strong in the evenings.

Looking forward to a solution, regards from shiverpeaks.

Strongest force in europe ranking 2nd

in WvW

Posted by: Luterin.9876


Sollution? Instead of incorrectly bragging that you are the strongest force in Europe, when this obviously isn’t true, you should recruit people that can counter at all times.

Strongest force in europe ranking 2nd

in WvW

Posted by: Chris.7082


Post facts please, because i did (which is recorded by And B. how absurd is that, recruiting people that can ‘counter at all times’.

‘Hello, we are recruiting players that play all night long so we can compete with certain other servers?’

Keep your criticism constructive please.

(edited by Chris.7082)

Strongest force in europe ranking 2nd

in WvW

Posted by: Rezo.4815


@Luterin If our servers really had night players we wouldn’t be losing in the first place, should we start recruiting nocturnal people from real life? Is that what you are suggesting? 0.o

For the night is dark and full of nightcappers.
[IRON] – Desolation
The Iron Triangle

Strongest force in europe ranking 2nd

in WvW

Posted by: Luterin.9876


Yes, have an American guild move to your server. Alot of American servers have Euro guilds on them just to make them have a stronger force for a larger portion of the day.

Strongest force in europe ranking 2nd

in WvW

Posted by: Chris.7082


Americans have delay when playing on EU servers, i highly doubt they would like to play there. It is beyond me why the french speaking part of canada plays on vizunah in first place, when they certainly have less delay on NA servers.

Strongest force in europe ranking 2nd

in WvW

Posted by: sarmatiko.2843


Oh this thread again..
Only real solution would be if Arena removes NA|EU matchup division. Then we will have more realistic world rankings (which is obviously cooler) and population will balance itself naturally without artificial threads “Hey EU players come play on NA, because we NA players will never come to EU”.
Honestly, playing on EU server I’m not even sure if I have acceptable ping because there is no visual tools to monitor this.
Who knows, maybe FS is located in US and we all have 250+ ms ping like in GW1, then once again there is no reasons to divide EU from NA.

Strongest force in europe ranking 2nd

in WvW

Posted by: Luterin.9876


Americans have delay when playing on EU servers, i highly doubt they would like to play there. It is beyond me why the french speaking part of canada plays on vizunah in first place, when they certainly have less delay on NA servers.

And yet alot of EU plays on American servers with obviously the same “lag”, which in reality is far from what you seem to think. It actually doesn’t matter much in GW2.

Strongest force in europe ranking 2nd

in WvW

Posted by: Chris.7082


Lag matters, i would never play on NA servers due to this. Maybe it doesnt matter as much in wvw as it does in 5vs5 machtes but im sure it has some impact.

Anyhow, im not going to discuss this matter much more, i think we are drifting away from the actual discussion.

Strongest force in europe ranking 2nd

in WvW

Posted by: Malediktus.9250


Why would we recruit guilds from America? Its a german server, so people who cant type German should not come.

1st person worldwide to reach 35,000 achievement points.

Strongest force in europe ranking 2nd

in WvW

Posted by: Quimbo.4732


Sorry to burst your bubble, but being 3rd all week and deciding to nightcap on friday to become second (by 6k points only) isn’t making you the best server in EU.

Strongest force in europe ranking 2nd

in WvW

Posted by: Glor.2485


Sorry to burst your bubble, but being 3rd all week and deciding to nightcap on friday to become second (by 6k points only) isn’t making you the best server in EU.

So true FS players tend to dream rather than play.

Strongest force in europe ranking 2nd

in WvW

Posted by: DoX.1758


Luterin is it just me or are you living in a game? becouse having people switch to US just so they can play when everyone is alseep seems kinda stupid and oh what yea u have no life prob

Strongest force in europe ranking 2nd

in WvW

Posted by: Malediktus.9250


Luterin is it just me or are you living in a game? becouse having people switch to US just so they can play when everyone is alseep seems kinda stupid and oh what yea u have no life prob

Yes, these people play on Riverside [DE] for a reason. They want a server where people talk German.

1st person worldwide to reach 35,000 achievement points.

Strongest force in europe ranking 2nd

in WvW

Posted by: Chris.7082


Sorry to burst your bubble, but being 3rd all week and deciding to nightcap on friday to become second (by 6k points only) isn’t making you the best server in EU.

