Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Deniara Devious.3948

Deniara Devious.3948

  • It seems if one avoids the prime time, the WvWvW on EU tier #1 is playable and fun!*

Good idea, I’ll ask Anet to write a letter to my employer/university/school so that they change my schedule.

They are forcing us to play the game when they want, not when we want, that’s poor customer service in my book.

I feel your pain. My schedule is different for each day. One day I have 12 h work day from 9 am to 9 pm, meaning I can then only play in prime time that day (argh that lag), but some other day I can finish at 1 pm, but usually then I go to gym & shops etc. But at least I occasionally get a chance to play on afternoon or mornings.

I can very well understand that it is difficult to combine gaming + real life. Looking alone after 2 small kids makes life complicated sometimes. My most “epic” moment of commanding in EB was when my 4-year-old son came to me “Daddy I kitten into my pants”. So next the Deso commander cleans kittenty pants and bottom. Try to beat that! :-P

There has been a lot of good suggestions in these forums how to bring balance to the game, but Anet really hasn’t implemented anything except now the outmanned means no armor repair bills. That is a step towards right direction, but far from enough.

Deniara / Ayna – I want the original WvWvW maps back – Desolation [EU]

(edited by Deniara Devious.3948)

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Qwixx.5923


every server is quick to say how bad vs are

Fix: Same people on their new server = “every server”. :-P

Viz during prime time:

Flattering screenshot , first income without EB, thanks dude.

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bondurant.1540


I play for the good fights.

They were in tier 1 for a while (currently they aren’t), but it became a bit dry with the culling patch. Ppl bore me (incl lag they create), I leave. I can’t play as a team because of the circumstances on the server, I leave. I play for the fun, pressing #1 exclusively isn’t.
You can see the change in guilds/people/servers within a few days (for some it was just a few fights). First they come alone, then they come with the whole zone.

Noone likes Viz, your playstyle bores everyone that came to fight (hiding behind the “we play by ANet’s rules”-argument, yes you do, soon you play alone, but that’s what your “pve boys” and “green arrows” do best). It’s prolly changing right now, because you’re playing in a dead matchup (see the initiative amongst GC/Troma/Viz to support or even care about gvg) and starting to feel the boredom as well. You reap what you sow. Wasn’t it much more fun when 4-5 servers had 2000+ rating, now everyones goal is to stay under 1800 to not be even close to t1.
It’s prolly not all as black as my post looks like, but you get the idea.

Empyre, I’m glad you finally figured how WvW works. The game’s of course not about having top PvP guilds around you, it’s not about having a server filled with charismatic commanders and it’s definitely not about good fights (aka bôjeu de plaine in french FYI), it’s about 24/7 coverage and effective scoring by picking your battles and disregarding open field encounters.

You want to promote GvG and arranged PvP to play good fights but the game lacks GvG infrastructure of any kind. So who’s to blame here ? Blaming people because they don’t play by your rules is silly, it’s like going to a golf course willing to play basketball, complain about lack of basketball hoops and people sticking to golf. Get your own court.

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: romsea.8539


To all of you dear haters,
You all have been here with the admitted goal of breaking Viz ,kick this server out of t1 or whatever. And look at you now, insulting in forums or fighting the good fight in t7.

You don’t want to play with viz, fine, we surely won’t be crying in shame because some foreign guy keep belittling a whole server in endless moaning of blobing, lagging, nightcapping, unemployed nolifers, mixing everything with GC’s big guild organization to upleveled pugs running like headless chicken in EB. Yummy tears we’ve already seen a few times.
Simple reality is that yet another server claiming n°1 spot has fallen, not VS.

Like it or not, it’s not the pug that destroy a server, it’s big guild claiming to build a strong and durable community where in fact they are here only for acknowledgement and/or leave for whatever reason as soon as they please. Pretty much the exact same way Ruin did back then.

Wanna blame VS because they go in turtle mode when times are hard and suddenly run wild as soon as they feel the pressure going down, or for the way they fight, go ahead, spill all your hate.

But you can’t blame us for your inability to build something strong 24/7, server wide, in a long term scale.
Maybe with something close to this, deso could have hope for a win or sfr could have lasted more than a few month, and hell even try to serenely organize gvg tourney in a game mode not intended for this.
Not because almighty “insert guild name” demands gvg or fair fight when it suit them, independently to scoring actual matchup points, in an attempt of some sort of recognition, while viz’s guilds goal is mainly to maintain management and cohesion for the whole server to win the matchup as often as possible.
It may not be worst explaining this here, but I tried at least.

