~~~My Elite PvP Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04xOsNW7zTA
T1 EU Vizunah/Desolation/Elona 17/05/13
~~~My Elite PvP Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04xOsNW7zTA
Anyhow, should you ally we will not be stuck in T1.
For the 28. the new match-making is announced.I can see the first randomised matchup already – Viz vs Deso vs SFR
Maybe they put something in: the more often you already played the less likely it becomes
The best for Elona would be:
Elona – SFR – Deso (Still a very high score compared to actual playing power)
Vizunah – Jade – Arbor (let the french have fun with each other )
(edited by Dayra.7405)
Got to love free stuff
<3 to blob, and you can’t do anything about it, just QQ on forums
(let the french have fun with each other
Since when playing vs VS is fun ?
Jade Quarry
I fully, genuinely support having all 3 French servers locked into their own tier.
~~~My Elite PvP Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04xOsNW7zTA
(let the french have fun with each other
Since when playing vs VS is fun ?
Last week and so far this week it is! (At least after I got my larger bags and my special speed boost)
And for next week I ordered MF gear/food/.. for WvW and some Superior Arrow Cards (Kodash-Special) as well. Maybe it will not be so much fun, but we will be rich afterwards
If 3 french servers get locked in 1 server they can nicely PvD without ruining the fun of other servers
If 3 french servers get locked in 1 server they can nicely PvD without ruining the fun of other servers
Can you imagine it, neither of them will know what to do. All 3 trying to PvD during unsociable hours will result in chaos and fights on the maps. They’ll be confused and completely hopeless. Please make this happen ANEt.
If 3 french servers get locked in 1 server they can nicely PvD without ruining the fun of other servers
Can you imagine it, neither of them will know what to do. All 3 trying to PvD during unsociable hours will result in chaos and fights on the maps. They’ll be confused and completely hopeless. Please make this happen ANEt.
I hope they introduce spectating so we can watch two zergs run away from each other
Uhm… how did Vizu get into the Bay @ Deso BL?
No gate/wall open.
Awesome fighting in EB, that fight went on in SM for ageeeees. Many many loot bags, spent half our time chasing you guys :p
PuG Commander, blobbing it up since 2012!
Lots of fun today at Vizunah borderlands. Thanks GoD and GT!
Need to practice a bit more against GD to get down the proper “stop the melee train”.
As for EB, it has been a long time since i last had so much lootbags filling my inventory in such a short period of time. Thanks Ins&Co for the karma train.
Awesome fighting in EB, that fight went on in SM for ageeeees. Many many loot bags, spent half our time chasing you guys :p
It got very laggy in there at times but it was great fun.
Just out of curiosity is there any semi-hardcore or hardcore guilds left on Deso?
I know a lot of people transferred off because they were not so happy with the blobbing
Proud Member of [CA] from Aurora Glade.
Vizu congratulations to your new alliance.
Vizu gonna lose and immediately after that creating a alliance with Jade?
How pathetic are you really? xDcongratulations on google translating one random VS player on the french forum. he’s obviously the very big boss of Vizunah telling you our secret plan! or not…
At first I would also undermine it but let us see that after reset (and we all know what happened with 2 FR and 1 DE server in T1).
And with" Vizu congratulations to your new alliance." i mean that Jade gonna focus us and so it automatically a 2vs1. Thats what i mean. Jade cannot understand that we never doubleteamed them with Kodasch.
But i thought that you can understand that. Sorry my bad, there was not enough explanation.
That make me laught, Elona, do you remember our long confrontation? when you were helping Kodash? how many times we faced you two? how many times you take from us T3 buildings after hard battels, to give it just behind to kodash? and now you dare speak about 2 vs 1?! LOL !
you are saying that you were not helping kodash? are you serious? Elona is kodash older brother ! we know you, and you know us…
Then, i will urge our German Friends to learn French, the showed post is for Vs people, it tells to Vs poeple to go to “mcm” WvW, it’s says that they are not enought and need more poeple to go to pvp to help the server !
My server Js will never be in alliance with Vs, we french can’t stand one eatch other on pvp, you will not believe, but i tell ya’, Vs is gonna beat Js hard, and Js is gonna beat Vs hard, coz we can’t stand one eatch other…
But it will be a lie, if i say that, we will not make you pay what you did on your 2vs1 period against us.
Jade Sea.