I dont get what you mean by night capping on friday, the reset took place at 2 am, there was barely time to ‘night cap’, all 3 servers were still active until then.

Yes, we were listed 3rd for some days because we scored like 30 points all nights, all week. However, people pulled themselves together the last 2 days and made up for that at day/evening.

Our point income at day/evening has always been high and stable.

(edited by Chris.7082)

Strongest force in europe ranking 2nd

in WvW

Posted by: Joriel.1530


What the OP posted is totally true
IMO the solution here is to not allow NA in EU servers and vice versa, plus a decent buff when outmanned with like +hp and defensive buffs or something like the next tally point instead of 15min (i supose it is atm) like only every hour or more idk.

i7 4770k @ 4.5ghz | GTX 780 | 8GB GSKILL RAM @ 1866mhz

Strongest force in europe ranking 2nd

in WvW

Posted by: sarmatiko.2843


Sorry to burst your bubble, but being 3rd all week and deciding to nightcap on friday to become second (by 6k points only) isn’t making you the best server in EU.

“Nightcap”? Germans live on the other side of the planet, huh?
8:00 GMT:
14:00 GMT (this is when “night” starts in Germany, lol):
23:00 GMT:
Riverside mädchen cant even accept their loss with honor.

And look who’s talking about nightcapping!
Early morning stats:

(edited by sarmatiko.2843)

Strongest force in europe ranking 2nd

in WvW

Posted by: Bahamzero.6783


If you think u are the strongest force in Europe at prime time you will be in for a supprise next week.

Strongest force in europe ranking 2nd

in WvW

Posted by: Gwal.2813


What the OP posted is totally true
IMO the solution here is to not allow NA in EU servers and vice versa, plus a decent buff when outmanned with like +hp and defensive buffs or something like the next tally point instead of 15min (i supose it is atm) like only every hour or more idk.

That would be a really great!
That way you’ll keep loosing, but you wouldn’t be able to blame the canadians and will be forced to recognize french superiority o/

Vizunah Square [FR]

Strongest force in europe ranking 2nd

in WvW

Posted by: Selo.1250


FS is not second, all the good pvp players have quit.
Noone around after reset, not even any queue.
Loosing badly whole week.
Theres only 5-6 players that have any clue what their doing in WvW anymore on FS.
After the reset we soon realized how bad it was and started whispering eachother that we should move as soon as we can. The playerbase after all the free server transfers have deteriorated so much.

When you can move your guild without loosing the upgrades, im out of FS, and i hope we can create a more WvW guild centric server with english speaking community somewhere with other guilds that are tired about the same thing.

(edited by Selo.1250)

Strongest force in europe ranking 2nd

in WvW

Posted by: Chris.7082


If you think u are the strongest force in Europe at prime time you will be in for a supprise next week.

Listen, i did not make this post to brag or anything, im just one of them players who spend much time and money gaining and holding bases, and its quite frustrating seeing everything gone to hell when you log in the next day, because of night capping.

Im talking facts, so please be that fair and talk facts too, instead of making random statements, thanks you.

Further more, being strongest force in the 1st bracket at peak time (in europe) is fact, you cant argue with that. Its nothing to be proud of, im just 1 out of a thousand players, if i wasnt there it wouldnt make a differene, i just happen to play there.

Strongest force in europe ranking 2nd

in WvW

Posted by: sarmatiko.2843


FS is not second, all the good pvp players have quit.
Noone around after reset, not even any queue.
Loosing badly whole week.

What are you doing on Far Shiiverpeaks then?
Please transfer somewhere else or get back to LotR and stop this demoralizing speeches.
Actually we dont need whiners like you on FS, because even loss is the way to improvement. And overcome in continuous battle is more interesting for us than point gathering and pve degradation.

(edited by sarmatiko.2843)

Strongest force in europe ranking 2nd

in WvW

Posted by: Trikk.4685


This is what Far Shiverpeaks wakes up to every day: Canadians at 650+ points, Riverside or Deso with the rest of the points, FS with 0 points. Every day at prime time we reclaim all 3 orbs and the French barely hold on to 1/4 of what their Canadian friends capped the night before. Riverside/Deso usually occupy the jumping puzzles with some siege equipment to get some kills.

