Sakurashi Tank Mesmer – Cutie Pewpie Grenadier Engineer – Neesa Misaki Support Guard:
…a realm who actually can win without outnumbering the other realms at prime work time! * cough drakkar (DE) cough*. Seriously why is it when I don’t have to work it seems whole Germany has a day off as well! And even when its 3 to 1 they feel its needed to use a mesmer portal too bypass gate’s…
If the numbers are balanced its so much fun but most of the time all we can do is watch a zerg 2-3 times if not more larger then us taking everything. Really Anet do something with the outnumber buff since exp and magic find and some money saving for armor is not going too help those being outnumbered.
Welcome to WvW in Guild Wars 2. The server with the most active WvWers wins.
I am pretty sure its a holiday in Germany just now ,maybe this explains the high numbers?
I am pretty sure its a holiday in Germany just now ,maybe this explains the high numbers?
Funnily enough people have said that every single week we have met a German server, and I am quite sure that Germany do NOT have several months holidays ^^
Its odd that its only in Germany who has a holiday time and not on an international realm like UW. Although I have too say WvW wise UW seems quite dead.
…a realm who actually can win without outnumbering the other realms at prime work time! * cough drakkar (DE) cough*. Seriously why is it when I don’t have to work it seems whole Germany has a day off as well! And even when its 3 to 1 they feel its needed to use a mesmer portal too bypass gate’s…
If the numbers are balanced its so much fun but most of the time all we can do is watch a zerg 2-3 times if not more larger then us taking everything. Really Anet do something with the outnumber buff since exp and magic find and some money saving for armor is not going too help those being outnumbered.
The main issue here is not the fact that the Germans are more, it is the fact that our server give up as soon as we start losing, and therefore leave WvW, which means that turning the tables are more or less impossible.
im guilty in leaving in the middle of the fight… sometimes its too much when you lose even in game :(
I am pretty sure its a holiday in Germany just now ,maybe this explains the high numbers?
Funnily enough people have said that every single week we have met a German server, and I am quite sure that Germany do NOT have several months holidays ^^
Maybe they have it worse with finding a job then some other country’s, shrug :/.
…a realm who actually can win without outnumbering the other realms at prime work time! * cough drakkar (DE) cough*. Seriously why is it when I don’t have to work it seems whole Germany has a day off as well! And even when its 3 to 1 they feel its needed to use a mesmer portal too bypass gate’s…
If the numbers are balanced its so much fun but most of the time all we can do is watch a zerg 2-3 times if not more larger then us taking everything. Really Anet do something with the outnumber buff since exp and magic find and some money saving for armor is not going too help those being outnumbered.
The main issue here is not the fact that the Germans are more, it is the fact that our server give up as soon as we start losing, and therefore leave WvW, which means that turning the tables are more or less impossible.
Well that might be true but if drakkar wouldn’t be some bunch of chickens they could take the whole map, or maybe i should not say that out loud :P. But I had a few times there zerg was twice if not more as big and it took them about an hour before they finally dared too charge in our keep which they then just capped easily.
Maybe they have it worse with finding a job then some other country’s, shrug :/.
Aaaand that was used to explain why we lost against the Spanish server when we faced them. Funny how Underworld seems to always put the blame on other things when losing.
Well that might be true but if drakkar wouldn’t be some bunch of chickens they could take the whole map, or maybe i should not say that out loud :P. But I had a few times there zerg was twice if not more as big and it took them about an hour before they finally dared too charge in our keep which they then just capped easily.
That could however be explained by the fact that they actually want people to fight against, and they know that our people would more or less leave if they too our keep.
as a german, there is no holiday time right now in germany.
May has just alot of public holidays/bankholidays this year. But with May ending, there is no more public holiday until october, except for some states. Most of these Holidays are on Thursdays and many companies close on the friday afterwards aswell or people take a day off on the friday after a public holiday.
however, summer holiday times are approaching aswell… first state to go is Berlin at the 19th of June, last state to end them will be bavaria at the 11th of September
As an uw commander, i can safely say we are tired of drakkar, we build up our bl, drakkar golem rush with 20 golems at 3am, same for eb, with the occasional quent/durios loss in the daytime. GJ drakkar you really deserve to win /sarcasm. Seriously, you outnumber us all day, just tier up and leave so we can rebuild our realm.
