Leader of [CoN] Circle of Nine
If I’m going to be interested in 100man blobs I will ask for tips, thank you.
You say you want to integrate these people, it begins with steps like that. Get someone to gather them together and teach them how to move as a group. Your pugs want to play, they want to be useful. They’re always going to be there so use them effectively, don’t chastise them for their presence.
Not sure how long I’d have lasted on the community that’s “greater than any other”.
Already organising pug trainings. I’m leading pugs as often as I can. Encourage them to join TS. My friends do the same thing. We need a bit more time to teach them. Do you see me disrespecting pugs or Vizu or Deso ? No and it will not happen. You can leave your sarcastic “tone” while replying to me mr.
Its becoming pretty clear that it would probably be better for some SFR guilds to transfer to Desolation if they want to beat the Vizunah beast. We dont have your crazy queue times and are a stable T1 server and dislike Vizunah for the same reasons you do. just throwing it out there.
LOL – didn’t seem like you disliked them this week… the other night you held the door to garrison for them preventing us coming to defend while viz capped the lord room… and then we spent all night busy bouncing between the forts while you and viz took it in turns of attacking us… I thought it was just one of those difficult coincidences that sometimes happens… that is until last night….
Last night Deso and Viz were BLATANTLY working together… it was embarrassing. Deso had a blob… Viz had a blob… and we had 15 organised players plus an unknown quantity of pugs (and you can confirm that by asking your spy last night). When Viz attacked Hills/Garri/Bay from one gate… Deso attacked the other gate… BUT, what made this unusual was that you were both map hopping to the exact same maps all night.
Then when it became blatantly obvious (against 11 organised players) that we had a Deso spy in out teamspeak feeding information to IRON…. we were ticking on +150… so we all switched to a passworded channel and look what happens… Deso ticks at +170 and SFR ticks above +200 again.
Seriously if you can’t blob against 15 people without cheating then you don’t deserve to play the game.
Now now , you know that is not true.
You didnt get overflowed with a gazillion million pugs in 1 week.
There is usually 1 to 2 hours queue on VS every prime.
We had queues on all BL + EB yesterday at 6pm gmt+1.
Do you really think SFR is so special ?
Already organising pug trainings. I’m leading pugs as often as I can. Encourage them to join TS. My friends do the same thing. We need a bit more time to teach them.
Good. Now if you can just get everyone else to be more welcoming to pugs you’ll start catching up to other communities.
Do you see me disrespecting pugs or Vizu or Deso ? No and it will not happen.
Yeah… about that…
Desolation has always been “survivors” their server can’t do anything alone so they use opportunities to backstab. They always focus the server that is currently at a disadvantage. Oportunists.
You can leave your sarcastic “tone” while replying to me mr.
I know I’m a useless pug but could you please be a bit more respectful, thanks.
Now now , you know that is not true.
You didnt get overflowed with a gazillion million pugs in 1 week.There is usually 1 to 2 hours queue on VS every prime.
We had queues on all BL + EB yesterday at 6pm gmt+1.Do you really think SFR is so special ?
Yes, we have unicorns.
Also little birdies, which say that 1-2hrs queue story is somewhat not close to the truth
But unicorns are important
“If any guild or player, joins our server, we will treat them like hostiles unless they make a decent effort to join our community” sounds like you’re quoting me so please stop. Never said such words. Pretty much none of our main commanders did. Can’t judge our community for words of 1 person.
Wierd, a working colleague of mine currently playing on SFR would say that the words of this “1 person” are nearer from reality than yours… He’s basically a pick up (he doesn’t like playing in guild), always follows the bus, and keep being flamed for being a useless PU, and he’s getting often invited to leave WvW because 1 place for him == 1 place less for someone from a WvW guild.
(edited by Nachtz.4930)
So I assume your unicorns are just horses maked-up.
But your little birdies say true, even by queueing around 7pm we sometimes can’t get into WvW before guilds raid-off around midnight. It’s often much more than 2 hours since last patch.
So I assume your unicorns are just horses maked-up.
But your little birdies say true, even by queueing around 7pm we sometimes can’t get into WvW before guilds raid-off around midnight. It’s often much more than 2 hours since last patch.