I can’t say for sure that we are the strongest server, because we have only fought 3 different servers for the last month: French-Canadian Vizunah Square, German Riverside and Desolution. Obviously we decimate all of them when it comes to prime time fights, but there might be stronger opponents that are below the top 4 on the rankings simply because of night capping. We will never know because of the extremely flawed matchmaking system.

Strongest force in europe ranking 2nd

in WvW

Posted by: Quimbo.4732


Obviously we decimate all of them when it comes to prime time fights

Sorry to burst the next bubble but:
Wth are you all talking about, during the day it was mostly even. FS did NOT dominate the day at prime time. You are only 6k points ahead of us and we both got the french problem at night (with FS capping last early morning and tonight before the reset to take the 2nd place from us). You were even 3rd place friday morning.

How can you dominate the day when we got both very low points at night? The answer is simple: You weren’t. You were playing almost exactly as good as we did. It’s the french that sucked at primetime.

If it were +300 for you and +200 for us during the day, your lead wouldn’t be by 6k points and you would have been 2nd all week.

(edited by Quimbo.4732)

Strongest force in europe ranking 2nd

in WvW

Posted by: Muan.1029


Far Shiverpaks is for sure the BEST #2 server I ever seen in a mmorpg. You must be proud of it.

Muan — Janitor of [CaSu]
Vizunah Square

Strongest force in europe ranking 2nd

in WvW

Posted by: Joriel.1530


Obviously we decimate all of them when it comes to prime time fights

Sorry to burst the next bubble but:
Wth are you all talking about, during the day it was mostly even. FS did NOT dominate the day at prime time. You are only 6k points ahead of us and we both got the french problem at night (with FS capping last early morning and tonight before the reset to take the 2nd place from us). You were even 3rd place friday morning.

How can you dominate the day when we got both very low points at night? The answer is simple: You weren’t. You were playing almost exactly as good as we did. It’s the french that sucked at primetime.

If it were +300 for you and +200 for us during the day, your lead wouldn’t be by 6k points and you would have been 2nd all week.

only reason we ended up being 3rd for a couple days or so was because you guys and VS “decided” to team up against us

i7 4770k @ 4.5ghz | GTX 780 | 8GB GSKILL RAM @ 1866mhz

Strongest force in europe ranking 2nd

in WvW

Posted by: sarmatiko.2843


Far Shiverpaks is for sure the BEST #2 server I ever seen in a mmorpg. You must be proud of it.

Thanks for the kind words, dear Sir!
Vizunah Square is also the BEST #1 pve server I ever seen in a mmorpg.

(edited by sarmatiko.2843)

Strongest force in europe ranking 2nd

in WvW

Posted by: Snoring Sleepwalker.9073

Snoring Sleepwalker.9073

What the OP posted is totally true

I’d like to see some proof of this.

All I see is someone who overlooks one thing that is true of all 24/7 matches: If you don’t have people online all the time, you will always lose to people who do.

Yet, despite having this obvious problem with their team, they still think themselves better than players who don’t have this blindingly obvious problem.

IMO the solution here is to not allow NA in EU servers and vice versa, plus a decent buff when outmanned with like +hp and defensive buffs or something like the next tally point instead of 15min (i supose it is atm) like only every hour or more idk.

What about oceanic players ?

Then again, I suppose that New Zealand is overpowered. After all, we used to have moas.

Strongest force in europe ranking 2nd

in WvW

Posted by: Quimbo.4732


only reason we ended up being 3rd for a couple days or so was because you guys and VS “decided” to team up against us

Any proof?
The only reason we didn’t end up 2nd was because YOU and Vizunah decided to team up against US. It’s not true, but try to disprove that. Just like your statement isn’t true and such a great excuse, because nobody can disprove it.

And this teaming magically stopped today so you can gain lead? Interesting, we must improve communication with out french friends it seems…

Strongest force in europe ranking 2nd

in WvW

Posted by: Joe Chip.9538

Joe Chip.9538

What the OP posted is totally true

I’d like to see some proof of this.

All I see is someone who overlooks one thing that is true of all 24/7 matches: If you don’t have people online all the time, you will always lose to people who do.

Yet, despite having this obvious problem with their team, they still think themselves better than players who don’t have this blindingly obvious problem.

IMO the solution here is to not allow NA in EU servers and vice versa, plus a decent buff when outmanned with like +hp and defensive buffs or something like the next tally point instead of 15min (i supose it is atm) like only every hour or more idk.

