T9 : Vabbi - FoW - RoF
As for the players on Vabbi and FoW, they’ve had plenty of chances to move to ANY OTHER SERVER.
It is becouse of people who though like this that Vabbi and FoW are like they are now, and if all people listen to your advice you will have a worst week on T9 (if it is possibile).
If RoF was bottom would you leave? Or would you fight for YOUR server
I was there in T7 against RoS and I’m still on RoF now. We know very well that unless we put up our best it would be us who got sent to the trashcan. We got sent there anyway.
I’m saying we don’t want too move server because Vabbi is our server, we know that we wont win but just having fun is what we want I miss BT :’( Come back too us!
[LNA] Luna Eclipse
[BNA] Banana Eclipse
You should double team RoF if that is even possible! Goodluck keep your heads high and wipe those zergs with your smaller groups (farm them!).
I can’t believe we got told we should all have transfered. Really? Okay then.. I’m guessing you (RoF) will be having more balanced matches in the weeks to come, look forward to those! We’ll be here, wating to embrace you into our arms every so often.
I’m glad not many people from Blacktide used the forums to be honest, as much as I enjoy talking with the ‘enemy’.
Well I have seen something that I have never seen before…
3 of us were sitting in a camp in EB beating back a few RoF
after a bit of scouting and dying on the RoF side they set up a treb to take the camp XD and got the frogs to attack at the same time that they were trebbing us…now I have seen everything
“Evil flowers steadily bloom, with an array of bloodied doom”
Fow and Vabbi are putting up great efforts for their numbers, this matchup isn’t really as bad as everyone is making it out to be. Sure the score will be lopsided, but it’s so fun having 20vs20 or less fights and not having the OMFG WHAT IS THAT ALL OF FRANCE ARB!?! zerg, and wsr can even get their zergs up there. Having lots of fun fights with no lag and people who are used to being outmanned = fun to me.
I really hope FoW and Vabbi can keep bringing in more and more of their server (I know it’s hard) but some of our regulars don’t even want to wvw because they think there’s only like 5 from each server on at a time. It was funny seeing them to react to you bringing up orange swords, I’m trying to get more people to realize hey we may have most of the points, but we can still have good fights.
Also nice job getting your garrison FoW, Vabbi was pushing us in bay and we were split and we were having a communication breakdown… (BUILD THOSE SIEGE WEPS@@##@#1221) but yeah I’m having fun.
Best NA rallybot on EU
Whilst it’s nice to see some of RoF with good sportsmanship, it would also be nice for our tier collectively to not be called the trashcan. When I logged in to the first time in this matchup and went off to EB there was more Vabbi than I have seen in a while fighting (admittedly a stones throw away from our spawn) a -somewhat- equal number of RoF. From what I heard there was a similar experience of masses of RoF close to spawns in other borderlands too. It’s true that fights like this do happen, but when they do you can bet your kitten that there are very few Vabbi anywhere else across all the maps, and it’s probably a similar situation for FOW. The fights out on the field are fun admittedly but they amount to very little in WvW. It’s difficult, and frustrating to capture any points at the moment, everything’s upgraded, very few people, and there is so little else going on that the second you contest a point people’ll WP to the nearest keep and be there within the minute with twice your number.
Someone mentioned the trebuchet on a camp earlier, and I was fortunate enough to see it happening, pretty funny in a “are they seriously doing that” kinda way. And the last time I checked RoF had a 30:2:1 score compared to FOW/Vabbi respectively. We haven’t had this sort of punishment in a very long time, so it may not be a bad matchup from your perspective, but it certainly is for us.
Actually i am thinking to transfer to FoW just to kill Guildies and xfer back after that Matchup, because everyone knows that Guildies are dropping precursors. Now i just need 2300Gems Can`t we all be friends? :p
All i got to say is thanks for the GREAT fights in FoW borderland earlier today. Getting double teamed by vabbi and FoW was just exactly what i want to see going on this whole week
Your teaming up made the numbers in that border as even as they can ever be and FoW ended up getting back their keep!!