Who told you the secret of our unicorns?
kitten spies!
I hope my srv (sfr) goes down one tier. I prefer to be on a lower tier with less lag and better use of skills :P
Mate from the beggining you’re beeing disrespectful towards me here in your “sarcastic tone” all I did is ask you to stop it. But considering this whole thread without any respect towards other players I will not blame you.
What I’ve been writing in both cases is not offensive. I was marely stating a fact that Deso are opportunists and there is no alliance between deso and viz. It’s not an offence to say a dead man is dead.
(edited by Darkman.1257)
Its becoming pretty clear that it would probably be better for some SFR guilds to transfer to Desolation if they want to beat the Vizunah beast. We dont have your crazy queue times and are a stable T1 server and dislike Vizunah for the same reasons you do. just throwing it out there.
We did beat Vizunah Square like what, 5 times now?
Reason why we will lose some guilds is because we have proven ourselves we could win without much effort, and guilds were starting to aim more for the fun than for the points. But guess what, you CAN’T enjoy the game against 70+ blobs and 10 skill delay so many started to have “vacations” on lower tiers and others thought about leaving aswell.
Your server is as stable as IRON is atm.
Not directly to your comment now:
About alliances between VS and Desolation, hell no you sure don´t have one, but putting IRON on SFR Border instead of any other sure has a HUGE impact on our ppts, because not only those Hills are well safe but they also pressure our stuff all the fkin time. Don´t know if you realized but before IRON come to our Borderland we used to have full T3 maps to defend, after that all i see is a crappy SFR Borderland with IRON blob always there…
If we happen to lose our supremacy and VS start focusing you, let’s see how strong you are, they are going to eat you, om nom nom!
“If any guild or player, joins our server, we will treat them like hostiles unless they make a decent effort to join our community” sounds like you’re quoting me so please stop. Never said such words. Pretty much none of our main commanders did. Can’t judge our community for words of 1 person.
Wierd, a working colleague of mine currently playing on SFR would say that the words of this “1 person” are nearer from reality than yours… He’s basically a pick up (he doesn’t like playing in guild), always follows the bus, and keep being flamed for being a useless PU, and he’s getting often invited to leave WvW because 1 place for him == 1 place less for someone from a WvW guild.
Tell him to join my raid then. I will teach him what to do, we will share proper builds, tell him what gear he needs to acquire. Let him come to us and have some fun on TS.
You get from the community what you put into it.
I work with pugs quite a bit… I always have done. Some of my best SFR experiences have been sneaking down the outer and inner wall of hills with 5 pugs and then calling in back up to finish the job against the incoming defending zerg…. or taking down the walls of Bay with 2 people before calling in back up to finish the job against the incoming defenders.
I think that pugs are an important part of SFR… they have in the past been as valuable and as skilled as many of the main wvw guilds.
My problem is that the last free week of transfers let in a lot of pugs and small guilds who do not know how to play (which is fine) but are also unwilling to learn how to play and unwilling to use teamspeak and unwilling to follow the commander’s orders when following a zerg. I am not talking about those who go around camp capping but the ones who tag themselves to a guild’s zerg without teamspeak and without following orders.
The second lot of pugs I have a problem with that came on the last transfer are those who enter and then stand afk preventing players entering the map. I had to que 40 minutes the other night to join my guild (I don’t mind queing because I like to think it indicates people are in there fighting, however…), once I get inside I find about 6 people afk on the spawn point, 4 people crafting, and about a dozen people standing on each set of cliffs (about 10-14 ppl on each cliff) watching my guild going back and forth like a yoyo against Deso and Viz without joining in the fights… i.e. afk
I have a huge problem with people who stand afk in WvW regardless of whether they are pugs or in guilds… personally, I think it should be a reportable offense (5 reports and kicked from wvw with a 2 hour cool down time before being allowed to enter a que).
All this said, I have no doubt that eventually the new pugs and small guilds that joined us recently will eventually become the kind of pugs that make SFR great… it just takes a bit more time and patience… BUT please do not run away from the enemy and please do not stand afk. Deso and Viz have always been blobbing… only now we can see them, we beat then 9/10 times before with smaller numbers and we will continue to do so if you don’t show fear and run away but follow what the commanders tell you.