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Glenn.3417


yes, a screenshot of some day in some particular moment is very representative off all primetimes :-)

That was last Saturday. Though it it a fair and global representation of how “good” the majority of viz actually is when faced with opposition.

Champion Phantom – Legionnaire – Genius – Magus

(edited by Glenn.3417)

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Troma.3250


Sure my friend, like your screenshot show. Primetime discuss is pointless, since the beginning everyone know tick of primetimes always move, it’s never representative.

on all serves, sometimes there is mass beginners, sometimes guilds cannot enter, sometimes there is mass good leaders, sometimes no leader, sometimes people eat, etc. On ALL servs. Arguing on “primetimes” with country cultural and hour variation, is totally useless !

Anyway your screenshot show VS first in tick so i dont know if it’s a good example


co-founder of Grand Cross Alliance
General of Grand Cross Knights [GCK]

(edited by Troma.3250)

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Glenn.3417


Sure my friend, like your screenshot show. Primetime discuss is pointless, since the beginning everyone know tick of primetimes always move, it’s never representative.

on all serves, sometimes there is mass beginners, sometimes guilds cannot enter, sometimes there is mass good leaders, sometimes no leader, sometimes people eat, etc. On ALL servs. Arguing on “primetimes” with country cultural and hour variation, is totally useless !

Anyway your screenshot show VS first in tick so i dont know if it’s a good example

We all know viz zombies have a 24/7 prime time. But for us normal folks prime time would be somewhere in the evening.
And of course viz was first, we hardly had ppl in the bl so viz does what it does best then; pvd golem rush a map.
Yet in eb where you actually faced opposition you get steamrolled.
You should get out of those keeps and towers more often when ppl are about, and not just to rush a map when there is hardly anyone on.

Champion Phantom – Legionnaire – Genius – Magus

(edited by Glenn.3417)

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ilirya Shan.5489

Ilirya Shan.5489

RG is such a good guild seeking the good fight that when they lose an encounter they switch to another map. Can’t count of many times they did it. They are well known for that.

Btw hello kitty online offers good pvp only during prime Times. Maybe Deso and SFR should show how they are skilled on this game. But be nice with them, they are so easily beatable that they hold their mouse with the right hand while the other hand holds a white flag.

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bondurant.1540


RG is such a good guild seeking the good fight that when they lose an encounter they switch to another map. Can’t count of many times they did it. They are well known for that.

Btw hello kitty online offers good pvp only during prime Times. Maybe Deso and SFR should show how they are skilled on this game. But be nice with them, they are so easily beatable that they hold their mouse with the right hand while the other hand holds a white flag.

You should refrain from insulting whole servers, only a handful of individuals are dissing Vizunah there, acting like them makes you look like a person with emotional issues.

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Leorcyn.1063


Yet in eb where you actually faced opposition you get steamrolled.

So you want a medal ?

People, guilds and points are moving every minute. Dramas come and go. Maps are populated then left.
Too many variables have strictly nothing to do with your performance, so be kind, play the screenshot game somewhere else (or at least post funny pictures, beautiful landscapes or war scenes, but the map at 21h32.37s is kinda meh)

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

You stopped playing when losing or why you think you lost? Then the other servers got bored or shafted by Anet and you come out of your holes again. Same old, same old or why you think your commanders got burn out and your pugs are bored exactly at the moment of highest enemy pressure? Why you think your pugs flood the zones every night again when the enemy isn’t playing?

“Perfect coverage”, I lol’d. It was a simple counter to your map hopping night choo which got you defeated so easily, even while try harding before taking a “small break”.

We ( WvW VZ community ) never stop playing or only when it’s boring matchup like now. Or maybe our doors were too strong for you when you outnumbering night, afternoon and “Op baguette” with poor score if we had stop playing ?

Servers hoppers, free and paid transfer had kill EU ladder, so don’t blame us.

Our PvE’s pugs flood the zones every night because RG and Friends were going out before the lose, one more time.

Stop blaming only free transfers for the problem. While you may not be at fault the 80% pug army of vizunah is. 3-10 weeks ago, vizunah square was way more fun to fight, way more active, way more engaging, way less pvdooring. After the SFR collapse, the playstyle of vizunah suddenly become: more green arrows, more noobs (only spam 1), more blobs, more pvdooring, more running away tru portals, basically way more cowardice. You can deny it all you want (since you take it so serious i think, you are not one of the pug army, so no blame to you), but the fact is YOUR MINDLESS PUG ARMY kills the fun. While not your fault, it’s VIZUNAH SQUARE’s fault, and you’ll have to live wit hit.

Are the individual forum warriors responsible? Nope. Your pugs are.