Maybe they have it worse with finding a job then some other country’s, shrug :/.
Aaaand that was used to explain why we lost against the Spanish server when we faced them. Funny how Underworld seems to always put the blame on other things when losing.
Well that might be true but if drakkar wouldn’t be some bunch of chickens they could take the whole map, or maybe i should not say that out loud :P. But I had a few times there zerg was twice if not more as big and it took them about an hour before they finally dared too charge in our keep which they then just capped easily.
That could however be explained by the fact that they actually want people to fight against, and they know that our people would more or less leave if they too our keep.
It has nothing to do with putting the blame on other things.The spanish outnumbered us by even more than the germans.
They want to fight people who they know they will steam roll over,if it looks like they might lose they run back and hide in a tower.Never seen them take a camp with less than 20 and with the help of the “luftwaffa” nothing is safe
It has nothing to do with putting the blame on other things.The spanish outnumbered us by even more than the germans.
They want to fight people who they know they will steam roll over,if it looks like they might lose they run back and hide in a tower.Never seen them take a camp with less than 20 and with the help of the “luftwaffa” nothing is safe
Actually it does.
We were clearly defeated by the Spanish because they had more and better people, and yet there were always talks in chat about how we only lost because the Spanish have no jobs and therefore can play 24/7.
And yet they have all the possibility in the world to do just that, and yet they don’t.
We are outmanned in most maps most of the time, and yet it is quite unusual that they push us out of WvW altogether even though it is most likely well within their ability to do so.
IF they only attacked when they could steam roll us, we would have been in the lead, but we clearly aren’t.
…a realm who actually can win without outnumbering the other realms at prime work time! * cough drakkar (DE) cough*. Seriously why is it when I don’t have to work it seems whole Germany has a day off as well! And even when its 3 to 1 they feel its needed to use a mesmer portal too bypass gate’s…
If the numbers are balanced its so much fun but most of the time all we can do is watch a zerg 2-3 times if not more larger then us taking everything. Really Anet do something with the outnumber buff since exp and magic find and some money saving for armor is not going too help those being outnumbered.
Whining on the forum about it won’t help….
Well that might be true but if drakkar wouldn’t be some bunch of chickens they could take the whole map, or maybe i should not say that out loud :P. But I had a few times there zerg was twice if not more as big and it took them about an hour before they finally dared too charge in our keep which they then just capped easily.
PLEEEASEEEE fight with your guild against us chickens in a GvG. 15v15-20v20, as you wish.
Well that might be true but if drakkar wouldn’t be some bunch of chickens they could take the whole map, or maybe i should not say that out loud :P. But I had a few times there zerg was twice if not more as big and it took them about an hour before they finally dared too charge in our keep which they then just capped easily.
PLEEEASEEEE fight with your guild against us chickens in a GvG. 15v15-20v20, as you wish.
Yeah me and my friend who are the only ones mostly online will “kick” your butt… please don’t do this silly ego flexing for an realm who needs too outnumber 2-3 to 1 before you dare too attack anything. Like someone said 20 + people for taking supply camps I mean really…
Whining on the forum about it won’t help….
It does for me sometimes you need to get things of your chest and speaking up your mind helps a lot.
Edit: sorry for double post
Like someone said 20 + people for taking supply camps I mean really…
You mean just like we in Underworld does?
Seriously, it is people like you that destroy the reputation of our server and the fun in the game.
There is no reason, whatsoever, to abuse or attack other servers.
This thread is really far off the real problems.
I dont think DL outnumbers us because they have more manpower, they outnumber us because they dont only play WvW when they are on a winning streak.