Mate from the beggining you’re beeing disrespectful towards me here in your “sarcastic tone” all I did is ask you to stop it. But considering this whole thread without any respect towards other players I will not blame you.
What I’ve been writing in both cases is not offensive. I was marely stating a fact that Deso are opportunists and there is no alliance between deso and viz. It’s not an offence to say a dead man is dead.
No no no no no, you need to keep up the Viz-Deso conspiracy theory. Obviously no-one is stupid enough to genuinely believe something like that exists, but giving yourselves such a bunker mentality is a great way to give your community some much-needed unity.
The second lot of pugs I have a problem with that came on the last transfer are those who enter and then stand afk preventing players entering the map. I had to que 40 minutes the other night to join my guild (I don’t mind queing because I like to think it indicates people are in there fighting, however…), once I get inside I find about 6 people afk on the spawn point, 4 people crafting, and about a dozen people standing on each set of cliffs (about 10-14 ppl on each cliff) watching my guild going back and forth like a yoyo against Deso and Viz without joining in the fights… i.e. afk
We got the same problem here, and I support you. There should be a special report for afk/autocasting people.
The viz/deso ‘conspiracy theory’ – let me clear this up once and for all…
Last night it was blatantly obvious that you have two very large zergs – one is deso, the other is viz… and we had 15 organised players plus an unknown amount of pugs (as represented by teamspeak activity).
The two large zergs (plus unknown numbers of ‘pugs’) were the only really two large forces on the borderlands (not talking about EB here). When one zerg moved maps to attack SFR, the other zerg moved to the exact same map, at the exact same time, and attacked the opposite door.
Now this comes down to one of two things… either the commanders of each zerg are communicating with each other and coordinating… and/or we had spies in our teamspeak.
We later discovered that we DID have spies in our teamspeak who were reporting our movements to Deso, which is why we were getting wiped more than often when engaging them in a fight because our movements were being told to the Deso zerg.
Does this constitute an alliance? No and Yes… if Deso had any sense last night, when we were engaged fighting Viz… instead of attacking the opposite door, you could have been taking Viz Garrison or Viz Bay or Viz Hills. We have not had much in the way of T3 all week because you have been tagging each other all week. But by using your spying to focus on SFR, you have been helping Viz. So while, no formal alliance may exist (it may… I am not privy to that information), an informal alliance has been happening.
But my point stands… if you are on Deso last night (and I am not sure how many other times this week)… then you have to be embarrassed at having to use a spy against 15 organised people.
The only reason why IRON is on sfr bl is that we hate bay side, keep trebbing from garri, and on deso bl, we get double teamed all the time.
I have been begging wrex/offski for sfr bl for weeks. (and ty for the other deso guilds to let us play there.)
And if may say so, i hope we keep playing there all the time. You gotta love a t3 hills in primetime.
And about the double teaming in sfr… lol. You really think you had a chance when 60 WL and 60 IRON team up on you on sfr bl?
Tldr, deso sucks, blobs, hacks, spies, doubleteam and get wiped all the time.
(edited by Oeps Rolls Necro.2594)
Look! Vizunah is winning after 1 month so here it comes all the forum warriors! Hopefully next in line is another month of ownage and you can go back to being silent.
P.s. I am and have always been a PUG on SFR and I’ve never encountered any flaming or disrespect towards me apart from a bunch of RG guys with ego problems (no offense RG, you are a great guild and all but 2-3 of your members could use a lesson in manners). Then again I try to be as helpful as I can, while some of the new blood doesn’t have any clue about WvW and only wants to farm shweet WXP. Our community is great, but one has to make a (very small) effort to get into it in the first place.
(edited by Wolfheart.1938)
Bye Bye Desolation and T1.
The almost permanent skill lag was killing the game for me so i left to a lower tier and WOW.
Zero lag………
Ten to 25 men is a huge zerg lol.
You can actualy roam as any class and find 1vs1’s
I spent this morning on Ring of fires map and solo capped every supply depot while being chased (not very well lol) by a group of 3 that just couldnt figure out where i was gonna strike next untill the camp was mine
It has breathed a breath of fresh air into a game that was getting increasingly stale, and got rid of the skill lag 90% of people face in WvW higher tiers.