Tell me this vizunah (it’s getting VERY VERY close to this), if no single individual from SFR/deso fighted you, everything is green on the map with NO competition. How would you feel? You would quit. You would be bored. And it’s all because of yourself (the pug army, no blame to the few good players).

The only reason you will forum warrior hammer me to dead is because you know all servers have people who just can’t stop playing, giving vizunah enough doors to bash to still make the pug army up and running. But soon those players will leave too. Every day one veteran leaves. So in aprox 2-3 months, t1 will be officially defeated by vizunah square, making it a complete dead man’s land.

Have faith in your cause vizunah! You are almost there.

Wait but you need doors… And they won’t be there anymore. Question does vizunah square has a conscience? Cause it should be shaking massively hard now…

Legendary weapons can be hidden now!
No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
No thanks to unidentified weapons.

(edited by Phoebe Ascension.8437)

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Witzard.6829


Don’t forget PVD happens when you aren’t facing an opponent anymore.

Ghosts of Liberty [GHO]
Vizunah Square

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tygra.4570


@Phoebe : it’s ok bro, the masterplan is to have 3 FR servs in T1. Pl0x let it all green.

The French Flair [FF]

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Witzard.6829


And once it’s done, do some pixel art with the WvW maps.

Ghosts of Liberty [GHO]
Vizunah Square

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

@Phoebe : it’s ok bro, the masterplan is to have 3 FR servs in T1. Pl0x let it all green.

If that’s true then why Arborstone bandwagoned on JS/VS I remember the Arborstone/vizuanh square t1 days, and I know with 100% certainty even then vizunah had LESS THEN HALF the people it has now.

Either vizunah pokes pve players to come wvw (seems like it, you have a lot of pugs, not knowing what to do), or you got bandwagon people.

Fact is, with these things happening, there will never be 3x french in t1. (and yes i know you’re sarcastic)

Legendary weapons can be hidden now!
No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
No thanks to unidentified weapons.

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Troma.3250


It’s not true stop saying thing like this Tygra, rumor start like this. I will kick your kitten out of GC !

@Phoebe: hmm to be exact from AS we get: Elysium, Mos, LNM, Fureur, and maybe their followers of course. Other part of AS went on Jade Sea.

co-founder of Grand Cross Alliance
General of Grand Cross Knights [GCK]

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wandred.4583


just let us leave this fk t1 -______-

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Magnetron.5823


Cant we just move Vizunah to the NA side?

Born in the Desolation. Die for Desolation.

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Junkpile.7439


Cant we just move Vizunah to the NA side?

Anet could give North korea and China own servers and put viz fight against them.

Low quality trolling since launch
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: spanky.4630


I find it sad but I think wvw is slowly dying .

Monkeyspanks – [IRON]

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Khally.5103


Everyone keeps skipping the fundamental points of this whole thing. Which are, the ranking system is horrible, causing this matchup to become neverending. And Viz have tons more people, with the numbers from SFR and Deso decreasing due to the pointless battle it has become for weeks, which perpetuates the first point.

Again, I’m not talking about how bad any playstyles are, because I actually think all our servers use the same fundamental tactics. But the difference in numbers is just tremendous.

I find it sad but I think wvw is slowly dying .

In T1 it is, due to the points I’ve mentioned above.

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wolfheart.1938


Hello from EB blob that’s ninjaing your t3 towers! Nice fights (we had two great incs) and nice emote fights.

“We have no first-person view because stupid people would lock into it”
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: AndrewSX.3794


I find it sad but I think wvw is slowly dying .

T1 do.

It’s partly fault of a flawed system of scoring/rating designed by Anet(facts).
It’s partly fault of server EU/US splitting, which makes (with scoring system) coverage more important than skill or anything else (a unique international servers ladder wouldn’t had this issues).
It’s partly fault (well, it’s more a casuality that a “fault”) of a server due to their force out of scale off time compared to competitors (fact).
It’s partly fault (of Anet again) of losing the only real competitor for 1st place seen il last months, aka SFR, who got butchered by free transfers (fact).
It’s partly fault of VS, yes, their playstyle drove lots of ppl away from WvW and T1.
Intended or not, that’s it – just stating a fact, not really blaming VS on this tho.
It’s partly fault of skill lag that appeared in Feb patch, got worsened in March culling removal one, and isn’t giving any sign of getting away.

And, all in all, it’s a quite sad situation for the top of EU ladder.

Seafarer’s Rest EU – PvE/WvW – 8 × 80 chars.
Most used: Guard/Mes/War/Nec/Ele.
Yes, i use 5 chars at time. Because REASONS.