Weeks ago when Uw was rising up in tiers we fought DL already, and guess what? We outnumbered them 24/7! But as soon as we werent climbing the ladder anymore, people stopped WvW what caused us to drop tiers again and being unable to match a server that we more or less dominated weeks ago.
UW has to get its stuff together before comming to this platform and complain about it.
JeroenXP, i’d advise you to seek out our community forum and participate there rather than comming here
Why is everyone whining on forums when as a server we are used to fighting outnumbered.
Don’t accuse other servers of nightcapping since we are quite good at that ourselves, hell, that’s the reason we are in this tier and the reason why we are outnumbered during primetime.
DSun isn’t ego flexing, you called them/their server chickens, ofcourse they are going to defend themselves.
This week SPGR has had some awesome fights against DSun, DSS, QQ from Drakkar and MORT, BL from Fort Ranik.
Golem Rushing is unavoidable since the buff of arrowcarts, when an arrowcart can destroy ram in 10 seconds.
Okay so first of all, coverage is the defining factor of WvW. No matter how strong your forces, you can get outplayed by those who play when you don’t.
Secondly; German servers in particular, I’ve noticed, have a very high emphasis on the score and points gain, which is all good, if not very fun for the rest of us.
Aurora Glade, who are atm sandwiched between Riverside and AM, have lost a lot of their prominent WvW guilds due to the frustrations of the matchup, and I’m pretty sure the server will never be the same despite being one of the new ‘transfer to’ destinations recently.
Basically the only option is to suffer through it and wait to drop in Tiers, Gandara was in the same position literally last week with RS and AG who had some large new guilds and a huge night presence at the time, and we decided we wanted to drop a Tier to give our night crew a break and get some good fights in. So far it’s going great for us and the matchup’s been awesome, tbh you can only suffer through, our fair weather players returned, and UW’s will too; it sucks but there is no solution that players have any power over, unless you have a very united community.
@Immolator we are still playing for the fun, but many of us are not playing for the points btw we lost only 2 guild i think both them they were running less numbers from some time anyways. Anyways Ty for the nice comment, GANDARA COME BACK or swap with us
It has nothing to do with putting the blame on other things.The spanish outnumbered us by even more than the germans.
They want to fight people who they know they will steam roll over,if it looks like they might lose they run back and hide in a tower.Never seen them take a camp with less than 20 and with the help of the “luftwaffa” nothing is safeActually it does.
We were clearly defeated by the Spanish because they had more and better people, and yet there were always talks in chat about how we only lost because the Spanish have no jobs and therefore can play 24/7.And yet they have all the possibility in the world to do just that, and yet they don’t.
We are outmanned in most maps most of the time, and yet it is quite unusual that they push us out of WvW altogether even though it is most likely well within their ability to do so.IF they only attacked when they could steam roll us, we would have been in the lead, but we clearly aren’t.
No offence krall, but you clearly do not spend as much time in eb as some of us, admitedly we arent fielding as great zerg as we used to in uw, but the drakkar are just awful, golem rush at 3am with 40 people, and in the daytime they sit in their corner till they outnumber us 3-1 then they go on the offensive, Never on fair odds > inb4 “gvg me mang rolf lol omg” GvG has nothing to do with the prestige of a realm it is simply a way to boost your egos. There is nothing skilled about how they play, they just field greater numbers.
UW should just boycott wvw for a week let drakk steamroll eb so we can tier down, five weeks against them has taken all of the fun out of wvw, no skill just numbers.
You complain about being outnumbered yet you refuse the offer to fight against each other with equal numbers? What do you want?
If it’s neither being less or as much as players as your enemies there’s only one option left: you want the numerical advantage (which you’d potentially get in a lower tier).
Nothing too wrong about this, I can see that it isn’t fun loosing against enemy zergs frequently due to numbers. However, don’t moan about things you want to do and probably do yourself from time to time. It just doesn’t leave a good impression.
About GvG: I’m with you regarding prestige of the realm, it’s more of a fair match between two groups of players and at most it improves the reputation of participating guilds. On ego boosts, well, I guess being proud of something you achieved with your guild is just natural and not something you can really blame people for.