If anyone else was getting to the quiting stage, or even the “playing less and less” stage then i highly recomend dropping down a few tiers
PS: Zero queue times is also an added bonus
And about the double teaming in sfr… lol. You really think you had a chance when 60 WL and 60 IRON team up on you on sfr bl?
Tldr, deso sucks, blobs, hacks, spies, doubleteam and get wiped all the time.
I am not discussing sfr bl… I am discussing hopping between the maps which is what happens in the early hours. The viz and deso zergs were hopping to the exact same maps, at the exact same times, and attacking opposite doors of SFR gains. It was not coincidence or double teaming on sfr bl… we later discovered you had a spy in our teamspeak and were able to kick him and we all moved to a secure channel.
Perhaps if AFKing gets fixxed , the queues will go away
Perhaps if AFKing gets fixxed , the queues will go away
Yes and no. It can only improve the situation, but for high population tier, the queue will still be noticeable, sadly…
The viz/deso ‘conspiracy theory’ – let me clear this up once and for all…
Last night it was blatantly obvious that you have two very large zergs – one is deso, the other is viz… and we had 15 organised players plus an unknown amount of pugs (as represented by teamspeak activity).
The two large zergs (plus unknown numbers of ‘pugs’) were the only really two large forces on the borderlands (not talking about EB here). When one zerg moved maps to attack SFR, the other zerg moved to the exact same map, at the exact same time, and attacked the opposite door.
Now this comes down to one of two things… either the commanders of each zerg are communicating with each other and coordinating… and/or we had spies in our teamspeak.
We later discovered that we DID have spies in our teamspeak who were reporting our movements to Deso, which is why we were getting wiped more than often when engaging them in a fight because our movements were being told to the Deso zerg.
Does this constitute an alliance? No and Yes… if Deso had any sense last night, when we were engaged fighting Viz… instead of attacking the opposite door, you could have been taking Viz Garrison or Viz Bay or Viz Hills. We have not had much in the way of T3 all week because you have been tagging each other all week. But by using your spying to focus on SFR, you have been helping Viz. So while, no formal alliance may exist (it may… I am not privy to that information), an informal alliance has been happening.
But my point stands… if you are on Deso last night (and I am not sure how many other times this week)… then you have to be embarrassed at having to use a spy against 15 organised people.
I was part of Deso’s blob last night till about 3am and lost count of the amount of times we had to scrap with Vizunah’s even bigger blob. We had had particularly fun defence of the Deso garrison against easily double the numbers, but they helpfully kept waiting for long enough between their surges for our blocking skills to cool down, then we farmed them for lootbags.
That counts as teamwork, I suppose?
The only reason why IRON is on sfr bl is that we hate bay side, keep trebbing from garri, and on deso bl, we get double teamed all the time.
I have been begging wrex/offski for sfr bl for weeks. (and ty for the other deso guilds to let us play there.)
And if may say so, i hope we keep playing there all the time. You gotta love a t3 hills in primetime.
And about the double teaming in sfr… lol. You really think you had a chance when 60 WL and 60 IRON team up on you on sfr bl?
Tldr, deso sucks, blobs, hacks, spies, doubleteam and get wiped all the time.
I am not saying it isn´t legit and that you do it on purpose to kitten us up.
Truth is, it does.
The only reason why IRON is on sfr bl is that we hate bay side, keep trebbing from garri, and on deso bl, we get double teamed all the time.
I have been begging wrex/offski for sfr bl for weeks. (and ty for the other deso guilds to let us play there.)
And if may say so, i hope we keep playing there all the time. You gotta love a t3 hills in primetime.
And about the double teaming in sfr… lol. You really think you had a chance when 60 WL and 60 IRON team up on you on sfr bl?
Tldr, deso sucks, blobs, hacks, spies, doubleteam and get wiped all the time.
I am not saying it isn´t legit and that you do it on purpose to kitten us up.
Truth is, it does.
Yeah but SFR and Viz have done it us, Deso and SFR have done it to Viz, so whats your point?
We could actually play the game 6 months ago, with culling yes but that was a lot better than version 2 of culling and this annoying lag since last patch.
That source for your quote?
