To all fellow gamers writing post regarding WM

To all fellow gamers writing post regarding WM

in WvW

Posted by: Jabtangs.9251


Hi, I am just a random guild member residing in WM.

I sometimes write posts on the forums for our commanders while they are mostly busy fighting in the borderlands.

This post is my personal thoughts and by no means I represent the guild.

WM enjoys reading all the post regarding us as they are fun and thankful to read. Some of the guild members, including me, are busy translating those post which do come up quite often. We also find this ‘COME IN ME’ thing to be extremely funny. Oh and you know what? The commander who said that phrase (along with many other funny phrases)? He keeps telling me that his engrish is getting better T^T…

Anyways, I see a lot of post these days about ‘orb hacking’, ‘turtling’ and what not. So I just figured I wanted to write some things down.

1. I saw a post saying ‘WM did orb hacking’ (not exactly this wording but you get the point). Well.. I posted a reply there too but ‘ss or never happened’. I can say this since I clearly know it never happened.

2. There are multiple posts saying ‘WM did turtling too’. This type of posts can be seen in this forum as well as the guru forums. I asked Bahaness about this matter whether it was true or not (I wasn’t playing at this time). He replied that we have tried it out to see how effective it is and how it works out, but we have decided that I does not fit in to our play style and we will probably not use it again (It’s boring ).

Here are my thoughts on this… why is ‘WM did something’ an excuse to make anything justified? Or more like, why are there even a post like that. We are just one of the guilds like any of yours, and I guess this means there is no point in writing ‘some guild did turtling so why you QQ’ kind of post simply dumb.

But I don’t think any of the commanders in WM really thinks the ‘turtling’ is a big issue (we have a larger problem that demoralizes everybody in 1 MINUTE). Some of our commanders decided that WvW is not worth it really with the orb hacking and the bugs related to it (You probably saw the post already).

Sorry if this post makes no sense as I’m not really a good writer. kitten you Engineering school.

ps. Did somebody already make a toon named ‘Come In Me’?

Jophiel Jabtangs – Mesmer
War Machine [WM] | Stormbluff Isle

To all fellow gamers writing post regarding WM

in WvW

Posted by: TLSolomon.6083


I can honestly say I have never personally seen WM hack.
I may hate them for other reasons…
Being good and sometimes kicking my butt.
But its all been fair and square.

To all fellow gamers writing post regarding WM

in WvW

Posted by: lady lisz.7849

lady lisz.7849

WM has a very good reputable name and respected by everyone, why would one member soil it? They wont because they’re not WM, only non-WM will do something like that to taint this guild. So nice try, to that person who started it bu err try again didnt work… even ppl from your own server laughs at you coming up with this idea

Truth and Knowledge are two different things
-Scholar Krasso-

To all fellow gamers writing post regarding WM

in WvW

Posted by: sceptus.9415


To all WM: I’ve never played against you, but I wish you the best of luck outside GW2 in other games. I understand why you are leaving. On the flip side, ANet is making a change to server transfers on November 1. Perhaps changes to exploits and hacking will come soon after?

Hern | Sceptus | Vulkus | Colbane
[DIS] and [TTC]
Tarnished Coast

To all fellow gamers writing post regarding WM

in WvW

Posted by: Jabtangs.9251


To all WM: I’ve never played against you, but I wish you the best of luck outside GW2 in other games. I understand why you are leaving. On the flip side, ANet is making a change to server transfers on November 1. Perhaps changes to exploits and hacking will come soon after?

Why you want us out of the game

I never said we leaving

Jophiel Jabtangs – Mesmer
War Machine [WM] | Stormbluff Isle

To all fellow gamers writing post regarding WM

in WvW

Posted by: sceptus.9415


I think you misunderstood, I don’t want you out of the game. I was trying to convince you to stay. I thought you folks were leaving.

Hern | Sceptus | Vulkus | Colbane
[DIS] and [TTC]
Tarnished Coast

To all fellow gamers writing post regarding WM

in WvW

Posted by: kidbs.8920


I saw a post earlier where one of your members said you were leaving WvW. I’m hoping that was just a bad translation b/c we certainly don’t want to lose you guys. I totally understand bowing out this week with all of the garbage that has been going on. I hope that is all that he meant.

SoR – Nethernoz (Necro), Zealot of Pain (Guardian), William The Butcher (Ranger)

To all fellow gamers writing post regarding WM

in WvW

Posted by: Jabtangs.9251


I saw a post earlier where one of your members said you were leaving WvW. I’m hoping that was just a bad translation b/c we certainly don’t want to lose you guys. I totally understand bowing out this week with all of the garbage that has been going on. I hope that is all that he meant.

He is one of our commanders leading over night time frame.

Many of us are upset about the orb hacking issue and it is true that many are staying out of it since it is not fun losing an orb instantly after fighting for it for hours. We’re just waiting on ANet to make an official announcement on the matter. I mean… It’s Halloween event season so lets all farm the Mad King!

Jophiel Jabtangs – Mesmer
War Machine [WM] | Stormbluff Isle

To all fellow gamers writing post regarding WM

in WvW

Posted by: Haldunius.7864


WM is leaving GW2? Ah well, good luck guys.

FA Mesmo – [VK]
Last words – “I’m going to jump off this cliff
and pull all those guys down cuz they’ll die.”

To all fellow gamers writing post regarding WM

in WvW

Posted by: Kizzarse.8024


Jabtangs, not sure if the orb was reset. There is a game mechanic that resets the orb, so if u just got the orb and the orb is being reset u will lose it. Also the orb gives good buffs but really WM thinks that the orb is so important that not having it is like losing?? I seriously dont understand why WM would think that orb ‘hacking’ and is boycotting wvw?
Just do your best and give it all. Not point being upset, its not like the orb will make u guys invincible or anything.

To all fellow gamers writing post regarding WM

in WvW

Posted by: Jabtangs.9251


Jabtangs, not sure if the orb was reset. There is a game mechanic that resets the orb, so if u just got the orb and the orb is being reset u will lose it. Also the orb gives good buffs but really WM thinks that the orb is so important that not having it is like losing?? I seriously dont understand why WM would think that orb ‘hacking’ and is boycotting wvw?
Just do your best and give it all. Not point being upset, its not like the orb will make u guys invincible or anything.

Well you don’t get the point. We don’t mind losing the orb.

However, here is the scenario. The red team borderlands has an extra bug atm. If the altar breaks there is no way of repairing it without changing the owner of the keep. What does this mean? you fortify the keep to save your orb right? To fortify, you put in gold to press the upgrade and time to get the yaks in. Yes we put in several hours of effort to get the tower upgraded enough that you feel secure. When we figured it was fortified enough, we told our server-mates that we will be going over to another borderland so we can get another orb for the server. 1 minute have past as we move out, ONE MINUTE, and the orb gets hacked out. You know what this means? It means that if we want the orb back in the red team borderland, we have to give up the keep to the enemies, then reclaim it, then reupgrade putting that same meaningless time to fortify. How many times have we gone through this process? countless. I’m not saying just this weekend. It was an ongoing thing for the past previous weeks. We never gave up, or we aren’t giving up right now either. We are just tired at the moment.

Then what happened was, we went over to another borderlands to just get an orb there, since we found that the orb was placed at the keep where it was on our side (green team borderlands – bay keep – we are blue team). We moved in and broke the altar, no orb?? We took over the keep and now what we have is a red orb inside a blue keep. Yes this bug was there the whole time, but it just reminded us again that this was here forever too.

Too many things happened over the past 2 days not in favor of us and we just got tired. Don’t tell us to ‘Just do your best and give it all’, because I doubt there is any guild in SBI that is not doing their best. We are just tired.

Jophiel Jabtangs – Mesmer
War Machine [WM] | Stormbluff Isle

To all fellow gamers writing post regarding WM

in WvW

Posted by: Jedbacca.6297


^ what Jib said with added words of support and uhhh happiness and “coming in me.”

Minister Jed/Jedsus Saves GM of Strike Force[SF] – JQ SINCE 1836!
Guild of United Soviet Quarry

To all fellow gamers writing post regarding WM

in WvW

Posted by: Arani.9057


@ Jabtangs.9251

yeah I can see that frustration. We’ve dumped fistfuls of gold into SM this week and I’d say those were legit turn overs, I can’t imagine the drama of doing that just to have it out of no where change color without a breech or anything. I wouldn’t want to play either.

It doesn’t sound like it’s about the orb buff at all but that they have to accept to never have it because it can just be taken away at will almost to taunt peeps into wasting the gold, or to grief since it seems to happen at will and right after full upgrades happen".

I don’t care who you are, you grief someone enough and they are forced to turn into griefers in return, or abstain from the events.

Aradea [AoS] /\/\ESS/\/\ERR of Jade Quarry (GG SBI)
I’ll show you exactly what a Mesmer can do, SS cost extra.

To all fellow gamers writing post regarding WM

in WvW

Posted by: RMC.3615


lolz love WM
and folks, [WM] is not quitting it.
I don’t wanna see SBI lose 10 of our commanders..
see you guys on the WM

To all fellow gamers writing post regarding WM

in WvW

Posted by: Dhar.6392


Agree with Jabtangs- I’m tired of watching my time, effort, and expense rendered meaningless.

To all fellow gamers writing post regarding WM

in WvW

Posted by: Liquid.9672


First, much respect to WM. You guys earn it on the field which is where it matters.

As a player on BG, I’m sorry about the issues that transpired regarding the orbs. I hope you guys know that if the core of the WvW players on BG could do something about it, we would. Please know that the majority of players on BG hate it as much as you do, no matter the source.

Regarding morale when it happens, I get where WM is coming from. They understand that the orbs do not have a huge impact on success or failure. However, WM is serious about WvW, and that means dominating their opponents. If there is something to take from their opponents, they want it all, and this includes the orbs. Something tells me that if the orbs only provided PvE buffs, they would still want them all and would vigorously defend them. To put in effort and emotion, then have that work stripped away by a cheesy player is beyond frustrating.

Thankfully, Anet does take it seriously and I have no doubts they’re working on solutions. Until a solution can be implemented, it’s something we all have to hope doesn’t happen too often, and if it does, try to handle it as best we can.

Zend(ario/imas/iana/ango) – Engi/Ele/Necro/Guardian
[KnT] – Blackgate

To all fellow gamers writing post regarding WM

in WvW

Posted by: sinister.9216


As a player on BG, I’m sorry about the issues that transpired regarding the orbs. I hope you guys know that if the core of the WvW players on BG could do something about it, we would. Please know that the majority of players on BG hate it as much as you do, no matter the source.


All we can do is report them when we see it.

I just wish people would quit saying that Blackgate is a server full of hacks/exploiters because of the 1 or 2 people actually doing it. We just want good and fair fights, all day and all night.

At this point, I wish they’d just flag the hackers as free-for-all so I could kill them first. >.<

Tywin Onassis – 80 Necro Mez Yar – 40ish Mesmer
Uri Nightshade – 50ish Thief
Sarugaki Hiyori – 80 Warrior – Blackgate [FEAR]