I also think that GvG (aranged fights) have nothing to do with WvW. WvW needs more tactical awareness and movement foresight than just a group vs group fight :P
As SPGR we have lost GvG against DSun(our first GvG ever) in which they are awesome no doubt, but I honestly believe that in WvW (maybe biased ) we are equal, maybe even better than DSun.
What I like about this matchup is that Guilds are roaming enemy borders by themselves (with the few exception DSun/QQ combination).
Today we had great fights against DSB from Drakkar in our Bay, and Bane from Fort Ranik.
Then there was that crash and ruined the fun for us
On Tuesday it was same Guilds roaming doing WvW in drakkar borders, and it was awesome. I honestly don’t give a kitten about scores, as long as we as SPGR are having fun on our events. And I’m sure other guilds feel the same.
Speaking about numbers – i cant judge because i dont play in the primetime (its night for me, heh), but overkills (like golrm rushes in the morning, etc) are common enough practice. BUT i cant balme anyone for running from fights, since its wise to run frm fight you cant win (and they give more WXP when you finally kill thm, thanks to it i leveled 3 levels in about 5 hours of casual gameplay).
Speaking of GvG – it has nothing to do with WvW, as well as duels and other stuff. I’d like to participate in some, but my guild doesnt field the numbers (or im missing them). That matter (i mean guild raids) sometimes makes me mad, because of some guild coming into our border with numbers twice of ours, roflstomps us (lets face it, they are guild and we are pug) and then, then… dances on dead bodies. wtf is that, some great achievment?
to all the people here complaining about our (DL) superior numbers, please present some proof. and two or three weeks ago, every morning befor i went to work (around 6.30am CET) most of the maps where capped by uw during the night. nowadays when we seem to have more people playing during the night you are complaining.
As someone said in this thread, as long as you do it, might it be nightcapping, golem rushes, etc., everything is ok, but when the opponent does it, it’s condemnable.
Thanks to the levelheaded people posting in this thread, and we will clash again for a week.
Good luck.
Seeing this post both made me laught and made me be ashamed of being on the same server as those cry out louds.
It`s as Shadowresli says, people don`t mind it when it works in their favor, when an enemy uses it is OP or unfair. UW EB should be even more outmanned the comming time since the JP is a different map now, meaning we lose all our JP campers to to player count. We just got to live with that and make the best of it.
You can`t force more players to join into WvW, they either choose to play or not, it`s a game after all, and all are free to do whatever they like to do.
Drop this topic and come to the battlefields.
Also cut the crap about fighting the same enemy is boring, the enemy team just has a name, if it`s one name or another, if they have more people online then you, you will just have a hard time. It doesn`t matter which server you are fighting, if you like WvW that much to make a topic like this, then just keep fighting, even if we would face the same enemy`s 10 times in a row.
For example, Last week we ended 2nd and DL ended 3th. This week they are first and we are 2nd. On EB we could farm their towers last week and steamroll them on some days, this week they do that on us. Fights and results change every week no matter what server you fight. Just fight!
I played WvW quite a lot this week and I can say there is quite a difference between how DL and FR behaves. FR is more tactic wise and we had a good fight last night on a keep which was really a close call for us, ofc they have there odd stuff like insisting to cap 1 tower at ours instead of defending their own borderlands. DL on the other hand needs an overwhelming force before charging in and is just the usual full frontal zerg attack or using portals even when they outnumber us.
Now I am not saying we are so mannered in UW we only fight the fair fight, but at least I try to find fights which are challenging. But this is not only about DL it’s more about how useless the buff for being out manned is as well.