No source sorry. If you wanna wait as much as we waited for the culling fix, feel free to blob.
you realize that the biggest blob we’ve ever encountered is the RG+SiN+pugs blob right?
Guess why you met it?
I know I know, is because you love blobbing, but try and hide that fact and try and blame other servers for doing it more than SFR?
Hello little Asura.
Are you telling that one of the best guilds (I’m not RG) in the game need to hide inside blobs?
Put your guild tag on, and I’m sure will hear from RG “And now, to destroy you”.
Whenever people suggest that SFR and VS ever teamed up, a puppy dies.
And about the double teaming in sfr… lol. You really think you had a chance when 60 WL and 60 IRON team up on you on sfr bl?
Tldr, deso sucks, blobs, hacks, spies, doubleteam and get wiped all the time.
Yes we have, 60 run legends and 60 pugs with one tag its peace of cake.
We held more than 6 months between first and second spot with free transfers.
You held 1 week.“Best community ever”
I believe there are two reasons for this.
First of all, VZ is a french server while SFR is an english server.
Second, if they open up free server transfers for a few days, a lot of players will obviously change server now when they get their chance.
The only reason why IRON is on sfr bl is that we hate bay side, keep trebbing from garri, and on deso bl, we get double teamed all the time.
I have been begging wrex/offski for sfr bl for weeks. (and ty for the other deso guilds to let us play there.)
And if may say so, i hope we keep playing there all the time. You gotta love a t3 hills in primetime.
And about the double teaming in sfr… lol. You really think you had a chance when 60 WL and 60 IRON team up on you on sfr bl?
Tldr, deso sucks, blobs, hacks, spies, doubleteam and get wiped all the time.
I am not saying it isn´t legit and that you do it on purpose to kitten us up.
Truth is, it does.Yeah but SFR and Viz have done it us, Deso and SFR have done it to Viz, so whats your point?
Can you read or just want to have some fun exchanging posts?
::: POINT :::The point is that the fact that IRON is on SFR Border and not anywhere else is affecting really bad our PPT. Because your most effective and with best coverage Guild is fighting us most of the time. ::: POINT:::
I am not saying you shouldn´t, that you are double-teaming, that we don´t do similar, i am stating a fact, simple as that.
I was part of Deso’s blob last night till about 3am and lost count of the amount of times we had to scrap with Vizunah’s even bigger blob. We had had particularly fun defence of the Deso garrison against easily double the numbers, but they helpfully kept waiting for long enough between their surges for our blocking skills to cool down, then we farmed them for lootbags.
That counts as teamwork, I suppose?
So you can explain why you were map hopping to the same maps, at the same times? We know you were fighting each other as well… we left mesmers inside forts who told us who eventually won but can you also explain why you were attacking us at the same time as viz instead of either taking an undefended viz tower or a different one of our towers?
Or even if it was a case of wanting to fight the viz zerg (which I can respect) then why were you attacking our opposite gate instead of coming in behind the viz zerg and fighting them. There was time when were defending Hills, the viz zerg and deso zerg met in the courtyard outside the keep – Deso had come in through the south gate and Viz from the North gate… we were expecting a great fight but instead Deso attacked the main keep gate and Viz went around the side to take the North keep gate. Come on guys… don’t try and deny it happened… you then had a fight with each other inside the keep after we all portalled out to take Deso Bay on their own borderlands. But why did you not fight each other in the court yard? Are you seriously that scared of us that you feel you need to double team us first before fighting each other?
I was part of Deso’s blob last night till about 3am and lost count of the amount of times we had to scrap with Vizunah’s even bigger blob. We had had particularly fun defence of the Deso garrison against easily double the numbers, but they helpfully kept waiting for long enough between their surges for our blocking skills to cool down, then we farmed them for lootbags.
That counts as teamwork, I suppose?
So you can explain why you were map hopping to the same maps, at the same times? We know you were fighting each other as well… we left mesmers inside forts who told us who eventually won but can you also explain why you were attacking us at the same time as viz instead of either taking an undefended viz tower or a different one of our towers?