What about oceanic players ?

Then again, I suppose that New Zealand is overpowered. After all, we used to have moas.

They consider themselves stronger because everytime they meet on the battlefield with even forces they win. It’s not rocket science. When FS has a fully deployed force during prime time, they win against VS. Every time. This makes them better than VS. That simple.
The fact that VS’ lead is only due to nightcapping is quite outrageous and something of which even all the competitive french players should be ashamed of. Still, it’s hard to blame them for doing it. If some people play at night they have all the rights to do what they want. This is a problem that should be fixed by ANet. Maybe splitting day and night points? Don’t know. Something must be done though, if WvW is intended to be serious competition.

Strongest force in europe ranking 2nd

in WvW

Posted by: sarmatiko.2843


Wth are you all talking about, during the day it was mostly even. FS did NOT dominate the day at prime time. You are only 6k points ahead of us and we both got the french problem at night (with FS capping last early morning and tonight before the reset to take the 2nd place from us). You were even 3rd place friday morning.
Please look at actual score screenshots and show where have you found ’’FS capping last early morning and tonight". I hope you brave enough to not swallow your tongue after this.
Riverside used nightcapping every night but they had lost their advantage every evening just like in previous weeks. FS planned and prepared to final push, and as expected regained what was lost. Moreover Riverside morale is totally ruined now, and this is unexpectedly enjoyable after all that dirt they said about Disorder League.

(edited by sarmatiko.2843)

Strongest force in europe ranking 2nd

in WvW

Posted by: tjeb.6503


If they have way more players at night, you may just have more players during the day too, so pure part-of-the-day map domination isn’t really anything to go by. And even if they do have full coverage day and night, in a way they are better (in spending way more time). Not saying that is a good way

What I would be interested in (even if it doesn’t affect the ranking), is pure player-hours spent in WvW next to the points total. Even more than real buffs when you are outnumbered everywhere.

And secondly, I’d like to see some incentive for the world in second place to work with the world in third place; right now they start capping the already outnumbered 3rd quite often.

Strongest force in europe ranking 2nd

in WvW

Posted by: Gwal.2813


I think French sucks in gaming, thats what i have always heard, you obviously havent been playing in peak hours since this week because it was like Shiverpeak with 300+ DE with like 200+ and you frog-eaters with like 150+ at prime time, than your Canadian buddies come to save your butts when most europe is sleeping, thats what going on but you’re too blind to see it.

frogs are delicious actually, between fish and chicken, really tasty

FYI, prime time isn’t at 19:00 pm CET in France dude, but you’re probably right …
We French don’t suck at gaming, we suck at everything ! (except love and cooking maybe)
And if you know history, you should know that when we won, it’s because of the help of other countries, it’s our thing!
GW2 doesn’t make exception : we end up winning thanks to our canadian buddies !

Vizunah Square [FR]

Strongest force in europe ranking 2nd

in WvW

Posted by: sarmatiko.2843


And secondly, I’d like to see some incentive for the world in second place to work with the world in third place; right now they start capping the already outnumbered 3rd quite often.

Let’s play with only one rule:

Seriously, even if Riverside had some form of organization (which they dont have), I dont see how it’s even possible to ally with raging teenagers who call FS as exploiters/cheaters.
We’ll better wait Desolation or another [FR] server (hopefully they war with each other like russians )

(edited by sarmatiko.2843)

Strongest force in europe ranking 2nd

in WvW

Posted by: Chris.7082


If they have way more players at night, you may just have more players during the day too.

How do we have more players at day by your logic? Its canadians playing at night as far as i understood and french europeans at day. At best, we are as many players as they are, we do not have more players than them at any time.

Strongest force in europe ranking 2nd

in WvW

Posted by: Rovus.5428


Either way, the amount of players on french worlds at night time is outrageously high. As it has been stated, we can struggle along at daytime, holding it somewhat even. But at nighttime, everything changes. For 8 hours they have complete domination over everybody else, grabbing almost every objective from every team, giving them a huge boost of points every night. This, in my opinion, seems broken. Because as it is, nobody stands a chance against them.