It sounds a little bit silly that there is all this whining from “small scale players” in upper tiers (1-3). They could very much join you and help your server instead, but no, it’s more fun to complain about massive armys (In T1 we have a lot of big fights, sometimes 70vs70vs70). On the other hand you sound a bit whimsy tbh Jeroen. You are blaming others about facts they can’t really change. And I doubt that your situation will change much unless big guilds move to your server. Because by now the general population of the Servers in gw2 won’t change much. Until the game is so old that ANet needs to start closing servers.
to all the people here complaining about our (DL) superior numbers, please present some proof. and two or three weeks ago, every morning befor i went to work (around 6.30am CET) most of the maps where capped by uw during the night. nowadays when we seem to have more people playing during the night you are complaining.
As someone said in this thread, as long as you do it, might it be nightcapping, golem rushes, etc., everything is ok, but when the opponent does it, it’s condemnable.
Thanks to the levelheaded people posting in this thread, and we will clash again for a week.
Good luck.
Drakk camp flipping team..
to the post above me, Kitten lol’d that is exactly how it is day or night, oh god my sides are in orbit, no better proof could’ve been presented. Nail on the head man!
Flipping camps with a zerg is pretty common really, you need them to supply up after all. The only thing I do find a pity is that Drakkar seems to have almost no small scale going on, and the small scale was something I really enjoyed when facing previous servers (Dzagonur for example). But it’s not something I can blame anyone for, or maybe I’m just not playing on the right maps to find stuff like that.
I don’t really care for the discussion about them outnumbering us during worktime, we usually outnumber them during nighttime after all and each server has its particular strenghts and weaknesses. Not that it wouldn’t be a good change to not face Drakkar for once.
It sounds a little bit silly that there is all this whining from “small scale players” in upper tiers (1-3). They could very much join you and help your server instead, but no, it’s more fun to complain about massive armys (In T1 we have a lot of big fights, sometimes 70vs70vs70). On the other hand you sound a bit whimsy tbh Jeroen. You are blaming others about facts they can’t really change. And I doubt that your situation will change much unless big guilds move to your server. Because by now the general population of the Servers in gw2 won’t change much. Until the game is so old that ANet needs to start closing servers.
The higher Tier small scale players I’m pretty sure feel a sense of community on their server, that’s the only reason they wouldn’t leave, that and 50g+ is a bit expensive for a WvW player. Gandara is an incredibly stable server and hasn’t had any meaningful bandwagoning to speak of, but we’ve seen many servers move up for a while on transfer-juice then come crashing down, often as a completely different server than we knew before. I think Abaddons Mouth is the latest, having been given a whole bunch of Kodash guilds, and is on the rising stage; whereas the previous one AG, will probably never be the same to play again as it’s lost a lot of its core guilds, the only one I can really speak of left is TUP, and they’ve only been there for a couple of months.
Point is transferring is A) not easy, and B) can destroy servers, a lot of people who you say could move could only do so at great expense to both themselves and their destination server.
I don’t really get what you mean tyr I am helping out what I can and do what the commanders say in the big group. But sometimes when there is no point after we keep trying and trying I just try too roam a bit and team up with smaller groups I just come across. I don’t ask for a win button I ask that Anet should look into too make WvW more fair for those realms which don’t have enough players in WvW. I had times when I played where we capped everything without too much hazzle, did i enjoy it? no i didn’t. Sadly too say is DL is not looking for a challenge and I think UW should just keep down so we hopefully can play vs a realm with more of equal numbers and other play style then just 1 gigantic zerg bashing 1 entrance.
Kuddos too FR thought I enjoyed quite a lot of fights vs them and even had a nice duel on my warrior vs an ele from the guild RISE i think? If you so happen too read this ty for the fun times
I will never show a white flag to germans…
As a commander my job is to keep our borderlands safe, keep our people safe and keep germans outside our borders!
Whining about getting outmanned is really bad, i’ve won a lot fights using my brain when our bl were outmanned, it’s just how you play, not how many people are zergling with you
Well, I really want to fight someone else than Drakkar at this point. The amount of golems they pull out is just ridiculous (they built 3 just to try and take our wooden towers at EB we only just recently retook, they love them so much), we own only one keep at this point, one that is way better defended than that wooden bay FR owns, or any of their t3 keeps for that matter and they still focus it down with 60+ people even when we’re this far behind in score already. Can’t say I’ve ever respected Drakkar much as an opponent, but it’s reaching new lows and I can’t wait until other servers can experience the ‘joy’ of fighting Drakkar Lake. Give me Far Shiverpeaks, Dzagonur or any other server and it’ll be so much more fun.