Although we could push you out most of our team decided to try to auto-attack the walls at the bottom tower Vabbi had bunkered down so we got left with 7-8 defenders for the 30-40 FoW players (enough to pop orange swords easily)
Long story short: even though you cant beat us across all maps coordinate between yourselves a bit and double team us in any map you choose and lets have some more great fights
We are actually for once having a que in our borderlands! We have more people on since like a month! I’m really having a blast against you guys, if we as FoW get a bit more organized we might be able to do some more backcapping as well.
Hopefully we can keep it up!
From a FoW-thief
Proud of FoW today, well done. :>
A serious question to people roaming this evening. Do I look scary? People only fought me with four or more people. A guild group of three +one even used thieves guild and hounds of balthazar on me. 4v1 not good enough odds? I realise this is the solo roamers life, but after all the people saying how bored they were I thought some would engage on even terms. Perhaps even have fun. Yeah yeah, fools hope.
I did have a good fight near Stargrove with 2 thieves, until like 5+ adds came along. Respect to the [RUS] d/d thief for that.
I see now this post comes off as rough/elitist, not intended. Probably shouldn’t post right after logging off while still raw…
(edited by Hamham.7504)
RoF, thank you! You are the best! 70 Badges of Honor in 40 min on WvW from your players with great fun I think, I make Gift of Battle in one day tomorrow. Transfer to Vabbi was a good idea
I hope we RoF ppl drop high quality loot so that more Vabbi and FoW ppl come into WvW. I am not roaming this week in wvw as many others. PvE week for me cheers :P
What’s this pee vee eee you speak of!?
Hamham is was noticing the same today. Even groups of 3 would avoid me roaming alone and run until they meet another group. I also noticed that the highest rank I met all day was Scout which makes me believe that many of the RoF regulars actually stay out of WvW this week.
Too bad, I was really hoping for some quality duels or small group fights.
[Jd] Jam Death
“Work, Hustle, Kill”
You’re totally an OP looking thief though, I’m only a scrubby looking gaurdian. :<
Just wanted to say I had a blast fighting a thief and guard from Vabbi in their borderlands by the north bay minotaurs. My staff ele joined a ROF necro who was 1 v 2 ing with you after that pesky thief decided to hit me, making it 2 on 2.
Awesome fun fight that lasted a good long while, and omg that gaurd can keep himself alive. Best fight I had so far this matchup. Well played the two of you. No doubt I’ll be solo roaming or small grouping most of this week as usual. Hope to run into you both again.
i totally feel you and i am sorry for you putting up with us.. That’s main reason why most of my guild (WvW orientated) took a PvE week and we dont go into WvW (for example instead of WvW event we took balthazar today etc.) I respect you guys, because you are really fighting hard and doing your best. I hope they will finally do something about it…..
If we (RoF) really had to spy Vabbi and FoW to defeat them I have to say, I am disappiont. I also feel for the OP, we have been smacked around like that in T7 before. Hang in there, organize yourselves, and find fun in harassing the servers that outnumber you.
Elona Bonechill – Necro / Fionna Gymirdottier – Guard /// RoF
Max respect for Vabbi and Fow.
This week i never enter in wvw because i dont enjoy play this. And i think noone enjoy.
Hope ANet fix this for all.
Ring of Fire
I also will try to find more solo/small team fights this week. I have been at FoW border every time i am in WvW running around the north side of the map looking for people.
Haven’t tried commanding once because i thought “hey if we got no coordination maybe FoW will tag some keeps!” (worked yesterday at least).
So if you see a legendary thief trying random speccs up there that will be me!
Also i was happily surprised FoW and Vabbi don’t have the usual 50% of their population bunker specc i see in higher tiers Makes for a good change in tactics!
(edited by Darkstorn.5423)
i totally feel you and i am sorry for you putting up with us.. That’s main reason why most of my guild (WvW orientated) took a PvE week and we dont go into WvW (for example instead of WvW event we took balthazar today etc.) I respect you guys, because you are really fighting hard and doing your best. I hope they will finally do something about it…..