The red ranger :p come to see me :p
you are saying that you were not helping kodash? are you serious? Elona is kodash older brother ! we know you, and you know us…
There was no alliance btw Elona and Kodash, many opportunistic move yes ( well like every serv.. ) but no alliance.
Do you really think, if Elona and Kodash was in Alliance, we stay all this time before Kodash… don’t overestimated us.. next week will be very funny to read when many ppl on JS will see their ego takes a hit….
And a post, made by a random, nobody know, even on its own server ( well like 99% of ppl here .. ) saying, “hey maybe we need to make a alliance” don’t mean, there has or will be a alliance btw JS and VS… and it will not be the case…
Jade Quarry
(edited by Wothan.4673)
Look who’s talking nomenklatura. We have worked with kodasch and you did it. we say it’s not true you also. BUT between all 3 servers there was never an agreement to play against 1 server . between all three servers were never alliances, but no one understand this! you said were brothers but we like Kodash just as we like jade not at all!
we also wanna see fair play from you and from vizu. but the call from VS makes the impression that Vizu no interest to stress in t1 has. We do not speak French We may have taken the wrong call, but all we want are the opponents play decently. an all vs. all and not french server against a German server. we have misunderstood the post. we have a false image and one probably also lost some respect.
we’ll see what happens next week. I personally think the Vizu only fear is to lose the first place. I have read the posts in forums and also jade people have posted and written that they have no interest in an alliance and the call went more to the server Vizunah. I hope and think that elona certainly can trust
(edited by CmOnCryBaby.4075)
Has been nice Fights on Vizu BL yesterday evening. The Double attaks from Deso and Vizu on the Spawn Tower + Bay has been quiet challenging.
Ok That Vizu Guy using Camera hack has been a bit annoying but you cant do anything against it , thats A nets turn to identify those and take consequences.
A Guy from Elona just posted a screen from that situation
The Vizu Player was able to hit everything with his AC his only limit has been the range.
(edited by Dropper.9176)
Thanks to all the Deso that turned out on Deso BL with us last night. I know it was pretty hard going but still we tried. Never give up!
Executed [ExE] – Piken Square
Just out of curiosity is there any semi-hardcore or hardcore guilds left on Deso?
I know a lot of people transferred off because they were not so happy with the blobbing
There are a few of us left yes… There’s not many but if you are in Desolation, if nobody else can help and if you can find them maybe you can hire du du du duuuuh duh du duuuuuuuuuuuuuuh
Executed [ExE] – Piken Square
Hello everyone,
the video of our GvG: Good Old Days [GD] vs. Team Unit[Unit] from yesterday is finally ready and already uploaded! Watch in 1080p, fullscreen and with loud music, enjoy it!
Ahh and you should watch both videos until the end!
And if you didn’t watch our GvG vs. [DEX] yet, you can catch it up here:
Elona Reach [DE] – Let’s be strong and fight together! ;)
Nice Vids GD
So Deso is finally leaving T1, just hope we get some players back on the drop. Knowing our luck they will change the rating system on 28th and we’ll somehow get stuck back with VS haha (Not complaining, you guys drop lots of loot bags ^.^)
Will have to try organise something fun for friday before reset
PuG Commander, blobbing it up since 2012!
Just out of curiosity is there any semi-hardcore or hardcore guilds left on Deso?
I know a lot of people transferred off because they were not so happy with the blobbing
Depends on your definition. We still got a lot of pvx guilds. As you can see from these leaderboards, Desolation is still the number 1 pvp server in the world:
Some of those pvx guilds e..g the Iron Hall, are doing WvWvW as well. Thus you still see the [IRON] tag on our side.
Our pve side is also very strong. In other words you will constantly see people looking for dungeons and the pve areas from low to high level are populated.
We still got roughly 20 guilds doing active WvWvW. Most of these guilds are much smaller than the Iron Triangle, which moved to Sanctum of Rall.
Just to mention few of our WvWvW guilds (sorry if I forgot to mention some):
I am myself active in the latter.
You can nowadays hardly blame Desolation for blobbing, unless you mean those evening raids at Eternal Battlegrounds. We are usually outmanned on all borderlands, even in the evening.
But the funny thing is: during morning and noon you can easily conquer half of the borderland map if you get just 10-12 people following you (I have done that many times, using upleveled PuGs!). I can imagine that just one guild, who could play off hours (anything which is not evening in EU) and summon 20-30 well-organized players could easily take one map after another. Kill all opposition who happens to be on the way. Be one of the best WXP trains in the game. This tells more about EU than Desolation. Most of our competitors also lack coverage.