For a moment I thought the title was inferring that you wanted to fight VS (Vizunah Square).
You don’t want that.
As SPGR we have lost GvG against DSun(our first GvG ever) in which they are awesome no doubt, but I honestly believe that in WvW (maybe biased
) we are equal, maybe even better than DSun.
I think you can’t compare our two guilds. We are 40 members with around 15-25 online. You run in groups with around 35-45 on tuesdays.
Thats no QQ, but i think we are different kind of guilds.
Speaking of GvG: we are open for e revenge anytime.
Well I am one of those UW victims.. I play all different times of the different when work allows
Maybe 4-5 weeks back we were singing and dancing, rising the tiers nicely and life was good… then all of a sudden we started to get whooped.. firstly by Miller Sound and now Drakkar/ Fort Ranik…
Tactically DL might outnumber us 2:1 + at times (ok a lot of the time) but Ranik don’t often and even they place the smackdown on us more times than not.
Sure numbers are an issue but MS and DL and even FR when numbers are a little more balanced, still use their numbers more effectively and their tactics are often much better, I am sure they communicate across all WvWv maps and coordinate their zergs to ensure an effective outcome… it happens and its for us to work thro it and maybe start to learn from it.
Another issue I see is that we have been pitched against the same servers pretty much non stop for weeks and players have grown bored of it, our numbers have dwindled and so that outnumbered scenario can then be seen as self inflicted.. and only some change to the rankings/match up numbers by ANET can help fix it.
Until then some players need to learn to work together rather than running round like headless chickens and some commanders need to learn that sometimes they just need to take their feet of the throttle and look to defend and consolidate before deciding to venture off into enemy territory outmanned with supply lines choked until the situation allows.
Take last night, when I logged in around 11am we were in a reasonable state on EB.. our corner was controlled, keep was sieged but only one tower was being upgraded from earlier assaults… our supply line was still recovering but instead of getting ourselves in a better position of strength we decide to treb the hell out of a reinforced DL held Stonemist and take a 50+ zerg in there… against 75+ DL.. well it didn’t end well and to teach us a lesson they zerged 2 or 3 of our towers in response.
You think we would learn.. no we then treb again (were now outmanned btw) until they smash our trebs and siege away… so we then head to Bravost (T3 DL tower).. we take it at the second attempt (using a Mesmer portal, like someone was complaining about previous in this thread.. anyhow whoooopeee doo we got it).. DL zerg then proceed to retake it in <3mins and within 30mins they own the whole of our map including our Keep and our only T3 tower, which we had taken painless hours to get upgraded and heavily sieged)… DL had been quiet for at least an hour before this all started but sometimes we are just tactically inept imo.
(edited by Bloodstealer.5978)
As SPGR we have lost GvG against DSun(our first GvG ever) in which they are awesome no doubt, but I honestly believe that in WvW (maybe biased
) we are equal, maybe even better than DSun.
I think you can’t compare our two guilds. We are 40 members with around 15-25 online. You run in groups with around 35-45 on tuesdays.
Thats no QQ, but i think we are different kind of guilds.
Speaking of GvG: we are open for e revenge anytime.
..and DSun don’t run with 35-45 others?
Take last night, when I logged in around 11am we were in a reasonable state on EB.. our corner was controlled, keep was sieged but only one tower was being upgraded from earlier assaults… our supply line was still recovering but instead of getting ourselves in a better position of strength we decide to treb the hell out of a reinforced DL held Stonemist and take a 50+ zerg in there… against 75+ DL.. well it didn’t end well and to teach us a lesson they zerged 2 or 3 of our towers in response.