Or even if it was a case of wanting to fight the viz zerg (which I can respect) then why were you attacking our opposite gate instead of coming in behind the viz zerg and fighting them. There was time when were defending Hills, the viz zerg and deso zerg met in the courtyard outside the keep – Deso had come in through the south gate and Viz from the North gate… we were expecting a great fight but instead Deso attacked the main keep gate and Viz went around the side to take the North keep gate. Come on guys… don’t try and deny it happened… you then had a fight with each other inside the keep after we all portalled out to take Deso Bay on their own borderlands. But why did you not fight each other in the court yard? Are you seriously that scared of us that you feel you need to double team us first before fighting each other?
I think you forgot posts from deso players beggin vizunah to allie with them !) If you miss them read some post from last week !
Haven’t you heard? it is a valid tactic to exploit another servers push to your own gain, if you want something heavily defended and there’s a large force attacking say north gate distracting defenders it’s an opportunist thought to gather a force and go for the south and hope the clash in the north dwindles both opponents down for a ninja cap, if both attackers find themselves in inner Hills they will rip each other to shreds to get the cap.
This is more commonly seen across the border lands than you may know by all 3 servers in varied combinations and it is always only the defender no matter what server they represent that the whole experience feels like an organised double team.
(edited by Axle.5182)
Its becoming pretty clear that it would probably be better for some SFR guilds to transfer to Desolation if they want to beat the Vizunah beast. We dont have your crazy queue times and are a stable T1 server and dislike Vizunah for the same reasons you do. just throwing it out there.
Today, Deso and Viz teamed the whole day on EB againts SFR. took Klovan, Deso took WC, viz took golanta, deso took rogue, viz took jerrifer, deso attempted a few times to take aldon and failed. It has been for hours, deso is trying to take sfr keep, while viz is either on the sfr spawn area hunting for sfr or sandwiching sfr with deso. Even some serious occasions viz and deso managed not to kill eachother.
Nevermind that both deso and viz have huge blobs and bunch of sfr, still failing to take the sfr keep.
This remainded me of how did viz and elona teamed up against deso…
Lets not talk about how sneaky, how low this 2v1 against sfr, but lets talk about how prideful, honorable, one of a kind, saint deso is.
You do realize that going 2 vs 1 against the winning server is proper strategical play and if people were more rational this is what would happen all the time, don’t you?
Yes we know, especially in EB, and we are prepared for that and we can keep our entire map fully upgraded (golems rush a side), and with good commanding we also can keep SM during some time, very hard to full upgrade been attacked by both like usually is.
So when we have good commanders (guys that know we are playing 1v2, and Deso is always looking for that) we are prepared.
Deso main concern it’s to show they are better than SFR, sorry it’s not possible atm. Like its not possible to SFR say that we are playing the game better (in terms of organization) then VZ.
SFR it’s more stronger than our opponents think, you look at us and you thing we are getting weaker, that’s a mistake, we are getting stronger. Our opponents will see that, in the near future.
Incorrect. If I see Vizu attacking you Desolation I either go and try backstab them or go for their tower.
“If any guild or player, joins our server, we will treat them like hostiles unless they make a decent effort to join our community” sounds like you’re quoting me so please stop. Never said such words. Pretty much none of our main commanders did. Can’t judge our community for words of 1 person.
“If you want some tips, just ask the guys from IRON. I’m sure they’ll be happy to help The Greatest Community©.”
If I’m going to be interested in 100man blobs I will ask for tips, thank you.
I love this attitude as even our 5 man supply camp teams require a call to arms of your whole server to deal with them, as any Iron spotted must be in a 100 man pack.
If we beat you its only because we outnumber you, so you guys can sleep easy at night and know that we have never ever outplayed or out fought anyone from Sfr.
As for an alliance, yes we got every ally from all 4 wvw maps to defend deso garrison on multiple occasions against them……During which time sfr got to take anything that was wooden on any border, but yeh we have an allaince……
“I love this attitude as even our 5 man supply camp teams require a call to arms of your whole server to deal with them, as any Iron spotted must be in a 100 man pack. "
And yet you have declined many GvG invites At least you’re finally accepting ours.
Its becoming pretty clear that it would probably be better for some SFR guilds to transfer to Desolation if they want to beat the Vizunah beast. We dont have your crazy queue times and are a stable T1 server and dislike Vizunah for the same reasons you do. just throwing it out there.