Yeah cheers for taking balthazar needed to do that this week
i totally feel you and i am sorry for you putting up with us.. That’s main reason why most of my guild (WvW orientated) took a PvE week and we dont go into WvW (for example instead of WvW event we took balthazar today etc.) I respect you guys, because you are really fighting hard and doing your best. I hope they will finally do something about it…..
I think TaG takes the week off because you still haven’t recovered from getting wiped by 6 people on 4 ACs after that fail portalbomb at dawns the first night
Seriously though, I can totally understand that some RoF guilds see no point in doing WvW this week. I have been taking camps in RoF bl all morning and I got the feeling that you guys even LET us take the camps so you can take them back because I was obviously making a circle and you could’ve easily caught me at the next camp.
[Jd] Jam Death
“Work, Hustle, Kill”
i totally feel you and i am sorry for you putting up with us.. That’s main reason why most of my guild (WvW orientated) took a PvE week and we dont go into WvW (for example instead of WvW event we took balthazar today etc.) I respect you guys, because you are really fighting hard and doing your best. I hope they will finally do something about it…..
I think TaG takes the week off because you still haven’t recovered from getting wiped by 6 people on 4 ACs after that fail portalbomb at dawns the first night
Seriously though, I can totally understand that some RoF guilds see no point in doing WvW this week. I have been taking camps in RoF bl all morning and I got the feeling that you guys even LET us take the camps so you can take them back because I was obviously making a circle and you could’ve easily caught me at the next camp.
Well a lot of people probably would like to brag that we’re letting you get things so we have stuff to do, but in this case you’re most likely going up against our fearsome 0-5 man nightcap team..that’s usually random people that don’t talk. It’s the main reason we have trouble winning t7 because we just can’t get enough people for night/morning. But yeah a lot of people, especially in TaG are taking off.
Best NA rallybot on EU
>Also i was happily surprised FoW and Vabbi don’t have the usual 50% of their population bunker specc i see in higher tiers Makes for a good change in tactics!
Are you kidding? An average Vabbi online at WvW about 10 ppl. Sometimes several hours nobody at WvW. If someone want WvW, he spam at Lion’s Arch: lfg WvW, than party of 3-5ppl going to farm badges
The most players at the weekend. Once we have party of 26 players – about quarter of server online.
i totally feel you and i am sorry for you putting up with us.. That’s main reason why most of my guild (WvW orientated) took a PvE week and we dont go into WvW (for example instead of WvW event we took balthazar today etc.) I respect you guys, because you are really fighting hard and doing your best. I hope they will finally do something about it…..
I think TaG takes the week off because you still haven’t recovered from getting wiped by 6 people on 4 ACs after that fail portalbomb at dawns the first night
yep might be cause of that as well you should have heard our TS when we were doint it
leave these servers, you will have more fun, 500 gems isnt so much
problem solved
Horopuh mate you obviously have no idea what i am talking about.
I said that FoW and vabbi dont have their players (or population) in bunker specc (the hard to kill Soldier gear and traits) they have a higher percentage focused in damage which as i said is a good change when fighting / roaming.
Where did you read about me talking numbers in WvW is besides me
And you guys wonder why this isn’t challenging :P There was 5 of us!
[LNA] Luna Eclipse
[BNA] Banana Eclipse
(edited by Jamo.2367)
If they didn’t leave their servers yet, that means that they have something called server pride. It also means, that your post probably insults FoW and Vabbi guys that keep on fighting…
[TaG] guild/raid leader
Gunnar’s Hold
too bad EU and NA servers are separate. Vabbi/FoW/ET might be interesting
~o hai there :D~ LONG LIVE ET
(I am not that other Pavel, just to note)
I respect the Vabbi and FoW players for not giving up. I respect all my enemies, but I am so bored… At least a guildie taught me some fun thing, a way to enter the Vabbi spawn on EB. I have fun killing merchants and seeing how long can I survive vs the occasional invulnerable enemy. I don’t see why they get so mad I do this though, it’s not like I can kill them and they still get loot from me – win/win for them.
