Ten Things About Being a Team Leader

Ten Things About Being a Team Leader

in WvW

Posted by: Sage.5843


Someone on the DR forums suggested I post this in the WVW forum, so here it is.

I haven’t taken a leadership sort of role in PVP until Guild Wars 2, so in the past few months where I have been “leading” (acting as one of ADQQSTY’s* “drivers”), I’ve learned some new things.

For those of you aspiring to be a team leader in WVW (especially for you roamers out there), hopefully this information will help you out!

“Ten Things I’ve Learned About Being a Team Leader”


As a team leader, you are the team and the team is you.

You are the focal point of the team because people look up to you for your charisma and confidence. You are a good team leader if people get motivated to play when you get online.

The team is also the focal point. The team should get credit for doing good work and are the main reason why you succeed.

On certain occasions, you have to be flexible and follow the team. Sometimes you may want to go X direction or do X thing, but the team is going Y direction or doing Y thing—sometimes, go with the flow with what your people want, that way you will stay together rather than split up.


As a team leader, experience is your resource for gaining the confidence you need and for making awesome decisions.

You gain experience by doing WVW a lot. You gain experience by watching how other team leaders function. While leading your own team, you also gain experience through defeat or by trying new things.

Players who beat you are your teachers.

Most teams understand that as you act as their leader, you will sometimes lead them into blunders while you learn. The team must follow the designated leader despite this so that everyone stays together.

Over time, awesome decisions will get you victories. Victories will earn you your team’s confidence. Your team’s confidence will make you a great team leader.


As a team leader, you will face “leader’s melancholy.”

Sometimes you will feel bad about your performance or about your team getting wiped. A good team leader battles such feelings and continues to lead their team despite hardship. Rage quitting never helps and discourages the whole team to continue playing.

Revel in challenges. This stuff will always be a learning experience.


As a team leader, you will have to handle drama issues and be diplomatic. Your job is to network and get to know people.

Avoid drama with players and always keep your doors open. Closing doors with players means fewer opportunities.

Never yell or demean your team members in game chat or voice chat. Never vocally place blame or complain about your own team. People don’t like being put in a negative light. People will not be as willing to follow you if you are negatively critical to them.

On the other hand, it never hurts to give your team feedback when the team needs it, but be nice with it.


As a team leader, you will be nurturing to your team.

In PVP, team members can be excitable, not know what to do, or might get frustrated at times. Over the microphone (VOIP), use a calm voice and be simple and clear with your commands. Avoid angry or desperate tones.

A calmly and politely stated “Please clear comms” when there is overwhelming chatter can do a lot.

It is fine if there is a lot of VOIP chatter during a battle as long as it is all “on topic.” You know your team is nicely focused on a battle when they all speak “on topic” about the battle and give relevant bursts of information.

Compliment your team and certain players when they do something awesome. Whisper a team member personally when they truly deserve it.

Be a helpful and benevolent force.


As a team leader, you will be quick with your decisions and decisive with your commands.

Once you gain enough experience, you will have the ability to quickly make a decision based on a certain circumstance or encounter. If you know the enemy is planning X, you can react with Y to ensure your team doesn’t get killed. If the enemy has X numbers, you will know how to use Y to defeat said numbers.

You will learn to think one step ahead, or consider future events like a Chess game.

You must be decisive in your commands. As a team leader, your job is to set an overall goal and guide the general tactics of the team. You want to say, “We will do X” rather than “Do we want to do X?” to your team. It is fine to ask for suggestions, but do it sparingly. Indecisive leaders who ask, “Should we do X?” over and over will make team members uneasy.

Sometimes briefly telling your plan will help your team so they know what to expect. You can say, “We will go here to do X and then we will do Y.” Your team should always be mentally prepared.

Member of [DAWN]
NA Dragonbrand Server

Ten Things About Being a Team Leader

in WvW

Posted by: Sage.5843



As a team leader, you will follow the rule of “KISS,” or “Keep It Simple, Stupid.”

Always keep your goals, instructions, tactics, team organizational structure, and outlook as simple as possible. Make it brief. If you are teaching your team new things, don’t give them the manual, just focus on one or two things at a time per play session.


As a team leader, you are an opportunity seeker. The better you are at spotting opportunities, the better you will succeed.

When engaging in WVW opportunities:

Always sneak up on your enemy, even if it takes the long route. Avoid getting spotted by the enemy since they will usually use VOIP or type a warning. Using line of sight or diving underwater can hide your team as you travel.

Always flank your enemy, either with an attack hitting their side or rear, or by splitting into two teams to flank.