You think we would learn.. no we then treb again (were now outmanned btw) until they smash our trebs and siege away… so we then head to Bravost (T3 DL tower).. we take it at the second attempt (using a Mesmer portal, like someone was complaining about previous in this thread.. anyhow whoooopeee doo we got it).. DL zerg then proceed to retake it in <3mins and within 30mins they own the whole of our map including our Keep and our only T3 tower, which we had taken painless hours to get upgraded and heavily sieged)… DL had been quiet for at least an hour before this all started but sometimes we are just tactically inept imo.
And DL made a great tactical decision to team up with FR. Or at least it looked like it, since DL were preventing us from taking FR towers. FR didn’t really put any heart into takin anything from DL either. At least that was yesterday’s afternoon/evening state. Idk, maybe they got tired of beeing constantly put in the same tier with us as well and decided to act :P
The other thing is that most of us (me as well) are pretty tired of fighting against numbers and odds with the same servers week after week. And decided to farm Southsun’s champs.
As SPGR we have lost GvG against DSun(our first GvG ever) in which they are awesome no doubt, but I honestly believe that in WvW (maybe biased
) we are equal, maybe even better than DSun.
I think you can’t compare our two guilds. We are 40 members with around 15-25 online. You run in groups with around 35-45 on tuesdays.
Thats no QQ, but i think we are different kind of guilds.
Speaking of GvG: we are open for e revenge anytime.
..and DSun don’t run with 35-45 others?
What has that got to do with my statement about the comparison of two guilds?
Yes, we play together with small guilds, publics and other wvw guilds, sometimes together in one zerg, sometimes TS coordinated . If not it would be dumb an inefficient…
I understand your frustration but the fail is in the ranking system. DL has no influence on his numbers of wvw players, just like you guys
Drak does have an influence on how many zerg UW.Constant 60+ zerg plus the 20-30 man camp flippers.Why not go invade FR?As soon as any keep is attacked thats owned by DL in UW you bring in a bigger zerg from EB.DL can’t do anything unless they have a huge blob.
Take last night, when I logged in around 11am we were in a reasonable state on EB.. our corner was controlled, keep was sieged but only one tower was being upgraded from earlier assaults… our supply line was still recovering but instead of getting ourselves in a better position of strength we decide to treb the hell out of a reinforced DL held Stonemist and take a 50+ zerg in there… against 75+ DL.. well it didn’t end well and to teach us a lesson they zerged 2 or 3 of our towers in response.
You think we would learn.. no we then treb again (were now outmanned btw) until they smash our trebs and siege away… so we then head to Bravost (T3 DL tower).. we take it at the second attempt (using a Mesmer portal, like someone was complaining about previous in this thread.. anyhow whoooopeee doo we got it).. DL zerg then proceed to retake it in <3mins and within 30mins they own the whole of our map including our Keep and our only T3 tower, which we had taken painless hours to get upgraded and heavily sieged)… DL had been quiet for at least an hour before this all started but sometimes we are just tactically inept imo.And DL made a great tactical decision to team up with FR. Or at least it looked like it, since DL were preventing us from taking FR towers. FR didn’t really put any heart into takin anything from DL either. At least that was yesterday’s afternoon/evening state. Idk, maybe they got tired of beeing constantly put in the same tier with us as well and decided to act :P
The other thing is that most of us (me as well) are pretty tired of fighting against numbers and odds with the same servers week after week. And decided to farm Southsun’s champs.
I don’t disagree with anything you say as at times it certainly does look like that.. but if you look at the other Maps, FR were very active and pressuring.. I was on our Home map and FR were stomping us at the bay until DL came along and took us both out.. not because of numbers but because of timing and tactics.. wait for other enemy’s to do the work, weaken themselves then jump in for the kill… maybe UW needs to take on some of that thought process.
But actually Southsun is perhaps just another cause of the effect.. but I am sure it has a similar effect across all servers, but yes playing the same group of servers over and over with little change in the outcome every day/night has most definitely taken its toll on many players.. that is something ANET must address before long otherwise I can see WvWvW slipping away and quickly imo.