“Subtus pennas meas, pinnas meas interitum”

Alatum Interitum

Strongest force in europe ranking 2nd

in WvW

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


All i got from this is “The French are beating us”

So yea…
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Strongest force in europe ranking 2nd

in WvW

Posted by: hunTShoo.1247


FS is 2nd not the strongest force in europe. you can keep calling yourself the best wvw-erver in europe for the next year and it still wont come true.

your 2 primary WvW-Guilds using broken mechanics day by day and claimed that its allowed the whole week.
now you post how sick you are dominated (thats true for yesterday where FS got temporaly more then 50% of the maps). But im not sure if the FS success at the end of the map, might come together with Anets post that this mesmer exploit isnt seen as one (postet on thursday when riverside was actually #2) and the “everything is legit”-post yesterdy.
not sure but as soon as this post was posted FS just explodes in the points they do. everyone ca judge this by hisown.

however the FS-guys who are argue “its fair as anet doesnt forbit” now staying here and whine because nightcapping?
hell annoying – you use mesmer-exploits, thiefexploits, eleexploits without a shame and now you cry that you cant take a force for the night?

you are 2 huge guilds nowing any bug to use for your advantage so start with night capping and stop crying like little babys.

however i have to point out, that vizunah + fs didnt purly team up vs rs. from my point of view this is just something happens sometimes and feels like teaming up.
Vizunah also was a quiet fair and fun to play opponent (till thursday when mesmer-exploit was official allowed).

im quiet sure next week fs gonna be much closer to #1 ranking in europa and riverside much more far behind. as most of us still dont cheat in this game, doesnt matter how ofter anet says its allowed.
vizunah got the nightbonus, fs the exploitbonus. riverside – the fairplay bonus, but who cares fairplay its about being #1 in europe (lol)

i know you are teh very very stronkest best pvp guys around the whole mmog scene.
but i have to laught out when you want to proof how RS doing nightcapping, posting screenshots from 10:00am (its dark night out at this time in germany) or just screens without timestemps at all.
awesome proof! gj!
however i can show you something else:
i should start mimimimi because Fs nightcapping


(edited by hunTShoo.1247)

Strongest force in europe ranking 2nd

in WvW

Posted by: Ashanae.9362


Yes, have an American guild move to your server. Alot of American servers have Euro guilds on them just to make them have a stronger force for a larger portion of the day.

Correct a lot of US servers got Oceanic guilds.

Strongest force in europe ranking 2nd

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


Yes, you are right. FS is a great Alterac team. Unfortunatelly, we are on Guild Wars 2…

Strongest force in europe ranking 2nd

in WvW

Posted by: Snoring Sleepwalker.9073

Snoring Sleepwalker.9073

They consider themselves stronger because everytime they meet on the battlefield with even forces they win. It’s not rocket science. When FS has a fully deployed force during prime time, they win against VS. Every time. This makes them better than VS. That simple.

Can you name me one game where nightcapping, or something similar, hasn’t been a major factor in determining the winner ?

Because what I’m seeing here is a server that is really good in one area, really weak in a much more important area (the off-prime players). An area whose importance shouldn’t have surprised anyone.
Yet they show up whining about it and wanting the rules changed. Which tells me that they weren’t expecting nightcapping to be such a significant thing and, because of their lack of forsight, they want ANET to change the rules in a way that benefits them and screws over the oceanic players.

Sounds like a sore loser to me.

The fact that VS’ lead is only due to nightcapping is quite outrageous and something of which even all the competitive french players should be ashamed of. Still, it’s hard to blame them for doing it. If some people play at night they have all the rights to do what they want. This is a problem that should be fixed by ANet. Maybe splitting day and night points? Don’t know. Something must be done though, if WvW is intended to be serious competition.

Here is what needs to be done: You need to get some players who are active at the times the other servers are.

Though if you want to propose a method to change WvW, make sure you answer this question in the post where you describe your solution: How will this affect the oceanic players ?

Strongest force in europe ranking 2nd

in WvW

Posted by: warboss.1362


ok it was fun the next week. now you will have to realize the problem of FS.

you are not 1st of anything

your server problem is that your competent WvW players are russians. and they are very good (nug gf dz) without them you do not belong even in the top 10

russian have a gmt +4 timezone

so yes you are very vulnerable to 2am/6am “GMT night cap”.
and your primetime domination is a dream.
you get your points (your 310 thing) between 12am/2pm and 7/9pm when the gmt timezone is actually eating and spending time when their family. yeah!
should we whine about lunch/dinner capping because of russians playing at gmt+4 ?
should arena net block ip from russia?

open you eyes : stop relying on NuG GF and Dz; and stop whining

Strongest force in europe ranking 2nd

in WvW

Posted by: Wiluz.1947


Le butthurt much FS?