Always use terrain against your enemy. Choke points or hills/trees that can LOS an enemy will help you against superior numbers.

Always know a point to retreat to for your team, whether it is a hill, a corner, a Portal, or a tower.

Always “extend out” an enemy force that is both powerful and vastly outnumbers you. This is done by moving your team away while baiting enemy players to chase you. When the enemy gets spread out because of the chase, turn and hit them, because they are easy targets.

Always use the enemy’s urge to fight you against them. You choose the battle and the battlefield, not the enemy.

Always check three things before engaging in battle: your terrain, enemy numbers, and enemy guild tags. Is the enemy a skilled, coordinated guild or just random players? Are you fighting on advantageous terrain? Are the enemy numbers manageable for your team?

Always get the first strike on an enemy team, it really helps.

Always listen to suggestions by your team members. Sometimes they will mention an idea you never thought of, and then you can turn it into the next course of action. On the other hand, don’t be afraid to say “no” to an idea you don’t want the team to do.

Always pretend to know what you’re doing and be in control, even if you aren’t.

Always know what professions you have on your team. You can think up good plans or use abilities like Portals or cross profession combo’s to get a one-up on the enemy. (I would list many great examples ADQQSTY uses but I think it would be better for our opponents to figure this out for themselves.)

Always take priority in rezzing your downed teammates, either by a normal rez or by a spike.

Always calmly say your name and location when you or a team member gets downed so you can get a rez.

Always consider downed enemies as bait. When enemies try to rez their downed comrades, they can make a perfect spot for a concentrated AOE attack, thus downing even more enemies.

Never directly engage an enemy force that vastly outnumbers you in the open field. Terrain, “extend out,” or flank opportunties will help you overcome this challenge.

Never order your team to “go deep” into an enemy force when you see a ton of red circles on the ground at a single point.

Never attack a large enemy force when they are backed up by good siege, such as more than one ballista or cannons. Find a way to take out the siege or fight elsewhere.

Never engage an enemy force on terrain with zero advantages unless you are sure you will win.

Never assume whenever possible. Assumptions about the enemy can be wrong. Get real battlefield information.

Never just say “incoming” on VOIP. It is unhelpful information. When enemies are coming, always briefly say “incoming,” direction, numbers, and if they are an organized threat, their guild.


As a team leader, you will want everyone to stick together.

This is a simple thing to do but it is difficult to master. ADQQSTY does it by designating a “driver,” someone for everyone to follow. Putting a target marker on the “driver” can help you see where the leader is.

Additionally, getting spread out can become an issue. For example, when you want to retreat, you can have your team rally on you first and then retreat, that way everyone stays together rather than get picked off one at a time.

Using VOIP for all team members is an absolute must.

Staying together allows your team to guide its DPS and it also makes it much easier to quickly revive downed team members.


As a team leader, your number one job is making sure everyone is having fun.

Tell jokes, laugh, and be gleeful. Make sure everyone is having a good time. Getting victory is one thing, but remember, having fun is always the most important thing of all.

*ADQQSTY is an alliance of three “small man” roaming guilds: [AD] , [NoQQ] , and [Bsty] .

Member of [DAWN]
NA Dragonbrand Server

(edited by Sage.5843)

Ten Things About Being a Team Leader

in WvW

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


I would add something to it… pick a suitable class/build as a leader. Unless its a random disorganized zerg where a leader can point fingers from the rear and hope for the best or a very small support group, a leader need to be able to stand in the thick of things and survive, especially if its a very tight melee train type setup going up against forces 2-3x your size. If you go berserker dps thief (or whatever) you’re being very selfish and will drop like a stone in battles. Being able to rally your men after a failed (or successfull) charge is critical – dead men cant rally. Nor inspire people for that matter.

Ten Things About Being a Team Leader

in WvW

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

Pretty well said! #6, #8 and #9 deserve special attention as those are the points where a commander can really shine.

  1. is missing a little explanation as to why it is important to stick together, should anyone be wondering on the benefits of (what my guild has come to call) the “blob zerg”.
Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

Ten Things About Being a Team Leader

in WvW

Posted by: Oozo.7856


There are many things that make a great driver (more than 10, of course) but this list has some great pointers and explanations, IMO. Although, I might be biased.

You definitely want someone with a sturdy build as your driver as Dawdler pointed out. And, you also want someone with great map awareness and prediction of enemy movements. Larks has both of these qualities as well as the 10 he posted.

Great article, Larks.

[Anonymous Defender] on Youtube
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies

Ten Things About Being a Team Leader

in WvW

Posted by: Sovereign.1093


Nice, may I post this to my World’s thread?