Just 1-2 medium/big guilds from NA would completely change the game. I am sure many Desolation players would also come back to WvWvW, because currently it is disencouraging to see the entire borderland map controlled by enemy.
This week has been intentionally lame from our side, because we want to make sure we drop to tier 2. The new fun begins on Friday after the reset.
(edited by Deniara Devious.3948)
“we want to make sure we drop to tier 2.”
Jump to Victory [JV]
Anw, if Anet doesn’t screw you with new matchmaking system, hope you’ll have more fun & more ppl comin’ on WvW next week.
Vizunah Square
Hello everyone,
the video of our GvG: Good Old Days [GD] vs. Team Unit[Unit] from yesterday is finally ready and already uploaded! Watch in 1080p, fullscreen and with loud music, enjoy it!
Ahh and you should watch both videos until the end!
A very nice movie guys !
A very nice intermediate state:
Who expected that 12 days ago
Let’s continue the great work!!
(edited by Dayra.7405)
Come on Deso, one more day!
Looking forward to seeing you in tier 2 Deso…
So how do Elona feel about being up against 2 French servers?
Will Viz/Jade ally against you?
Or will they go for each another?
Who knows?
Tune in next week to find out…
So how do Elona feel about being up against 2 French servers?
2 servers with twink zergs of 70+ per map: our AC-production is on a yearly high and every WvWler on Elona will have a lot of MF gear/food/… for the next week.
Will Viz/Jade ally against you?
Who knows. But both have an open bill with us, and both are quite often not able to coordinate themselves, so it will not make any difference if they ally or not.
Or will they go for each another?
Not often, I guess, when they see each others zerg, they start running.
Tune in next week to find out…
Our main goal for next week: every Elona-WvWler will get rich during the next week.
Placement is secondary, as it will be the last match of the current match-making system. We showed Vizu 2 weeks in a row in a fair 1vs1 “who plays how”, and we did the same with jade for quite a while longer. And the nice thing on having both Jade & Vizu together: both together have 0 chance to turn that result for next week, if Elona will be place 3 end of next week, it will only be due to their double focus
(edited by Dayra.7405)
Well done Elona Reach, WvW is more interesting atm, still too much based on coverage and arrow carts but well we can’t win all the time and you didn’t collapse when we came back at score this week !
I hope for Elona they have an unfailing courage to support that kind of players. :/
Btw, congratulations Elona for this week.
Nice organisation and motivation again.
Especially Aegis and GD.
I hope we will succeed to give some motivations to the old vizu players.
We succeed to have some nice players two days ago during afternoon and we had some nice fights on VS BL.
Vizunah Square – War Legend and ex-[Run]
…Btw, congratulations Elona for this week.
Nice organisation and motivation again.
Especially Aegis and GD….
Thx but its not one guild or two. Every single player on Elona makes this victory possible. So thx for every man or woman who played this week for our server.
Sorry for my english.
Yeah i know, but it’s the two guilds who make impression right now and the two guilds i see most often during the day. :p
I mean no disrespect whatsoever the other Elona players, “nice organisation and motivation” was for all Elona.
It was just a little “Big up” for this 2 guilds !
Vizunah Square – War Legend and ex-[Run]
…Btw, congratulations Elona for this week.
Nice organisation and motivation again.
Especially Aegis and GD….Thx but its not one guild or two. Every single player on Elona makes this victory possible. So thx for every man or woman who played this week for our server.
Sorry for my english.
No need to apologise m8 it was a good translation
It’s true, every single player on Elona Reach did his best to make this possible. And i believe the outcome of this weeks match is more then justified… Unlike most Servers that managed to claim victory over Vizunah we never had the luxury of bandwagoners jumping on our Server to push us to the top. Although not having that “luxury” has been a good thing.
Elona Reach has grown… it has evolved, from a mid tier Server, back over 8 months ago when i led my first Raid, to a force to be reckoned with. We had our share share of mistakes and setbacks, but we never gave up. Although it was close at times. Our Community has grown, our Leadership has learned, our Guilds have trained. Sometimes we copied tactics, adopted them and even suceeded in perfecting them. We’ve been teached a lot of lessons from Servers like Far Shiverpeaks, Arborstone, Vizunah, Seafarers Rest, Desolation, Jade Sea, Kodash and so many more. We do thank you for those lessons, because without them this would not be possible.