Strongest force in europe ranking 2nd

in WvW

Posted by: hyttemaier.7950


Warboss i assume you are french and playing on Vizunah right? i would like to invite you to our server for one night 24 hours, and play WvW with the 10 people we usualy are, then ill trade with you put on numlock autorun on vizunah and go with the 100+ zerg , then after that you tell me how that experience was, you could be the best player in the world but you wouldent be able to realy do anything, after alot of thinking about the system i dont think its fair, but i live with it and play along, but dont claim that you are even slightly good, when i meet some vizunah player 1 vs 1, its very rare that its me dying, you have at highest a handfull of realy good pvpers, but you got the numbers and thats apparently the only thing in WvW that matters, on a side note Riverside have ALOT more skilled players, and i struggle sometimes in 1 vs 1 situations, but dont take what i write to hard on yourself cause you get no real practice in pvp so its understandable. my few cents..

Strongest force in europe ranking 2nd

in WvW

Posted by: zarg.1853


The night capture is a problem it is on but it is the game on the other hand bugs exploit and deceit that of the teams of FS uses and abuses I find that not normal, and you not? You spoke about it? Say to me your Scandinavian and Russian team and Oceania one the same time zone as you?

Strongest force in europe ranking 2nd

in WvW

Posted by: Wiluz.1947


Warboss i assume you are french and playing on Vizunah right? i would like to invite you to our server for one night 24 hours, and play WvW with the 10 people we usualy are, then ill trade with you put on numlock autorun on vizunah and go with the 100+ zerg , then after that you tell me how that experience was, you could be the best player in the world but you wouldent be able to realy do anything, after alot of thinking about the system i dont think its fair, but i live with it and play along, but dont claim that you are even slightly good, when i meet some vizunah player 1 vs 1, its very rare that its me dying, you have at highest a handfull of realy good pvpers, but you got the numbers and thats apparently the only thing in WvW that matters, on a side note Riverside have ALOT more skilled players, and i struggle sometimes in 1 vs 1 situations, but dont take what i write to hard on yourself cause you get no real practice in pvp so its understandable. my few cents..

Yeah in fact on vizunah we’re actually all rerolling, you know, cause WvWvW is pretty easy for us, and we want you to have an advantage.
So yeah not so hard to 1v1 with my level 20.

And you compare 1v1 to WvWvW, it just means that you didn’t even understand WvWvW.

Frogs #1 EU.

Strongest force in europe ranking 2nd

in WvW

Posted by: Zepolak.2095


vizunah got the nightbonus, fs the exploitbonus. riverside – the fairplay bonus, but who cares fairplay its about being #1 in europe (lol)

Riverside camped the jumping puzzle this night on FS :P

No hard thoughts though, I clearly don’t care about that.

I have to admit it has been a great pleasure and a pain in the <insert kitten here> to play against you and I am happy we are matching again. With Desolation, we were never obliged to watch our backs and expect the 3rd server to come in through the opened doors and just steal what the 2 other servers have been working on to attack/defend.
That’s exactly what a 1vs1vs1 should look like. I was really feeling FS and RS was teaming up (as my guild was defending Vizunah homemap last week) while I am sure you feel pretty much the same.

Great respect to Riverside, good games, tough battles, it’s a pleasure !

By the way, as a matter of fact, to answer the topic, the strongest server in Europe is #1, but I actually do not really care about being first, second or whatever (when we started organizing before BWE1, we were not thinking we’ll be that high tbh), what I care is great battles at the time I log, and a sense of progression, and being better at the game, and that’s what happening.

FS, RS, get some even better organization (it’s already nice to see but there’s always room for improvement), maybe recruit some off-peak and kick our kittens, I can’t wait to see VS outscored, that’ll be en even greater motivation.

Thanks a lot for the great battles, FS & RS, & see you on the field !

GM @ Insert Coinz [CPC] @ Grand Cross @ Vizunah Square.