[Salt] Heavy Loot Bag

Always Loyal

Ten Things About Being a Team Leader

in WvW

Posted by: Sage.5843


I would add something to it… pick a suitable class/build as a leader.

This is a very good point. I personally play a Bunker-style Elementalist for this reason and I love it.

  1. is missing a little explanation as to why it is important to stick together, should anyone be wondering on the benefits of (what my guild has come to call) the “blob zerg”.

Yeah, if you lead with a ton of numbers, sticking extremely tight knit can take advantage of the 5-person AOE cap and boon effects.

Great article, Larks.

Thanks buddeh.

Nice, may I post this to my World’s thread?

Sure thing! (EDIT: Just say it’s by Larks or something.)

Member of [DAWN]
NA Dragonbrand Server

Ten Things About Being a Team Leader

in WvW

Posted by: Attic.1562


Over the microphone (VOIP), use a calm voice and be simple and clear with your commands.

“Physician, heal thyself” eh Larks?

Ten Things About Being a Team Leader

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


If you need to read this to become a leader.
Then you shouldn’t be a bloody leader.

Well written.
But pointless XD


Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

Ten Things About Being a Team Leader

in WvW

Posted by: Khursun.2354


If you need to read this to become a leader.
Then you shouldn’t be a bloody leader.

Well written.
But pointless XD

Snort, there are plenty of “leaders” running around who should probably take a look at this. One can always learn something or you’re not worth your salt as a leader. Nice post!

Raijin Hammerstorm/Lightstorm/Shrimpstorm

Ten Things About Being a Team Leader

in WvW

Posted by: Phlogus.2371


Leader or follower there are some sound principles here that deal with both the game and human dynamics. Simple things like avoid the choke points or controlling terrain with AOE are obvious until someone loses focus and moves into them because you weren’t leading or they were not following. Some of what is listed above seems more like SOP then leaders skill sets. If you execute your tactics by battle drill (all the always comments) then they belong in a TAC SOP.

Phlogustus Male Char DD Ele
Molen Labe Female Human Necro
Devonas Rest – Black Rose Legion -CF4L

Ten Things About Being a Team Leader

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


Liked this post!

Rob is just a grump. Handy summary for people growin into leadership and somethin to reflect on for even those who are seasoned! =)

Gate of Madness

Ten Things About Being a Team Leader

in WvW

Posted by: Miku Lawrence.6329

Miku Lawrence.6329

What do you mean by a team? A group or a zerg?

Snow Crows [SC]

Ten Things About Being a Team Leader

in WvW

Posted by: Oozo.7856


What do you mean by a team? A group or a zerg?

The comments are tailored for a group of 10-15.

[Anonymous Defender] on Youtube
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies

Ten Things About Being a Team Leader

in WvW

Posted by: Sovereign.1093


I would add something to it… pick a suitable class/build as a leader.

This is a very good point. I personally play a Bunker-style Elementalist for this reason and I love it.

  1. is missing a little explanation as to why it is important to stick together, should anyone be wondering on the benefits of (what my guild has come to call) the “blob zerg”.

Yeah, if you lead with a ton of numbers, sticking extremely tight knit can take advantage of the 5-person AOE cap and boon effects.

Great article, Larks.

Thanks buddeh.

Nice, may I post this to my World’s thread?

Sure thing! (EDIT: Just say it’s by Larks or something.)


[Salt] Heavy Loot Bag

Always Loyal

Ten Things About Being a Team Leader

in WvW

Posted by: Sage.5843


Over the microphone (VOIP), use a calm voice and be simple and clear with your commands.

“Physician, heal thyself” eh Larks?

Not sure what witty comeback to do with this one my friend. Take two of these and I’ll post a comeback in the morning.

Liked this post!

Rob is just a grump. Handy summary for people growin into leadership and somethin to reflect on for even those who are seasoned! =)

Rob’s post made me laugh and he has a nice point.

Rob says leaders come from leader material, which is true.

Styx says as a leader, there’s always something new you can learn.

Also, thanks.

What do you mean by a team? A group or a zerg?

The comments are tailored for a group of 10-15.

I used the term ‘team’ to refer to anything, actually. A group of 10-15, a guild, or a zerg all work. (ADQQSTY tends to run in the 10-15 range, minus random pugs who decide to spontaneously follow us.)

If everyone is in the same VOIP channel and listening to the team leader and each other, then many of my tips qualify. Some of the other tips are more oriented to philosophical or principled things a leader-type person should consider, things I’ve learned over time.

Member of [DAWN]
NA Dragonbrand Server