We came a long way, never relying on Alliances (although some still believe we did). We managed to unite dozens of Guilds and hundreds, maybe thousands, of individual Players on a single Teamspeak Server.
This Victory does not not belong to any individual Player, Commander or Guild. It belongs to this great Community that we have today.
Whatever happens in the future, i have and always will feel a sense of Pride when we rush into battle, crying out
Commander – Elona Reach Homelands
I just can repeat what has been already said above. Of course there are guilds who attract attention in prime time due guild only raids like AI/UvL, Aegis, GL etc but the biggest contribution to our success comes mainly from our off time team. Since our first match in t1 (week 41) we apparently improved our off time team a lot. We got better in borderland hopping and ER focussed very much on points.
Kudos to my own server that we cancelled the karma train on Friday because of the reason: “We are in T1. We want Rank 1 EU! There is no space for karma train”.
And I don’t know that was a hazard or not. But yesterday our leader said “click through our raid. there are just 2 people who are not lvl 80”. Don’t know the mentality changed from ER changed at all but I like this change as well.
I have never expected that and it’s a good step forward.
So how do Elona feel about being up against 2 French servers?
2 servers with twink zergs of 70+ per map: our AC-production is on a yearly high and every WvWler on Elona will have a lot of MF gear/food/… for the next week.
Will Viz/Jade ally against you?
Who knows. But both have an open bill with us, and both are quite often not able to coordinate themselves, so it will not make any difference if they ally or not.
Or will they go for each another?
Not often, I guess, when they see each others zerg, they start running
Tune in next week to find out…
Our main goal for next week: every Elona-WvWler will get rich during the next week.
Placement is secondary, as it will be the last match of the current match-making system. We showed Vizu 2 weeks in a row in a fair 1vs1 “who plays how”, and we did the same with jade for quite a while longer
. And the nice thing on having both Jade & Vizu together: both together have 0 chance to turn that result for next week, if Elona will be place 3 end of next week, it will only be due to their double focus
Callous Philosophy [LaG]
† Good Old Days [GD]
Yeah i know, but it’s the two guilds who make impression right now and the two guilds i see most often during the day. :p
I mean no disrespect whatsoever the other Elona players, “nice organisation and motivation” was for all Elona.
It was just a little “Big up” for this 2 guilds !
Thank you for noticing. Since no guild on elona is constantly whoring around with their videos most people don’t even realize how strong some Guilds on Elona really are. But this is also true for many other secret heroes in this “War”
Our (Desolation) commanders are really working 24/7 last few weeks, we are really getting strong!!!!!…..flipping items and controlling LA zergs….Seriously where did (almost) all good commanders go?
Our (Desolation) commanders are really working 24/7 last few weeks, we are really getting strong!!!!!…..flipping items and controlling LA zergs….Seriously where did (almost) all good commanders go?
to Sanctum of Rall on NA :P
Our (Desolation) commanders are really working 24/7 last few weeks, we are really getting strong!!!!!…..flipping items and controlling LA zergs….Seriously where did (almost) all good commanders go?
to Sanctum of Rall on NA :P
Yes, all the ‘good’ blob commanders transfered to NA whilst sabotaging the Deso community, so please stay there.
its a joke, seems desolation has lost its sense of humor
Heh, ofc we haven’t mate! We just loved the way you burnt the bridges while leaving! (that’s a joke!) You said you would leave in peace but didn’t do so. Oh, the IRONy.. (another one!)
No but seriously we are still the same server we used to be. No regrets. The backbone is still here but some of the flesh is gone Our community is still up and running even without most of those WvW guilds!
Only a WvW player
poor elona, now they are trapped with 2 runaway-servers
Was a nice pain train Deso style in EB to take VS keep one last time haha Well played Elona, defiantly deserve the 2 wins and it’s always a pleasure fighting you in open field. GD and NEWS have been good fun in EB since you guys arrived, we’ve had a blast.
To VS I bid thee farewell after fighting you since November I believe (BT then Deso) ignoring all the nay Sayers have always enjoyed fighting you guys, fighting you during culling was frustrating, fighting you after culling was removed was the mokittenn I ever had in Zerg VS Zerg, you fight out in the open alot more often than people say.