And man, the Grub and Spirit have died so much already…
Hans Jornungsson – forever in the Eternal Battlegrounds.
too bad EU and NA servers are separate. Vabbi/FoW/ET might be interesting
That is a great idea!
Merge EU/NA into a single system, have all 51 Servers battle across 17 tiers.
Born and Raised in Eredon Terrace
My feelings about this week’s match up
ROF: Communistic leader
Fow and vabbi are rebelling and want democracy only to be met with the iron hand of ROF …
GL – “The Afternoon’s Watch” [OATH]
leave these servers, you will have more fun, 500 gems isnt so much
problem solved
Why should we? Thats not solving the the problem now is it? Why dont you spend 500 gems and come here, you’ll be quicker to leave because you’ll have did nothing.
We’ve built our homes here, our guilds are strong, but not that strong.
We’re loyal to Vabbi, we’re not homeless.
They’ve got spies on our server.
Care to back that up with something substantial?
too bad EU and NA servers are separate. Vabbi/FoW/ET might be interesting
I’m sure ET/FC outnumber Vabbi/FoW…
We’re problably closer to Blacktide/Arborstone/Whiteside…
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
They’ve got spies on our server.
Care to back that up with something substantial?
Because we’re such a small server, every commander on vabbi will notice new guilds, we noticed two knew players on our server, that have joined after we’re got placed against RoF.
The same guild but in greater numbers is infact on RoF. Because of the name and shame CoC I can’t post SS or reveal the name of the guild, I’d quick happy PM you it. If you want.
And out of the four main WvW commanders, three noticed that we got zerged by players of the same guild.
Call it how ever you want, we call it cheating, and both players got mass reported for everything under the sun, and everything possible, by all the vabbi wvw players.
Vabbi doesn’t fight dirty, we fight fair, just the same as FoW. Even if we did fight dirty we wouldn’t have the players to back the tactic up.
Ok, 5 TaG ppl killed and no precursor yet + one guy from PI mhm. Anyways we did some duels on vabbi bl near windmill if somebody is interested pm me. I know most are taking a break of wvw so we can do duels instead! And to the paranoid ppl i am not going to spy or something just getting my daily portion of WvW >_>
And probs to some FoW ppl which happened to pass by and joined into 1vs1 duels, cheers
Yes, the duels were fun, even tho there was not many ppl participating. Cheers to [PRO] guardian who joined us, even tho his upscaled ranger companion kept messing into duels with his pet :P
I hope we can get some more tomorrow evening, again at Vabbi windmill
[TaG] guild/raid leader
Gunnar’s Hold
As a guild TaG is pretty bored of this match up and alot of other people are aswell and to spice things up a bit we were thinking of doing Duels tomorrow (the 3rd) 6pm GMT in Vabbi BL at the windmill (south camp), don’t bother turning up if your going to ruin it, we will just wipe you if you do. come and have a break from all the mindless killing and come chill and have some fun with your “enemy”
if you have never dueled before in WvW remember not to stomp your opponent after you have beaten them, dont randomly jump people, /bow at them and if they bow back, then fight
PS. bring fireworks!
(edited by biglilstampie.2410)
Great! Finally we get those duels organised! I hope I’ll be able to make it this evening. I’ll be sure to bring some guildies as well
[Jd] Jam Death
“Work, Hustle, Kill”
one might disagree about the fair fighting part. I remember times not too long ago when Vabbis were constantly flying into our keeps and taking them in 2mins. There are heaps of videos on youtube
To be fair though, I haven’t seen a Vabbi flying around for a few weeks now.
[Jd] Jam Death
“Work, Hustle, Kill”
Max respect for Vabbi and Fow.
This week i never enter in wvw because i dont enjoy play this. And i think noone enjoy.
Hope ANet fix this for all.
Great to see these warm words.. Haven’t been in WvW since the reset since there is totally no use in my opinion..