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Mighty Ice Arrow.9268

Mighty Ice Arrow.9268

Come on guys we need contributions for the improvement of WWW (Magnus LL yours are very good and a good manual for some commanders/players to read).

There are here several inputs here that Anet can use in order to improve WWW. Let’s all have a little patience, us and Deso, we are trying to rebuild, and takes some time to do that.

During rebuild time lets have fun, it’s still possible to play well and have fun. I had some great moments in EB during this weekend. I missed to play with Hjerim, and he was missing to play with us, he did a fantastic work with our pug army. We still have so many great commanders (I have to play more to Drq), guilds and players that stayed, and want to share watt they know with people.

I know that it’s very hard to start to play in the morning, when the map belongs to the enemy; I have lots of respect for you guys (last night I left a golem for you guys in EB starting area, to help you little), but right now, there is nothing we can do. If you are mad, just play better and better = follow commander, go TS, try to get as many points as you can. Coming here and bashing the enemy will not give us any points.

All to TS (if you need help feel free to go the TS in other maps, and see if anyone can help), you don’t need to speak, you can turn Wemil music off…I do:)

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Junkpile.7439


International servers should fight only against other international servers. That would be some kind of progress.

Low quality trolling since launch
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Mighty Ice Arrow.9268

Mighty Ice Arrow.9268

I find it sad but I think wvw is slowly dying .

T1 do.

It’s partly fault of a flawed system of scoring/rating designed by Anet(facts).
It’s partly fault of server EU/US splitting, which makes (with scoring system) coverage more important than skill or anything else (a unique international servers ladder wouldn’t had this issues).
It’s partly fault (well, it’s more a casuality that a “fault”) of a server due to their force out of scale off time compared to competitors (fact).
It’s partly fault (of Anet again) of losing the only real competitor for 1st place seen il last months, aka SFR, who got butchered by free transfers (fact).
It’s partly fault of VS, yes, their playstyle drove lots of ppl away from WvW and T1.
Intended or not, that’s it – just stating a fact, not really blaming VS on this tho.
It’s partly fault of skill lag that appeared in Feb patch, got worsened in March culling removal one, and isn’t giving any sign of getting away.

And, all in all, it’s a quite sad situation for the top of EU ladder.

I agree with all, the only exception, it’s the VS play style, they play as they want and can, and we can’t make them play as we want, but MagnusLL refers the way the others servers should play, to force WS play different.
Nice contribution your post.

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: vulneraria.4865


Come on guys we need contributions for the improvement of WWW (Magnus LL yours are very good and a good manual for some commanders/players to read).

There are here several inputs here that Anet can use in order to improve WWW. Let’s all have a little patience, us and Deso, we are trying to rebuild, and takes some time to do that.

During rebuild time lets have fun, it’s still possible to play well and have fun. I had some great moments in EB during this weekend. I missed to play with Hjerim, and he was missing to play with us, he did a fantastic work with our pug army. We still have so many great commanders (I have to play more to Drq), guilds and players that stayed, and want to share watt they know with people.

I know that it’s very hard to start to play in the morning, when the map belongs to the enemy; I have lots of respect for you guys (last night I left a golem for you guys in EB starting area, to help you little), but right now, there is nothing we can do. If you are mad, just play better and better = follow commander, go TS, try to get as many points as you can. Coming here and bashing the enemy will not give us any points.

All to TS (if you need help feel free to go the TS in other maps, and see if anyone can help), you don’t need to speak, you can turn Wemil music off…I do:)

I think SFR is still stronger then VZ, even without all the bandwagon guilds that left SFR.
we really only need all the ppl on TS and few commanders (at least 1 every BL) online at least 18h on 24h, that can lead all like the commanders that actually do that.
yesterday we have painted all 75% of our map in blue.

our pugs are on the map, they need a leader and go to on TS, then the work is done, killing vizuna is the easiest part.

sUk Clan

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Mighty Ice Arrow.9268

Mighty Ice Arrow.9268

International servers should fight only against other international servers. That would be some kind of progress.

From German Servers/Baruch Bay/Arbourstone/Jade Sea:

Dear Junkpile, go *************


Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Witzard.6829


Don’t forget one thing, put yourself in VS shoes.