We did beat Vizunah Square like what, 5 times now?
Reason why we will lose some guilds is because we have proven ourselves we could win without much effort, and guilds were starting to aim more for the fun than for the points. But guess what, you CAN’T enjoy the game against 70+ blobs and 10 skill delay so many started to have “vacations” on lower tiers and others thought about leaving aswell.Your server is as stable as IRON is atm.
Not directly to your comment now:
About alliances between VS and Desolation, hell no you sure don´t have one, but putting IRON on SFR Border instead of any other sure has a HUGE impact on our ppts, because not only those Hills are well safe but they also pressure our stuff all the fkin time. Don´t know if you realized but before IRON come to our Borderland we used to have full T3 maps to defend, after that all i see is a crappy SFR Borderland with IRON blob always there…If we happen to lose our supremacy and VS start focusing you, let’s see how strong you are, they are going to eat you, om nom nom!
Back to the Iron blob i see, maybe we should stay on Sfr border just to keep annoying you.
Anyway you have stated the reason why we are on that border, if deso did not push you on your home border, Sfr are free to send large forces to all other borders and seeing as your daytime zerg (I don’t want to be disrespectful and call it a blob) is bigger than ours this was our only way of countering you guys during the day.
The viz/deso ‘conspiracy theory’ – let me clear this up once and for all…
Last night it was blatantly obvious that you have two very large zergs – one is deso, the other is viz… and we had 15 organised players plus an unknown amount of pugs (as represented by teamspeak activity).
The two large zergs (plus unknown numbers of ‘pugs’) were the only really two large forces on the borderlands (not talking about EB here). When one zerg moved maps to attack SFR, the other zerg moved to the exact same map, at the exact same time, and attacked the opposite door.
Now this comes down to one of two things… either the commanders of each zerg are communicating with each other and coordinating… and/or we had spies in our teamspeak.
We later discovered that we DID have spies in our teamspeak who were reporting our movements to Deso, which is why we were getting wiped more than often when engaging them in a fight because our movements were being told to the Deso zerg.
Does this constitute an alliance? No and Yes… if Deso had any sense last night, when we were engaged fighting Viz… instead of attacking the opposite door, you could have been taking Viz Garrison or Viz Bay or Viz Hills. We have not had much in the way of T3 all week because you have been tagging each other all week. But by using your spying to focus on SFR, you have been helping Viz. So while, no formal alliance may exist (it may… I am not privy to that information), an informal alliance has been happening.
But my point stands… if you are on Deso last night (and I am not sure how many other times this week)… then you have to be embarrassed at having to use a spy against 15 organised people.
Graz, I must admit that you are the best storyteller on these forums for a long time… Keep it up!
You could also try to go to another borderlands for a change and you will see all these things happening between all servers. On sfr home border it might be deso and viz attacking sfr garrison at the same time but in the other hand on deso border there is always viz and sfr hitting deso towers and garrison…
About spies… There are and there always will be spies. It’s probably not the most respected “tactic” but it happens. Just live with it.
I was part of Deso’s blob last night till about 3am and lost count of the amount of times we had to scrap with Vizunah’s even bigger blob. We had had particularly fun defence of the Deso garrison against easily double the numbers, but they helpfully kept waiting for long enough between their surges for our blocking skills to cool down, then we farmed them for lootbags.
That counts as teamwork, I suppose?
So you can explain why you were map hopping to the same maps, at the same times? We know you were fighting each other as well… we left mesmers inside forts who told us who eventually won but can you also explain why you were attacking us at the same time as viz instead of either taking an undefended viz tower or a different one of our towers?
Or even if it was a case of wanting to fight the viz zerg (which I can respect) then why were you attacking our opposite gate instead of coming in behind the viz zerg and fighting them. There was time when were defending Hills, the viz zerg and deso zerg met in the courtyard outside the keep – Deso had come in through the south gate and Viz from the North gate… we were expecting a great fight but instead Deso attacked the main keep gate and Viz went around the side to take the North keep gate. Come on guys… don’t try and deny it happened… you then had a fight with each other inside the keep after we all portalled out to take Deso Bay on their own borderlands. But why did you not fight each other in the court yard? Are you seriously that scared of us that you feel you need to double team us first before fighting each other?