Hey ANet, just make a tier only with Vabbi and FoW, so same-population servers can match out without being harassed by the third (high pop) server in the matchup.. :p
Commander – Jam Death [Jd]
Fissure of Woe
See, Devon Carver kind of passed this situation off as something both FoW and Vabbi have been experiencing for months so not much to worry about and business as usual. I don’t think he knew though just how much worse it would be for you guys versus fighting against AS or BT when you at least had a chance to take something at some point. Maybe when he finds out it can be adjusted that the rng factor hasn’t got so wide a range and we don’t get ridiculous weeks like this one.
But hey, Anet uses hammers instead of pliers and tests everything….in real time, so just wait it out I suppose and hope everyone hangs around for the fix.
Trullsengar – Elementalist
Arapay – Mesmer, Guild Leader RCG / Ring of Fire
We’ve built our homes here, our guilds are strong, but not that strong.
We’re loyal to Vabbi, we’re not homeless.
Ring of Fire
I’m from the RoF server and I’ve got to agree on some comments stated above. We are actually allowing you to capture some so we have atleast something to do. Your strategy’s aren’t bad, you guys just don’t have the numbers.
And about the spies… Oh come on!
Leader of Business Class [BC]
Today, we’ve finally played against Ring of Fire, we’ve tried our best to over come their numbers, but its impossible. They’ve got spies on our server. Its also annoying to be put against such a high populated server. They’ve got queues just to enter into Vabbi & Fissure BL’s.
I want to know why the developers want to punish vabbi & fissure, are you seriously trying to make us leave our server? what your doing is pushing your customers away from the game. I spend quite alot of money buying gems off your gems store. I support your game, I expect some support back to vabbi aswell. We aren’t defeated yet, but we cant win either.
Look at our maps. This isn’t what WvW is meant to be!
http://mos.millenium.org/eu/matchups/map/727Question what your doing to the two weakest servers! Please fix this, your making it impossible for the loyal members of Vabbi to stand and fight. Give us back Blacktide or Arberstone anyday.
I have to agree with what you said. It is unfair on both your server’s and we have had it many times our self’s. Blacktide did it to you also last week.
You are a lot luckier then you think, lots of players on ROF our not playing this week and a few guilds wont come to wvw this week.
It have been fun on wvw when we are fighting FOW on there map like last night. As soon as we took one tower they took other back. This went on for some time. ROF players said let them take just so we can take it back and have some fun with them. I can tell you now FOW players give us a good fight and even stop us for some time trying to take a tower. Also last night at north camp both FOW and Vabbi where working as a team to fight us and our lot enjoy that.
I can tell you now that at one point for over a hr till I went to bed, ROF was outmanned on all borders and you could of very easy took a lot of EB.
The answer really is more then a few ideals.
1/ One you move to another server. This you don’t want to do and why should you.
2/ More big guilds move over to your server. But the thing is they wont.
3/ As said above by another player merge both EU/NA.
4/ Remove WVW from 3 server’s and give them a few free ticket to move to another server as and when they ready to.
5/ Change it so maybe bottom 6 server play on one wvw that pair up so you still get 3 side’s. For this to happen you will need to open the pop queue on each map more and open a new chat for commanders only, that can chat one one chat open to all commanders on all 4 maps.
for number 5 that would make Ring of Fire, Fissure of Woe, Vabbi, Whiteside Ridge, Dzagonur and Blacktide on one wvw.
Also would be nice if the developers come on and played with maybe a bit more power then us and able to change sides as and when to try and make it more fair for the side that need it. That would also be fun for us too.
FOW and Vabbi should team um more and have fun.
Sorry it’s long but them who know me know I just cant stop chatting lolz
Was nice to see Vabbi and FOW working as a team. Keep that up please.
I even hear some ROF players wish to change servers to help you and make this week more fun. You both should try and take EB at some point when not many ROF players are on.
I cant work out what part of the map you could siege as a team with out npc to attacking one of you. But would get us to attack you. Maybe the ruins between Redbriar tower and Greenlake tower. But would be a long way to get back for one side if you died and could not get back. Or do it at same place but on ROF BL as then your have a wp close by. If you did this then at this point a ROF commander should tell all ROF players to not attack you south of the ruins so you could get in.
Also come on ROF players let them take the keeps on EB so they can enter the jp and join us doing the jp as friends not fighting in there. lol