Let’s go back 2 months ago. VS is dominating WvW, and a server is created in order to counter and crush it, namely SFR. They do great actually, and manage to win several time.
At that time, there is a general call to arm on VS side, and we come back more motivated than ever. And then ... Anet patches the game. Huge blobs on all sides. SFR wounded by the free transfer.
But VS did less suffer from it than the other T1 servers i think. We always had queue, but also "educated pugs", who’ll follow the lead, and, even if they’re maybe not as efficient as a guild raid, they still do pretty good.
And now SFR falls.
But on VS side, we just got re-motivated, and suddenly we don’t have any opposition left (as a matter of speach this isn’t technically true, but with a lot of great guilds leaving SFR/Deso, VS adapting to the patch while SFR/Deso take more time or people leave the server because they’re more looking for GvG instead of the actual WvW, the opposition is greatly diminished). So what now ? VS carries on with the call to arm momentum, and finds demoralised ennemies to fight. Hence a vicious circle, the more VS wins, the less Deso/SFR want to play.

I don’t think VS deserves all the bashing there is on these forums. Blame Anet for the patch / free transfer, blame the absence of actual GvG, blame the way WvW is designed, but I don’t see how you can blame a server for playing and winning.

In my honest opinion, tomorrow’s update and the introduction of GvG’s arena will be a nice solution to this whole WvW problem, a lot of WvW guilds will finally be able to do the GvG they were looking for in WvW.

And as for the tier 1/2 not mixing, a week or two, and there will be atleast one transfer T1>2 and vice-versa.

Ghosts of Liberty [GHO]
Vizunah Square

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: vulneraria.4865


Don’t forget one thing, put yourself in VS shoes.

Let’s go back 2 months ago. VS is dominating WvW, and a server is created in order to counter and crush it, namely SFR. They do great actually, and manage to win several time.
At that time, there is a general call to arm on VS side, and we come back more motivated than ever. And then … Anet patches the game. Huge blobs on all sides. SFR wounded by the free transfer.
But VS did less suffer from it than the other T1 servers i think. We always had queue, but also “educated pugs”, who’ll follow the lead, and, even if they’re maybe not as efficient as a guild raid, they still do pretty good.
And now SFR falls.
But on VS side, we just got re-motivated, and suddenly we don’t have any opposition left (as a matter of speach this isn’t technically true, but with a lot of great guilds leaving SFR/Deso, VS adapting to the patch while SFR/Deso take more time or people leave the server because they’re more looking for GvG instead of the actual WvW, the opposition is greatly diminished). So what now ? VS carries on with the call to arm momentum, and finds demoralised ennemies to fight. Hence a vicious circle, the more VS wins, the less Deso/SFR want to play.

I don’t think VS deserves all the bashing there is on these forums. Blame Anet for the patch / free transfer, blame the absence of actual GvG, blame the way WvW is designed, but I don’t see how you can blame a server for playing and winning.

In my honest opinion, tomorrow’s update and the introduction of GvG’s arena will be a nice solution to this whole WvW problem, a lot of WvW guilds will finally be able to do the GvG they were looking for in WvW.

And as for the tier 1/2 not mixing, a week or two, and there will be atleast one transfer T1>2 and vice-versa.

yes SFR win with few organized guild, against the numbers of VS, but for do this we need to don’t have queue, and the free transfer and lag destroy this way to fight, actually without these guilds we can fight only with numbers, but we don’t have.

I still think that our pugs leaded by nice commander are superior to vizuna pugs

sUk Clan

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Empyre.2531


I don’t think VS deserves all the bashing there is on these forums. Blame Anet for the patch / free transfer, blame the absence of actual GvG, blame the way WvW is designed, but I don’t see how you can blame a server for playing and winning.

ANet can’t and doesn’t want to fix the problem of lag, blobb and other kitten.
Yet the players refuse to adapt and change their way of playing, hiding behind the argument you brought up (“design” “Anet’s rules” “meant to be played”). So yes, the players are also to be blamed.
Hope you enjoy playing alone in the highest tier, while everyone else is enjoying themselves somewhere else.

Good summary. I saw that “call to arm”, and think people forgot about it too quickly.
While I agree about free transfer, I still don’t get why you mention lag. It’s affecting both sides, I’m having fun trying to land a good hammer stun with lag + 20fps.

You should know that, as stupid as it sounds, the outnumbering side has less skilllag, but you’re on Viz so you didn’t have that too often.


Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: vulneraria.4865


Good summary. I saw that “call to arm”, and think people forgot about it too quickly.
While I agree about free transfer, I still don’t get why you mention lag. It’s affecting both sides, I’m having fun trying to land a good hammer stun with lag + 20fps.

basically a guild of 20 vs 40 pug need to cast all the skill coordinated on ts for win that fight, if you have lag and you can only press ‘1’ there is no way for the guild to beat the pugs.

lag is like a bad soccer field, bad for both team but, for tecnically strong player is very bad.

sUk Clan

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Witzard.6829


yes SFR win with few organized guild, against the numbers of VS, but for do this we need to don’t have queue, and the free transfer and lag destroy this way to fight, actually without these guilds we can fight only with numbers, but we don’t have.

I still think that our pugs leaded by nice commander are superior to vizuna pugs

You seem to forget that VS, because of its high population level, always has queue. All guilds are limited in the number of people they can take out on raid night :/

Good summary. I saw that “call to arm”, and think people forgot about it too quickly.
While I agree about free transfer, I still don’t get why you mention lag. It’s affecting both sides, I’m having fun trying to land a good hammer stun with lag + 20fps.

I didn’t mention lag, because it inflicts the same boredom and frustration to all servers.

Ghosts of Liberty [GHO]
Vizunah Square

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Witzard.6829


ANet can’t and doesn’t want to fix the problem of lag, blobb and other kitten.
Yet the players refuse to adapt and change their way of playing, hiding behind the argument you brought up (“design” “Anet’s rules” “meant to be played”). So yes, the players are also to be blamed.
Hope you enjoy playing alone in the highest tier, while everyone else is enjoying themselves somewhere else.

Give me a solution applicable by anyone (pugs too, not only respectuous guilds) in the current state of the game.

Ghosts of Liberty [GHO]
Vizunah Square

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: vulneraria.4865


yes SFR win with few organized guild, against the numbers of VS, but for do this we need to don’t have queue, and the free transfer and lag destroy this way to fight, actually without these guilds we can fight only with numbers, but we don’t have.

I still think that our pugs leaded by nice commander are superior to vizuna pugs

You seem to forget that VS, because of its high population level, always has queue. All guilds are limited in the number of people they can take out on raid night :/

Good summary. I saw that “call to arm”, and think people forgot about it too quickly.
While I agree about free transfer, I still don’t get why you mention lag. It’s affecting both sides, I’m having fun trying to land a good hammer stun with lag + 20fps.

I didn’t mention lag, because it inflicts the same boredom and frustration to all servers.

yes probably VS have the same problem, but you cannot compare the best VS guilds with the best SFR guilds…we lose all our power without them, we have had a guild based server, actually all we can do is transform SFR in a server based server like you.

with all these posts i don’t want to say that VS is a bad server, that is ruin t1…I really want to stay in t1 if we can manage, and really try to beat VS and hoping SFR can play like VS.

sUk Clan

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Witzard.6829


yes probably VS have the same problem, but you cannot compare the best VS guilds with the best SFR guilds…we lose all our power without them, we have had a guild based server, actually all we can do is transform SFR in a server based server like you.

with all these posts i don’t want to say that VS is a bad server, that is ruin t1…I really want to stay in t1 if we can manage, and really try to beat VS and hoping SFR can play like VS.

Actually, as I see it, the new GvG arena will allow guilds to compete, while the WvW will be more “server-based”.

Ghosts of Liberty [GHO]
Vizunah Square

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: vulneraria.4865


don’t know if you can bring 50 ppl (25 vs 25) in a gvg arena, seems more like gw1, where you need few ppl for be top guild.
guilds that wants large fight in open field don’t go in a arena.

sUk Clan

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Danielle.3152


You should know that, as stupid as it sounds, the outnumbering side has less skilllag, but you’re on Viz so you didn’t have that too often.

Could you find me a proof or explanation ? Can I see it on stream ?
I’m curious about that.

Speaking from personal experience only it’s true in a 60v60 I have had some skill lag whilst in a 30v90 it’s quite insane. I guess you could try and look through some old videos or streams, the way we confirmed this was by experiencing it over and over again on both sides ie.: less lag when outnumbering, greater lag when outnumbered. We also asked out opponents how much lag they had in fights we outnumbered them to make sure.

If you can find any video of RG reset raid on SFR borderland vs. IRON from either side it should show that quite well, because it should have parts where SFR outnumbers Deso in a fight and vica versa as well as balanced fights for comparison.

I feel sorry for the current state of T1 for everyone involved in this matchup. GLICKO ratings are clearly broken. Furthermore the points system is faulty because it doesn’t really demonstrate a server’s strength (For instance in T3 Piken is insanely strong but stays there because many guilds there do not care about capping points whatsoever; that is they do not actively avoid taking points, but rather just mostly ignore them :p and look for good fights)

I hope Deso and SFR will be able to drop soon and that Vizunah finds a fellow point oriented server with excellent PuG coverage, and sieging golden medallists. (Yes that is intended as both a needle and a compliment). Let’s face it even with SFR at it’s prime before free transfers the matchup wasn’t exactly balanced because it was mostly organised guilds fighting Vizunah PuG groups which hardly makes for great fights. The scoreboard may have looked balanced to some extent because of great Vizunian strategy, their epic siege defences, commitment with suiciding for over 3 hours in a circle to retain a keep and the clever usage of certain in-game mechanics like huge circle, banner rez and leg specialists, but the battlefield did not look balanced imo.

The guilds from SFR and Desolation that left were looking to play a different game, which is centred more around roaming and fighting in groups of 15-30. For some time they had it against each other, but then they decided they could have more fun elsewhere without having to nightcap, queuing all the time and having skill delay. I wish something will be done about the GLICKO soon and gl & hf +./salute to all the SFR and Deso who keep fighting WITHOUT the guild support and coverage they used to have.

Edit: Also afaik ArenaNet has not announced any support for GvG whatsoever, custom arenas will just be custom tPvP for 5-8 players imho. I highly doubt there will be any solution for that in the near future and as such the only way to have guild oriented gameplay is to roam as a guild in WvW and look for like-minded opponents with similar numbers, and do some arranged GvG from time to time.

Pretty much the same as for solo roamers and small party roaming, sometimes you have a great time and fight even fights and sometimes you get overrun by a larger group.

[Scnd] Daniellita,

(edited by Danielle.3152)

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Empyre.2531


ANet can’t and doesn’t want to fix the problem of lag, blobb and other kitten.
Yet the players refuse to adapt and change their way of playing, hiding behind the argument you brought up (“design” “Anet’s rules” “meant to be played”). So yes, the players are also to be blamed.
Hope you enjoy playing alone in the highest tier, while everyone else is enjoying themselves somewhere else.

Give me a solution applicable by anyone (pugs too, not only respectuous guilds) in the current state of the game.

Your pug’s mind is set on how the game should be played. They can’t adapt anymore, because you “taught” them that only all on one clump can win. See the “…” , because you didn’t actually teach anything useful, you just got them on vent, they are still all in one spot, they are still all on one commander, even the guilds.

You could have guild A attack X, B Y, C (eg a pug commander) Z etc… don’t tell me now that’s how you play. We only ever encountered Viz as a zone blobb.

You should know that, as stupid as it sounds, the outnumbering side has less skilllag, but you’re on Viz so you didn’t have that too often.

Could you find me a proof or explanation ? Can I see it on stream ?
I’m curious about that.

Have a look at T1 blobb fights on Prydatv, Chemsorly. They all have fights where they can barely use #2-5 while the enemy is happily spamming away all skills. Like Daniellita said, it was mostly happens when the fight is unbalanced in terms of numbers.

I just found Leocrynn’s post in the closed T1 needs fix thread…
Viz plays for the fun, that’s why you are hardly playing wvw atm in an enviroment you created. Sounds cool, gg.


Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Angelyne.2936


it’s a childish way to stop playing because you think you cannot win.
Every server blob actually. 1st time we encountered SFR starcruisers, we were surprised, we tryed different way to counter that, and the only effective way to, was to blob as well because at same number, we were better. Now the blob is the fashion and is killing the game slowly (because of side effects, such skill lags and IPS drop). Anet is guilty, because of nerfing AoE number of target or that everybody got same amount of XP, whatever number of ppl hiting the target ect …) . Players are lazy and plays the easiest way to get points and farm WXP.

We are waiting for a new challenger, expecting this one will be more effective and will last longers than the others before …

Angelyne – Guild Leader for Metatrone – Vizunah Square [Fr] on EU Ladder

(edited by Angelyne.2936)

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: declan.3968


U guys need to completely leave WvW to drop out of T1, no point fighting anymore. Let other server with more spine up into T1

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Witzard.6829


Your pug’s mind is set on how the game should be played. They can’t adapt anymore, because you “taught” them that only all on one clump can win. See the “…” , because you didn’t actually teach anything useful, you just got them on vent, they are still all in one spot, they are still all on one commander, even the guilds.

You could have guild A attack X, B Y, C (eg a pug commander) Z etc… don’t tell me now that’s how you play. We only ever encountered Viz as a zone blobb.

What do you know about the training of pugs on VS ?

And for the second point, I’m sorry to disappoint you, but there are almost always several commanders on the BL maps (don’t do that much of EB), each going for different objectives

Sometime they pair up and blob, sometime they form 20-players roaming groups, sometimes they assault different objectives, the commanders having their own TS coordination.

Ghosts of Liberty [GHO]
Vizunah Square

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Oeps Rolls Necro.2594

Oeps Rolls Necro.2594

So much qq. But i have to admit… T1 is boring like hell.

We are smashing against doors and it rains sup arrowcart fire. Or there is a group incoming twice oure size.

And if we are lucky wl, lnm or hup is on the map, and then we maybe get a fight.

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Empyre.2531


Your pug’s mind is set on how the game should be played. They can’t adapt anymore, because you “taught” them that only all on one clump can win. See the “…” , because you didn’t actually teach anything useful, you just got them on vent, they are still all in one spot, they are still all on one commander, even the guilds.

You could have guild A attack X, B Y, C (eg a pug commander) Z etc… don’t tell me now that’s how you play. We only ever encountered Viz as a zone blobb.

What do you know about the training of pugs on VS ?

And for the second point, I’m sorry to disappoint you, but there are almost always several commanders on the BL maps (don’t do that much of EB), each going for different objectives

Sometime they pair up and blob, sometime they form 20-players roaming groups, sometimes they assault different objectives, the commanders having their own TS coordination.

Training of the pugs on Viz. You can’t even send them away, that’s how you trained them, that was a reason why GvG got denied (most recently Opt was denied by a Viz guild with for that reason, happened to us as well), while your GC founder says that GvG doesn’t intefere with points or the outcome of the match. See how much they listen to you if it’s not for their own easy mode way of gaming, their benefit. You got no control if you don’t play how they want you to lead them. Their respect for you work ends exactly the moment you don’t do what they want and you have to rely on them, so you bend over.

Maybe I was just unlucky I never saw one single Viz 20 man solo roam group. Maybe it’s the tag, maybe it’s unlucky allignment of stars. Won vs Viz 10 or 11 times, so I can’t really say I haven’t fought them enough yet.


Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Witzard.6829


Training of the pugs on Viz. You can’t even send them away, that’s how you trained them, that was a reason why GvG got denied (most recently Opt was denied by a Viz guild with for that reason, happened to us as well), while your GC founder says that GvG doesn’t intefere with points or the outcome of the match. See how much they listen to you if it’s not for their own easy mode way of gaming, their benefit. You got no control if you don’t play how they want you to lead them. Their respect for you work ends exactly the moment you don’t do what they want and you have to rely on them, so you bend over.

Maybe I was just unlucky I never saw one single Viz 20 man solo roam group. Maybe it’s the tag, maybe it’s unlucky allignment of stars. Won vs Viz 10 or 11 times, so I can’t really say I haven’t fought them enough yet.

You obviously mistake teaching and control, my friend.

And Opt guild, do you mean the Options ?

Ghosts of Liberty [GHO]
Vizunah Square

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wolfheart.1938


and the only effective way to, was to blob as well because at same number, we were better

No seriously. Can you tell that with a straight face? How delusional can you get?

We mostly had guild raids and our guild raids wiped the floor with your pugs and guildies as well. I recall RG farming you south of bay for over half an hour, but I’m sure other guilds could’ve managed doing the same.

For pugs groups vs pug groups, see EB today… we wiped you more often then we died and we got two towers while you got nothing ( in 3 hours I played at least ), all in all pretty even.

Of course two episodes don’t prove much, but saying that at equal numbers VS blobs are better… I won’t comment any further.

P.s. It just occured to me that if I’m not misinterpreting what you just posted, you are basically implying that the blob was born some weeks ago on VS. Oooookay

“We have no first-person view because stupid people would lock into it”
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”

(edited by Wolfheart.1938)

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Braindrops.6428


and the only effective way to, was to blob as well because at same number, we were better

No seriously. Can you tell that with a straight face? How delusional can you get?

We mostly had guild raids and our guild raids wiped the floor with your pugs and guildies as well. I recall RG farming you south of bay for over half an hour, but I’m sure other guilds could’ve managed doing the same.

For pugs groups vs pug groups, see EB today… we wiped you more often then we died and we got two towers while you got nothing ( in 3 hours I played at least ), all in all pretty even.

Of course two episodes don’t prove much, but saying that at equal numbers VS blobs are better… I won’t comment any further.

Lol!! U can’t say that Viz can’t bet u with same numbers cause they used to run away everytime they don’t outnumber the enemy so u don’t have proof for that :P

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tygra.4570


@Wolfheart : i think he’s talking about SFR 1.0, that is to say early 2013.

The French Flair [FF]

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Chiolas.1326


Let’s go back 2 months ago. VS is dominating WvW, and a server is created in order to counter and crush it, namely SFR.


Quit WvW and Gw2 in August 2013

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Farzo.8410


I can’t say I know what’s going on between the servers here. The only thing I see is that VS is apparently being really boring to fight against. SR and Deso does not like it and kind of skip the whole WvWvW thing.

Either way, I had really, really fun in todays zerg, Hjerim did some awesome work and we teared all other zergs apart with our tactics.