As SPGR we have lost GvG against DSun(our first GvG ever) in which they are awesome no doubt, but I honestly believe that in WvW (maybe biased
) we are equal, maybe even better than DSun.
I think you can’t compare our two guilds. We are 40 members with around 15-25 online. You run in groups with around 35-45 on tuesdays.
Thats no QQ, but i think we are different kind of guilds.
Speaking of GvG: we are open for e revenge anytime.
..and DSun don’t run with 35-45 others?
What has that got to do with my statement about the comparison of two guilds?
Yes, we play together with small guilds, publics and other wvw guilds, sometimes together in one zerg, sometimes TS coordinated . If not it would be dumb an inefficient…
I understand your frustration but the fail is in the ranking system. DL has no influence on his numbers of wvw players, just like you guys
Actually yes they do, as do we and every other server.
DL and other servers might be more popular or have a larger mass of WvW players than perhaps UW has (I believe we are more PvE orientated btw)
It requires individuals and guilds to communicate better and organise better… DL are obviously communicating across all WvWvW maps and thus coordinate their movements en masse and so look to dominate wherever they choose to fight next, whilst maintaining small strifes on other maps to draw us and FR … like I said, I think they are just that much better than us in this tier… we were doing similar with some very decent Commanders 5 weeks prior when fighting DL and MS but maybe boredom, real life or other in game pressures/pulls have had an effect… or maybe UW has, for the time being found its level in the rankings.. that’s where ANET needs to reconsider how the system works.. it needs something different in order to refresh player appetites and help overcome some obvious imbalances in tier numbers.
SPGR runs with 10 WvWers + 15-20 PvErs on a good day. You run with 20-30(50 with QQ or DSS)WvW guilds. So yeah we are different kind of guilds
Sadly we don’t have another guild in UW that could field 20-30 people on events at the moment.
You need to understand that UW has only 1 WvW guild and that is [SWD] which fields 10-15 on event days.
I mean no disrespect to DSun, since I know personally(felt it in the field many times) how awesome you guys are.
At least we got good news, 28th May promises to be good for matchup rotation
I sure hope ANET has had a serious brainstorm on just what Outmanned is really supposed to do for servers at low WvW pop times.. cos really its nothing more than a green light signalling “golem build and stomping time for other servers”
Last night UW had a reasonable position on EB, Achilles was doing a decent job consolidating our position, protecting supply and all Towers were either T3 or in process.. we were even in a position to take DL towers and camps… then all of a sudden around 12:30am (ish) we became outmanned and within 45mins our well sieged keep was simply decimated with one swift DL attack which included 4-5 golems… they were 2hrs early , maybe that’s what the problem was
Bottom line is Outmanned is simply useless and does nothing for servers… all the coin spent on sieging and upgrading, the time taken to religiously refresh all the siege equipment – its simply all lost in a heart beat when that stupid symbol shows up… oh yeah we take no repair costs after being stomped over and over whooppa deee do dah!!
Don’t worry about the time and coin its gunna take to retake, upgrade and re-siege it all again, if that is even possible.
Outmanned is the only issue I have with WvW (ok I hate stealth gankers as well ) but tactics and skill are meaningless when there is a 5… 10 : 1 server advantage and maps flip in minutes after hours and hours of hard work and in game expense.
Anyhow DL grats on another successful night.. and good to know FR are sleeping safe in the knowledge that you again remain unaffected
(edited by Bloodstealer.5978)
Gee a new WvW week begins.. and yes it must be Groundhog day all over again – same match ups, same out of balance numbers, same 2 servers ganking UW into the ground, same disconnects at crucial times, same… well just the same…. yawns.
Maybe I should break my own religious pact and finally force myself to go try WoW… anything is surely better than this tosh.
I am beginning to feel like the countless others on UW server that have drifted away… bored silly and lacking motivation to log in.. good luck DL and FR, glad we gave you some light entertainment these past weeks with our puny attempts at gathering a meaningful group to give your monster zergs some stomping practice
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