And bye bye Zilly, hopefully meet you again soon when INVI has fully progressed for a promised gvg hehe.
PuG Commander, blobbing it up since 2012!
To each server its trolls…
Excited to welcome back Desolation, don’t really know how you performed recently but I hope you’ll be a threat for both us and Kodash.
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”
Ok, last night of WvW against viz done. Hopefully Anet’s ranking fix will make it so that you aren’t stuck fighting the same server for months on end anymore. One thing you can say from vizunah at least is that they will always be there to fight, i hope tier 2 will also have opponents to clash with.
Thanks everyone for your support at Deso border today, was a lot of fun.
And finally grats to Elona for 2nd victory and i wish you good luck against the French.
Oh also looking forward to finally a new matchup, let’s make it a good one!
Ok, last night of WvW against viz done. Hopefully Anet’s ranking fix will make it so that you aren’t stuck fighting the same server for months on end anymore. One thing you can say from vizunah at least is that they will always be there to fight, i hope tier 2 will also have opponents to clash with.
Thanks everyone for your support at Deso border today, was a lot of fun.
And finally grats to Elona for 2nd victory and i wish you good luck against the French.
Oh also looking forward to finally a new matchup, let’s make it a good one!
Trust me, Kodash will put up a good Fight. They aren’t that different from Elona, they also have quite a few good Guilds that have learned quite a lot from Jade Sea and us. Very worthy enemies. Don’t know SFR that good, but if they can put up a fight against them, they surely ain’t as dead as some ppl claimed.
Commander – Elona Reach Homelands
Farewell to Viz (at least for some time). Was quite a thing to fight your numbers again and again. After some time, our ppl got bored and tired of it, especially loosing all at night times. However some of our determined players decided to stay no matter what and fight, if we can’t win in “who holds the most of the map for most of time wins” game then let’s show them what we’re made of and play our “zombie apocalypse” game with hordes of enemies all around and pack of brave soldiers still standing (especially at EB, our last bastion ). In the end we will never give up, always ready to fight and not loose faith in ourself no matter how many enemies we face
With the new matchmaking system coming with next week update some kind of WvW era ends. No more fighting the same servers over and over again, not seeing the same enemies every day – for some it was giving more motivation to stand up to the challenge and fight “that deadly enemy” no matter what, for others quite the opposite – loosing interest and fun by being outnumbered most of the time. It was fun to be in this train, especially during evenings, when sometimes it even arrived at “Vizunah Keep” station at EB
Time will show if the new changes are good or bad idea. I think it depends a lot on the players, if they choose to stack up on 1 server just to have the endless winning spree by simply outnumbering the enemy, or if they decide to spread around all the servers and create more balance and winning with good fights and greater tactics on the battlefield (no more coverage wars). With the random matchmaking we won’t know with who we will fight till the actual reset. Some will like it, especially those looking for more fights – finally able to fight with more enemies every week, learn new tactics and so on; and some will not – I guess those who were fighting so much to be in highest tier for so long and now it all get’s randomized, why were they fighting so long for that then? Or maybe it wasn’t the real goal of the game to be #1 in the end? Time will show…
Good luck to all in future matchups.
It’s always funny to see the difference between self-recognition and outside-recognition
A Vizunah player:
“Contrairement à bief, les Vizuhnien sont des joueurs de terrain je trouve. C’est des joueurs qui veulent du fight, et pas attendre 3h dans un fort, entouré de 50 chariots."
which I understood as something like:
“I think, unlike Elona, the Vizu’s are field players. Vizu’s are the players who want the fight, and don’t want to wait 3 hours in a keep, surrounded by 50 ACs.”
A Deso Player:
“Some of your (Elona’s) zergs seem even bigger than VS has. I like that you also enjoy to fight in the open fields and you have some strong organized guilds with good tactics.”
An Elona player:
“In order to fight them (Vizu) properly you have to take a tower but not take it at the same time. Keep the lord alive till the blob has arrived, threaten them a bit so they don’t run into the lord room but not too much so they run away and lay down some AEs but not too much, just enough to keep them from porting back to spawn. Then send out 5 guys to repair the broken door/wall from the outside while you kill the lord and take the tower at the same time. This way the blob is trapped inside the tower when it changes owner and can’t run away.”
(edited by Dayra.7405)
nice battle at the end of the week versus elona.
they attacked ogrewatch and we bashed ’em till bravost
deso versus elona:
deso goes: