Underworld vs Ruins of Surmia vs Fort Ranik
RiOT certainly looking forward to a fresh match up! If any guild is interested in GvG contact me!
Shout out to Under World and Fort Ranik. FIRE are also looking forward to some GVG fun, so if any of your guilds are interested whisper me (Mesmer Mukuro), or leave me a mail. Lets have a fun week!
Flare[FIRE] #1 Fabulous Mesmer-
Official Flare PR Manager
Fort Ranik that fail epic blobbing
I have been keeping track of RoS since last time we met 10+ weeks ago. After all I’ve heard that has happend on RoS, I couldnt wait to fight you guys again. I think RoS is very equal as UW atm, I really think this match-up is far from over.
This match-up is reasonably even in power. UW, FR and RoS can probably get equal fights. So I hope no hatred will spread on this forum thread about other servers outnumbering the other 1.
ÄÄ wishes RoS and FR a great match-up upcoming week, and lets hope for epic fights. May the server who shows its skill the most, win this match-up.
Good Luck!
Hello First of all i would like say good luck to all of us
! and to all my Underworld friends out there i do hope you remember me because im still here and im still after your bases! <3 lets see how much we both improved since last we faced each other
Just a question to FR players, how the hell do you get enough supply for that many ACs? everywhere we go its fully loaded with massed ranks of ACs……
Managed to get a few decent openfield fights this evening (between resets!), but you guys really turtle up well in towers! Its effective I’ll grant you, but not much fun.
Ilyset, help them, they need their iraqi minister!!!
Had some nice fights last night in EB, loads of loot, 297 badges actually xD dropped a fair share myself aswell :P
Looking forward to more fights tonight, is there any guilds normally running on UW and FR? Hit me up with what borderland ur going to and maybe we’ll get some extra nice fights we normally run 15-25 people
[VII] – Seventh Legion – retired
[Dius] – Semper Dius – Kodash
Big thanks to the TME guardian I just had some 1vs1 with at the windmill, nice fighting! Hit me up if u wanna do some 1vs1’s
[VII] – Seventh Legion – retired
[Dius] – Semper Dius – Kodash
Just a question to FR players, how the hell do you get enough supply for that many ACs? everywhere we go its fully loaded with massed ranks of ACs……
Managed to get a few decent openfield fights this evening (between resets!), but you guys really turtle up well in towers! Its effective I’ll grant you, but not much fun.
(edited by poisskai.8452)
Shame that certain guilds from FR cant get by in WvWvW without having to utilise their plethora of hacks but each to their own I guess.
Welcome RoS.. first night was fun.. here’s to having a lot more this week
Fighting UW is fun. Fighting FR is not. Constant blobbing on every BL and the very second they see us coming (outmanned at least 3:1 btw), they quickly run to the nearest tower with 5+ ACs up. Really guys…? Plus it’s funny and kinda weird to see most FR guys in 1v1 fights when they rotate the camera view with their A and D keys instead of the mouse lol. In all these months of playing WvW, I have never ever EVER seen anyone do that.
WvW truly is just about numbers. Considering FR is leading by a massive amount of points, that just proves it.
Just a question to FR players, how the hell do you get enough supply for that many ACs? everywhere we go its fully loaded with massed ranks of ACs……
Managed to get a few decent openfield fights this evening (between resets!), but you guys really turtle up well in towers! Its effective I’ll grant you, but not much fun.
From RiOT with love: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUzPQPRcc1A
Fighting UW is fun. Fighting FR is not. Constant blobbing on every BL …..
Actually, the whole evening (and night) each and every BL was a free-to-go on FR server. No queue. So, imho, you should enjoy your time and battles until you get to face a german server
Anyway, it’s all about biased points of view. As a reminder, you may wisely think about how you looked like tonight taking longview on FR BL (with 4 trebs and acs) [RiOT] + [VcY] + followers…. A blob, yes, you guessed right :P
That said, I do really enjoy this match-up so far, had many blasts fighting you guys (both UW and RoS) ! Keep it up and keep it clean (thread as match-up) !
@yroeht : “Yaye ! Mom, i’m on youtube !” o/
@Bloodstealer : please, do report any hacks you may notice (and don’t use the ingame report, it’s just usefull against goldseller or anything related to, a ticket on that forum may be more effective).
Shame that certain guilds from FR cant get by in WvWvW without having to utilise their plethora of hacks but each to their own I guess.
Welcome RoS.. first night was fun.. here’s to having a lot more this week
FR blob or run to the safety of a keep/tower yes but,in all the weeks fighting them i can’t remember any cheats or hacks.
Do we really need to start the blob argument on every thread? every server blobs
I dont mind FR blobing its a good thing when the loot bags come to you.. as we found out on reset… we stood in a line in a hole at garrsion bcoz they trebed it ( this is FR borderlands btw ) and they just came at us and brought all dem sexy loot bags with them
and i havent seen UW blob at all.. and even if they did i love them too much from 10 weeks ago <3 :P
Fighting UW is fun. Fighting FR is not. Constant blobbing on every BL …..
Actually, the whole evening (and night) each and every BL was a free-to-go on FR server. No queue. So, imho, you should enjoy your time and battles until you get to face a german server
Anyway, it’s all about biased points of view. As a reminder, you may wisely think about how you looked like tonight taking longview on FR BL (with 4 trebs and acs) [RiOT] + [VcY] + followers…. A blob, yes, you guessed right :P
Oh I don’t mind blobbing, it’s WvW after all. I just don’t understand why, just WHY, do you people run back into the nearest tower or keep and man ACs when you outman us heavily anyway. Yes, we faced German servers in the past, they blobbed like hell as well, but at least they had the guts to face us in open field.
And about Longview, your group was 3 times the size of ours, we had 3 trebs and 1 AC, and still you were too chicken to face us. I just hope this matchup ends quickly, I’m getting really tired of your constant running away.
Couple days behind and I already love UW. Lots of solo and small scale good fights <3
WvW Roaming with Mesmer
Really love fighting RoS, had some nice fights over vale and Hero’s lodge this morning. Loved those small scale battles.
WBC – Gunnar’s Hold
Really enjoyable matchup so far, everyone keep the nice work up!
Nice MU ! Lovely little fights against thiefs <3
Shame that certain guilds from FR cant get by in WvWvW without having to utilise their plethora of hacks but each to their own I guess.
Welcome RoS.. first night was fun.. here’s to having a lot more this week
FR blob or run to the safety of a keep/tower yes but,in all the weeks fighting them i can’t remember any cheats or hacks.
Oh you just got lucky…. many of us have seem them speed hack, downed to res hack, teleport hacks and off course the super ranged AC hacks .. not even with full mastery can you unleash ac’s a good way from a tower to hit ac’s at the rears of towers.. and then follow guard movements as they switch ac’s.. that takes a skilled zoom hacker.
Yeah we report when we can, we post pics/vids and even communication logs to ANET if we get a chance to but the reporting tool is junk anyways and it doesn’t really deter anyone that feels cheating is the only way they can gain the upper hand.
But like someone else has said… wait till they hit a tier with the Germans in.. they didn’t like it when Drakkar was in our matchup for weeks cos they got themselves steam rolled by a better more organised group of players who could match up there zerge sizes much easier… FR were surprisingly quiet then
But last few nights battling away with RoS has been a blast, they play hard , play fair and I think we both have had some real fun out there…. could be a fun packed week.
(edited by Bloodstealer.5978)
The problem in FR is that most of our people in zerg are PU that are afraid of dying (i know it’s weird) and prefer the calm of a fortified tower over the glorious sound of battle (maybe a backfire of fighting too much german serveur which are very meh on open field from my point of view) but guilds like aZm, BL ,GROU or RDT never fear a good fight. Set apart PU zerg and guild zerg and you will find what you seek.
In my knowlegde no guilds in FR encourages cheating and we are trying to find a solution against our cheaters. We (at least UFR alliance on FR) apologize for that unacceptable behavior.
Apart from these problems, the last night was very fun and the new matchup system is very refreshing. Special mention to GuM thiefs, i love you guys.
Ich Bin Marc – Thief 80
All Your Dolyaks Are Belong To [Us] (Fort Ranik)
aZm, BL, RDT, RED, LEAD, LDF seems pretty much afraid to die… only saw them almost handholding all the time… we tried to run alone as long as possible, but what do you do when u meet 3-4 guild groups of 15-25 each running together in one blob?
[VII] – Seventh Legion – retired
[Dius] – Semper Dius – Kodash
The problem in FR is that most of our people in zerg are PU that are afraid of dying (i know it’s weird) and prefer the calm of a fortified tower over the glorious sound of battle (maybe a backfire of fighting too much german serveur which are very meh on open field from my point of view) but guilds like aZm, BL ,GROU or RDT never fear a good fight. Set apart PU zerg and guild zerg and you will find what you seek.
In my knowlegde no guilds in FR encourages cheating and we are trying to find a solution against our cheaters. We (at least UFR alliance on FR) apologize for that unacceptable behavior.
Apart from these problems, the last night was very fun and the new matchup system is very refreshing. Special mention to GuM thiefs, i love you guys.
They’re afraid of dying in a PC game…… o.O? Wow. Is this the case on all French servers? Cause when we had Arborstone a couple of weeks back, they were also reluctant to engage in open field warfare unless they outmanned us like 5:1. And even then they all scattered after you downed about 5 of them.
Either,I do not understand that, it is just a bunch of pixels. We used to be “fearless” before our fall in oct-dec 2012 but now the average mentality is really disappointing. Yesterday when we inc on catas, the commader had only 40% of people really following him and about 60% staying near the tower or doing random stuff, no need to say we failed.
Maybe AS suffers from this too because they were hurt but the same fall (large exodus from organised guilds + influx of pveboyz).
I’m surpised AS managed sometimes to outman you 5:1, your numbers “equals” FR’s and the last time we had them we always outmanned them by 4:1, do you/they get exodus/influx?
Ich Bin Marc – Thief 80
All Your Dolyaks Are Belong To [Us] (Fort Ranik)
I was really looking forward to that match up against the guys from RoS.
Its more tactical and less number smashing against you…
Sadly im akitten this week but i hope i get the possibility to check this Matchup out next week.
Nimodem / Sempros
@ich AS didn’t outman RoS 5:1. I’d say around 2:1, before we got transfers.
However to my memory AS had lots of heart. They were mostly disorganized zerglings, but with heart.
You gotta give your people motivational speech!
WvW Roaming with Mesmer
Where are you guys finding these small scale battles?
I transferred to UW last week and have been a bit dissapointed with the enormous zergs from the FR.
I want to play my ranger, but it’s very counter-productive atm. Playing my thief i can somewhat pick off a noob here and there from the massive zergs but still…
I am looking for more of a small scale challenge as a solo roamer
RoS seems a nicer opponent than the germans from last week tho.
UW should thank RiOT for doing them a big big favor yesterday keeping 50-60 fr occupied all day long (altho UW backstabbed us while doing so :P:P on our own border) but from my contacts I heard you guys had no resistance at all in FR border.
My question to FR: WHY in the hell do you care about a t1 tower and 20 RiOT so much to allow UW to cap your entire borderland? :P It was great fun though and a lot of lootbags. <3
Too bad I was already asleep when FR was capped. ^^ I should quit my job lol.
Anyway, RoS started getting transfers in when we had Arborstone as our opponent (if I remember correctly). I wasn’t in RiOT at that time and I do remember Arbor always outnumbered us heavily. After we got some transfers, things stabilized a bit.
There is a gap between words and actions. It seems that the FIRE is fearing our storm. You got a big group, we got a guild group, you flee …. ok very nice, but don’t say we’re the runners
There is a gap between words and actions. It seems that the FIRE is fearing our storm. You got a big group, we got a guild group, you flee …. ok very nice, but don’t say we’re the runners
…I didn’t see any fleeing on this vid?
There is a gap between words and actions. It seems that the FIRE is fearing our storm. You got a big group, we got a guild group, you flee …. ok very nice, but don’t say we’re the runners
Choo choo
At 13:50 we wiped once (only time we wiped that day lol) and tell me is this a blob or not? It was 20 vs 70 or something.
(edited by Sceinna.3561)
You got a big group, we got a guild group
You forgot to add in the 30-40 FR on the walls.
Yes that’s undeniable, but it’s not an aZm Blob
Don’t say FR is blobing when there are one guild and many pick up. I don’t know how your server works, but on FR we try to get one PU lead on each map.
Yesterday, we fought a blob too on your border (in your Bay) but it’s not a guild alliance or something so it’s not shamefull to blob with PU.
You got a big group, we got a guild group
You forgot to add in the 30-40 FR on the walls.
haha, i need a screen because we are the only one in the fort.
Look on your minimap dude..
Enis, a blob is a huge group of 50+ people. It doesn’t matter if it consists of only one guild or 50 guilds, it’s still a blob. And yes, FR in general is blobbing like mad.
Enis, a blob is a huge group of 50+ people. It doesn’t matter if it consists of only one guild or 50 guilds, it’s still a blob. And yes, FR in general is blobbing like mad.
No. 50 people from a same guild are not a blob. They are [IRON].
A blob is when all the server stacks in a single zerg. If there happens to be a single guild on the server at that time, then the notion doesn’t really stand, regardless of numbers. I believe the french term is “monobus”, which seems clearer.
(edited by yroeht.5843)
Oh, pardon my ignorance then. ^^
Great fun last night again.. thanks RoS.. the battle for the hills was a highlight for sure… grr those ruddy stealths that kept swooping on me though got frustrating… especially when there are 25+ others they could of played with.
We managed to kill clear our own Borders pretty swift then decided to go kick FR for a whiles only to find RoS have the same idea.. was awesome to see the FR map in such disarray… good times
There is a gap between words and actions. It seems that the FIRE is fearing our storm. You got a big group, we got a guild group, you flee …. ok very nice, but don’t say we’re the runners
…I didn’t see any fleeing on this vid?
Oh we did leave, we had gone to hills to help the commander on the map, the gates closed as we arrived and we noticed several FR guilds stacked on the walls and inside the keep who massively outnumbered us.
As we had no chance of taking keep at that point as the commander had wiped and the gates were back up, we decided not to fight the uberzerg and give free loot bags. Especially as FR seam to immediatly stack up multiple ACs in every fight no matter if they already outnumber their opponents.
We’re more than happy to fight, but not against odds that large outside a keep where the Acs would pretty soon be up and runnning.
@ Enis
As for us being afraid? ha, anytime you want to GvG you let us know. And as for you being the “only ones in the keep”, I cant help but notice that commander icon and many players on your mini-map…..they tell a different story.
Oh and I’m not sure what you mean by “big group”…how many do you think we are? We dont run with a tag most of the time to try to keep it a guild group.
We found some good fights last night eventually, some we won, some we lost. But it took a while for us to find anything other than massive skill lag inducing blobs. I’m not complaining about blobs, play however you want, but dont expect people to blindly stand there and give you free loot bags, thats just pointless.
I personally miss the ROS-DZ-GH match up, at least it was much easier to find small to medium scale fights, and the tendancy of those servers to jump in towers and mass build ACs seamed less.
(edited by Cameirus.8407)
Ooohh, the IRON blob that covered the map from lake to briar. Still have nightmares of that.
Yesterday we got a taste of those times when we fought the french mob from Woodhaven to north camp, this time without the lag! It was a great fight.
Yes that’s undeniable, but it’s not an aZm Blob
Don’t say FR is blobing when there are one guild and many pick up. I don’t know how your server works, but on FR we try to get one PU lead on each map.
Yesterday, we fought a blob too on your border (in your Bay) but it’s not a guild alliance or something so it’s not shamefull to blob with PU.
We don’t have 50-60 blobs (because that’s what it really is) covering each map at any time of the day. It’s not aZms fault, neither Ranik.. you guys are just ranked incredibly low. Reason can easily be found in the video I posted a few posts higher.
Ranik has an insane amount of people but none of them have a clue of what they’re doing (thank god they don’t o.o). We don’t have the people to cover multiple borders, this is why we are ticking last.. because RiOT hasn’t wiped a single time in a fair fight, hell.. we haven’t even met a good guild in either UW or RoS that gave us a challenge lol.
We even struggle to find anyone to GvG with.. :| which is pitty because GvG improves you a lot as a guild.
We even struggle to find anyone to GvG with.. :| which is pitty because GvG improves you a lot as a guild.
^ this. It is not about RiOT having ego, or whatnot. Anyone could tell you we are usually bad at GvG. If you really do lack guilds capable of fielding 20 people at a given time, we are also to open 10v10, don’t be afraid.
Nice fights yesterday at Bay guys it was awesome Thank you!
-Typhons Bane
(altho UW backstabbed us while doing so :P:P on our own border)
pff that wasnt backstabbing! all other maps were occupied already