Strongest force in europe ranking 2nd

in WvW

Posted by: hyttemaier.7950


Warboss i assume you are french and playing on Vizunah right? i would like to invite you to our server for one night 24 hours, and play WvW with the 10 people we usualy are, then ill trade with you put on numlock autorun on vizunah and go with the 100+ zerg , then after that you tell me how that experience was, you could be the best player in the world but you wouldent be able to realy do anything, after alot of thinking about the system i dont think its fair, but i live with it and play along, but dont claim that you are even slightly good, when i meet some vizunah player 1 vs 1, its very rare that its me dying, you have at highest a handfull of realy good pvpers, but you got the numbers and thats apparently the only thing in WvW that matters, on a side note Riverside have ALOT more skilled players, and i struggle sometimes in 1 vs 1 situations, but dont take what i write to hard on yourself cause you get no real practice in pvp so its understandable. my few cents..

Yeah in fact on vizunah we’re actually all rerolling, you know, cause WvWvW is pretty easy for us, and we want you to have an advantage.
So yeah not so hard to 1v1 with my level 20.

And you compare 1v1 to WvWvW, it just means that you didn’t even understand WvWvW.

Frogs #1 EU.

Ok you dident get it, ill cut it out in paper for you in the nicest way i possibly can
at nighttime we have 10 Players Vizunah have 100 Players, noone wants to defend vs that many when we are so few so we run around mostly solo trying to ninja cap stuff around the map, that usualy end up in 1 vs 1 situations or 1 vs 100 situations, So yes at night on FS you depend on your own skills to manage to do stuff, Arenanet stated that they want the game to be like this, so im accepting that, but im not accepting that you think you are good at it that was basicaly what i was saying, everyone can put up a ram and knock down a door in an undefended keep, thats realy nothing to be good at

Strongest force in europe ranking 2nd

in WvW

Posted by: hyttemaier.7950


vizunah got the nightbonus, fs the exploitbonus. riverside – the fairplay bonus, but who cares fairplay its about being #1 in europe (lol)

Riverside camped the jumping puzzle this night on FS :P

No hard thoughts though, I clearly don’t care about that.

I have to admit it has been a great pleasure and a pain in the <insert kitten here> to play against you and I am happy we are matching again. With Desolation, we were never obliged to watch our backs and expect the 3rd server to come in through the opened doors and just steal what the 2 other servers have been working on to attack/defend.
That’s exactly what a 1vs1vs1 should look like. I was really feeling FS and RS was teaming up (as my guild was defending Vizunah homemap last week) while I am sure you feel pretty much the same.

Great respect to Riverside, good games, tough battles, it’s a pleasure !

By the way, as a matter of fact, to answer the topic, the strongest server in Europe is #1, but I actually do not really care about being first, second or whatever (when we started organizing before BWE1, we were not thinking we’ll be that high tbh), what I care is great battles at the time I log, and a sense of progression, and being better at the game, and that’s what happening.

FS, RS, get some even better organization (it’s already nice to see but there’s always room for improvement), maybe recruit some off-peak and kick our kittens, I can’t wait to see VS outscored, that’ll be en even greater motivation.

Thanks a lot for the great battles, FS & RS, & see you on the field !

Great post man respect to you! but we do not struggle in battles during the day when we have the numbers, our only realy issue is our numbers at nighttime.

Strongest force in europe ranking 2nd

in WvW

Posted by: warboss.1362



that was absolutely not my point
what i mean is : your primetime is not our primetime. your night is not our night

and i have been playing on FS 10 days after release, we got 710 points all the night on FS (in the chat it was "yeah we are so good! FS ftw). you have been on the 50vs10 side everynight for 2 weeks that gave you top tier access too just don’t forget it. . FS was supposed to be a english speaking server WvW server . : that project was nice but my guild quickly realized that this website being up for already 2 months, the day of release zero organisation was in place, no vocal, no irc, just random discussions in this forum.
smaal guilds and Pugs are leaded since day one on VS

we played 10 days following Gf and Nug but got quickly bored because we do not speak russian and anyone outside those guys ( i like them they are very good) still had zero organization and it’s hard to follow a russian group if you have no idea what their next move will be.

maybe things changed and there is actually communication and leading in english now . i hope so actually^^

so i have played on FS too i know there are super skilled players on that server. there are too on VS .

my point was just: your primetime is not our primetime.
we don’t sleep when you sleep; you sleep when we sleep
you eat when we are playing, we are playing when you eat
etc etc