Really you want us to defend your tier3 keep for you by fighting Viz rather than take a door down inside the keep? Sounds reasonable. Seriously though its your job to defend your keep not ours.
Oh, the famous GvG.
Perfect measurement of guilds’ kitten since Sept 2012.
Do you ever work for your server, or is it just for misplaced glory ?
“I love this attitude as even our 5 man supply camp teams require a call to arms of your whole server to deal with them, as any Iron spotted must be in a 100 man pack. "
And yet you have declined many GvG invites
At least you’re finally accepting ours.
Not at all we just postponed them, as we decided we preferred to sit in your home border garrison rather than prepare for a gvg
Kruppa… you miss the point… we were ALL border/map hopping. It is what you do in the early hours… you play cat and mouse with the viz night capping zerg.
Friends, please do not put me in this alliance delirium, thank’s =)
i rather delete my character and explode my own computer than sending Desolation to build an alliance. It’s a total nonsense
Its becoming pretty clear that it would probably be better for some SFR guilds to transfer to Desolation if they want to beat the Vizunah beast. We dont have your crazy queue times and are a stable T1 server and dislike Vizunah for the same reasons you do. just throwing it out there.
We did beat Vizunah Square like what, 5 times now?
Reason why we will lose some guilds is because we have proven ourselves we could win without much effort, and guilds were starting to aim more for the fun than for the points. But guess what, you CAN’T enjoy the game against 70+ blobs and 10 skill delay so many started to have “vacations” on lower tiers and others thought about leaving aswell.Your server is as stable as IRON is atm.
Not directly to your comment now:
About alliances between VS and Desolation, hell no you sure don´t have one, but putting IRON on SFR Border instead of any other sure has a HUGE impact on our ppts, because not only those Hills are well safe but they also pressure our stuff all the fkin time. Don´t know if you realized but before IRON come to our Borderland we used to have full T3 maps to defend, after that all i see is a crappy SFR Borderland with IRON blob always there…If we happen to lose our supremacy and VS start focusing you, let’s see how strong you are, they are going to eat you, om nom nom!
i smell frustration in the air from SFR
seems we are doing our job quite well ^^
Friends, please do not put me in this alliance delirium, thank’s =)
i rather delete my character and explode my own computer than sending Desolation to build an alliance. It’s a total nonsense
Lies Troma, we did a tits4troma event to persuade you to ally with us. You seemed quite happy with Deso blobs then.
Deso/SFR working as one agaisnt VS drama?
We held more than 6 months between first and second spot with free transfers.
You held 1 week.“Best community ever”
Now now , you know that is not true.
You didnt get overflowed with a gazillion million pugs in 1 week.We got a gazillion everyday during 6 months. Deso did too.
…and look what it made of you (Viz). A server that runs on inc if not greatly outnumbering the enemy, a server that has no identity between its guilds, a server that plays for a meaningless victory only (as there’s no way for its guilds to play together thanks to full borderlands 24/7).
Deso is on the same road, SFR probably as well since free transfers.
After GW2 people will remember Vizunah Square, no doubt. Most wins in EU T1, most stable in EU T1. Will it matter for the future? No, because all became faceless in the Vizunah blobb.
“If any guild or player, joins our server, we will treat them like hostiles unless they make a decent effort to join our community” sounds like you’re quoting me so please stop. Never said such words. Pretty much none of our main commanders did. Can’t judge our community for words of 1 person.
Wierd, a working colleague of mine currently playing on SFR would say that the words of this “1 person” are nearer from reality than yours… He’s basically a pick up (he doesn’t like playing in guild), always follows the bus, and keep being flamed for being a useless PU, and he’s getting often invited to leave WvW because 1 place for him == 1 place less for someone from a WvW guild.
Tell him to join my raid then. I will teach him what to do, we will share proper builds, tell him what gear he needs to acquire. Let him come to us and have some fun on TS.
You get from the community what you put into it.
why do you assume you need to “teach him what to do”? How condescending.
And SFR if toxic right now, any non-guild player, no matter how good, gets blasted for even joining wvwvw.
Its not pugs that are the problem right now, its the self proclaimed pro guilds.
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